#Red Bracelet {Rebloggable Content}
karnivalkrew · 5 years
At The Devil’s Ball
“Oh,” The Snippz all sang in harmony. “That Skeleton Raaaaag,” Solo held. “The Skeleton Rag!” “That gob-o-lin draaaaag," Bass carried, extending the word into a triplet. “That goblin drag!” “It sounds so” Solo started before his brother’s joined with, “weepy, creepy, solemn, serious; Seeeeee,” “Them wiggle and waaaaag,” Solo sang, “Wiggle wag! Wiggle wag! Wiggle wag!” “Singing, ‘We're dead ones come to life,” “Hurray!” Bass cheered, “Hurray!” Bass and Beritone both chimed, “Hurray!” The four brothers all shouted.
“Oh,” “That Skeleton Raaaaag,” “The Skeleton Rag!” “They swell it and braaaaag,” “They swell it and brag!” “About their” “Epitaphs with laughs delirious, Aaaaaaaaat some ghostly gaaaaaag, In that moany, groany, bony Skeleton Raaaaaag!” 
Once the brothers were done, they all looked at each other. They didn’t have any customers just yet, so the Snippz were standing outside their shop, singing to try and draw customers in. They had a few other Halloween songs they could do, but it just felt like they’d already done them all. All but one. Their new one.
Normally Inkwellians were aggressive when it came to the Devil, including songs that mentioned him by name, most of which were banned from Inkwell’s radio station. However, since the ball’s announcement, people were constantly talking about him, the casino, and the party. 
Upon their invitation, however, there was a request for a certain song, an oldie, in fact, released in 1913. They were told that they’d receive some sort of payment for every time they sang it, though they didn’t quite understand how. Solo had been on the fence about it, but they practiced it anyway. Now they were all curious to know what would happen. It surely couldn’t hurt to try, right? “Solo?” Tenor asked with a raised brow. He knew exactly what was on his mind; they all did. “We really doin’ this?” Bass checked, “Do you think it’s a good idea?” Baritone questioned quietly to his family. “What’s the worse that could happen? Ready?” Solo mouthed three counts silently and breathed in as he started.
“I had a dream last night, That filled me full of fright; I dreamt that IIII Was where the Devil belonged, In his great big fiery hall, Where the Devil was giving a ball. I checked my coat and hat,  And started gazing at The merry crooowd That came to witness the show; And I must confess to you, There were many there I knew, At the Devil’s Baaaaaaaaaaall” “At the Devil’s Ball,” His three younger brothers harmonized under his voice. “In the Devil’s Baaaaaaaaall.” “In the Devil’s Ball.”
“I saw the cute Mrs. Devil so,” “Pretty in black, ” they all sang, “Dressed in a beautiful,” “Fireman’s hat;” “Ephraham,  The leader man, Who lead the band last faaaaaaaaaaaall,” Solo held, adding a crescendo. “What did he do?”
“He played the music at the Devil’s Baaaaaaaaaaall,” “At the Devil’s Ball,” “In the Devil’s haaaaaaaaall.” “In the Devil’s hall.”
“I saw the funniest devil that,” “I ever saw,” “Taking the tickets from,” “The folks at the door.” “I caught a glimpse of my,” Solo stopped singing completely this time, “Mother in laaaaw.”
“Dancing with the Devil,” Solo started again, “Only with the Devil, Dancing at the Devil’s Baaaaaall!” They all sang.
By now, the Snippz had attracted a small crowd who were interested in such a relevant song on Inkwell. Less than a month ago, such a song would start a fight, but now, people were slowly gathering to listen.
“The Devil’s Pa and Ma Were standing at the ba’ Conversing wiiiith The little fellow who first Put the ‘pain’ in champagane wine; He was pouring it out in a stien.
I bought a round of ice For ev’rybody twice It wasn’t loooong Before I ordered a fan; And before the break of dawn I put my overcoat in pawn.
At the Devil’s Baaaaaaaaaaall” “At the Devil’s Ball,” “In the Devil’s Baaaaaaaaall.” “In the Devil’s Ball.”
“I saw the cute Mrs. Devil so,” “Pretty in black, ” “Dressed in a beautiful,” “Fireman’s hat;” “Ephraham, The leader man, Who lead the band last faaaaaaaaaaaall,” “What did he do?”
“He played the music at the Devil’s Baaaaaaaaaaall,” “At the Devil’s Ball,” “In the Devil’s haaaaaaaaall.” “In the Devil’s hall.”
“I saw the funniest devil that,” “I ever saw,” “Taking the tickets from,” “The folks at the door.” “I caught a glimpse of my,” “Mother in laaaaw.”
“Dancing with the Devil,” “Only with the Devil, Dancing at the Devil’s Baaaaaall!”
At the Devil’s Baaaaaaaaaaall” “At the Devil’s Ball,” “In the Devil’s Baaaaaaaaall.” “In the Devil’s Hall.”
“I saw the cute Mrs. Devil so,” “Pretty and fat, ” they all sang,” “Dressed in a beautiful,” “Fireman’s hat;” “Ephraham, The leader man, Who lead the band last faaaaaaaaaaaall,” “What did he do?”
“He played the fiddle at the Devil’s Baaaaaaaaaaall,” “At the Devil’s Ball,” “In the Devil’s haaaaaaaaall.” “At the Devil’s Ball.”
“I saw the funniest devil that,” “I ever saw,” “Taking the tickets from,” “The folks at the door.” “I caught a glimpse of my,” “Mother in laaaaw.”
“Dancing with the Devil,” “Only with the Devil, Dancing at the Devil’s Baaaaaall!”
By the time the song was finished, a crowd had surrounded them, some even heading inside for a haircut. The quartet looked at each other, a little surprised at the public’s response to the song. They didn’t know what to expect beforehand, but this was...a strange reaction nonetheless. 
Solo then felt something tug at him from below the screen. When the four brothers looked down, they saw a small little purple imp handing Solo a gold coin. Truly a strange sight. It was more than evident that more people would be talking about this ball after that. Nobody knew what to expect from it.
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karnivalkrew · 5 years
Ball Fall
The carnival was finished with it’s Halloween Haunt decorations. The Baroness was already on her way back to the Sugarland Castle, most of the rides were teeming with horror decor, and the workers...were all in the break tent discussing the invitations they all received. “Just what does Mr. Devil think he’s doin’?! Throwin’ a fancy masquerade ball and inviting darn near everyone on the isle!! Including us ex-debtors!!” Wally squawked. “I don’t trust it. I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all.” “I agree. I mean, I’m not the smartest guy around, but even I can tell this is a trap!” Beppi pitched. “Dj-Dj-Dj-Djimmi, can’t you see i-i-into the future and see what he’s planning?” Djimmi shook his head at Grim’s question.  “Sorry, pal!” There was a poof of blue-green smoke and a binder with the word ‘SCRIPT’ in red appeared in Djimmi’s hand that he flipped through. “The script hasn’t been written out for that week yet.” After a few more moments of flipping through, Djimmi threw the binder over his shoulder, where a cat screamed in pain off-screen as the screen shook. Grim sighed at the response, ears drooping somberly.  “Did anyone else get called by Mugman?” Beppi asked. “I know Cuphead called Bonnie, but it wasn’t exactly a sweet reception!” “O-o-o-oh!! D-d-d-did Bon Bon finally get ph-ph-ph-phones up and running in Sugarland?!” “Uh, no. That’s why it was a poor reception.” 
“Are we gonna decide what we’re doin’ or what? I’ve gotta give Junior a you-know-what tonight!” “Right, right,” Beppi said. “This is obviously a trap.” “B-b-b-but Cuphead and Mugman w-w-w-want some of us to go as well,” Grim added. “Right. In case the Devil pulls something, they can have back up to stop him.” “I don’t see what the big deal is! If they beat the Devil once, they can do it again, right?” Djimmi disappeared in a puff of blue-green smoke again. He spiraled around for a few moments, only to reappear wearing a flower button-up shirt and a pair of sunglasses, holding a tan mirror. “Why not take it easy for a while?” He joked as he sat back in his lawn chair. Wally only rolled his eyes at Djimmi’s antics. “Just because they did it once doesn’t mean they should have to fight a hard fight again. There’s strength in numbers, after all.” Beppi sighed at that. “He’s right...” He felt guilty for this. “But I’m not gonna go.” “Wh- Beppi.” Wally scolded. “Look, don’t get me wrong, I want to help, but, I’m a pacifist. I’m all wet at fighting, and I’d just be in the way. I don’t wanna get involved.” Grim looked down at that. “I-I-I-I’m with B-B-B-Beppi o-o-o-on this...” Grim’s ears drooped lowly, heavy with the weight of his guilt. “I-I-I-I don’t like fighting neither. A-a-a-and i-i-i-if I were t-t-t-to get involved, I-I-I-I would probably j-j-j-just hurt the people w-w-w-we’re trying to protect.” Grim moved his neck away to avert the gaze of the others. “A ball i-i-i-is no place for a dragon...” “You...can’t be serious! I can’t go! I’ve gotta watch Junior!!” “Well, then I’ll go!!” Djimmi chimed in. “After all,” In a poof of smoke,  Djimmi transformed into a fancy suit protector with a hanger sticking out from the top. “We can’t leave poor Cuphead and Mugman hanging!!” Beppi cackled at the joke. “Will you two take this seriously?!” Wally screeched, causing Grim to shrink back.  “I am though! You can watch Puphead, and I can stand on guard!” Djimmi twirled around in his blue-green smoke once more and transformed into a small army of soldiers standing at attention. “Alright then...I’ll watch Puphead and Junior, and you go to the Devil’s Ball...” Wally nodded.
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karnivalkrew · 6 years
Santa Cup is Coming to Town
As Junior and Puphead were sleeping, the chick heard these sounds, followed by whispering and hacking. With all the ruckus and coughing from nearby, a little chick began to stir and open his eyes. Santa came. And he fell right into his trap.  “Puphead! Wake up!” Junior whispered, shaking the wooden boy next to him awake. Puphead slowly pushed himself up to a sitting position as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes with a sleepy yawn. “Santa’s in our grasp! Time to get ta work!” The chick snickered as he rubbed his feathery hands together.
The two hid around the corner to see a cloud of sooty smoke, as if someone were caught in a struggle, and heard whispers, as if two people were quietly arguing. “What da hay is goin’ on in dere?! Who is Santa talkin’ ta?” Puphead moved his fingers on either side of his face, trying to make it look like he had pointy ears. “Elves? Yeah, I guess maybe.”
As the smoke cleared, and the porcelain brothers were revealed to be the ones caught in Junior’s trap, Puphead and Junior were shocked to see that it hadn’t been Santa after all, yet they did have a blue-green bag of gifts with them. “What’re you two twit’s doin’ here?! You tryin’ ta steal our Christmas presents?! Is dat it?!” Junior accused, marching over to the brothers.  “Wuh-oh.” “Busted!” Mugman turned his head to look at Junior. “N-no! You’ve got it all wrong, we--” “Ooh, my dad was right about yous two!! Just wait until I tell him! Then you’ll really be sorry!!” The chick took a deep breath as Puphead covered his ears, knowing that he would scream for Wally. “No, no, Junior wait!!” “Junior! Stop! We’re tryin’ ta help Santa!!” Junior paused at that. “Wuffor?” He toyed. “He, erm, hurt himself! He twisted his ankle on a piece of firewood sticking out by our chimney, and he can’t climb down chimneys no more! So we’re helping him in our Aeroplanes until he can climb again!” Cuphead lied. “Just let us out, we still got Isle Three ta do!!” “Uh huh...And why should I believe you?” Puphead tugged on Junior’s arm at his suspicion, fully believing the story. “What is it? You believe dis crap?” Puphead nodded, and pointed to the sack in the net that the brothers had. “What the toys dey stole?!” Puphead shook his head and pointed to the fireplace. Junior’s eyes widened. “I...Gosh Puphead, yer right! Dere’s no way they could have taken the gifts before setting off the trap!” “Junior, untie us, please! We need to hurry up and get started on Isle Three before morning comes!!” Mugman pleaded, looking at his watch. “It’s already almost 11:30! We only have 30 minutes to get the whole entire city!!” “What?” Junior questioned, already starting to open the net. “Ya think dat da whole city’s gonna just get up at midnight ta open presents?” “No...” Mugman answered, “but someone might!” "Man, you two really are dumb! Ain’ no one gonna get up at midnight ta open gifts, most people’ll be asleep still! I’d say dat the earliest kids are gon’ wake up is at least tree AM. Ya twits still gots time!” “Yeah, but not much! Do ya even know how many people live in th’big city?!” Cuphead pointed out.
Puphead grabbed both of Junior’s shoulders as the brothers were released, and looked at his friend with pleading eyes. Junior turned his head at the touch, and looked the puppet in the eyes for a few moments before he sighed. “Yer right. Tree ‘n a half hours ain’t enough time fer just th’ two ah yas ta cover the entire city.” Junior placed his hands on his hips and puffed up his chest. “But maybe da four of us can make it!” He proclaimed valiantly. “Hot dawg, you’ll really help, Junior?!” Mugman cried. “On one condition! Ya leave dat sack ‘ere fer me ta examine!” Junior negotiated. The only way Santa could do what he does is through magic. And all magic was was unexplained science. With that magic bag, he could reverse engineer it, and figure out how Santa covers so much ground in so little time. “Deal!” The brothers said. “I’ll get my nest! Puphead, yer with me!” Puphead jumped up and down excitedly.
With the presents unbagged and two new recruits by their side, the four Christmas heroes quickly flew into the city and began their work once again. Apartments, homes, and more, the children were quick to break in and leave their gifts and fill their stockings. Forkington Silverson, Tick and Tock Clocke, Sue Zanshwane, Toby J. Sodor, no house was missed, and no child was forgotten. Every name on the list was crossed out with each house, one by one, and little by little, each house was visited and gifted.
At first, Junior only had one motive for this. That magic bag. He needed to unlock Santa’s secrets, and that might just be the key he needed. But after a while, something changed. Junior loved to see all the different ways people decorated for Christmas, and each house had decorations that just made him happy. That was until he and Puphead would start to unload the gifts, and Junior would get jealous of how much bigger some gifts were compared to his. Often times, Puphead would have to push the chick back with his foot in order to keep his feathers off it. 
As Puphead started unloading the gifts for one house, Junior started to help, until he shook one and could hear something wooden inside. “Wait a minute!” Junior held the gift close to his ear canal and shook again. “I think it’s a radio! I need dials fer my latest invention!” Junior turned the gift over in his hands and got ready to tear it open before Puphead grabbed his hands and stopped him. “What?” Puphead could only give him a look, and point to the tag on the present. “It ain’t mine? So what? What’ve dese people ever done fer us? Wes doin’ ‘em a favah, and they don’t even know it! It’s just one gift, they won’t even know it’s missin’!” Puphead gave Junior a huffy pout, and pointed to the dirty old ragdoll next to the plate of milk and cookies. “Dirty doll? So what?” Puphead pointed to the doll again, then to the military hat that hung on the wall with pride. Junior froze when he saw the hat. Dad was in the Great War... Always talked to Nana about how many times he’d see families torn apart on the battlefield, regardless of what day it was, when they thought he was asleep. Beside the hat was a photo of a soldier, with some sort of telegram message inside the picture frame. Junior didn’t need to read it to know what it said. He suddenly felt sick with guilt. 
With a reluctant sigh, the chick set the present down underneath the tree, easing the pain of his guilt, as well as earning a pat on the shoulder from Puphead.  “Who are you?” A little dog girl in a pink nightgown asked, peeking from behind the corner. “Are you taking our presents?” Puphead waved his arms ‘no,’ and Junior just stared, quickly thinking of how to answer her. “Nope. We just someah Santa’s helpers.” “Where’s Santa?” “Mainland. Since Inkwell’s so small, he just has a few folks like us delivering gifts.” “...I thought Santa had elves.” “Da elves make da toys, we just transport ‘em.” Junior lied, placing another gift under the tree. “Was dere somethin’ datchya needed? We’re only supposed ta come when yer sleepin’.” “Oh...um...I think I left my dolly when I was setting up the milk and cookies.” Junior felt bad for the kid. Probably didn’t even know that relative in the picture. The chick crawled over to the doll, grabbed it, then walked over to the little girl. “Here. Just get ta bed, so we can get back ta work. And tell no one ya saw us, okay?” The dog smiled as her tail wagged in her jammies behind her. She took the doll and nodded. “Okay. Thank you for what you do. I hope Santa makes sure your Christmas is as magical as you make everyone else’s!” Something about that just made Junior feel...happy. No, he wasn’t getting anything more than a magic bag out of this, but just seeing the little girl smile made him feel like he’d been praised for a great accomplishment. “Yeah, well, Merry Christmas, kid.” “Merry Christmas!” She whispered, and quietly dashed back upstairs with her doll. 
Junior turned around and looked back at Puphead, who gave him a happy, yet smug look.  “What? Don’ think much about it! I just wanted da twit outta our feathers! Get movin’ we gots work ta do!”
After what felt like hours of work, the four went back to the carnival and landed. “Junior, you guys got Nancy Nightingale?” “Yup!” “Cup, you went through every apartment in Sally Stageplay’s apartment complex!” “It wasn’t as complicated as the name made it sound!” Mugman snorted at that. “Anybody happen to get Logan Rhythm or Debbie Doll?” “I got Logan!” Cuphead exclaimed, raising his hand, “Puphead n’ I got Debbie!” Mugman crossed off two more names. “Guys! We did it! That’s everyone on Inkwell before two AM!” “Yahoo!!” Cuphead cheered as Puphead jumped in excitement. “Great. Merry Christmas.” Junior grumbled, trying not to appear as happy as he was feeling. “Puphead, ‘m tired, let’s go home!” Puphead nodded, and walked walked back to Wally’s house with Junior as he waved the brothers good night. “Merry Christmas Junior!” Mugman called. “Merry Christmas Puphead!”
As the two boys snuck past a sleeping Wally, they went back to the spot on the floor that they’d been sleeping on, and went back to sleep.
In the morning, Puphead suddenly shook Junior awake with an intense excitement. “What? What is it?!” Junior grumbled, trying to sleep in again. Puphead continued to shake and pull the blankets off his friend to try and wake him. “Pup, we already saw what was under there, what’s the point in--” Puphead suddenly pulled Junior to sit upright, and pointed to the room with all the presents. “What?!” Junior stood, rubbing his eyes as Puphead pulled him along. When they entered the Christmas room, the whole area had almost completely changed. There were more decorations than there had ever been, and the tree almost seemed bigger and brighter! What’s more, there were more gifts under the tree than there had been when Cuphead and Mugman came.  “What is dis?!” Puphead quickly found a note and gave it to Junior to read. “A letter?” The chick opened the note and began reading out loud for Puphead.
“Dear Wally Jr. and Puphead,
You two certainly made for some fine, unexpected help. Coming from the boy who attempts to capture me every year, and the little boy brought into this world not too long ago, you two did a very good thing for Inkwell.” As Junior read the note, the voice of Santa himself could be heard, as if he was speaking directly to the boys.
“Junior, despite your suspicions for the Kettle’s, you and Puphead gave them the benefit of the doubt, and joined forces to help make everyone else have a magical Christmas. You two are close friends, and very good influences on each other. Puphead, for someone so young, you already understand the meaning of Christmas, and helped Junior begin to understand it too. The world needs more selfless, kind, peaceful boys like you. And Junior, you have begun to understand that the meaning of Christmas doesn’t come from a store, and has no price tag. Christmas is not a time about getting things, but giving to others. You have experienced the joy in making others happy, and for that, you’ve proven that you truly belong on the nice list.
As thanks for the hard work you two did last night, I made another stop, and gave you a few extra presents. I hope that next year you two will be good enough that I am able to come back with more. Never lose that sense of joy that comes with making others happy. Merry Christmas.
Signed, Mr. C.”
“Wowza...” Junior breathed, before Puphead suddenly left his side to hug his father. “Mornin’ Pup!” Djimmi smiledl lifting his wooden son. “You two already up?! The alarm hasn’t even gone off!” Djimmi suddenly transformed into a rooster, and crowed loudly at the rising sun. “Now it has!” He said, looking out at the audience. “Merry Christmas, champ!” Wally smiled as Djimmi changed back to his normal form, and held Puphead in his arms once more. “Dad!!” Junior tossed the note aside and gave his dad a big hug. “Merry Christmas!”  “Looks like Santa was good to you boys this year.” Wally noted. Puphead nodded wildly until he eventually made himself dizzy, and fell into Djimmi’s chest. The ex-genie let out a hearty laugh.  “I guess someone’s excited for Christmas!” “Well, wadda we waitin’ fer?! Let’s open presents, Puphead!!” Junior cheered, diving head first into the pile of gifts left by the brothers and Santa. 
Djimmi set Puphead down as Nana flew onto her perch to watch the children’s joy. Junior tore into a small gift box wrapped in dark blue, and gasped in excitement. “No way!! Da fat man came trew aftah all!” The child beamed, dumping out two radio dials from the box and into his hand. Puphead pulled out a small box wrapped in blue-green, and tentatively opened the paper like he watched Junior do. He opened the small white box and pulled out a few layers of tissue paper before he eventually pulled out a small snow globe to be hung on the tree. The wooden child blinked in surprise and gave it a shake, watching the snow inside the glass. Two figures were on the other side, Junior and himself, each carrying a sack of toys together in their winter clothes, and at the base of the ornament, the words, “First Christmas 1934″ were etched in a golden cursive. Puphead’s eyes lit up with pure joy as he waved to Junior to show him. “Woah! But how--” That sneaky Santa... “Ah, who cares?! Merry Christmas pal! We should do dis again next year!!”
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karnivalkrew · 6 years
First Time for Everything
It was during her break that she was spending under the break tent that the Baroness had come to a realization. While normally she would have been back in her main castle by now, but this year she couldn’t quite return home just yet. “You know...I think this will be the first time I’ll be up here for...oh what do you call it? ‘Hallow’s Eve?’” Beppi heard this as he walked in, and thought for a moment. “Halloween, and yeah, I guess you’re right.” “Well, might as well go all in.” Bon Bon shrugged. “What exactly do you do on Halloween?” “Have you never celebrated it?” The ruler shook her head. “No, we don’t have Halloween in any of the candied countries as far as I’m aware...” “Really? I would have thought it would be right up yer alley.” Beppi noted, sitting down at the table in front of his friend. “You’re oddly calm today.” “Tired.” Beppi shrugged. “Uh, but to answer your question, people dress up in costumes and kids run around the neighborhood, going door to door, and sayin’ ‘trick-or-treat.’ And then people give ‘em candy.” “That’s it?” “Well, from the children aspect. Some people throw costume parties, watch horror movies, things like that. It’s really just a time for spooks, sweets, and costumes. I personally don’ understand th’hype around it, but it’s pretty fun.” “I’m...rather surprised to hear that. You have such zeal for everything.” “Eh, well...Prob’bly doesn’t help that a lotta folks are scared a clowns, and my birthday’s the day before. Had a lotta Halloween-themed birthday parties growin’ up.” “Oh...So the festivities take place the 31st?” “Yeah, end of October.” “Hm...” The Baroness placed a finger on the tip of her chin as she thought. “I think you should go, Bonnie.” “Hm?” Bonnie would be lying if she said she wasn’t considering it. It truly sounded like great fun, but she did still have duties to perform, even if she could not stay in her real castle. “What would I even go as?” “Uhh...” Good question. It was Beppi’s turn to think for a moment. What was there to work with? Did she just want a costume for the sake of fitting in, or did she want to be something scary? Well, it’s a little last second anyway, she’d have to work with what she’s got... “A princess?” Oh wait. “Real original.” She puffed, her voice significantly dropping low.  “Heh, whoops. How about...Bride of Frankenstein?”  “Bride of what?”  “Oh wait, you wouldn’t have seen the movie, oops. Hmm.” This was tough. What would be a fun costume for her? Flapper? No, Bonnie hated wearing heels. Werewolf? No, hair and taffy were a bad combo. Some moll? Bonnie probably didn’t even know what gangsters were, and it’d probably be best to keep it that way. What about... “A zombie! Zombon Bon!!” Beppi cheered proudly.
Bonnie blinked at the notion before she snorted at the pun.  “And what exactly is a zombie?” “Like...the living dead. A walking corpse. Y’know?” “Oh...Perhaps that might be interesting...” She mused, tapping her right cheek lightly with her index finger.  “Baroness Zombon Bon.” Beppi repeated, earning another snort from his royal friend. “Pfft. Oh, how clever.” Her light and airy voice teased.
“Honestly though, I’ll go for sure if you’ll go.” Beppi added. “Oh, don’t feel that you must if you don’t wish to attend.”  “I know I don’t have to or anything, but it’s yer first Halloween, and I wanna be there for that. I wanna make sure it’s a good one!” Beppi gave Bonnie a wide, genuine smile. “Besides, you’re always wantin’ to learn about Inkwell culture and surface world culture and stuff, so this would be a perfect opportunity for ya!” “Oh!” Bonnie seemed to perk up at the notion. “Beppi, that’s a great excu-uahhh, I mean point. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience Inkwell culture.” Plus if candy was involved, perhaps she could find a way to capitalize on the tradition to try and fix her economy. But first she would need to experience it. “Okay then, I’ll go.” “Swell!!” Beppi cheered, jumping up out of his chair in excitement. Now he just had to figure out a costume.
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karnivalkrew · 6 years
((Tag Dump))
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karnivalkrew · 5 years
Invited to the Devil’s Ball
The Snippz all stared down at their invitation. They all could tell business for the Devil’s Casino went down when more and more people came in, so to find an invitation for some swanky shindig at the place addressed to them was...odd.  “I think we should go!” Bass immediately chimed. “What, are you crazy?! This is the same business that nearly put us outta business!” Tenor reminded. “I know, but it’s free! Plus we might be able to find out what the appeal is and stuff!” Tenor groaned in response. It made...perfect sense.  “Hmm,” Solo mused. “We might also be able to stop others from becoming addicted in the first place as well. Plus it could be fun.” “Exactly!” “Who knows? Maybe we’ll even meet a cute girl or four.” Solo smirked, tipping Tenor’s hat over his eyes affectionately. Tenor gave the oldest a huffy pout with puffed up cheeks when his hat suddenly blocked his vision. “I say we should go. We don’t get out enough, so why not, you know?”
Baritone suddenly pointed to something at the bottom of the page.  “Did anyone else read this request he left us?” The other three looked down at the letter to see what Baritone was talking about, and sure enough, a small request with the promise of compensation was written below. A little song for them to perform...
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