haeresyys · 4 years
Smoke and Whiskey
The irony in a conman taking interest in a lawyer was not lost upon Rei.
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic Pairing: Rei Amayado/Hitoya Amaguni Rating: Mature (to be safe) Other shit: Implied sexual content, third person POV, Rei being a stubborn mf about feelings.
Reposted from my AO3 acc, I thought I’d share it here too since I still like how it turned out :> Full fic is below the read more!
Sometimes Rei was thankful for some of the people he associated with. He was certainly glad he'd come up with the idea of having more divisions formed; His own division was certainly interesting enough. Sasara always knew how to brighten the mood, even if he did frequently crack terrible puns in the process. And Rosho was honestly a bit cute. It was certainly fun to ruffle his feathers.
But frankly, he was also interested in the other division. Badass Temple... Interesting name. He was far less interested in that monk with connections to his son, or the little musician. He had his eyes on their third member.
Hitoya Amaguni. Lawyer, MC Heaven and Hell. The irony in a conman taking an interest in a lawyer was not lost on him, but it wasn't anything too much, either. They'd met by chance a couple times. He was about as straight-laced as Rei would expect a lawyer to be, definitely had some interesting stories to give. Handsome as well, but since when had Rei Amayado ever been truly open or honest about how he thinks of someone? He preferred to drop hints. Tease a bit, leave them guessing.
So when they ran into each other, he'd do just that, not hesitating to turn up the charm. And the reactions he'd get were a great source of amusement--Startled looks, sometimes with what seemed to be a faint blush on the lawyer's cheeks. Snappy responses, frequently amounting to 'shut up'. Frankly, it was a little bit cute. He wasn't sure how long this continued on, until one evening he decided to take more of a chance than he had been.
"Yo! Been a while since I've seen you, sensei~. Been busy?" Hitoya had jumped a little at suddenly hearing Rei speak, before sighing.
"Understatement. This recent case has been hell, I need a drink." Rei tilted his head a little. Huh. Considering he'd just gotten done making sure one of his recent schemes didn't leave any trails back to him, it made him wonder a little. Did it blow up more than he expected?
More importantly, Rei noted how happy he was to see Hitoya after a while... Odd. He'd thought he was merely fooling around... Rei would hope he hadn't been reckless enough to let himself get attached.
Given who he worked for, attachments would only cause trouble.
"Mind if I join you? Sounds like an interesting story." Hitoya quirked a brow... And eventually just shrugged.
"Well, haven't gotten the okay to talk about this one yet, but I have other tales." They talked a little even as they were walking to a bar Hitoya frequented. And Rei wondered how long they'd sat there just talking and telling stories over their drinks. And as the time passed, he found his eyes drifting ever so slightly. Looking over Hitoya's figure, but his gaze always eventually rested on Hitoya's lips. The way they rested on the rim of the glass. His little smiles, proud of himself and the things he accomplished, the cases he won. 
He would blame the alcohol in his system for how much more attractive Hitoya seemed all of a sudden.
An hour passed. Two hours. Soon after that point, Hitoya finishes another story, another drink. He looks Rei right in the eyes.
"That was definitely one of my better wins." He smirked, and at that point, something in Rei said fuck it. He downs the rest of his drink and stands up, putting down a sum of money on the bar. 'Keep the change,' he told the somewhat puzzled bartender, before he grabbed Hitoya's wrist and pulled him to his feet.
"O-oi, oi!" Hitoya stumbled a bit as he was pulled to his feet. Rei glanced over his shoulder at him, before putting his focus elsewhere. "The fuck are you doin'? The fuck--" He pulls Hitoya a few meters into an alleyway, away from the bustle of the streets. And there, he throws Hitoya against the wall. There was enough light he could still see the lawyer's face.
"Oi, you gonna tell me what the hell you're plannin'...?" The startled look on Hitoya's face, and the blush on his face made Rei grin. The hand not next to Hitoya's head on the wall slid up his front, messing with his tie a bit.
"I'd rather show you." A swift tug of the tie, and his lips were on the other's. He heard a shocked noise from Hitoya, and felt how he tried to make Rei let go of his tie. But he seemed to slowly relax. The kisses grew more heated little by little, Rei took his chances and his tongue slipped past the other's lips.
"Hah... You weren't fuckin' around, were ya...?" He heard how heavy Hitoya's breath was once he finally pulled away. Rei could only grin and try to level out his own breathing, waiting for the thumping of his heart to quiet down.
Ah... This is getting a little dangerous, he thought to himself.
"Heh? You thought I was just stringing you along? You wound this old man." Hitoya looked puzzled, and Rei was about to just dive back in--
Rei blinks at the sound of a voice calling for the other man. It sounded young... Timid. Hitoya curses under his breath.
"Jyushi... Did that kid spot us before we ran back here...?" Rei just shrugs.
"That's probably enough for now anyway... Here." He reaches into his pocket, handing Hitoya a small piece of paper. On it was his number. He gives Hitoya a wink and nothing more, leaving the confused (and riled up) lawyer to watch him leave.
It was as he was making his way home that he received a message on his phone, from Hitoya. His grin only widens.
Their chats didn't stop after that night, rather they only became more frequent. The next they saw each other, they once again exchanged stories, but along with that, there was many a stolen glance. A number of comments on Rei's end that left the lawyer red-faced; Not because of the alcohol, either.
Those meetings happened again and again, and the tension between the two of them only grew more apparent each time. And as he recalled the taste of whiskey on Hitoya’s lips, how they felt against his own, Rei found it increasingly difficult to keep away.
It was the fourth meeting that he made his move. Hitoya seemed far more relaxed that night, Rei thought to himself about how the lawyer must have had a good day. He had such a nice laugh...
Time passed once again, a glance to his watch reminding Rei it was getting late. 10 PM. He looked over to Hitoya; The lawyer had fallen silent, bringing his glass up to his lips once again. He catches Rei looking at him.
“Got somethin’ ya wanna say?” He questions, Rei’s gaze seeming to soften in a sense. He chuckles softly.
“Mm, I was just thinkin’, it’s getting pretty late, you know?” There’s a small pause, and Hitoya would see those mismatched eyes fall to half-lidded. “We could part ways for the evening… Or, we could take this somewhere else, if you’d prefer.”
Hitoya almost seems to squint a little bit at him. He seemingly thinks on that offer, before he huffs out a little sigh.
“Y’know what? Sure, I’ll bite. I wanna know what the hell you’ve got up your sleeve, conman.” Rei bites back a grin. Perfect. “I’ve got some more whiskey back at my place, if you think you can handle a couple more drinks.” Finishing off what was in his glass, he pays for the drinks before leading Rei out.
The trip back to Hitoya’s home felt agonizingly slow, and they’d barely even made their way in before Rei’s lips were on his, his hands making their way to pull off Hitoya’s jacket. The lawyer fell into the kisses fairly quickly, finding himself pressed up against Rei and inhaling sharply as he finally pulled away to breathe.
“Mm… Shoulda figured this was what you were after.” Hitoya sounded as though he were smiling as he said it, Rei looking down at him to confirm that yes, he was.
“Heh… At first I was content with just ruffling your feathers a little, but this works too.” He grins, and he could feel how hard Hitoya’s heart was beating, with how close he was. Hitoya then shoves him back slightly, and Rei blinks.
“No use doin’ this in the doorway, y’know? Get over here. And lose the stupid coat.” Hitoya rolled his eyes at the way Rei pouted at the coat comment.
“Oi, oi, it suits me just fine~.” That was all Rei could say before he was pulled away. He found himself thrown onto a soft bed, lips on his own, and from there, the rest of the night was a blur.
Though, the following day, he received an angry-sounding message from Hitoya about how much of a pain in the ass it was to hide the marks on his neck.
Rei wasn’t one for attachments, they would cause him trouble... Or at least, that was what he had thought for a very long time. But he’d only grown more attached to the lawyer as time went on, just a simple message was enough to get him to smile now. He found himself able to be more honest with Hitoya. And stranger, unless he was going crazy, the fondness seemed to be mutual. At this point, he was even wondering if what he felt bordered on the romantic… That would present a problem.
He was confident it wouldn’t impact his ability to fight in the Division Battle if that were the case, but even then, he tried to keep the idea out of mind.
And when they encountered each other once again before the battle, in Chuuoku, alongside their teammates, he kept quiet. But as Kuko and Sasara spoke with each other, Rosho looked to his teammate to see the older man on his phone, typing something out.
“Amayado-san, is this really the time to be contacting some client or another-?” Rei glances over at Rosho, before he shakes his head.
“Nah, it’s nothing like that. Just messaging… A friend, we’ll call them.” He looks down at his phone again, sending out the message. He glances to Hitoya, who looks at his phone, eyes briefly widening at the suggestive message. And before their teams part ways, Rei lowers his sunglasses with a smirk, throwing the lawyer a wink. The embarrassed scowl and reddened cheeks he received in return made him stifle a laugh, and as they walked away, he could hear those kids questioning why Hitoya’s face looked so red.
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