#Revitallizing whitening Serum
jeannotceuticals8 · 9 months
How Long Should It Take for Skin Whitening Serum to Work?
Whenever we start a new skincare product, the curiosity about when it will start showing its effects is always present. The general rule of thumb is that any product takes at least 2 weeks of constant use to show any kind of result, and the duration may vary depending on how specific the product is. 
Suppose you have recently started a skin whitening serum for women and are wondering when it will show its results. In that case, we have broken down the process of the revitalizing whitening serum and how it affects different target areas. 
How does the whitening serum work?
Our skin has a pigment known as melanin. It protects us against the sun and also adds a brown tone to our skin, which varies from person to person. Women have certain dark spots on their faces because melanin gets overproduced in those concentrated spots. These spots vary but are mostly concentrated on the cheeks or around your nose. The spots usually increase with age. 
If you have acne, they might leave behind acne scars. These are also a result of melanin being produced in higher concentrations to help reduce the effects on those sensitive, exposed areas. Acne leaves your skin vulnerable, and minor factors can also cause damage. Hence the skin tries its best to protect itself. 
Melanin is responsible for all kinds of pigmentation and hyperpigmentation. It is a known fact that hyperpigmentation and pigmentation are common things among women, and they don’t define you. Hence, this does not make melanin a bad thing. With a good revitalizing whitening serum you can reduce the spots and bring out an even skin tone, which is free from spots and scars of all kinds. 
How long does it take for the brightening serum to work?
Certain factors related to the ingredients and method of use regarding your revitalizing whitening serum make it work. 
The whitening ingredients in your serum
While it is true that the basic ingredients in all whitening serums are almost the same, there are certain ingredients which make each different from the other. So it depends on what all your skin whitening serum has. 
The amount of skin-whitening actives
Some serums have a low consistency, so they take longer to show effects than what a serum with a higher amount of skin whitening activities would show in less time. 
The consistency of use
If you are using your revitalizing whitening serum in accordance with the instructions, you will see results in a specified amount of time, as mentioned on the product. However, consistency is key, and you need to stick to it. 
Protection from sunlight
When you use a skin whitening serum, it makes your skin vulnerable. Exposing it to the sun will do further damage instead of improving your skin. Ensure you never step out without sunscreen or at least SPF30, and apply it regularly. 
Things to remember 
Skin whitening serum for women needs to be used consistently in order to see effects. This does not mean that the more you use, the quicker the results will be visible. It is important to understand that with consistent use, as advised, you can only see visible results after 4 weeks or more. 
Hence, you need to remember that you should keep using the revitalizing whitening serum consistently. Include it in your skincare routine, and be patient. Also, try not to get exposed to direct sunlight between 10 am to 2 pm, even when you have sunscreen on.
Any skin whitening serum for women will only work until you reach your standard skin tone. It will not make you fairer than your actual skin tone is. You can maintain your skin tone with regular use and a good skincare routine.
How to include skin whitening serum for face in your skincare routine
The best way to use a skin whitening serum will be to follow the following steps -
Wash your face with a gentle cleanser.
Apply your revitalizing whitening serum from Jeannot Ceuticals.
When your skin is still a little damp, apply your moisturizer. If your sunscreen provides moisturization, then apply that instead. Never miss sunscreen. 
Exfoliate twice every ten days. 
Do this consistently.
If you follow all the steps mentioned and ensure that you are following the instructions precisely, your skin whitening serum will start showing lasting results in 4 weeks. Do not stop after that, as any skincare routine needs to be maintained. Consider the skin whitening serum an investment for your skin. 
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