#Rei talking to her like he does to everyone else would mean she'd be more likely to go to him for certain questions/issues
Lmao this show is so cute, but the timeline makes it so funny to me
I don't doubt that being a hitman pays well, but the idea that they've not been working for almost 3 months, and are only just now coming to the conclusion that they need to get back to work?
Full on dumbass behavior.
Why did they even put baby girl in preschool if they weren't going to go back to work immediately after?? Part of the reason she was so destructive is cause they didn't have toys or anything for her, they could've just gone to the store lmao.
Also they're more frugal than I figured they would be considering that bomb ass apartment. As far as I can tell they spent roughly $1000 in 1 month. That's not that bad, I mean, it's not a good trend if they'd continued to not work, but not that bad in terms of overall sustainability for a child and 2 working parents.
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idontlikepans · 2 years
Tell the world more about Rei I and II
I love them and I wanna hear more.
𝐑𝐞𝐢 𝐈
Octavios older sister, she 'left' (was banished) the palace around age 15. She was never queen because nobody went out for her. (And yknow she literally wasn't allowed back) She made a life for herself though, she met the love of her life and they were able to provide for themselves.
Then Octavios wedding rolls around, (she had visited him multiple times dw) and she's like oh squit I gotta be there (not gonna spoil too much cuz of the fic) and then she has to leave again. Doesn't visit much as life starts getting hectic at the palace with everything going on.
One year later she gets asked to fight in the war and she's like 'wtf what war?' And everyones like 'the war lmao' anyway she agrees and finds out the whole situation. Octavio is pretty cold to her because she hadn't been visiting and ofc the whole war thing yknow. (The rest of her story contains spoilers but yeah this is good enough)
Fun facts abt her!:
She mains slosher
She's 1ft taller than Octavio (3 meters I think)
Short bob hairstyle.
Women in the Takowasa family are looked down upon due to them having birth defects, and they are very rare to come about. (It's ironic cuz the Octarian army is mainly female) so she already had a bad chance. If she would've been less rebellious she would've been queen.
Her lovers name is Nova, an inkling.
She likes crocheting.
She's lesbian!!
Although she is a great warrior she is very weak due to mutations.
𝐑𝐞𝐢 𝐈𝐈
Octavio's daughter, she's an accidental cutling. Growing up underground definitely isn't the easiest thing but she made her way through. She'd constantly be meeting new soldiers and telling them that they were friends now. Eventually she made an actual friend who she could hang out with. He was unfortunately enrolled in the military program but that didn't stop the two from finding ways to hang out. She's very into peace, and she wants peace with the Inklings quite a lot. First time Octavio gets his bass beat she just believes her point more. She's also very saddened because she loses her best friend and by that I mean he just goes to the surface after hearing the calamari inkantation. Her relationship with Octavio is also very rocky they both have different beliefs, like Rei who wants peace between the octolings and the inklings. While Octavio is still sour about what happened all those years ago. Second time Octavio gets his bass beat Rei is much angrier especially because she talked to Callie And believed Callie would help. Now she does eventually make peace between Inklings and octolings but I'm not gonna get too into detail of that because spoilers again.
Fun facts!:
She is 1ft shorter than Octavio.
Long hair and extra tentacles due to mutation.
She's omnisexual and polyamorous!
Her lovers names are: Luna, Charlie, Haruki. ( They each have separate stories so you should definitely ask about them too)
She doesn't like music too much and fun fact her least favorite song is the calamari inkantation not because it sounds bad or because she's different than everybody else it's just because it reminds her of how many times she lost. It's also ironic because she has a pretty good singing voice but she doesn't like music.
She barely has any knowledge of her aunt (Rei I)
Things they have in common:
Both very friendly.
Both are very protective of the people they love.
That's pretty much it.
Once again thanks for the ask!!!!!!
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au where wash adopts the todorokis (i saw everyone asking u about wash and i wanted to join in too but this was all that could come to my head)
This is the nicest ask I have ever received for an ask game bless you and all your fics.
-- (Touya spoilers)
- Wash takes one look at the Todoroki household and goes 'I don't like that'.
I need to make clear this is BEFORE Touya leaves the family, so just after Shouto is born maybe give or take a few months? This may seem like an odd thing to point out but it is IMPORTANT.
- Wash goes about adopting the Todoroki's a very interesting way. Most people would call social services (which he admittedly did but when they claimed it was above his pay grade he scrapped the idea), or even the hero commission (which Wash isn't even going to entertain) so he goes for the NEXT most logical option:
Seducing Todoroki Rei.
- He starts off simple, talking to the Todoroki children, dropping a few hints that he knows what's up and could help them, Touya is VERY suspicious because why NOW you know?
He's also the first sibling to see Wash waddle up to their mother at where she'd camped out at the buffet table and make her LAUGH so he's slightly less suspicious. Then he hears him FLIRT and gloves are off.
Yeah Endeavours a terrible Father, this has nothing to do with that man's honour as a parent that is his MOTHER and he is NOT having any more siblings THANK YOU.
- Because this is a Wash Absurdity blog now, Wash has the money to pay off Endeavour's lawyers when Rei decides she wants a divorce, he never tells her where the money came from but he tells her literally everything else so she'll accept it.
*Cough* Traitor Wash *Cough*
- This means, to be clear, that Shouto grows up with more memories of Wash as his step-Dad than of Endeavour as his Father. Boy still gets into UA via recommendation but it's from Wash this time.
Endeavour did in fact submit a recommendation for Shouto just to be spiteful but like... Nezu wanted to see the chaos that would come from the media reporting that Shouto was sponsored by Wash so just returned the recommendation letter with no explanation.
- At the sports festival Endeavour still does his "SHOUTO!!" Thing and ppl are like 'Hey is that Endeavour's son?" but guess what with a healthy family Shouto has adequate social skills and was VERY proud of his Dad so 1-A's publicly decrying the number two hero which is equally as funny as the way Shouto gets knocked out in the next round he fights in because his siblings decided it'd be a good idea to smuggle Wash into the civilian section and the poor kid catches a glimpse and gets embarassed.
-No matter who's Father he is, Wash is the 'embarrassing Dad' type.
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