#Replay Lace-Up Corset And Gloves Set
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Raw 1/29/24
Dakota wore the Replay Lace-Up Corset And Gloves Set from Darker Wavs ($88), Frankies Long Line Short with Ripped Hem from One Teaspoon (sold out) & Apricot Premium Leather Chunky Zip Front Boots in Black from ASOS Design (sold out)
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Day 5: In the Arms of an Angel
The Sandman just wasn’t coming to visit Seven. His mind was replaying the image of Kali’s grin and the three numbers over and over. It wasn’t like him to obsess over someone like that. Why was she different?
With a groan Seven sat up in bed and flipped open the laptop to check on the programs that were chasing the hacker. Nothing still, goddamnit. Everything was just piling up. If there was one thing he wasn’t use to, it was failing. And that seemed to be the only thing he was good at right now. Throwing the laptop aside, he picked back up his phone. There had to be something to distract him. Messing with Yoosung would be welcome right now. Hell even watching a fight between Zen and Jumin would do. But the RFA chatroom was empty. Not even Kali.
Kali. Damn her. His mind always went back to her. Grinding his teeth in frustration, he gave in opening the folder that contained all the information that he had scraped on her. Including the pictures from her Fakebook.
One folder caught his attention: “Comiket”. Really? Wasn’t that Japan’s big comic fest? Unlike most of the folders, this one was full of pictures. Seven had always thought jaw drops were just for cartoon wolves, but his was firmly on the floor. Every single one of them were of her in cosplay. There was no mistaking those bright aquamarine eyes. The girl from the CCTV was always dressed in dark clothing with long sleeves even though the days were beginning to get too warm. That Kali couldn’t be more different than the one now in front of his eyes. 
His mind couldn’t even keep up as he flicked through the images. Samus, Sailor Moon, Sophitia…  Was that her in a Star Trek corset with Darth Vader? Did they trade weapons? As someone who often found himself dressed up, he had to admire her choices and execution. Each costume highlighted what made her stand out: the golden blonde hair, those long lean legs, and her… assets. Skin, so much skin. Way more than would be socially acceptable pretty much anywhere outside a cosplay event... or the bedroom. In the pictures where her arms were bare a tattoo of a dragon wound itself around her forearm. He’d never seen anything quite like it. It looked as if the serpentine was sleeping, waiting for the right moment to strike the unwary. Bonus points to exoticness. 
The ones that really caught his eye were marked the most recent. The timestamp put them at around Christmas last year. This character wasn’t immediately recognizable like the others. The whole costume gave off a medieval fantasy vibe, maybe some type of rogue. The silver and blue corset and black leather pants fit her like a glove, giving the impression sleek strength.  Knee high boots and a blue velvet cape emblazoned with a rearing silver griffin added a dramatic flair. Clasped on her arm was a blue bracer with bottles complete with liquids that glowed. Dual dagger alternated between her hands and the belt slung across her hips as she posed for the picture taker. 
It was the final picture that stopped his swiping fingers. The image burned into his mind and soul. The cloak and daggers were discarded; instead a long sword was balanced across her shoulders. Arms wrapped around to pin it in place. The curved blade of the katana was wrong for the costume, but the smirk of challenge she threw over her shoulder at the taker just made it oh so right. Bright blue eyes dared someone to take the gauntlet thrown down.
That wasn’t even the most shocking or even sexiest thing about the picture. The honor went to the tattoo that started at her shoulder blades, plunging down to be hidden by the laces of the silver corset. The black angel’s wings looked as if they had actually sprouted from her back. He had started to call her angel as sort of a joke based on how she was bringing their dreams of a party to fruition, but this… Each feather looked so realistic, delicate as if a gust of wind could set the fluttering. Seven’s fingers brushed the screen as if it would allow him to touch the beautiful scene. Were they as soft as they looked? His heart raced as he stared at the angel until his body finally shut down. 
“Seven... Luciel...” Soft black feathers fell as a golden woman tenderly called his name, her hand extended. All he wanted to do was touch that pale ski, drown in the eyes the color of tropical waters. Everything would be ok if he could just reach her. Just as his fingertips were to brush her arm, the dragon tattoo came to life. The dark coils wrapped around her body and its head swiveled to hiss a warning. Reality tore the fantasy to shreds. Someone that brilliant was never meant for his dirty hands
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searchingwardrobes · 6 years
White Flag
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Happy Birthday, @winterbaby89! When we were chatting earlier today, I was so tempted to tell you I had a gift for you, but I wanted it to be a surprise! So here’s a brooding, pining pirate for your birthday 🙂
Yes, this is based on the song by Dido. I know we’ve all heard it on countless crack fan vids, but when I really listened to the lyrics the other day, it just struck me how all the lyrics of this song fit Killian so well, especially during the year he was away from Emma. And how many ships can boast an ACTUAL ship? Right?
Summary: Killian Jones swore that not a day would go by that he wouldn’t think of Emma Swan. Of course, his crew doesn’t have to know about that. Until a certain first mate figures it out and seems hell bent on helping his captain . . .
Rating: G
Words: 3,000+
Also on Ao3
Tagging @snowbellewells @kmomof4 @snidgetsafan @kday426 @bethacaciakay @thislassishooked @teamhook @whimsicallyenchantedrose @delirious-latenight-laughs @jennjenn615 @let-it-raines @hollyethecurious @branlovestowrite
I will go down with this ship, I won’t put my hands up and surrender. There will be no white flag above my door. I’m in love, and always will be.
If there’s one thing Killian Jones learned after tossing his Lieutenant's coat into the sea, it’s that being a good pirate captain is ten percent action and ninety percent reputation. By the time he lost his hand to the Dark One, he was already known as a deadly swordsman who captained the fastest ship in all the realms. Once he became Captain Hook, the legend only grew. Pirate Captain Killian Jones had to fight to the last man while most everyone gladly surrendered to the fearsome and ruthless Captain Hook.
Killian frowned as he looked down at the rings adorning his fingers. Of course, there was truth to the rumors as well. He’d done many a foul dead in his long centuries of life. But for every tale of bloodshed and villainy that was true, there were ten more that were gross exaggerations.
The same held true when it came to women. He was no saint in that regard either, not even much a gentleman, but he didn’t bed every woman he came across. Despite his bravado, for example, he had never coerced an unwilling lass, and he certainly would never use violence to satisfy his libido. Yet the rumors said otherwise, of course. Sometimes, like Milah, the rumors protected the reputation of the dissatisfied housewives who found temporary escape in his bed. Or permanent escape, in Milah’s case. Yet the rumors also helped build up the aura of Captain Hook; the pirate who would run you through as his eyes glinted with two red spots, the man who would plunder your village and ravish your women. People would cower before a man with that sort of reputation. Made piracy so much easier.
But he was a different man now, as much as he was loathe to admit it, and keeping up the ruse was becoming tiresome. He remembered what Ariel had called him – a hero – laughable, really. Even worse, Blackbeard had called him soft. Both those descriptors had fueled his decision that day: to sacrifice a man’s life to get his ship back. With the Jolly in his possession again, the tales of besting Blackbeard and feeding him to the sharks buzzing around every tavern, he felt that surely he could finally forget. Finally, he could slip back into his old ways.
There was only one problem: he couldn’t forget her. He saw her lovely lips turned down in a sad frown every time he had a dagger to a man’s throat. He saw her flashing jade eyes every time he lifted his hook over a trembling, pleading sailor. Emma wouldn’t want this. And he would have mercy. He saw the confused expressions of his crew, heard the whispers that suddenly went silent when he entered a tavern. He knew other rumors were flying aside from his duel with Blackbeard. Captain Hook has gone soft.
The most difficult reputation to maintain, however, was his reputation with the ladies. He knew his flirtation had become half-hearted at best, and surely word had gotten around about the willing lasses he had left unsatisfied. Then there was this constant charade with the wenches he kept paying; but not paying for their services, paying for their subterfuge. Tell people I gave you a good time.
So here he was again, as he often found himself, alone in his quarters as his men passed their shore leave with rum and women. He hunched over his desk, his eyes squinting in the lamplight, as he replayed the way Emma Swan had smiled at him that final day. Good she had said.
Killian startled and looked up to see Smee poking his head through the half-opened door. Instead of growling at the man, he suddenly found himself blushing as if caught in the act. His first mate shuffled hesitantly into the room.
“I uh, didn’t mean to pry, but I ran into that wench on the docks? And um, she looked like she was hiding something, and I was worried, so . . . “
Killian’s embarrassment morphed into anger as he scowled at the man. “I don’t need a nursemaid, Mr. Smee. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of meself.” He bent once again to the paper and pencil in front of him. “You’re dismissed.”
“If I may sir,” Smee continued, undeterred. Killian sighed wearily under his breath as the man shuffled closer to his desk. “The men and I have been a bit concerned. You seem . . . off. You only just left with that wench naught ten minutes ago, and -”
Killian surged up from his desk, sending papers scattering to the floor. “I said you’re dismissed!”
“Y-yes sir,” Smee said, bobbing his head nervously as he twisted his cap in his hands. He looked down at the papers scattering the floor, and he brightened. “Let me help you, Captain!”
Killian attempted to lunge and stop him, but he couldn’t get around the desk in time. He clasped his first mate’s wrist just as his eyes took in the parchment in his hand.
“This . . . is the Princess, Captain.”
“Obviously. Now, leave me be.” He slumped down in his desk chair, rubbing his forehead.
Smee laid the drawing of Emma reverently upon his desk. “I haven’t seen you draw a woman’s likeness since Milah, sir.”
Killian looked up tentatively at the man’s soft words. Smee could be a bit of a buffoon at times, but in all honesty, he was the closest thing Killian had to a friend. The man was loyal to a fault, and he was probably the only one who had seen Killian’s mask slip at times. In every such instance, he had kept that information to himself.
“What happened in Neverland between the two of you?” Smee asked after a moment’s silence.
Killian’s jaw clenched. Closest thing he had to a friend, yes. Confidant about matters of the heart, however? Definitely not.
“My relationship with Miss Swan is none of your business,” he bit out, gently sliding his drawing closer with the tip of his hook. Or lack thereof, he thought bitterly.
Smee seemed unoffended as he gave a firm nod and placed his cap back upon his head. “Say no more, Captain. And don’t worry, I’ll keep the ladies of the night away from you, sir.”
Killian rolled his eyes and waved Smee out. “Oh, and Smee?”
“Y-yes Captain.”
“Speak of this to no one.”
“Course sir, wouldn’t dream of it.”
Killian looked down at his drawing and frowned as he picked his pencil up once again. The eyes weren’t quite right . . .
The days slipped by, and Killian was fairly certain Smee had forgotten their conversation. Until it dawned on him that he was left alone in the taverns more often than not to nurse his rum in peace. And were his crew giving him sympathetic looks? If that imbecile had been wagging his tongue . . .
The man himself suddenly took the chair in front of him at the back of the tavern, an eager expression on his face. Oblivious to Killian’s angry glare, he gestured to the woman he had brought with him. Killian blinked as he took in the woman’s odd appearance. She lowered herself elegantly to the seat beside Smee, adjusting her luminous skirts of grey and white, made of ripped and tattered strips of satin. Her bodice seemed to be made of cobwebs, topped with a blood red corset. Her black lace gloves had holes in them, and her black hair hung in dirty dreadlocks. A tattoo, a constellation that he could have identified if he hadn’t felt uncomfortable staring, filled half her face. The most startling thing, however, were her eyes. They were milky white. Yet she gazed upon him fully, so he didn’t think she was blind.
“Tanith here thinks she can help you, sir,” Smee told him, his smile eager.
“You are a man of heart ache,” she said in a voice that grated like a hinge in need of grease. She reached out with fingernails like talons that tore through the tips of her gloves and caressed his hand. He jerked it back.
“Going to a sorceress is a dangerous business,” Killian muttered, eyeing her shrewdly. “All magic comes with a price.”
“Smart you are, my pretty pirate,” she replied with a smile, showing a mouth full of blackened teeth. Killian suppressed his revulsion lest he insult the powerful woman. “But the price for this is not steep to most.”
She produced a wand of deep purple, decorated in swirling carvings painted red. He swallowed nervously, as if he could feel the magic pulsing from it.
“It can undue a spell,” Smee put in, fidgeting in delight.
Tanith gave Smee a sharp look for stealing her thunder, then turned a smile upon Killian that would have been seductive if not for her foul teeth. “It will reunite you with the woman you love.”
Killian’s jaw clenched as he tried to push down the hope that swelled in his chest. His fingers itched to pick up the wand as Tanith set it on the table before him. “And the cost?” he managed to choke out. Unable to resist, he picked up the wand, his gaze mesmerized by the vermillion carvings.
“The life of the one who cast the spell,” Tanith said flippantly. “Like I said, it is a trifle for most. What better revenge than to undue a spell and take the life of your enemy at the same time?”
Killian’s eyes pressed closed as he released a sigh of disappointment. “She is not my enemy.”
“The Evil Queen?” Smee scoffed. “She’s been your associate, but hardly a friend. Most people would call you a hero for getting rid of her.”
Killian set the wand on the table again and slid it across to the sorceress. “She is the boy’s mother. I would never break Henry’s heart that way.”
“The princess is really his mother, I hardly think -”
Killian grabbed Smee by the front of his shirt and hauled him across the table. “I suggest you stop talking, mate.”
He pushed the man back into his chair which wobbled on one leg, almost sending Smee sprawling to the floor. As he strode in anger from the tavern, the looks on the faces of his crew almost seemed relieved. They were used to his brooding so long as there was a helping of rage to go with it.
Smee, in his typical fashion, took Killian’s threats to him in stride. He seemed no worse for his failed scheme with Tanith the sorceress, still asking his Captain what he needed with almost annoying regularity. Worse were the times he popped into the Captain’s quarters and inquired after Killian’s emotional health with a motherly tone. It was driving Killian batty. At least he had stopped commenting on the growing pile of sketches he’d made of Emma.
One evening, after they had just set sail from yet another meaningless port, Smee bustled in unannounced with a satchel in his hands. Killian tossed aside his pencil in irritation.
“A man needs his privacy, Mister Smee!”
“Apologies, sir, but now that we’re out to smooth seas, I can finally show you what I found.” He reached into his bag and pulled out a crystal ball. “Where do you think this came from?”
Killian arched a brow as he took the offered globe and hefted it in his palm. “I wouldn’t know.”
“The Dark One’s castle! It’s been pillaged, and all sorts of magical objects can be found in every merchant’s wares.”
“And you believe I would be excited about this because . . . “
“The merchant I bought it from told me that all you must do is think of someone you care about, and the crystal ball will show that person to you.”
Killian chuckled sardonically. “Or it’s just a glass ball and you’ve been had.”
“Try it, sir, think of the princess!”
Killian rolled his eyes, but it was a temptation he couldn’t resist. Besides, thinking of Emma was his constant state, so why not give it a go? He gazed into the glass orb and concentrated his thoughts upon it. He gasped when it gray clouds began to swirl within it, and Smee cried out. Then, through the clouds, there she was. She was walking down a street with her lad beside her. Her golden hair was free and blowing in the wind, just as he remembered it. She was laughing at something the boy said, and he was smiling up at her. They were happy, and it made him smile. They walked through a door and shed their coats as they sat at a small dining table. Emma picked up a menu with “Solo Pizza: New York, New York” emblazoned across it. Then the globe went dark.
Killian blinked, his eyes suddenly wet, and he extended the crystal ball to Smee. “Take it,” he choked out.
“But sir, it worked!”
He gazed sadly at his first mate. “Which is exactly why you must get it far away from me.”
“I don’t understand - “
“Through it into the bloody sea!” he thundered.
Smee recoiled, and Killian felt instant remorse. The man had gone to so much trouble to help his troubled heart, and how did he repay him?
“I’m sorry, mate, I just . . . I don’t want to invade her privacy, you understand? And the temptation -”
“I think she would trust you with it,” Smee replied gently as he put the clear globe back into his master’s palm. Then he turned and left.
Killian clenched his hand so hard, he feared the glass would crack. The orb began to swirl again, and he hastily shoved it in the bottom drawer of his desk.
He lasts only until the next port before succumbing to temptation. This time, he sees Emma open the door to a man in a suit with an unflattering haircut. He scowls in disgust, then stuffs the crystal ball into his satchel before he can find out if the man is Emma’s date or just a traveling merchant. That’s it, he’s selling this bloody thing.
When he walks into the closest merchant’s shop and reveals his prize, the man behind the counter reaches for it with eagerness.
“How much?” he asks.
“Perhaps a trade?”
Killian doesn’t really care, but he rubs at his jaw anyway, glancing around the shop. He’s been frugal lately with his doubloons, but perhaps the man has something they could use at sea. Or more drawing paper and pencils his traitorous mind offers, but he pushes that thought away. He had made a decision recently – no more sketches of Emma. It was too painful.
“See what catches your eye,” the merchant tells him, “then we can settle on a deal. How’s that?”
Killian nods and ambles about the room. He does look at a nice art set in a mahogany case, but shakes his head even as his fingertips skim across it. He’s just about to head to the back where the more practical items are displayed when he sees it. He isn’t sure why he’s drawn to it. Maybe because the tiny vial is made of jade the same shade as Emma’s eyes. He picks it up and holds it up to the light. Attached to the cork in its neck is a tiny scroll.
“Now that would be an even trade,” the merchant speaks up, “one rare magical item for another.”
“What is it?”
“If you catch your tears inside, it will reunite you with a lost love. Living, of course.”
Killian doesn’t even hesitate. “I’ll take it.”
It’s humiliating how easy it is for him to catch a few tears that night. He thought the pain would get easier, but now that about a year has passed, the anguish is only deeper. He really is separated from Emma forever. He can’t believe he’s reduced to this: believing the words of a random merchant without so much as a second thought. Nothing happens to the little jade bottle as the salty water drips inside. He puts the stopper in, then unrolls the miniscule scroll. The spell is short, and luckily in Greek. He doesn’t have to worry about getting the pronunciation wrong. Latin would have been another story.
“Eímai erotevmenos kai tha einai panta”
Suddenly, he’s no longer in his quarters on the Jolly Roger. There’s no burst of magic, no portal, not even a sudden wind. He’s simply just . . . somewhere else. It’s cooler here, is the first thing he notices, but then he looks down, blinks, and . . . it’s her. Sleeping peacefully in her bed, just inches away from him, is Emma Swan. All he can do at first is drink in the sight of her, so peaceful, as her breaths rise and fall, her hair fanned out on the pillow. His gaze flickers to the tiny shirt she wears to sleep, the one she called a tank top in Neverland. One strap has slipped down her shoulder, exposing a good portion of one of her breasts. He curses himself as he shifts his gaze elsewhere.
It suddenly occurs to him how bad this is. If she awakens to see him there, he’ll scare her to death. He wouldn’t be surprised if she had a gun loaded in that nightstand beside her, and without her memories, she’ll most likely shoot first and ask questions later. He wouldn’t blame her. He wets his lips, wondering what the hell he’s supposed to do now. His eyes dart to the door, but what if he runs into the lad?
He clenches his fist around the jade vial still in his hand, and that’s when he notices: he isn’t corporeal. He can almost see the vial through his fist. He pats his chest, he can feel himself, but the colors of his skin, his clothes, are all muted and hazy.
And getting hazier. “Swan!” he cries out, unthinking. Her eyes blink open, and a furrow creases her brow.
Abruptly, he’s back on the Jolly Roger, in his quarters.
“Bloody hell.”
It’s only about a week later, and Smee is chattering in his ear incessantly as he navigates the Jolly Roger to yet another port. His men haven’t questioned how antsy their Captain seems to be, never at sea for long stretches of time, hopping from port to port yet never satisfied. As long as they have enough doubloons to satisfy their bellies and their libido, they are a happy lot.
“ . . . so I was thinking of this soothsayer that I met in Glowerhaven once, who has a cousin here in Misthaven. Not a soothsayer, mind you, but he dabbles, and -”
“Mr. Smee, would you quit blabbering on and get to your post.”
“Y-yes, sir,” he runs down to the lower deck, but doesn’t cease his rambling, “anyways, that vial of yours I’m sure is worth plenty to my friend’s cousin. He’s always got some interesting spell books, even does a bit of palm reading. Or is it tea leaves? Anyway, then there was also the skuttlebutt I heard about a pirate with magic beans -”
“Smee!” Killian stomps down the steps from the upper deck, and the entire crew goes silent. “No more spells, no more false hope.”
“B-but sir” Smee protests, yanking his cap off to twist it nervously. Killian hitches his thumbs in his belt loops and tilts his head back in irritation. As fidgety and fearful as the man is, he certainly has no qualms arguing with his Captain. “Did you hear what I said? Magic beans! Portals! Now, one sailor said it was Blackbeard who had them in the Southern Isles, but you and I both saw him walk the plank, so I thought -”
“I don’t care what you bloody think!” Killian snapped, his temper rising. “You sell that damn vial for a pile of doubloons. That’s final!”
Killian turns, his breaths coming hot and fast. He doesn’t even bother to shout orders, but his crew makes port easily anyway, leaving him to brood. Suddenly, right near his hand, a dove flutters down, cooing as if to get his attention. Killian tilts his head in surprise to see the tiny paper tied to its leg. He reaches out tentatively to take hold of the bird, and it doesn’t protest as he holds it to his chest with the crook of his left arm. With his right, he slips the paper – a note – free. Then he releases the bird, and it flies away. Scrawled hastily on the tiny parchment is written:
“Curse coming! Get Emma!”
He crumples the missive in his fist as he gazes out over the water, but there really is no decision to make.
“Sir, are you coming ashore?” Smee asks, his voice more subdued after his dressing down.
“No,” Killian says quietly, “but enjoy yourself, mate.”
The men depart with eager cries and slaps to the back. He feels a bit guilty abandoning them once again to face another curse. But this time, it’s for a greater good. His Swan needs him.
Emma’s eyes blink open, and she frowns. She dreamed of him again, the man in black leather. Dressed lke a pirate? It’s ridiculous. The first time she had the dream, it felt as if he were really there, standing beside her bed. She had even called his name – Killian. But she doesn’t know anyone by that name, and she’s certainly never met a man who dresses like a pirate.
A handsome man who dresses like a pirate.
She shakes her head and laughs at herself as she heads out to the kitchen. She turns on some music, looking forward to a lazy, quiet Saturday with Henry. He steps out of his room soon after, bleary eyed, yet smiling. He waters the plants while Emma gets breakfast ready.
They’re just sitting down to eat, when there’s a knock at the door . . .
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hailbabel · 5 years
"I Gave My Love a Cherry"
I Gave My Love a Cherry
Smutty, fluffy therapy piece taking place between the second and third season. Lady Isabella is supposed to be mingling, but there's only one thing on her mind.
Isabella was in the parlour of the Lady Margaery Everbloom, surrounded by a party of her laughing, chatting, powdered peers. Ladies all of significant social standing. She was meant to be charming them, but just now she could not be bothered. Tiny Lady Margaery was speaking. Something about investments in America, and her husband and his brilliant foresight. Another woman, Lady Elizabeth Harrow, was laughing gaily at some joke whispered in her ear.
Somewhere in the back of her mind, Isabella remembered to smile and nod. She needed to be present, to be here, to woo these women. Behind every great man, as they say, is a great woman. These ladies held the ears of their husbands, lords with influence all around London. It was necessary to listen to their vapid conversation, and cluck along with the rest of the hens.
And yet, she could not be bothered. Her mind was some ways away, thinking the most inappropriate thoughts.
“Lady Fitzwilliam?” Damn, she must have been gone too long. “Don’t you think it’s a brilliant plan? Pineapples, dear.”
“Of course, pineapples. Your husband really is a brilliant investor.” Isabella fixed her expression to something she hoped resembled interest. “I suppose you will be renovating your estate with the earnings?”
This seemed to have accomplished her goal. Just like that, Lady Margaery was off on another tangent about how she would so love to demolish and rebuild her whole home, but would probably just have to settle for redoing the gardens until she could get Lord Everbloom on board. Isabella tuned in just long enough to be polite, but in her mind she was already replaying her last encounter with Charlotte Wells.
The woman had broken one spell, perhaps only to replace it with another, more pleasurable, even exciting one. Their roguery always left a burning memory in the back of her mind.
Isabella cast a nonchalant glance to the grandfather clock at one end of the room. It was high time this party was over. What Isabella wanted most was not to hear about pineapples. She wanted something warm. Something sweet. Something delicious from Greek Street.
“Excuse me, Lady Margaery. I’ve been stricken with the most horrendous headache all day. I must excuse myself.”
The carriage ride back to St. James was not especially long, and yet Isabella could not sit still. She flicked the curtain open to see how far they had gone, made an impatient noise in the back of her throat and flicked it closed once more. When she closed her eyes, she could see her young lover. She wanted to touch her, to wind her fingers in that dark hair, to feel her warm breath, to press her body against Charlotte’s.
Isabella fidgeted with her gloves. The silk on her hands was a poor substitute for the silken skin she wished to caress. Isabella was thankful for the grandeur of her wealth and social standing, and the comfort it afforded her. But just now, she was finding it especially stifling. Her body was growing warm with her building desire, and the layers of her heavy dress were making her uncomfortably hot.
She removed her gloves, and wrung her hands, wishing to run them over the curve of a breast. To clutch the swell of a hip, locking it against her own. Instead, she caressed the back of her neck, hoping for some relief. Her own had strayed to her chest, feeling the softness there. In her mindseye, she saw not her own flesh, but that of Charlotte.
Isabella let out a long sigh as her hands strayed down her corsetted waist and down to the layers of her skirts. A heat was growing between her legs, and she cursed every stitch of fabric between her hands and her body.
The carriage rumbled on, and as far as Isabella could tell she was still miles outside of London and far away from any relief.
She dipped her head back, eyes screwed shut and pretended to be somewhere else. She pressed her thighs together, imagining deft fingers there, stroking, probing.
Isabella moaned, rocking her hips back and forth to feel some kind of pressure. A flush crept up her chest, making the already warm space nearly unbearable. She clutched at her chest, kneading her breasts as best she could through the layers of her clothing.
The heat between her legs became a pulsing throb. Her need was an ache, now, and Isabella could bare it no more. She reached between her legs and began to stroke her thighs. Her hand quested upwards until she found the that part of her that was begging to be touched.
With a satisfied gasp, Isabella dipped her fingers into the slick wetness there, whispering, “Charlotte” as she succumbed to her fantasies.
The carriage came to a sudden stop at the St. James estate. Isabella put her gloves back on hurriedly, and nearly erupted from the carriage, scarcely waiting for her footman to attend her. The poor man was flabbergasted, and mumbled an apology. Had he taken too long?
He was equally confused a mere fifteen minutes later as his lady strode back out of the estate, having changed from her full dress to something a little less conspicuous.
“M-my lady? Should I bring the carriage--!”
“No, Mr. Harper, I think I should like a brisk walk,” she called over her shoulder, already several paces down the street.
He mumbled something back, but Isabella was far too distracted to hear him.
It was not usual for her to dress down when leaving the house, but she would not do well to be recognized where she was going. She had chosen to forego any finery, donning a dress of linen instead of silks, and left her hair down, swept across one shoulder. As she strode out of sight of the estate, she pulled her shawl up to obscure her face, and thus disappeared into anonymity.
When Isabella made it to Greek Street, she was breathless for reasons having nothing to do with her walk. Dusk had begun to fall over London, and all was lit with the warm glow of the setting sun.
Isabella gave the door a smart rap, her very skin tingling with anticipation. Charlotte herself answered it, her expression flicking from mild curiosity to surprise when she saw her guest.
Isabella strode inside, closing the door behind her with a snap, relieved to finally be behind closed doors.
Before the word was properly out of her mouth, Isabella had captured Charlotte’s lips in a kiss. Her entire body hummed with satisfaction, and for a moment Isabella thought that this was all she’d ever need.
Isabella felt Charlotte's mouth curve into a smile, and a laugh spilled out of her lips.
“Isabella? Did you walk all the way here?”
“I needed to see you. I want to… I need….”
For the first time all day, Isabella’s sense caught up with her, and she blushed all the way up to her ears.
Charlotte seemed to understand, and her smile turned into a smirk.
“You know, this is a brothel. You can say it.”
When Isabella could not form the words, Charlotte leaned in, pressing her against the door. On her tiptoes, Charlotte brushed her lips against Isabella’s jaw.
“You can whisper it if you like,” she breathed.
Isabella took a shaky breath. The scent of Charlotte’s skin was warm and intoxicating as it rose off of her body in waves. She dipped her head so that her lips were against Charlotte’s ear.
“I need you.”
Charlotte’s gaze flicked up to meet her own, her eyes dark with lust.
“Then take me.”
The two of them spilled into Charlotte’s room, Isabella pawing clumsily at the lock, barely registering as it clicked. They were a tangle of limbs and hushed moans and hurried, trembling fingers. Isabella pressed Charlotte against the door, leaning on her elbows, half convinced that the woman would disappear out from beneath her body somehow. She buried her face in the nape of Charlotte’s neck and, only then, completely wrapped up, her head full of the scent of her lover, did she pause to breathe.
Her heart was pounding so hard that Charlotte must have heard it.
“Isabella?” Her voice was low and soft. “It’s like there’s a fire inside you.”
Isabella’s mouth quirked into a smile. The words came fully formed, though not from her own mind.
“I want you to be inside me,” she said, lifting her gaze to see Charlotte’s reaction. As she did so, she reached behind and began to undo the laces of Charlotte’s dress.
The woman gave a throaty chuckle.
“My lady,” she gasped, pretending to be scandalized, “such language! Clearly someone has been a terrible influence on you.”
“Hmmm,” Isabella hummed, pleased to see her words illicit a reaction. “I prefer to think of it as being…” Here she plucked at the last lace, “liberated.”
“I fear that I have vexed you, my lady,” Charlotte said with a self-satisfied smirk. She was laid across the bed in nothing but a sheet. The thin fabric clung to her figure, her skin still damp with sweat. Her chest rose and fell hard as she caught her breath. Isabella found it difficult to tear her eyes away from the sight, for Charlotte Wells looked a lot of things just now, but “fearful” was not one of them.
“Vexed me? How so?” Isabella decided she would play along. Presently, she was seated at the vanity, admiring her companion. It occurred to her, vaguely, that “companion” may not have been the right word. Isabella’s own heart was still pounding and a warmth was radiating from somewhere in the pit of her stomach--the afterglow of their vivacious love-making.
“Well, I’ve awakened the beast, as it were.” Charlotte’s smirk was positively impish now. “Surely a lady such as yourself would not engage in such acts if not for terrible influences as I.”
“Oh, Charlotte Wells, you have ruined me,” Isbella said, her voice dropping to a low, breathy husk. “I simply can’t stop thinking about you and your carnal pleasures. Whatever shall I do?”
As Isabella spoke, Charlotte trailed her fingers over her jaw, and down her neck. This gesture was not lost on Isabella, whose eyes followedthose fingertips, spellbound. Just now, Charlotte’s fingers were grazing over her chest, dragging the edge of the sheet down, down, down, revealing her skin inch by agonizing inch.
“Give in,” she said. “Come and give me what I want.”
Isabella rose from the vanity, aware of how this would make her tower over Charlotte. She felt very much like some stalking creature closing in on its prey. She stepped toward the bed where Charlotte lay, the sheet so close to slipping off of her.
“And what do you want, succubus?” As she said this, Isabella lifted her shift and discarded it on the floor.
Charlotte gave an audible gasp. This was not the first time she had seen Isabella completely naked, but she never forgot to make the appropriate noises of appreciation. Isabella made a mental note to thank her for this later.
“I want you in this bed. I want to suck the very virtue out of you.” The sheet finally slipped from her chest, revealing those pert breasts. Isabella felt the familiar stirring of heat between her legs, no less diminished by their earlier antics. If anything, she felt her need was even stronger.
She stalked to the bed with the air of a predator, some fanged, lithe beast with a hunger in her belly. She dipped her head to capture Charlotte’s lips, flicking her tongue out, asking permission to enter. Her hands caressed Charlotte’s cheek, before moving up the column of her throat to the ripe fruit of her breasts. Isabella gave them an appreciative squeeze, rolling her nipples between thumb and forefinger.
Beneath her, Charlotte moaned. Her body arched upward and one hand tangled in the hair at the nape of Isabella’s neck. She pulled away just enough to speak.
“I want your other lips,” she hissed, urging Isabella down her body. Her words brought a fresh wave of silken wetness to Isabella’s sex. Her thighs were slick with the evidence of her arousal, sliding one over the other as she crawled up Charlotte’s body, peppering kissing as she went.
Isabella wanted nothing more than to thrust her tongue deep into Charlotte’s cunt, but she made herself pause to appreciate the rest of her body. As much as it tortured her, she knew it would drive Charlotte to madness. Isabella scraped her teeth over Charlotte’s sensitive breast, making sure to pay extra attention to her nipples that were now painfully erect. Sucking one each in turn, she took great satisfaction in the whimpers coming from Charlotte.
For her part, Charlotte was not idle. She ran her hands up Isabella’s sides, and planted kisses on every bit of exposed flesh she could reach. She mirrored Isabella’s torture, but had none of the patience.
“Please,” she murmured. When Isabella did not give in, Charlotte bit her breast and sucked hard. Isabella gasped, and they both knew there would be a bruise there by morning.
Isabella didn’t falter. She kissed down Charlotte’s smooth stomach, peeling away the flimsy sheet that separated her from her goal. Finally, she reached what she had been yearning for.
Charlotte’s legs opened eagerly, and she murmured a plea for release. She parted Isabella’s lips and stroked with her tongue. Isabella hummed with pleasure as she kissed and nipped Charlotte’s thighs. Finally, she could wait no more. She licked at the sweet nectar between Charlotte’s legs with a pointed tongue. She steadied herself on one elbow as her own thighs began to tremble, dipping her fingers into Charlotte.
The sound of the woman beneath her fueled her passion and Isabella groaned with pleasure. She felt her tongue slide over the swollen cherry of Charlotte's arousal, and a sharp gasp came from below. Isabella swirled her tongue around it, screwing her eyes shut against her own impending release.
Isabella’s own hips rebelled against her, and she found herself grinding down against Charlotte’s eager mouth. Thrusting with fingers and tongues, both women writhed together in a sinuous rhythm, their passions building higher and higher.
“Isabella, please!” The sound of her begging was so sweet that Isabella came undone. As her own pleasure washed over her, she thrust and licked with steady vigor. Her patience was rewarded with another anguished cry of pleasure as Charlotte convulsed against her mouth. Her mind swimming in a sea of red lust, Isabella made herself continue to lick and suck until Charlotte stilled beneath her. Only then did she allow herself to collapse next to her on the mattress, gulping in breaths as she came down from her own orgasm.
For the second time that night, the two of them lay panting on the bed, covered in sweat and Isabella burned with the aftermath of her desire.
“I want to do that every night for the rest of my life,” she breathed, the shadow of a grin in her voice.
Charlotte laughed a breathy laugh.
“I really have cursed you,” she said. “You’re addicted to cunt!”
The two women erupted in laughter at the idea and Charlotte’s absurdly coarse language.
“You don’t really think that, do you?” Isabella turned over to better see her companion. Her lover.
Charlotte didn’t say anything at first, but her expression was conflicted. It was equal parts apologetic and devilish.
“Dear Charlotte, you said it yourself. This was a gift. A most perfect gift.” Isabella reached out and stroked Charlotte gently, her spent mind drifting lazily over her warm skin. “Like a cherry without a stone,” she continued, only half understanding what she herself meant to say. “Does that make sense?”
Charlotte followed Isabella’s drifting touch with a half-smile. “No,” she said, somewhat obstinately, leaning up on her elbow to look at Isabella. “And what is it with you gentry and fruit?”
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liesfromalover · 7 years
Crossed (M)
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
Word count: 12k
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Present day.
Staring at your reflection in the floor length mirror, you critically took in your features. Eyes perfectly lined and tinted a light purple to match the flowers in the crown that was adorned over your long wavy hair. Your small waist was nicely accented by the drop waist corset dress, the bodice covered in a delicate lace that flowed down onto the skirt of tulle which flowed out in full to your ankles. The entire dress was a milky ivory that seemed to glow against your skin. The day was filled with sounds of happiness and joy, children laughing and playing, people were chatting amongst themselves, congratulating the families of the bride and the groom. Your family. It was your wedding day after all.
You looked at your best friend, Dohee, who seemed to be busying herself with her own less intricate crown. She was your bridesmaid and when your eyes met in the mirror, she sent a small smile. You returned it then looked down at your bag, noticing the long abandoned crossword puzzle. You used to do them every morning, especially after you became friends with a certain chestnut haired boy with warm brown eyes. His bright rectangle smile no longer burned in your memory as the last time you spoke with him continuously replays in your mind, an endless loop of heartache and betrayal.
Dohee walked over and slid your fingerless white lace gloves into your hand, giving it a gently squeezed. “Are you sure you can do this?” Her voice was low and she gave you a wary look.
You took a shaky breath as you pulled the gloves on meticulously. “I have to Doe, we can’t hold it off much longer.” Your hand instinctively went to your stomach and you tried to calm the tears forming in your eyes. You were 7 weeks pregnant and you weren’t sure if the father was your best friend or the man you were going to marry. Dohee placed her hand over yours gently. You eyes met her’s once again and she nodded slowly. You clenched your jaw then fell to your knees, sobbing softly. “What if this is a mistake?”
“Who do you love?”
“Yoongi.” You blinked slowly then shook your head slowly. “I love Taehyung too.”
She took a deep breath and rubbed your back soothingly. “Well, you obviously love Yoongi more, he came out first. Marry him. Taehyung will forgive you eventually.”
“Doe. What if this is his child?”
Her eyes widened and she looked at you then looked down. “Then you would have to tell them both. But for now, you wait until next week to get the blood test to figure it out. If it's not Yoongi then you know it's Tae’s but Yoongi will understand and still love both you and your child.”
You nodded and grabbed the tissue, gently dabbing at your eyes and smiling sadly. “Can you help me fix my makeup?”
“Of course. What are best friends for?”
Two years earlier.
Walking through the serene park you admired the way spring made everything seem so alive after the brutal winter. There were no traces of snow anywhere and everything was in bloom. You picked the most beautiful flowers you could find and sat under a wide oak tree, it's branches protecting you from the blinding rays of the sun as you skillfully wove your flowers together into a crown. Once you were satisfied you placed it on your loose wavy hair, loving the way it fit perfectly.
Across from you was a pond and the ducks were floating along, their little ducklings close behind. You pulled your knees to your chest and stared in wonder at all or nature. The birds singing in the trees, the little turtles that poked their curious heads out of the water only to quickly duck them back under, the deep croaking of a frog somewhere your eyes couldn’t see. You smiled brightly and reached in your shoulder bag, pulling out a book and pencil, deciding now would be a good time to start your crossword of the day.
You never understood why but you liked doing crossword puzzles. You enjoyed learning new things and testing just how much knowledge you truly had. You weren’t the greatest, in fact you often had to look up some answers, writing them down in a little notebook of things you’ve learnt. It gave you the same sort of wonder that nature did. Even the harsh storms and severe winters still amazed you, although you much rather enjoy the warm sunshine and cool breezes of spring, you did go out and play in the snow as long as you could be with your friends.
Completely engrossed in the puzzle as you try to remember how many moons Saturn has, 62, you notice someone sitting down near you. You blink and look at the boy, taking in a sharp breath as you notice his sun-kissed skin and wavy chestnut hair. His facial profile was impeccable and he seemed to be enjoying laying in the shade as if it were the first time in hours. His defined nose seemed to be tinged with the promise of sunburn but his lips were spread in a wide smile. He turned and looked at you, eyes widening in shock then relaxing back into a bright smile.
You blinked slowly and smiled back brightly, noticing how he also had a shoulder bag on you tilted your head towards it. “What’s your poison?” He looked at you confused and you held up your crossword book.
“Ahh, I’m a photographer.” His voice was a sweet baritone and it warmed your heart to listen to it. “Why are you here by yourself?” You looked at the boy with his genuinely curious eyes and scrunched your nose up, giggling.
He raised his eyebrow at you then laughed softly. “I came out here because it's nice. I don’t really have someone to come to just enjoy nature with.” Your voice was soft and happy.
“Well, what if I came with you next time? Whenever you want.” He smiled brightly and rolled over onto his belly, reaching his hand out to you until it was almost touching your bare thigh. “My name is Taehyung.”
You smiled and took his large soft hand into your own, shaking it once. “____. It's nice to meet you.”
His eyes brightened and you saw something swim in them, it was so beautiful that your breath caught in your throat. He held your hand a moment longer then looked down syly, releasing it. “Your name is so beautiful, just like you, ____. You look like a faerie.”
You blushed and smiled, putting your puzzle away and standing up. He looked at you confused and you held your hand out to him. “Come on, I’ll let you take pictures of your first faerie ever.” He grabbed your hand and smiled brightly, his mouth forming a cute rectangle. If only you knew where this adventure was going to lead.
One year earlier
“I don’t understand why you have to go, you’re just 24. I think they’re rushing you.” His deep voice bordering on being annoyed and sad. It was the day of your blind date that your parents set up for you. Taehyung had came over to help you choose an outfit but he mostly just sat on your bed and pouted. “I mean, if you really need to just show them you’re dating then take me. They asked if we were many times already.” His voice sounded hopeful and you turned and frowned at him.
“Tae, I don’t get why you’re so against this. I mean yeah it's not my style but that doesn’t mean anything. It's just a date, you aren’t going to lose your best friend.”
“Don’t you remember Jimin? He went on a blind date and now he hardly ever texts me anymore. It's always Seolhyun this, and Seolhyun that, and ‘isn’t she so cute, Tae? I think I really hit the jackpot.’ I hate it and you might end up the same way”
You walked over and squished his cheeks together, pouting slightly. “I promise you Min Yoongi won’t steal me away as your best friend.” You released his cheeks then grabbed the black and white floral dress, holding it up against your body. “How’s this one?”
His eyes went wide then he smiled, nodding slowly. “It's pretty, go try it on.” You smiled then nodded, going to your bathroom. Taehyung produced a bag from under his jacket and held it on his lap, smiling softly.
When you walked back in the room, you eyed the bag curiously and tilted your head to side. “What’s that?”
He looked up at you then smiled brightly then stood, walking over and pulling your hair out of the bun you forced it into. You frowned as he gently turned you around and pushed you to the bathroom and sat you on the toilet seat. “I’m going to do your hair for you.”
You looked up at him intrigued. “You can do hair?”
“I have a sister that always asks me to braid her hair for her like a faerie.” His smile widened and he ran his hands through your hair gently. “That’s what I’m going to do for you.” You sighed and nodded, trusting your friend to make you look pretty. Closing your eyes you felt him part your hair and then a constant pulling on the left side of your head that you recognized as braiding. “Hold this please.” You heard his voice speak softly, it was full of playful concentration as you opened your hand to hold your hair. He gently closed your hand around it and started on the other side and braided it the same. He grabbed the braid he gave you and trailed it back, bringing the other side with him then he gently turned you to face the side so he could get to back as he braided them into the rest of your hair, hanging it down over your shoulder.
He pulled you up and stood you in front of the mirror, resting his head on your right shoulder. His voice was soft and nervous as he whispered for you to open your eyes. When you did you gasped softly at the intricate braids he put in your hair. There were only three but the way they seemed to meet and meld together towards the end was so beautiful that you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face. You turned and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Tae. This is truly a faerie hairstyle.” His arms wrapped around your waist and squeezed you gently before he pulled away, leaving the room.
You followed him out curiously as he held up the bag, pushing it towards you gently. “My sister helped me make it this morning. I wanted to give it to you so you would look as pretty as you did the day we met.”
You smiled and took the bag, pulling out a beautiful flower crown made of red roses and baby's breath. Your breath caught in your throat as you looked at the crown then at him. “You made this?”
He blushed and nodded slowly. “Why? Is it that bad?”
“Taehyung, it's perfect. Can you put it on for me?” You held it out to him gingerly. He smiled and nodded eagerly, taking it and delicately placing it on your head. His hands slid down to your cheek and he looked in your eyes admirably.
“You look beautiful. Like a faerie princess.”
You blushed and scrunched up your nose, giggling softly. “Now I’m a faerie princess?”
He blinked slowly, not moving and staring in your eyes. You quieted your laughter and stared in his deep chocolate eyes, feeling your skin tingle with the amount of emotion in his eyes. His thumb storked across your cheek slowly and it sent pleasurable shivers down your spine. His tongue slowly grazed across his lips as he wet them slightly, slowly leaning down to you. You knew you should pull away but something about the way he was staring at you made you freeze, staring and completely out of control of your body.
The loud ringing of your phone broke the spell as he stopped, his lips just a breath away from yours, eyes widening in shock and reeling back as if he were burned. You shook your head and rushed over to your phone, it was a number you didn’t recognize. Taking a shaky breath you answered, eyes glued to Taehyung as he sat on your bed, head in his hands.. “Hey, It's Yoongi. Sorry for calling you like this but your mother seemed to have remembered me from school Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I’m looking forward to our date in an hour. I’ll see you soon.” Silence. “____? Are you there?”
You cleared your throat and spoke softly. “I’m here, sorry my friend’s over and I was trying to see what he was doing.” Taehyung looked up at you nervously and you raised your eyebrow, silently asking what just happened. He simply groaned and laid back on the bed, shaking his head furiously.
“Oh. You have a friend over. Then maybe we should reschedule our date? I don’t want to interrupt you or anything.” His voice was deep and clear but there was shyness that screamed at you, even through the phone. He sounded familiar but you couldn’t place the name.
“No, I’ll meet you in an hour. My friend was leaving soon anyway.” Taehyung sat up and looked at you sadly, silently pleading for you to reconsider.
“Really?” His voice was excited and happy, something about it made you smile. “I’m glad. We’re meeting at the park right?”
“Yes, the park.” You nodded slowly and said your goodbyes. Taehyung stood up and walked until he was inches from you. You shook your head slowly. “No, Tae.”
“I won’t do anything. I just want to meet him.” He stared at you stubbornly. You sighed and tapped his forehead gently.
“It would look bad.”
His eyes narrowed and his voice sounded more hurt than he let on. “Are you planning on it going well?”
“I don’t know.” You sighed and looked at your watch then grabbed his arm, pulling him along with you. “Let’s just get you to work and me to my date.”
He pulled you to a stop and pulled you against him gently. “I don’t work today. Why don’t I stay the night like I used to and we can talk about your date after?”
You immediately relaxed into him, hugging him gently then nodded slowly and pulled away. “Fine, stay here then. I’ll go out on my date and come home and tell you all about it, ok?” He smiled and nodded, his eyes still seemed off but you squeezed his hand gently before running out the house and down the street. The park was only a few blocks away from your house but you wanted to be early. When you got to the park you smiled and took in the relaxed scenery, there were only a few people here as most were in school or work at this time of day, all the butterflies were fluttering about from flower to flower. One came over to you and landed on your nose a moment before flying off. You giggled and went to your favorite oak tree, placing your hand on it massive trunk before slinking down and waiting for your date. Little did you know it was the beautiful blonde staring at you since you ran over.
Taehyung sighed as he fumbled with the laptop, trying to figure out how to ask you out. He stared at your shoulder bag and smiled sweetly. He loved being your friend but the potential for more has weighed heavy on his heart since the day he met you. “Maybe if I used a crossword.” He smiled more as he mumbled to himself, quickly tapping away on the keyboard to make the best crossword puzzle you’ll ever solve.
Eight months earlier
You frowned at the crossword puzzle and sipped at your coffee. Taehyung sat across from you, staring at you through his camera lens and taking pictures whenever he found the right angle. Your frowned deepened as you filled in yet another answer, wondering what the theme of this puzzle was. “Tae, where did you say you got this puzzle again?” You looked up at your friend confused, then heard the shutter of his camera before he put it down, shrugging and looking out the window. You narrowed your eyes suspiciously, he hadn’t spoken to you since he handed you the damn puzzle.
Putting it and your pencil down you steepled your hands and rested your chin on them, staring at him. You reached across the table and grabbed his camera, holding it up to your eye and looked at him through it, focusing the lens until it was just right then capturing the picture. You smiled proudly as he looked at you slightly amused. “Did you get a good one?” His voice was soft and slow, as though he were with holding something.
“Tae. I’ve known you for almost a year and a half, why are you keeping things from me?”
He pouted then sighed softly. “Just finish the puzzle, you’ll get your answer then.”
You frowned and looked at the puzzle, you only had a few blanks left and then there was the extra bit where you had to highlight the answers in a specific order. You stared at it, thinking hard. Will. You. Go. A. With. Me. Blinking slowly, you tried to fill in the blanks using those as keywords. There was no way this was his way of asking you out, right?
You glanced up at him nervously then back at the crossword. He head his head on the table, eye level with his camera and looked over at you every so often. You cleared your throat softly and he looked at you shyly, nervously licking his lips. “Taehyung.”
“Yeah, ____.” His voice was so soft it was barely above a whisper.
You took a deep breath and put the puzzle down, refusing to finish it and licked your lips slowly. “I can’t go out with you.”
His heart sank and it was evident on his face but he forced a small smile and nodded slowly. “I understand. You don’t want to ruin our friendship. It's ok.”
You frowned, debating whether or not you should just tell him like this. Looking out the window you watched as the summer was slowly fading into fall, some of the leaves already starting to change their colors. “I’m dating Yoongi, Tae. I can’t date you because I already have a boyfriend.”
Taehyung stared at you for a long time, not saying a word. You felt the tension rise so early in the morning and regretted not telling him sooner. “How long have you been with him?” His voice was tight and throaty, as if he were holding back from yelling or crying. Knowing him, it was more than likely both.
“3 months and 2 weeks.” You spoke softly to the trees across the street, unable to look at Taehyung. It hurt your heart too much to see him hurting.
“Why…” He let out a shaky breath and you saw through your peripheral that he ran his hand over his face. “Why didn’t you tell me then?”
“Because every time I brought him up you would get upset. I don’t like hurting you Tae. I never have.” You turned to face him and felt your heart breaking at the look of pure anguish on his face. No tears were sed but they were glittering in his eyes, ready to wet his cheeks at any moment.
“Leave him.”
You blinked slowly and felt your eyes furrow. “Why would I do that? I’m happy Tae. You should be happy for me.”
“I can make you happier. We can have mornings like this everyday. We can go out at night and watch the stars, go on road trips to every place you’ve ever wanted. Just leave him and be with me.”
You stared at your best friend carefully, part of you wanted to take him up on his offer but the other part, albeit slightly smaller, but so much more persistent made you shake your head slowly. “I can’t do that Tae.”
“Why not?” He was crying now, no longer caring about the way he may look. Just needing you.
“Because we’re getting married in 8 months.” You said it flatly and watched the shock spread over his face.
“We’re engaged Tae. It wasn’t just a normal blind date, it was a marriage proposal. I accepted it when I made him my boyfriend.”
“But you can’t just marry someone you don’t even know! I’m not asking you to marry me, just be my girlfriend. Let me take care of you and just be with you.” Though his tone was harsh you could see the heartbreak in his eyes, you could feel the sincerity of his words.
“He isn’t someone I just met. We went to school together. He needs me, Taehyung. I can’t abandon him like that.” You reached for is hand, gently squeezing it.
Her pulled away and stood abruptly. “I need you. I’ve always needed you. I love you, ___.” His voice was breaking from the emotion he felt, floating over to you weakly. You stared at him wide eyed and stood, slowly reaching for him again.
“Tae, please don’t do this,” Your voice was weak as you tried to fight back the tears twinkling in your eyes.
He backed away, glaring at you coldly. “I didn’t do anything. You ruined us.” Roughly wiping his eyes, he grabbed his camera and left you crying and alone. You thought it was the last time you would ever see him again. You were greatly mistaken.
You were out with Dohee and Yoongi at a restaurant when you spotted a seemingly familiar chestnut haired male. You blinked and tried to see his face, being painfully obvious while both Dohee and Yoongi looked at you confused. It had been a month since you last saw him and you missed his rectangle smile and wonderful deep laughter. Yoongi held your hand gently, patiently trying to understand why you were so obviously trying to look at another man when Dohee looked towards the man then back to you. “Is that him?”
Yoongi frowned and started to get up, he was upset at how distraught you were over the past month and you were finally getting back to your old self. He was finally getting back to his old self after his own incident. When you walked in his house on that particularly sunny day and found him drunk and heartbreakingly upset you immediately were grateful that you decided to visit him. He was standing on a stool with rope in hand, ready to wrap it around his neck and take his life. When e saw you his eyes widened and he dropped the rope, climbing down and running over to you crying.
That was the day you discovered yoongi was dealing with severe depression that he usually handled with medication. His mistake was getting drunk while already in a negative mood but there was no other choice. He refused to go to you with his problems at first, afraid of scaring you away. Little did he know that you liked him from the moment you met him in the park, nothing could scare you away from him. You blinked and shook your head, trying to focus on the boy again. “I don’t know, I’ll go see.”
Yoongi sat back down and looked at you, concern flooding his features. “Do you want me to go with you?”
You shook your head slowly and smiled sadly. “If it is him, seeing you may not help any.” He nodded and sighed, leaning over and kissing your head gently before letting go of your hand. You stood carefully and fixed your shirt then walked over nervously. When you reached the boy he looked up at you and his bright brown eyes widened in surprise then quickly became guarded. You swallowed hard, trying to rid yourself of the lump that formed in your throat and pointed to the empty seat across from him. “Is anyone sitting here?” He blinked slowly then shook his head, you quickly took the seat and smiled sadly, wanting to hug him with every fiber of your being.
He looked healthy, like he was sleeping well and although his hair grew to be slightly passed his ears the look fit his well defined features. He watched you and you saw the conflict in his eyes, he wanted to hug you just as badly as you wanted to hug him. “How have you been?” His voice was as deep and filling as you remembered it being.
You let out a nervous laugh and looked down, tucking the stray hairs from your face behind your ear. “Terrible. I cried for weeks then was finally able to leave my house about a week ago.”
His eyes softened and he reached over the table, holding out his hand. “I missed you, ___.”
You looked at him and felt the tears forming in your eyes as you took his hand gently, lacing your fingers together seamlessly. “I missed you too, Tae. I missed you so much.” You felt a pit in your stomach form as you realized that if you hadn’t just written off your feelings for him as just friendly, if you had even bothered to let the spark between you develop, you would have been with him and probably loved him just as much, if not more, than you loved Yoongi. “I’m here with him and my friend, do you want to eat with us?” You silently prayed to every divine being that he would say yes.
You watched as his eyes darkened and his hand slipped from yours slowly. “Why would you want me there with him? I’m sure he knows what happened.”
“He still wants to meet you and he doesn’t really feel any anger towards you, just the situation.” You felt your panic rise as the brief warmth of the past started to dissipate into the tense atmosphere.
Taehyung looked back and spotted the blonde staring at you both warily then Yoongi smiled and waved slowly. He waved then turned back to you, eyes narrowed in a glare. “He met me, I’m leaving.” As he stood and walked towards the back you felt your heart break all over again. You looked up to see Yoongi starting to stand but he met your eyes, silently asking if he should follow. You shook your hand and held up a finger. One minute. He nodded and sat back down, relaying everything to Dohee, who looked back and gave you a thumbs up for support.
Smiling sadly you stood and followed after Taehyung, exiting the restaurant and running down the street after him. You called out for him, yelling his name until he stopped and turned, watching you warily. When you reached him you stopped a few inches from him, panting softly and looking in his eyes. “Why can’t you just stay by my side, Tae?”
His jaw clenched and he groaned loudly, hands going up to grab his hair. “Why should I stay by your side as a friend when all I want is to have you to myself? I want you, ____. All of you. Not just what I can get as a friend.” His hands were on your shoulders and he leaned forward to look deeper in your eyes, you saw the conflict dance in his irises as he was obviously holding back.
You licked your lips nervously and looked at him desperately. “I need you, Taehyung. I love you. I just can’t be with you.”
He blinked once then closed the distance between you. His lips were softer against your own than you remembered them being on your forehead. His large hands slid up to cup your face, angling it just right so he could deepen the kiss gently. You have never felt this at peace during a kiss before and it scared you. You had no control of your body as your hands wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to you. His tongue licked at your lips and you opened your mouth, welcoming his tongue graciously.
The taste of his mouth was a mixture of heaven and sin. It was so good and you couldn’t get enough. You desperately needed more. More of his mouth, more of his hands which were currently caressing your waist, more of him. The way his tongue felt against yours set your body on fire in ways that Yoongi had never. Yoongi. You pulled away abruptly, panting softly and looking at the boy startled.
He bit his lip gently and let his hands fall limply to his side, eyes showing all the desire he had but he held back. “I’m sorry. I just… I’ve wanted to do that for so long and when you said you loved me. I just acted. Please don’t hate me.” He pleaded softly, his usually husky voice was light and airy.
Releasing a shaky sighs and running your hand through your hair you looked down sadly. “Maybe we can’t be friends. I’m sorry too, Tae. I’m sorry for hurting you over and over. Goodbye.”
His hand grabbed your arm and pulled you against him, eyes dark with lust and something else. “I’ll stay. I’ll stay by your side. Don’t leave me again.”
You felt a shiver run through you as his slightly swollen lips came back to you, so close to your own but just far enough. Too far. “I didn’t leave you. You left me. You left me all alone and I felt like I was dying, Taehyung. It hurt so much.” You swallowed the tears and shook your head, hiding your face in his chest.
He rubbed your back soothingly and kissed your hair gently, leaving his own warm tears spill over. “I won’t leave again.” You should have walked away, telling him to forget it. You couldn’t trust yourself with him anymore now that this fire has started in you. AS much as you loved Yoongi, this was different, more intense. If you had to compare them Yoongi was soothing and calm like the ocean, his love was bountiful and had no limits as far as the eye could see, but TAehyung. TAehyung’s love was like a burning fire, all consuming and filled you with a comfort unlike anything you’ve ever felt but if you ignored it, it would burn out. Or so you thought.
Two months earlier.
You figured out a way to be with Taehyung without having to cheat on Yoongi, never be alone. It was difficult at first but once you both figured out the best places it was back to the old happy days. Yoongi would come along with you guys often, wanting to get to know all your friends and you loved his eagerness to accept im as a part of your life. It was rocky at first until Taehyung brought his camera along after work, then they acknowledged their shared interests.They actually got along really well and had many more interests in common than they thought. It was a happy time, everything was great. Until Yoongi’s business trip.
You pouted when he packed his clothes, holding him close to you. “Do you really have to go? I don’t want you to leave.”
He sighed and kissed your ear gently, your face buried in his neck. “I don’t want to either baby but this is a very important business trip. If I don’t go the merger may not happen and a lot of people will lose their jobs.”
You nodded and sighed, hating that he was the go-to guy at his company. “If they don’t make you at least the vice president one day I’ll have Dohee write an expose on how they used you for years. “
He laughed and squeezed you gently. “You know she’s been digging up dirt on the CEO for months, she’s itching to report on her findings and I’m quite curious as to what she found.”
You looked at him, smiling brightly. “A lot that you can’t know.~ She won’t even tell me.”
He kissed you gently, your eyes fluttered shut and rubbed his chest. “Baby.” His voice was full of lust, making your cheeks flush and look at him shyly. His eyes were dark and hungry but he pulled away slowly. “I wish we had more time. I’ll only be a few days ok? Three at most.” He ran a hand through his blonde hair and sighed, looking at his watch and groaning, zipping his small suitcase. He kissed you again, lingering a moment longer than necessary to make sure you knew how much he was going to miss you.
You smiled against his lips and gripped the firm flesh of his butt gently, making him jump and giggle. “Bye baby. I’ll call you every night and miss you every second you’re gone.”
“Bye.” He started to walk away then paused and turned, smiling lovingly. “I love you.”
You felt your heart pump in your chest as the warm smile spread on your face. “I love you too, Yoongi.”
He left smiling brightly, you waved him off at the door, smiling back. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and took it out, Taehyung was calling. You answered and he started immediately. “I know we aren’t supposed to be alone together but do you want to go to this art exhibit with me? They’re doing a piece on nature and there’s all this photography and paintings and I just thought about you. Please say yes.”
You smiled at the thought of the exhibit and it would be somewhat public, what could go wrong? You hadn’t had any feelings towards him since you moved in with Yoongi a couple months ago so everything should be fine. You took a deep breath and played with your hair, twirling it between your fingers. “What time does it start?”
Deciding that jeans and a t-shirt would be inappropriate for an art exhibit, you changed into a knee length lilac sun dress. It flowed with the breeze and you ended up wearing the flower crown that Yoongi bought you. You normally didn’t wear fake ones, preferring to make them yourself but it was too beautiful to turn away. Several white roses varying in size with little lilacs and hyacinth flowers wrapped around in intervals. it was the first time you wore it and felt a little strange that he wouldn’t be able to see it on you in person. The way the colors looked on you made it seem like it was made specifically for you.
You stood by the entrance, waiting for Taehyung when you spotted him, standing at the other side of the entrance looking around eagerly. He just wore a pair of nice looking jeans and fitted long sleeve shirt. You stared at him for a while, trying to remember the last time you saw him wear shirts that were actually his size.  Smiling you walked over to him, tapping his arm once you were within reach. He turned quickly, startled then smiled brightly and giggled, then finally noticed your outfit and stared at you blankly. You frowned and poked his cheek. “What is it? Do I look bad?”
“No, you just… You look like a faerie princess again.” He smiled at you amazed then shook his head slowly, grabbing your hand. “Come on, let’s go enjoy the pictures.”
With a nod you headed into the building, hand in hand, fingers warmly entwined with his own. He brought one of his cameras with him and took pictures of you while you admiring the paintings of serene landscapes that seemed too vast to have been captured by the stroke of brush. He caught the look of pure awe as you walked into the room which seemed to mimic that of an actual canopy of trees in the forests. His breath caught in his throat and his heart thudded in his chest, gradually picking up speed.
You looked at him and smiled brightly, your own heart racing from the excitement of it all. “I want to see this in person one day. Just explore the forest with the person I love and get lost together.” You grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently then took the camera from him, pulling him close to you to take a picture together. He laughed softly and posed next to you as you captured the moment. Thankfully it was one of his digital cameras so you looked at the image and smiled warmly.
His hand was on your cheek suddenly, fingers tucked under your jaw and lifted your face to look at his gently. You blinked, confused by your cloudy vision and the moisture on now on your face. You were crying. He wiped the tears away gently, kissing your cheeks slowly, his voice low and soft. “It's ok. We’re ok.”
You blinked rapidly and bit your lip gently. You were having a great time, why did you start crying? Why were you like this? “Maybe I should go home.” You spoke in a small voice.
Taehyung looked at you sadly then nodded. “If that’s what you want to do.” He dropped his hands to yours and started walking back to the entrance. Walking past all the art pieces you realized why you were acting this way, why you felt this way. Your wedding was just two mere months away. Eight weeks. Fifty-six days until you had to give up on the idea of Taehyung forever. Although you loved Yoongi, you never got to really give it a chance with Taehyung, you just pushed it aside as a childish crush on a friend.
When you reached your car he stopped, smiling at you sadly. His eyes were filled with emotion but he knew there was no use in expressing it. You avoided looking in them, your own emotions were warring within you. If you looked at him it may tip the very unstable balance you had left. He frowned and lifted your chin, making you face him. You closed your eyes, unable to trust yourself. “Look at me, ____.” You shook your head slowly, silently cursing yourself at the shiver that went through you at the sound of his voice saying your name so softly and full of love. “Please don’t leave like this. If you’re upset with me then tell me so we can talk about it and solve it now. Don’t make me worry about it until the next time I can see you.”
You bit your lip hard, not wanting to give in but he was right, doing this to him wouldn’t be fair. You opened your eyes slowly and met his. The setting sun was reflecting in his sweet brown eyes, making them seem reddish in color but it just looked so beautiful to you. You swallowed down your comment and sighed softly. “I’m not upset with you, Tae. I’m upset with myself.”
He looked at you confused, pouting a little. “Why?”
“Because I don’t want to go home alone….” You let your words trail off, unable to say everything on your mind. You looked down and opened the car door. Taehyung watched you for a moment before going to the other side, opening the door and getting in. You froze, watching him then leaned down sticking your head in the car. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going home with you. You don’t want to be alone, neither do I.” He looked ahead and licked his lips slowly. “If you don’t want to go to your house, we can go to mine.”
You stared at him then quickly got in the car, buckling up and starting it. He looked at you confused then put on his seatbelt. Your voice was airy as you struggled to keep your heartrate down. “Where’s your house?”
You pulled up to his apartment building and exited the car, tapping your foot nervously. He came around the car and walked you in, pushing the button for the elevator. You stood there, contemplating whether or not you should really go up to his apartment and if you did, how long you would stay. You snuck a peek at him and saw him standing with his hands in his pockets, looking down at his shoes with a much too serious face on.
The elevator came and you both walked in, standing on opposite sides and looking at the door. Thankfully the building only had 6 floors, unfortunately his seemed to be on the 6th. You sighed softly and you saw him turn to face you through the dark reflection on the metal doors. You smiled shyly and looked at him. He blinked then smiled back, opening his mouth to speak when the elevator stopped, opening the door to let in a couple. They greeted you both politely then pressed 5. You figured they were visiting someone sick since they had a big pot of what smelled like soup.
Taehyung looked at you longingly but stayed where he was, in the corner towards the back while you were in the front. You sighed softly when the couple got off and as soon as the doors were shut, Taehyung came over to you, taking his hand in his gently. You blinked rapidly and swallowed hard, fighting to ignore the feeling of your heart racing. As soon as the door opened he pulled you out and down the hall, stopping at the one all the way at the end and pushed in his pin quickly, unlocking the door and pulling you inside.
Once he closed the door you looked around his minimalistic decor and smiled shyly, enjoying the way it reminded you of the way yours used to look. He watched you shyly and smiled a little. “I don’t decorate much because I’m never really home. “ His voice was soft and you nodded, walking over to the kitchen. He followed you slowly, watching the way you simply took in everything. It was your first time over, after all.
“I like it.” You looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and grabbed your hand, pulling you to the couch and sat down, pulling you next to him and turning on the t.v. You smiled and watched it silently, eventually you felt his arm drape over your shoulder.
You looked at him shyly and he bit his lip, pulling his arm away. “Sorry.”
Pulling his arm up, you leaned into him slowly, resting your head on his shoulder and letting his arm rest around you. “It's ok.”
He rubbed your arm slowly as you watched some ridiculous melodrama. You were almost certain he wasn’t paying attention to it, just as you weren’t as you were too busy listening to the sound of his steady heartbeat. You slid your hand up to rest over his abs and he shivered slightly. Blinking, you noticed how his heart rate picked up a little and removed your hand. He reached over and grabbed your hand gently, placing it back on his stomach and squeezed your arm gently. “It's ok.”
You heard his voice rumbling softly through his chest and smiled, nodding slowly and closing your eyes.
You must have fallen asleep because when you opened your eyes again you were tucked away in his bedroom. Blinking and running your hand through your hair, you looked around the room frowning. It was dark, the only light being the moon, floating high in the sky. You stumbled out of the bed and walked out of the room carefully, searching for Taehyung. When you found him he was curled up on the couch, a small blanket covering his slender form. You smiled and walked over to him slowly, lifting the blanket and laying on top of him.
He stirred and flattened himself on his back, wrapping his arms around you. His voice was deep and husky with sleep. “What are you doing? Go sleep in the bed, ____.”
You watched his mouth move and smiled, no longer caring about any consequences that you would have to face. “I want to sleep with you.” You whispered softly.
He groaned softly and squeezed you gently. “Don’t tease me. Go back to the bedroom before I change my mind.”
You stayed put, tracing shapes on his neck with your nail slowly. He opened his eyes slowly then sat up, holding you on his lap. “You really want to sleep with me?”
You smiled shyly and nodded slowly, cupping his face gently and brushing your lips against his softly. He bit your lip gently and looked in your eyes. You moaned softly and pulled back a little, looking at him. He watched you nervously, his body trembling with desire. “This is your last chance, ____. If you don’t want to do this, go to the bedroom.”
You looked at him and realized there is no where else you would rather be. You stood up slowly and he sank into the couch, sighing softly and covering his face with his hands. Pouting a little you pulled your dress over your head and exposed your topless figure to him. “Tae.” Your voice made him remove his hands and once he saw you he immediately pulled you back to him. His mouth was on your breast leaving open mouthed kisses until he reached your nipple then he latched on and sucked it gently, massaging it with his tongue while his hands roamed your body.
You moaned softly and tilted your head back in pleasure. His mouth just felt so good as it set your body on fire, his hands spreading the flames like a brushfire blazing after a drought. Your body was craving him, your hands found the hem of his shirt and pulled it up slowly. He pulled away long enough to take it off and throw it across the room before taking your other nipple in his mouth. You started to rotate your hips on his slowly, feeling his hardening length against your core and moaned more.
Taehyung moaned softly and looked up at you, hands settling on your waist. You ran your hand through his hair then gripped it gently, pulling him away from your chest. He moaned sweetly and his eyes fluttered. “Kiss me.”
You smiled and leaned down, gently placing your lips on his. They were slightly damp with saliva but it just made them taste so much better. You moved your hips harder into him, feeling his clothed erection rub against you made the wetness grow between your legs. His kiss was desperate and needy as he tried to taste as much of you as he could, his tongue flicked into your mouth effortlessly and explored the opening, making you moan softly. You released his hair and he whimpered softly in your mouth before he shivered at the feeling of your hands running down his bare chest. He gripped your ass gently and picked you up, turning around and placing you on the couch.
Breaking away from the kiss, his lips trailed down your body, kissing and licking everywhere as his hands tugged slowly at your lace panties. A small smirk played on your lips as you moaned softly into the air. When he reached your wet core your panties were off and he wasted no time, spreading your sticky folds with his tongue and making a shocked gasp escape your mouth. His tongue was excited and sloppy, the strokes were irregular but something about it, the way he stared up at you as you moaned his name over and over and over, made stars blind your vision. your hands tangled in his hair and gently pushed his face deeper into your wetness. You needed to feel more of him. His hands gripped your hips gently, moaning softly as you tugged on his hair and sucked on your clit mercilessly. You felt your walls tighten as they craved him to enter you, you needed to feel more of him.
Taehyung removed one of his hands and slid a finger in you effortlessly, curling it against your most sensitive spot and thrusting it in you slowly. You moaned louder, feeling your high get closer with each thrust. He slid another finger in and you knew this wasn’t just to get you off, it was to get you ready for him. Excitedly you licked your lips and gyrated your hips into his hand, wanting your high to come faster. His tongue flicked against your clit faster and his fingers moved in you harder, your moans coming out airy and high.
The coil in your stomach wound tighter and tighter until it snapped, your legs shaking as you moaned his name loudly, as if it were the only thing you knew. He slid his fingers out slowly as you settled, placing a gentle kiss to your now sensitive bud then licked his fingers, sucking on them seductively as he stared in your eyes. When he was done he leaned up and kissed your neck, your arms immediately wrapping around his torso to hold him gently against you. His whispers caressed your ear and neck, sending pleasurable shivers down your spine. “You taste so good, ____.”
You smiled and blushed, running your nails down his back slowly. “Mmm, can I taste you?”
He blinked then looked at you, biting his lip and nodded slowly. Pulling away slowly and standing up slowly, you pulled him closer to you gently and undid his jeans, pulling them down to release his massive length. Your eyes widened at the width and length, taking it in your hands softly. “You’re so big, Tae.” You looked up at him shyly, meeting his own shy gaze. He simply smiled and shrugged, licking his lips nervously..
Laughing softly, you spit in your hand and stroked him slowly, watching as he moaned softly. “Mmm. Sit down.” You spoke softly, and he hesitated at first then sat down next to you. You turned your body so it was facing him and leaned over, taking the head of him in your mouth. He moaned softly and ran his hands through your hair, pushing it to the other side of your face so he could watch you. He fit as much of him your mouth as you possibly could until he hit the back of your throat. Something about the way he filled your mouth and the sounds he made just made you want him so much more. You moaned softly around his shaft and his groans of pleasure filled your ears. You had hardly moved but every second you stayed there, tightening the pressure in your mouth a little more as you hollowed out your cheeks made him stir in anticipation.
When you finally took him out of your mouth to breathe you gasped softly and stroked him, smiling and breathing heavily. He breathed heavily and caressed your shoulder gently. You put in back in your mouth and bobbed your head slowly, stroking what couldn’t fit in your mouth and moaning softly, letting him know that it's just as pleasurable to you as it is to him. He didn’t try to hide his moans, letting them come out soft and airy as you sucked on his hard member. Your tongue massaged his sensitive and when ever you took him out you licked up the length, looking at him as you did so with a smirk. He blinked and licked his lips, hands going to your breasts to fondle them gently.
Taehyung called your name softly and you looked at him, taking his length out of your mouth and smiled. He cupped your face and gently guided it up to his, pulling you onto his lap as your lips met. Your hand continued to stroke him as you lined it up with your opening, kissing him deeply before breaking it, staring into his eyes. His pupils were fully blown and the lovely brown you loved with all your heart could hardly be seen but the small smile on his lips let you feel all the love in his heart. Licking your lips slowly, you eased down onto him, both of you gasping softly at the feeling. Once you were settled you lifted up a bit the dropped back down, building a rhythm as your soft moans were echoed by his own.
This feeling was unlike anything you’ve ever felt. Your body was screaming for you to go faster but you couldn’t stand the idea of not being able to stare into his eyes like this. He bit your lip gently as his one of his hands fell to your waist, coaxing you to go a little faster but not enough to disrupt your gaze. Your forehead rested on his as you bounced a little harder, moaning louder and kissed his lips gently. He gripped your hip gently and thrusted up in you softly, slowly getting harder. You shivered at the feeling and moaned more, eyes fluttering shut as your mouth left his, going to his neck and biting gently. He moaned softly and squeezed your hip gently, thrusting harder and faster into you as the spell broke.
You sucked on the sensitive, trying to hold back your moans but his thrusting was beginning to become relentless, slamming you down onto him as though he needed to get deeper in you. He slowed and you looked at him confused before he wrapped your arms around his neck and stood slowly, holding you tightly against him. You bit your lip then kissed him deeply as he stepped out of his jeans and boxers.
Taehyung slowly laid you on the couch, kissing you repeatedly and smiling sweetly. He never left your warmth and began thrusting into you once you were both nicely settled. They were hard and deep and you moaned loudly, feeling him fill you more than he had in the previous position. His mouth was on yours instantly as you moaned his name, it was sloppy and eager but it felt so damn good. His thrusts picked up speed as his hand travelled down to your hip, gripping it tightly in a way that was bound to leave bruises but the pain it sent through you was completely overshadowed by the amount of pleasure he caused.
Your body felt like it was on fire, every inch of you on edge that just the slightest touch from him almost made you cum, and he couldn’t stop touching you. As he thrusted into you his lips travelled down your neck to your chest as best as e could, groaning in frustration when he couldn’t kiss your belly and working his way back up to your ear. His breath was shallow and hot as he moaned and whispered your name in your ear, making your walls tighten around him. He gasped softly and smiled, biting your neck gently. You moaned and tilted your head to the side, loving the way his teeth felt against you. He bit into you harder, sucking gently on the skin.
You moved your hips into him and felt your body burning hotter with each thrust by him, your nails gripping his hair tightly. He moaned and whimpered softly, looking in your eyes lovingly as he thrusted harder, just barely pounding your tight core. You moaned louder and arched your back, gripping his hair tighter. His eyes fluttered and he rested his forehead against yours, eyes staring deeply into yours as your high came closer. His thrusts were becoming irregular and you loved the way his eyes looked half dazed.
“I love you.” You spoke the words before you could think, before you could regret them even forming. His lips crashed into yours hard as he pounded into you, making you scream softly in his mouth as you were flooded by pleasure, eyes squeezing shut and your legs shaking against him. He didn’t slow down, just moaned into your mouth as you clenched around him, forcing his own climax to come.
After he finished, he slowed and gently laid on you, resting his head in the crook of your neck. You ran your hand over his back slowly, trying to calm your heart and breathing. His voice was a whisper as he kissed your neck. “I love you too.” A small smile spread on your lips as you squeezed him gently, giving him a small hug.
You stayed like that for a while, laying with him on top of you. There was no need to speak. There was no need for anything other than to just be together. To finally accept that this is where you were meant to be. He finally moved, getting off of you slowly and walking to the kitchen. You sat up and watched him, a small pit of sadness forming in your stomach.
When he returned he brought a carton of ice cream and two spoons, handing them to you then covering your eyes before turning on the light. “Why are you turning on the light? And why ice cream?” You pouted and looked at the flavor, Dulce de Leche.
Taehyung looked at you amused and took a spoon. “Well, I like ice cream. And because I wanted to see you.” You blushed and looked down, holding the spoon in your mouth. He lifted your chin gently and kissed you softly. “Thank you.”
You frowned and opened the ice cream, grabbing a spoonful. “What for?”
He sat next to you and pulled you close to him, putting a pillow under the carton. “For giving me today. For loving me.” He didn’t look at you for a while, eating the ice cream slowly.
You ate slowly, thinking over everything carefully. The ice cream was actually good and refreshing. “I’ve always loved you. It just took a while to realize how much.”
He opened his mouth to speak then closed it, smiling sadly at the ice cream. You frowned and nudged his arm. He sighed and looked at you then rubbed your cheek. “I don’t want to ruin it. This moment.”
Blinking slowly you realized what he was going to say. Rather, what he was going to ask. What about Yoongi. You chewed the inside of your cheek and stared at your hand where the small diamond ring sat. You couldn’t just leave him but something in you desperately needed Taehyung. He grabbed your hand and entwined your fingers slowly. “It's ok.”
You looked at him and blinked slowly. That had become your mantra every time either of you felt something might go wrong between you because of your emotions. You both loved each other too much to just leave but maybe he loved you so much more. You weren’t sure if you could ever stay by his side the way he stayed by yours. Taking a deep breath you pulled your hand away slowly, slipping the ring off and placing it on the end table. He watched you curiously but stayed silently. “For the next few days, there is no Yoongi, just us.”
He stared at you for a few heartbeats before he kissed you deeply, placing the ice cream next to the ring. There were no regrets, no doubts, just love.
The next few days went by too quickly. You made love to Taehyung more times in those three days than you had with Yoongi in the 10 months you had been together. Every morning and night that ended with Taehyung was magical and you hated that you had to go home, back to your old life. No. This was your new life. Your old life had magical moments in them all the time but it wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy this new one. It was filled with comfort and security and joy. Everything you could ever wish for. Yoongi was attentive to your needs, wants and desires. He absolutely adored you and would do anything and everything within his power to make sure you were happy.
When he came home, you had his favorite dinner ready for him, steak. He smiled and just short of ran to you, scooping you up in a tight hug as he twirled you in a circle. Your laughter filled the room as you cupped his face gently and kissed him. There was nothing wrong with the way you felt. You just loved two people at the same time, there was nothing wrong with that. “I missed you so much. It was so cold sleeping without you.”
You smiled sadly and rubbed his cheeks slowly. “It's ok baby. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” He smiled brightly and kissed you again, putting you down and running his hand down your back. “Mmm, let’s eat before it gets cold.” He nodded again and went to the table where his plate sat. You couldn’t have hated yourself more than you did in that moment.
After washing the dishes you decided to take a shower. You looked at your naked reflection in the mirror and frowned, eyeing all the bruises that you’ve accumulated over the past few days from Taehyung. Running your finger over them gingerly you shivered in pleasure as the memory of him taking you from behind on the kitchen table came back in your mind. Biting your lip gently, you quickly turned on the shower, making it cooler than usual and stepped in. The cold water made you gasp softly as it washed over you, forcing your body to cool the slow burning that it sparked when you thought of your lover.
Your mind travelled back to when Taehyung made love to you in the shower, the water running cold to calm the burning between you. You shivered and turned up the heat, washing your body slowly, sensuously lingering over your sensitive areas. You couldn’t have Yoongi because of your love marks but you couldn’t go back to Taehyung this time of night. You licked your lips slowly and ran your hand through your hair. When did you become such a terrible person. Yoongi doesn't deserve this, he could do so much better than you.
There was a soft knock on the door then Yoongi poked his blonde head in shyly. You looked at him and smiled, beckoning him into the bathroom. He stepped in and smile shyly, showing his naked body. You blinked slowly and blushed, remembering just how beautiful your fiancee’s body was, all lean muscle and wonderfully smooth skin the color of moonlight. He licked his lips slowly and walked closer. “Can I shower with you?” His voice was soft and deep, lustful. You bit your lip and nodded slowly. He climbed in the shower and kissed you gently.
You ran your hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face and looked at him warmly. His eyes scanned your body slowly, narrowing slightly at your hips then went back to yours. He gently pushed you against the wall and kissed your neck, sucking the soft skin hard. You moans softly and gripped his arms gently. Yoongi wrapped his arms around your waist and picked you up gently, you legs wrapping around his waist on instinct.
He gripped your thighs gently and kissed along your jaw slowly. “Do you want me to fuck you now or later?” You licked your lips and looked at him shyly. His voice was different, harder, rougher, sexier.
“Now.” Your voice was breathy and he thrusted in you immediately making you gasp and moan at the feeling of being filled. You licked your lips and kissed his ear, moaning softly in it. “Fuck me.”
And he did, thrusting rapidly into you as though it was the only thing he could do. His grip was tight as it slid to your ass, his groans were deep and vibrated against your chest as he bit down on your collarbone, sucking roughly. You scratched down his back, leaving claw marks and moaned his name loudly, loving the change in him. It was so intense and exciting.
His hand released your ass and quickly brought it down, slapping the wet skin and squeezing it. You gasped loudly and ground your hips against him slowly, biting your lip and arching your back into him. The water that was once steaming the room now seemed chilled, cooling you both as he let you down gently, turning you so you were pressed against the wall and spread your legs. His lips grazed over your shoulder slowly as he slid back into your warmth. You moaned softly and closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his body against yours. He slapped your ass again, harder, and kissed your neck, now covering this side in dark purple bruises that claimed you as his own.
His thrusts in you were merciless as he made you scream, rubbing your clit to edge you further. You felt your orgasm coming over you like a wave and accepted it, knowing that it wouldn’t be your last. He moaned as you tightened around him and slowed to a nice pace, hand moving away from your wetness to rub your sides lovingly. You felt the slight pain of being overstimulated but it only made you eager for his climax. He kissed your ear and smiled against the skin, thrusting hard and deep in you. You moaned loudly and tightened your hands into fists, fighting to hold back the tears forming in your eyes. It was much more than you thought it would be, the amount of pleasure was almost painful but there was no way you would stop. You felt higher than you had in a long while.
Yoongi usually never fucks you like this, only a few times when he had a rough day at work and you welcomed it but even this. It was different. It was dark and primal. He gripped the flesh of your ass gently and pulled you in to meet his thrusts, making you moan loudly. You felt the tight coil forming in you again so soon after the first one. His thrusts were quickly becoming rougher and rougher as he came closer to his high. “Cum for me baby.” His voice was soft and breathy, whispering in your ear. You let go of your hold, giving in to the pleasure as he pounded into you.
You moaned loudly and felt your go weak, the only thing holding you up was Yoongi’s hands and the wall. Your vision was blinded by something, whether it was white light or just darkness, you weren’t sure. All you knew was the wave of pleasure the consumed you sent Yoongi over the edge and he came deep in you, moaning loudly and squeezing you to him tightly.
His lips kissed your neck and he laughed softly, sliding out of you and holding you against him. Once you were sure you could stand on your own, you turned to face him and kissed him gently. “What brought that on?”
He smiled warmly then shrugged and looked away, letting you go and starting to wash himself. “Who knows, maybe I’m just in a bad mood.”
You frowned and watched him while you leaned against the wall. “You don’t look like you’re in a bad mood.”
“I’ve developed these wonderful skills where I can hide my emotions from everyone.” He shrugged again and stood directly under the water, letting it wash over him. You watched him for a while then nodded, hugging him gently then started washing yourself. The rest of the shower carried on in silence.
He looked at you pull the oversized shirt on then took a deep breath, sitting on the bed. “So who is it?”
You froze and looked at him nervously. He pat the spot next to him and raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t do that. I’m pissed, yes. I’m hurt, but at the end of the day you came home and you’re here with me. I won’t do anything, I just want to know who you fucked while I was gone.” He stared at you blankly and although you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at him, his tone was cold, detached.
You swallowed softly and sat next to him, looking down at your hands. “I didn’t mean to. I mean I did but I had been fighting it for so long.”
“Taehyung.” You felt the tears form in your eyes, knowing that you would never be able to see him again after this.
Yoongi was still for a long time as your tears slowly left your eyes. He wrapped his arm around you slowly and rubbed your arm. “Don’t cry.” He took a deep breath and lifted your chin to look in your eyes. “Do you love him? Is that why…?”
You looked at him and felt your heart breaking, of course he was crying. You were the only girl he ever really loved after everything he went through. Every person he ever cared about ended leaving him, in one way or another. You couldn’t lie to him though, so you nodded slowly.
He took a shaky breath and wiped your tears slowly. “Then go. I won’t keep you here if you don’t love me.”
You grabbed his hand gently and kissed it. “But I do love you. I love you both.”
“You can’t. You have to choose.” Yoongi’s eyes were shining and silently pleading, praying that you would choose him.
You kisses him gently and nodded, holding onto him gently. You couldn’t leave him, you just felt in your bones that you had to be with Yoongi. “I choose you.” He sighed against your lips and pulled you tightly against him. Telling Taehyung would be painful but he would understand, he had to.
Present day.
You sat in the bridal room, greeting your family and friends, smiling and pretending to be happy. Even Yoongi sent you multiple texts saying it would be prefectlyfine to move the date back, everyone would be fine. After you told Taehyung that you chose Yoongi, that although they three days you spent together was amazing, that was all you could have, he took it fine. Surprisingly so. He said his mantra to you and stuck by your side, sticking to the old rules of not being alone together.
Everything was fine, everyone was happy again, or so you thought. A week ago you found out you were pregnant. Rushing to your gynecologist to figure out how far along you were. You seem to be about 6 weeks pregnant, congratulations. 6 weeks ago you had slept with both Taehyung and Yoongi. Having slept with them both in the same day at that. You cursed yourself for being so stupid but at the same time you were so happy. Yoongi didn’t force you to stop talking to Taehyung and after they talked about everything amongst themselves, Taehyung knew that you would be happy and was satisfied with that. No matter who the father was, they’d both be in your life. That should be good enough for you, right?
You readied yourself at the door, the ceremony was about to begin. The veil over your eyes made everything seem like a white hazy dream as your father squeezed your arm gently. You smiled at him and rested your head on his shoulder briefly. Your song started and the doors opened. Taking the first step out into the bright sunlight, walking slowly down the aisle to Yoongi. He looked like a prince with his all white suit, accented by lilac accessories. His hair was perfectly messy with a flower crown that matched your own adorned on his head.
When Dohee and Taehyung reached their spot, they separated, Taehyung taking his place next to Yoongi as the best man. You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat as you smiled to your father and he lifted your veil then went to his seat in the front row. You walked a few steps to stand in front of Yoongi, who had tears sparkling in his eyes. “You are so beautiful.” His voice was a whisper and you smiled, taking his hand in yours gently.
The ceremony went smoothly and although neither of you prepared your own vows, it was still beautiful. You kissed him for the first time all day and smiled to the audience as you became Mrs. Min Yoongi.
During pictures you posed and smiled like you were supposed to but you weren’t truly happy. You had to tell the boys but they were both so happy, how could you? Taehyung noticed you weren’t happy and came over, “Are you regretting turning me down? I think we can get an annulment now if you like.” He smiled and rubbed your arm
You frowned and shook your head. “It's not that, I’m happy I married him it's just…”
“That I’m so amazing you can’t believe you’re really mine forever?” Yoongi came up behind you and kissed your cheek, making Taehyung groan.
“She liked me first you know.”
“She married me~”
“Guys enough. We promised not to fight over me, remember?” You sighed and took both of their hands, looking at them concerned. “I have news.”
They looked at each other then at you confused. You took a deep breath then smiled brightly. “I’m pregnant.”
Taehyung’s face was a mixture of hurt and confusion while Yoongi’s was just ecstatic. “I mean, congrats but why did you need to tell me now?”
Yoongi groaned as he hugged you gently. “Because you’re her best friend and she wanted you to be one of the firsts to know.”
“Hmm, yes but also. Tae, it may be your baby.” You spoke softly and Yoongi let you go, looking at you confused then your belly.
Taehyung blinked slowly and shook his head. “How far along are you?”
“7 weeks. That’s exactly how long ago we had our…. Couple of days.”
“Wait, it wasn’t just a one time thing? It was days?” Yoongi stared at you in disbelief but you were watching Taehyung, the light slowly growing in his eyes.
“Maybe. When can you find out?”
“Next week.”
“Then we’ll go with you.” Yoongi frowned at being ignored but nodded, putting his arm on the younger boy’s shoulder and smiling at you reassuringly.
One week later.
“Well as unorthodox as this is it seems they’re both the father.”
“What?” The three of you question the doctor and you held up your hand. “How is that possible.”
She handed you a picture, smiling softly and pointing at the two little dots. “You’re having twins.”
You blinked and stared at the dots, feeling tears forming in your eyes. You covered your mouth and smiled wide. “Twins.” You touched your belly slowly and looked at the two boys you loved the most in the world, both of them hugging each other and happy. “We’re having twins.”
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Smackdown 9/1/23
Dakota wore the Replay Lace-Up Corset And Gloves Set in Black from Darker Wavs (sold out) the Skirt with Shorts from the Ali High Slit Set in Black Shimmer from Lucy in the Sky (sold out)
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