#Rhinoplasty before after images
lanotteviene · 6 months
hateful moment for sure but botox just looks so bad. not even the botched ones, the average botox result is still off-putting and yet so boring. I see women who literally look alike because they've paralyzed their foreheads/eye area and can only mildly go :) at their own kids playing around. rhinoplasty has uncomfortable racist implications and 'feminization' surgeries raise unpleasant questions but botox itself is just generally sinister yet so fucking BLAND to look at
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notanerdyprude · 5 months
walks in covered in blood with flesh between my teeth (i thought about dorsal hump nose grace chasity)
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neechees · 7 months
I hate when you're trying to look for references for humans who look human (& not like perfectly curated, photoshopped supermodel Barbie dolls who fit every beauty standard in the book to a Tee) and instead you get images or ads or graphics of sites trying to get you to NOT look like that.
I want a photo of someone with a hooked, large nose, not before/after photos of someone who got a rhinoplasty. I want photos of someone with a post pregnancy body with stretch marks and a saggy belly, not a graphic with tips on how to reduce it. I want a photo of a fat person in a casual pose, not an advertisement for a weight loss drink. I want a photo of someone in their 50s with wrinkles, not a site that tells me which creams can stop you from getting them. I want an aesthetic photo of someone with acne and scars, not a photo of a product that gets rid of it.
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nachosforfree · 1 year
I search up types of noses to figure out how to draw them correctly and the images tab just shows a ton of before and after rhinoplasty and it makes me sad. If you've ever felt bad about how your nose looks just know an artist out there wants to draw it
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necatormundi · 2 months
looking for nose references and getting only rhinoplasty before after images 😟
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magicalenbysarah · 11 months
I hate how 99% of the results for 'aquiline noses' are rhinoplasty before and after images
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opdrazimetozdemirsblog · 11 months
Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🇹🇷🦋👇Fonksiyonel doğal görününen tamponsuz(hastaların %95’i) burun estetiğinde(rinoplasti) en önemli kriterlerden biri uzun dönem(1-2 yıldan sonra) burun şekli ve hava yolu açıklığında sorun olmamasıdır.
🦋Bu hastamızda olduğu gibi(10. yıl) kafatası, burun dorsumu(sırtı) ve dudakla açısı doğru hesaplamış olmalı.
🦋Kadınlarda bu açı daha fazla(mesela burun dorsumu daha ‘kaydırak’ gibi) iken erkeklerde daha düzdür.
🦋Bu nedenle ameliyat sonrası 1.3.5.ve 10 yılda Estetik ve Plastik Cerrahınıza bilgi vermeniz çok önemlidir.
🦋Ameliyat sonrası ödem 6-12 ayda büyük oranda geçse de gerçekte burnun milimetrik şeklini alması 2 yılı bulur.
🦋ikincil(sekonder yada yeniden ameliyat)veya revizyon olmak isteyen hastalar bu sürelere riayet etmeli aksi halde istenmeyen sonuçlar daha fazla yaşanmaktadır.
🦋Burun ameliyatı sonrası dünyada az veya çok Cerrahlar revizyona ihtiyaç duyabilir, bu beklenilebilen bir durum olup revizyona hasta-hekim beraber karar vermelidirler.
🦋Hastaların gerçek üstü beklentileri ve sosyal media ve basının olağandışı beklenti yaratmaları da revizyon ameliyat kararında ne yazık ki yanlış karar verilmesine neden olmaktadır.
🦋Ayrıca hastalar ameliyat sonrası ilk 3-6 ayda başta olmak üzere 2 yıla kadar burun yapısının değiştiği unutulmamalıdır.
🦋Ameliyat sonrası uzun dönem 2 yıl sonrası görünüm temel kriter kabul edilmelidir(👉videoda görülen hastamın ameliyat sonrası 10. yılı🌺👉👉).
🦋Bu bizim kliniğin revizyon yapmadığı anlamına gelmez, amaçımız bu riski olabildiğince en aza indirmek temel felsefemizdir.
🦋Revizyon ameliyatları dünyada en iddialı kliniklerde bile gereklidir, hastaların bunu bilerek ameliyat olmalarında fayda vardır.
🦋Biz klinik olarak ameliyat öncesi 3Dvectra(3 boyutlu görüntüleme)sistemi ile ameliyat sonrasının planlanmasını yapmaktayız ve bu sistem hasta ve cerrah açısından büyük önem taşır.
🇻🇬🇱🇷🦋👇One of the most important criteria in functional, natural-looking tamponless (95% of patients) nose aesthetics (rhinoplasty) is that there should be no problems with nose shape and airway patency in the long term (after 1-2 years).
🦋As in this patient (10th year), the angle with the skull, nasal dorsum (back) and lips must have been calculated correctly.
🦋This angle is greater in women (for example, the dorsum of the nose is more 'slide'-like), while it is flatter in men.
🦋For this reason, it is very important to inform your Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon 1, 3, 5 and 10 years after the surgery.
🦋Although the post-operative edema largely disappears in 6-12 months, it actually takes 2 years for the nose to take its millimetric shape.
🦋Patients who want to undergo secondary (secondary or re-surgery) or revision must comply with these periods, otherwise undesirable consequences are more likely to occur.
🦋Surgeons around the world may need more or less revision after nose surgery, this is an expected situation and the patient and doctor should decide on revision together.
🦋Unfortunately, the unrealistic expectations of patients and the extraordinary expectations created by social media and the press also cause wrong decisions to be made regarding revision surgery.
🦋Also, patients should not forget that the nose structure changes, especially in the first 3-6 months after surgery and up to 2 years.
🦋The long-term post-operative appearance after 2 years should be considered the main criterion (👉my patient seen in the video is his 10th year after surgery🌺👉👉).
🦋This does not mean that our clinic does not make revisions, our main philosophy is to minimize this risk as much as possible.
🦋Revision surgeries are necessary even in the most assertive clinics in the world, and it is beneficial for patients to undergo surgery knowing this.
🦋As a clinic, we plan the post-operative period with the 3Dvectra (3D imaging) system before the surgery, and this system is of great importance for the patient and the surgeon.
Hinweis: Türkische, englische, deutsche und arabische Beschreibung
🇩🇪🦋👇Eines der wichtigsten Kriterien für eine funktionelle, natürlich aussehende tamponlose (95 % der Patienten) Nasenästhetik (Rhinoplastik) ist, dass es langfristig (nach 1-2 Jahren) keine Probleme mit der Nasenform und der Durchgängigkeit der Atemwege geben sollte. .
🦋Wie bei diesem Patienten (10. Lebensjahr) muss der Winkel mit Schädel, Nasenrücken (Rücken) und Lippen korrekt berechnet worden sein.
🦋Dieser Winkel ist bei Frauen größer (z. B. ist der Nasenrücken eher „rutschenartig“), während er bei Männern flacher ist.
🦋Aus diesem Grund ist es sehr wichtig, Ihren ästhetischen und plastischen Chirurgen 1, 3, 5 und 10 Jahre nach der Operation zu informieren.
🦋Obwohl das postoperative Ödem innerhalb von 6–12 Monaten größtenteils verschwindet, dauert es tatsächlich 2 Jahre, bis die Nase ihre millimetergenaue Form annimmt.
🦋Patienten, die sich einer Zweit- (Zweit- oder Nachoperation) oder Revision unterziehen möchten, müssen diese Fristen einhalten, da es sonst eher zu unerwünschten Folgen kommt.
🦋Chirurgen auf der ganzen Welt benötigen nach einer Nasenoperation möglicherweise mehr oder weniger Revisionen. Dies ist eine erwartete Situation und Patient und Arzt sollten gemeinsam über eine Revision entscheiden.
🦋Leider führen auch die unrealistischen Erwartungen der Patienten und die außergewöhnlichen Erwartungen, die durch soziale Medien und Presse hervorgerufen werden, dazu, dass bei Revisionsoperationen Fehlentscheidungen getroffen werden.
🦋Außerdem sollten Patienten nicht vergessen, dass sich die Nasenstruktur insbesondere in den ersten 3-6 Monaten nach der Operation und bis zu 2 Jahren verändert.
🦋Das langfristige postoperative Erscheinungsbild nach 2 Jahren sollte als Hauptkriterium angesehen werden (👉mein Patient im Video ist im 10. Jahr nach der Operation🌺👉👉).
🦋Das bedeutet nicht, dass unsere Klinik keine Revisionen vornimmt. Unsere Hauptphilosophie besteht darin, dieses Risiko so weit wie möglich zu minimieren.
🦋Revisionsoperationen sind selbst in den anspruchsvollsten Kliniken der Welt notwendig, und es ist für Patienten von Vorteil, wenn sie sich einer Operation unterziehen, wenn sie dies wissen.
🦋Als Klinik planen wir die postoperative Phase vor der Operation mit dem 3Dvectra-System (3D-Bildgebung), und dieses System ist für den Patienten und den Chirurgen von großer Bedeutung.
‎ملحوظة: الوصف باللغات التركية والإنجليزية والألمانية والعربية
🇮🇶🦋👇أحد أهم المعايير في تجميل الأنف (عملية تجميل الأنف) الوظيفية ذات المظهر الطبيعي (95٪ من المرضى) هو أنه لا ينبغي أن تكون هناك مشاكل في شكل الأنف ومسالك مجرى الهواء على المدى الطويل (بعد 1-2 سنة). .
‎🦋كما هو الحال في هذا المريض (السنة العاشرة)، يجب أن يتم حساب الزاوية مع الجمجمة وظهر الأنف (الظهر) والشفاه بشكل صحيح.
‎🦋هذه الزاوية أكبر عند النساء (على سبيل المثال، ظهر الأنف أكثر شبهاً بالانزلاق)، بينما يكون مسطحاً عند الرجال.
‎🦋لهذا السبب، من المهم جدًا إبلاغ جراح التجميل والجراحة التجميلية الخاص بك بعد 1 و3 و5 و10 سنوات من الجراحة.
‎🦋على الرغم من أن الوذمة التالية للعمليات الجراحية تختفي إلى حد كبير خلال 6-12 شهرًا، إلا أن الأنف في الواقع يستغرق عامين ليأخذ شكله المليمتري.
‎🦋يجب على المرضى الذين يرغبون في الخضوع لعملية جراحية ثانوية (ثانوية أو إعادة جراحية) أو مراجعة أن يلتزموا بهذه الفترات، وإلا فمن المرجح أن تحدث عواقب غير مرغوب فيها.
‎🦋قد يحتاج الجراحون حول العالم إلى مراجعة أكثر أو أقل بعد جراحة الأنف، وهذا وضع متوقع ويجب على المريض والطبيب اتخاذ قرار بشأن المراجعة معًا.
‎🦋لسوء الحظ، فإن توقعات المرضى غير الواقعية والتوقعات غير العادية التي خلقتها وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والصحافة تتسبب أيضًا في اتخاذ قرارات خاطئة فيما يتعلق بجراحة المراجعة.
‎🦋يجب أيضًا ألا ينسى المرضى أن بنية الأنف تتغير، خاصة في أول 3-6 أشهر بعد الجراحة وحتى عامين.
‎🦋يجب اعتبار المظهر طويل الأمد بعد العملية الجراحية بعد عامين هو المعيار الرئيسي (👉المريض الذي يظهر في الفيديو هو عامه العاشر بعد الجراحة🌺👉👉).
‎🦋هذا لا يعني أن عيادتنا لا تقوم بأي تعديلات، ففلسفتنا الرئيسية هي تقليل هذه المخاطر قدر الإمكان.
‎🦋جراحات المراجعة ضرورية حتى في أكثر العيادات حزماً في العالم، ومن المفيد للمرضى أن يخضعوا لعملية جراحية وهم يعلمون ��لك.
‎🦋نحن كعيادة نقوم بالتخطيط لفترة ما بعد الجراحة بنظام 3Dvectra (التصوير ثلاثي الأبعاد) قبل الجراحة، وهذا النظام ذو أهمية كبيرة للمريض والجراح.
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For those seeking to enhance their appearance and boost their self-confidence, rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, remains a popular choice. In Salt Lake City, Utah, individuals have access to a reputable clinic, Barr Aesthetics, offering affordable rhinoplasty options that deliver exceptional results. Let's explore the expertise, pricing, and success stories surrounding rhinoplasty in the heart of Utah.
Devan Griner Aesthetics is renowned for its team of experienced and skilled surgeons, specifically specializing in facial procedures like rhinoplasty. These top-rated professionals, including Dr. Thompson, Dr. Henstrom, and Dr. Manning, collectively possess over 50 years of combined experience. Their dedication to delivering outstanding nasal reshaping results has earned them a prominent position in Salt Lake City's plastic surgery community.
Understanding the financial aspects, Barr Aesthetics ensures that affordable rhinoplasty options are available to individuals seeking these services. While the average cost of a nose job in the United States hovers around $5,483, Devan Griner MD Aesthetics offers competitively priced options that cater to different budgets and needs. With prices ranging from $3,000, their commitment to affordability sets them apart as a preferred choice for individuals seeking a nose job in Salt Lake City.
Barr Aesthetics has transformed the lives of numerous individuals through successful rhinoplasty procedures. The clinic boasts a comprehensive collection of impressive before and after pictures, showcasing the remarkable transformations achieved by their skilled surgeons. These images serve as a testament to the expertise, precision, and attention to detail that defines the work of Barr Aesthetics' team.
Recognizing that financing can be a concern for some individuals, Barr Aesthetics offers flexible financing options for rhinoplasty procedures, making the dream of a nose job attainable for more people. Additionally, they assist patients in navigating insurance policies to explore potential coverage options for rhinoplasty, relieving some of the financial burdens associated with the procedure.
When it comes to rhinoplasty in Salt Lake City, Utah, Barr Aesthetics stands out as a leading clinic, known for its affordable options, exceptional surgical expertise, and proven results. Whether individuals are looking for a subtle refinement or a more dramatic transformation, Barr Aesthetics' team of experienced surgeons can help turn their vision into a reality. With their commitment to providing high-quality care and achieving patient satisfaction, it is no surprise that Cosmetic Surgeon Salt Lake City Aesthetics has become a trusted name in the field of rhinoplasty in Utah. https://rhinoplasty.cosmeticsurgeonsaltlake.com/
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drjyoshid · 2 days
Everything You Should Know Before Getting the Procedure Explained on Rhinoplasty
First of all, Rhinoplasty, sometimes known as nose surgery, is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures done worldwide. Rhinoplasty, whether for medical or cosmetic purposes, significantly alters a person's appearance and sense of value. In this tutorial, we'll cover the rationale behind rhinoplasty, the procedure itself, what to anticipate during the healing period, and other important topics.
What Is a Rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that alters the nose's shape, size, and structure. It can be necessary to make adjustments to the skin, cartilage, bone, or all three in order to achieve desired results. The operation can address a variety of issues, from enhancing the nose's aesthetic appeal to resolving practical issues like breathing difficulty caused by structural irregularities.
Reasons for the Aesthetic Enhancements of Rhinoplasty: Many people seek rhinoplasty to achieve a more harmonious facial profile. Commonly, aesthetic goals include: Reducing a prominent hump Shutting the nasal openings Reshaping the tip of the nose Changing the overall size of the nose
Medical Requirements:
Rhinoplasty is not just cosmetic surgery for certain people. Chronic breathing difficulties may result from deviated septums or other structural disorders. These problems can be resolved with rhinoplasty, which enhances look as well as function. Trauma or Injury: Nasal abnormalities may arise from accidents. After an injury, rhinoplasty can restore the nose’s structure and functionality.
Rhinoplasty Procedure A rhinoplasty can take anywhere from one to three hours to complete, depending on how complicated the process is. This is a general summary of the process: conversing with Before the procedure, you and your surgeon will have a thorough consultation. Address any concerns you may have, as well as your goals and medical history. The surgeon might take images to provide a graphic representation of the expected results.
Anesthesia: For rhinoplasties, two alternatives for anesthesia are local anesthetic combined with sedation or general anesthesia. Your comfort level with the procedure and its duration will determine your choice.
Surgical Techniques: There are two main methods to approach rhinoplasty: During an open rhinoplasty, a small incision is done on the columella, the tissue strip that runs between the nostrils. The nasal anatomy is easier for the surgeon to see and access using this method. Closed Rhinoplasty: All incisions are made inside the nose, thus there are no outward scars. Usually, this technique is used for smaller-scale adjustments.
Recovery: Following surgery, patients should anticipate bruising and swelling around the eyes and nose, but these side effects usually go away in a few weeks. To preserve the nose’s new form while it heals, a splint could be applied. Expectations for Recuperation It’s essential to comprehend the healing process in order to control expectations. What to anticipate in general is as follows:
First Healing: Swelling and swelling peak two to three days after surgery. Most patients are able to return to work or other regular activities after a week or so, although they should avoid physical exertion for several weeks. Extended Recuperation: Although most residual edema goes away in the first month, it may linger for several months.
Important Things to Keep in Mind The following things need to be thoroughly thought through before undergoing a rhinoplasty: Choosing the Right Surgeon: Look for a board-certified plastic surgeon with a lot of rhinoplast operation experience. Look through their gallery of before and after photos and read the patient testimonials.
Moderate Expectations: It's important to have moderate expectations even though a rhinoplasty might improve your appearance. Be open and honest with your surgeon about your goals to ensure they share your vision.
Costs & Insurance: The cost of a rhinoplasty can vary greatly depending on the surgeon's experience level, the complexity of the procedure, and the patient's location. If the procedure is deemed medically necessary, insurance may cover a portion of the cost. Psychological Impact: A rhinoplasty may have a major effect on one's self-esteem and body image. Ascertain whether you are emotionally and physically prepared for the changes.
Rhinoplasty can be a game-changer for anyone hoping to correct functional issues with their nose or just improve their appearance. After a rhinoplasty, you can achieve significant improvements in your appearance and quality of life with the assistance of a skilled surgeon, thoughtful preparation, and realistic expectations. If you're considering this surgery, consider your reasons, consult with professionals, and educate yourself to ensure a successful conclusion.
In conclusion:
Dr. Jyoshid is renowned for his skill, customized approach, and commitment to achieving outstanding results. He is one of Thrissur's leading rhinoplasty surgeons. He ensures that each patient receives the specific attention and care they require because he has a deep understanding of the functional and aesthetic aspects of rhinoplasty. Whether the intention is to address medical issues or enhance appearance, Dr. Jyoshid is a dependable choice for anyone thinking about nose surgery due to his skill and commitment. His skillful hands are handling your journey to increased self-assurance and wellness.
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miratiwari-7 · 14 days
Finding the Rhinoplasty Surgeon in India for Nose Reconstruction
Rhinoplasty is usually alluded to as nose surgery, as it is a medical procedure to change the state of your nose by adjusting the bone or ligament. Rhinoplasty is a standout amongst the most well-known types of plastic surgery.
It is like a blessing for individuals who want to get the Best Rhinoplasty surgery in India, procedure on their nose for many reasons such as:
For repairing their nose after an injury from an accident
For correcting breathing issues or a birth deformity,
For any other grounds that they’re miserable with the presence of their nose.
The primary concern is to Select The Best rhinoplasty surgeon in India for doing your nose job. So they find the best surgeon by following the below guidelines:
Qualification and experience
Check whether The rhinoplasty surgeon is certified in maxillo-facial surgery or not. Also check the number of working years of experience of the surgeon in nose surgery. Years of practice make the surgeon more perfectionist and result-oriented which will help in providing you the required results.
Successful procedures
Another angle to look at is to check the no. of successful medical procedures performed by the specific specialist over the said timeframe.
Face-to-face Discussion
Check whether the inside is giving an up close and personal interview first before beginning any methodology, which best suits your need as you need to take mind that the facility must not be the one which constrains you to take their administrations as they ought to comprehend your need and afterward exhort you the best treatment. A surgeon should check your health parameters before providing you with The best treatment for your nose surgery.
Check or think about The rhinoplasty surgery cost of the medical procedure for your specific methodology shape all the conceivable assets as it will assist you in choosing the best one for yourself. Additionally, check whether the facility or an inside is putting forth any sort of money-related guide to the patients as an EMI alternative and so on.
Before and after
Check for the patient’s testimonials and their reviews will help in clearing your doubts regarding the surgeon. You can also check the before and after images of the surgeries to know about the surgeon’s work. Hence, the nose is the most important feature of our face so, therefore, choose the best rhinoplasty surgeon in India who may help you enhance your appearance for the good. Hence the Top Plastic Surgeon in India– Dr. Debraj Shome of “The Esthetic Clinics” is one of the leading names for Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in India.
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epcysblog · 19 days
Transform Your Look with Expert Precision: Rhinoplasty in Turkey
A common cosmetic surgery is the rhinoplasty also known as the nose job; surgery that modifies the shape of the nose for aesthetic and or functional purposes. In recent years Turkey has become a renowned hotspot for people seeking rhinoplasty operations especially due to proficiency of surgeons, optimum utilization of technology, and reasonable charges being incurred in the country. Here’s why Turkey is the ideal choice for your rhinoplasty procedure:Here’s why Turkey is the ideal choice for your rhinoplasty procedure:
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Why Choose Rhinoplasty in Turkey?
Turkey has been featured as a leading destination in the provision of cosmetic surgery, which among others include the famed rhinoplasty surgery. The country offers:
World-Class Surgeons: Cosmetic surgery in Turkey is famous throughout the world and especially the surgery of the nose or the ‘Turkish operation’. Most have practised in premier lemaning schools hence they have lots of experience in their field of practice.
Advanced Technology: That is why the clinics in Turkey use the newest technologies such as 3D imaging and CAD to perform surgeries carefully and individually.
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What to Expect During Your Rhinoplasty Procedure
Rhinoplasty in Turkey typically involves the following steps:
Consultation: Your journey starts with consultation when you reveal your expectations and when you receive an overall check-up. During the surgery, surgeons have the advantage of using 3D imaging in order to see the desired outcome and personalise the surgery based on your needs.
Procedure: Open and closed techniques are used in the operation of nose surgery. This is where surgeon makes a small incision across the columella while in closed rhinoplasty no external incisions are made but only internal ones. It depends with the type of surgery and your preference because it is mainly determined by the intensity of the operation.
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Benefits of Rhinoplasty in Turkey
Opting for rhinoplasty in Turkey offers numerous benefits:
Enhanced Appearance: Rhinoplasty surgery will enhance the profile of your nose to help in creating a well balanced facial structure.
Improved Function: Apart from aesthetical functions, rhinoplasty has medical applications and can correct such problems as breathing problems in patients with nasal septum deformities.
Expert Care: Turkish clinics have patient’s safety and satisfaction at high regard, which follows up every patient so as to come up with the best results.
Choosing the Right Clinic for Rhinoplasty in Turkey
To ensure a successful rhinoplasty, consider these factors when selecting a clinic:
Surgeon’s Credentials: Check on the doctor and ask about his or her background, experience, and the experiences of patients who has been treated by the said doctor. Check for the certifications that the medical boards and other related associations have given.
Clinic Accreditation: It is recommended to go to the clinic that is accredited by the international services in the sphere of health care. This aspect helps in making sure that good standard of care and safety is delivered as expected.
Patient Reviews: Identify previous client experiences from their blog Tear and learn the experiences of patient before and after visiting the clinic.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How long does the recovery period last after rhinoplasty in Turkey?
A: The initial recovery period typically lasts about 1–2 weeks, with most swelling and bruising subsiding within this time. Full results can take several months as the nose settles into its new shape.
Q: Is rhinoplasty in Turkey safe?
A: Yes, rhinoplasty in Turkey is safe when performed by qualified and experienced surgeons. Turkish clinics adhere to strict safety protocols and provide comprehensive post-operative care.
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davidalessimdfacs · 1 month
Exploring Nose Surgery in Dubai: A Comprehensive Guide
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Nose surgery, often referred to as rhinoplasty, has become a popular choice for those looking to enhance their facial aesthetics or address functional issues. Dubai, renowned for its luxury and cutting-edge medical advancements, stands out as a prime destination for nose surgery. This guide will explore why Dubai is an excellent choice for this procedure and what you should consider when planning your surgery.
Why Choose Dubai for Nose Surgery?
Dubai's reputation as a hub for world-class medical care is well-earned. The city boasts a plethora of state-of-the-art clinics and hospitals equipped with the latest technology, ensuring that patients receive the highest standard of care. Additionally, many of the practitioners in Dubai are internationally trained and highly skilled, bringing a wealth of experience to their craft.
One of the significant advantages of undergoing nose surgery in Dubai is the opportunity to benefit from advanced techniques that may not be available in other regions. Dubai's medical professionals often employ cutting-edge procedures that can lead to more precise results and quicker recovery times. Furthermore, the city’s strict regulations and standards in healthcare ensure a high level of safety and efficacy in surgical procedures.
Types of Nose Surgery Offered
In Dubai, patients can choose from a variety of nose surgery options based on their needs. The most common types include:
Cosmetic Rhinoplasty: This procedure focuses on improving the appearance of the nose. Whether you want to refine the shape, resize it, or address asymmetry, cosmetic rhinoplasty can help you achieve a more balanced and harmonious facial profile.
Functional Rhinoplasty: For those with breathing difficulties caused by structural abnormalities, functional rhinoplasty can be a solution. This surgery aims to correct issues such as deviated septum or nasal congestion, improving airflow and overall nasal function.
Reconstructive Rhinoplasty: This type of surgery is often performed after trauma or injury to the nose. It aims to restore the nose's appearance and function, helping patients regain their pre-injury condition or adapt to changes resulting from the trauma.
Choosing the Right Surgeon
Selecting the right surgeon is crucial for the success of your nose surgery. In Dubai, many highly qualified and experienced surgeons specialize in rhinoplasty. It is essential to do thorough research and consider factors such as the surgeon's credentials, patient reviews, and before-and-after photos of previous patients.
Consultations are a critical part of this process. During your initial meeting with the surgeon, discuss your goals, expectations, and any concerns you may have. A reputable surgeon will provide a detailed explanation of the procedure, potential risks, and expected outcomes, ensuring you are well-informed before making a decision.
Preparing for Nose Surgery
Preparation is key to a successful nose surgery experience. Before the procedure, you will need to undergo a series of preoperative assessments, including medical evaluations and imaging studies. Following your surgeon's pre-surgery instructions, such as avoiding certain medications and arranging for post-operative care, will help ensure a smooth process.
Recovery and Aftercare
Recovery times vary depending on the type of surgery and individual factors. Generally, patients can expect some swelling and bruising, which should subside over a few weeks. Following your surgeon's aftercare instructions is crucial for achieving optimal results and minimizing complications. Regular follow-up visits will help monitor your progress and address any concerns that may arise.
Nose surgery in Dubai offers a unique blend of advanced medical technology, experienced professionals, and luxury care. Whether you're seeking cosmetic enhancement or functional improvement, Dubai provides a top-tier environment for your surgical journey. By choosing the right surgeon and preparing adequately, you can look forward to achieving the results you desire in one of the world’s most prestigious medical destinations.
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facetouchup1 · 2 months
FaceTouchUp | Neck and Chin Lift Surgery
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How to Simulate a Chin Lift and Neck Lift (Rhytidectomy) A neck lift or tightening is a surgical procedure that improves signs of aging in the jaw and neck.
Now you can easily simulate the jaw position or insert your own image using FaceTouchUp's virtual surgery simulator. This program works best for chin shaping; once you've completed the chin simulation, you can send the before/after images to your facial surgeon to check if the final result is correct.In addition to chin augmentation, you can also remove excess fat from your neck to simulate a neck lift. Chin and neck lift cosmetic surgery can make the jaw more beautiful. This can all be done through FaceTouchUp's virtual plastic surgery software. How to use FaceTouchUp to simulate a chin and neck lift? Change side profile of neck and chin Step 1: Upload a photo and use the reshape tool The Reshaping Tool is the most effective tool when simulating neck and chin lift surgery. one Click and drag the area of the chin and neck that needs to be replaced. Dragging the area will show the change. Leave the mouse locked for the changes you want. Use this tool to smooth out any bumps or imperfections and refine the lines of your neck or jaw until you create the desired shape.
Step 2: Make it better Expand the image to change the details or use the slider to change the brush size To change the changes that have been made, the Undo button can be used to go back as many steps as necessary. Use the Redo button to redo the changes. How to Simulate a Chin and Neck Lift
Step 3: Use the image (commercial license required) Doctors with a business license also have access to drawing tools that can be used to annotate images with lines, graphics, and text to visualize incisions and add additional information to the image. one This greatly facilitates communication with patients and helps them see the outcome of the surgery. one How to Simulate Chin and Neck Lift
Step 4: Before and after plastic surgery demonstration and animation Click the Show Before/After menu to see the results. The Animation tab shows changes to cool animations. one Before and after photos and videos clearly show the changes patients can expect after plastic surgery. one Episode Simulating the 5th step of rhinoplasty surgery
Step 5: Before/after saving or sending email To save an analog image, use the save menu on the toolbar. From the dialog box, select the options to save Before, After, and Animated images as needed. a Doctors with a Business license can also send emails directly to their patients from the device. The content of the email can be edited by the editor Section
Step 6 : How to simulate rhinoplasty before and after photo exam Compare chin and neck lift before and after images Animation chin and neck lift before and after comparison As you can see, it only takes a few minutes to simulate a chin and neck lift using FaceTouchUp. Our advanced AI-based tools make FaceTouchUp the best software to accurately simulate chin and neck lift surgery. Now it's your turn!
Launch our rhinoplasty simulation tool and try it out with your own photos.
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eliteclinicalmx · 2 months
Factors that affect the cost of a rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a "nose job," is a popular surgical procedure performed for both aesthetic and functional reasons. The cost of a rhinoplasty can vary significantly depending on several factors. Below are the main factors that influence the cost of this procedure:
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1. Experience and reputation of the surgeon
Experience: Surgeons with years of experience and extensive experience in rhinoplasty usually charge more. Their knowledge and skills increase the likelihood of satisfactory results and reduce the risk of complications.
Reputation: Well-known surgeons with an excellent reputation, especially those recognized for their rhinoplasty results, may charge higher fees. The confidence and peace of mind these professionals provide often justify the additional cost.
2. Geographic location of the clinic
Region: Rhinoplasty costs vary considerably between different regions and countries. In general, procedures in large cities or metropolitan areas tend to be more expensive due to the higher cost of living.
Country: Some countries have significantly lower costs due to differences in costs of living, salaries and healthcare systems. For example, in the United States, rhinoplasty may cost more than in countries like Mexico or Turkey, where medical costs are generally lower.
3. Complexity of the procedure
Primary Rhinoplasty vs. Secondary: A primary rhinoplasty (first time surgery) generally costs less than a secondary or revision rhinoplasty. Secondary rhinoplasty is more complex and requires more skill and time to correct problems from previous surgery.
Degree of correction: The more extensive the work required to achieve the desired results, the more expensive the procedure will be. This includes the need for additional techniques, such as cartilage grafts.
4. Type of anesthesia used
Local anesthesia vs. General: The choice between local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia can affect the cost. General anesthesia is usually more expensive due to the need for an anesthesiologist and specialized equipment.
Duration of anesthesia: Longer procedures will require more time under anesthesia, which can also increase costs.
5. Hospital or clinic facilities
Type of facility: Surgeries performed in hospitals are typically more expensive than those performed in outpatient clinics due to overall hospital costs.
Quality and technology: Clinics that offer state-of-the-art facilities, with advanced technology and comfortable recovery facilities, can charge more.
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Other additional factors
Preoperative and postoperative consultations: The number and cost of consultations before and after surgery can add to the total cost. Some clinics include these consultations in the total cost of the procedure, while others charge for them separately.
Medical tests and exams: Pre-surgery exams, such as blood tests and imaging studies, can also increase the cost.
Medication and postoperative care: The cost of pain management medications, antibiotics, and other postoperative care must be considered.
The cost of a rhinoplasty is influenced by a variety of factors including the experience and reputation of the surgeon, the location of the clinic, the complexity of the procedure, the type of anesthesia used, and the facility where the surgery is performed. By considering these factors, patients can better understand why costs may vary and what to expect in terms of investment to achieve their desired results. It is crucial that patients do their research and consult with multiple surgeons to make an informed and safe decision about their rhinoplasty procedure.
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avicennacrowe · 3 months
Finding a Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeon in Miami
Finding a board-certified cosmetic surgeon in Miami ensures you receive high-quality care and optimal results. Board certification signifies that the surgeon has undergone rigorous training, adheres to the highest standards of practice, and is committed to ongoing education. To find a certified surgeon, start by researching surgeons' credentials on official medical board websites. Look for reviews and testimonials from previous patients to gauge their satisfaction and experiences. Schedule consultations with potential surgeons to discuss your goals, ask questions, and evaluate their expertise and communication style. Choosing a board-certified cosmetic surgeon in Miami provides peace of mind, knowing you are in the hands of a qualified professional dedicated to achieving safe and beautiful results.
Importance of Choosing a Board-Certified Cosmetic Surgeon in Miami
Choosing a board-certified cosmetic surgeon in Miami is crucial for ensuring expertise and safety in cosmetic procedures. Board certification indicates that the surgeon has undergone rigorous training, passed examinations, and adheres to high ethical standards, ensuring they are qualified to perform cosmetic surgeries.
Qualifications and Credentials to Look for in a Cosmetic Surgeon in Miami
When selecting a cosmetic surgeon in Miami, it's essential to verify their qualifications and credentials. Look for surgeons who are board-certified by recognized boards such as the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). Additionally, review their educational background, training, certifications, and any specialized expertise in the specific procedure you are considering.
Popular Cosmetic Surgery Procedures Offered by Surgeons in Miami
Cosmetic surgeons in Miami offer a wide range of procedures to enhance aesthetics and boost self-confidence. Popular surgeries include breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, facelifts, and tummy tucks. Understanding the options available allows patients to choose procedures that align with their goals and expectations.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Cosmetic Surgeon in Miami
Several factors should influence your choice of a cosmetic surgeon in Miami. Consider their experience in performing the procedure you desire, patient testimonials, before-and-after photos, facility accreditation, and the surgeon's approach to patient care. Personal consultations with potential surgeons are also crucial for assessing their communication style and ensuring you feel comfortable and informed.
Patient Reviews and Testimonials: Insights into Miami Cosmetic Surgeons
Reading patient reviews and testimonials provides valuable insights into the experiences of others who have undergone cosmetic procedures with Miami surgeons. Reviews can offer perspectives on patient satisfaction, surgical outcomes, bedside manner, and overall quality of care, helping prospective patients make informed decisions.
The Role of Technology and Innovation in Miami Cosmetic Surgery Practices
Miami cosmetic surgeons often leverage cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques to achieve optimal results for their patients. Technologies such as 3D imaging, minimally invasive procedures, and advanced surgical tools contribute to safer surgeries, faster recovery times, and more natural-looking outcomes.
Choosing the Right Miami Cosmetic Surgeon: Tips for a Successful Outcome
Choosing the right cosmetic surgeon in Miami involves thorough research and careful consideration of various factors. Tips include researching surgeons' credentials, reviewing portfolios of their work, asking detailed questions during consultations, and ensuring the surgeon prioritizes patient safety and satisfaction. Taking these steps ensures you partner with a skilled professional who can deliver the aesthetic results you desire.
Selecting a board-certified cosmetic surgeon in Miami is paramount to achieving safe and satisfying cosmetic results. Board certification ensures the surgeon has undergone rigorous training and meets stringent standards of competence and ethics in the field of cosmetic surgery. By choosing a certified professional, patients can trust in their expertise, experience, and commitment to delivering exceptional care. Personal consultations provide opportunities to discuss goals, assess surgical approaches, and establish a trusting patient-surgeon relationship. Patient reviews and testimonials further validate the surgeon's reputation and patient satisfaction. Ultimately, investing time in researching and selecting a board-certified cosmetic surgeon in Miami ensures peace of mind, knowing you are in capable hands for your aesthetic journey.
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drjyoshid · 15 days
Leading Expert in Nasal & Rhinoplasty, Committed to Providing Outstanding Outcomes
Few professionals in the specialist field of nasal and rhinoplasty surgery are as well-known as Dr. Jyoshid. Known for his extraordinary abilities and commitment to patient care, Dr. Jyoshid has made a name for himself as a preeminent authority in the field. He is in high demand as a surgeon for both reconstructive and cosmetic nasal surgeries because of his creative methods and unrelenting dedication to producing exceptional results.
Knowledge and Creativity Dr. Jyoshid underwent extensive medical training and education before embarking on his career in nasal and rhinoplasty surgery. He sought additional study in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, specializing in nose and facial treatments, after graduating from a prominent medical school. In order to stay on the cutting edge of his field, he pursued further fellowships and certifications as part of his commitment to excellence.
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Dr. Jyoshid's ability to combine cutting-edge technology and creative methods is one of his unique qualities. With the use of computer-aided surgery planning and 3D imaging, he provides a high degree of accuracy in both functional and cosmetic results.
Care Focused on the Patient Effective communication and patient education, in Dr. Jyoshid's opinion, are essential for excellent outcomes in nasal and rhinoplasty surgery. He makes sure his patients understand their treatment plans and are at ease with them, starting with the initial consultation and continuing through the post-operative follow-up.
Dr. Jyoshid adopts a thorough approach while consulting with patients, paying close attention to their objectives and worries. He addresses possible risks and advantages and gives concise, in-depth descriptions of the surgical choices that are accessible. In addition to fostering a solid, trustworthy relationship between the surgeon and patient, this open communication assists patients in making educated decisions.
Excellent Results The ability of Dr. Jyoshid to produce outstanding results is the cornerstone of his work. His broad training and methodical approach to surgery have led to consistently excellent results that surpass patients' expectations. Whether executing reconstructive or cosmetic operations, Dr. Jyoshid is committed to producing outcomes that complement the patient's overall facial aesthetics while yet appearing natural.
Testimonials from patients often emphasize major gains in quality of life and self-esteem after surgeries, in addition to the aesthetic changes. The focus on both form and function that characterizes Dr. Jyoshid's treatment ensures that every patient gains from a nose that is both aesthetically pleasing and optimally functional.
Education and Leadership The dedication of Dr. Jyoshid to the field goes beyond his clinical work. He often gives talks at national and international conferences and writes for scholarly journals, demonstrating his active involvement in the medical community. His leadership and instructional initiatives are concentrated on disseminating new information and techniques to advance the area of nasal and rhinoplasty surgery.
Dr. Jyoshid is committed to teaching and mentoring the upcoming generation of surgeons. He frequently participates in workshops and educational programs, imparting his knowledge and mentoring upcoming experts in the industry. His contributions ensure that healthcare standards keep improving, which benefits patients now and in the future.
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In summary Renowned in the field of nasal and rhinoplasty surgery, Dr. Jyoshid is renowned for his skill, creative thinking, and dedication to patient-centered care. His capacity to produce exceptional results is a reflection of his commitment to quality work and his enthusiasm for assisting patients in realizing their practical and aesthetic objectives. When it comes to rhinoplasty and nasal surgery, Dr. Jyoshid is a reliable source for anyone hoping for remarkable and fulfilling results.
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