#Relni Chapter 38
soraavalon · 2 years
Marigold: Mary is casting Catnap on himself and is taking a short rest.
DM: Are we gonna?
Marigold: He's just gonna---
DM: Before you settle in and start casting, Rymer is just gonna, as he sees you start to go down grab the scruff of your neck and pull you back up and go;
Rymer: No, we are getting out of this place. We have about an hour and a half to get into Springtide. We are walking. Now.
Tark & Hunt: Mm-hmm.
Jeremiah: I think we should reconsider that and surrender because buddy you got your memories back.
Tark: Shut up. Shut up.
Jeremiah: No no, you let me speak. He got his memories back, you got the best you're gonna get out of this situation. If you keep pushing this, he's gonna fucking kill you.
Marigold: He's right.
Jeremiah: Jeremiah is just stunned silent by that.
Rymer: We need to go.
Marigold: You need to go.
Tark: I'll grab Eudora's hand and ask her if she's alright.
Eudora: Eudora doesn't understand the question. So she's kind of like looks up at him and looks confused, but recognizes that there's kindness in this and squeezes his hand.
Tark: And because Tark doesn't know what it was that the... did to her he's going to attempt to do Lesser Restoration even though I know it's not going to work. Just to...
DM: As you do that, you see the bleeding from her nose and the little bit close to her ears does stop. So you've done some good, but there's still that vacant look in her eyes.
Tark: 'kay. Then start walking in the direction we were walking. 'Cause Rymer *cuts out* and so we're going.
Marigold: Mary's staying put.
DM: Rymer is doing the head count making sure everyone is walking and looks back at you.
Rymer: Marigold?
Marigold: I'm staying put.
Rymer: They will kill you.
Marigold: They will kill you.
Jeremiah: They totally will.
Rymer: Shut up.
Hunt: But why? Why do they... I just... Obviously, there is so much that we're not understanding.
Jeremiah: Do I know why?
DM: Go ahead and make an Intelligence check. Or Charisma. I guess this is like Society, technically. No, this is a history check, I'm sorry.
Jeremiah: *rolls* That's a 18.
DM: Okay. So you know that the Lord of the Hunt was created in a moment of impossibility when the Wild Hunt was happening in the Summer Court and in the Winter Court, which should not touch the Summer Court, there was this entity event, phenomenon called The Endless Hunger which is very similar. And somehow they managed to touch and meet and the two--- The Wild Hunt isn't a thing that's organized, it's sort of this compulsion and this natural event that happens and so when these two events merged they created this entity; The Lord of the Hunt or Lord of Beasts, this perfect natural predator. And because he was sort of a part of all the courts and none of the courts and has basically upset the balance of the Feywild in a way because he is always the Endless Hunger and the Wild Hunt happening. They're basically like, 'Oh he's dangerous, he's wild and not a part of any of the Courts.' and they have been trying to basically do what they can to mitigate his damage or destroy him, depending on the fey and Court and current royals at any given time.
Jeremiah: Okay, so Jeremiah is basically going to give a very similar run down of that, except in his own words.
DM: And they don't like interlopers in the Feywild typically, so the idea of that anything supposed to be here being here---
Jeremiah (OOC): Super not cool and not cared for much.
Hunt (OOC): [in chat] But didn't the Flickering Knave or Elifaen (Blood Hunter) say that LoH was part of the Summer Court then ousted?
DM: Yeah, like even a lot of Changelings aren't really allowed which Rymer can pop in because I know, I'm sure Jeremiah is getting glowered and ignored for the most part. So, Rymer will kind of help you tell what he knows of that and then also that Changelings are also not really widely accepted because they are part mortal and they don't really belong here. They aren't valued the same as a fey and he (LoH) was trying to get Marigold a title---
Tark (OOC/IC?): Cool, so they're like racist but in the Fey way.
DM: Yeah. Kind of, well... He was trying to get Marigold titled which is when they (Summer Court) realized that it wasn't just like a plaything that he was toying with. It was they didn't want a mortal to have a title in the fey realm.
Jeremiah: So Jeremiah explains all this and at the end is like, "You know, it would've been really convenient if I remembered a lot of this earlier.
DM: [in chat] Yep.
Nathaniel: Is my arm still warm?
DM: It is warm, but it isn't burning.
Nathaniel: Cool, I'm going to kind of lightly smack Jeremiah on the back of the head with my metal arm.
DM: [in chat] there were attempts to control him
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soraavalon · 2 years
Marigold (OOC): [in chat] oh shit, i just had a cool though, marys flowers have wilted from using his magic like that
DM: Oh! Hell yeah.
Jeremiah (OOC): Nice.
DM: Just a little bit of that luster is gone.
Jermemiah (OOC): That heckin' flavor.
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soraavalon · 2 years
DM: And he's just gonna look at Marigold again.
Marigold: I gotta wait till my turn anyway.
Summer Knight: [in Sylvan] Fine. If you want to stand down, you can find us at the Summer Court. Come to us unarmed and alone and maybe your friends will survive getting out of here.
DM: He's gonna go *counts movement* and start walking away and that'll be his turn which brings us to Rymer, whomst is gonna hop back down and it's not really gonna help, but he's gonna take his waterskin and start trying to it over Nathaniel's arm.
Nathaniel (OOC/IC?): ow
DM: It's gonna do that hissy steamy thing when you put a pan under, yeah. Which it probably doesn't really help much. At the end of Nathaniel's turn, the Knight can't actually do anything, he could cast a cantrip... He's going to cast a cantrip and what cantrips do you have [french] *looks at sheet* How close is Tark? Because you're being a little bitch. You're just out of range, nevermind he's not going to use a legendary action. He's heading out and he's gonna let you guys have a chance to not be pieces of shit about it.
Hunt: I go to Nathaniel... assuming that judging that the Summer Knight is walking away from this that I'm assuming that conflict is suspended?
DM: Not yet. I'm gonna let it go for another round to see what you guys kind of do.
Hunt: Okay,
DM: Just about.
Hunt: Okay, if that's the case, before I do anything I look to Marigold and I ask, "What do you want to do, Primrose? Do we just let him go?"
Marigold: Can I respond yet or do I need to wait until my turn?
DM: Yes, you can reply.
Marigold: We need to let him go. I shouldn't have started that.
Hunt: "Okay." and I'm going to use all my movement, if I can, and go to Nathaniel *counts movement* and I'm also gonna try to douse his arm.
DM: Okay. It hurts less.
Hunt: But yeah, that's my turn.
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soraavalon · 2 years
DM: Nathaniel tried to banish him, so he's going to look to---
Jeremiah (OOC): Feeblemind.
DM: He's gonna look to you, no he's not gonna Feeblemind he don't have that now. In this action economy? Instead he's gonna look at the arm that you reached out, which I imagine is your gauntlet?
Nathaniel: Not anymore, it's my arm.
Marigold (OOC): Oh no.
Hunt (OOC): Oh no!
DM: You know, let's do, OH! I could do it at a higher level.
Hunt (OOC): *gasps*
DM: He's gonna cast a 5th level Heat Metal.
Marigold (OOC): Swan?
DM: Yes?
Marigold: I would like to take 4 points of exhaustion and try and attempt to Counterspell it.
DM: Okay, please roll.
Jeremiah (OOC): 4 points. Okay, someone remind me; 5 is when you fucking die, right?
Hunt (OOC): No, 6.
DM: Six is when you fucking die.
Hunt (OOC): So now Mary is at hit point max is halved, disadvantage on attacks and saving throws.
Marigold: *rolls a 7* Nope.
Hunt (OOC): Speed is halved and disadvantage on ability checks.
DM: Oh buddy.
Marigold (OOC): Nope, I tried.
DM: Yep, you cast as the Knight flicks his finger in Nathaniel's direction and a spark comes off of one and lands Nathaniel on the back of your metal hand, which you can't take off, you are in physical contact with it.
Nathaniel: I am.
DM: So that's gonna be, 5d6 or 5d8, yes.
Nathaniel: Nathaniel's going to [something]
DM: *rolls*
Jeremiah (OOC): I don't like that sound.
DM: That's gonna be 20 points of fire damage as your arm begins to heat.
Jeremiah (OOC): You can't do that to him, he's a sorcerer, that's almost all his health!
DM: Oh god, you need to make a Constitution save as well.
Nathaniel: I'll tell you that Nathaniel screams.
Marigold (OOC): The Con save is pointless because it's to drop the item and he can't drop the item.
Nathaniel: *rolls a 24*
DM: If it can, if it doesn't it has disadvantage on ability check until the start of your next turn. So you do make the save though, so you can continue to withstand this, but it is pretty fucked.
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soraavalon · 2 years
Nathaniel: Hey Swan.
DM: Yeah?
Nathaniel: Fail me a Charisma saving please.
DM & Hunt (OOC): *laughing*
DM: Fail you what?
Nathaniel: A Charisma save, roll under 14.
DM: I'll try. Under 14?
Nathaniel: Yeah.
DM I don't know if I can, but I'll try.
Jeremiah (OOC): Are you trying to fucking banish him?
Hunt (OOC): Yeah.
Jeremiah (OOC): Where are you gonna send him?
Hunt (OOC): To a demiplane!
Marigold (OOC): Yeah.
DM: 30 total. I rolled a Natural 20.
-various 'Oh's-
Jeremiah (OOC): Oh god.
DM: But good try.
Nathaniel (OOC): Listen, I had to do something other than Chaos Bolt again and he is immune to fire so Fire Bolt wasn't going to do anything. I can cast Light on his face but that's not gonna help.
Hunt (OOC): I mean, it would blind him. Potentially.
Nathaniel (OOC): Potentially. I have Summon Construct, but that does fire damage so Banishment was kind of my only option here.
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soraavalon · 2 years
DM: Which brings us to the Summer Knight who is getting a little bit annoyed.
Hunt (OOC): *worried laugh*
DM: So...Let me see, I don't think, no I don't have to make an attack it just does that part.... Wow, for real? Is that it? There's no way. It doesn't say it's an attack. I don't think it's an attack, I think it's just a.... There's no fucking way. Really? I'm gonna roll it as an attack 'cause there's no fuckin' way that it just does that.
Jeremiah (OOC): What?
Marigold (OOC): What is this?
DM: Hang on. I mean, it's a high level spell, but there's no fucking way. So plus, oh that was almost a nat20. Eudora, would a 26 hit you?
Eudora: Uh, yes it would.
DM: Please make an Intelligence saving throw for me.
Eudora: Oh I don't like that.
Jeremiah (OOC): Ruh-roh.
Hunt (OOC): Oh no.
Eudora: I'm gonna use my what'sit.
DM: Yep. You will take, are you ready for my number?
Eudora: That's a 16.
DM: 'kay that's gonna fail. *inserts the Feeblemind spell card in chat*
Hunt (OOC): Oh!
Jeremiah (OOC): OH!
Hunt (OOC): I knew that's what that was.
Jeremiah (OOC): Oh god! Oh shit!
Hunt (OOC): Oh no.
DM: On the one who's been fucking everything up. Eudora you're going to take 15 points of psychic damage.
Eudora: Cool.
DM: And as you feel this ringing in your ears, suddenly that ringing becomes everything and it is like you have mental tinnitus and you just, your Intelligence and Charisma scores become 1, you cannot spells, activate magic items, understand langauge or communicate in any intelligible way. You can identify your friends, follow them and even protect them, but you have pretty much lost your intellect and personality.
Eudora: Cool.
Marigold (OOC): Huh.
Hunt (OOC): Holy shit.
DM: He's getting a little fed up.
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soraavalon · 2 years
DM: What else can you do friend? You have bonus... What can you do with a bonus action. Boy, playing with a casting is something I gotta get used to especially in battle. *looks over sheet* Oh, hang on. That's fucked up, hang on. Hang on. That's fucked up.
Hunt (OOC): That's not something you want to hear from the DM.
DM: That's fucked up!
Nathaniel (OOC): What did you do? What did you do?
DM: I don't know. Do I wanna use that though or do I wanna save?
Marigold (OOC): Do it!
DM: I think I'm gonna save that.
Marigold (OOC): Do it!
DM: No, I'm gonna save that.
Nathaniel (OOC): That's terrifying. That is legitimately terrifying.
DM: No that's good. We're good. Also it's not a bonus action, oh and it takes too long to do it.
Jeremiah (OOC): So you do have to save it.
DM: I do.
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soraavalon · 2 years
DM: I'm gonna say that Eudora, Tark, and Jeremiah are fine.
Marigold (OOC): Boo!
Jeremiah (OOC): Yay!
Marigold (OOC): Get Jeremiah anyway.
Tark (OOC): Eey-o
DM: And then Rymer, Hunt, Nathaniel... Oh Rymer takes damage too, I think?
Hunt (OOC): *squeaky* nooo
DM: Let me see what his Dex save is... *rolls* Sir!
Hunt (OOC): Goddamn!
DM: Boy! Why is he allowed outside? What the fuck dude? My mans.
Hunt (OOC): My boy!
Tark (OOC): Shouldn't be.
DM: I didn't even roll an initiative for you you idiot!
Hunt (OOC): I was wondering where Rymer was on the initiative.
DM: He's like, 'I don't wanna do this.'
Marigold (OOC): That's a mood.
Hunt (OOC): Yeah.
DM: Guess you're doing it dude.
Nathaniel (OOC): He doesn't want to participate in any of our group activities.
DM: He never will honestly.
Marigold (OOC): Aww.
Hunt (OOC): Yeah.
Marigold (OOC): Why does he not love us?
DM: He doesn't.
Nathaniel (OOC): That is not a why, Swan.
DM: No. He doesn't mind Marigold. He doesn't love the others.
Marigold (OOC): He's not getting a Christmas present ever again.
Eudora (OOC): Like, have you met us? I don't blame him.
Hunt (OOC): Yeah.
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soraavalon · 2 years
Jeremiah: I think at this point Jeremiah is gonna, "Well, I did promise to be your guide directly to where you need to go and it did occur to me after a delightful dream that Winter isn't necessarily the best route for some of us.
Rymer: I mean, we know Summer is... unhappy.
Jeremiah: Yes, but firstly I won't necessarily---
Tark (OOC): Where are we right now?
DM: You are in Summer. Fairly early, you hadn't walked too far out of Spring, but that's where you were heading.
-moment where Thaddius and Ethan kept talking at the same time and interrupting each other-
Tark (OOC): My follow-up question is, where are we trying to go?
DM: You're trying to get to Autumn.
Tark (OOC): Autumn, okay.
DM: So you can continue going through Summer which you are already in and get there quicker or you can turn back around, go through Spring and Winter to try and avoid the Summer Court. But it's gonna be a lot longer.
Jeremiah: So Jeremiah's gonna say, "Now I know we wanted to avoid the Summer Court, but personally I wouldn't do very well in Winter and you may not care about that, but Little Miss Asthmatic over there might also not do very well in Winter.
Hunt: *tired* "Huh? What?" And Hunt is just waking up, she's still very out of it. "What? What about me?" and Hunt's kind of slapping herself like 'come on, wake up'.
Jeremiah: You mentioned you have asthma? And we're going into the Winter Court apparently which A: would take a very long time and B: Not be great for you.
Tark (OOC): Do the fey have asthma? Would he...?
DM: I think asthma exists in the Feywild and other things I'm not saying in context.
Tark (OOC): Not a question I thought I'd be asking.
DM: Yeah, I'm sure most of them probably live in Autumn and Summer 'cause you know, Spring and Winter aren't really great for the allergies.
Nathaniel (OOC): I'm fascinated by the idea of Feywild denizens having allergies.
DM: Let's be honest, this is the Feywild. Most of the pollen is probably sex-pollen.
Hunt (OOC): *laughs*
DM: But there are regular pollinated plants.
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soraavalon · 2 years
Hunt (OOC): And here I was gonna ask whether or not the title 'Lord of the Hunt' had implied anything like responsibilities and whatnot. But considering that he's not really part of the courts yet all of them...
DM: Yeah, it was real weird.
Hunt (OOC): And they were trying to get rid of him, that throws that thing...
DM: There's a lot of backstory with the Lord of the Hunt and how he came about and everyone's like, 'Cool. Well...' and everyone tried to call dibs first.
Hunt (OOC): *laughs*
DM: Is what had happened and because the Hunger isn't, doesn't involve actual fey, but the Hunt does the Summer Court was like, 'We saw him first. He's ours.'
Hunt (OOC): Oh my god!
DM: 'He's technically our kid. He's ours.' and then was like, 'Oh. This is just...'
Jeremiah (OOC): 'We don't want him anymore.'
DM: 'He's bringing us the citizenry like cats bring birds to their owners. We should maybe not keep him around.'
Hunt (OOC): Okay, so that throws out my theory of that the Lord of the Hunt was maybe population control. Okay.
DM: Yeah, he dangerous and scary. 'Cause it's, again, the Wild Hunt and the Endless Hunger, so yeah it's... Clearly with Marigold, there is, he's not just a mindless beast, but he's pretty scary.
Hunt (OOC): Yeah, he's parental. He has a conscience.
DM: Yeah.
Jeremiah (OOC): What?
DM: It's just that, you know, morality is very different in the Feywild.
Hunt (OOC): Yeah.
DM: Even amongst the fey, he's very different.
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soraavalon · 2 years
Rymer: So we need to--
DM: By the time the story is finished and you guys let Jeremiah speak enough to get it out and let Rymer help him get it out, you have reached Springtide and have passed into a balmier.
Nathaniel: Is Mary coming with us?
Marigold: I wasn't moving, no.
DM: Oh right, yeah no okay nevermind. This all happened there.
Eudora: If Eudora sees that most of the group is starting to move, but then one of her friends is just standing there, she's just gonna stop, still holding onto Tark's hand and then reach out her other hand towards Mary.
Jeremiah (OOC): Oh.
Nathaniel: Mary, we don't want to leave you behind.
Tark (OOC): Aww.
Nathaniel: We came here for you, with you, whatever that entails.
Marigold: And you need to go, without me. You should go home.
Rymer: So should you.
Marigold: I have been trying, but it is not worth... It shouldn't be at your expense. Any of you, you all got people waiting.
Nathaniel: And we'll be waiting for you.
Marigold: We got most of the way here.
Nathaniel: If we go back to the Prime Material Plane, we can regroup and think of something else.
Marigold: But what if we forget?
Jeremiah: You do have that wand.
Tark: But the wand is Carmilla's and she's not--
Hunt: Give me time to write everything down and even if some of us forget, we can just read this over.
Rymer: We should at least get to Spring and then we can talk and figure out what's happening.
Marigold: Mary will get up. "I'm really sorry."
Rymer: It isn't your fault.
Tark: You know, I always knew if---
Hunt: You couldn't have known.
Jeremiah: It kind of was though.
Rymer: It wasn't.
Hunt: He couldn't have known this.
Tark: So what better way. Let's go.
Marigold: I'll take Eudora's hand.
Eudora: Eudora's gonna smile up at Mary.
Tark: Let's go. Oooh, maybe we can find your dad and then we could all hunt down the Summer Knight ourselves.
Hunt: *chuckles*
Nathaniel: That sounds like fun.
Tark: How fun would that be?
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soraavalon · 2 years
DM: Eudora, you are standing in the canyon (road) there are people coming around you, the frog in front of you just got pushed out of the way by a very tall elf that you recognize as a friend. It doesn't seem like you're in danger, except that everyone is fussing over the human nearby whose arm is turning bright orange and they're pouring water over it making this weird hissing sound.
Eudora: I think Eudora is going to look up at this tall very pretty elf and smile and then turn her attention to the activity around the human's arm and just kind of stare in fascination at whatever's happening here.
DM: Cool. Anything for you Nathaniel or are you just grinning and dealing with the pain?
Nathaniel: Yeah, he's on his knees trying not to touch the arm with his other hand and gritting his teeth.
DM: 'Kay. The Summer Knight is gonna cast Healing Word on the Squire, just barely popping him up and then you hear this quick argument as the Squire starts to get up. I don't know if any of you guys speak Sylvan or are close enough to hear it or paying enough attention, but the Squire is also going to follow the Knight and they are both going to go and we will drop out of combat. As they disappear into the trees, there's maybe a couple more seconds Nathaniel your arm begins to cool, but it doesn't deal anymore damage to you.
Jeremiah: Well, I think I fuckin' told you so, didn't I?
Tark: Tark is furious.
Jeremiah: Honestly---
Tark: No.
Jeremiah: Given---
Tark: No.
Jeremiah: Given everything that just occurred.
Tark: No. Not another fucking word. No. No. Shut up. You're gonna keep your mouth shut.
Jeremiah: You probably should surrender.
Tark: Shut. Up. Or I don't care what's going to happen to Marigold, I'm gonna *cuts out*
Jeremiah: Wow, don't care about what happens to your friend, you are such a bitch.
Tark: Yeah. I am.
Hunt: Reynolds, you really should stop while you're ahead. You really think that deal protects you? Piss us off further, you'll see what happens.
Eudora: Eudora kind of pulls back away from all of this arguing.
Jeremiah (OOC): 'Hmm, I don't like this yelling sound they're doing.'
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soraavalon · 2 years
DM: Marigold, are you doing anything else? Or are you letting this all go?
Marigold: I'm gonna let it go. My deer will make a last snap at, you know.
DM: Okay, go for it. See if you can end this at least on one of them.
Marigold: *rolls*
DM: And you can make your save again to see if you're still afraid. Okay, 23 will do it, yeah.
Marigold: Yay! One of them died.
DM: You guys just hear the, you've heard the tearing sounds and now you hear this crunch.
Hunt (OOC): Oh.
DM: And you can't quite see what the deer's doing, you just see its back, it's off in the underbrush.
Marigold: Yeah and I'm just going to lose concentration on it.
DM: 'kay, let it dissipate into motes like spores.
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soraavalon · 2 years
DM: Jeremiah.
Jeremiah: Jeremiah sees that everything is finally calming down.
DM: Yeah.
Jeremiah: And he is hesitantly looking to where the Lord of the Hunt (Summer Knight) is walking away.
Hunt (OOC): The Summer Knight.
DM: Summer Knight?
Jeremiah (OOC): Yeah, sorry.
DM: I was like, 'Oh damn, he here! You solved my Lord of the Hunt puzzle, the thing you just had to say was that he was here.'
Jeremiah: Where Summer Knight is walking away and look back at everyone and he's not gonna further the cause of violence or anything, but there's nothing he can really do to help the situation. So he's gonna slide down to the path all nice and cool to where these guys are and actually, you know what, he's gonna check on Eudora and just kind of wave a hand in front of her face.
DM: Who's kind of staring [something] at this point.
Jeremiah: You're lookin' a little... you good?
Eudora: I think Eudora looks at him and kind of tilts her head and you know that look on her face when she's thinking hard and the cogs are clearly turning? It's more like the cogs are trying to turn, but there's something making them stick. She just kind of reaches out one finger towards Jeremiah and boops his nose.
Jeremiah: Okay?
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soraavalon · 2 years
DM: Fucked up little guy.
Jeremiah (OOC): Just a little guy.
DM: He's just a little guy. He's not, he's very tall and very angry.
Marigold (OOC): Maybe he should sit down and chill.
DM: Yeah, maybe.
Hunt (OOC): Maybe he should have a Snickers.
DM: *laughs* He's not him when he's hungry.
Marigold (OOC): I'm imagining him sitting down and just all the grass underneath him burning.
DM: It probably is smoldering a little bit under his feet.
Marigold (OOC): The reason he's so angry is because he was really bad at hide and seek as a kid.
DM: You just follow his little feet.
Marigold (OOC): 'Oh I wonder where the Summer Knight's gone?'
DM: 'Hmm...'
Hunt (OOC): 'There he is!'
Marigold (OOC): 'Could he be behind the curtains that are smoldering? At the end of this trail of footprints? I wonder?'
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soraavalon · 2 years
DM: Let me do some measurements while Nathaniel is...
Marigold (OOC) & Hunt (OOC): Oh no.
DM: Okay, *does more measuring* that's also in that, but you know. If I had rolled a 3...
Marigold: I assume this is a fire wall.
DM: Yeah. I could've used a legendary resistance though. Yeah okay, yeah sometimes you just gotta do shit.
Hunt (OOC): Yeah
DM: Sometimes you just gotta do some shit, like Feeblemind a player.
-scattered laughs-
DM: Sometimes it's just like that, you know?
Eudora (OOC): Sounds like it is.
DM: Sometimes it really is just like that. Trying to think about what everyone has--- Oh, that'd be fucked up actually. *laughs* Huh.
Eudora (OOC): I love when you say things like that.
DM: Should I do the really fucked up thing.
Marigold (OOC): Yes!
DM: I mean, the second really fucked up thing?
Marigold (OOC): Yes.
DM: I'm actually going to do... That seems fair. He's gonna spend that to do that. I will wait for Crow to get back and do the fucked up thing.
Hunt (OOC): *pained* Oh boy.
-reading legendary actions-
DM: Oh at the end of another creature's turn. Oh, nevermind. It's only gonna do one of the fucked up things.
Jeremiah (OOC): We gotta wait on the other fucked up thing.
DM: Yeah, the other fucked up thing is coming later.
Margold (OOC): Oh yay.
DM: Actually, I could've done it at the end of last turn, but... I should've done it at the end of Tark's turn, so I will wait.
Hunt (OOC): Yeah, that's the thing about legendary actions.
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