#Rejuv Oc: Alain
heretodefyfate · 1 year
The reason why my character would do renegade route is because they wanted to backstab Clear/Kieran and just maybe, would able to go to their world and destroy that
Basically, like, ''i would doom the world just to watch you burn''
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djdiamond18803 · 1 month
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Interceptors and their (hc) default expression. Idk, just a thought that came to me randomly
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pain-del-doge · 6 months
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"It's going to be okay, Aria. I'm sorry for everything, but you won't fight alone anymore. We got each other, now."
Luc and Ariana finally meeting-- Bc I haven't been able to art effectively lately :'
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jazz-kitty · 5 months
i'm curious! i did a poll on my twitter a while ago but the only options were aevis and not aevis; so i'd like to do one that's a bit more proper
click whichever option feels best to you. doesn't matter if you've used multiple, just choose your favorite or the design belonging to your "main" playthrough- whatever that means to you!
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misecinn · 5 months
1, 5, 7 and 11 for the rejuv asks :)
Favorite character(s)? already answered in a previous ask!
5. Favorite ship(s) (if you have any) I'm not too big of a shipper usually, so- the stuff that's canon, plus my own self-indulgent Alain/Erin protag ship! oh, and also Alain/Aero/Aevia, from the triple protag au my friends and I have!
7. Favorite friendship(s) Saki and Zetta had a fun dynamic in the School of Nightmares ghdjghdj but!! the Interceptor and Aelita is definitely up there, as well as Melia and Aelita!! also Florin and Talon!
11. Do you have ocs? If so, feel free to ramble about them! I have Lumi!! there isn't too much to say about them, really?? they have a lot of issues, especially regarding processing and expressing their emotions! their development depends heavily on which route they're on, as they have potential for both! art is by my friend @lemonade-juley!
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owlhead650 · 5 months
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I did the Pokemon Rejuvenation character sorter. These are my favourite characters in the game, with Erin and Melia tied in first place as my two favourites. This sorter works pretty well because this list is a pretty accurate representation of how I actually feel about the rejuv cast. You might notice that my oc Asopo has some similarities to Aevis and Alain, that's because the premise was that I wanted to make a character that looks like both of them.
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fangaminghell · 2 years
With my laptop no longer working and me just feeling pretty bad, why not share some rejuv ocs? I don't plan on doing the renegade route, I don't think I have the guts to go through with it, but I kinda made ocs for them? None of them have names btw.
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Guy( gender neutral) number 1. He/they, anxious mess that can get a bit unhinged. Out of the three, they're probably the goodest despite his very obvious flaws, but he cringe failed his way into the renegade route so rip. He's the storm clouds to Imani's sunshine. Equally as much as a little shit though. ( Oh and he's an interceptor, I forgot to mention that lol)
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Guy ( gender neutral) number 2. They/she, the picrew didn't have turquoise eyes or colors, so just know that they are supposed to be like that. Honestly, the only thing I got is that they're kinda an ass that goes by the "everyman for themselves" rule. How she got involved in all of this is beyond me and probably themself too.
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THIS FUCKER ( Guy- gender neutral- number 3). He/him. He presents himself as a good guy and acts heroic/as a peacemaker when really he's like this
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In reality he has a major hero complex and pretty much hates everyone. It is very good that he's not the interceptor, let alone the one in charge. I mean, this is the renegade route, so things are going to go bad regardless, but it's less shitty since he's not the interceptor. Probably hates guy number 1 due to how important he is to the whole narrative, being the interceptor and all. Maybe he learns to be a better person????? Idk.
Tldr: they all kinda suck, but the first guy is the best of them. He's based on Stork from storm hawks in terms of personality btw. He's trying his best but failing miserable lol.
Edit: also if you couldn't tell, guy number 2 and 3 are both based on Alain and Aevis. Guy number 1 is based on Axel.
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cresvalkyrie · 4 months
Did you know my rebornverse AU, the Chroniclerverse, is now over 2 years old?
I actually started coming up with the idea as I was playing through rejuv v13 blind for the first time, first starring a SI character who got isekai'd into Aevium because of a freak storm and the original idea was that it was just a normal canon divergence/fix-it fic since the SI is a player of the fangame itself. Things have changed a lot since then, and said SI has developed herself into an independent OC with a vast different set of powers than the ones I initially gave her beta SI self. Some things, however, still remained the same, such as the OC sharing a similar origin to the SI as a former player.
Also, fun fact: Hauyne's beta self originally had Alain as a host, as she resembled them a lot both in terms of appearance and temperament. This is no longer the case, although the resemblance still remained (and this was re-written to be part of the first cycle, where most if not all of Hauyne's powers were still inaccessible and she was stuck with a host until she gained enough power to maintain a physical form of her own).
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vio-starzz · 5 months
I'm just gonna dump (almost) everything I have about my rejuv OCs and some crumbs of their AU lore when relevant xD
So the main OC for my rejuv au, the chroniclerverse, is Hauyne.
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She's the Paragon Interceptor for that AU, and has been for the entire thirteen (fourteen if you include v13.5) versions of rejuv. However, she doesn't always take this form; from v1 to v12, she simply has the appearance of whoever she has as a host (Aevis for v1 and v2, Aevia for v3 and v4, Ariana for v5 and v6, Axel for v7 and v8, Aero for v9 and v10, and finally Alain for v11 and v12). From v13 and onwards, she no longer needs a host and exists as her own person, hence her current and true appearance, but even her v13's design is somewhat different from her current v13.5 design (i.e. in v13 she's physically 16, has normal human ears, styles her hair in a ponytail with blue streaks dyed in her hair and lacks the eye scars).
Her backstory is quite long, so I'm just gonna do a tl;dr version. Long story short, Hauyne was once a player of the fangame itself before she was isekai'd into Aevium to serve as the Interceptor. But since in v1 the plot only goes up to Goldenwood Forest, once she got to that point she was hit by the big Reset, and she was looped back to the beginning - this time the v2 version of events. So the more times she went through the loop, the more integrated she became with the world itself. At some point, she becomes part of the protag gang from before Storm-9, which is also how she met and befriended a young Erin (I think this was in v10 or the tenth cycle? since Erin did not exist prior to that version). However, she does not recall her past runs until the end of the thirteenth run after everything ended disastrously, and her regaining her lost memories was what set off the realisation of what she must do to create the happy ending she seeks.
Aside from her powers as the Interceptor, she also has powers of her own from her aura wielder heritage. Aura Wielders are basically a race of humanoids that exist in the chroniclerverse, as the third sapient race that once co-existed alongside humans and Pokemon. I can't go too deep into their lore without spoiling a bunch of rejuv stuff, but long story short aura wielders went into hiding when humans got greedy and hunted them down for their powers (in this verse, the garufans' magic were originally the aura wielders' before they stole it and repurposed it for their own goals). There are three main types of aura wielders: the first and most common being those who derive their powers by spiritually bonding with a Pokemon, the second being those with the ability to take the form of a non-Legendary Pokemon, and the last (and rarest) are those who can take the form of Legendaries. Hauyne belongs to the third category, although this was not discovered until her thirteenth run since up until then there was a powerful force suppressing her innate abilities.
...okay, enough rambling about Hauyne. Time to bring out my Renegade Interceptor, Electra!
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So unlike Hauyne, Electra is a Garufan steel/dragon specialist and a failed vessel for the Archetype. However, prior to her dying from Genesis Syndrome, she gained the attributes of Dialga as a side effect of hosting the Archetype, so she was thought to have held some promise until she inevitably succumbed from Genesis Syndrome. Her soul was later collected upon her passing and stored away to be repurposed for the Interceptor Program, then a secret failsafe plan should things not go the way Variya intended.
Much later on, she took Aevia's place and became the Interceptor, but due to the time she spent as a disembodied soul she lost much of her memories, remembering only bits and pieces of her old life. So her journey was mainly her trying to find out what had happened to her and to look for a way back home. When she did inevitably found out the truth, she went off the deep end from grief, beginning to plot the destruction of this world in the hopes of restoring the old one. In this verse, she's the one who created the foundation of the killing spell that would be later modified into "End of Night" by Melia; her version of it utterly erases the person's soul from existence, but it doesn't completely wipes away other people's memories of them.
As a Garufan, her magic are mainly inclined towards metal manipulation and to some extent time manipulation, but using the latter drains her energy a lot so she uses it very rarely. it isn't until she absorbed the Diamond Core after the end of the Renegade .karma files that she fully gains the power of Dialga, allowing her to manipulate time freely and even temporarily assume the form of Dialga in battle.
aaaand I think that's it! Feel free to ask me more about them or the chroniclerverse, since I don't think I can fit everything in a single ask sjdfgjsdhf
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i have been driven speechless i ighabfbnanfnsng :0000
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heretodefyfate · 10 months
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just want to doodle
the last two are about my OCs
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heretodefyfate · 10 months
Idk why, i always surprise when people say Aevis is the least popular protagonist
yeah, compared to, like, Alain (the irony that canon lore stated that they are not well-liked), he is not the most-picked option
but the least popular, and rare?
It's a little bit strange for me
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heretodefyfate · 1 year
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some old ideas/sketches
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heretodefyfate · 1 year
Convincing Kieran to take my hand by showing him the beauty of Nyan Cat
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fangaminghell · 2 years
Thinking about the alt trio (interceptor oc 2 and his own crew). It's....so interesting to see how they contrast with the main rejuv trio.
I mentioned this before , but Imani is the sunshine and rainbows to her alts storm clouds and lightning.
The aevis look a like has similar traits to Aevis; confident, brave....but in a slight twisted sense? Like he's always willing to help others and be a hero, in a sense, but I think he also kinda sorta hates everyone. Compared that to Flynn who is super shy and meek, but has a big heart and probably can't bring herself to truly hate someone( she can't bring herself to hate "Risa"/Clear, despite everything).
I don't want the Alain look-a-like be like Blair, so this might be hard. But the vibe I'm getting is that the Alain look-a-like.... possibly doesn't have a moral compass like Arrow does? Maybe no sense of justice? Again, I dunno, I don't want a repeat of Blair, so I'm really thinking here.
( I say look-a-like, cause like Flynn and Arrow, they aren't actually related to anything with the black box or what have you. They just happen to look similar to the protags by chance. Some more than others)
Also! I mentioned this before but I wasn't planning on having on so many ocs. Clearly that's no longer the case, with ocs like Lilith and Richard. But with the alt trio, I don't really know what I'm doing with them, if at all. I just really like the rejuv protags. And yes, I am gonna change Imani's childhood friend! So she's most likely not gonna be awkward when seeing Alain during the nightmare realm. Maybe. Who knows.
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