#Relni Chapter 47
soraavalon · 10 months
Marigold: Did Vanessa catch what I was throwing? DM: Yeah. She's smart. Marigold: I am going to hold a hand out as if to lead her out of the carriage. DM: She takes a deep breath and puts her hand in yours. Marigold: I'm going to cast Polymorph on her. Tark (OOC): Fuck yes. DM: Oh right. Tark (OOC): Fuck yes! Marigold: And she's gonna be a puppy. Hunt (OOC): Oh! Moriarty (OOC): *laughs* DM: Okay. Hunt (OOC): Oh wow! DM: Okay. Marigold: She's gonna be a mastiff. Hunt (OOC): A mastiff puppy? Nathaniel (OOC): I bet she hates that. Tark (OOC): Yep. Hunt (OOC): Okay, 'cause an actual mastiff is huuge. Marigold (OOC): Yeah, a puppy. A hunting dog. Eudora (OOC): A puppy applies to dogs of all ages. Tark (OOC): That is fact. Moriarty (OOC): That is true, yes. DM: Okay, hang on. Okay. A mastiff puppy comes out of the carriage. Marigold (OOC): She currently has the intelligence of a puppy. DM: Yeah. Oh no, she's not happy. Marigold (OOC): 'Cause she doesn't know any better at the moment. Tark: Tark calls out to the other two to also come out. Hunt: I'm going out on Tark's side. Marigold: I'm going to give Vanessa a lot of [something] Eudora (OOC): Is anybody coming out on Eudora's side? Nathaniel: Yes. Tark (OOC): Nope, Eudora's by herself. Marigold (OOC): Eudora's got a screaming gun on her side. Nathaniel: Nah, Nathaniel's on her side. Tark: And then Tark is going to look at the, what was her name? Skelphinaga? DM & Nathaniel (OOC): Skelphinaga Tark: [in Draconic] Okay. Tark's going to look at her and say, "If you want to make sure everyone has left the carriage, you can. DM: The yellow one immediately leaps onto the top of the carriage. Edmund, again, is very much trying to like 'Oh god oh god oh god' calm the the horse. Tark (OOC): Be cool be cool Marigold: I'm going to try and calm Vanessa, bear with me. DM: And he's going to stick his neck in the carriage and start sniffing around. Tark (OOC): Like giant cat, I love him. I wanna bring him home. -various 'no's- Nathaniel (OOC): He wants to kill us. Hunt (OOC): Technically, they want to kill Vanessa. Moriarty (OOC): No, the orange one wants to kill us. Tark (OOC) Yeah. Marigold (OOC): I don't think the yellow one is going to object. DM: I don't think the yellow one is smart.  Tark (OOC): *laughs* Yeah, he's not. DM: There's not a lot going on in his head. Tark (OOC): Not alot. Clearly the sister is the smart one. Nathaniel (OOC): He's the orange cat of the group. -unanimous agreement-
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soraavalon · 10 months
Eudora: [in Draconic] Does your mother have a name I might recognize? FD: [in Draconic] She is a great queen. Our Mother. Marigold: [in Draconic] Well we don't have any snakes with us. Nathaniel (OOC): You know Draconic? Marigold (OOC): I looked through my character sheet and apparently I do. DM: Oh shit! Hunt (OOC): You do?! How?! DM: [something] Draconic I was like 'What the fuck?' Marigold (OOC): I know. For some reason I have Draconic and Sylvan. Sylvan makes sense. I think Draconic is a sphinx thing, so. DM: Hell yeah, why not. Love it. Moriarty (OOC): Everyone just snaps over to Marigold like 'What the fuck?!' Eudora (OOC): Does Marigold even realize that he's speaking--- Marigold (OOC): Nope. DM: No. Of course not. Marigold (OOC): Absolutely not. Tark: Tark does one very slow blink. Marigold (OOC): Like it's hard. (IC): [in Draconic] Well, we don't have any snakes with us, but maybe if we get everyone out of the carriage. Prove that and we can go on our way? FD: [in Draconic] Yes. Get everyone out of your box. Nathaniel (OOC): Shit. Hunt: I'm leaning out to Tark and Mary's side and like, "What is going on?" Tark: Tark glances over at Hunt, "They're looking for a snake." and I don't know, Tark is kind of looking at Mary like 'You gotta take the lead here.' like hoping he'll pop off with a Disguise Self type of disguise. Marigold (OOC): Yeah. Tark (OOC): 'Cause he's like 'God, please let you have a plan.' Hunt: Why do they think there's a snake in here? Tark: I don't know. Marigold: Their mom told them. Tark: And they said that they were following a scnent- a scent? But it's possible that the scent clung to the carriage when someone else used it? But we're gonna prove that we don't have a snake. Nathaniel: I'm gonna look at [someone] Hunt: Hunt is going to dig through her bag and pull out a lot of her medicinal herbs  that she has and a container that she opens that has an ointment and upon opening it it has a smell of  eucalyptus. "I am just..." Nathaniel: Oh, I see what you're doing. Hunt: Quick. If what they're saying is true that they can smell... We need to cover the scent. Marigold: Well, they've already said if the snake is not in the carriage, we can go ahead. Which if, you know, everyone in the carriage can sense and could trust I could help out with. YD: [in Draconic] They are scheming Skelphinaga (?) Let me have the box! Tark: [in Draconic] We're just telling people inside that Marigold: [in Draconic] That it's safe to come out. Tark: [in Draconic] That it's safe to come out. That's all. Hunt: I'm gonna leave that stuff in the carriage. DM: Make a deception check. Tark: Alright. Marigold (OOC): Which one? Tark: *rolls* Natural 20. For 22. Moriarty (OOC): *laughs* DM: Damn, alright. He (orange) is still growling, the one he referred to Skelphinaga kind of snaps her teeth at him. Skelphinaga: [in Draconic] They are small and foolish and need their time. Tark (OOC): Tark knows how to deal with siblings.
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soraavalon · 10 months
DM: Just gotta protect Vanessa and earn your paycheck. Marigold (OOC): Oh yeah, only that. DM: Oh yeah. Eudora (OOC): Protect Vanessa and Edmund and preferably the horses. DM: Yeah. Tark (OOC): Oh, we don't care about Vanessa. She has some--- DM: She's paying you. Marigold (OOC): She's a puppy. Hunt (OOC): She brought this on herself. She's spreading lies and filth. DM: She's animal sized. Tark (OOC): Yeah, yeah, she's spreading lies and filth. DM: Okay. Hunt (OOC): Then again, she was indoctrinated very young so... Tark (OOC): Yeah, it wasn't her fault. But I really wanna know why they're mom is so pissed off about this one particular person. Nathaniel (OOC): Because their mom is the Mother of Dragons. Hunt (OOC): Yep. Tark (OOC): No, I know. But out of all of the people in this religion, why Vanessa? Hunt (OOC): She's probably doing some shit. I don't know what... Eudora (OOC): I mean, she blessed a tray full of offerings. Hunt (OOC): Oh yeah. Eudora (OOC): To said mother. Tark (OOC): Oh, I forgot about that. Hunt (OOC): Yeah, she did. DM: Mm-hmm. Tark (OOC): So she's a... Oh son of a bitch. Can we feed the dog to the dragons? -laughter- DM: If you don't want to get paid and you want to start some holy war, sure. I don't see why not. Moriarty (OOC): What's a little holy war in a campaign. DM: Right? What's pissing off--- Tark (OOC): We're already heading in that direction anyway like, what's popping off a little early. DM: You certainly could and be like, 'Yeah so, don't go to Rosegulch.' Tark (OOC): "So three dragons pulled up and ate her, so..." DM: "We tried."
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soraavalon · 10 months
Marigold (OOC): Horses are wily. DM: Then shit popped off. Moriarty (OOC): I cannot wait for the horses to just bolt and leave you guys behind and I'm still on the front seat of the carriage like, "Oh shit!" Tark (OOC): Jump off. DM: "Oh god oh god oh god!" Edmund's still on the carriage too so he could probably--- Tark (OOC): Let Edmund [something] Marigold (OOC): Oh my god, Edmund's a dead man. DM: Yeah. He's just, he is just some guy. Tark (OOC): He is literally just a guy. DM: Literally just some guy. He is Ezra's younger brother and all you guys' driver. Marigold (OOC): We can't let him die. Tark (OOC): We let him die, that's not gonna.. DM: Ohh, that's not going to go over well on your quarterly review. Tark (OOC): No. We're not going to have a quarterly review. DM: No. Tark (OOC): 'cause he's going to kill us. Marigold (OOC): That's the spirit. DM: Yeah.
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soraavalon · 10 months
Marigold (OOC): Vanessa is a mastiff. DM: A puppy. Marigold (OOC): Yes, but with the stat block of a mastiff. DM: Puppy. Marigold (OOC): Puppy. Eudora: Hey, when she runs out of hit points she's just going to change back, right? Marigold (OOC), Tark (OOC) & DM: Yeah. Marigold (OOC): No, I get that, it's just I wanted to give her a little bit more protection. DM: She essentially has temporary hit points. Marigold (OOC): Yeah, exactly. I could've given her something bigger, but I thought this was the most reasonable thing that we could have in the carriage.
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soraavalon · 10 months
DM: She's gonna, much lighter, hop up on top and just... Tark (OOC): Oh god, there's two of them. Hunt (OOC): Gah! Tark (OOC): How well is this carriage holding up? Hunt (OOC): Oh yeah, yeah. DM: It was pitching very hard to the one side, now it's sort of evened out. Tark (OOC): Oh. Marigold (OOC): I'm going to be very distressed if we have to walk. Hunt (OOC): Oh yeah. DM: Skelfinaga is now sniffing, that was not a bad roll. Tark (OOC): Hmm? DM: She's going to look at the dog. Skelfinaga: [in Draconic] How long have you had that? Tark (OOC): When did we leave, this is a question for either. DM: Three days ago. Tark (OOC): No Amberhelm. DM: Oh, a while ago, like two weeks. Tark: [in Draconic] About two weeks. Skelfinaga: [in Draconic] And yet your carriage does not smell like dog. Tark: [in Draconic] Well we have to give it baths. It's a puppy. Marigold: [in Draconic] I have Prestidigitation. Tark: [in Draconic] And because it's a puppy it makes everything smell so we've been trying to keep everything clean as well as we can and it's been up front most of the time. DM: When you say that she crosses to the front where Moriarty and Edmund are and starts sniffing around them and the seat between them. Edmund is just like 'I'm gonna get eaten by a dragon'  DM: Marigold? Marigold: Could I use Prestidigitation actually 'cause you can use it to make an odor. DM: Make a sleight of hand check. Moriarty: Can Moriarty distract the dragon by being a little bit panicked? Marigold (OOC): Oh I'm proficient in Sleight of Hand. Hunt (OOC): Yay! Tark (OOC): Oh yes. Marigold: *rolls* 15? DM: What is her passive perception, well it would be active since she's... 15? Marigold: 15 yeah. DM: Moriarty, what did you want to do? Moriarty: I was hoping to help Marigold by potentially distracting the dragon with how unsettled I am by the fact that there's a dragon sniffing me. DM: Alright, I'll let Mary roll one more time, so you have advantage. Marigold: *rolls* 17. DM: Okay. She pulls away and looks at the brother that has been clearly itching to just tear something apart. Tark (OOC): Oh god. Hunt (OOC): Oh no. DM: And she kind of like, she makes this move where she rolls her head and shoulders a little bit. And where is he and he is going to lunge for the horse and I need everyone to make an initiative roll. -various 'No!'s- DM: 'Cause it was a really great idea, the carriage does not smell like dog. Hunt (OOC): Nooo. DM: And her passive perception is an 18. Marigold (OOC): Oh, she just caught me. DM: Just caught it out of the corner of her eye.
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soraavalon · 10 months
Nathaniel: I'm going to do something a little bit risky. DM: Mm-hmm. Nathaniel: Since Eudora's translating, I'm going to try to get back into, if he'll let me, get back to the carriage. DM: Okay. Nathaniel: I'm going to look for the scarf that Vanessa gave to Marigold to embroider. -various 'Ohh's- Tark (OOC): Yes! Hunt (OOC): Yes! DM: Yeah. Nathaniel: And if that's there I'm going to offer it and look at Eudora and say, "Maybe she left this to trick you? Is this what you're smelling?" Eudora: I don't think that scarf belongs to any of our group. Marigold (OOC): It does have snakes and dragons on it. Nathaniel (OOC): It does have snakes and dragons embroidered on it. DM: Do you offer it to the dragons to smell? Nathaniel: Yep. DM: The yellow dotted one sticks his nose in your hand and smells. Tark (OOC): That's so cute, my god. Marigold (OOC): I feel like Nathaniel's going to have a panic attack after this. Tark (OOC): I know. Nathaniel (OOC): It's okay. DM: It's just like a big horse nuzzle, but scaley and sharp. Nathaniel (OOC): It's fine. It's my metal arm, I could probably fix it. Marigold (OOC): Yeah, your organic metal arm. DM: Yeah. Eudora (OOC): It grows back, I'm sure. Nathaniel (OOC): It's more metal than organic at this point. Tark (OOC) & DM: Yeah. DM: Though it has nerve endings. Nathaniel (OOC): I'm not saying it won't hurt, I'm saying I might be able to repair it. DM: Gotta make one more check for this. Nathaniel (OOC): Oh no. DM: I don't think he's proficient though. Tark (OOC): Oh thank god. DM: What the fuck do you add to this? Tark (OOC): Nothing. DM: 2. It's a 13 total. Well, you're not.. Hmm. Hunt (OOC): It's not his turn with the brain cell. Tark (OOC): I am sweating, ya'll. Eudora (OOC): I don't like how close this one is. YD: [in Draconic] The scarf smells like the snake. Nathaniel: Okay.... (OOC): Wait, I can't understand. Tark: [in Draconic] So she did try to trick you. That's horrible!
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soraavalon · 10 months
Marigold: [in Draconic] Can I get a point of clarification? When you say 'snake' do you mean snake? Tark: [in Draconic] Like an animal? A person? Moriarty: Why is there a dragon closer now? What's happening? Tark: It's fine. Don't worry, we're just having a conversation. Marigold: [in Draconic] 'Cause I would like to know if there's been a snake in our carriage. I don't like snakes. OD: [in Draconic] Bipedal. One of you. Marigold: [in Draconic] Oh. OD: [in Draconic] Soft and scaled and wrong about everything. Tark: [in Draconic] Oh! A Yuan-Ti. OD: [in Draconic] Yes. Tark: [in Draconic] There's a lot of those. OD: [in Draconic] But you had one? Tark: [in Draconic] We've had lots of Yuan-Ti's in the carriage. We... a lot of people use this carriage. Marigold: [in Draconic] Lot of them find Nathaniel attractive. Nathaniel (OOC): *catching what bivaxual said and laughs* Eudora: Eudora's gonna, noting that Moriarty is getting more stressed out here is gonna say, "Moriarty, darlin' they're tryin' to figure out how a snake scent got into our carriage." Moriarty: Snake scent? Tark: We're thinking someone had been in the carriage maybe the last time we had stopped or maybe someone not of our party. From what it sounds like--- Moriarty: Moriarty's going to look over at Nathaniel, "Have you had Rosaline in there?" Tark (OOC): Don't throw out names. Hunt (OOC): *whispering* Why did you do that?! Nathaniel (OOC): Rosaline's hopefully going to smell different from Vanessa. It's not a bad idea. DM: Okay, come on baby boy *rolls* Nope. Eudora: Eudora's just gonna raise an eyebrow at Nathaniel hearing that question. Tark (OOC): Yeah Nathaniel! No. (IC): Tark is going to look at... oh she (Skelfinaga) already went to the other side. Nathaniel (OOC): She's also [something] Tark: Tark's gonna kind of keep an eye on the orange one that's right up in his face and say, [in Draconic] "If what it sounds like this person is actively hiding from you. It wouldn't be too far out of reach to think that she has purposefully laid her scent in multiple moving vehicles to confuse you." Marigold: [in Draconic] Just drop off at a place. DM: Make a persuasion check I'll say. Tark: Oh god. Marigold: Is that with advantage because I helped? DM: Sure. Tark: Oh thank god. Nathaniel: I'm going to look to Eudora for a translation. Eudora: Eudora's just gonna be translating everything. Tark: 22. DM: Okay. Tark (OOC): Thank god you gave me advantage 'cause that first one was a 3. Thank god. It's a 22. DM: He sort of snorts and smoke and ash and embers kind of come out of his nostrils. OD: [in Draconic] If she lies about the mother, she could lie about other things too.
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soraavalon · 10 months
DM: He's now, as much of him will fit through the door, is in the carriage and sniffing the seat where Vanessa was intently. Tark (OOC): So cute. DM: Glad you think so. Nathaniel (OOC): It's so cute how much she wants to kill us. Tark (OOC): It's just her technically. Nathaniel (OOC): Unfortunately, we are contracted. Hunt (OOC): Yeah. Tark (OOC): Well... Moriarty: Is everything fine? Tark: Yep, everything's great. DM: Dragon's behind you. Marigold (OOC): Yeah, is everything okay? Tark: Yeah, everything is great. Eudora: Eudora is gonna give her best attempt at a dragon-like smile. DM: Mm-hmm. He pops his head back out, almost hits you Eudora. Eudora: Only doesn't because Eudora's so short. YD: [in Draconic] I don't understand, it smells like snake. It's fresh, she's not here. DM: God damn, I want to make this one make an intelligence check, it's so stupid. Moriarty (OOC): If it rolls a Natural 20, I'm gonna be--- Tark (OOC): I'm gonna cry. DM: No no he did not. It's a Natural 1. Tark (OOC): I love him! DM: Of fucking course. Yeah. Moriarty (OOC): It was a natural something. DM: It sure was natural. As it was meant to be, as it always will be. Tark (OOC): Mm-hmm. YD: [in Draconic] Were we wrong? Was she left somewhere? DM: He looks at Eudora, sort of rocking the carriage as he's pacing in a circle atop it. Tark (OOC): He's so dumb. Nathaniel (OOC): I was going to try to answer and then I realized I don't speak Draconic. Hunt (OOC): Yeah. (IC): Hunt's been looking to Tark and Mary hoping for some translation. Tark: Is the cart--- Marigold: Mary doesn't realize that you guys need translation. DM: Yeah. Tark: Does the cart have the emblem of the guild on it or is it just a blank empty... DM: It would have the Thefaren signet on the doors. Tark (OOC): Shit. Can't really say that we borrowed it. Nathaniel (OOC): That's assuming the dragons can read. Can the dragons read? DM: That's a great question Tark (OOC): It's a symbol. I think they would be able to  DM: It a deer with a laurel Marigold (OOC): This orange cat. DM: This one cannot. Tark: [in Draconic] As you can tell, we don't have a snake. Is there anything else we can help you with? FD: [in Draconic] Hmm... But you did have her. Tark: [in Draconic] I mean, we've had a lot of people in our carriage before. Do you know this person's name? A description? Maybe we could point you in the right direction. OD: [in Draconic] A priestess! DM: As this one (orange dragon) bounds forwards and flies and lands right in front of you.
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soraavalon · 10 months
DM: So the female dragon in the middle looks at you, Eudora, a little surprised that you are speaking in her tongue. Female dragon: [in Draconic] We are looking for the forked-tongue. Something small and scaled. Tark: "A snake?" Tark asks in Draconic. DM: Her eyes kind of cut to you and she bares her teeth in what you seen Kaltauga do as a smile but it's still unsettling. Tark (OOC): Yeah. FD: [in Dracoinc] A snake, yes. A lying little snake. DM: Inside the carriage, for those who are still inside, you do see that Vanessa is listening to what's going on outside and you see her start to sink down a little bit into the seat. Tark (OOC): Oh ya'll better hide her. Oh, they could probably smell her though. Oh. Okay. Eudora: Hmm. Marigold (OOC): Are they talking in Draconic? Hunt (OOC): Yeah. Marigold (OOC): Or are they talking in something else? DM: Yes. Marigold (OOC): Okay. Tark: [in Draconic] What snake are you looking for? DM: The yellow one chimes in; YD: [in Draconic] The forked tongue the Mother's Chosen called her. We must find her and put her down. Tark: Hmm. Nathaniel: I'm going to look at Vanessa since I'm still inside the carriage.  Hunt: Same. Nathaniel: And I'm gonna ask, "What's going on?" Vanessa: It sounds as though whatever's out there is looking for me. Seeking a snake they claim to be a liar. Tark (OOC): Oh she can speak Draconic? DM: Oh yeah. Eudora: [in Draconic] Oh, I'm afraid that's a vague description. Tark: [in Draconic] Unfortunately there are a lot of snakes. Eudora: [in Draconic] And I assume most of them would have forked tongues. DM: The orange one starts to growl and the one in the lead doesn't look to him. FD: [in Draconic] There is a snake going about and causing problems. We followed her trail and scent here. Eudora: [in Draconic] What kind of problems might I ask? DM: She opens her mouth and the *pings orange dragon* this one is like; OD: [in Draconic] Sister we are wasting time. We know she is in the box, open it and take her. FD: [in Draconic] Patience brother, she'll come out if she knows what's good for her and for those around. Moriarty: Moriarty is going to lean over to Eudora, "How is this conversation going?" Tark: Fantastic. Marigold: Mary shakes his head. Tark: [in Draconic] If you don't mind me asking, what has she been lying about? FD: [in Draconic] About our mother, you could call her. Nathaniel (OOC): Uh-oh. Moriarty (OOC): See Moriarty would relate to this if he understood. DM: Yeah.
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soraavalon · 10 months
DM: Three dragons have just landed in front of the carriage which has been pulled to a hard stop. Edmund is trying very hard to keep the horses from bolting. Eudora: Eudora is going to motion for everybody to sort of be chill. "I think I'm just gonna pop out for a second and gauge the temperature of the water, if you will." Tark: Yeah, right behind you. Eudora: She's gonna slowly open the carriage door. DM: Mm-hmm. Eudora: And leave it out open. (?) Tark: As non-threatening as possible. Very... Eudora: What time of day is it? DM: It's morning. Probably like 11. Eudora: So, in Draconic she's just gonna say, "Good mornin', is there some way we might assist ya'll today?" Probably not with the 'ya'll'. Tark: Yeah. DM: Sure. Moriarty (OOC): Does Draconic have that kind of contraction? DM: Probably not. Tark (OOC): Definitely does. (IC): And Tark is gonna, you know, be vigilant about where the dragons are looking and is gonna try and look and talk to the one that Eudora is not making eye contact with. DM: There are two that she's not talking to directly. Eudora: I'm probably aiming my attention towards the one in the middle. DM: Yeah. This one has sat like perfectly sat poised in the middle of the road and folded her tail over her claws. Tark (OOC): Aww. DM: The one to the left is sort of not quite doing a play bow like a dog does but is sort of like is moving back and forth trying to gauge everybody that they can see and is looking at every bit of movement. Tark: Alright, Tark is gonna keep an eye on the yellow dot. DM: Okay. And then the other one is sort of, you can see his, Eudora more 'cause you on that side, his nails digging into the ground and ropes of drool kind of running down from his bare tooth. Hunt (OOC): He hungy. Tark (OOC): Oh god, it's the  DM: He's also leaning towards the center dragon. Tark (OOC): Are these the--- Moriarty (OOC): Are these the fucking hyenas? Hunt (OOC): *laughing* Tark (OOC): It is, I was just about to say that! DM: Oh no! Oh no! Fuck, I made a mistake. Hang on. Tark (OOC): Hang on. DM: Recalibrating. -laughter- Tark (OOC): Retcon retcon.
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soraavalon · 10 months
Hunt (OOC): How big are these dragons? Tark (OOC): They're the size of horses. DM: They're a little larger than the horses. Hunt (OOC): Large, okay little larger. DM: You have two draft horses, they're pulling a carriage so. Marigold (OOC): These are not wyrmlings. DM: No. Tark (OOC): They're babies. Hunt (OOC): They're young dragons. Tark (OOC): Babies. Marigold (OOC): These are teenagers. Hunt (OOC): Oh no. Tark (OOC): babies. DM: The worst. Moriarty (OOC): I'm not sure. Tark (OOC): What's worse than a rapist? A child. No. DM: No. Marigold (OOC): Yeah, you're gonna try to make a business deal with them and they're gonna be like, 'I'm not talking to you. You're not my mom.' Tark (OOC): Where is your mom? Moriarty (OOC): 'whatever' DM: Wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy. Tark (OOC): *laughs* 'Wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy.
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soraavalon · 10 months
Tark (OOC): We're bringing home some babies. DM: Oh god. Tark (OOC): Oh my god, could you imagine that  Marigold (OOC): No. Tark (OOC): Sending back to Carver, "Hey!" Hunt (OOC): Carver would kill us. DM: Yeah. "I'm actually gonna say no on that." Tark (OOC): "Too late. They're already on their way." DM: "No, I don't. No no. We're not doing that. We're not doing that." Tark (OOC): "Already on their way." Hunt (OOC): Rhistel would kill us. DM: Rhistel would murder you. They would be so mad. Tark (OOC): But what about three dragons protecting them? DM: That actually... No, that kinda sick actually. Tark (OOC): See? DM: That is kind of a status symbol. 'Don't speak to me or my daughter or my son or my son ever again.' Hunt (OOC): Rhistel becomes Khaleesi. DM: Yeah. Yeah, that exactly. Tark (OOC): Tark message them and is like, "Hey, so I'm not talking to Carver because he'd get mad." DM: He's gonna say no. Tark (OOC): "But---" DM: 'So I'm going over his head.' Tark (OOC): 'Yeah, but what about three baby dragons?' DM: 'I'm listening.' Nathaniel (OOC): 'I'm listening only because I want to know where this is going.' DM: Pretty much. Tark (OOC): We ran into three baby dragons. They are all by themselves. They need someplace to stay. Marigold (OOC): [something] no. Tark (OOC): They are all by themselves and need a place to stay and you know we said 'maybe if you protect this building, buildings; your manor and the guild hall, then we could work something out. Three baby dragons. DM: 'Mm' Moriarty (OOC): I'm saying it would be difficult to train one baby dragon. Tark (OOC): You don't have to train them. You know how intelligent they are? Hunt (OOC): Very intelligent. Tark (OOC): You don't need need to train them. You just have to negotiate. Moriarty (OOC): Yeah, they're intelligent enough to know the difference between right and wrong just like my cat does. Tark (OOC): Yeah. Moriarty (OOC): The same way she jumps up--- Tark (OOC): Except your cat can't talk in two different languages. Hunt (OOC): Yeah. Marigold (OOC): So this would be enslaving dragons. Tark (OOC): No no, we're adopting. We're making a business deal with some baby dragons. DM: We're employing dragons. Tark (OOC): We're employing dragons. Moriarty (OOC): Child labor. Tark (OOC): Tark's already doing that. DM: Oh my god.
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soraavalon · 10 months
Marigold (OOC): I don't think they're babies. Tark (OOC): They're babies. Comparatively to the two dragons we've seen, they're kitten sized. They're like babies. Marigold (OOC): You cannot compare things to the dragons we dealt with before. Hunt (OOC): I mean, the two dragons we faced before were adult dragons. Tark (OOC): Yeah, so these are babies. Hunt (OOC): They are--- Tark (OOC): Baby. Hunt (OOC): They are either wyrmlings DM: *back from break* Hey. Hunt (OOC): Or young. It's either of those two. Tark (OOC): Babies. Hunt (OOC): But Ethan made a good point, their parent might be near by. We don't know the parental instincts of a dragon. We don't know if they stick around their young or once they're young or big enough they wander off. Tark (OOC): Oh my god! Next book, okay hang on. Hang on, hold on, hold please. Marigold (OOC): Well I'm biased because I want to try out some new spells. Moriarty (OOC): I want a hamburger. Marigold (OOC): Well we can't always get what we want. We're probably gonna be adopting three dragons Tark (OOC): No, okay, but imagine how secure the guild would be if we had three dragons. Moriarty (OOC): Yeah, who's gonna train these dragons? Hunt (OOC): Also how are we going to feed them? Like do we just let them go off into the Amberwood and just wreck ecosystem? DM: It's like having an outdoor cat. Tark (OOC): You, no you buy them... Marigold (OOC): We could make them a dragon patio. Hunt (OOC): oh my god Tark (OOC): Yes! DM: We're adopting these dragons? Tark (OOC): Yes. DM: I take it? Tark (OOC): Babies. Moriarty (OOC): No, we're not. Marigold (OOC): I don't want to because I want to do a fight. Tark (OOC): No. Babies. Marigold (OOC): But that's just out of character personal preference. Tark (OOC): Babies. Moriarty (OOC): I'm against both of those, I think we should just scare them off. Tark (OOC): No, they're babies. Marigold (OOC): Okay, go ahead, you're very scary. Tark (OOC): *laughs* Yeah, yeah, Moriarty shoo them off like they're bears. You gotta lay--- DM: No, you gotta pull up your jacket and pretend to look bigger than you are. -laughter- DM: And if that doesn't work, play dead. Tark (OOC): Brown bear, black bear. You gotta figure out which one it is. Moriarty (OOC): I have Enlarge Reduce prepared!
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soraavalon · 10 months
-returning from break- Hunt (OOC): Three red dragons. Tark (OOC): They're just babies. Hunt (OOC): They're either wyrmlings or young Tark (OOC): [something] babies. They're just babies. Tark's gonna take them home. Hunt (OOC): NO! Tark (OOC): Def gonna bring them home. Moriarty (OOC): No. Hunt (OOC): We cannot take dragons home. Tark (OOC): We're gonna bring 'em home. Hunt (OOC): No! Tark (OOC): They're just little babies. Hunt (OOC): We can't take them home! Moriarty (OOC): They're too big. Tark (OOC): Little babies. Moriarty (OOC): I guarantee you their parents are around and watching. Tark (OOC): Little babies. No, babies. Hunt (OOC): Oh god. Tark (OOC): ~Tark's babies now.~ Hunt (OOC): ~No they're not.~ Tark (OOC): Tark's babies now. Moriarty (OOC) & Hunt (OOC): No. Tark (OOC): If not friend why ~friend-shaped.~ Marigold (OOC): It's a trick. Tark (OOC): We've had one good dragon and one bad dragon encounter, so obviously three of them, at least two of them are good. Hunt (OOC): Oh my god. Tark (OOC): That's how [something] work. Marigold (OOC): 'kay Tark (OOC): They're babies, they're coming home with us.
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soraavalon · 10 months
Hunt: Whatever window Tark's not looking out of, Hunt's looking out the other one.  DM: Okay, so go ahead and both of you make perception checks. Tark: Tark rolled a 21. DM: Fuck. Hunt? Hunt: *rolls* 18+6 DM: Jesus. Hunt: I think that's 24? Nathaniel (OOC): I think at this point why even have Hunt roll? Tark (OOC): Yeah. 13+8 DM: Yeah, so Tark as you're peering out, you do see a shadow over the hillside of something moving overhead kind of like a large bird passing overhead? Tark: Hmm. Marigold (OOC): Can only be a good thing. DM: And Hunt, with a fucking insane ass perception; Hunt (OOC): hehehe DM: As you are tracking what you think is the same shadow going over behind the carriage. You're the one who starts hearing a tapping sound and looks over and sees Eudora's gun start to rattle. Hunt: oh dear Tark (OOC): Fucking dragons Hunt (OOC): Oh no. Nathaniel (OOC): Shit Moriarty (OOC): Oh. Tark (OOC): Shit. Marigold (OOC): It came out of the embroidery. Tark: Tark immediately says... Can Tark also see the gun once it's moving? DM: If Hunt points it out, but at the particular second no. Hunt: "Eudora." And Hunt looks at her holster, at Eudora's holster where the gun is. DM: Starting to bounce against the seat. Eudora: Eudora looks down just says , "ah shit." DM: The carriage lurches to a stop, Moriarty as you turn back and you just hear Edmund go, "Oh fuck!". Marigold (OOC): Things you do not want to hear. Tark (OOC): Nope. DM: I'm just gonna move ya'll to the map as you hear this thump. Hunt (OOC): We got dragons! Marigold (OOC): Are they nice? DM: Landing at the roadside, not the largest dragon you ever seen. Tark (OOC): Babies. Hunt (OOC): Why are there multiple? DM: But you do see three large, they're about a little larger than the horses pulling the carriage. Tark (OOC): So they are babies. DM: These three red dragons landing one to other side of the road and a third right in the center as the carriage pulls to a halt. Now we're going to take a break! Tark (OOC): Hate you.
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