#Ren is a Borzoi for the record
lizzie2dyefor · 2 years
It starts with an innocuous job, the two of them break into this rich lord's house and steal a magical pendant. They are young and brash but no less skilled.
The plan goes off without a hitch. That isn’t what this story is about.
Now they weave through a busy city. Despite the late hour, some kind of party is still going strong. Someone hands Lizzie a warm glass of cider and passes Ren a wrapped sandwich they pass through.
She doesn’t remember the name of this city, Camia? Cradia? Something like that. It's beautiful whatever it's called, brightly decorated in a wide array of colors.
“Any idea what they're celebrating?” Lizzie sips her cider, it’s quite possibly the best thing she's ever had.
“Maybe harvest? It's the right time of year.”
“Yeah, plus all the fields are empty.”
She downs the last of her drink, leaving the mug on a low stone wall.
“What's the plan for tonight? Sneak into one of the barns? Don’t really want to show our faces at any of the taverns just in case.”
Ren gestures to the woods just outside of town, “Let's just camp in the forest. Probably best if we don't stay in town very long.”
Lizzie nods, “It's a nice night. Moons nearly full anyways.”
The night air is pleasant, crisp but not uncomfortably so. They walk for a while in companionable silence until Ren stops. Focused on something just off the path.
“Did you hear that?”
Lizzie is aware that her hearing is below average. She is also very aware that Ren’s hearing is abnormally good. She does not ‘hear that’. In fact, she doesn't hear anything.
“No? It’s pretty quiet.”
“I heard my name. From the woods.”
They both stand still for a moment, holding their breath. Sure enough, faintly, from deep within the trees a voice calls out.
“Ren!” Whoever it is, they sound heartbroken, voice cracking around the shape of his name.
Before Lizzie can stop him, Ren takes off in the direction of the voice.
Obviously, she follows, the two of them crashing through the forest. Lizzie does her best to stay on his heels but Ren has always been faster than her.
She chases after him for what feels like hours, calling for him to stop. But he runs with a single-minded focus, following the voice that still calls out.
Until he stops so abruptly that she crashes into him.
“Dude, what the hell?” She asks, doubled over and taking heaving breaths.
After a long moment, Ren doesn’t respond. He stands frozen as if in a trance, staring towards a perfect ring of stones.
In that perfect ring of stones stands a woman. Everything about Her hums with power. Her wings remind Lizzie of a dragonfly, flitting and buzzing as She talks.
“Dear Knight. I've missed you so.”
She looks like Lizzie.
She looks like Lizzie, like an awful second-hand collection of her traits. Her eyes are both blue, but darker than hers ever were. Her hair is a pale pink done up in intricate braids, topped with a crown of thorny roses.
The woman holds out a hand, carefully within the circle.
“It's been so long sir Knight. What has kept you?”
Ren takes a step forward as if pulled by some invisible string.
“What are you doing? Stop!” In a panic, Lizzie grabs his hand to pull him back.
In that moment something she doesn’t understand breaks. Pulls taught and shatters with an audible snap. Ren frowns, almost confused. He looks around the clearing then at Lizzie and Not-Lizzie.
“What do you want, foul beast?” Ren spits at the Fey, taking another step back to stand with Lizzie.
“That is no way to speak to your Queen, dear Knight.” She croons at him. Serene smile ruined by sharp teeth.
“I am no knight and I serve no Queen. You deceitful creature.”
Her smile drops suddenly. The air around them seems to stand still.
“If you insist on behaving so beastly, Sir Knight, then so be it.”
The fey waves a dismissive hand towards him, Lizzie feels her hair stand on end, smells iron and sap and ash.
Standing in the place of her best friend is a dog. Calling him a wolf is a stretch, though he is certainly large. Long fur and pointed ears.
Ren shakes his new form, as if settling into new skin. The fey whistles, low and beckoning. He pads over Her, tail tucked between his legs.
Before he can step over the stones, Lizzie finds her voice.
“Wait! I want to make a deal.”
The Queen turns towards her, so fast it jostles her crown. She smiles with Lizzie’s face, it stretches too wide, showing sharp teeth. She’s paid no mind to Lizzie this whole time, wholly focused on Ren.
Now, Her attention presses down on her shoulders like Atlas with the sky.
“Is that so?” She laughs, “The girl wants to make a deal! What could you possibly have to offer me? A name perhaps?”
Lizzie takes a deep breath.
“I offer you one favor. In exchange, you’ll turn my friend back and we both get to leave.”
The Shadow Queen, in this moment Lizzie does not know her title (But she will soon learn) Considers this for a moment. She taps one long, sharp, nail against her chin.
“Just one favor? Oh but he’s been so Rude,” The woman who looks like Lizzie croons, “calling me such cruel things. Do you really see me as beastly?”
“You turned my friend into a dog!” She gestures towards Ren.
“A kindness. He's still alive!” Ren growls from where he's sat just outside Her circle. She growls back so loudly it rattles Lizzie’s bones. He backs down, the Queen turns back to Lizzie.
“You owe me, for being so generous. I only turned one of you into a dog after all.” Not-Lizzie laughs, “In exchange for returning the good Knight to his proper self. You will grant me seven wishes, to be carried out when I so choose.”
“Seven favors and you’ll turn him back. Then we’re free to go.”
She nods, “Do we have a deal, Rose Bud?” The Queen holds out Her hand, Lizzie's hand.
Lizzie takes it.
All at once a splitting pain blooms across her collarbone, she cries out but the Queen doesn't let go. After what feels like hours but was likely only a moment, she looks down.
A collection of flowers claws up toward her neck, settled just under her skin. Seven closed buds sealing her fate.
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sztefa001 · 3 years
Question about your transformers OCs, if they could get a pet. What would it be? (Also hi Sztefa!)
Okay so
Here comes the promised wall of text that took me 4 evenings to write:
Bit of summary: camera drones for Taf and Breeze (that's canon), kitty for Mini, and probably therapy dogs for all the rest xD ;w; Also I feel like a lot of that's gonna become canon. Including Morph getting a [read! not gonna spoil that one!]
Also there's a doodle at the end! :3c
Seekers Taffy and Breeze:
The pastel babs who lived away from the war in relative luxury had a bunch of cyber pets transforming into camera drones and that's canon. They're all actually one and the same pet 'cuz hive mind. Not an Earth-based pets as, well, back then they weren't on Earth nor they knew of it's existance. But you know those funny miniature goats? That's how the drone pets behave. So yeah, babies. All of them. While in drone mode they record all the best shots of the pastel babs so that the pretty seekers can select, edit, cut out gifs, pics, make videos, etc. Yep, they're influencers and celebrities. Lord Master makes big money out his two pretty properties. After breaking out and escaping they manage so save one of them and it later lives with them. Once they have a chance they most likely buy one or two more and copy that one's personality so that it has company (it feels better while in more bodies). Happy bunch once again, yay!
Seeker Renfrew:
Battered by war Breeze's long lost trinemate, some time later sparkbonds with Taffy as well. Enjoys the presence of the funny little camera drone (makes him smile!) but what he needs most is probably a therapy trained dog. Maybe Terry helps him get a specially trained cyber dog? Ren ofc appreciates Earth creatures as well, is happy when they're not scared of him.
Flying Minibot MiniMint
Being raised on Earth she's used to Earth creatures. It saddens her that they live for such a short time but it doesn't stop her from making friends with them. Is friends with local cats, dogs, birds, etc. Most likely there was/is a cat or two in her life but it's not like she's actively adopting them. If one likes her and decides to stay - "Welp, guess I have a cat now :D" Also during one of her adventures on another planet she makes friends with big horse-like creatures (or maybe just cyber horses, idk). Imagine tiny bot the size of a human riding on a wild giant robo-horse leading the whole herd. Wow.
"The Big Guy / Widower / Old Man / Ex Mafia Boss"
This guy is a side character and doesn't have a name yet, created for the sole purpose of hitting Alpine's oc Holly with major angst and drama. His story may change but what stays is that the love of his life suddenly dies and he doesn't take it well ("time to murder everyone and then myself"). But eventually he calms down and adopts a cyber dog. Big borzoi looking bab who was too nice to become an attack beast. Not therapy-trained but really good at at her job. Knows when to quietly hug or when to throw a husky-like tantrum. 10/10 best girl and she's canon.
BM-21 Grad TerrorRain
The war may be over but this hotheaded multiple rocket launcher still has no chill. Would like an attack beast, loyal and obedient. Gets a cyber doberman or sth like that to give it a military training. All goes well untill the dog is ordered to attack someone that's not a training doll. It loves destruction, sure. But when ordered to hurt another living being it will curl up apologetically and start whining. At first Terry is angry and frustrated but soon learns that there's really no need to be so violent anymore.
Monoformer Morphine
Dead inside and worn out by the war medic who may or may not be a bit addicted to sleeping pills. He doesn't really care much about anything. Would never adopt a pet on his own - that's effort and responsibility and he has already barely any energy to function. Once Terry gets a cyber dog he doesn't pay much attention to it except for being basic decent (giving head pats when doggo wants, maybe sneaking a treat or just letting the dog get spoiled a bit when Terry's not looking). He doesn't expect much from the dog but turns out its a real good boi that knows exactly when Morph is just fatigued and when has a bigger crisis. Cuddles up to the poor medic or tries to get his attention to provide distraction. Often prevents Morph from taking more drugs than he should. This also teaches Terry how to differentiate between Morph's regular-depressed and gonna-drug-myself-to-pass-out-for-the-rest-of-the-night-crisis.
Also I can't get one image out of my head, said image being Morph feeling free while horse riding. I want him to have a cyber horse. Maybe later when they move out from the Old Mafia Boss they get to live somewhere where those are? That'd be cool. Mini would defo visit often. That's it, I'm defo gonna give Morph a horse, yolo.
Monoformer StrongSpark
Tiny, blind, heavily disabled bot that barely survived after forming (or rather deforming) in highly radioactive environment; survived only becausse Morphine refused to give up on him. So yeah, basically Morph's and Terry's kid (and later also Mini's bff). The 3 of them live at the Widower's place and his dog immediately starts taking care of the kid. Helps him calm down, protects him, notifies of upcoming attacks, etc. Terry's dog cares about Sparky as well (tho these two are out more often). Tiny bab with 2 big guardians. Nice. When the good grandpa (yes, the Old Mafia Boss adots them all) passes away the family inherits the dog and the good girl officially becomes Sparky's guardian 24/7.
IF YOU MADE IT TILL THE END (or just scorlled past the descriptions) HERE'S A DOODLE OF A CYBER MINI GOAT FOR YOU:
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