#Reminiscing of Better Days - Makoto Headcanons;
altered-personas · 1 year
Makoto has... complicated feelings on Shadows, at least in the main verse.
At the end of the first semester, a Shadow stabbed her father through the chest right in front of her. Naturally, that event scarred her for life.
Now whenever she sees one, which in the main verse is rare, she will do one of two things. Either have a panic attack shaking in fear at the sight of the thing, or if she's wearing the symbiote, she'll go into an uncontrollable rage, lashing out at everything in a murderous rampage until every shadow in the area is dead... while also having a bit of a panic attack-
Though even without the suit, she's far from helpless in that state, she will fight back if she has to. But she'd much rather get away from it as soon as possible, as seeing them triggers her PTSD
This can be dealt with if she has friends nearby, people she knows and trusts, though with the suit on that's easier said than done. She will lash out at them at first, and it'll take a while to really calm her down.
This doesn't apply to human shadows, however. As in the shadow of an actual person. Only their more monstrous forms/shadows from the collective unconscious will trigger this. She still doesn't like human shadows, but she can tolerate them enough not to kill them. If they transform however, her teammates are going to have to hold her back.
As for which specific Shadow killed her father, I haven't decided yet, but I'm leaning towards Jack-o-lantern, since that's the name of an actual Spider-Man villain, who funnily enough has history with Venom (especially Agent Venom, who's a big inspiration for Sovereign).
Though if I did go with that, it'd be an augmented Jack-o-lantern, made stronger by Yaldabaoth when it was sent through to the real world, just so it can not only be closer to the villain, but also be an actual threat. (In game Jack-o-lanterns aren't exactly tough... and they don't have anything to stab with-)
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truelovevoltage · 5 years
MLFK: Too late
“Anonymous said: a mlfk when they are still in high school and have a crush on mc but leave her for their carer and after years come back for mc but finding out that mc died in an accident a year after they left her and the others didn't know about it. Please”
“Anonymous said: Hi could you do a headcanon where the My Last First Kiss guys move away after middle school then come 10 years later back and hear that mc committed suicide because of bullies while they where away (Taka,Ayato,Makoto,Ichya)thnx❤”
A/N: I’ve combined the two but I’m going to stick with the Main Character getting into an accident instead of committing suicide because some might be uncomfortable with that idea. Also, I only wrote about 3 characters because that’s my maximum but if it’s a high demand for Takamune’s part or even Riku, then I’ll add it in the future.
If you’re uncomfortable with this kind of headcanon please, do not read the contents below. 
You, Ayato, Makoto, Riku, Takamune and Ichiya have been friends for as long as you can remember. Every single one of them had a special place in your heart especially him. You loved being around your childhood friends some would even tease you that they’re your bodyguards because of how protective and caring they are towards you. 
Whenever someone made fun of you, your protect squad was always there. They were always there to cheer you up no matter what the situation is. Especially when your first love, Hiroki Eniwa broke your heart the first time. You were really happy to have them around to cheer you up, and you couldn’t ask for more. You wished that your moments with them will stay like this forever. 
That wasn’t the case because he had to leave to pursue their dreams. You were beyond happy for him moving on with the next chapter of his life, and as much you wanted him to say, you knew you couldn’t do that to him. There’s no point of being selfish. 
“Stop crying will you?” He wiped your tears away.  “I’ll be back you know. it's not like I’m going anywhere.” He smiled at you. The two of you said your goodbyes not knowing that this will be your last one. 
After graduating from high school you were excited to start your new chapter as well as a university student. You knew that he’s doing his best to pursue his dream and career and you knew that you can’t trail behind him. You were always pushing yourself but you knew when to stop and take a break.
It was finally a semester break and you were beyond ecstatic to go back home and eat your Mom’s cooking once again. You were glad that your birthday fell during your semester break because then, you can spend time with your friends and family. 
You enjoyed your break and caught up with some of your friends in high school. The following day was finally your birthday and you made some plans with your friends. Your parents didn’t mind it at all but they wanted you to be home for dinner to celebrate your day with them as well. “Sweetie, you can invite your friends at home too, the more the merrier right?” Your Mom smiled at you. 
“Sure Mom! I’ll ask them later, See you in the evening!” You waved at them and headed out the door. 
You knew how much you missed your friends dearly and it really takes you back to your high school days. You couldn’t help but reminisce, you had some good and bad memories. You enjoyed your day by watching movies, eating desserts with your friends and going to the arcade as if you were back in high school. You invited your friends over for dinner and they happily agreed. They took this as an opportunity to spend more time with you because they knew that once the semester break is over, you’ll be very busy. 
As you and your friends were crossing the street, a car decided to speed up as they were turning. They were unable to see the car ahead and collided with each other. Your friends were safe but sadly you were unlucky. Due to the impact, one of the cars hit you. Everything went by at a rapid speed. No one saw it coming because the collision happened behind you and not in front of you. If it was in front of you, it would’ve been avoided but that wasn’t the case. 
Your friends screamed your name with tears running down their face. They called the ambulance and explained to the operator what happened. They were asked a lot of questions and they tried to keep you conscious but you just couldn’t. Your body felt heavy, your head was hurting and your eyes felt droopy. 
In the end, no matter how fast they rushed you to the hospital, they couldn’t save you fast enough. Your friends contacted your parents right away and had to break the sad news. It was unfortunate because it was your birthday, but now it’s only a reminder of the day you left your family and friends.
Ayato Hidaka P.O.V
Ten years have passed since the last time I saw Y/N. I wonder how she was doing? I bet she’s still a cry baby till this day. I couldn’t wait to surprise her and tell her that her favourite childhood friend is back and that I was able to pursue my dreams. 
Not only was it a beautiful day but it’s also Y/N’s birthday. I went to the cake shop and chose her favourite cake. Thinking about choosing the cake for Y/N made me smile, man I miss her a lot. Who knew she’d occupy my mind even after ten years? One thing I’m not ready to face and that is, about her love life. That’s one thing I would not be able to accept. Whoever he may be, he’s unlucky because Y/N has me as one of her best friends. 
I arrived at Y/N’s place. When I rang the doorbell I saw Y/N’s Mom, she engulfed me into an embrace. “Ayato! Oh my, you’ve grown a lot since the last time I saw you. You used to be just Ayato to us but now you’re a very well known actor! I’m so proud of you Ayato.” She smiled at me. 
“Thank you Auntie!” I smiled at her back. I felt embarrassed as she complimented me. “By the way is Y/N home? I brought her favourite cake to celebrate her birthday.” I asked. Y/N’s mom suddenly got tensed. I could tell she was ready to cry in front of me, but why? 
She invited me into their home and made me sit. “Ayato, you didn’t hear the news?” I shooked my head from side to side. “Y/N... She... She left us years ago, on the first year of University to be exact.” I was taken by surprise. What did she mean? “Oh you mean she ran away from home? Man Auntie you had it rough huh? Y/N always had a carefree mind.” I sighed. 
“That’s not what I meant... On her first year of university, she went back home for her semester break. We were lucky enough to have her back so we can celebrate her birthday... But on her birthday she was involved in an accident. They weren’t able to save her on time Ayato. My dear daughter is gone, she’s no longer with us.” 
It took time for me to process what Y/N’s mom just said to me. What? Y/N? She’s... She’s really gone? I didn’t even know that I was already crying at that time and her mom hugged me. “I know how much you love my daughter Ayato but she’s gone now.” 
After our emotional moment, I asked Y/N’s Mom if she could tell me where Y/N was buried. I wanted to visit her. Each step I took felt heavy and I hated it. It was still hard to process that she’s really gone. 
Once I found her grave, I lost all my energy and cried. “Y/N, happy birthday... You’re unfair. Why did you leave us like that? Why did you leave me? I wasn’t even able to confess to you. If only I didn’t go away to pursue my career then maybe... maybe you’d still be alive. I would’ve been there to protect you.” I couldn’t hold everything in anymore. I had to let everything out. Suddenly there was a gust strong gust of wind as if Y/N was telling me not to blame myself. “I know you’re watching over us right now and I know for sure you’re probably upset cause I said that maybe it would’ve been better if I didn’t go after my dream.” Another gust of wind came. “I’ll take that as a yes?” I chuckled. “Seriously though Y/N I just want to thank you for being part of my life. No one can ever replace you in my heart, you’ll always have a special place here. Please keep watching over us Y/N, I’ll work hard. I’ll make you proud.” 
If there’s anything Y/N taught me, that’ll be taking risks and not regretting anything. Although I did risk seeing her the last time when I pursued my career, my only regret is not keeping in contact with her after that. 
Ichiya Misono P.O.V
Being back in the place I grew up it brought back a lot of memories. I wasn’t really close with the other guys but they always included me in everything, or at least try to. I really had fun teasing Y/N back then but who knew that I’d miss my childhood friend. She’s the only female that doesn’t get into my nerves. 
I walked into Conte and saw the whole gang in the there. We acknowledge each other presence. Other than that, there’s one person missing in the group and that’s Y/N. I sat down beside Makoto, “Looks like everyone’s here.” Makoto smiled. “All except one, Y/N.” Riku had a sad smile on his face. I could feel the gloomy atmosphere here. 
What’s going on? “Yeah well, where is she anyway?” I asked. Ayato, Riku, Makoto, and Takamune looked at each other. 
“Ichiya... Y/N’s gone. She got into an accident on her first year of university.” Ayato explained. 
“Is this some kind of joke Hidaka? If it is, it’s not funny.” I kept a straight face. Yet the look on everyone’s face says otherwise. Y/N... She’s really gone? 
“It took us by surprise too when her Mom broke the news to us. We couldn’t believe Y/N would be taken away from us just like that. We wanted to tell you but we couldn’t get a hold of you. We didn’t have your contact number after.” Makoto added. 
I couldn’t do anything other than nod. The guys looked at me, I know they’re just worried but it annoyed me. I excused myself and went to my apartment. The moment I stepped in the apartment I walked towards my room and looked for photo albums. When I saw her smiling face in the photos I broke down. “I know you hate me, but did you hate me that much? Leaving me without even saying goodbye? When I left I said I’ll be back and I told you to stop crying, but look at us now. I’m the one crying and yet you’re the one who’s not coming back.” I sobbed. “Y/N, I’m sorry if I was such an asshole to you. I didn’t know how to act in front of you. We were kids after all and you were the girl I had a crush on. I made fun of you but that’s just how kids show that they like the girl they like right? I hope you forgive me Y/N for my actions back then.” If only I knew that this was going to happen, I would’ve left my contact number to her mom or any of the gang. At least then I would’ve known earlier rather than finding out about it years later. I would’ve been able to attend her funeral. I would’ve been able to say goodbye. Now all I can do is look up to the sky and say our farewells. 
Makoto Morimachi P.O.V
I couldn’t believe it. My first love is really gone? My family tried to tell me what happened while I was away and the news about Y/N broke my heart into billions of pieces. She can’t be gone can she? “She’s... Dead?” I felt something stuck in my throat as I tried to voice out the last word. 
Riku could only look at me with a sad smile. “I know it’s hard to take everything in but that’s the truth. Everyone’s still recovering from losing her.” 
I couldn’t help but cry. I wanted to be able to talk to her and confess to her. I know I took a while but I wanted her to know how I feel, but now she’s gone. 
Riku gave me more details about the accident. I knew that some people are just careless but no matter how many rules we set up, there’s still that small percentage that people break the rules. If it wasn’t for that person who sped up as they were turning. How could they be so stupid? Do they even regret doing such a thing? They killed someone due to their reckless driving. 
“Did the person go to jail?” I asked.
“Yeah, he suffered minor injuries and so after they treated his wounds, they took him to the station and kept him there. He personally apologized when Y/N’s Mom went to the station after hearing about the incident. Of course, Auntie didn’t accept his apology because Y/N’s gone.” 
I balled my fist. I’m glad that the person who killed Y/N is behind bars but what he did to Y/N and her family is unforgivable. 
I was frustrated because not only is today her birthday, but it’s also her death anniversary. It’s a sad day for sure but I know that this must be a painful day for Y/N’s parents as well. 
Right after lunch, I decided to visit Y/N in the cemetery. “Hi Y/N, it’s Mako. I’m sorry I couldn’t go to your funeral Y/N. I just found about your death today which also happens to be your birthday as well. Happy birthday Y/N, I wish I was able to celebrate it with you but I can’t anymore.” The thought of Y/N being gone has still hasn’t sunk in. “If only I was able to muster my courage and confess to you back then, I wouldn’t have this feeling of regret now. I just wanted to let you know that you’re my first love Y/N. Ever since the day, we went to the sunflower fields I knew you were someone very special to me.” 
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altered-personas · 1 year
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The symbiote isn't the only thing different about her. So here's a few quick little headcanons.
Her headband is a memento from her mother, something she used to wear all the time before she died. She doesn't remember much about her, but she still wears it, even though it doesn't match her hair. It helps her feel connected with her mom.
She can often be seen wearing glasses, especially around school. She doesn't need them to see, but she does need them to read. And since her job on the student council requires a lot of paperwork, not to mention all the expected reading of a typical school day, her bifocal lenses rarely leave her face.
She's actually planning to major in forensics. As a kid she wanted to be a cop, but her father was quick to quell that dream, not wanting his little girl on the force. So she settled on forensics early on, as it was the closest she could get to solving cases like her father did. Though now that he's gone, she's wondering whether or not she should continue down that path, or to follow in his footsteps
She's insanely good at chemistry. Something about it just clicked with her, and it's easily become her favorite class to take.
When wearing the symbiote, it likes to hide in or mimic her clothes. As such, it will often hide in her headband, turning it completely black. She's... not the biggest fan of this, but a part of her has just accepted it at this point.
Speaking of the symbiote, she's kinda terrified of losing control of it again. She knows it's unlikely, but the thought of it twisting her mind into a murderous rampage that she can't recover from keeps her up at night. As such, she's acquired a taser to help keep it in line, and has insisted that her friends use it to quell her rage if she were to become unable to. She will NOT let it happen again.
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