#Reidmemymo imagine
reidmemymo · 7 years
Not A Date (Part 2)
Perdóname but this is lowkey long, hope ju liek et :) Part 3 is written and ready, out of fear that it’d be too long already I made the smut happen in part 4 so buckle up, stay tuned, take off your shoes and stay a while fam
Upon arrival to y/n’s apartment, she didn’t know what to do as her mind swarmed over the thought of her going out with Spencer tonight. She naturally did what she always did when she couldn’t think straight, she cleaned.
Mid-dish washing she had gotten a call from Spencer and they agreed on a time to meet and where to meet. Under pressure on the two hours she had to get ready, she cleaned some more, took a quick shower, struggled to pick an outfit then headed out once it was time. Now as she exited the cab that stopped in front of the theater, she hoped her outfit wasn’t too casual nor too fancy. Against her own wishes after all, this was not a date.
Her worries subsided as she heard the cab drive off behind her, her eyes landed on Spencer standing by the entrance. Of course, charmingly leaned on the wall and looking down while he read one of his books.
“Spence!” She called and the boy wonder’s head snapped up from the pages of a handwriting profiling book. His face lit up at the sight of her and hers did as well when she noticed the scarf around his neck since she too wore an orange scarf for the occasion.
“Hey, y/n, haven’t seen you in a while,” he joked with a soft chuckle as she wrapped her arms around his neck lovingly, making him cautiously snake his around her waist. He smile dropped once he felt her lips touch his cheek and his brows instinctively shot up as she pulled back.
“Looks like we’ve got about twenty minutes to kill until the movie starts! You got the tickets?” He nodded and retrieved the strip of tickets and handed her hers after tearing it off of his.
“Thank you, sir. Nice scarf, by the way.” He smiled at her comment.
“You look great, you pulled it off better than I could. Did you… want to go in now or-”
“How about we take a walk? Walk and talk then run back when it’s time, yeah?” He looked down at her face, the smile she wore and the excitement in her voice compelled him to say yes. Yet he knew in his mind that they’d be stuck with front row seats when they got back, his mind also raised in alert and even more nervousness flooded him at the thought of walking with her to talk. Spencer was never prominent in the area of conversation, so what in the world would they talk about?? But how could he say no…
“Yeah, let’s walk, y/n.” He said with a charming smile that made hers grow bigger, and so they laughed while they turned away from the theater to walk down the moonlit pavement. After three minutes of comfortable silence as they walked and shared a few small comments about their surroundings, y/n asked him the question she wondered about since they were at work.
“Hey, how come you weren’t going to come after Penelope flaked? You didn’t consider going alone?” She asked him, then she noticed his mouth do its quirk again and she knew this would be a sensitive subject. He sighed and prepared for a more sad turn in conversation.
“I did, of course, I love Halloween. I’d love to do that but I do everything alone. It’s particularly difficult to enjoy the film when I’m sitting there alone with no one to turn to if I want to comment about the movie or share a snack with or laugh with like everyone else in there. It’s typical for people to go to the movies in a pair or with a group but I’d just… be there.” He confessed while his his eyes remained parallel to the sidewalk, glued to the alternating steps of his Oxford shoes. Her face softened and she swore her heart broke a little.
“Well… what about when the whole team goes out? You aren’t alone then, are you?” She inquired gently, watching his gaze stubbornly lock to the ground instead of looking back.
“Y/n, have you taken a look at me lately? Yes, the team goes out in a group and we have some fun but more often than I’d like, the locations we go to are clubs or bars. For a person like me, that is not my scene. Especially not when Morgan and Penelope team up in hopes of either getting me drunk or getting me to talk to some girl I know nothing about.” He argued, his brows coming together in the frustration that built up with every word. She felt sorry for him, yet she shrugged the feeling off knowing that isn’t what he needed. What he needs is encouragement, a confidence builder.
“Yeah, they’re both trouble, I’m sorry. Do you ever offer the others to hang out?”
“Yes well, I try to. They either pass or take a rain check and I never hear about it again.” He spoke as his voice diminished almost to a whisper.
“You know it’s not because they don’t love you or don’t like you as a person, right?” He stayed quiet, but the profiler in her could see through his micro expressions that told her that’s exactly what he thinks.
“You’re interests just don’t correlate with theirs. I’m almost sure if you offered to do something they are more likely to enjoy or know about, they’d agree to it. I know how they treat you, I’ve seen it all in my four months on this team. Trust me when I say that they love you and they think you’re amazing. Just your type of amazing isn’t something people see everyday, it scares them.” She felt relieved a bit when he looked back, listening to her words. A small smile turning his lips.
“Emily once told me you offered her to go see Solaris, Reid, which is five hours of sitting. Of course since it’s in your interest, you are willing to sit through it. For anyone else, they see it as five hours of sitting and being lost. Don’t ever think that they don’t like you because they won’t hang out with you.” He nodded slowly, intently noting what she said which he found to make a lot of sense.
“Thanks, y/n… for saying that.” He said to her. She smiled weakly.
“Tell you what, if there’s something you want to do, ask me. I might or might not decline depending on what it is or for other reasons. If it’s something you seriously want to go to, I’ll come with you.” She told him sweetly, smiling back at him. He couldn’t stop from flashing a smile too.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course! Why wouldn’t anyone want to hang out with an intelligent, multitalented, handsome man like you?” He paused once he heard the ‘handsome’ comment, yet his mind quickly answered her question.
“Cause I’m weird.”
“Okay, how?” She asked with skepticism.
“I can’t engage in normal or deep conversations, I lack knowledge of social cues and norms, Im awkward, and I spew facts as if my life depends on it. I ramble as well; therefore, I am weird.” He spoke rapidly, eager to prove his point that she didn’t seem to grasp for some reason.
“Reid, no. That’s just who you are and there’s nothing wrong with it. Plus if anyone here is weird, it’s me.”
“Not true.”
“Is to, ask my mom or my best friend or my brother. They will all tell you the same thing; I’m a know-it-all.”
“You? A know-it-all?” He asked, cocking a brow with a small smile.
“The worst! And I know, I don’t compare to fantastic Dr. Reid but it annoys the crap out of my family. Plus weirdly enough, I like memorizing lists. You know I’ve memorized the whole list of neurological disorders?” Spencer’s mouth hung open, his brows raised.
“Y/n, that’s a list from A to W with one to multiple disorders within each letter… and you don’t have an eidetic memory either.”
“A to Z actually, as of last year, but yes. No eidetic memory. Isn’t that weird?”
“No it isn’t, that’s amazing.” He complimented, their eyes locking on each other. She looked back at his hazel eyes she loved so much and made a decision on how to build some of his confidence.
“Reid, I’m going to tell you something that I don’t want to tell you and I’m upset about it but I feel like you’d need to hear it.” She watched him turn confused and cautiously they came to a stop.
“Okay…” She heard him trail off as she sucked in a deep breath and released it.
“I’ve had a big crush building up for you since my first day.” Silence followed her words, Spencer’s brows wiggled as they rose then came together. A crush? No way, he thought. Yet thought it over some more, it made sense. They’re both profilers. Of course they both sensed at times that they had a bond different from the others. Spencer recalled the way she would look at him when he’d be revealing a fact to the team on a case, it made a lot of sense. Also she would always be subtly defensive of him whenever others shut him down from sharing statistics or when they would pick on him. In the mornings she would routinely yet genuinely ask him about his day or his morning or his weekend. Could this be true?
"So you asked me out while you supposedly have a uh… c-crush on me? You made this a date… that’s against Hotch’s demands.”
“No, no, not a date. Just a very anticipated outing with a coworker of mine.”
“Who you happen to like?” He asked, a smirk forming on his face.
“Correction, who I happen to like a whole lot. And listen, if I can manage to become attracted to you even with your so called ‘weird’ qualities, what does that tell you?” She asked him and he thought hard until he met her eyes again.
“It tells me you’re very weird.” He answered, the both of them breaking into joyous laughter. After a moment they recovered, left smiling at one another. Until Spencer looked down at his watch.
“We should head back now, y/n.” He said in a low voice, not wanting their walk to end. She nodded with a grin.
“Let’s go, pretty boy.” Spencer laughed and made not one hesitant move as she linked an arm with his. Her body close to his as they made their silent pursuit back to the theater.
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