#Re: I remain adamant that Clear is the WORST character in warriors
bonefall · 1 year
grr pregnancy and birth is such an ick for me that i genuinely cannot comprehend how the erins thought that bright stream was a good idea. ugh. like its so gross that its too awful to even be like, a good decision to darken the story WHAT ARE THESE WRITERS ON
sorry. i hate dotc can you tell.
The obsession with birth and biological parentage in DOTC borders on pathological at times, it's almost fascinating. I'm actually not icked out by the topic of pregnancy but...
Like, it is the logical conclusion of their awful mindset in DOTC. If only your biomother and your biofather have a Super Special and Meaningful connection to you to the point of just, inexplicable, innate knowing, then of course it doesn't fucking matter if you were raised by those people or not, or even BORN in the first place. It's inherent to your very genetics.
Clear Sky's Fetus Children were magically close to him at their very conception, just like how Tom means more to Turtle Tail's children than the man who actually raises them. The bond between a bioparent and biochild isn't "formed," it's just this natural thing that you're built with.
It's the antithesis of 'found family.' The COMPLETE opposite. It's womb magic.
And it's used for Clear Sky's man pain. Like. To be very frank. All of this is for the narrative purpose of making him sad. Bright Stream dies this gruesome and horrific death and takes his unborn children with her to set up a "reason" for him to abandon his next son. He's "too scared" to lose another family. And then he loses Storm too and it man pains him into dramatically announcing "I cannot BEAR to ever be so sad ever again oouugh. I will now hit anyone who is mean to me."
Gray Wing "sees through this" to recognize the sad boy and beloved brother under it all, the "goodness" he had all along while he was beating and slaughtering innocent people because he was So Scared.
This is why I don't shut up about the idea of Clear Sky's "Redemption Arc" being the crap axis upon which the shittiness of the arc spins. EVERY. SINGLE. BAD CHOICE relates back in some way to trying to keep him "redeemable." Even the infamous Angel Fetus Children scene, during Gray Wing's fucking DEATH, exists to reward Clear Sky after all of his ""growth""
So like to answer the question; The writers were on Clear Sky Fartsniff. A very powerful drug, lmao.
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