#Retinal detachment surgery
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Retinal Detachment Surgery
Retinal detachment is a serious condition where the thin, light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye becomes detached, leading to vision loss. Surgery is essential to reattach the retina and prevent further complications. There are three main types of surgeries used for this purpose
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skippereyeq956 · 4 months
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oliviathomas1 · 2 years
Diabetic Retinopathy treatment in Delhi NCR, Gurgaon
Diabetic retinopathy is brought on by high blood sugar levels harming the retina (back of the eye). If undetected it can result in blindness. However, it typically takes a number of years for diabetic retinopathy to progress to the point where it can result in vision loss.
Patients getting diabetic retinopathy treatment with diabetes should consider the below-mentioned points to reduce the likelihood of this happening:
Following regular diabetic eye examinations - All diabetics aged 12 and older are given a yearly screening to detect and treat any issues early. make sure they maintain healthy cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels.
The cellular layer at the back of the eye that is light-sensitive and transforms into electrical signals from light is known as the retina. The brain receives the signals and converts them into the visuals we see. The retina requires a steady flow of blood, which is delivered to it by a network of minuscule blood vessels. These blood vessels may eventually get damaged by a consistently high blood sugar level.
There are many Eye retina hospitals in Delhi that treat Motiyabind operations in Delhi. One such is iclinix, they have the best eye surgeons in south Delhi. The reason why this hospital is known as the best eye hospital in Delhi NCR is because of the international patients that come here to get treatments. The doctors here have treated many international patients which gains the trust of many other patients as well.
There are typically no early symptoms of diabetic retinopathy. Some patients experience vision changes, such as difficulty reading or seeing objects in the distance. These adjustments could come and go.
Blood vessels in the retina begin to bleed into the vitreous during the stages of the disease. If this occurs, you might notice black like spots, floaty areas or streaks. The spots may go away on their own, but it's still important to go for medical attention right soon. In the rear of the eye, scarring may develop if left untreated. Blood vessels may start to bleed once again or it might worsen.
People with type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes can get diabetic retinopathy. The longer you have been having diabetes, the higher your risk is. Over time, diabetic retinopathy will affect more than half of those who have the disease. The good thing is that by managing your diabetes, you can reduce your risk of diabetic retinopathy.
 Diabetes-affected women who get pregnant or experience gestational diabetes are at a higher risk of developing diabetic retinopathy. Have a thorough dilated eye exam right away if you have diabetes. If you think you'll need more eye exams while you're pregnant, ask your doctor.
As part of a magnified eye examination, eye professionals can examine for diabetic retinopathy. The examination is quick and painless; after giving you eye drops to widen your pupil, your eyes will be checked for diabetic retinopathy or any other eye issues by your doctor.
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tanvishah1234-blog · 5 years
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eyeclinic1-blog · 5 years
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Super Speciality eye hospital by aiims alumni Free Diabetic Eye Camp visit:- https://iclinix.in/
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richardm82stuff · 6 years
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skippereyeq956 · 4 months
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oliviathomas1 · 2 years
Everything You Must Know About Diabetic Retinopathy: Symptoms, Treatment, Causes & More
When there’s damage in the blood vessels in the retina which happens as a result of diabetes causes diabetic retinopathy and hence this can have a wide range of symptoms. In this case, it is good to search for the best eye surgeon in south Delhi. 
A person who is suffering from diabetic retinopathy might witness several symptoms such as blurred vision, difficulty in recognizing colors, eye floaters, etc. It is highly recommended to get it treated otherwise it might result in vision loss. Some patients have also claimed that they have gone completely blind and this shows how important it is to get this treated.
As per some best ophthalmologist in south Delhi, a person suffering from diabetic retinopathy might not witness any early symptoms. Hence it is important to have a comprehensive eye test at least once a year. Why? Because this would help you catch any condition of it which can be treated timely. It is important to get Retina Treatment and surgery in Delhi as soon as possible without any delays.
This blog provides you with a detailed overview of possible symptoms, treatment, and risk factors. So keep reading.
What is diabetic retinopathy?
Well, diabetic retinopathy is an eye condition that occurs due to diabetes. This can even go worse with a rise in blood sugar levels which is caused due to diabetes. If a person is undergoing diabetic retinopathy, it is highly important to bring the blood sugar level to normal and hence the lens will then return to its original shape which will ultimately improve the vision. Not just this, with an increase in diabetes, a person is prone to many other eye conditions such as open-angle glaucoma as well as cataracts. 
There are no such symptoms in the early stage of diabetic retinopathy, but moving ahead, there can be a wide range of symptoms that you will see on a regular basis. These symptoms are more visible when it is an advanced stage. Search for the best cataract surgeon in south Delhi to get rid of this condition. 
This condition affects both eyes. Let's have a look at some possible symptoms of diabetic retinopathy below:
·         Inability to witness the right colors,
·         Blurred vision,
·         Eye floaters,
·         Patches or streaks that block the view of an affected person,
·         Night blindness,
·         Complete loss of vision.
Search for the Best Retina center in south Delhi to get over this condition. 
An affected person can lead to several complications if they do not get the right treatment for diabetic retinopathy at the right time. In mild cases, a person might suffer from floaters but when the situation turns complicated, it results in complete vision loss, and hence this can also result in damage to the retina part of the eye. It can further lead to the detachment of the retina which can be dangerous. 
Risk factors
Anybody who is suffering from diabetic retinopathy is prone to several risk factors. The risk factors even turn double if the person:
·         Is pregnant,
·         Has a regular habit of smoking,
·         Is a diabetic for a longer time,
·         Has high cholesterol,
·         Has uncontrolled blood sugar levels,
·         Has high blood pressure
Get a Retinal detachment surgery to get rid of this condition. 
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retinasurgeon · 7 years
Treatments And Surgery by Private Practicioner
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skippereyeq956 · 5 months
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oliviathomas1 · 2 years
Motiyabind Operation in Delhi - ICLINIX
The motiyabind operation (cataract-removal Surgery) has been one of the safest and most performed surgeries. On the other hand, individuals frequently fear cataract surgery, which causes them to postpone their cataract removal. When a person is diagnosed with cataracts, they tend to have many questions.
Top retina specialist in Delhi is providing Diabetic Retinopathy treatment, Retina Laser surgery, and Cataract Surgery at Iclinix.
What exactly is a Cataract?
A cataract (safed motiya) is a clouding of the biological eye's lens. The lens is a transparent component within the eye that assists in focusing light entering the eye. As a result, eyesight is diminished when a cataract occurs. It's a normal aspect of growing older.
How can Cataract be avoided?
Although there is no scientific evidence that you can avoid cataracts, there are several things you may do to lower your risk.
Among them are:
●      Inspect your eyes regularly.
●      Consume a balanced and nutritious diet.
●      Stop smoking.
●      Reduce your alcohol consumption.
●      Maintain your diabetes in check.
●      When going out in the sun, use sunglasses.
The process of Surgery
●      The PHACO machine or blade will be used to make a small hole or incision.
●      The cataract lens would be eliminated and replaced with an artificial lens (IOL).
●      Because the hole or incision is so small, no stitches are necessary.
●      A bandage would be positioned over the eye to safeguard it after Surgery.
●      After some hours, the bandage or patch is withdrawn, as well as the patient is provided a set of black spectacles to use for protection.
●      The Surgery takes about 10 to 12 mins on average.
Which lens is best for replacing a cataract after Surgery?
Of course, the IOL you choose depends entirely on your lifestyle, preferences, and money. Monofocal lenses often focus your vision at just one distance—near, middle, or far. Monofocal IOL users usually use glasses when driving, particularly at night. Multifocal IOLs and Accommodative Lenses are created to assist you in seeing properly at all distances, including close, middle, and far. Most patients who opt for Multifocal IOLs do not require glasses for distant or near activities. When you have astigmatism, however, toric IOLs are an option.
What is the average lifespan of cataract lenses?
The hazy natural lens is substituted with a synthetic Intraocular Lens (IOL) undergoing cataract surgery, which normally lasts a lifetime.
How to Get Rid of Cataracts Without Surgery?
That's unthinkable! Nevertheless, eating good foods, not smoking, plus avoiding alcohol intake can help slow the growth of Cataracts.
How long should you rest following cataract surgery?
Everybody recovers at their speed and has distinct needs. Cataract surgery usually results in a short recovery, and most people who operate in administrative positions can return to work practically immediately. It should, nevertheless, be reviewed with your surgeon.
Cost of Cataract
The expense of Surgery is solely determined by the technology used to conduct the cataract surgery, the intraocular lens inserted in the eye, and the surgeon's experience and skill. The price of treatment for insured and uninsured patients is different. Patients on the Government Panel Pay a Different Price.
Best eye hospital in south Delhi
Best Retina Treatment and Surgery in Gurgaon by a leading Retina surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Varun Gogia, at Iclinix is here now. Iclinix has the most advanced phacoemulsification and laser machines for cataract surgery. Their hospital's skilled cataract surgeons are extremely qualified and experienced in handling any cataract surgery.
Cataract surgery is painless, stitch-free, and injection-free. This is a daycare procedure that does not necessitate hospitalization. The Surgery takes about 15 minutes. Patients are seen the next day. The patient can resume everyday activities a day after surgery, such as watching television, using cell phones, and reading books. The best
Retina specialist in Gurgaon, Dr. Varun Gogia, at Iclinix
offers you the best retina treatment services at affordable costs. It is well equipped with highly experienced staff that will smoothly take you through your cataract surgery. Post-operation care is appropriately guided.
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oliviathomas1 · 3 years
Best Hospital for Laser Surgery in Delhi, India
Earlier the laser technology was conventionally related to LASIK and PRK and it had been commonly used for vision correction. But now it's moved far beyond these realms. Today, doctors use a range of lasers to treat a spread of eye problems affecting the retina.
You might ask how retina laser surgery goes to treat retinal conditions and how we have the solution. Retinal tear and holes can cause detachment of the retina and here argon lasers are used for stopping the tear. A similar thing goes for retinal vein occlusion which is caused because of advanced diabetes and results in the expansion of abnormal retina. This condition is treated by the employment of laser surgery. Best retina doctors in Delhi and everyone over the planet suggest laser treatment as the most preferred method.
In the case of retinal hemorrhage, retina surgeons in Delhi and outdoors suggest the employment of lasers for sealing the leaking. within the case of Age-related degeneration too, laser therapy is combined with other methods to offer the most effective chance for retaining your vision. Providing this combo therapy at cost-friendly rates makes IClinix the best eye hospital in Delhi NCR.
For treating Diabetic Macular Edema (DME), low-energy laser pulses are used. For people tormented by extreme floater problems, the YAG laser is employed to fragmentize the floaters into tiny pieces that are imperceptible. Laser operation in Delhi was never so advanced or easy until IClinix developed the facility to bring it to the masses at cost-friendly rates. Dr. Varun Gogia has always forced upon the requirement for the foremost advanced tools for the treatment of vision problems and this makes IClinix the most effective hospital.
While a patient might want to use laser therapy after hearing about its benefits, at IClinix, we have the most effective retina surgeon in Delhi who recommends a radical diagnosis so they'll plan the goal of treatment supported by the severity of the condition. commonest laser treatments undergo steps of applying eye drops within the eye then focusing the laser for treating retinal tear, blood vessel, pupil, and more. All of this is often super easy and never painful and mostly goes for some minutes.
A person having laser treatment can return after some hours so he/she can take prescribed medicine by the doctor to stop inflammation. then follow-up is required for a progressive checkup. And your problem is cured.
If you're tormented by any reasonable vision problem or retinal problems, visit IClinix for the simplest retina treatment and surgery using lasers in Delhi and acquire back to your healthy vision. 
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oliviathomas1 · 3 years
How Long Before Retinal Detachment Causes Blindness
Retinal detachment can be a worrisome situation. It can cause blindness, but only if it is left untreated. Basically, it is a painless event when the retina is pulled away or detached from the back of the eyeball. It is an emergency situation that needs to be surgically repaired otherwise can lead to blindness.
The retina is the light-capturing organ of the eye. It lies on the back of the eyeball and has photoreceptor cells that convert light into nerve signals which reach the brain to form pictures and thus giving us vision. The retina is attached to the eyeball through a tissue called Choroid. Typically retina detaches from the choroid and blood supply is lost there leading to vision loss.
When retinal detachment happens, you will suddenly see lots of eye floaters or cobwebs in your vision, flashes of light in peripheral vision. A dark curtain or veil can also be seen on the central vision. Blurred vision is also a symptom where dark shadows interfere a lot in looking at objects. When you experience any of these symptoms, it is necessary to consult the best eye doctor immediately.
The best retina experts in Delhi suggest that there is no fixed time of vision loss in case of retinal detachment but it is a possibility. What needs to be done is the diagnosis and treatment of the problem immediately. Best ophthalmologist suggests that retinal detachment is curable through surgical procedure and it will take months to repair the vision but some kind of vision loss will be there depending upon the situation.
Finding the best doctor for Retinal Detachment treatment is easy in Delhi, you just need to go to Iclinix, the multispeciality eye hospital in Delhi, and get all your eye problems solved. They have the most advanced medical technologies and expert eye doctors for treating retinal detachment effectively. Headed by Dr. Varun Gogia, it is your best solution for effective eye care. Eye care needs to be done in the expertise and IClinix can do that.
Apart from Retinal Detachment, you will also get other solutions for a multitude of vision problems like myopia, glaucoma, uveitis, weak vision, and more. Iclinix was started with the sole motto of providing efficient eye care solutions to the public so that no one suffers from vision problems and get eye care services at affordable rates and with the expert staff they can do so.
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oliviathomas1 · 3 years
Vision After Retinal Detachment Surgery
The retina is the innermost layer of the eye containing several nerves that allows us to see. The light rays which are reflected of the outside world are received by the retina
The recovery period of retinal detachment surgery depends on multiple factors. Dr. Varun Gogia is an expert ophthalmologist in Gurgaon working in the multispeciality eye hospital IClinix. According to him, factors like a patient's overall health, medical history, and immunity play a major role in deciding the recovery period of a patient after having retinal detachment surgery.
The first surgical method is pneumatic retinopexy which is used by retina surgeon experts for the treatment of retinal detachment. Here retina is placed in such a strong manner that it can take its time to place itself in its right position. Gas Hubble is inserted for the optimum results. The best eye hospital in Gurgaon, IClinix has retina experts who tell that patients need to maintain a particular head position and vision will become normal after 3 weeks of the surgery.
The second method is the scleral bucking method where silicone pieces are used. This procedure takes two to four weeks in recovery. The best retina specialists in Delhi are at IClinix offering their expert treatment at an affordable price by using this method.
A third most common and effective method is vitrectomy which is performed when the eye fluid is drained and then it is replaced. Patients usually return home the same day but the recovery period is counted up to four to six weeks but vision starts to clear in 2 to three days.
IClinix offers expert eye doctors with advanced medical tech for the treatment of all kinds of eye problems. Even the expert cataract surgery in Delhi is given at the best cost in IClinix. Indeed, cataracts can be cured and retina experts play an important role here.. Typically, it takes around 24 to 48 hours to get the vision back after the motiyabind treatment yet the fogginess goes in one week from now.
Retinal laser medical procedure is additionally a major treatment for solving eye problems. After retina laser, medical treatment patients are encouraged to take 2 to 3 weeks of rest as the eye will actually begin to work in 4 to 5 days however complete recovery will require some time.
So, if you are suffering from a retinal detachment problem and looking for some expert diagnostics and the best treatment of retinal detachment then come to IClinix and get the best treatment so that you can enjoy your life with healthy vision. We assure you that retinal detachment is curable and it won’t cost you that much. Dr. Varun Gogia, head of IClinix has always placed the wellbeing of patients over the fees and that makes IClinix the best hospital in Delhi, providing the best retinal detachment surgery in Delhi.
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oliviathomas1 · 3 years
The eyes are the most important organ of the human body. It is through their help we perceive the world and navigates life. As per recent studies, more than 550 million people are suffering from eye problems in India. To deal with this large number we need a high number of multispeciality eye clinics that have advanced technological solutions to deal with the ever-increasing issues in eye problems and provide expert help with legitimate doctors.
Finding the best eye hospital in Gurgaon will lead you to IClinix, a premium multispeciality eye hospital headed by Dr. Varun Gogia who is an expert in treating eye diseases. If you are dealing with any kind of eye problem and you need consultation of the doctor and hospital to get the best diagnostics and treatment, the IClinix is the answer.
Whether the condition is uveitis, retinal detachment, motiyabind, vision problems, foggy lens, glaucoma, cornea diseases, or any other condition, IClinix can solve any kind of problem due to the expert staff of eye specialists and best retina experts in Gurgaon.
On the off chance that you are experiencing Motiyabind and searching for the best specialist, Dr. Varun Gogia is the appropriate response. He is an expert in motiyabind activity in Delhi utilizing a wide range of medical procedures to oversee waterfalls. Miniature Incision Cataract Surgery (MICS) and Phacoemulsification are given at reasonable rates at IClinix to get waterfalls the center.
As of late Uveitis has gotten very normal and treating it turns out to be very expensive for individuals. IClinix is the best uveitis treatment hospital as it gives the most progressive arrangements, for example, remedy eye drops, visual mitigating infusions, efficient or oral organization of steroids, and care for every one of your requirements.
Regardless of whether it is a vitreoretinal medical procedure or low vision helps, IClinix offers the best retina expert in Delhi and Gurgaon. Squint, glaucoma, cornea and refractive administrations, oculoplastic, neuro-ophthalmology, retina diagnostics, and Imaging, intravitreal infusions, retina lasers, clinical retina, careful retina are a portion of the significant administrations that are given here at a reasonable rate. At IClinix we attempt to offer the best laser activity at practical rates as we are attempting to make a general public liberated from eye-related issues. Our vision is to give the best answers for the most mind-boggling eye-related issues and help to frame a general public with a solid vision.
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oliviathomas1 · 3 years
The eyes are the most important organ of the human body. It is through their help we perceive the world and navigates life. As per recent studies, more than 550 million people are suffering from eye problems in India. To deal with this large number we need a high number of multispeciality eye clinics that have advanced technological solutions to deal with the ever-increasing issues in eye problems and provide expert help with legitimate doctors.
Finding the best eye hospital in Gurgaon will lead you to IClinix, a premium multispeciality eye hospital headed by Dr. Varun Gogia who is an expert in treating eye diseases. If you are dealing with any kind of eye problem and you need consultation of the doctor and hospital to get the best diagnostics and treatment, the IClinix is the answer.
Whether the condition is uveitis, retinal detachment, motiyabind, vision problems, foggy lens, glaucoma, cornea diseases, or any other condition, IClinix can solve any kind of problem due to the expert staff of eye specialists and best retina experts in Gurgaon.
On the off chance that you are experiencing Motiyabind and searching for the best specialist, Dr. Varun Gogia is the appropriate response. He is an expert in motiyabind activity in Delhi utilizing a wide range of medical procedures to oversee waterfalls. Miniature Incision Cataract Surgery (MICS) and Phacoemulsification are given at reasonable rates at IClinix to get waterfalls the center.
As of late Uveitis has gotten very normal and treating it turns out to be very expensive for individuals. IClinix is the best uveitis treatment hospital as it gives the most progressive arrangements, for example, remedy eye drops, visual mitigating infusions, efficient or oral organization of steroids, and care for every one of your requirements.
Regardless of whether it is a vitreoretinal medical procedure or low vision helps, IClinix offers
the best retina expert in Delhi
and Gurgaon. Squint, glaucoma, cornea and refractive administrations, oculoplastic, neuro-ophthalmology, retina diagnostics, and Imaging, intravitreal infusions, retina lasers, clinical retina, careful retina are a portion of the significant administrations that are given here at a reasonable rate. At IClinix we attempt to offer the best laser activity at practical rates as we are attempting to make a general public liberated from eye-related issues. Our vision is to give the best answers for the most mind-boggling eye-related issues and help to frame a general public with a solid vision.
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