#Rheumatism Solutions
alaa1969 · 9 months
The Natural Wonder: Stinging Nettles - Your Solution to Arthritis, Gout, and Rheumatism
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codbrand · 1 year
Montalin Capsules in Islamabad Contact Now 03278006822
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Montalin Herbal Extract 40 Capsule available .
Effective for control Uric Acid, Helps to reduse Chronic Rheumatic pain, to Destroy Blood Clots , Joint Support, Gout Relief Solution.
Efficacy Capsules Montalin
This capsule is a herbal product that has many benefits and is suitable to overcome various diseases such as:
Treating gout
  Overcoming stiff as a result of the work day
 Reducing cholesterol from foods that are not good
 Keep your body fit and fresh
 Flex its muscles rigid and treat cramps
 Eliminate the stress you
 Making the body feel more refreshed when you wake up
Helps to maintain Stamina that makes people Live Longer.
With a complex of traditional herbs MontaliN advanced bioactives target both structure and function of natural joint motion to help balance out joint stressors, daily wear and tear, and the “overworking” of an active lifestyle so even morning stiffness goes unnoticed.
Comes in sachets, 4 capsules per sachet,???? Will be send first class flat as a letter with original box folded.
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thejazzera · 10 months
Vintage Ads, 1910s-1920s
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Top left: 1917 ad for "Urodonal, Triumph of Modern Science," will cure you of "Rheumatism, Gravel, Gout, Arterio-Sclerosis, and Obesity," aclaimed by the medical profession for being"the most powerful solvent of uric acid, being 37 times more active than lithia." (…) "URODONAL is rapidly eliminated through the kidneys -- a point of great importance. The water in which it is held in solution passes through these organs more easily and rapidly than plain water, and that in spite of the load of waste products that URODONAL carries away with it."
Top right: 1922 ad for "The Ambedia Back Puff, A Woman's Difficulty Overcome."
Bottom left: illustration by Benito. "Achieving beauty without the use of make-up, using electricity and soft massages, that is the secret of the beauty specialist."
Bottom right: ad for "Polar Club, Electric Vibrator.
Be your own Beauty Specialist
The Polar Club Electric Vibrator enables every woman who cares about her appearance, to gain in the privacy of her own home the full benefits of electric massage -- the most successful and up-to-date treatment for preserving the beauty of the face and figure. Polar Club treatment really does remove wrinkles and hollows. Polar Club Electric massage is splendid for your scalp. Polar Club Electric massage is recommended for nervous disorders. It brings instant relief in cases of headache, fatigue and general 'nerviness.' Order a Polar Club Vibrator to-day.To use is simplicity itself. Just remove the electric light bulb and attach the Vibrator. It is perfectly safe and perfectly harmless."
Scanned from Bronwen Meredith's "Vogue Body and Beauty Book" 1977.
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girlflapper · 1 year
ORSI, Italo. Cerotto di Brescia, Canforato (Cerocanfol), c. 1920s
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The solution to rheumatism
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
Carmen Rodriguez, 31 (USA 1970)
New York legalized abortion before Roe v. Wade, killing many women and young girls along with their unborn babies. One of these pre-Roe v. Wade legal fatalities was Carmen Rodriguez.
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31-year-old Carmen Rodriguez underwent a 14-week legal abortion in New York. Lincoln Hospital used the saline method, which chemically burns an unborn human alive by filling the amniotic sac with a dangerous high-concentration salt solution. Then labor would be induced to remove the corpse from Carmen’s uterus.
Carmen had a medical history of rheumatic heart disease, but she had given birth twice before and been fine. There was no evidence that a third birth would have had a different result. Saline abortion, on the other hand, had long been documented as potentially causing heart-damaging electrolyte imbalances—even in a perfectly healthy person. It was reckless and negligent to attempt a saline abortion on a person with a chronic heart condition.
Like so many before and after her, Carmen was killed by her legal abortion. The saline entered her bloodstream and caused acute pulmonary edema. During the abortion, Carmen was observed as having trouble breathing. It was later discovered that Carmen’s heart condition was not noted on her chart and that somebody had assumed her respiratory problems were from an asthma attack. (Carmen did not even have asthma and a simple glance at her medical history would have shown that.) The treatment administered was appropriate for an asthmatic patient but could be lethal to a patient with a heart condition. This made the already-dying Carmen even worse.
Carmen slipped into a coma and soon died on July 19, 1970. Her husband and two surviving children were left to mourn the loss of two family members.
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After Carmen was killed, a Puerto Rican activist group called the Young Lords sprang into action. They spread Carmen’s story far and wide, pointing out that the staff of Lincoln Hospital were warned that Carmen had heart problems and failed to take proper precautions.
The Young Lords distributed leaflets near Lincoln Hospital, denouncing Carmen’s death as murder. The group also occupied an administration building connected with the hospital for 12 hours, denouncing the hospital as “a butcher shop that kills patients.”
The Young Lords weren’t the only ones alarmed over the amount of women killed by legalized abortion. New York City Chief Medical Examiner Milton Helpern expressed fears that ill-equipped and poorly-staffed freestanding legal abortion facilities were posing a danger to women. (Of course, abortion was still unsafe when done in a hospital, but facilities specifically existing for abortion were even worse.)
But supporters of abortion didn’t seem to care about the preventable deaths of women and girls. Merle Goldman, who was the spokesperson for a pro-abortion organization, still insisted that abortion was safe and stressed that the group was publicly lobbying against proposed health department regulation of abortion practice.
Carmen was not the first mother or the last to be killed by legalized abortion in New York. Others included but were not limited to Pearl Schwier, Barbara Riley, Maria Ortega, Margaret Smith, Carole Schaner, Pamala Modugno, Lisa Marie Hoefener and at least 19 “Jane Roes” (unidentified women and girls) who had fallen for the “safe and legal” abortion lie between New York’s early legalization of abortion and Roe v. Wade.
Abortion supporters tend to bring up the maternal deaths from abortion before Roe v. Wade. They typically don’t know or don’t want to admit how many of these deaths were from fully legal abortion.
"Abortion Death Reported by City," New York Times, July 21, 1970
"Health Board Defers Action On Abortion Regulations," New York Daily News, July 22, 1970
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"3 Abortion Deaths Listed Since Start of New Law" New York Daily News, July 22, 1970
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"Lincoln Docs Firm in Walkout," New York Daily News, August 27, 1970
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
Mara; These *slams two very thick books on the table* are my personal medical history. There *slams four very thick books on top* are Molly's personal medical history. These *slams down five more* are all of the findings from a complete physical examination done on me to determine any structural, chromosomal, DNA, blood, whatever anomalies on me and include my measurements for a healthy body- trust me, we're extremely different from humans so my healthy levels are important for you to know. Molly's *slams down another three books* are a bit different because co's young, but they'll change once co hits thirteen. These *slams down four books* are Riah's medical history. Riah's already been tested for cerebral palsy but, unlike Molly and me, he doesn't have it. The kidney malformation was taken care of when he was five and we think we took out the rheumatic heart disease with the heart transplant, but I would still keep an eye on it. I made sure to cover every single base I could possibly think of, but if there's one I forgot feel free to get in touch and I'll see what I can do. McCoy; And you say you instigated this research by yourself when you were five? Mara; Yep. This research saved Riah's eyes and helped us diagnose kidney failure before it became a massive problem. It also meant that, if one of my siblings wound up in the hospital, there was something we could consult for possible problems and solutions. It's saved all three of their lives more times than any of us can count. We've got copies here. Please, for the love of the gods, take these to Auradon. I don't want my brother to die.
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hi, i need to get something of my chest. i am pretty certain that you don't have any solution for it but... i have no one in my real life to talk about this.
tw for suicide and emotional abuse
my mom and i have a typical reversed role relationship. to an extreme. i am cooking for her, doing all chores, her laundry etc. since i was 10. but she once kicked me out when i refused and i was homeless for 5 months until she took me back in so, i won't stop parenting her.
when i was 10 my grandma had to go to a nursing home. we sold her house and then were able to pay a nice private one for her. my mom and i were, and are, pretty poor. and one day on the way back my mom told me something, i don't remember every word, like 'when i am old i don't want to bother anyone. I'll just kill myself *insert here very detailed description of her plans*' and, i don't remember if it were her words or her look but i got the strong vibe of 'unless you take care of me' which would fit our relationship. we had this conversation again, one or two times, after that. i was pretty confused and after some years i decided that i didn't care, that id just let her do as she pleases. i mean, ive waited my whole life to, soon, move out from her, i won't waste more years parenting her. that's the theory, you can probably imagine how far from reality this is. id never let that happen. so the plans b were 'once i move out ill go to therapy until i am comfortable letting her do as she pleases, even if it's killing herself' or 'move far far far away, maybe abroad, so that i can't take care of her'. shitty plans but my mom is in her 50s so i thought, enough time to figure this out.
during the last months she was having a lot of issues with her joints and was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that causes rheumatism. she is running from doc to doc, eating an unhealthy amount of painkillers to at least be able to lay in bed, fairly painless. it is heartbreaking to see. she had to skip a lot of days from work because she was unable to move. she started walking very slowly, even on good days. my grandma walks faster. and that isn't acted, because she also does it outside and the imagine to be a 'strong woman' was always incredible important to her. and that made me think about her threat years ago.
fact is: my mom has moodswings and memory issues so it is perfectly possible that she wouldn't repeat that threat nowadays and maybe doesn't even remember doing it back then. but i remember and i don't know what to do. besides all my caring, i care for a lazy adult, not a sick elderly person. since i am currently looking for my first own appartment, i sometimes fear, she'll ask me to stay, to take care of her and the household. because of her rheumatism she can't do many things in the household. not that she tried much but i see that she'd have a hard time living alone. she would probably need someone but she wouldn't accept any help but me so... i am afraid ill have to face a choice soon. if i stay or move out. or even if i move out, i plan on staying in the city for my job, so how much will i care for her, even considering her threat etc.
that's it.
Hi anon,
Your mom sounds quite toxic, forcing you to do virtually all of her responsibilites as a mother and seemingly guilt-tripping you with graphic details of her hypothetically killing herself if you didn't do all these things for her.
Even if your mom wouldn't do the same things or may not remember what she did anymore, it doesn't take away from the fact that she still did those things and she still hurt you. Any illness or disability she may have doesn't absolve her of accountability for her actions, and she shouldn't use it as a crutch to avoid accountability either.
It's fairly possible that she may have a hard time living alone, but that's not necessarily your problem. You don't deserve to put up with your mom's behavior. You may also find a new sense of autonomy and freedom in living alone.
That being said, it's not an easy decision to make as it is of course your own mother, but it's definitely worth thinking about what choice you'd like to make. It might help to think about these questions: What would your life look like if you decided to stay with your mom vs what would your life look like if you decided to leave?
I hope I could help. Best of luck with everything. Please let us know if you need anything.
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piyalbal339-blog · 6 days
10-60PCS,3ML/pcs,Chinese Medicine Medical Traditional oil YG-2170
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The 10-60PCS, 3ML/pcs Chinese Medicine Medical Traditional Oil YG-2170 is a versatile product rooted in the rich heritage of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This oil, available in convenient 3ml individual units, is designed for a range of applications, offering potent relief for pain, inflammation, and other discomforts. Whether you purchase 10, 20, or up to 60 pieces, the product provides flexibility in both quantity and use, making it ideal for personal use or to share with family members.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Foundation
This traditional oil is formulated based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which emphasizes the balance of Yin and Yang in the body. TCM has long been utilized for its effectiveness in treating pain, promoting circulation, and enhancing the body’s natural healing processes. The oil typically contains a blend of natural ingredients, including herbs like camphor, menthol, and eucalyptus, all of which are highly valued in TCM for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. These herbs work synergistically to unblock "Qi" (energy) flow, reduce stagnation, and promote overall wellness.
Pain Relief for Muscles, Joints, and More
The YG-2170 oil is primarily used for pain relief in areas such as muscles and joints, particularly for those suffering from conditions like arthritis, rheumatism, and general joint discomfort. The product is applied topically, and the small 3ml packaging makes it easy to measure out just the right amount for each application. Upon massaging the oil into the skin, users can feel an immediate cooling sensation followed by soothing warmth, which helps to relax tense muscles, improve circulation, and alleviate pain.
This dual-action effect, where the oil first cools and then warms the affected area, is due to the combination of menthol and camphor, which are natural analgesics. The cooling action distracts from pain, while the warming effect helps to soothe and relax inflamed areas. This makes the oil particularly effective for those suffering from chronic conditions like arthritis, where regular use can provide sustained relief over time.
Compact, Portable, and Easy to Use
The 3ml packaging is one of the standout features of this product. Each vial is individually packed, making it highly portable and convenient for on-the-go use. Whether you're an athlete dealing with muscle soreness or someone managing a chronic pain condition, having a small bottle of the oil on hand ensures that relief is always within reach. This is especially useful for travel, work, or outdoor activities, where carrying larger bottles of pain relief solutions may not be practical.
Applying the oil is simple: just unscrew the vial and apply a few drops to the affected area. The compact size also allows for precise dosing, ensuring that you don't overuse or waste the product. Its quick absorption into the skin ensures that it doesn't leave a greasy residue, making it suitable for daily use without interfering with clothing or activity.
Versatile Uses Beyond Pain Relief
In addition to its primary use for pain relief, the Chinese Medicine Oil YG-2170 has several other potential applications. It can be used to treat bruises, swelling, and even insect bites, where its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties come into play. The oil’s natural formulation is gentle enough for various skin types, though as with any herbal remedy, it’s advisable to conduct a small patch test before using it on larger areas, especially for those with sensitive skin.
Ideal for Home and Shared Use
With options ranging from 10 to 60 pieces, this product is suitable for both individual use and sharing. Families, especially those with older members experiencing joint pain or arthritis, will find it handy to have multiple vials available for different household members. Moreover, for those who prefer natural remedies, this oil provides an excellent alternative to synthetic pain relievers, promoting a holistic approach to wellness.
The 10-60PCS, 3ML/pcs Chinese Medicine Medical Traditional Oil YG-2170 is a compact, potent, and versatile product rooted in the ancient principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. With its ability to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and promote healing, this oil offers a natural and convenient solution for managing conditions like arthritis, muscle soreness, bruising, and more. Whether used at home, during travel, or as part of a daily health regimen, the YG-2170 oil is a valuable addition to anyone's wellness toolkit.
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adelmarpharmagmbh · 8 days
Unlocking the Secrets of Adel 4 Apo Rheum Homeopathic Medicine for Joint Pain Drops
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Introduction: Joint pain and inflammation can be debilitating, affecting our daily lives and overall well-being. Homeopathy offers a ray of hope with Adel 4 Apo Rheum Joint Pain Drops. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Adel 4, exploring its uses, benefits, dosage, and more. Let’s find out how this Homeopathic Medicine for joint Pain can be a game-changer for those suffering from arthritis, muscle, and joint pains.
Understanding Adel 4 Apo Rheum: Adel 4, also known as apo-RHEUM, is a Homeopathic Treatment for joint pain designed to address various musculoskeletal issues, including arthritis and joint pain. It is a natural remedy that targets pain, swelling, and stiffness in joints, fibrous tissues, and muscles. This makes it a go-to solution for conditions like gout and bursitis.
Key Indications: Arthritis (Including Osteoarthritis): Adel India relieves the painful symptoms associated with arthritis, making it a valuable aid in managing this condition. It addresses the discomfort and stiffness that can significantly impact one’s quality of life.
Muscle and Joint Pains: Whether it’s a chronic ache or a sudden twinge, Adel 4 can help alleviate discomfort and restore mobility. Musculoskeletal pain, whether caused by overuse, injury, or inflammatory conditions, can be effectively managed with this homeopathic treatment for joint pain.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What is Adel 4 Homeopathic Medicine Used For? Adel 4 is primarily used for addressing arthritis, including osteoarthritis, muscle and joint pains, as well as related symptoms like pain, swelling, and stiffness. It’s a versatile solution for various musculoskeletal concerns.
2. Are There Any Side Effects of ADEL 4? Adel 4 is a homeopathic medicine and is generally considered safe when taken as directed. The natural formulation reduces the risk of adverse effects. However, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new medication, especially if you have specific health concerns.
3. What Are the Benefits of Adel 4? Adel 4’s benefits include relieving pain, reducing inflammation, and improving joint mobility. It offers a natural and holistic approach to managing musculoskeletal conditions, which can lead to an improved quality of life.
4. Is It Safe to Take for Joint Pain? Adel 4 is safe for joint pain when used according to the recommended dosage. It is a homeopathic remedy, and as with any medicine, it’s wise to follow instructions and consult a healthcare provider if you have concerns. The natural and gentle nature of homeopathy makes it a preferred choice for many individuals.
Recommended Dosage: Adel 4’s recommended dosage is as follows:
· For adults: 20 drops
· For children: 7–10 drops
· Frequency: 3 times a day
· Best taken in some liquid before meals
The dosage may vary based on individual needs and the severity of symptoms. It’s essential to follow the instructions provided on the product packaging or consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.
Complementary Remedies: To address specific musculoskeletal concerns comprehensively, you may consider complementary remedies. Here are a few that can work synergistically with Adel 4:
· ADEL 26 (Osteoarthritis Drops): Osteoarthritis often involves degeneration of bones. ADEL 26 can complement Adel 4 by targeting bone health and integrity.
· ADEL 32 (Inflammation Drops): Inflammatory conditions can be a root cause of musculoskeletal pain. ADEL 32 focuses on mucous membrane (rheumatic) inflammation, which is often linked to joint and muscle discomfort.
· ADEL 39 (Sciatica Drops): If you’re dealing with low back pain, sciatica can be a contributing factor. ADEL 39 is designed to alleviate the specific discomfort associated with this condition.
Conclusion: Adel 4 Apo Rheum Joint Pain Drops are a natural and holistic solution to musculoskeletal issues, offering relief from pain, inflammation, and stiffness in joints, muscles, and fibrous tissues. It’s a promising remedy for arthritis, muscle, and joint pains, helping individuals regain their mobility and improve their quality of life.
With Adel 4, you can take a step towards a more comfortable and pain-free life.
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amrutatbrc1 · 19 days
Rheumatology Therapeutics Market 2024 : Size, Growth Rate, Business Module, Product Scope, Regional Analysis And Expansions 2033
The Rheumatology Therapeutics Global Market Report 2024 by The Business Research Company provides market overview across 60+ geographies in the seven regions - Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, and Africa, encompassing 27 major global industries. The report presents a comprehensive analysis over a ten-year historic period (2010-2021) and extends its insights into a ten-year forecast period (2023-2033).
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Learn More On The Rheumatology Therapeutics Market: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/rheumatology-therapeutics-global-market-report
According to The Business Research Company’s Rheumatology Therapeutics Global Market Report 2024, The rheumatology therapeutics market size is expected to see steady growth in the next few years. It will grow to $51.42 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.9%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to the shift towards personalized medicine approaches, rising adoption of biosimilars in rheumatology, increasing investment in research and development, integration of digital health technologies, and regulatory approvals for novel therapies. Major trends in the forecast period include growth in telemedicine and remote monitoring solutions, expansion of targeted therapies for specific rheumatic conditions, emphasis on patient-centric care models, expansion of biologic treatments beyond monoclonal antibodies, and adoption of value-based pricing models.
The rising prevalence of autoimmune diseases is expected to propel the growth of the rheumatology therapeutics market going forward. An autoimmune disease is a condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks and damages the body's tissues. The prevalence of autoimmune diseases is growing due to a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors, including increased awareness and improved diagnostic capabilities. Rheumatology therapeutics are required for autoimmune diseases to manage inflammation, alleviate symptoms, and prevent joint and tissue damage caused by the immune system attacking the body. For instance, in June 2024, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, an Australia-based government agency, around 514,000 people in Australia, or 2.0% of the population, were estimated to be living with rheumatoid arthritis in 2022. Rheumatoid arthritis accounted for 2.0% of the total disease burden and 16% of the burden for all musculoskeletal conditions in 2023. Therefore, the rising prevalence of autoimmune diseases is driving the growth of the rheumatology therapeutics market.
Get A Free Sample Of The Report (Includes Graphs And Tables): https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=17246&type=smp
The rheumatology therapeutics market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Drug Class: Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs, Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Corticosteroids, Uric Acid Drugs, Other Drugs Classes 2) By Distribution Channel: Hospital Pharmacy, Retail Pharmacy, Online Pharmacy 3) By Disease Indication: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Gout, Psoriatic Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Other Disease Indications
Major companies operating in the rheumatology therapeutics market are developing innovative solutions, such as intravenous (IV) formulations, to enhance treatment efficacy and patient convenience. An intravenous (IV) formulation refers to a medication or substance that is administered directly into a vein through a needle or catheter. For instance, in October 2023, Novartis AG, a Switzerland-based pharmaceutical company, announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had approved Cosentyx, an intravenous (IV) formulation. This form of Cosentyx is uniquely approved to treat adults with psoriatic arthritis (PsA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), and non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (nr-axSpA). It works by specifically targeting and inhibiting interleukin-17A (IL-17A) and is the only non-tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) IV treatment available for these conditions.
The rheumatology therapeutics market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Rheumatology Therapeutics Market Characteristics
3. Rheumatology Therapeutics Market Trends And Strategies
4. Rheumatology Therapeutics Market - Macro Economic Scenario
5. Global Rheumatology Therapeutics Market Size and Growth ...........
32. Global Rheumatology Therapeutics Market Competitive Benchmarking
33. Global Rheumatology Therapeutics Market Competitive Dashboard
34. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Rheumatology Therapeutics Market
35. Rheumatology Therapeutics Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
36. Appendix
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monteewellnez · 1 month
Effective Supplements for Joint and Muscle Pain: Omega-3 and More!
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A combination of muscles, tendons, connective tissues, a strong bone framework, and fluid joints is required for efficient body movement; at every point in time, we must move from one point to another. When you pace up the living room to the kitchen, and fill up a glass of water to quench your thirst, you have simply put your muscles and limbs to some action. Movement takes place when muscles attached to bones and joints contract and relax.
Physical movement is enhanced when the joints work in tandem; e.g. the ball joints, vertebrae joints of the spinal cord etc., and the walls of the connecting joints and bones are laced with cartilage. It cushions the bone joints as movement takes place. The joints are lubricated and friction-free; but as we grow older, the cartilage gradually wears, and the bone joints rub on each other. When this condition occurs, we start experiencing immense pains in the joints.
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis pains; at the knee joints, impair mobility because movement becomes a very painful experience.
Introducing: A Twin Solution For Rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis.
Omega 3 Salmon Oil
•    It is recommended for Arthritis and Rheumatism.
•    *It plays a vital role in bone health.
•    Omega 3 Salmon Oil, assists in promoting joint comfort and balancing inflammation. Supports healthy pro and anti-inflammatory factors. Clinically proven to lower inflammatory index by 68% in just eight weeks.
Full Motion
•    Help to maintain healthy cartilage and inflammatory balance to promote healthy comfortable joints.
•    Stimulate regeneration of healthy cartilage.
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zanygardenstarlight · 2 months
Women are more likely to experience chronic pain than men
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Women are more likely to experience chronic pain than men, and some conditions affect women disproportionately. Some reasons for this include:
Hormones: Fluctuating hormones can contribute to chronic pain.
Nerves: Women have more nerves in their bodies than men.
Bone density: Bone strength and density can decrease with age.
Emotional impact: Women tend to focus more on the emotional and stressful aspects of chronic pain, which can make it worse.
Diseases: Women are more likely to be diagnosed with autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Sjögren's syndrome. They are also more likely to be diagnosed with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and low back pain.
Female-specific pain: Women experience female-specific pain, such as period pain, endometriosis pain, and vulvodynia
Chronic Pain Solution
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tamanna31 · 2 months
Anastomosis Devices 2024 Industry Outlook, Research, Trends and Forecast to 2030
Anastomosis Devices Market
The global anastomosis devices market size was estimated at USD 3.98 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.6% from 2024 to 2030. The increase in the number of surgical procedures, a rise in the prevalence of chronic diseases and technological advancements in anastomosis devices are the key trends driving the market growth. Lifestyle-related conditions such as cardiac diseases, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and cancer are contributing to the growth in demand for these devices. According to the article published by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention & Health Promotion, in August 2023, approximately 60% of the population living in the U.S. were suffering from at least one chronic condition such as heart ailment, cancer, stroke, and diabetes.
The rising number of surgical procedures, such as Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG), organ transplantation surgery, dialysis access surgery, intestinal bypass surgery, and colectomy, is anticipated to drive market growth over the forecast period. With the growing prevalence of cardiovascular & heart diseases, a large number of CABG surgeries are being conducted. The study published by the National Library of Medicine in August 2023 reports that CABG is the most typical surgical process, and around 400,000 CABG surgeries are performed annually. Moreover, the growing number of individuals undergoing organ transplantations is also expected to boost the demand for anastomosis devices over the forecast period. According to the article published by the United Network for Organ Sharing, in January 2023, around 42,887 organ transplants were performed in the U.S. in 2022, which demonstrated an increase of 3.7% over 2021.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Anastomosis Devices Market
Technological advancements, such as developing novel products by modifying shapes and designs, are anticipated to increase the adoption of anastomosis devices. In addition, key manufacturers are using various technologies such as 3D stapling technology, gripping surface technology, and tri-staple technology in these devices. Major companies in the market are focusing on developing innovative devices and technologies that can be used for anastomosis. For instance, in January 2022, Seger Surgical Solutions initiated the development of its laparoscopic bowel closure device, LAP IA 60, for intracorporeal anastomosis. This device can close, align, and staple the common opening for intracorporeal anastomosis securely, quickly, and without the requirement for suturing. This next-generation device can close the enterotomy within two minutes. Such product advancements are expected to boost the adoption of anastomosis devices in the coming decade. 
Moreover, the demand for anastomosis devices is also expected to increase due to the growing geriatric population and healthcare expenditure. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, in 2023, individuals aged 60 & above accounted for 19.8% of the population. Around 330 million individuals in China are affected by CVDs, 45.3 million by peripheral artery disease, 11.39 million by coronary heart disease, including 13 million strokes, 5 million pulmonary heart disease, 4.87 million atrial fibrillation, 2.5 million rheumatic heart disease, 8.9 million heart failure, 2 million congenital heart disease, and 245 million hypertension cases. This rising prevalence of cardiovascular conditions among the population needs surgical attention, which is expected to drive the market growth of anastomosis devices.
Browse through Grand View Research's Medical Devices Industry Research Reports.
The global ablation catheters market size was estimated at USD 4.6 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 14.8% from 2024 to 2030.
The global ATP assays market size was estimated at USD 3.31 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.9% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Anastomosis Devices Company Insights
Some of the key players operating in the market include Medtronic; Ethicon US, LLC; Peters Surgical. s
Medtronic is a global company in medical technology, solutions and services which offers a range of anastomosis devices through its minimally invasive therapies group. Medtronic’s anastomosis devices portfolio includes products such as LigaSure, Signia Stapling System, DuraSeal, Vessel Sealers and Handheld Surgical Staplers
Mizuho Medical Co., Ltd is a medical devices company that specializes in medical devices, including products for surgical procedures such as anastomosis. Mizuho Medical Co., Ltd offers a diverse portfolio of anastomosis devices, including staplers, sutures, and other specialized instruments used in surgical procedures.
Key Anastomosis Devices Companies:
The following are the leading companies in anastomosis devices market. These companies collectively hold the largest market share and dictate industry trends.
Mizuho Medical Co., Ltd (MIZUHO Corporation)
Peters Surgical
ETHICON, Inc. (Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc)
Carponovum AB
Medline Industries, LP
Seger Surgical Solutions
Recent Developments
In April 2022, the Synovis Micro Companies Alliance, Inc., a subsidiary of Baxter, received approval from the U.S. FDA for its GEM FLOW COUPLER Monitor device. This device is useful in the end-to-end anastomosis of veins and arteries.
In January 2022, Seger Surgical Solutions Ltd. initiated the development of LAP IA 60, an intracorporeal anastomosis laparoscopic device.
In March 2021, ETHICON, Inc. (Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc) introduced a new powered surgical stapler, the ECHELON+ Stapler with GST Reloads. This product can improve staple line security & lower intricacies through better staple formation and uniform tissue compression.
 Order a free sample PDF of the Anastomosis Devices Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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hbgmedicalcenter · 3 months
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Comprehensive Rheumatology and Arthritis Care in Dubai Discover top-tier rheumatology and arthritis care in Dubai, UAE at HBGMC. Our expert team specializes in diagnosing and treating a wide range of rheumatic conditions, ensuring personalized and effective treatment plans for each patient. Experience state-of-the-art facilities and compassionate care designed to improve your quality of life. Trust HBGMC for advanced rheumatology solutions.
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girlflapper · 1 year
Vintage Ads, 1910s-1920s
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Top left: 1917 ad for "Urodonal, Triumph of Modern Science," will cure you of "Rheumatism, Gravel, Gout, Arterio-Sclerosis, and Obesity," claimed by the medical profession for being "the most powerful solvent of uric acid, being 37 times more active than lithia." (...) "URODONAL is rapidly eliminated through the kidneys -- a point of great importance. The water in which it is held in solution passes through these organs more easily and rapidly than plain water, and that in spite of the load of waste products that URODONAL carries away with it."
Top right: 1922 ad for "The Ambedia Back Puff, A Woman's Difficulty Overcome."
Bottom left: illustration by Benito. "Achieving beauty without the use of make-up, using electricity and soft massages, that is the secret of the beauty specialist."
Bottom right: ad for "Polar Club, Electric Vibrator.
Be your own Beauty Specialist
The Polar Club Electric Vibrator enables every woman who cares about her appearance, to gain in the privacy of her own home the full benefits of electric massage -- the most successful and up-to-date treatment for preserving the beauty of the face and figure. Polar Club treatment really does remove wrinkles and hollows. Polar Club Electric massage is splendid for your scalp. Polar Club Electric massage is recommended for nervous disorders. It brings instant relief in cases of headache, fatigue and general 'nerviness.' Order a Polar Club Vibrator to-day. To use is simplicity itself. Just remove the electric light bulb and attach the Vibrator. It is perfectly safe and perfectly harmless."
Scanned from Bronwen Meredith's "Vogue Body and Beauty Book" 1977.
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
Carmen Rodriguez, 31 (USA 1970)
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New York legalized abortion before Roe v. Wade, killing many pregnant people along with their babies. When the legalization first came into effect, a city hospital official spokesperson didn’t seem concerned about the increased danger to pregnant people and said, “We can tolerate three deaths per 100,000 patients.” This calculation wildly underestimated how lethal legal abortion is. In the first 22 days alone, 3 out of about 2000 women died from legal abortion, making it 50 times more lethal than the hospital spokesperson suggested. One of the many killed was Carmen Rodriguez.
31-year-old Carmen Rodriguez was 14 weeks pregnant when she underwent a legal abortion in New York. Lincoln Hospital used the saline method, which chemically burns an unborn human alive by filling the amniotic sac with a dangerous high-concentration salt solution. Then labor would be induced to remove the corpse from Carmen’s uterus.
Carmen had a medical history of rheumatic heart disease, but she had given live birth twice before and been fine. There was no evidence that a third birth would have had a different result. Saline abortion, on the other hand, had long been documented as potentially causing heart-damaging electrolyte imbalances—even in a perfectly healthy person. It was reckless and negligent to attempt a saline abortion on a person with a chronic heart condition.
Like so many before and after her, Carmen was killed by her legal abortion. The saline entered her bloodstream and caused acute pulmonary edema. During the abortion, Carmen was observed as having trouble breathing. It was later discovered that Carmen’s heart condition was not noted on her chart and that somebody had assumed her respiratory problems were from an asthma attack. (Carmen did not have asthma and a look at her medical history would have made that obvious.) The treatment administered was appropriate for an asthmatic patient but lethal to a patient with a heart condition. This made the already-dying Carmen even worse.
Carmen slipped into a coma and soon died on July 19, 1970. Her husband and two surviving children were left to mourn for the loss of two family members.
After Carmen was killed, a Puerto Rican activist group called the Young Lords sprang into action. They spread Carmen’s story far and wide, pointing out that the staff of Lincoln Hospital were warned that Carmen had heart problems, failed to take precautions and administered “treatment” that was directly harmful to her.
The Young Lords distributed leaflets near Lincoln Hospital, denouncing Carmen’s death as murder. The group also occupied an administration building connected with the hospital for 12 hours, denouncing the hospital as “a butcher shop that kills patients”.
The Young Lords weren’t the only ones alarmed over the amount of women killed by legalized abortion. New York City Chief Medical Examiner Milton Helpern expressed fears that ill-equipped and poorly-staffed freestanding legal abortion facilities were posing a danger to women. (Of course, abortion was still unsafe when done in a hospital, but facilities specifically existing for abortion were even worse.)
But supporters of abortion didn’t seem to care about the preventable deaths of pregnant people. Merle Goldman, who was the spokesperson for a pro-abortion organization, still insisted that abortion was safe and stressed that the group was publicly lobbying against proposed health department regulation of abortion practice.
Carmen was not the first or the last to be killed by legalized abortion in New York. Others included but were not limited to Pearl Schwier, Barbara Riley, Maria Ortega, Margaret Smith, Carole Schaner and at least 26 “Jane Roes” (unidentified victims) who had fallen for the “safe and legal” abortion lie between New York’s early legalization of abortion and Roe v. Wade.
Abortion supporters tend to bring up the maternal deaths from abortion before Roe v. Wade. They typically don’t know or don’t want to admit how many of these deaths were from fully legal abortion.
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"Abortion Death Reported by City," New York Times, July 21, 1970
"Health Board Defers Action On Abortion Regulations," New York Daily News, July 22, 1970
"3 Abortion Deaths Listed Since Start of New Law," New York Daily News, July 22, 1970
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"Lincoln Docs Firm in Walkout," New York Daily News, August 27, 1970
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