#Reedsy Watches WCW
84reedsy · 6 months
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Ok Halloween Havoc is serving
Scott Hall vs Kevin Nash
If y'all need me, imma be watching this match on repeat. I really could not care less about the rest of the matches at this point.
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84reedsy · 8 months
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The match is with Ultimo Dragon who's been trying to advocate for Chavo - who is essentially Eddie's slaveboy lmaoooooooo Really great match, these two can WORK. Eddie's matches never disappoint.
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84reedsy · 3 months
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Episode 2, 11 minutes in
On hurting people in the ring....
bill goldberg: "I feel bad about it, but as long as the intent wasn't there, it's not my fault"
How. The hell. Can a person live this long and not have an ounce of self reflection.
Um. LEARN HOW TO DO IT RIGHT OR DON'T DO IT. Don't fucking shrug your shoulders, dickweed. You don't get to cop out for "accidentally" hurting people and then keep fucking doing it.
Still the fault of Bischoff (or whoever tf in WCW) for pushing him in spite of his dangerous lack of skill or to have any fucking shred of personal responsibility.
I hope your dick falls off, you hack. (Things Bret Hart Really Wants to Say for $800, Alex)
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84reedsy · 1 month
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WCW Thunder - March 18, 1999
So far (other than being beaten/booted from the nWo) 1999 has been very good to this man. More Curt content in 3 months worth of '99 WCW than most of the last two years.
And we haven't even gotten to the West Texas Redneck gimmick!
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84reedsy · 5 months
Kevin Nash vs Bill Goldberg
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Day 3 of Starrcade 1998: Will I ever finish
The answer is YES because I'm on the last match.
The WHOOOLE reason I love this ppv - can you guess WHY 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
Suck it bill goldberg
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84reedsy · 5 months
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Sexiest Man in History
Scott Hall
Starrcade 1998, Washington DC
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84reedsy · 4 months
Scott Hall v Bill Goldberg Taser Ladder Match
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D A D D Y ... JFC
I was over the taser gimmick by this point, ngl.
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SCOTT HALL FRONT BUMP. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. I wanna climb that...ladder....
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84reedsy · 8 months
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I don't know why this match seems so bananas to me...
But Bret vs Macho with Roddy as the guest ref.
Also, must mention, Roddy was fucking RIPPED at the time. Pair that with a kilt and I'm utter trash for it.
And wtf, Michael Buffer introducing Bret, "Coming to the ring first dressed in black and purple..." Fucking purple? Is Buffer colorblind? Bitch, that's pink. It's ALWAYS PINK.
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84reedsy · 6 months
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Halloween Havoc gave me Alex Wright vs Fit Finlay and I couldn't take anymore.
So, 9 hours later, we're back
With Disco AGAIN (spoiler alert, he beat Juvi) vs Billy Kidman for the cruiserweight title.
Even though disco is 30 lbs over the cruiserweight max. This was a weird angle and just another excuse to shove disco inferno down our throats.
Bonus Thoughts: Billy Kidman post flock was hot and a super talent. Reminds me a lot of a young 1-2-3 Kidd.
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84reedsy · 9 months
I enjoy little more than watching Curt Hennig and Rick Rude walk to the ring together
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Rick Rude also has been carrying around handcuffs during the feud with the Hart family....I CANNOT with these two, ugh
Rick was handcuffed to Jim Neidhart as a stipulation. 1998 was wild, ya'll.
And Bobby Hennan jumping up and down asking Rick to come to the announcer table.
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84reedsy · 9 months
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Maybe I missed it, but how tf were these two never shipped??
Also, Steiner was so bubbly that it freaked me out. I wonder if they could have even kissed without their tits getting the in way.
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84reedsy · 8 months
And for the finale... Roddy & Macho vs....
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This inexplicable team.
It just...it doesn't work...HOW DID WCW LAST AS LONG AS IT DID
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84reedsy · 9 months
Sting just...walking to the ring? Like just any ol' dude? Nah
Drop the dude from the rafters, that's his entrance.
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84reedsy · 8 months
I hate that I know what's going to happen, but here it comes
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Scott's first appearance back from being "too much for live TV" (read: Rehab).
Scott looks freaking FIRE though.
So does Kev and his yiddies. And Giant. And Sting. This is like a dream gang bang right here. Like it'd kill you, but be worth it. Like I know how this match ends - it's killing me
But the look on Sting's FACE when it happens is priceless loooool
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If there was ever a face that says "I regret every life decision I've ever made", it's this one.
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84reedsy · 8 months
Hi, what's your take on:
Kevin Nash
Rey Mysterio
Scott Hall
Eddie Guerrero
In this essay I will....
Seriously, though. Gotta a LOT of love for all these dudes.
Kevin Nash - ahh my Big Sexy Silver Medal
- No hate for booking himself to break Goldberg's streak, I hated that 'undefeated' angle anyway. Wish he'd have kept the belt, though, instead of propping up Hogan with it.
- While his in ring work was mid at times, his charisma and mic work were off the mf'n charts. Peak for me was the original NWO run/WolfPac split. He was SO over, and he knew it.
- I was trash for his snark, his humor, and his cocky ass attitude.
Wrestling Scale: 6/10
Persona Scale: 8/10 (avg of ALL his personas)
Reedsy's Rail Scale: 11/10
Rey Mysterio, Jr. - my favorite high flyer
- a lot of love for his insaaaaanely high degree of talent and execution. The most entertaining of the luchadors for me.
- he gave us the mulleted gorgeousness of Dom Dom 🤌
- I was not thrilled when he lost his mask in WCW, I didn't understand why that angle was so high on the showrunners priority, however, he was SO adorably cute
Wrestling Scale: 10/10
Persona Scale: 7/10 (and I usually don't like faces)
Reedsy's Rail Scale: 4/10 (I need em tall with long hair, but this makes me sad 😭)
Scott Hall
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-Y'all...I don't feel like can accurately articulate my affinity for this man. I could watch him any time, any day and just mark out SO hard. Any Era, any version. Absolutely throw myself, vag first right at him.
- once I got used to being able to watch him without pterodactyl screeching, I was entranced by his ringwork. He could sell like no other and didn't care whether he won or lost, only whether or not the match was entertaining and made the other guy look good. Work wise he was selfless.
- incomprehensible screeching
Wrestling Scale: 20/10
Persona Scale: 12/10 (avg of all)
Reedsy's Rail Scale: ER (He broke the fucking scale)
Eddie Guerrero
-Oh Eddie, oh Uncle Eddie, how could I ever explain how much I adoooore you. You made the mullet sexy first, you were thrilling to watch in the ring.
-His kayfabe was beautiful, I think he was the villain that everyone secretly loved.
-He was good to Joanie ❤️❤️❤️
- he elevated Chavo early on and really amplified the mid-card entertainment when WCW was struggling to think of anything other than in-ring promos by the NWO.
Wrestling Scale: 10/10
Persona Scale: 10/10
Reedsy's Rail Scale: 9/10
Thank you for the ask @saebasanart !!!! You picked some of my all time favorites! I had to abbreviate Scott's 😂
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84reedsy · 3 months
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Finally starting this!
I have my own opinion, but we'll see if this changes my mind at all.
Seen a few spoilers - but nothing I didn't know
Poetic that the first interview is Bischoff.....
Also Nash is hiiiiiiiigh as a mf - his first words "Thanks for the cash" - stay real Nash 😂
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