#Rey is Mara & Luke & Din's daughter the end
boxingcleverrr · 8 months
Well, I started doing the thing.
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There was a light rain falling as they set the Falcon down on the Island’s pebbly shore. Not far down the way, the ship that had hailed them swept into view as Rey was stepping onto land, and a wave of strange familiarity washed over her as she watched it. Certainly, she would remember clearly if she’d seen such a glorious Mandalorian antique before? But no, the feeling was dim and far away, like a half-recalled dream 5 minutes after waking, continuing as the ship landed and the armored pilot climbed down from the cockpit. 
  A nervousness was still lingering in Rey’s belly, until Chewie was calling out in greeting with a long, hairy raised arm. The Mandalorian started jogging towards them, until he was caught up in a robust Wookie hug. “Of course you’re still around,” The gravely voice from the coms issued out from under the old, well-worn helmet, “Bout as hard to kill as me, I think.” Chewie responded in jovial turn, while Rey knew she was squinting, thinking hard, this persistent notion not letting her be, until the Mandalorian’s helmet turned towards her.
 “Rey.” He said softly, or as soft as such a voice could be, his vissage otherwaie inscrutable,and her eyes widened. “...well, you got a little taller. Come’on.” He motioned the stunned-silent girl to follow him, as he began trudging toward the rocky hills.
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
Break down luke Skywalker for me 💜
How I feel about this character: He's awesome!! A sweetheart AND a badass 💞
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Mara! Also sometimes Din (in an OT3…there’s the real power 👀)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Him with Leia, Lucy, and Han 💞 separately and as a quartet. Also him & Rey in the better version of the Sequels where Rey is his daughter
My unpopular opinion about this character: People love to boil him down to just his sweetness, but that does him a disservice. He's badass and takes no shit, and is never blindly naïve—he tries to save Vader specifically because he feels “the good in [him], the conflict.” That's not blind optimism, that is a tangible feeling!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: TLJ and TROS never happened—he met Rey and Finn either as part of the Resistance or when they sought him out, and he trained them gladly 💞 his time for fighting was coming to an end, so he'd train the next generation to take over the lifelong fight for him. He also never tried to kill his nephew because wtf Lucasfilm
character ask game!
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