#Razz rambles
razzek · 10 months
One thing that's starting to really get to me with the James Somerton stuff is a real strong undercurrent of disdain toward his fans. And yeah, I was one of them. A good scam artist isn't as easy to spot as y'all seem to think. You forget that you have all the information right now. Two days ago most of you had never heard of him and it would have kept going. Anyone can fall for a scam, nobody is immune. I would love to have had whatever resources you guys think we all should magically know about so I could have kept my sad $5 a month I really needed but thought was going to something worthwhile. Some of us can only devote so much energy into things and when you have no idea whatsoever that something is amiss of course you're not going to go digging for sources, why would you when everything is fine as far as you know? I really wish I could have seen the dissenting opinions on him but for many, many reasons that aren't just that the dissenting voices weren't widely circulating at the time all I had was the thought every now and again that "huh that doesn't seem right" and then go on with my day. And I think that happened to a lot of us. So yeah. Say what you gotta say about Somerton, he has more than earned it with the damage he's caused, but maybe don't shit so hard on his former fans because that is going to be you someday with something, it happens to everyone sooner or later.
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razzberrydazz · 10 months
Binged Blue Eye Samurai in one night. Have I stayed up past 4 am to watch it? Yes. Was it worth it? Yes. Did I slap this too angry to die meme together for it? Yes
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dazzlerazz · 1 year
No matter what kind of person you are we can all agree on one thing: fat women <3
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razzithold · 1 year
Oh no, not me finding out they're making a new season of Black Butler in the year of our Hell 2023. I can never escape. They prettified Sebastian and he looks ready to gaslight gatekeep girlboss manipulate mansplain malewife his way through every problem. Good.
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r4zzberry · 4 months
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hi-im-razz · 28 days
I just realized that I never made a pinned post, so here it is!
You guys can call me Razz! I use she/her pronouns, and I’m a teenager and aro ace, so uh preferably no nsfw. Topics I cover on this blog: Politics, art, some random stuff that happened irl, and video games!
Now I’m going to go through all the topics in depth.
Politics: I’m a democrat, and regarding Israel and Palestine I’m for a two state solution and think that the land split should be better. Also, antisemitism, I’m putting that here bc often times it is connected to politics.
Art: I’m a beginner artist! At the time of writing arms are the biggest pain in my ass.
random irl stuff: will mostly be happy stuff, if I vent it’s only to my Irl friends or on jewish-vents anonymously.
Video games: I play Splatoon, (reluctantly) Fortnite, Cookie Run (ovenbreak and kingdom), and Pokemon!
here’s a dni: assholes, trumpies, people who tell others to kill themselves, MAPs or whatever pedophiles are calling themselves these days, people who decide to be rude about politics and not welcome respectful discussion
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razzmatome · 3 months
Ikemen Villains Writing Masterlist
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Currently, my writing is trending more towards sfw but even those do have some suggestive content in them. Please mind any CWs listed on fics and minors dni with nsfw content. I do my best to tag and list what I can but please feel free to let me know if you think I have missed something.
Dividers from @/firefly-graphics
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Ikemen Villains
Jude x Bea
Stand Alone Beauty: Part I // Part II (nsfw) // Part III First Multi Chapter The Webs We Weave (my take on a Jude romance that isn't the main route) One // Two // Three
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razzberrimango · 1 year
just realized im definitely a masochist.
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rigb0ner · 6 months
I’m currently continuing my first shance fic and Lance is altean but he’s getting ready to meet his betrothed BUT I CANNOT DESCRIBE THE OUTFIT I WANT HIM TO WEAR
Obviously there will be a crown and earrings and a cape BUT HOW DO I DESCRIBE THE OUTFIT???? I HAVE NO CLUE!!! PLEASE HELP ME IF YOU CAN!!! 😭😭😭
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Found a half finished lancaster smut I completely forgot about. I don’t know if I should cringe or find the the strength to continue the ramblings of a madman.
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razzek · 4 months
More Pern thoughts, tl;dr: Threadfall is probably not as exciting as people think, proper Wing formation is like goose flocks in flight, and I think writers who kill a bunch of dragons in every Threadfall and Weyrling class have things waaaaay wrong.
Honestly the most efficient way of fighting it is probably pretty boring to watch. It falls from a static height and the aim is to catch as much of it as possible as high up as can be done. To do that effectively, you really just need to have your Wings flying in a more or less steady formation that forms a line along that leading edge. I imagine it's a lot more like forest fire fighting than any sort of aerial combat.
Regarding how the Wings are structured, I have always assumed they fly in a V formation. The reason geese do this is so that the lead goose generates lift for all the geese behind. So you put a bronze and a few more bronzes or browns at the point of the V to fly most of the fall, with blues and greens fanned out to the side and staggered behind to take advantage of that lift. Your strongest, most agile, most successful dragons make up the topmost Wing with as many other Wings below them to catch anything that's been missed. Instead of high action flying, it's more like 6 - 8 hours of firefighter dispatch meets airport traffic control. Which I think is cool but I'm just Like That. :D
Also! There is no way in hell a Weyr looses a bunch of dragons in every training and every Fall. That would be a failed system in every way and unsustainable. Even one serious injury that puts a dragon out of action every Fall would decimate the ability of the Weyr to do its job. I think a lot of fan writers got too excited about the drama of loosing a fighting pair or a number of Weyrlings without really thinking things through. Todd McCaffrey absolutely did. If your max fighting force is 600 dragons (and I think that's an overestimate on how many one weyr can hold), you are going to need every one of them you can get to keep the spores that eat everything in a 200 foot radius upon landing from hitting the ground at all. Come to think of it, to really do the job well, there probably needs to be a few teams flying scout at a distance to send general reports to the riders on the front line.
Also I don't think a dragon is going to bond with someone who will get them both killed the first time they try to go between. If they can smell your gender pheromones and tangle their consciousnesses with an alien species via eye contact, I think we can assume they're cognizant enough to Impress someone who will maintain their survival when using one of their most basic, innate abilities.
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razzberrydazz · 10 months
Looking through the wiki notes of all the banter Minthara can have and I'm cackling at the one of her dealing with mimics.
"I have a way with mimics. Hold, creature! Why does it not listen?"
Absolutely giggling over her talking about mimics as if they're stray dogs and she's a mimic whisperer. The mimics do not, in fact, listen.
Also, apparently if she's in a party with Minsc and he dies in battle, she can say "Boo! Your master has fallen." And that is so so funny to me. She gives the hamster more respect than she does Gale and Halsin. Fitting.
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dazzlerazz · 2 years
Maybe I said it before but it DESERVES to be said again, Cicero was ABSOLUTELY in the right and it’s even told to us at the end of the storyline but also Astrid fucking broke EVERY SINGLE RULE the Brotherhood ever stood for OVER THE COURSE OF THE GAME, further proving she was never qualified to be a leader in the first place
Tenet I. Never dishonor the Night Mother. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.
A good majority of the questline focuses on Astrid not respecting the Night Mother in the slightest, she doesn’t even welcome her into Sanctuary to begin with
Tenet II. Never betray the Dark Brotherhood or its secrets. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.
Astrid betrays the entire brotherhood and has their Sanctuary burned to the ground because she ratted the player out to the penitus oculatus
Tenet III. Never disobey or refuse to carry out an order from a Dark Brotherhood superior. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.
After the player is revealed to be the listener, they effectively become Astrid’s superior. She tells the player not to go to Amaund Motierre after the Night Mother explicitly told them to. Astrid’s exact words are “No. No! Listen, I don’t know what’s going on here, but you take your orders from me. Are we clear on that?” Eventually, she does come around, but it’s undeniable that she refused the order from her superior. And it’s not as if she didn’t know, the player had to tell her the words the Night Mother told them to confirm that they were indeed the Listener. In Cicero’s journals, it tells us that nobody but higher ups such as himself and Astrid knew these words. Cicero as her keeper, and Astrid as the leader.
Edit: Passage from Cicero’s Journals, in reference to what I said about only Higher Ups knowing the words
4th of Evening Star, 4E 189 Today, Rasha declared himself Listener, claiming the Night Mother spoke to him at last. But when questioned, he could not name the Binding Words. Liar! Deceiver! His charade must not stand.
Tenet IV. Never steal the possessions of a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.
Astrid tells you to go through Cicero’s room and steal his journals. That’s how we know he went to the Dawnstar sanctuary.
Tenet V. Never kill a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.
Need I even say it? Astrid commands you to kill Cicero at the Dawnstar Sanctuary, which you may or may not do as the player.
I love the writing of the questline, it’s chefs kiss
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razzithold · 1 year
Zelda and Link are the gayest straight couple and I love them immensely. Both of them have so much trauma and responsibility crushing their shoulders and so there's absolutely no way either of them give a shit about gender or sexuality when they have a world to save every other day.
Late night ramblings
Headcanon that both of them through the ages and reincarnations are So Gender and either it's Zelda as Sheik or Gerudo Link or tomboy Tetra or Link with pink hair - they are never cis in my book. Gender is a loose concept and you think the feral lil swordsman gives a shit? Absolutely not. He's got more pressing matters than worrying about gender.
And Zelda? Botw and totk Zelda just wants to be a funky lil researcher rebuilding Hyrule and be altruistic, she doesn't want this stuffy princess title or royal responsibilities to some legacy she never had a choice in! Tetra was a funky lil pirate and then got shoved into the role of Princess! Skyward Sword Zelda never wanted to end up the vessel of Hylia, she wanted to live her life at Skyhold! OoT Zelda had to go into hiding but if you ask me got to live more authentically through the guise of Sheik because no one would try to take advantage of her the way they would if they knew she was the princess. Sheik has massive he/him lesbian energy.
Gods Zelda and Link have been through so so much hurt, intergenerational reincarnation trauma, betrayal, and the minute they feel they're safe to be in each other's arms they're snatched away from each other again. And even if not every Link feels romantic feelings for his corresponding Zelda, I fully believe every Zelda has feelings for her Link, and the added hurt of the sometimes one sided unrequited pining really gets to me.
They deserve so much love and rest but I know they won't get it.
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r4zzberry · 3 months
finally caved and bought Hollow Knight because its on special on the switch store. ive heard many good things about it but have somehow stayed almost completely blind to the story. all i know is bug guy. good game.
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razzzletazzle · 1 year
thinking about sewer baby Casey rn
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