#Reminding how much I love miya/reki/langa ship
fiction-vixen · 8 months
AHHHH NOT ME FREAKING OUT SEEING THAT YOU FOLLOWED ME AFTER REPLYING TO MY COMMENT AND JUST AHHHHHH YOU'RE SO SWEET AND YOU'RE SUCH AN AMAZING WRITER AND I'M JUST !!!!!!!!!!?????? *totally not having a complete freak out like this just made my whole WEEK and I'm trying and failing to be normal about it* 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 ( @bluejay-in-write )
Omg!! I am just glad I was able to return the favour!! I truly meant what I said in my response ! Your comment really really made my week and my writer's heart happy!!! SO I had to hunt down the person responsible!! Seriously, thank you for being such a gem!! I am so so honoured that you enjoyed by writing!!! And can't wait to hopefully share more words soon!!! <3
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cosmic-waves7 · 3 years
What I send before, Cherry blossom from Sk8 Infinity meets and fall in love with a mysterious male skater who is incredibly buff and is build like a tank and skates shirtless but has an extremely beautiful feminine face with silky long hair and beautiful eyelashes; has to wears a mask in order to hide it similar to Inosuke from Demon Slayer. And his personality would be extremely loud, has a very violent temper, has a bad attitude and cusses a lot, but secretly likes flowers, cats, and pups 🐶
Note: I'm so sorry for being late, also this kind of reminds me of shadow lol, anyway enjoy bub.
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Well you're quite the package deal, aren't you?
A little bit of everything.
With your loud aggressive but loving nature always nagging at Langa, Reki and Miya when it came to skating and other little things they came to you for advice on.
"I don't get this move."
You're kind of a lightly violent but encouraging parent.
Tough love really.
Okay so maybe the cussing and temper took a while to get used to since cherry is quite put together and a bit formal with his talk.
But he still loves you anyway.
It just took a while to get accustomed to your ''No-funny-business-or- I'll-fuck-you-over" attitude.
You bring out a bit of flare from him at times.
He's a bit more lively when you're around.
And races between you are always intense, you're both keeping count of how many times you've one upped the other.
He always gets a thoroughly enjoyed thrill when skating with you, it's almost addicting.
Everyone at S either ships you together or kind of just assumed you're togther.
Everyone's surprised about how you rub off a little on Karou in his daily attitude, it's subtle but it's there.
Oh you Kojiro and Shadow get along swimmingly.
You and Joe always compare muscles and butt-heads together jokingly.
At first you would both annoy each other by calling the other a copy cat.
"You're fucking copying my outfit, asshole."
"As if, I've been skating longer than you and I've always dressed like this."
It's all fun and games though and you race with him plenty, the crowd always goes wild for the both of you tank like men.
sometimes you even gang up to tease Cherry.
Joe is always the one who ends up scolded not you for some odd reason. 🤔
Kojiro's definitely gonna pick on Karou for this one, he's not letting him live his crush down.
Shadow's kind of taken you under his wing, you're both very much alike when it's skating time and he thinks you're mask looks sick.
Has even offered to to share drinks, which is obviously his way of abseloute life long friendship.
Don't worry you both go out to a pub eventually.
None of them ask about who you are even when in S, they found each other out of S by chance, personal knowing and the very weak disguises they have for skating.
Maybe the younger ones have pestered you about it a couple times but they know when to draw a line.
When they're off from skating no one can find you.
Only thing they can remember is your hair that would spill out of buns you'd put it in during races, other than that your face was fully concealed.
Cherry was completely enamoured and very curious on who you were.
He even tried asking Carla for more intel on you but came up with abseloutly nothing, you cover your tracks well.
So imagine his surprise when bumping into you for a random trip at an animal shelter. 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
The rest of the group, even you have been nagging him to get a pet since all who he speaks to at home is his AI.
You even told him you'd hook him up to a shelter you know.
Little did he know, you owned that very same shelter as well.
He caught onto who you were right off the bat, mask or not you aren't a person people can miss with your boisterously energetic confident nature.
The moment he walked in, Once glance at your face and he went stock still.
That couldn't be you.
He'd always thought that somone like you would have a slightly more firm face, maybe structured a bit sharper.
He can't say that the soft femininity didn't add a little charm to you. He honeslty thought your were still very much handsome, stunning to look at.
This man is whipped I tell you.
The moment you lock eyes he thought he'd see some form of surprise or fury but all he saw was recognition.
You knew he would be there.
You wanted him to see you.
Karou had never felt more honoured in his life, no calligraphy exhibition or skating race could compare to this feeling.
"Well, you're really late. Come on, I have a feeling you'll like kittens."
Well, this has taken quite the turn of events.
He definitely didn't expect to find himself sitting on articifial grass in the middle of one of the rooms where precious kittnens played and scratched at toys, with you across from him.
You had settled three sleepy kittens onto his lap that dozed off with their pink mouths opened adorably and their soft paws in the air.
It's like your personality completely switched, you were much more soft spoken with the little creatures, gentle and patient even if they scratched you, your usual demnour melted away to somone more soothing and maybe slightly silly.
There you were, cross legged infront of him and showing him how to bottle feed the furry little animal.
"Have you listened to anything I said."
No. No he hasn't.
He's to busy torn between swooning over you and being completely flabbergasted.
By the end of the little session you both had, he'd settled for the cute little runt of the litter which you we're very much proud of the choice.
"Everyone needs a bit of love, their strength shouldn't decide how much love they should be given."
And as you shooed off the receptionist off to a break to do the adoption paper work yourself, Cherry finally picked up the confidence for something he waited a long time to do.
"Want to go for coffee after this?"
This was worded much better in his head, he swears.
As he's thinking about all the ways you're gonna cuss him out and get him to leave the shelter, maybe even smack him, his jaw drops at your answer.
"About damn time Cherry." You hissed at him "You are so clueless. Forget coffee, pick me up at 7 pm tomorrow from here idiot."
What? (@_@)
"Also I prefer Carnations for flowers so get those."
You're just full of surprises.
Guess he's got a date tomorrow, and he can't wait.
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zukkaoru · 2 years
how about either 24 or 39 for the song fic prompt thing!!!!! whichever strikes your fancy
reki + jealousy, jealousy by olivia rodrigo (39) okay i went for just character-centric instead of ship-centric for this one bc this song is literally on my reki playlist and the other song option was good 4 u which would have just been. angst. i mean this is just angst too, but it's not ship angst, so it's different.
(takes place sometime between episode 7 & episode 9)
i'm so sick of myself i'd rather be, rather be anyone, anyone else but jealousy, jealousy started followin' me
Reki has always known he’s never been on the same level as the best skaters at S. He knows his skating can’t hold a candle or Cherry’s or Joe’s. But they’ve been skating a lot longer than Reki has, so he’s never let that get him down. Even losing to Shadow didn’t get Reki too down, because Shadow’s also been skating quite a bit longer than Reki. Getting better takes time, and as adults, Cherry, Joe, and Shadow have had more of that than Reki has.
There’s a different sort of sting seeing kids his age or younger skate so much better than him, though. There’s a sting that strikes straight through his chest, makes him wonder if he’s doing something wrong or if he simply isn’t good enough to be skating at a place like S.
Kids like Miya, who are prodigies by thirteen, who have everything Reki wants but doesn’t have. Kids with cameras on their faces and their boards, kids whose names are recognizable, kids who have the innate talent for skating that Reki just doesn’t.
Kids like Langa, who are impossibly fast learners, who speed past Reki after having been skating for mere months. Kids like Langa who pick up new tricks on their first try, who Reki could never hope to catch back up to because that just isn’t him.
Reki can never be like them. And maybe Reki can never be like Joe, Cherry, and Shadow either. Maybe they’ve all got that natural talent that Reki was born without. He thought that a love for the sport was all he needed, and he has that.
(He had that?)
He loves (loved?) skating more than anything else in the world. It was his escape from everything else - the one place where all that mattered was himself and the board beneath his feet. The place where mocking voices couldn’t reach him, where loneliness didn’t matter, where the entire world beyond the path his board was headed down faded away, where the only thoughts he had were along the lines of This is so much fun!!
But… maybe he was never really all that good.
His tics would knock him off balance, sending his board flying out from under his feet. He’d get distracted and crash into walls or bushes. He could talk about how certain tricks work for hours on end, explaining the physics of them, but he could never actually master them himself despite being able to verbally break them down second-by-second for anyone who would listen.
He thought maybe he was just average compared to the gods of S who have been skating for longer than Reki’s been alive, but…
Maybe he’s just average, full stop.
And it’s not fair.
It’s not fair because Reki loves skating and he loves S and he loves Miya and Langa and Shadow and spending time with them. He loves that he had friends who shared his love of skating, he loves that Langa would listen to him talk about boards and tricks, loves that Miya would share tips for mastering tricks that can’t be pulled out from analyzing YouTube videos, loves that Shadow would remind them all to be careful despite claiming he didn’t care one way or another what happened to them. He has so much love for skating, he spent years pouring his soul into it, learning everything there was to know about it, working to get better, and loving it despite the fact that it only ever pushed away potential friends until recently.
And now—
Now, what?
He’s realized that it’s been a waste of his life. He should have been paying attention in class instead of doodling new board designs. He should have been actually trying on his homework instead of watching skating videos. He should have listened when his classmates told him that no one cared whether or not he could recreate a skateboard from any video he found online or explain how any trick worked or that he wasn’t scared to try new tricks no matter how many times he knew he’d end up falling.
None of it mattered, because in the end, he’s still not good enough. And Reki can try for the rest of his life, but he’ll never make it to the same level as Joe or Cherry or Shadow or Miya or—
Or Langa.
Or Langa, who blew past him in a matter of months. A student who surpassed their teacher, but maybe Reki was never cut out to teach anyone about skating to begin with. Even Langa never really understood what he was saying, though he’d never actually tell Reki he didn’t care.
If Reki were anyone else, maybe he’d have a shot. But he just wasn’t meant to be able to keep up with everyone else at S.
And it sucks, because half the people there seem to only skate because they’re good at it, so they can get something out of it by challenging people they know they’ll beat to beefs. But Reki - Reki, who would give up everything for skating, who would trade his soul if it meant he got an ounce of the natural talent kids like Langa and Miya have, who genuinely, truly, loves to skate - he’s not even any good at it.
He’s spent his entire time at S telling himself he isn’t jealous of the best skaters, because he would get to their level someday so long as he kept working towards it.
But he’s tired and he’s frustrated and he can still feel the phantom pain shooting through the wrist that got injured when he raced Adam, and it’s no use pretending anymore. Yes, he’s jealous. Yes, he’s bitter and angry and upset and annoyed and he’s jealous. He’s jealous of Langa, jealous of Miya, jealous of Shadow and Cherry and Joe and everyone at S who hardly had to try to hone their skating skills and everyone on the national team and everyone in the videos he’s watched, because why can’t he have that too?!
Why can’t loving skating be enough to propel him towards improvement?
It’s not fair.
It’s not fair.
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andromeda612 · 3 years
Renga Fantasy AU
I've seen lost of fantasy Au's with Langa being the prince and Reki either the cute gardener, the adorable captain of the army, or any other common role that will be the prince's love interest... but what about Prince Reki?
I can see it like this:
Joe is the head of the cook and Reki's paternal figure number #1.
Cherry is the first advisor of the royal family and Reki's paternal figure #2.
Shadow is a guard and probably Reki's main bodyguard, he acts like he is annoyed by Reki's too energic and loud personality but in reality he is a big softie and has a weakness for the young and gentle prince, he is Reki's older sibling figure.
Miya is the son of a noble family, probably training for either being court sorcerer or knight, he is Reki's closest friend despite being younger, he sees Reki as his old brother and is very protective of him because in his opinion (and in everybody else's opinion for that matter) the redhead is too nice for his own good and someone needs to take care of him for god's sake! Of course he will deny it for ever and still be the tsundere he is.
Langa can be the son of a merchant and a doctor from another kingdom, after his dad dies his mother decides to go back to her home in the Kyan's kingdom (Okinawa), because of her reputation as a good doctor she gets a job in the palace as court physician. Langa stays with her at the palace and he could be either training for knight, physician or maybe sorcerer too but he hasn't decided yet, or even training for advisor under Cherry's wing. For the time being he just study with Reki.
Now in this au's Prince Langa main trouble is he feeling lonely or incomplete, Reki being the sun he is complement him and his trouble is of course his self confidence, I want to keep it that way even if Reki is the prince now.
So Langa feel not sad anymore but definitely off since his dad died, he used to love traveling with him, try new things, he loved the most all the things he could learn from the items he got to sell, he wanted to be a merchant like him but now he is not sure anymore, that's why that for now he is just studying along with the prince as he decides what he want to do with his life, he is not unhappy but he can't help but feel there is something missing, that's it until he meets the ray of sunshine that is Prince Reki, the royal is gentle and unlike other royal member he has met (due both if his parents jobs) he doesn't treat the rest with superiority, he traits everyone the same, with kindness, a warm and genuine smile, he actually doesn't act like how he was taught princes are supposed to act, he is loud and very energetic, he is polite and all, but he doesn't emanate an aura of someone to be afraid off or someone you feel intimidate with, he makes you feel like you are with a friend, he will talk and talk enthusiastically to no end... unless you show him you were bored, which was not rare to happen, with the prince being too kind and easygoing is was easy for others to forget he was the prince. But Langa could hear him for hours and never get bored, Reki showed him the palace and different places of the kingdom, he show him his drawings, all his crafts, the prince was incredible with smithy, he designed most of the best warriors' armors, as well as some of the innovative artifacts that helped so much in the kingdom, he showed him his passion for his realm and his passion for his hobbies, he was amazing... it's such a shame the prince is not capable to see it himself.
Reki for his part, he is the genius, creative sunshine we know. He is energetic and almost all the people loves him. Almost, because there is still the royal and nobles assholes that think he won't be a proper ruler because of his personality. As well as the people that get fed up with his energy. Those all are the people less liked in the kingdom. Though is really a trouble that the royal ones hold such power, because they really chose violence when it comes to Reki's self confidence. Especially because the most deep root for his insecurities comes from no other than his passed away father.
The king was... not a good man, the kingdom was not in ruins but the people were not happy, his family was not either, he would lash out to his wife and daughters, telling them they were good just to show of, to serve him, he was abusive with this staff on the palace and to his people, but who got the worst treatment was the young prince, since a child Reki was unquiet, loud, energic, totally the opposite to a centered, reserved and serious prince, he was also too kind with everyone no matter how much he told him he was above all the people, but Reki refused to be rude or mean to anyone, the only people that he lashed out to were the rude and cruel royals that abused of their power and were mean to people with no status or power. The king ruled with an iron fist and with stronger severity he tried to rise his heir, but Reki's golden heart was always stronger, however it didn't protected him from the abuse, the hard punishments and the constant reminders of how a failure he was, how he was worthless, how he was a mistake, how easy it would be for him to replace him if not were for the fact he needed a boy of royal blood to be his heir and he had no one, how annoying he was, that there was something wrong with him. And all the people that thought the same as his father had no seconds thoughts to remind him of the same in every. Single. Opportunity.
It was such a relief when the king died from a mysterious illness, and if anyone ever thought about it as a coup from the queen and the royal staff? Well nobody blamed them, but that was just a rumor and they were fine without him anyways.
Indeed, after the king's death the Kingdome went through a prosperity that haven't been seen in years. Despite what the king and his lackyes believed the Queen was actually a very well skilled ruler, she fixed the mess her former husband made and bring a new era to her people, she made new allies, she cleaned the corrupted government and brought new opportunities to the kingdom of Okinawa, the people were happy again. And her son, his ideas for artifacts to make certain tasks easier, his enthusiasm about cultural development, not mention that despite what his father said Reki was really smart, a total pride for his tutors even if his chaotic nature gave them green hairs, also his ideas to improve the army of the Kingdome, his ideas helped a lot to their realm's development. Many people called him the inventor prince.
However there were some royal asses that were not happy with him, there were invertors for that, there were artists, musicians, artisans for the cultural things, a prince shouldn't be look being so friendly and informal to commoners, shouldn't be so loud and idiot.
Not to mention the people that just... were fed up with his chit chat, and okay, they get it, Reki's personality could be overwhelming and even obnoxious to some people, but they needed to be so rude about it? The fact that must of this people were royal visitors didn´t help at all, Reki just felt he was embarrassing his mother and the Kingdome, no matter how many time she and the royal advisor Kaoru told him otherwise, or the fact that those people were usually not good allies at all.
Years of abuse and constantly hearing how a waste you were are hard to heal.
But, the love and support of the people that truly loved him helped Reki a lot, it was a long path but he was getting there. Though, the person that were really close to him, and you know who these persons are, know that sometimes the thoughts gets too loud on Reki's head, but they are there for him, and are happy to see that everyday the sunshine prince is doing better and better.
Well, and then of course the boys met and all of that, they help each other to find what was missing, to discover how much loved and worth they are.
The Queen and the court physician ship them, because this is my fucking au and I say love is love, you are who you are, no labels :)
Kaoru, Kojiro, Miya and Hiromi are definitely fondly exasperate with their mutual pining and just want them to just kiss already and spare their poor souls out of their misery.
About Ad*m... I don't know yet honestly.
In one hand I'm so tempted to make him not existing in this au. On the other hand he could be a major villain, maybe a lord wanting to make coup to the kingdome with Tadashi being a spy loyal to Queen Kyan. And I really want Langa to beat the shit out if him for messing up with his sun, but well, idk.
Any thoughts about this? Feel free to ask! 👀
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sk8 for the ask game
hi hi hi i love this show SO MUCH
favorite character
... this is probably pretty obvious. but um. reki. reki reki reki reki reki reki reki my absolute Beloved. it's about loving with your whole heart and being so passionate and feeling in adequate compared to all of your friends and just. ahhhhhhhhh
second favorite character
ahhhh okay. okay. this is so hard. so imma say joe because of a Lot of character analysis i have done on him and i just love the parallels between him and reki and i LOVE his va i could listen to him read the yellow pages... but yeah, i always feel calm and content when joe is on screen :)
least favorite character
this will Not come as a surprise but ad*m. i mean, first he was mean to reki, then he tried to Kill reki... then there's the whole pedophilia thing and like the lowkey grooming that he did to miya and he tried to kill cherry and he was kind of responsible for shadow getting hurt too and also he was mean to joe as a kid (which... i have a Lot of feelings about). i mean, is he an excellent villain? oh my gosh yes one hundred percent. his va is top notch and he is an incredibly well written villain. i just do not tolerate people being mean to reki <3 please he needs therapy and jail
the character I’m most like
... reki. i mean, i kind of have established this a lot, but sometimes i look at reki and i'm like "wow we are almost the same exact person" and just. Feelings. so many of them. i could write a whole character analysis based on reki in each individual episode. i could write so much about him that's just self-projection i just. yeah.
favorite pairing
RENGA !!! RENGA RENGA RENGA !!! it's about finding someone who cares about what you have to say and finding someone who reminds you how what happiness really is and takes a chance on you just because. it's about finding someone who wants to hangout with you and doesn't think you're annoying and finding someone who is willing to go slowly with you and works through what holds you back...
least favorite pairing
langa & ad*m :) i just. mmm. no. no no no. i hate everything about this ship. the part when ad*m skates with langa and spins with him and goes "OH. MY. GODDDDDDDDD" i just. hate it here.
favorite moment
omg no 1000% "i'm not just the redhead, my name's reki! remember it!" like. WHAT A POWER MOVE. like i felt inspired when i watched it for the first time (... and every time after that...) and it makes me feel powerful and capable and it fills my heart with pride and just... so many feelings...
rating out of 10
ten... thousand.
send me a series and i'll tell you my...
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I only started watching SK8, so maybe it's a little too early for me talk, but after your last analysis and some of your past rants... there's also the fact that Reki and Langa have no chemistry AT ALL. Like, I've seen more chemistry in water alone! Sure, they're pretty much joined by the hip now, but I would be that way with my first random friend if I moved to another country at the other side of the world, like Langa did. And I get that it's already canon that Langa has a crush on Reki, but c'mon! These are teenagers, their hormones are all over the place 24/7. And it's obvious that Reki does not reciprocate. Even if he is into guys, he obviously doesn't see Langa as someone he is remotely attracted to.
I think my main issue with the ship so far is that their personalities do not click. Comparing them to RinHaru (because the parallels ARE right there), Rin is sassy, but also sensitive and easily embarrassed; Haru is aloof and stoic, but can be hella stubborn if you put him in the right situation. Those are some traits for an interesting dynamic, and they also have in common that they are passionate about what they love, and determinated. Reki and Langa are... not it.
Langa is sweet, calm, chill, and clueless about a whole lot of things (including feelings); Reki is friendly and cheerful and all, but he's also chill and clueless. The contrast is only superficial, where's the flavor?!
I don't know, at this point I'm shipping Miya and that ex-childhood friend of his better than Renga, even the pre-teens have more depth. I keep waiting something magical will happen that will make me like Renga better, because I see the IDEA they had for their relationship, I LIKE that idea, but the result has not been great. (So far.) (I'm keeping myself optimistic.)
Langa��s relationship with Reki remind me of a puppy and the owner one (and clearly the puppy is more attached lol), not the two boyfriends, who want to be in a relationships, and they definitely do not have any sexual chemistry. Like seriously ANY.
And yeah, I said the same, they might have gotten the Rinharu scenes, but they lack all the dynamic, the passion for each other, the mutual thirst to be with each other, and just all the greatest parts. 
To me comparing these is like comparing a burger to two plain buns. Like technically it fits, but the best part and all the sauce is missing. 
Besides what’s even to compare... it’s like Reki has eyes on a boat girl, when Langa is next to him. Rin and Haru have their eyes on each other only since they were 12. Rin writes about how he’s the most beautiful thing he ever seen in his school essays and tells his australian parents not about his swimming, but how pretty and cool he is. Haru just doesn’t react to anyone in that way. It’s like all he sees is Rin, but also the only one who excites him is also Rin.
And can you imagine Rin drooling over some girl while Haru is next to him? LMFAO. Or Haru when Rin is next to him? Like a pretty girl once told him how great his muscles are and he was like “ok thanks I guess”, but then he checks Rin out 24/7 saying how great his muscles are, how he’s jelly of his strong strokes and how his legs are amazing and strong. And they didn’t even notice that one time that there was no water in the pool while they were both staring at each other undressing... like....?
And true, like we don’t even know if Reki’s interested in men, it really doesn’t look like he is. If he were bi, he’d react to Langa or idk Cherry the same way he reacted to the boat girl, I mean, have you see them? And no, reacting to his skating is not the same. Literally every sports anime has smth like this, so let’s not. It’s like everyone thinks Haru’s swimming is oh so pretty, but only one keeps talking about how his eyes are worth drowning into lol.
I don’t see Reki reciprocating the romantic feelings, too, and even if he somehow will in these last 3 episodes, it’s certainly already just not my type of a ship. Cause I don’t see Langa being his everything. He’s just not. This ship is just not for me I guess. 
Right now to me it’s like... everything is wrong with the reused Rinharu scenes lmao. It’s like someone replaced my favorite fries with papier mache ones. I also like still keep my heart open for maybe.. just maybe something extraordinary will happen in the last episodes and everything will fall in the right place, but I do not have a scenario for this to get much better.
Rinharu are obsessed with each other 24/7, they dreamt to be together since childhood and were the only thing on each other’s mind since the day they met. No Rin, no Haru are interested in winning more than in swimming with each other, they were also longing and drooling for each other so much, that the whole city knew it from both sides. And even when they had a misunderstandings each time they see each other it’s explosive and you see how much they want to touch, stay, and they both look at each other like... ugh.
Rin saw Haru’s talent and it pushed him to become even greater, Reki saw Langa’s talent and wilted, etc. I just feel like comparing these to each other is just unfair. Esp Reki and Rin. Reki is a kid, Rin stopped being a kid when his dad died, he’s also way too focused on getting what he wants in life.
Rin and Haru’s relationships are adult’s stuff, they also knew they wanted each other from the beginning. I mean, Rin even transferred schools for Haru when he was like 12. Reki and Langa’s realtionship are like new school friends thingy. That’s just some of our scenes are there, but it’s like depths of these scenes are incomparable. 
Also these like immature middle-school “why I’m not as cool emotions”... I’m waaaaaaay passed this, that’s all.
Anyways, yeah, I’ve already thought this through and decided that maybe we better try and not compare them at all, otherwise it’s just gonna be a huge loss without giving them any chance. It’s still can be like as cute as that Stride ship, I mean, I was like “cute”, but then I do forget about it almost always tho so xD. To each their own. 
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