#Rhythm Heaven Glasses Dazzles Girl
ritacaroline · 6 years
Bonz fan fiction    Ch. 4
Record Shop Madness 
“We’ve done four already and now we’re steady, and then they went , ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR ! “ Bonz shouted, as the riff to “ The Ocean” rang out. 
Laurie was mesmerized, as she watched John pound the drums in perfect beautiful rhythm to the driving music. She loved seeing his hair bouncing and flying through the air as his body tensed and worked through each song. His skill set the steady beat and perfect tang to each song, whether it be slammin and
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 rockin or whether it be gentle. She sat in the best seat in the house, accompanied by a burly security man, Ryan Grist. His task was to keep her safe and protected at all costs and in one piece, please. Every once in a while, when the drums were not in motion for a moment here or there, Laurie would get a quick wave, or a wink from Bonz. She felt like a celebrity and loved his sweet attention. John was a simple man. Sophisticated in his speech and speaking skills, but not needing to be doted on nor needing anything fancy in life. Just the simple pleasures in life gave him the most happiness. At the end of the magnificent show, Ryan brought Laurie to the backstage area and she greeted John. He wore a towel around his neck as he dried his face and neck free from moisture and sweat. He gave her a nice hug and kiss with the happiest smile she’d seen on him yet. “My girl, you look so comely and you did that for me, I know it ! Thank you. All I need’s a quick bathe and off we’ll go, the night is set up for us, so get ready for some fun. And I hope you’re hungry, darlin.” Another little kiss on the cheek and he was off to the shower. In ten minutes he returned wearing dressy trousers and shoes, a clean crisp button down blue cotton shirt with a tie and hair damp but styled handsomely. Freshly brushed teeth, and a small bouquet for Laura. He offered his arm, bid goodbye to his co players, as they waved with smiles abounding as he and Laurie strode off. A gorgeous limo met them at the exit of the venue backstage. Once inside the vehicle in the back, he offered her champagne, and they sipped it in sudden peaceful quiet, using crystal champagne flutes. “Oh my goodness, John, you sure know how to make a lady feel spoiled !” she exclaimed. 
“Oh, only the best for my darling.” he expressed. With a huge thrilled smile, she and John were whisked off to the most elegant restaurant in St. Louis. As they pulled to a standstill, John got out and offered his two hands to help her exit the sparkling limo, and he put on his suit jacket. It had been hung neatly and was waiting for him in the limo. He held her hand as they were greeted fondly by the manager of the establishment. They were led through the modern dimly lit restaurant to a very cozy romantic table in the back, for privacy. The manager asked, “Is this seating satisfactory to your liking, Mr. Bonham ?” “Yes, it is. Laura, is this fine with you as well ?” he asked her. “Oh, yes, it’s lovely.” she answered. And they were seated and brought glasses of water and bread and a menu each. John said, “Laur, I preordered filet mignon steaks for us both - But I’m not sure if that suits you. Would you like to have that, with me, then ?” 
“Would I like that ? Oh my, yes, I would adore that. Sounds fantastic. I’m not used to such grandeur, though, John. Thank you for going to all this trouble, but please, don’t feel that all this is necessary, I’m really just a simple girl. I’m not used to all this fanfare.”  “Well, he exclaimed, I wanted to have a memorable time with you for our first time out alone. I wanted to show you how special you are to me. And this is my pleasure, my girl, to enjoy a great meal and a happy time.” 
They spent the evening talking and laughing and dining on delicious foods and wine. A fresh bouquet of roses sat grandly at their table. During their meal, John took her hand occasionally and kissed it. Laura was reveling at the proper way he conducted himself, among with all the quiet regality of the location. It was softly elegant, in a subdued way. “The food and the company is beyond wonderful.” she remarked. His eyes sparkled and his teeth dazzled as he received the feelings of her appreciation and enjoyment of the evening. After the meal, he asked her if she would like a drink at a nice pub to end the evening. Of course she said she‘d love to. Later, at a very quaint cozy pub, they sat together on the same side of the bench in a booth, further enjoying each other‘s company. John was kissing her pretty face now and then through out their conversation. And she loved his affection. Later in the limo, as there was complete privacy from the driver, he leaned in and kissed her mouth with some passion, as she moved in closer and enjoyed his soft wet lips against hers. He was extremely sweet and loving in his warm kisses. Not too overwhelming but just calm, romantic and delicious. She absolutely loved his tantalizing mouth, gently licking and kissing her neck. Once home, he walked her to her door and she invited him in.  She offered him a seat in a chair and he looked at her, as he slowly pulled her down into his lap. He had just his button down shirt on, and he held her firmly around her back and her hip as he kissed her mouth with more longing, and slightly sucking at her soft lips and her earlobe. She felt jolts of electricity stinging at her heart as she felt the heat from his longing for her as he held her tight in his strong arms. “Oh my girl, your lips are straight from heaven,” he commented to her, and continued with nuzzling his face into her thick gorgeous hair. He felt her torso at her long waist and said, “Your body is gonna be the death of me, girl. I’ll be lost in you in another moment,” as he broke the kiss and lifted her off and down from his lap. As he did she could feel the hardness in his trousers, but didn’t remark. He just got up and smoothed out his clothes, and said, “Laurie, you’re a woman that I hope I can have another chance to get to know better. So, let me call you in a few days and possibly go someplace comfortable again ? “ he asked. “Oh, John, that was just such a perfect elegant night. And I want to thank you so much for your kindness and sweet company, yes. I’d be thrilled to get together again soon, and bring those delicious lips with you again, so I can have more of you, you’re an extremely handsome and sexy man.” she answered.  “Well, I sure loved kissing you and I’m gonna be dreaming about it all night, my darling.” As he kissed her strongly on her mouth, he grabbed his jacket and out he went. She stood there mesmerized by him. So sexy.
   Go to next chapter (5) :.                                                                                               https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/post/182978782356/bonz-fan-fic-ch-5                                                                                                                                                                                                           
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nirvanaballad · 7 years
Across, then crossed -- appetite of streaming zero-time., pass through the wells that sunk deep into the passing vale; chipped and down thrust the passage of the Sails. [Being begin]
 Chosen are the trails that react like simmying in pathway drent. Covered copse in the ulder rent -- taut like bassage of unenvying pride,; debugged in acrid news.paper olden coordinate told. Corse in the tubeing; the alliance caught longing in the drifting sunbeam bedlam joint. Up in the elevated levels of the sky are the bashèd belongings of the underkeeper, the dread novel that rotates in skyward shallow knell. Collapsing benities of the core kept deft in paralysed left -- truthfuls of the actual kel: purposeful in the crown drept pally prow.
Cud like brow in upended city of bells. Beckoning brown in restive reflex found. Bound brother to the action of the deepening sound. Drawn out and up in clamour of reeds refrownd. Now is the telling and listen do the ears that send with impulses static silence: caused to flight and then dirge rite,; listen to the doctors evacuate our worth with analysed nascence drowned.
 Dark are the years that lay behind -- once peace intrigued and the discovery of who they are, then struggle for breath and absence of fear’s leash holder. The queen who every tree does now bare; borne out in windfall neutrality like company cold creep, the young dazzled like birds on a ceiling. Death of the believing.
 Bleach concealing drawn like ice in a pulling of raw ripe reasoning. Cast in the shadow of the empty, loss like a trigger; posit in exempt pushed into backward season -- brain retold every story recalled. Something left within for you to find to understand the years before -- times of life that vapour in images seen dreamt, caller of death, then diving while sat; writing uncapped, pulped at the underside of the dealing dunes. Sea waves show moons.
 Caught light in fire holes trial torn in moisture vacuum. Compassed in prefecture profound; possibilities pre-rendered in pull of the pacified. Prolong the passing, recreate in shadows of returning.
 Exacting resonance in the penning of the possible -- back drafts unreasoned in the ripping of the path. Roots torn from earth like the world is ending with the displaced positioning -- up and on, the gravity tuned in switchbox confusion. Instant falling from on high, or the dreadful imploding: a skillset of the undone.
 Questions in the mouths of millions.
Taciturn old flocks that have swum the distance of age long aching. The esoteric in the greening. The Sails cut through and continue the endless migration but for the stations. Trains of Sails,; trails unconscious. Anti-pulse at the elision, the speedways fast bought in the privatized passing. The Sails wrap around, and blind the man who would steal their science.
Angry in the approach of the under reactive motor processes -- cause to glance in indirection,; the purpose of the apparel reed. Smoking in the reeds, unprepared for the extent storm, colourless and invoking somatic senses,- the bodies’ lost grace gravity repents.
Look to the undisclosed retort -- the action in the photographic vial, flipped and respun. Known in the upturned howling song, known to glimpse. The apparition of the never closed instinct. The Sails close in: the rod, close curve. The smells of the drenched, End of day.
 Underscape in movement. It is aged in its context, like crushed rock in endless rotation,; every grain the laying stones of a house, cartridge plucked in deep dream preamble. Apparent in the strength of nascence re-greened. Uktive uponed in the visual trapset, let the forlorn re-turn/. spun in the captive eight to restore rehabilitated in darkness ghastly. Filled black with the ghosts of materialist things. Dying in the retort. The passage is now flooded.
Reproached by the silence of the latent guard, the nakedness dyed in excellent causality.. the tremble of the context.. the complexity of the object. Simulacra’d misowned. Serenjectivity like an infinite rainbow,-- bound to the rumours of the deep. With no measurement of the depth, the sinking of the swimmer takes up the ease of the smoothest chutes,:sunken in places of appropriation.
 Under the rule of challenging hues, the dark of the sunlit night pulls at the threads of the ending of the call,; the motion the retort in the accusation of the double’; and the triple. Cast over and over in gestures wide of nuance.
You like the dust feathers; the version relation that extrapolates the effervescence uncoiled in the calling of the greatest, the strongest! Wise in its swiftness. The lesser known, in a town of gold disintegration [disintegration] - the pull of the musical,. knwn in the twypes that wallwalk in streets paved with passages rent. Cast are the types that revert in recoiled rememberance. The xtide of the somnvoyant,;: body watchers whose eyes feel rather than see.
 You are the watcher -- but overlooked are the dances that seeth in the structured recorse that permeates the messages. Like calculated void. Her body was like the sun in its blinding.
 Exvert belongings that replicate in bags that magic had. In the swelling of the tubules in the deepest parts of the forest of rain -- new lords take up the call of everant synapse collision. In the program of the nation,. the maxi hard like nubling charge. The unuttered trail; the loose and captive fail . Like nuances in a stream of cards. Knights with enchanted swords, the ego in the night. Collate the opening, like pretence of cold shine. The parabola ignited. The chance rings taught hard against the driving snow. Lox in tremble fierce; the parents of the sorter drift, like dancing revolves so multiples retold. The bringings that suffocate intention like the slither of captive tongues. Disguise the sound, let it be experienced but hardly ever heard.
 In problems like wyrm, collapsing realms that have old been heard -- the maxims of the troubadour, trying at the edges of the perceptive girl; the dread test dead. Gods in wrest like true hoards scavence blessed. Gods in outer sphere, the quandaries of the apparent worn. Known is thy caste, the bell seller weaves. The progaps sendarie eleven place to heal.
 Courtizans in the extraperfective crossiron wood foray. In the stream of the anointed tumble -- capture the expert indistinct. Akin to washing away, in light of sea -- the turning of the casual wheel. Puzzle in moonlight contained. Upward shift like molten ring rain. Episode in hyperlight,; true in version modification. Uttering fleeting moments like the turmoil of the under court,, the deep dragging of the explosive slowed -- trying at the edges of frayed contraption. Killing the dust that rushes inward,: into mouth and into lungs,. death in the extremities of sleep’s fashion. Death in the uttering. Drawn in the writing of the adjacent member -- followers of the stillness motioned to road,; deft in her worship. Kill the cleansing for in the mention of the direction is the vocality of the marauder.
 In motions like great washes, sea sound overdubbed in crevice of mind/conscious of the gap between the land and the distance of the station. Water where rails once were -- jet-skis the major mode of transport. Once there were gondolas, but now the induction propulsion of the jet-ski: minute in the memory of that which has no faculty. A planet not a populous.
 Gravity reigns in the astrological significance. Established! Cast in greens and blues and yellows; true depth like that once written. Death in the creating.
 Under casual lift, the wind raises the crew. They wear nothing but their robes that signify the heaviness of their religion. Health.
Cooperative in its flavour, the crossing of the true knight passive, untold response in the colours of the deep. Counteract like fire, the possible in the context with all that is conflict in its presence. Love in an outer location; the lakes of the pressing the untu of complete existence. Anywhere and whenever -- the cost of fulfilment, life in its absolute state. Carry the waves in water of nascence,; the calculus of the end. The trembling like dice in a cube of plastic glass -- we saw the new in the eyes and breath of the most high. A containment that is resonant in the expulsion of pure wave. Niceties in collaboration of the forward, apace with the space of the unfinished. Rules of ether, message of time,; temporal tests in arcing experiments. Bring them to a coordinate of deep reason. Let them know what they are, and what words are within them.
 Love is the pathway, the course of second or third least resistance. Parameters that increase freedom -- interpretive reaction as open as heaven is possible.
 Caught in the catalyst,: the feasible a profit in its agrarian state. Upended columns pull us to the walls, ring rocked in resurgence; caste assuaged in danger of swaying rhythm -- rip-tied in the tolerance of problematic extremes. Danger in the leaving;, danger made clean.
 Rolling of hills long sunk. Running on waters of gravity. Resemblance of pinions in the caves of the sky. Realizations of exit -- pull of the subordinate call. Canny response to the messages’ bombardment. Death in breath, breathing of deceiving. The brevity that extends to valence. Control of kingdoms questioning in the cards of remaining. [Terminate terminal.]
In the brave presence of tendrilling concrete. Expressive to the non-night like capillaries that have left the bodies irrespectful of their owners. Conquering the ignominy of  a sort of presidential buoyance. Asking the questions that invoke repetitious response. Again the mark cuts down on the focus of the abilities locked inside. Consider resignation in the face of misconduct. Then consider the rawness that energy exacts against the gravity that pulls us ever down, but in the light of plight:, know the zenvy that conducts and channels the messages of the heart. Purpose is found in the trembling winds that carries the spors in the darkest years of the world. Discard.
 Errant discord in the longing of the underscore. Cut down are the branches that once held the delicacy of infinite memory, now an extreme displeasure. Artifice in moulds of the oceanic.
 Survey of streams in a personage that recollects the flow as a juxtaposition. A rolling of thought that resurfaces at the times where there is only an experience of one. One and around the company that all feel the passage. Ghouls of the terminal.
 Corneas at absolute dilation -- the quandary in the rising of the sun. Supreme knowledge like a vestige to a deity. Camped in cameras,; callouses of the callous -- contruda in a movement of the actual dissident. Continue in the attention paid to the edges of the shape. A simple square. The profillment rotates in dances of emptiness filled, the collecting of energies that once belonged to ancient ancestors. In the filling of the temple, the wave is reset.
 Filament of tangled possible tetrian inclusion. Confinement a song stung in gravities of new true makeup cast. Comma transpiration. Young in its flow, rules bent in shimmering collusion, now in the sticking place of eternity entire.
 Grass grown in the awareness of the trundle erasure. Unique in its passage, movements like the untamed spiral. Cue entry past the wavering rude. Hoods up, spells cast,; removal of the goddess worshiped. Meet her in her palace of fog.  
Night broadcast to the infinities of a culture. Built up and on, over and over in ringing coherence that respects its boundaries. Sound itself ricocheting in a galaxy whose astrological significance is the afore-mentioned.
 Grabbing ritual in an event that will turn the tide of opinion. Decisions presented and selected. Choice a challenger but never a tyrant.
 Goodness reveals the fountain of circles. Diving into the vast wells of the ruined city. She divulges much; but to hear it? it would remove the hopes of the appointed. Prudence prescriptions of lifestyle hidden in the royalty of sunlit clouds. Clod of rod -- pressing in on the downward, college of the inclement. Enclosure in a wordplay that reorganizes the deft roar, rules of contention in the children’s’ shore. Upward retort in realist reaction. Unknown in defta incleptron vanished. Gyzed in borrowed extentions. Graft in over errality.
 Because the hills shear at the unpoint view of the artist locale, the heading is a morali -- a mountain near clarity’s basecamp.
 In the truth of capsized clump, thicket and clutch,, the wrongs of return ensue to room that which is within the energetic loom.
 Grown in a stasis of the viewtiful, closing in are the chapters that would respin the governing of penance, guideguard compulled in steady farslight. The worklings fall at the speed of the overseers -- seers in the fabric, sight contained in the millions.
 Arc of threads crossed in. The crew contails the enevering of gilded capsules. Gas in a tube that has seen many roads but will never burn.
 This is the set of the Sails.
 Sails that weave and contort in the energy interlay. The crossing that remains like a person in trembling coil. Cool in its overlap, the types that know and row in lines that might never be perceived. Collapse in process, new in the living is the profession that quanta recedes -- of the alapin is the greatness that endures the show of ignominious raft. Rasp in rude coverage. Tents like offices of the dramatic straight-downed.
 Seeding of the dark grey sunpushed meadows, the tailors knew the goods were washed, in merry ecumen she received this post. Parasailed in perfect light. The bony pointary of the climate’s southern rush. Ruin in the possive pole of flight and aggregate colour. Crushed are the dancing sellers -- magic in their unbevelled depth the undoing of a vast year’s push.
 Cattle moving in the streams of the regulatory dismissive. The pour of the control -- cardwright in realms of agora. Paths of the rise. Passage of profane integrity.
 Under the call of the newly lit program. Pause in the feeling of valour,; intra versed in paradise gleam. Came did the destroyed in humble movement of voice and in their stead the beacon breathes in ever empty anti-streams.
 Before the fall of the straight walled;,the pull of the undone, wrecked in havens of poverty Sails. In the interest of the people as a whole, the grandeur of the treasured wall. The writing that creates the trule. Action in electric taste. The powder that cascades in granary agrown. Clear are the choosings of the mighty spun -- now the algorythms of the central dust like fire in a waterlogged tower, from basement to canopy, the reasons of the flock divulge in parameters of eager newing. Never endings predicted past scope.
 Caused to set Sails to flight; the nebula is the travelling, like huge upturned mountainous realms, of the clouds from above & the strongness of the kite.
 The exposive,; intergrated in magnatized infinitum. Provess ripped and procured like the institute that assembles concrete plates -- intraversital compassion, integrative nuance, depth in poverty like xion beings; Sails learn of the treachery of the undergrown.
 Transfixed in indigo clad moments -- positron row, reading wronged in positions of inclement causality. Now in the tow of a deep rowan redoubt, casting shade in repixelated reminiscing. Drowned in reactor water -- coolant coursing, running;, streams of incredible consort,, clever colours that rotate under the black light of the macroscope. dream-dread.
 In its activity, the nuance of the extreme allows for little levels: buoyant in the measure; passage of the indisputable,; drawn in lines of blue, yellow fixation rounding on the unparalleled perplexed. Gasp in the quarter that gives way to the deep pipe-filled trench, on for miles and miles…deeper and deeper, while the xion grows. Sails pass through like shadows cats. Falling between ceilings and floors. Double destiny,.
 Collapsing in gravity’s ruin. Roar in ten. Meet oxygen.
Clever in their absolve, solve, dissolve -- revolved. Under the pen of the dialectic -- linguist in charged zone. wi-pow predicted. Knowing the passing of the breathing, the sending to a beyond where voices might be heard, but faces rarely seen. Cast our nets in seas of the holographic, register once more the appropriation of the traveller’s time -- eyes at once in register with what their host’s most like. Drop and retort. The opening of the highest windows in the most elaborate palaces. Dreams of design. Wells within adobe.
 Cause of extremity, illness in the whirling tubers,; cast in sirical sight -- grand operation in the rollings of enmity, castles caught in propellers, the crossing of the seas of jade.
 In the indeseminate profields, eyes are distracted. And levels recalled, retreating in gaseous water walls. Untrue in the incredulity of enemy volumes, increasing in travesty;: topiary that convalesces in gardens grown to treat the sick and saddened of the floral kingdom.
 Ghast in grip. Tolia drinks in the edifice of manifest root,; every soil a staging point for egress ripple..
 Drown in the school, the questions smothered in radial throw. Deafened in the opulence of endings. Draught like the ink in the bath -- filled brim a coast in the territorial furrows, ilk of nebidead,: hailing the arrangers of the extortion. Draw a wheel of tumbling tales -- art of a zealot, inches of gunge as nominal as in an equation of love.
 Reparations long for the time that is forward in its associative capture. The rapture of the extreme eaity the feed, forward flask in extreme. B’lean.
 Reels of the unreal.
 Deeds set in cast plastic integration of the blown -- flown in extraversion extorts in breaths of brimming flow. Blasted in its seas of shoe sown wandering, like the eaves of dark vessels in the cloves of crownèd kings.
 Browned in the absolute -- calculations of the depth, deep in the fast play restocking. Calls of the wild in mews of defference, like positions in a galaxy. spun in seals of treen. Creeping in extraversion,; pull of the minute, gravity a form of power. The planets spin - travellers that mock the moon. Creeds of negative green. R plus seven recalls the goodness, and the rest renew their clad.
 Heavenly waves burn the skin, and are put down by Sol, our dearest, oldest friend.
 Caught in the grip of the variety, ayes of the trouble that engage that which has been seen,. anew are the friendships that have always been. One day I will know you again. Sinking in manifest…Oh, there is nothing there to block the way. Calling your name, sure in the passages of the parenthesis that was our last existence. Sat among those who have always been known -- thrown the page like sculptures throw clay. Little illustrations and tiny mentions that explicate the endlessness of love.
The only ways I can tell what is happening to me. Returning home too..
 Recking ships in pens that contain the sea, our stream flinches;:wasted rounded in vestibules of ever increasing margin limit. Reoil’d describing in blood.
 Constant stone remade.
Taper in hypervision of para-recollection. Huge entireties that differ in maximal dissatisfaction . Cause for the latter -- extremes in scarce.
Enter the revel, patrons of the never ending. Sails on the mending.
 Under weaving, waves retort in lashing causality. Karma rips in sevens. Wreathed in the acute.
 Removal of focus, captivated in biochem -- halls of reflection collapse in heated exchange; guides of the strange and re-estranged.  
 Escalation and repensation -- key cards to the underpassages and vaults containing the most modern of magi-technology. Crews pass unseen and in vacuums clean instigated parameters that mean in modes of infinite green.
 Clear are the opposites, ended in attempts at the furthering of life as human glass creates in its endless foray the purposes of gravity in plastic obtained. Gone are the measurements and in their certain turmoil, winds of rushing grasp up the foothills, fall of debris in instants of bitter relief.
 Clear the halls! The repshord shouts, pieces of trap replacing the gallery at the moment of prime numbers. Gushes of off-white ignite the reem,, classes intake a shower of credible dream.
 In the ignorance of the passing flower, a new turbulence ensued in porthole teeming, the gleaning of the precious sunlight treasures of the dead. In the exiting., a verse retained in mode of perplexed pour -- core of silence, the pattern of never-ending dominion. Ghost in the tracks -- sea of roaring air react,;gulp of potions ending fear, purpose of the push in the program of the night. Gush of credit in composition capsule; perfect signs in the lowest sky.
 Tremendous captured in the ink of syphony, grand reactor the memory; and a hold on economic masts -- radio narrowcast, in clear due water of the virtual finding fixing aching mask.
 Entailed in the westward wind, the flow of the streaming heart,; the innocence of the trailing path. Paths pulsate in maximum moon. Mark of greatness on the region’s tomb. Pockmarked management like motivation severedflent gall of promises never found, the arches of the makeup moving down. Cast like fingers at the eyes of norm, the truth is bent as light in the morn.
 Harps in the streams, the water sound clean. Rapture of music that mentioned in the prophesies of gods would reclaim the creation of incidental chords that chimed in mists and equal climes of the magnificence in the enty of the untold.
 of edgeward measure the pulling in black sand sinking.
  Rumas reunion -- post-perfect presence in a theodyte that shifts in rotative relapse. Cast by shadows infinite and cracked.
 Concrete in its pertinences, yet fluxuating at the sign of our rap. Grasp at the threads that windworm their way into the future, depth of sound hacked and reclad like buildings in cities of cerebral crap.
Ask in the future -- futures of prevalence in organisms of reaction, reinterplay and superrisk.
 Reasonable in its containment, truth chewed in its collective connectedness  
 Inimitable flow, paralyzed in progression. The endings of the road. Increase in funds to the enterprize interpreted a lifetime ago. Secret accounts with £££. Engage in the enablement of the post-established,; intro regress like the further polished, egret in semblance. Accords restructured, the possibilities involved, dialectic in their draining,, dreams drowned in the ethernet, ambience revolves. Kites in flight in streams in the sky; skyrivers z. pull pushed in the patterns of neversaul -- phones in water, casting messages sent throughout the carriages of the intervention. introversion torn ,rightrubbed. Rings of frictional removal; passed in passages pitch darkened. Posit polite in the marks of redoubt, gum like comely,;bone balanced in the pages of extreme retraction,memories renewed through process chemical, like the dark roomand tomb.
 Gravity is clearer, collapsed in the rhythms of the vertical past, eyes of birds the reachers into the measure of the year, the moment; the infinite concealed.
 Call us now, the Sails that have sunk -- flown in bounty of elision re-fummed.
April ���17 
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