rickstexaschick · 6 years
Coach Sanchez: Chapter 3
Originally posted on AO3 under rickdicted’s Random Picks at:
We eventually left the gym after playing around in the shower together for a little bit longer.  No fucking, just kissing and fondling.  I was melting in his arms and eager for more, but he said we needed to leave before the cleaning staff came.
He insisted on driving, said my car would be ok for the night.  He did let me move it so that it was closer to the entrance of the building and well-lit by the parking lot lights.  He laughed while I struggled to haul myself up into the passenger seat of his high SUV, then we drove off.
We hit a fast food restaurant drive-thru and he ordered without asking me what I wanted, probably because I was slumped in the seat, drifting into that stage of torpor of one who’s ingested too much alcohol in a short amount of time.  When he dropped the bags into my lap the smell of fried potatoes brought me out of my stupor and I immediately began shoving French fries in my mouth.  Rick laughed under his breath.
I gave him a “quit laughing at me” look, but did slow down my pace.  There’s something about French fries and having had too much alcohol — somehow your drunken brain knows that this is some kind of cure, or at least a band-aid, that will help soak up the remaining alcohol in your stomach and keep you from descending into an out and out coma.
Rick reached down into one of the bags and pulled out a burger.  He started to unwrap it, holding his elbows on the steering wheel, but I snatched it from him before we ended up in a ditch.  I unwrapped half of it, folding the wrapping back so it would catch any drippings, and handed it back to him with some napkins.  He wolfed it down and balled up the paper and popped it into the bag.  I ate mine at a slightly slower, more lady-like pace, but still finished it pretty quickly.  Lunch had been a very long time ago.
We continued to eat the fries in silence as he drove us into an older neighborhood close to the University that was all small- and medium-sized Craftsman bungalow-style houses.  I knew that a lot of faculty lived here.  His was a one-story with a small front yard.  He parked his Explorer in the garage and we went in the backdoor, I could hear a dog barking inside.  A small, brown lab-mix was waiting for us and rushed Rick as soon as he went in.  The dog was panting and barked at Rick, waving it’s tail and looking up at him adoringly for attention.  Rick leaned down and gave him a rough, affectionate rub.
”Hey, Morty, you — you ready to go out?”  He let the dog out into the backyard, then shut the door.  He turned to me and handed me the fast food bags.
”Take these into the den, babe.”  He took my gym bag, which I had slung over my shoulder, and disappeared into the back of the house.
I wandered into the den and sat down on the sofa, setting the bags down on the coffee table.  There really wasn’t much food  left—we’d devoured most of the fries like a pair of vultures at a fresh roadkill.  A ginger tabby cat was curled up on the back of the couch, sleeping.  I was kind of sobering up and beginning to wonder what I was doing there and what would happen next, when Rick reappeared.  He carried two open bottles of beer by their necks in one hand and a large glass of water.  He set the beers down then handed the glass to me, plus two pills that were curled into his fingers inside his palm.
“Take these.  You — you’ll be glad — you’ll thank me in the morning.”
I looked at the pills and eyed them with some suspicion—there’d been talk in the news about girls getting drugged up at bars.  Guys would drop something into their drink when they weren’t looking, then take them home and rape them.  But Rick and I had already screwed around...
”Wh-what?  You -- you think I’m gonna roofy you?  Kind of too late for that — you already did it for me.”
He had a point.  I popped the pills and swallowed them with about half the glass of water.
”Move it, Sum-Sum.”  He nudged the cat until it jumped off the couch with an offended meow and stalked off.  “Bitch cat...” he muttered.  
He sat down next me.  He leaned forward and picked up a beer, then sat back and put his arm around my shoulders with a comfortable familiarity.  It felt right, and I leaned into him, resting my head against his chest and closing my eyes.  I didn’t know how I knew, but everything about this just felt...right...
So often in the past I’d gotten myself into similar situations, drinking too much alcohol with a guy I barely knew.  Then the robot from that dumb 60s sci-fi TV show would pop up in my head:
“Danger, Will Robinson!  Danger!!”  
And that’s when I knew I had to get the fuck out of there, fast.  Fortunately that robot always appeared in my head just in time, would snap me out of my drunken, lustful state so that I could extricate myself from a bad situation.
But not this time.  No robots, no warnings in my head.  Just...a feeling of safe, easy...comfortableness...  I sighed and relaxed against him.  The alcohol was starting to kick in again, and I felt myself growing sleepy, enjoying the feeling of his arm around me, the warmth of his chest through his shirt and against my face.  I gave in to it.  All of it.
I heard the tv turn on to a local evening news program, then he turned the volume down low and let the remote drop onto the couch beside me before he put his hand around my arm again.  He began caressing my arm lightly with his fingers, playing up and down.  We sat there quietly for a bit, and my mind drifted off.
He leaned forward slightly and I heard him place his empty beer on the table and pick up the other one before he sat back again.  His hand resumed its slow caressing on my arm.
“Hey...”  He said softly, squeezing my arm lightly.  “You fallin’ asleep on me?”
“Mm—mmm.  I’m just...restin’ my eyelids...”  I sighed and turned my body more towards him and snuggled my head deeper against his chest.  Then I wrapped my arm around his stomach and snaked the other behind his back, clasping my hands together around his waist.
He chuckled, a low rumble that reverberated in his chest and against my ear.  He brought his hand up and lightly palmed my head, and I felt his lips as he softly kissed my hair.  Then he began lazily running his fingers up and down my back, lightly dragging his nails on the downward stroke, then slowly pulling the pads of his fingers with more pressure on the upstroke.
This was an unexpected side of him that I wouldn’t have thought existed.  Not after he’d been such an asshole to me from the moment I met him.  My sleepy brain decided to set this conundrum on the back burner of my subconscious to deal with later.  He drank his beer quietly and watched tv while I dozed against his chest, my mind hung somewhere in that half-wakeful state between a light sleep and a drunken fog.  The next thing I knew he was tapping me lightly on my head.
”Hey...sleepy head.  Time for bed.”  He stood up, pulling me to a standing position.  My eyes refused to remain open for longer than just a few second stretches and he led me by the hand down a hall to his bedroom.  I peered at the digital clock on his bedside table and was surprised that only 30 minutes had passed since we’d arrived at his house.  Time enough for him to watch the news and drink those beers.  Sleepily I pulled off all my clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor, then I climbed up on his bed and crawled under the covers, heedless of his reaction.
”Jesus..." He laughed.  "You’re a cheap, no frills date.”  He stripped naked and slid under the covers next to me.  “You don’t snore, do you, babe?”  He pulled me into his arms so that my back was flush against his chest.
”Don’t think so.  Next time, don’t get me so drunk so fast,” I mumbled into the pillow.  “I can be...lotta fun...I think...”
Chuckling, he pulled the covers over us, then tucked my head under his chin and wrapped his arms tight around me.
”I’ll let you know in the morning.”
”Mmm’k.”  I was past talking.  The last thing I remember was feeling him plant another kiss on my head, then I fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning and realized with some panic that I was naked and in a strange bed.  I lifted my head up and carefully got up on one elbow and peered around the room in the predawn light, trying to place where I was, remember how I got there, and, most importantly, with whom...  A large hand gently pulled me back down against the warm body behind me...and then I remembered.
Holy crap, I'd slept with the racquetball coach!
I lay next to him in the bed, stiff with fear and uncertainty.  His hand caressed my breasts and my nipples tightened.
Traitorous bitches.  
"What's the matter, baby girl?"  He murmured into my hair, his voice gruff and low.
"I...have an early class..."  My mind was racing with how to get myself out of this situation.
"No...No, you don't,” he mumbled.  “I saw -- read your course list for the semester.  No classes today.  Just stay here."  He sounded like he was still half asleep and talking with his eyes closed.
Fuck.  It's not that I wanted to leave... I just didn't know how to handle this.  What was my next move supposed to be?  Was this going to be a quick fling for him?  I didn't know if I could deal with that -- regardless if I was going to have him as my coach for the rest of the semester.  I just wasn't ready for yet another drunken one night stand.  My mind was racing, worrying.
He grunted in amusement.  "The sober light of dawn.  Literally...  Baby girl, quit thinkin’ ‘bout it...”
It was like he was reading my thoughts!
He wrapped both arms around me and pulled me close to him, sighing deeply.  Like he wanted to go back to sleep.
”Come on, honey.  It’s early.  Let’s just...go back t'sleep...”  He began caressing my hip, lightly running his fingers across my skin.
It felt nice — non-threatening, soothing.  And that robot still hadn’t made an appearance inside my head...
Sighing, I closed my eyes and settled against him, enjoying the feeling of his fingers.
His hand continued its slow play on my hip.  Gradually the circle of his caress widened.  Down my abdomen, then back up — just under my breasts, then across and going down again, skirting along the of edge of my pubic hair.  Going everywhere and yet nowhere.  I lay there with my eyes closed, wondering if the next pass of his fingers was going to take him...No, not yet.  
I felt myself growing damp with excitement.  I didn’t notice that I was breathing quicker, or that my feet were sliding against each other a little and that my thighs were rubbing together just slightly.
Soon his fingers were ghosting over my nipples and they tightened into stiff peaks.  I held my breath, hoping he would...  I sighed with disappointment.  He didn’t.  Then I held my breath again as he reached lower on the next downward pass.  This time his hand was over my pubic hair, his fingertips oh, so close to my clit — I could feel the warmth radiating from his skin.  My hips tilted forward of their own volition, seeking his touch.  He hovered there momentarily, his thumb lightly stroking my skin at the edge of my pubic hair, then he continued along my stomach.  
I sighed with disappointment again, this time a little more audibly.  My butt rubbed back and forth against him as it settled back in place.  I didn’t realize how obvious I was being.  I thought my movements were subtle, small.  Hardly noticeable.
He kissed my shoulder.  His lips were soft, warm.  His breath on my skin sent goose bumps out over my body and I shivered.  This was nice!  Pounding and fucking were one thing, but this...this gradual, teasing build up...  There was something to be said for this!  I lay there in his arms, enjoying the sensations, the feel of his hand on my skin, the anticipation of what he would do next...
On his trip back up to my breasts he slid his whole palm around one breast, trapping the nipple between two fingers.  He cupped my breast in his large, warm hand and lightly pinched the nipple.  I moaned a little and shifted my body against his.  He pinched and rolled my nipple — not painfully.  Just to stimulate.  Then, too soon, he was moving on.
He reached down and stroked my upper thighs and without realizing I was doing it I opened my legs slightly, tilting my hips forward again, like an offering.
Which he ignored and returned his attention to my boring stomach.
Oh, God...  I thought I was going to explode with the sensations that were building up inside of me!  The eager anticipation of what he would do next.  He kept his hand on my stomach, tracing his fingers back and forth, holding his huge palm against my skin.  It was warm and strong, and I wanted his palm pressing against my clit, those fingers reaching into my pussy instead.  I sighed with frustration and rubbed my ass against him.  His cock was hot and huge and pressing up against me.
”Lift your leg, babe...”  He helped me raise my leg, pulling it back so that it was draped across his legs.  Then finally, finally, he reached between my legs and slowly began to play.  I jerked involuntarily when his fingers touched my clit.  I didn’t realize how swollen and sensitive it had become, and I made a soft noise, like a whine.  I bumped and ground into his hand, wanting more.
”Ssshhhhh..."   His voice was soothing and low.  "I’m gonna make you feel good, baby girl, yeah?  Take my time for you, make you wet and ready...”  Then his warm lips were on the back of my neck and shoulders, kissing and sucking, his tongue stroking against my skin.  
I thought I was ready for him, I knew I was.  I was throbbing with the need to have him inside me.  But he continued slowly stroking my clit with his fingers, circling, pressing.  I bumped and ground against his hand shamelessly, I couldn’t help it.  I was moaning and keening, over and over.  I wanted so badly for him to just fuck the shit out of me, quit fucking around, no pun intended...
Then he reached inside me with his thumb and pressed up against my walls, stroking, pressing forwards, trapping my clit in between and rubbing it hard with his fingers.  Suddenly a white lightening bolt of pleasure shot through me and I cried out as I came.  He gently pushed his fingers inside me and I felt hot spurts of liquid gush around his fingers as he stroked in and out.  My orgasm slowly rolled through me and I moaned and ground down into his hand.
”Oh, please...please.  I want you inside me...”  I realized I was begging but didn’t care.  None of my other partners had made me feel this way, made me cum so hard with just their fingers...To be honest, no one had ever really tried...
”Say my name...”  His voice was low in my ear.
”What...?”  My brain was foggy with the afterglow of the orgasm and addled by my lust.
”Say my name...say it...” 
”Ri-Rick...Rick!  Fuck me, please, Rick!”  I bumped against his hand and ground my ass against his cock.
He lifted my leg and pushed his hips forward.  I felt the soft, velvety head of his hot cock seeking my entrance and I reached down and guided him inside.  He thrust deep and hard and I cried out with a mix of pain and pleasure.  He was so huge, and I wanted to take all of him at once.  I ground down hard against him, squeezing my walls around him.
He grunted and grabbed hold of my hips, holding me still.  He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, sending more shivers down my spine.  ”Take it easy — go slow, babe.  Let’s make this a marathon, not a sprint...”
l laughed, feeling like the tables had been reversed.  Usually I was the one who wanted my partner to slow down, because I wasn’t ready yet, while they immediately started pounding into me like a horny rabbit, eager to breed.  Maybe this is why some women liked dating older men...
He kissed the back of my neck and started to slowly stroke in and out of me.  Holy God, it felt so good!  His cock dragged across my g spot.  Just like a heat-seeking missile, it knew right where to go.  I knew he wanted me to go slowly but I couldn’t help it.  I groaned and ground myself down into him with each inward push, then I’d squeeze my walls tight around him as he pulled back out.
”Christ, you’ve got a sweet, tight, pussy.  Fuck...”  I could tell he was struggling to keep a slow pace.  “Touch yourself, baby girl.  I wanna feel you cum on me...”
I wasn’t all that comfortable with touching myself while having sex with a guy, and I hesitated, literally growing still.
”It’s okay, baby.  There’s nothing wrong with it...”  He reached forward and slowly stroked my clit while he continued to move in and out of me, and I gasped at having the two sensations at once.  I squeezed down on him as hard as I could, reveling in the way his cock felt as it passed back and forth over that tight bundle of nerves while at the same time having my clit rubbed...Soon I was babbling with the need for more.
”Oh, God, Rick...You feel so...This just...It feels so good....Just...Don’t stop...Please...”  I ground down into his hand and rubbed against him.
”That’s it baby girl...Cum for me, yeah?  Cum on my cock.  I wanna feel you squeeze me tight.”
At those words I cried out.  The next thing I knew I felt like I was tumbling, falling off a cliff.  Lost in a free-fall of pleasure as my orgasm spread through every nerve ending in my body.  My walls spasmed around him over and over, sending more waves coursing through me.  My body shuddered and I gasped and whined, calling his name.  He’d taken his hand away from my clit and held onto my hips while he stroked me through my orgasm, making it go on and on.  No one had ever made me cum so hard and for so long before.
And yet he still hadn’t cum, himself.
”Good girl...” He kissed the back of my neck and held me close while my body continued to tremble with the aftershocks of my orgasm.  Then he took my hips, lifting me.
”Get up, baby.  On your knees for me...”
Still feeling weak and breathless, I got on my hands and knees, opening my legs.  He moved behind me, then gently pushed my shoulders down until I was resting in my elbows with my ass high in the air.
”God, you’ve got a sweet, round ass...”  He slapped one cheek lightly and I jumped, moaning.  He chuckled and softly rubbed the slap spot.  He stroked my cheeks, then slapped me again, a little harder.  I moaned and pushed against him.  
He chuckled.  “You like that, huh, baby girl?  We’ll save that for later...For now I just wanna fuck you...”
With one knee he spread my legs wider, then he reached forward and brushed my clit.  I moaned in anticipation and opened myself for him.  
"Christ, you're practically dripping for me, aren't you, baby girl?"  He pushed his cock against me and before I could even think about helping him he thrust deep inside me with a loud groan of pleasure.
”Jesus, you’re so hot and slick...”  Slowly he began to move in and out, opening me up.  But soon he picked up the pace, grunting as he held onto my hips, pulling me against him as he pounded into me, snapping his hips hard against my ass and driving deep enough to hit my cervix.  I cried out with each thrust as I felt myself building back up to another orgasm.  His fingers gripped my hips so hard, I knew I’d have bruises.
”Fuck, baby.  You’re so tight.  Aw, fuck, you feel so fucking good! Jesus Christ...”  His words trailed off as he grunted with each thrust.  
I bucked my hips against him, trying to keep up with his relentless pace.  But I couldn’t keep up with him and so I just dropped my head down to the pillow and gave in to the pleasurable sensations.  Soon I was moaning and sobbing uncontrollably with each thrust and crying out his name.  I couldn’t help the wailing sounds that were coming from my mouth.  They were almost animalistic in quality.  I was too lost in the buildup of another orgasm to care.
Rick groaned as he pounded into me, praising me and telling me how great I felt and how hard he was going to make us both cum.  I started spilling over into another orgasm and I cried out his name in a long keening wail as it washed over me.
”Oh, Christ, baby...Here I cum...  Fuck!  Fuckin’ fuck!!”  He thrust deep inside me, hard enough to hurt, holding his hips against me, his whole body shaking.  I felt his cock throb as he sent hot spurts of cum high inside me.  He stroked in and out, riding out his orgasm.  Then he pulled out of me and I moaned at the loss of fullness.  I slumped down to the bed, feeling like my bones had left my body.  He lay down beside me and pulled the covers over us, then he wrapped me in his arms and pulled me against his chest. 
“Ok, baby girl...”  He said somewhat raggedly.  ”Now...now we can — let’s go back t' sleep.  ‘K?”  
I sighed with deep contentment and drifted off to sleep in his arms.
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elizaviento · 6 years
Do you have any Rick fic recommendations?
Hey there, anon. I answered a similar question previously with authors of wonderful Rick and Morty fan fiction instead of individual stories (because literally all of their stuff is amazing) but it’s been a while so I’ll list them all again!
@hoodoo12 She has TONS of stuff on Tumblr and Ao3 (Hoodoo) and it’s all amazeballz. The Long Arm of the Law series featuring Cop Rick is a MUST read, for sure.
@porkchop-ao3 Again, lots on Tumblr and Ao3 (PorkChop). And her multi-chapter Someone Else’s Shoes will rock your fucking world!
@rickstexaschick Most of her stuff is on Ao3 (Rickdicted). The Rick Files: Rick’s Texas Chick is one of the best/real/most fun stories I’ve read.
@xerxezra I can never ever say enough how much I adore everything she has written (even for other fandoms outside of Rick and Morty). Her writing style is just absolutely gorgeous. Her one shot, Yours, is one of the best things I’ve ever read, no joke. (Xerxezra on Ao3)
@daddyzanchez Her smut skills are out of this world. Just do yourself a favor and read everything in her master post. Especially A Slip of the Tongue, Below His Mouth, and Desperate But So Far Away. Unf!!
@psychololitaxo Read all of her stuff, but DO NOT deprive yourself of her one shot, Hard Candy. Jeebus! P.S. The way she writes Rick will make you crazy, in a very good way!!
@rixxy8173571m3w1p3 She is THE go to for warm and fuzzy Zeta 7 fics. Her writing is just marvelous and will get you right in the feels every single time.
@c137-ricks-d She does great short drabbles as well as multi-chapter. Everything she posts is just so lovely to read.
@nashida Her Rick OC, Steinway, will make you swoon. I can never get enough of him and the way she portrays him. Simply wonderful.
Okay, you should be busy for a good while now. Enjoy!!
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick’s Texas Chick: Chapter 16
She meets Harley.
This was originally posted on AO3 at:https://archiveofourown.org/works/15183545/chapters/35512488
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She arrived home from an early shift, happy now that she was at the start of a scheduled five day break from work.  Rick was sprawled on her couch, watching tv, as usual, holding what looked like a tumbler full of whiskey on the rocks.  She plopped herself down next to him.  He handed his drink to her, grinning.  “Drink some of that, then get changed.  We’re going out.”
She took the glass and drank a few sips.  She was getting used to his abrupt travel plans, especially now that she knew more of the whys and hows.  She knew he was making shady deals and black market-type trades with other species on other planets, and that’s how he always had sufficient money to pay for all the set-up in the Smith’s garage, or for taking her out --- something he didn’t do nearly enough of, she thought on more than one occasion.  So, she wasn’t going to pass on this opportunity tonight.
“Great. What do I wear?”
He shrugged.  He was a man, what did he know or care about what a woman chose to wear to go out.  “It’s just a (urp) bar.  Any-anything will do…  Not your damn scrubs,” he added hastily.  Even though she no longer did bedside nursing care, she still wore surgical scrubs to work at the hospital.  “We’re going to meet some friends of mine.  Get drunk, play some (urp) play some pool.”  He sounded like he was half in the bag already.
She didn’t take too long to decide, Rick had never been very patient.  In the end she went with a stylized buttoned turquois top blouse, leaving the top buttons undone and showing a good amount of her cleavage; she wore a pair of hip hugging jeans and western-style boots.  They didn’t have much of a heel, she knew her feet weren’t up to wearing heels after standing all day, but these would still give her some height.  A little.
She came back downstairs and sat down next to him on the couch; his eyes smoldered when he stared down her blouse.
“Hmmm.  Or, maybe we could just stay here together, babe…” He pulled her towards him and nuzzled his face down into her cleavage, making obscene noises.
She giggled, pushing him away.  “Cut it out.  Let’s go.”
They stepped through the portal onto a quiet city street outside a bar.  He opened the door and ushered her inside the dimly lit tavern-style pub.  She stood for a moment, allowing her eyes to adjust.
It was long and narrow with a dark-stained oak bar along one side; a few booths and pub tables with stools ran down the other side. In the back were two pool tables with billiard lights hanging low over each of them, creating additional shadows which concealed a few bar tables nearby.  Otherwise, neon beer signs provided most of the light.  A blues guitar song with a heavy bass rhythm emanated from an unseen music player.
The place was fairly crowded and smoky.  Mostly human or humanoid type people, nothing squiggly or tentacled.  Just based on the seating set-up, it looked like it probably didn’t cater to many different types of aliens other than humanoid.  In the back she saw two men in the middle of a game at one of the pool tables.  The other pool table was empty.
Rick ordered two long neck dark beers for her and a double whiskey on the rocks for himself.  He handed one of the beers to her.  “Drink that.”  She took a few sips.  “Finish it.”
“What do you want me to do, belch all night?”
“Yeah---urp.  You’ll fit right in,” he burped loudly, grinning.
She finished off the first beer and he handed her the second.
“Let’s go.”  He gave her a gentle little nudge in the small of her back, then protectively left his hand there as he steered her to join the two men at the pool tables in the rear of the pub.  As they approached, she realized…she realized it was a couple of Ricks…
One was wearing a pair of worn blue jeans that fit snuggly to his lean frame; she couldn’t help but notice the significant bulge in his crotch.  He wore a tight-fitting black t-shirt that was roughly tucked into his jeans.  It showed off his pecs, and on each arm she could see the hint of a tattoo peeking below the snugly fitting sleeve which covered each well-defined bicep.  His blue-gray hair was wavy and longish and he sported a pair of dark sunglasses atop his head.  When he turned to look at them approaching she noted how his face was tanned and weathered by years of open road riding, with fine wrinkles at the corners of his piercing blue eyes.  He sported several days’ growth of beard stubble.
Watching them approach, he parked himself half onto a chair style barstool, one boot resting comfortably on the ground, the other hooked by the heel over the rung.  Picking up his beer and taking a sip, he placed one arm along the backrest of the chair and rested the other on the table, holding his beer.  Even in the dim light his eyes bored into hers and she felt an instant…connection, desire, need…Her breath hitched at the sight of him.
The other Rick was in the middle of making a shot on the pool table.  He bent over his stick and eyed the cue ball with a squint before hitting his shot with the sharp crack of colliding balls, sending his ricocheting just off the side of the pocket and back out into the middle of the poor table.  “Shit,” he cursed quietly.  Retrieving his beer from the other table he took a huge swig, then turning to follow the other Rick’s gaze, he saw Rick and her approaching.
“Hey-hey!  Loo-(urp)-ook who finally decided to make it!” he called out as they walked up.
“Eh,” grumbled Rick and pointed his head down at her, “Somebody was having trouble finding—she was having wardrobe issues.”  They stopped at the tall pub table with the other two Ricks.  Rick put a hand on her shoulder and introduced them to her as Rick and Rick.
The Rick who’d been making the shot stepped forward, placing a large hand on her shoulder. “Hey, you’re a real breath of fresh air around here.  Been getting sick and tired of just seeing this one’s old sour puss.” He bent down and kissed her affectionately on the cheek, “Call me Polo.”  Unlike the other Rick, Polo was clean-shaven and his hair was trimmed shorter.  He had a strong jaw with the hint of a cleft in his chin.  He was dressed in a pair of freshly ironed dark jeans with a dark brown leather belt and a deep blue polo-style shirt (of course, she thought to herself) that was tucked in.  He wore a pair of brown casual-style loafers.
His manner was outgoing and light, much different from her more gruffly-spoken and taciturn Rick.  She grinned at him and spontaneously gave him a hug hello.  He was gorgeous.  He looked like he could be a model for GQ; in fact, even though she couldn’t have known it, that’s what Rick liked to sometimes call him as a joke.  “Hi, Polo, it’s nice to meet you.”  As it usually did when she’d been drinking, her drawl had become a tad more prominent.
“And that’s Harley,” said Polo, indicating the other Rick sitting at the bar table.
“Hey, doll,” he nodded at her, but remained by his beer.
“We’re not quite finished with our game…Rick, it’s your shot.”  Polo moved away from the pool table and parked himself on a stool next to her, taking a swig from his beer while he waited.
Harley drained his beer before easing off his stool, then collected his pool stick from where it was leaning nearby against the wall.
“Watch this, angel, he’s one of the best,” Polo leaned down and whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
Quickly and without hesitation, Harley ran the table, driving his remaining balls into pockets, then called the last shot and sent the eight-ball home.
“And that, my friend, is why (urp) I don’t play you for money,” said Polo, tipping his beer towards Harley in friendly acknowledgement before draining his beer.  He set the empty bottle down on the table with a pronounced thump.
“All right!  What’s the next game?  Are we teaming up?”
“Nah.  Think I’ll just watch,” said her Rick.  “Harley, take her, she could probably benefit from your experience and tutelage.  You two play against Polo.”  She looked at him sharply.  There was a hint of hidden meaning in his voice, but his eyes betrayed nothing.
“But wait!”  She exclaimed.  “I totally suck at pool!  I mean, I love to play, but it’s been awhile…” Like, over ten years, she thought.  She didn’t fancy embarrassing herself in front of everyone.
“No worries, doll.  Come here.  You know how to break?”  Harley set the rack down on the table and was placing the balls inside. “Come here, I’ll show you how to rack up the balls.”
Lifting his whiskey up to his mouth, Rick snorted unexpectedly into the glass before taking a drink.
“You gonna let her rack the balls and break?” asked Polo in mock annoyance.
“Shut up, asshole, she’s learning.  Now, doll, come here…”  Taking her elbow, Harley pulled her around to stand in front of him and pressed her slightly up against the pool table.  Then, leaning into her and looking over her shoulder, he reached around on either side of her and took her hands in his, guiding her to pick up the balls and position them in the rack.
“The eight-ball goes in the middle, the one-ball at the top, then you alternate stripes and solids everywhere else…”
She could hardly focus on what he was saying.  The heat coming off his arms and his hands wherever he touched her skin was electrifying, and the pressure of his cock against her butt made her weak at the knees.  She wanted to swoon against him.  Maybe he noticed because he shifted subtly so that he pressed against her just a little more closely, either to hold her up or tease her further with his bulge against her back.  When he finished, almost as a coup de grâce, his forearms just brushed against her breasts before he stepped away.  Next, he led her around to the other side of the table to show her how to break, picking up his cue stick along the way.
“You think she should use your stick?  It’s kind of big for her…” called out her Rick, not so helpfully.
Polo laughed loudly at that, and went off to buy another round of beer and whiskey.  Rick had identified the players early tonight; for this evening, at least, Polo could only sit back and be a bystander.
“Don’t pay attention to those assholes,” said Harley, his voice gruff but gentle.  “Come here, doll.”  He helped her pick out a pool cue from the selection on the wall, one that was more suited to her height, then showed her how to make sure that the tip wasn’t damaged.  Then, using the empty pool table, he showed her how to roll it to judge it for straightness.  Taking the cue ball from their table, he had her make a few practice shots on the empty one.  Standing beside her, he reached his arms around her to show her how to hold the stick, then bent her down over the table to line up the shot.  She could barely hold the stick properly, and was glad she didn’t scratch a groove in the felt.
Her Rick watched them from his seat on the bar stool with an amused smile.  The bemused expression on her face was one of half lust and half drunkenness.  He enjoyed seeing her look of discomfiture at Harley’s closeness and her inability to fight her growing attraction.  He could read her like a book, as always.
“Christ, aren’t you two done with your little private lesson, yet?”  Polo returned with a bucket full of ice with a half-dozen longnecks sticking out of the top and another double whiskey for Rick.
“Come on, doll.  Let’s put him out of his misery.”  Harley led her back around to the other table and positioned her for the breaking shot, then stepped away.  “Go for it.”  He reached into the bucket and pulled out a beer, using his bare hand to crack the bottlecap with a hiss.
She bent over the table and focused on the cue ball, not realizing that she was giving all three men a clear shot down her blouse and full view of her cleavage.  Taking a deep, steadying breath and desperately aware that they were all watching her closely, she closed one eye and took the shot, breaking at an angle.  The balls exploded apart and scattered across the table, the six-ball sinking into a corner pocket.
She stood up in amazement.  “Fuck, yeah!” then clapped her hand over her mouth.  The three Ricks burst out laughing.  Her next shot required her to bend over the table, facing away from the Ricks and giving them a fine view, and healthy appreciation for, her round ass.  Sitting further back in the shadows, Harley adjusted himself, grunting under his breath.
She missed the next shot and parked herself on a barstool and drank another beer while watching Polo and Harley take their turns.  Polo tried to claim that he should go twice, since he was playing against the two of them, but Harley wouldn’t let him get away with it.  The three Ricks taunted each other, gave each other unnecessary tips for the next shot.  Restless, she drank another beer as something to do, which was her usual mistake at times like these.
When it was her turn again, only one ball from each team and the eight-ball remained on the table.  She slid off the tall barstool and felt the world tilt slightly.  Her Rick noticed this and signaled for the waitress, speaking quietly to her.  She left for the bar.
She stood uncertainly by the table staring down at the balls, trying to line up her shot in her mind.  Harley came up behind her.  “Here, doll.”  He positioned her, then keeping his hands over hers on the stick, he bent over her to help her make the shot, sinking the ball.  Next, he called out the final shot to Polo then helped her to send the eight-ball home, finishing the game.
“Nice,” she said, standing up and turning around to look up at him.  “I couldn’t have done it better my- (hic!) self.”  She paused, feeling herself getting lost in his ice blue eyes.
Polo was a good sport and congratulated them from his position on a bar stool by the beer bucket.  He knew he’d lost more than just the game.  On this night, at least.
The waitress reappeared by her side at that moment, carrying a tall glass of ice water with a large lemon wedge inside.  “Here, honey, your boyfriend ordered this for you.”  She took it then paused, looking across at her Rick at hearing him described as her boyfriend…He winked at her, then called Harley over.
She drank half the glass in one go.  Across the pool table from her, she watched Rick talking to Harley quietly.  Harley looked over at her, nodding slightly as he listened.  He picked up his beer and drained it, setting the bottle down with a thump, then reached down and picked up an old black leather jacket that had been hanging on a barstool nearby.  He walked up to her and took her hand.
“Come on, doll, let’s get you some fresh air.”
She got off a questioning look towards her Rick, who nodded at her reassuringly and winked before Harley led her away to the front of the pub.  She hastily set her glass down as they passed by the bar.
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick and Harley, Part 3
This was originally posted on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15708732/chapters/37514018
Please read Parts 1 and 2 before reading this.
Walking through the portal for the first time was an experience.  The brief swirl of greens obscuring his vision, the sizzle of electricity on his skin and buzzing in his ears, the tang of ozone burning his nostrils... None of it lasted for more than a microsecond, to be sure, but by the same token it seemed to last a lifetime.  He knew he’d never have that same experience again.
He stepped through into the den of an older house.  It looked to be out in the country, if the trees and fields visible through the windows were any indication.  It was late afternoon, and the setting sun sent golden fingers of sunlight stabbing through the trees.  He turned around to see Harley stepping through behind him, then the swirling green portal closed.  He wondered if there was a way to set it on some sort of timer, or delay...
”Have a seat.  I’ll get some glasses.”  Harley set the pizza box down on the coffee table then left the room.
Now Rick was beginning to feel uncomfortable with this decision.  In the middle of the night, back at his house — his dimension, he reminded himself — their physical attraction and kissing had seemed kind of...spontaneous and under wraps.  Now that he’d made the deliberate decision to carry it further, and here it was mostly broad daylight...
Harley reappeared with a roll of paper towels and two tumblers full of ice.  If he thought anything about Rick still standing in the middle of the room, instead of sitting down on the couch, he didn’t say anything.  He handed Rick a glass, and set his down on the table along with the paper towels.  Then he took off his leather jacket and lazily tossed it over onto a nearby recliner.  He sat down on the couch, just left of center, on one side of the pizza box.  Rick followed suit and sat on the other side.  He poured out two healthy measures of scotch while Harley flipped open the lid of the box.
They began eating, and Harley reached for the tv remote and turned it on.
Speaking around a mouthful of pizza, “Man, wait ‘til you get yourself set up with interdimensional cable.  There’s some seriously goofy shit out there.”
He flipped the channels around until he came to a show that looked like it was a knock-off of “The A Team” but with something that looked like an alligator for one character, and one Mr. T kind of dude who, instead of a Mohawk, had his Afro pulled into two huge ponytail balls on top of his head.
“Aw, man.  I love this — this show’s great.  This is it’s first season.”  He sat back with a pizza slice in one hand, his legs sprawled open in a comfortable man-spread, and rested his glass on his thigh.  Rick sat back and soon found himself engrossed in the program, and laughing along with Harley at the commercials in-between.  
After it ended Harley found a show that pit a car against a man, inside an over-sized boxing ring.  They watched the cars win 9 times out of every 10, laughing at the idiots who had their mutilated bodies hauled away when they lost.  
Harley produced a blunt the size of a small cigar and lit it, taking a deep drag and handing it over to Rick.
”This here’s from this planet...” he began, holding the smoke in as long as a possible.  “...their entire...whole economy is based on pot...” He exhaled the smoke and took a ragged breath.  “This shit’s like droppin’ acid and getting stoned without — there’re no bad trips...”
Rick accepted the joint and took an equally deep drag, then coughed slightly, expelling some of the smoke.  He handed it back with a sheepish grin.  “Been awhile...” he managed, without letting any more smoke escape.
The level of the scotch in the bottle quickly went down and half the blunt was gone.  Rick felt hazy and stoned, pleasantly drunk, and, yes, like he was trippin’ on some kind of good acid.  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d spent an evening just kickin’ back, drinking with another guy and watching mindless shit on tv.  Most men — most people — annoyed the fuck out of him.  Diane had long ago stopped inviting other couples over for dinner because Rick would either piss off or get pissed off by her friend’s husband.  They were all dumbshits, in his opinion, and he couldn’t be bothered to waste his time with them.
He felt a connection with Harley, a kinship, like some kind of brotherhood — with a hefty dose of sexual desire thrown in for good measure.
Harley flipped through the channels and found something that, based on the cheesy music and grunting and groaning from the characters, looked like it was some kind of alien porn.  Which Harley told him it was.
”Christ, man, I think I’m too drunk to fuck...”  Laughing, Harley let his head drop back onto the back of the couch and closed his eyes.
”Shit...I could never be too drunk...”  And he slid closer to Harley and stroked his cheek, causing the other man to open his eyes and lift his head to look at Rick.
Rick leaned in and kissed him, stroking his tongue across Harley’s lips, taking his lower lip in his teeth and pulling gently.  Harley groaned, opening his mouth, and Rick slipped his tongue inside.  Their tongues slid across each other, fighting for dominance, then Rick yielded.  Harley, it turned out, was a fucking good kisser.  He kissed and nipped his way down Rick’s throat, then sucked and licked his neck.  Rick’s hands gripped Harley by the arms as he reveled in these new sensations.  The feel of Harley’s unshaven skin scrapping against his own, the man’s lips and tongue assaulting his mouth, his neck.  He wondered if this is was how it felt for Diane...He pushed her out of his head.
They kissed and tongued each other, each exploring the novelty of kissing another man.  The stubbled skin over the strong jaw, the taste in their mouths of the whiskey and spices from the pizza.  The more aggressive style of kissing than what any woman would have.  Harley held Rick’s head in his large hands, holding him in place while he sucked and nibbled his lips, then opened his mouth and gave him another ball-jangling deep ass kiss, rolling his tongue around Rick’s mouth.
”Fuck...you’re fuckin’...you know what you’re doing, I’ll say that.”  Rick finally pulled away to catch a breath.
”Yeah, I kind of had to..I have to take my time with the ladies...most chicks can’t handle — can’t take me otherwise...”  Harley was equally breathless.
This comment intrigued Rick.  He was big, too.  When he and a Diane first met and started fucking, she couldn’t take all of him at once.  Had to cum a few times by Rick’s hand or mouth, or both, and even then she could still take only about three quarters of his dick.  He’d hoped that things would change after she had Beth, but there were complications during the delivery and Beth had to be delivered by emergency C-section.  They were advised against having any more children, and after some discussion Rick got a vasectomy.
His erection had been straining uncomfortably against his pants, causing them to tent.  Now was as good a time as any...He sat back and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and freed his erection.  His was already dripping with precum.
Harley did the same and Rick’s eyebrow went up slightly at the impressive erection that jutted out, deep red and shiny with precum collecting around the head and running down the shaft.
“I can see where — how some chicks may have a problem with that...”  Spontaneously, he leaned down and licked the precum running down the side with a long sweep of his tongue which brought him to the tip.  
Rick took the head in his mouth and sucked, tonguing the slit and swirling it around.  He knew it would taste salty - he’d tasted his own before, out of curiosity.  But this was different — there was also a muskiness, a sort of manliness.  It was arousing, stimulating, and sent a jolt straight into his cock.
“Man, you don’t have to...” Harley had begun, then interrupted himself with a deep groan of pleasure.  His hips jerked forward and he reached down and threaded his hands into Rick’s hair.  “Christ...aw fuck...”  His closed his eyes and dropped his head onto the back of the couch.  He gasped and groaned while Rick took his time blowing him.
Rick tongued and sucked him off, pumping his hand along the shaft and twisting as he came up.  With his other hand he fondled Harley’s balls, then with one finger he stroked the sensitive skin between his ass and the base of his sack. For a man who said he’d never fucked another guy before, Rick gave head better than any woman Harley’d ever had — paid or otherwise.
”Jesus...fuck...”  With effort Harley made himself pull Rick’s head up to make him stop, and Rick released his mouth with a soft pop that drew another gasp of pleasure from Harley’s mouth.  “Man, I’m gonna cum if you keep doin’ that...”
Licking his lips and wiping his chin, Rick laid back against the couch.  He lifted his hips and pulled his pants down to his thighs to expose more of his genitals.  “Trade off, then.”
Harley took a deep swig of scotch — Dutch courage?, wetting his whistle? — then he bent over Rick’s crotch and engulfed his cock in his mouth without hesitation.  Rick reflexively bumped his hips up.  Whether intentional or not, the coolness left behind by that drink of whiskey combined with the warmth of Harley’s mouth was an incredible sensation.  He’d have to remember to do that when it was his turn again.  Harley’s head bobbed up and down while he stroked around Rick’s shaft.  He  cupped Rick’s balls, stroking and massaging them.  Rick reached down and grasped Harley’s head to guide him while fighting the urge not to thrust his hips up into his face.
”Stop...stop...”  Rick finally managed in between groans.  “You’re making me — I’m gettin’ ready to blow my load and I don’t want to cum just yet.”
”Round two in the bedroom, then?”
”Yeah, yeah...let’s go...”  They both stood up and pulled their pants up slightly, then Harley led the way to the back of his house where the bedroom was.  "Actually, if you count my house, this would be round three..."
Harley laughed.
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick and Harley -- Part 2
You really need to read Part 1 before your read this one...I’ve never inserted a link to a previous post before.  I know this ain’t pretty, I hope it works.
Part 1
They broke away from their kiss, both of them breathing heavily.
”Christ...I...”.  Rick struggled to form his thoughts into words.
”Ya wanna fuck, right?”
”Yeah...But I’ve never...”
”You’ve never fucked a guy before...” Harley finished his sentence for him.  “Me neither, man.”  He laughed, a low easy laugh, heavy with irony.  It made Rick both feel more relaxed and comfortable while sending a tremble of excitement through him.
”Shit...this is...this is fucked up...”.  Rick groaned and sat back against the couch and scraped his hands over his face, noting his 5 o’clock shadow and wondering if Harley had found it as stimulating as Rick had when he felt his.
”Where’s your Diane and Beth?  Upstairs sleeping?”  It was the first time for them to come up in conversation all night.
”My...I’m sorry, how did you call them?  ‘My Diane and Beth’?”
“Yeah.  Most Rick’s have a Diane and a Beth.  Not all, though.  I don’t...”  He looked away while he took a huge slug of scotch.
His actions told Rick that this wasn’t a good topic of conversation right now.  If ever.
”They’re at — she took Beth and went to her folks’ for the weekend.  Might be an extended stay.  I don’t — she didn’t say when she was coming back.  Things haven’t been so great between us...lately.”  Now it was his turn to take a drink in a bid to drop the topic.
“Well...”. Harley looked around the room, noting how it bore the obvious signs of a woman’s touch with its air of family and domesticity, then he turned back to Rick and looked him up and down.  “Let’s go back to my place, then.  That is, if you want to...to explore this further...”  He put his hand on Rick’s shoulder.
“Yeah.  Yeah, I do, actually...”  Rick laughed, suddenly feeling more at ease with the situation.  Somehow he couldn’t see himself having sex with this man in the same bed that he slept in with his wife.
”Good a place to go as any, for your first portal trip.”  Harley stood up, picking up the bottle.  “Mind if we take this scotch?  It’s some good shit.”
”Sure.  It’s my father-in-law’s anyway.  Fuck ‘em.”
Just then the doorbell rang and Rick jumped, startled.
”Easy, man.  It’s the pizza, remember?”
”Shit, I totally forgot...”  Rick went and paid for the pizza, then came back, holding the large box uncertainly...Did he bring it with them?  Would it travel through the portal?
”Bring that pizza, too.  I’m fucking starving.”  Well, that answered that.
Rick scribbled a hasty note to Diane with a vague mention of a sudden out of town trip to see a friend.  He didn’t know if she’d believe that or not.  He didn’t really have any friends...
He realized he didn’t care what she believed.
Harley traded him the bottle for the pizza so he could operate the gun.  He gave Rick the coordinates to his place in his dimension and Rick entered them into his gun, excitement coursing through his veins.  His first portal trip, finally!  As to where he was going, and why, well...that...he felt his dick growing hard again.  Well, that was going to be that.
Rick aimed the gun at the wall and fired it, then stepped through the swirling green mass without hesitation, without so much as a backwards glance.  Harley followed on his heels.
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick and Harley: Chapter 5
Here is the continuation of the backstory of Rick and Harley, in their years together before Rick’s Texas Chick.  The original is posted on AO3 under rickdicted at:
Harley woke up a few hours later and got up to take a piss.  His ass was sore, but in a good way.  Man, that was something...cumming like that.  He looked at the other man sleeping his bed.  Harley would have never in a million years thought he would have done what they just did tonight.  Before this, he’d had not one ounce of attraction to another man.
But this guy...this is Rick...  Harley had felt such a connection with him, the moment they’d locked eyes in Rick’s garage.  Like there was some sort of preordained bond.  Not just sexual or physical, but on a deeper, philosophical level.... He’d met a number of Ricks, had helped a handful with their portal guns.  But those encounters were just a matter of helping that particular Rick work out the final bugs with their portal guns, so they could begin interdimensional travel.  He was also supposed to tell them the basic rules that all Rick’s were expected to follow—-although the thought of any Rick following along with a rule was laughable.  But it was his job to at least get the point across — at any rate, that was how The Council wanted it. He, Harley, had only decided to do this after his Diane had died.  He was devastated at the time, had nearly gone insane with grief and guilt.  Then this opportunity arose, and after some hesitation he took it.  At least this way he wasn’t sitting at home alone, drinking himself into oblivion every night — or, to be more precise, her home, the home that had belonged to her parents... Rick stirred in bed and Harley started towards him, intending to wake him up.  His dick was getting hard just thinking about it and he licked his lips in anticipation.  But first he needed to go light the fire out in the den.  The house was fucking freezing… Why Diane’s parents had never put in a furnace was beyond him...  She always went on about how romantic the fire was — but then she wasn’t the one who had to clean out the fucking ashes and chop wood and shit. He went outside on the back porch to get some kindling and an armful of logs.  At least living out in the sticks like this gave him access to a limitless supply of firewood.  It was just a fucking pain in the ass. He was kneeling on the rug in front of the fireplace, laying out the kindling and newspaper when he felt a hand on his shoulder.  He looked up to see Rick standing beside him.  Rick handed Harley one of the smaller logs, then squat down next to him. ”Y-Y-You ever think about moving into this century and heating this house with something more modern?” ”Every fucking day, man.”  He struck a match off the flagstone hearth and lit the crumpled newspaper nestled within the teepee tower of kindling.  The flames rapidly spread through the newspaper and began licking away at the kindling.  Soon it was established enough that Harley could lay several of the smaller logs on top, then he stood up. ”That’s a start.  In a little bit I’ll have to bank it with some of the larger hardwood logs, then we’re all set for the rest of the night. ”So...are you finished playing fuckin’ ‘pioneer’ for now?”  Rick stood up. ”Yeah...”  Harley grinned at him. They moved into each other’s space and kissed, somewhat chastely at first, then it quickly deepened.  Rick felt almost lightheaded by Harley’s expert manipulation of his  lips and tongue inside his mouth.  He put one hand on the man’s waist to steady himself.  After that, it was second nature to slide it down to his crotch and grasp his cock.  Harley moaned into his mouth while Rick stroked him, running his thumb across the plush head with its first drops of precum. ”I can’t wait to feel that beast inside me...” Rick growled into his ear, and Harley groaned in response. ”Then what are we fucking waiting for?” They broke away from their embrace and went back to the bedroom.  This time it was Rick’s turn to lie on his back, knees bent and legs spread.  Harley hovered over him and kissed his mouth, then sat back. ”Wait...I think this would be...”  He reached and took an extra pillow and held it next to Rick.  “Lift up your ass, man...”  Rick complied and Harley slid the pillow so that Rick’s ass was resting on it, his hips tilted up. ”I think it’ll be more comfortable for you this way...Just...speaking from experience...” Rick grinned at him and Harley leaned over him and kissed him and nuzzled his neck while he stroked and fondled Rick’s cock.  He reached one finger and stroked across the sensitive area behind his balls, applying just the right amount of pressure.  Rick bumped his hips up and moaned into Harley’s mouth, reaching his hands up and curling his fingers into Harley’s hair.   Harley stroked and pumped Rick’s cock while he kissed him.  It was a different experience, making love to a man, compared to a woman.  The signals were different...of course the body parts were different—but by the same token, it was even easier—- he just did to Rick what he knew would feel good for him...   He continued to stroke Rick’s cock, feeling the precum welling up from the tip and spilling down the side and over his hand.  He cradled his balls, massaging them, then reached one finger and stroked it back and forth across Rick’s puckered entrance, circling around it, teasingly. Rick bumped his hips and moaned, then he reached down to stroke his own cock, hard, just how he liked, pulling at the shaft and making the skin stretch.  Up and down his hand went, while Harley stimulated and stroked his hole.  Harley squirted a liberal amount of lube onto his fingers, rubbing it between them to warm it up a bit.  Then he pushed his index finger passed the tight ring of muscle and began to slowly stroke slow and deep.  Rick groaned, his hips bucking up off the bed.  Then Harley curled his finger, twisting slightly while he pulled down, trying to find that same spot that Rick had found in him —- “Holy FUCK!”  Rick’s hips lurched up into the air, his body tensing and his head rolling back.  “Fucking CHRIST, man, don’t stop doing that...” Harley grinned as he continued to stroke Rick in and out across his prostate.  Rick’s cries climbed higher and higher, and Harley thought he might cum, so he backed off.  Rick glared at him and cursed him in frustration.  Harley ignored him and added a second finger and slowly stroked in and out, stretching the tight ring of muscle open, but avoiding Rick’s prostate.  He added a third finger and Rick’s moans became more intense. ”Just...fuck me, man...I can’t wait any longer...please...”  Rick’s hips were bumping up into the air and he continued to stroke his cock, now beet red and swollen, precum streaming unchecked from the tip. Harley sat back, pausing long enough to liberally coat his rock hard dick with lube, then he scooted forward between Rick’s spread legs, grasping his hips, pulling them towards him.  He gritted his teeth, trying to go slow while pushed his head against him. ”Ready, man? ”Shit, yeah, man, do it...” With one smooth thrust, Harley pushed himself into Rick.  Rick cried out with pleasure and Harley groaned loudly as that tight ring of muscle ran along his dick as he pushed his way inside — tighter than any virgin’s pussy he’d ever had.  He wanted to drive and thrust himself into Rick over and over, but knew he couldn’t do that without hurting the man underneath him.  He slowly pushed himself deeper, then withdrawing a little bit, before pushing his way in further each time.   “Holy Jesus...aw fucking-A...”  Rick’s hips lifted up and he pushed himself against Harley, driving Harley all the way into him. “Oh, fuck...fuck...”  Harley struggled to maintain control.  He pulled out part way, then slowly pushed back in, allowing Rick to adjust to him. ”Quit fuckin’ teasin’ me, man.  Fuck me.  Fuck me hard!”
“Whatever you say...”
Harley grasped Rick’s hips, lifting him up and holding him in place, then he began driving himself into him with sharp snapping thrusts with his hips.  His strokes immediately ploughed across Rick’s prostate, and Rick’s eyes rolled back and he squinted them shut, cursing and groaning, his body rigid.  He, too, had to brace himself away from the headboard lest he be shoved against it by Harley’s powerful thrusts.
”God, you feel so tight around my dick... Christ...”  His fast rhythm kept him from talking, and he focused instead on pounding hard into Rick, driven on by his own sensations and the sound of Rick’s moans as he cursed and cried out in ecstasy. “Can you take this poundin’, man?  Take it, fucking take it!” ”Christ, don’t stop, I’m there...almost there...”  Rick reached down with one hand and stroked himself hard, whining and crying out as he came, throwing thick, white spurts up on his chest.  He spasmed around Harley, and Harley swore and buried himself deep inside him, throbbing as he came.  He collapsed on top of Rick, panting with exhaustion.  Rick held him across his broad, sweaty back. They lay there, their breathing gradually slowing. ”Fuckin’- A...”  Rick sighed with contentment and lightly stroked his hands across Harley’s back, his eyes closed.  Harley pushed himself up on his elbows and looked down at Rick, who had a tired smile on his face.  He leaned down and kissed him on the lips, nuzzled his neck.  Rick hummed with pleasure, then mumbled, his eyes still closed. ”That feels good, but get off me, man.  You’re gettin’ fucking heavy.” Harley laughed and slid off to the side.  Rick’s eyes were struggling to stay open and his voice was drowsy and thick.
Harley slipped out of the bed to go bank up the fire with some of the larger pieces of split hardwood logs.  When he got back to the bedroom Rick was lying on his side and drifting to sleep.  Harley spooned up behind him and wrapped his arms around him.  Rick settled into his embrace, groaning with contentment. ”Thanks, man...that was...” He fell asleep before he could finish.
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick’s Texas Chick: Chapter 21
Originally published on AO3 at:
Sitting on his bike in the secluded quiet of the woods, Harley held her in his arms while she cried, soothing her with murmurs and soft sibilants whispered into her ears until her sobs gradually slowed to hiccuping sighs.  He stroked her back slowly and ran his hand softly through her hair, kissing the tears on her cheeks until she was quiet, the storm passing.  She sat still in his arms with her head against his shoulder.  Finally, she leaned away from him to look into his eyes.
”Thank you for that.”
He smiled, “Anytime, honey.”  He caressed her cheek, wiping away the remaining streaks of tears with his calloused thumb.
”I’m sorry.”
”What for?”
”I don’t...I’m not really...”  She stopped, biting her lip, searching for words.  “I don’t understand exactly what's going on here. What I’m...Look, who are you?  All of you?”  She pulled away from him and slid down to the ground and stood a few steps away from him, arms folded across her chest.
”Who?  Me and Rick?” He frowned.  Didn’t she know?  Hadn’t he told her?
She realized she was getting angry, her voice rising in volume.  “Yes.  I mean, I know I’m not the brightest star in our little constellation here.  I’d just like someone to tell me what the fuck all is going on.  Is my ex going to show up next?  Round out this little party?”  She was pacing now, surprised that she was getting herself worked up, but went with it.
”Your ex is gone, honey,” he said quietly.  He swung one leg over the seat and stood, moving closer to her.  She backed away.  He stopped, holding his hands palms out.  Peace.  
“What do you mean, ‘He’s gone?’  Did Rick, did he...”  She laughed nervously.  “Did he kill him?  Because that, that would just be fucking ok by me, you know?  I kind of don’t want him portalling back into my life, if you get my drift.”  She continued pacing back and forth, running a shaking hand through her hair.
“He’s not comin’ back.  He’s never going to hurt you again.”
She stopped in her tracks and covered her face with her hands, standing with her back to him.  Her shoulders shook silently.  
“And you and Rick?  And Polo?  Are there more of you?  Is...is...could there be another version of my ex out there, too?”  She bit her lip and turned to look at him, her voice tinged with a hint of anxiety.
”Look, I don’t know what all Rick told you...”  He began.  Clearly not enough, the fuckwad.  “There are multiple dimensions, timelines, as it were.  You and Rick came from one.  He brought you to mine...”  He trailed off, not knowing how to proceed.  He hadn’t expected to be the one to explain this to her — thought she already knew about all this.  Things were not going how he’d expected at all.
She began pacing angrily again, punctuating her words with angry gestures.  “So what does that mean for me, now?  Is my ass just gonna keep getting passed around the galaxy?  He’s gonna pimp me out from one Rick’s dick to the next?  ‘Rick’s Texas Bitch: For a good time, call...’”  Her voice dripped with angry sarcasm and she laughed without an ounce of humor, turning to face him.  She looked terribly hurt and was dangerously close to tears again.
On the one hand, she felt used and taken advantage of, but on the other hand, she liked this man, liked them both.  Neither one of them seemed like complete assholes.  An asshole didn’t hold you while you cried your heart out.  Or get stuck listening to you complain about your ex husband for two hours, giving you a back rub with a huge boner all the while, sitting on your half-naked body without once making a move on you.  Neither one of these activities didn’t exactly strike her as foreplay material by someone looking for a quick fuck.  Last night definitely hadn’t felt like a one-night stand.  He had been so tender, so considerate of her needs.  Just like her Rick.
Her Rick...  Suddenly she felt very tired, like her mind wanted to shut down, stop thinking.  Stop trying to make sense of everything.  She stood with her shoulders slumped, staring down at the ground.  She looked defeated and broken.  
Harley felt like an absolute shit.
”I wanna go home,” she mumbled.
Harley felt his heart sink.  “Sure thing, if that’s what you want, doll.”  He stepped aside so she could get back on the bike, but instead she came and wrapped her arms tight around him, hugging to him with her face pressed against his chest.  He held her close, stroking her back and kissed the top of her head.  Several minutes passed as they stood there in a tight embrace.  He soaked it up, this would probably be the last time he’d ever hold her.  She mumbled into his shirt.
”Hmmm? What, honey?”  He tipped her chin up and kissed her softly.
”I want to take a nap.  I just...  I don’t want to think anymore right now...  Then l’ll cook, fix us something for dinner.  Do you have anything other than bacon and eggs?”  She smiled tiredly up at him.  “That can’t be good for your cholesterol.  And I’m going to need some more clothes, and other things...”
He laughed, kissing her again.  “Sure thing, doll.  We’ll get you fixed up.”
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick’s Texas Chick: Chapter 20
Originally posted on AO3 at:
She stirred, the foot massage penetrating into her subconscious.  He squeezed her foot gently and she opened her eyes.
“Hey, doll.”  He said quietly with a small smile of tenderness and something else in his eyes.
She smiled, still sleepy, and stretched slightly but didn’t pull her foot away.  His hand was warm and his touch felt wonderful.  She felt the usual answering pull deep inside that a foot massage always seemed to do for her.  She remained silent and stared at him then looked away, her eyes troubled, as she tried to work out her thoughts.
She didn’t really understand all this.  The Ricks.  They were obviously different men, yet they were the same.  Was her ex a “Rick” as well?  He must be.  It was confusing.  She tried to get a handle on what was going on, where she stood in it.  Was Rick, her current Rick, handing her off?  Passing her around?  He’d gotten her pretty tipsy last night, then kind of left her to Harley.  She should be mad, but she realized that she liked this Rick, a lot.  She didn’t think she wanted to go back, not right away at least.  Wanted to stay and enjoy the moment.  It felt so peaceful here.  As if she’d left a world of troubles and worries behind.
Which she had, literally, but that’s not exactly how it felt.  It felt like the things that had happened to her with her ex, she’d thought she could push them down and forget about them.  But they’d always stayed hidden beneath her consciousness, like a dark, unseen shadow hanging over her…  And she was always afraid to think or talk about those feelings, or what had happened, even with her Rick.  Now that she was here, she felt safe, and everything wanted to come bubbling to the surface of her psyche and get addressed, then banished, once and for all.  She wished her Rick was here, too.  She wanted both of them with her.
She turned back to Harley, her eyes sad.
“When do I have to go back?” she asked him quietly, finally putting words to her thoughts.
“When do you have to get back to work?” he asked, even though he knew.
“Five days, four, after today.”
“Then, you can stay here five more days, if you want.”  He continued rubbing her foot, an easy smile on his face.
Her face visibly brightened.  She smiled, then it immediately drained away.  What about her Rick?  How would he feel about that?  She felt like she was cheating on him…  But he was the one who’d brought her here, set her up with this Rick…
He watched her face, knew what she was thinking.  He didn't want her to go back, but it had to be her decision.
“L-l-let’s go for a ride, you can think about - think it over.”  He released her foot, stood up.  She stood up more slowly, stretching.  Being with him on the bike, letting her mind mull over everything while they rode along, that was appealing.
He took her down the back country roads, narrow blacktopped lanes that seldom saw vehicles.  No speed, no thrills.  Just an opportunity to have the sensations of the roar of the bike and the wind in her hair and face be a distraction while her mind wandered and she came to a decision.
She rode behind him, sometimes turning her head and pressing her wet check into the back of his shirt to absorb the tears that ran down her face.  Occasionally he felt her small frame shake with a suppressed sob, and he’d reach down and hold one of her hands with his.  This was more than just deciding to stay a few more days...
Soon she was crying uncontrollably and he pulled into a small grove of trees and parked.  He re-positioned himself in his seat so that he was facing her.  She looked at him, her face streaked with tears and her eyes full of misery and sadness.  It broke his heart.
“Come here, honey...” he reached for her and pulled her down into his arms and held her tight while she cried and cried.
Maybe…he thought, maybe this had been a mistake after all.
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick’s Texas Chick: Chapter 19
Originally published on AO3 at:
After she and Harley left the pub together, Rick portalled back, directly into her house.  Even though it was his idea, it had taken more effort than he’d expected to let her leave with Harley.  Watching them disappear into the night gave him a hollow feeling.  Somehow going back to her empty house was better than being alone in his room.
He poured himself a large tumbler full of whiskey, then taking the bottle he went and sat on the couch in the dark and turned on the tv. Her black cat, her favorite, jumped up next to him, purring and rubbing itself against Rick’s hand where it rested on his leg holding the whiskey.  This one seemed to like him more than the other cats, had kind of adopted him pretty much from the beginning.  It always showed up when he was over.
He moved the glass to his other hand, then absentmindedly began stroking the cat lightly.  Purring loudly, it curled up next to him and went to sleep.  Rick changed the channel to some stupid crap and muted the tv, then sat there and slowly got drunk, petting the cat.  Tried not to think about her in Harley’s arms and failing.  He didn’t think he could stand this, wondered why he had even thought this was a good plan.  
If she wasn’t going to talk to him about the abuse she suffered at the hands of her husband, then why the hell would she tell a total stranger?
Because Harley wasn’t, really.  That was the whole point.
Sighing, he drained his whiskey and put the empty glass down on the coffee table with a clunk, making the cat jump off the couch with a startled hiss.  He grabbed the whiskey bottle by the neck and climbed the stairs to her room.  He peeled off his clothes in the bathroom then took the bottle with him into the shower and drank deeply while hot water cascaded down his shoulders and back.  He set the bottle on the shelf and reached for her bar of soap, then slowly began to lather himself.  The rich citrus scent filled the air, filling his brain with images of her, memories of making love to her, fucking her.  
He wrapped his fingers around his huge cock and stroked himself slowly.  He played through his memories like a film.  He watched each one while running his hand up and down, pulling his palm across his sensitive head over and over.  Rubbing along the sensitive frenulum with his thumb, he reached down with his other hand and cupped his balls, fondling them.  His mind took him to tonight, watching her with Harley, and he began to stroke faster, more urgently.  His moans filled the shower, echoing off the tiles and he braced himself against the wall with one hand.  His head hung down in concentration as his other hand pumped faster, almost painfully so.  He imagined the two of them together, could hear her cries as she came.  His hips jerked and he came hard with a hoarse, angry shout.
“FUCK!”  His cum shot out in long, ropey spurts, hitting the tile wall.  He continued to stroke, pumping himself dry.  Shaking, head down, he held himself up against the wall with both hands and watched bleary eyed as his cum slowly slid down the tile.  The water grew cold as it continued striking his back and ass and he turned around and slapped it off.  Drunk and still dripping, he collapsed naked in her bed and pulled her pillow up against his face.  He took a deep breath, inhaling her familiar scent, then fell asleep, snoring deeply.  
Her black cat jumped up onto the bed and curled up next to him silently, a sentry in the night.
Before sun-up the next morning she awoke from a deep sleep to the sound of dogs barking, and her eyes popped open.  Suddenly she remembered where she was, and with whom, and she stiffened, half expecting her Rick to come bursting angrily into the room.  Strong arms tightened protectively around her as Harley held her against his chest.
Sleepily, he murmured into her ear, “S’just the paper, honey...Not Rick…”  His warm breath tickled and she shivered, snuggling closer to him for warmth.
He reached for the down comforter and retrieved it from where it had slithered half off her side of the bed, pulling it back up over them.  Trailing his hand under the covers, he caressed her breasts, feeling her nipples tightening, before holding her comfortably across her stomach.  He slid one long leg up between both of hers until his muscular thigh pressed against her pussy, still wet with his cum and her juices, then gently bumped her with it a few times.
“Go back t’sleep or I’ll fuck you s’more,” he whispered gruffly in her ear.
She giggled, then she closed her eyes and fell back to sleep in his arms.
Several hours later, the smell of fresh-brewed coffee and frying bacon drifted into his subconsciousness.  Stirring, he rolled over and opened his eyes.  The bedroom was fully lit with sunshine.  It was well past the time he normally woke up.  Sighing, he sat up and dropped his legs over the side of the bed and sat with his feet resting on the floor.  The day would’ve probably been a wash as far as him getting any work done, anyway.  Yawning loudly, he rubbed his eyes then stood up, pulling on his jeans.  He went and took a leak and brushed his teeth.  He felt pleasantly tired from a night of lots of fucking and little sleep.  Barefoot and shirtless, with his jeans zipped but unbuttoned, he wandered out into the kitchen to see what she was up to.  Apart from making breakfast.
She was standing in front of the cabinet by the stove, reaching high above her head and trying unsuccessfully to get to a large bowl on an upper shelf.  Her back was to him and she was wearing his shirt from the night before, her black lace panties exposed by the raised hem of the shirt.
Walking silently up behind her, he slapped her lightly on the ass then gently squeezed it, simultaneously reaching over her head to get the bowl and hand it down to her.  She yelled in surprise, nearly dropping the bowl.
“Sucks being short, don’t it?”  He grinned down at her.  He helped himself to a piece of fried bacon from a plateful on the back of the stove and munched into it before leaning down and kissing her on the cheek.
“Hmmm.  Mornin’.”  He went to the coffee maker and poured himself a cup.
“I tried to find the sugar---” she began.
“Don’t need it.”
“---or some milk----”
“Don’t want any.”
“---so, then I found some arsenic and used that instead,” she finished, sounding pleased with herself.
He choked mid-sip, looking sharply at her and coughing.  She winked at him.  “Next time let me finish my sentence.”
“Damn, woman,” he said, still coughing.  “Y-Y-You like to start the day off hard on a man, don’t you?  Come on, I-I’m old.  Don’t do me like that.”  He went and collapsed into a kitchen chair, still coughing and laughing.  “Come over here, doll,” he finally managed.
“Hey, I’m the one who just got snuck up on and hit on the ass, and you’re talking about me giving you a hard start to your day?”  She walked over and he pulled her onto his lap and kissed her soundly on the lips.  “How do you like your eggs?” she asked him.
“However you want to make them, doll,” he answered promptly, grinning at her.
They’d finished breakfast and were lying on opposite ends of the couch, sharing the light blanket across their legs.  He was reading the paper and she was dozing with one arm bent across her face covering eyes, her lips parted.  With one foot on the ground, the other leg he had stretched out on the couch under the blanket and was absentmindedly rubbing his foot lightly against her side, gently squeezing her with his toes.  She mumbled in her sleep and shifted slightly, her muscles tensing as echoes of a disturbing dream mirrored on her face.  Quietly, he set the paper down and reached under the blanket and began lightly rubbing her foot, watching her while she slept.  She relaxed, sighing.
Last night was not as spontaneous as she thought.  It had culminated after several weeks of discussion, if no real planning on his own part.  Her Rick had approached him, met him several times at the pub, like they usually did.  They were old friends, to be sure, had fucked around together, including Polo and with some other Ricks, but they’d never really shared a woman.  This is the first time Rick had ever actually proposed something like this to him.
Well, it was the first time Rick, any of them, had seen her in their lives.  When she’d told Rick that her parents had chosen to have her instead of following the doctor’s advice and getting an abortion, and that she’d unexpectedly been born without any medical or mental problems… Well, like Rick had told Harley, it explained so much.  Because, otherwise, she just didn’t seem to exist anywhere else, not in this condition, at least.
However, Rick still hadn’t told her that yet; didn’t want her to know yet.  He had only recently introduced her to portalling.  And this was her first time to be around other Ricks.  She wasn’t aware that there were other dimensions where she did, or as the case usually was, didn’t exist.  No, better to not let her know about any of that, yet.
Instead, Rick was still trying to get her to face what had happened to her during her marriage with the other Rick.  Ricardo.  He wanted her to get it out, talk about it, instead of carrying it around locked inside forever.  He could see how it was tearing her apart inside.  She had nightmares, tossing and turning in her sleep, mumbling, crying out, saying her ex’s name, sweating the sheets up with fear.  Rick would hold her, soothing her with soft kisses until the dream passed and she relaxed in his arms.  She never mentioned the dreams, apparently didn’t even realize she was having them.  
But he could never get her to tell him the things Ricardo had done to her that still haunted her.  Even after that evening when she lay beneath him on the couch and spilled most of her guts, this other part of her history she still stubbornly kept to herself.  He’d wondered if it was an unconscious part of the psychological trauma or was she too afraid, or ashamed, to talk about it?  The few times Rick had asked her about the scars on her back and elsewhere she’d stiffened up, literally, saying, “He did that,” but refused to elaborate.
And to top it off, Rick himself had screwed up.  He’d leave, take off and do his own thing without telling anyone, like always.  But she didn’t know him well enough, didn’t know that this was how he was, who he was, that he always came back, would come back to her.  She had no idea, of course, that he’d gone looking for her in other dimensions.  Wondering why he hadn’t heard of her with any other Ricks.
After she told him about her ex he left to go looking for the asshole. Tracked him down, then sent him portalling back to his own dimension with no way to leave it, get back to her.  He could see that after each “disappearance” she’d withdrawn from him a little bit more.  Still happy for his company at her place, having incrediblly hot sex.  But he didn’t know if he could ever regain her full trust again to talk to him, like she had before.
Then, when she mentioned the idea of multiple partners, literally saying she wanted multiple Ricks without even realizing at the time that it was possible…  It presented a solution for him.  For them both.
Rick knew her, understood her better than she did herself.  He could read her like a book, from the moment they met.  He knew that she would be attracted to Harley's easy-going nature.  Rick was confident that she would accept him, maybe even trust him enough to talk about what happened.  Thus, he’d reached out to Harley with a proposal.  Meet for drinks, a few rounds of pool.  If she was interested in him, then Harley was welcome to take her out and show her a good time.  If it led to anything more, then he had Rick’s blessing, such as it was, as difficult as that was to do.  So, Harley had agreed to meet her, sight unseen, a blind date as it were.
Most Ricks were notorious lotharios, and if that weren’t bad enough, since most of them were assholes, they would screw each other’s sister out of spite if they only had one, or better yet their mother, if she were still alive.  Rick reaching out to Harley over this had shown uncharacteristic trust for a Rick, and faith in their friendship and in each other’s character.  One never knew where something like this might lead, even with the best of intentions.
But Rick had forgotten about all the hearts involved.  Forgot that he still had one himself.
Now, here Harley was, stretched out on the couch with Rick’s woman after an incredible night of fucking.  And it still wasn’t over yet, unless she decided it was.
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
The Citadel: City of Rickventures!
The was written as a part of challenge among of few of us Rick Smut Writers, to write what it would be like when Rick takes you to The Citadel for the first time.  
Originally published on AO3 under rickdicted: 
Now, I know that all y'all have been to The Citadel before, but not me.
Today was THE day, after so many months of me whining and pleading, bitching and moaning.  My Rick was finally taking me to The Citadel.  Ever since he first told me about it, my mind had played with all sorts of ideas of what it must be like to walk those streets, surrounded by people who all looked alike.  What was it like for him, I'd asked on more than one occasion.  What would it be like for me, I'd wondered to myself...  I thought he was the hottest thing on 2 legs, hands down, so...
Honestly, I didn't know if I would be totally fucking turned on, or kind of bored by them all -- I highly doubted this last option, but something I must have said early on had made him rethink the whole idea.
He'd grumbled about it so much, immediately regretting his initial hasty agreement to think about it, back when I'd first asked.  Ever since then he'd done everything he could to try to dissuade me, make me change my mind.  He brought up Mortytown so much that now whenever he did just I rolled my eyes in boredom -- the last time he did I had asked him if he was afraid of a bunch of homeless Mortys, and that had pissed him right the fuck off...
He was even meaner than usual to his own Morty for awhile after that.  Poor kid didn't know what he did wrong.  I almost felt sorry for him.
Finally, we were on our way there.
"...Fucking sick of hearing your shit, you whining on and on about this..."  He was grumbling in between sips from his flask as we rode along in his space car.
I ignored him and eagerly watched the stars and planets fly by in the distance.  Occasionally I'd look down at the screen on his digital map, tracking our course across the galaxy.  We'd been travelling for several hours and it still seemed hopelessly far away.  I'd asked him why we didn't just portal there.
"N-n-need to bring some shit back with us," was his cryptic reply.
I sat in the seat, practically twitching with anticipation.
"And don't you -- don't you fucking go wandering off, either.  L-L-Like you did on Pothulon III.  They were ready to throw your ass in prison for trespassing."  He gestured angrily with his flask, annoyed at the memory.
I had to admit, that wasn't one of my finer moments on our list of adventures.  Apparently trespassing on that planet is an offense punishable by life in jail.  Rick had had to do some pretty fast talking to get me out of it.  They'd scanned my DNA before I left, and now I can't ever go back -- or to Pothulon IV, either.  I'm blocked, or something.  I wouldn't even be able to step through a portal without getting immediately destroyed in an explosion of dust, imploding from the inside out by whatever device they have programmed into my genetic code.  At least that's how Rick explained it.
Seemed a little extreme to me, for accidentally walking on the wrong side of the street on the wrong day of the month.  It's not how I would treat visitors, I'd said.  Cripes, even here in the winter, if you parked on the wrong side of the road on snowplow days all they did was give you a ticket....
He'd growled at me to shut-the-fuck-up and shoved me into the portal window he'd just opened, right in the middle of the court room, then immediately followed behind me.
So, now at last, he was taking me to The Citadel.  I'd owe him so many blow jobs after this, he'd promised me on more than one occasion, that my jaws would ache when I'd finally "paid" off all my debt.
I wanted to tell him that my jaws already ached every time after I gave him a blow job, but I knew he wouldn't care.  It would probably stroke his hyper-inflated ego instead.  He loved hearing how big he was.  Is.
Oh, y’all know what I mean....
I shifted a little in my seat, thinking about his huge cock and feeling my pussy get swollen and damp.  His eyes glanced sideways in my direction.
"Watchya...watchya got goin' on over there, huh, baby girl?"  He always immediately knew whenever I was horny.  I swear I think he could smell it or something.
"Nothing..."  I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of always knowing.  Let me try to do some seducing on my own, for once...keep some mystery left in it.
He reached out with his long arm and caressed my thigh.  His hand was warm and it sent tingles straight up inside me.  I squirmed a little bit.
"Come -- come on over here, baby.  Why don't you let me -- let Daddy help you out with that little problem you have there..."  His voice had dropped to that seductive purr I loved, and I closed my eyes and moaned, rubbing my thighs together.
He slid his fingers higher up under my skirt, the tips ghosting along my panties -- which were soaking wet, of course.
"Mmmm...you -- you're wet, baby..."  He stroked me up and down and I closed my eyes and moaned louder, spreading my legs further apart for him.  I heard the sound of his belt and pants being undone and looked over at him.  He was using his knee to hold the steering wheel in place while freeing himself from the confines of his pants with the other.  His cock was huge and red, and he started stroking himself slowly, his fingers running up over the plush head.  A huge bead of precum had formed and I licked my lips while I watched him.  I wanted to lean down and take that huge dick in my mouth and suck him dry.
"Come on, baby.  Come on over here.  I've unleashed the beast, why don't you come on and give it a ride, huh, baby?  Daddy'll make you feel real good..."
I lifted up and started to swing myself around across the seat, intending to straddle him so that I would face him, but he stopped me.
"No, sit on me so I can fuck you from behind..."  He reached out with both hands and effortlessly carried me the rest of the way over.  I splayed my legs on either side of his, hanging onto the steering wheel to hold myself up.  I felt him lift my skirt and pull my panties down to my thighs, then his hands were on my hips and lowering me down onto him.  I reached in front to help guide him inside and he lifted his hips and slowly pushed in while simultaneously gripping my hips and pulling me down on top of him.  I gasped -- he always hurt me at first, if I hadn't cum beforehand.
"Ssshhh, ssshh...baby..." His lips were against my left ear, making my skin tingle.  Gently he pulled me back until I was laying against his chest, then he cupped a large palm to my head and tipped it back until it rested on his shoulder.  He kissed my face then put his hand back on the steering wheel.  With his other hand he reached around my front underneath my skirt and started to play beneath the material, slowly rubbing my clit in circles.  I moaned and shifted, grinding down on him a little.
He kissed my cheek again and whispered, "Mmmm...Is that -- is that better, baby?  Is Daddy making you feel good inside?"
"Oh, yeah, Daddy....Baby feels soooo good..."  I slowly ground myself down on him, rolling my hips backwards and forwards.  He continued to slowly stroke my clit, now with more pressure.
"Tell me, baby, tell me what Daddy's doin' for you, hmmm?"  He loved for me to tell him how great I felt when we made love, how good he was to me.  And he was.
He was hands down the best lover I'd ever had.  He could be such a total asshole at other times, but when it comes to sex, he always made sure I felt good, took care of me first.
"Oh, Daddy...you're making me feel so warm inside.  Your cock is so full, it's just filling me up.  I wanna squeeze you hard and make you cum inside me..."
I started clinching my walls around him, but as usual it was starting to make me get worked up faster than him.  He was always better at holding himself back, could make himself last longer for both of us.
"I can feel you...feel your cunt, baby...Are you close, baby?  Are you gonna cum for me?"
He started rubbing his fingers across my clit, working it with more pressure, harder and faster.  I cried out as my hips jerked against him and I felt fresh wetness between my thighs.  I started lifting myself up then grinding down on him, hard, tilting my hips back against him so that his cock stroked across that bundle of nerves high inside me.  Soon I was panting and whining, on the verge of orgasm.
I cried out, "Oh, RICK!  Don't stop!  I'm so close...SO CLOSE!!!"
He continued to stroke my clit fast and hard, and I came, crying out his name and shuddering, my juices flooding out of me and coating his cock.  I collapsed back against him, sweaty and panting.  He kissed my neck and whispered into my ear, praising me, telling me how hard I came and how great it felt when I came on him like that.
Then he gripped me around the hips with both hands, his fingers digging bruises into my skin.  I hitched my breath, knowing what would come next.  He tensed underneath me briefly, then began pounding hard up inside me while simultaneously pulling me down onto his lap.  Slamming us together over and over, making me cum on him again, squealing and sobbing.  Then he came with a hoarse cry, thrusting high inside me one final time, holding my hips in place while his cocked throbbed and poured cum in hot spurts.
I was still coming down, gasping and panting, my body straddling his, when he grunted and shifted underneath me and slipped out.  A thick gush of cum followed and got onto my skirt and I moaned.
"What a mess!  I can't go walking around The Citadel like this..."  I lifted myself off of him and quickly pulled my panties back up, trying to catch the rest.  I got myself back over to my seat and sat down carefully, feeling myself squish a little bit.
He laughed at me while he tucked himself back in.  His pants were a wet mess, too.
"Yeah, we're kind of -- we kind of got ourselves steered off course there.  We should probably stop for the night, anyway, babe.  I'm not done with you yet.  I know a place -- there's an asteroid with a motel close to here.  You don't need -- they don't require reservations.  You can even stay longer than an hour -- all night, if you want."
He caught my worried look and winked at me.
"D-D-Don't look at me like that.  It's nice, baby.  I promise."
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick’s Texas Chick: Chapter 18
Originally posted on AO3 at:
They thundered down the two lane road for several miles before he slowed and turned into a small drive surrounded on either side by tall trees.  Soon a wood frame house appeared, standing in the middle of what looked like a couple of acres.  A larger metal building stood further back on the property.  Even in the waning moonlight she could make out carcasses of motorcycles and parts scattered in the large yard between the house and what was probably a motorcycle workshop.  Dogs barked out in greeting from the darkness and came up to meet them as they rolled to a stop.  Harley cut the engine and parked the bike on its stand, then helped her off.  The dogs immediately began sniffing her over.
He ruffled their heads affectionately.  “Easy, boys.  Don’t go any- anywhere I plan to go.”  She giggled, patting the dogs.  He turned to her and took her hand.  “Come on, doll, let’s get you inside and warmed up.”  He winked at her and she followed him up the porch steps.  He opened the screen door and propped it open with his hip, then reached and turned the unlocked knob on the door and pushed it open, standing aside so she could go in first.
A low light shone from a lamp on a side table next to a comfortably saggy couch; a light throw blanket was folded and draped across its back.  A recliner sat at an angle to the couch, sharing the table and lamp with it.  A tv crouched in the corner.  On the opposite wall sat a large fireplace with a pile of kindling and crumpled up newspaper arranged inside it, waiting to be lit.  A small stack of freshly split logs stood beside it on the floor.  A large woven rug was on the floor in front of the fireplace.  She could imagine some fun evenings on that rug with him, lying together in front of a warm fire.
As if he read her mind, he closed the front door, leaving her beside it, and immediately went and knelt before the fireplace.  He rearranged some of the kindling, then taking a match from a large box on the mantle he struck it off the brick and reached in and set the newspaper alight.  The room immediately lit up with the soft glow of the flames and the silence was filled with the comforting sound of the fire licking away at the wood as the sap inside it began to pop and hiss.  Some smoke escaped the chimney and imbued the room with its subtle smell, reminiscent of cool Autumn nights and happier times from her childhood.
“Hmmmmm,” she said softly, closing her eyes, not realizing she’d made any sound.
He turned to her and grinned ruefully.  “House is old, doesn’t have a furnace.  Gotta-- have to heat it the old-fashioned way.”
“It’s wonderful,” she smiled back at him.
“Doll, why don’t you go check out the drinks situation in the kitchen.  Fix something for yourself and the same for me.”
Obediently she went into the kitchen, curious to see the rest of his house.  So far it was comfortably shabby chic; obviously he was a bachelor, but not a slob.
The kitchen was old, but it was clean and had updated appliances.  A light shone down from an alcove over the sink.  A worn kitchen table with four mismatched wooden chairs sat in a nearby nook, the old wood was scrubbed clean and bore the marks of years of use. She took off his jacket and hung it over a chair.  An old-fashioned wooden icebox sat along a wall with an assortment of drinks glasses on top.  Curious, she popped open a door and found a variety of alcohol inside.  She selected a cognac and poured some into two snifters, then brought them and the bottle back out to the den.
The lamp was turned off, but the room was well-lit by the fire and already warming up.  Harley stood up from placing another log in the fireplace and walked to her.  “Perfect.  Just what the doctor ordered for warming up on a cold night.”
“I’m a nurse practitioner,” she said in a teasing tone, her eyes glinting with good-humor as she tipped her snifter to clink lightly against his in a toast.  “Cheers.”  She took a sip, enjoying the smooth flavor as it burned its way down her throat.
“I know, Rick told me.  Speaking of,” he nodded over to the side table, “found those on the bed.”
She turned and inhaled sharply when she saw her purse and cell phone.  Obviously her Rick had brought them here.  Had he been looking for her?  Oh, Christ…  Looking up, her eyes darted around the room, as if she expected to see him step out from the shadows.  All her tipsiness from the alcohol and pleasant feelings from the bike ride drained away as fast as the color from her skin.
Harley went over and sat down in the middle of the couch, watching her quietly as her frantic thoughts played out on her face.
Shaking, she picked up her cell phone and saw that there was a text message waiting for her.  Showing more bravery than she felt, she opened it and read it.
“Babe. I told Harley to take you out and show you a good time.  Looks like he succeeded.  See you back home.  R.”  Sighing audibly with obvious relief, she put her phone back on the table.
“Come here, doll,” Harley said softly.  “I told you--said it’d be all right.”  Nevertheless, he’d understood that she wasn’t going to believe him, or at least be all right about in her own mind, until she saw for herself.  Years living with an abusive husband will do that to you.
He held his left hand out to her in invitation and she came and took it and sat down next to him, still shaking.  She pulled off her boots and curled her legs up underneath her, then leaned back into the crook of his arm.  He could feel her racing heart beat.  Gently, he snuggled her up to him more closely, lightly tracing his fingers up and down her arm.  Lifting his booted right foot, he casually placed it on the worn coffee table, stretching the leg out with tired ease and exhaling in a low, contented manner.  He took a sip of cognac then closed his eyes and rested his head against the back of the couch, continuing the slow play of his fingertips along her arm.
She sipped her brandy and watched the fire quietly, resting her head against his chest.  His heartbeat was slow and soothing.  The brandy worked its magic, calming and warming her up inside, and the touch of his hand was sensual, stirring.  The fire crackled and popped, sending sparks shooting up into the chimney.  The mood in the room was relaxed, unpressured, and time stretched out.
Eventually, she broke the silence.  “You know,” she began, speaking quietly but with a mildly teasing tone to her voice, “if you fall asleep on me, it would be a great waste of a good motorcycle ride.”
He snorted, still with his eyes closed and his head resting against the back of the couch.  Inhaling deeply, he started laughing in a low chuckle.  “Aw, doll, that’s…that’s classic.”  Still laughing, he opened his eyes and sat up a bit.  He looked down at her and grinned, then leaned in to give her a deep kiss.  Pulling away slightly, he looked at her, his eyes smoldering with lust.  “And you’re right, we don’t want to waste the good work done by that ride, now, do we?” He whispered.
He finished off his cognac and hid a smile when he saw that she’d already finished hers.  He placed both glasses on the coffee table, then turned and took her in his arms.
“You're beautiful, doll.  When I first saw you -- saw you tonight, the first thing I thought was how I wanted to take you for a spin that would end up with us back here making love down on that rug in front of a roaring fire.”  He stared into her eyes, holding her with his piercing blue gaze.  He enjoyed watching the reaction he caused in her.  Her breathing had quickened, causing her breasts to heave slightly, and her pupils were dilated with desire.  She licked her lips lightly as a small shudder of anticipation ran through her.
He leaned in and kissed her softly, taking his time and slowly warming her back up.  He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand and exhaled softly onto her mouth before gently pressing his lips against hers.  He was in no rush.  His kisses were infinitely slow and lingering, his lips soft and undemanding.  Restless, she moved against him, threading her fingers into his hair, and whimpering with need.  She ran a hand across his chest, then down his abdomen to his crotch.  Even restrained by the heavy material, she could tell that his cock was huge and she traced her fingers over his jeans and cupped him.  He groaned into her mouth, slightly pulling away and placed one large hand gently over hers and stayed her movements.
“I want you, doll, want to make love to you all night,” he whispered against her lips, his voice rough and low. “I need-- need to go slow for you.  Make you ready for me…  Be patient, honey…”  She moaned in response, whether with need or disappointment she didn’t know.  
Softly, he shushed her, barely pulling away from her mouth so that his breath would play against her lips, then slowly he began to kiss her again.  He held her face with one large hand, his thumb softly stroking her cheek.  His other hand cupped one breast, then slipped inside her blouse and bra to roll and pinch her nipple between two fingers.  She whimpered against his mouth and he captured the sound.  Still kneading her breast, he gently pressed his tongue inside her mouth, running it lightly against hers, then teased her lips with the tip.  Whispering her name, telling her how beautiful she was, how much he wanted her...  He trailed his lips softly down her neck and nuzzled the base of her throat.  He nipped and kissed her lightly, enjoying her response as she shifted against him, her breaths coming in deep sighs.  The feel of the rough, unshaven skin of his face sent shivers up and down her spine.
He unbuttoned her blouse and she eagerly took it off, followed by her bra.  Her movements became rushed, urgent.  She pulled his shirt off, suddenly hungry for more of him.  She straddled him, kissing him, and pressed herself against him, arching her back and grinding down onto him.  He chuckled against her throat, then took one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking gently, then with more force.  It was like a lightening bolt through her body and she gasped, stopping her frantic movements and stilled against his mouth, moaning.  She sagged into him, lost in the sensation of his mouth on her breast.
He held her round ass in his hands, slowly caressing her cheeks.  His lips lingered on her sweet rack.  He suckled and kissed on first one breast, then the other, slowly trailing his mouth back and forth across her skin.  Whispering softly, he reached down and stroked his fingers over the crotch of her jeans, rubbing the hard seam up against her to roll it across her sensitive nub.  He nipped her lightly with his teeth, pulling and sucking her nipples harder.  Her sighs became cries of pleasure-pain.
“Oh, Rick, please, I want you!  Please…” She squirmed against him, whimpering, pleading.
He laughed.  “Let’s relocate, ok doll?”  He cupped her ass in his hands, still kissing her deeply, then stood up from the couch and carried her around to the floor and set her down. She hurriedly undid her jeans and he pulled them down along with her panties.  She stepped out of them and kicked them away while simultaneously reaching out to undo his jeans, her fingers fumbling in her haste.
“I got this, honey,” he laughed.  He undid the button and zipper and she pulled his jeans down.  A small gasp escaped her when she saw how big he was.
”It’ll be under control, honey,” he whispered.  “I won’t hurt you.”  He reached out and caressed her cheek, then brought her hand up to hold him.  She stroked him up and down, then bent and took him in her mouth, softly sucking.  His hips bucked at the unexpected action, and he hissed and gently stopped her.  Things weren’t going to be in control for long if she continued that.
He motioned for her to lie down on the floor and he joined her.  He took her in his arms again, kissing her deeply, probing her mouth with his tongue.  He reached down between her legs to her swollen lips.  She was soaking wet, throbbing, and he wanted to climb on top of her and fuck her hard.  Instead he kissed and nuzzled her breasts while lightly stroking her clit between his thumb and forefinger.  He pressed his palm against her and slipped his remaining fingers up inside her.  Without any warning she came, pushing into him and crying out.  He felt a gush of wetness as she spasmed around his hand.
“Ri-i-i-ck..!”  Her voiced trailed off into whimpers and she pumped her hips into his hand.  He slowly stroked her through her orgasm, wringing every last bit of it out of her.
“Good doll, that’s the way, good girl.  You’re so wet... I can’t wait any—Hold on, honey.”  He coated himself with her juices, sliding his hand up and down his throbbing cock.  He positioned himself between her legs and pulled her to him so that he was pressed against her opening. Gritting his teeth in an effort to go slowly, he gradually pushed inside her.  Her walls were tight, hot, and she moaned as he gently moved in and out of her, going deeper each time until he completely filled her and was balls deep inside.  She cried out in pain and tensed underneath him.  He kissed her, spoke softly, waiting so she could adjust.  He knew he was bigger than her Rick.  
“Oh God, you’re so tight, doll.  So wet and hot... You feel so good, honey...”  His words trailed off as he breathed deeply, struggling for control.  Waiting, kissing her mouth, trailing his lips down her throat to her breasts, then sucking her nipples.  She sighed and clinched around him slightly, that was his signal.  Gently, he began to move inside her, stroking in a slow, steady rhythm.  Her moans filled his ears, climbing into cries of pleasure as her walls spasmed and she came in a white hot orgasm that seemed to go on forever.  He stroked through her release, relishing the feel of her hot walls clinching him.  He lifted her hips and pulled her to him, his fingers digging bruises into her skin as he held her tight.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and cried out as he increased his rhythm until he was driving into her with deep thrusts.  His breathing came in harsh grunts, punctuating his movements.  Her cries became one long, keening wail and she arched beneath him, thrashing her head from side to side, lost in the intensity of the feelings building inside her.  They came together, crying out each other’s name.
Still deep inside her, he sat back on his heels lifting her up against him and held her close while he gently lifted her up and down on him as he finished.  She clung to him and whimpered, too sensitive to take anymore of him.  He held her tight as their breathing slowed, then he laid them down together on the rug in front of the fire.
A log shifted in the fireplace, sending a shower of sparks spinning up into the chimney and out into the night.  
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick’s Texas Chick: Chapter 13
Originally posted on AO3 by Rickdicted: 
It was when they were hanging out together on the couch that she inadvertently helped him understand part of the mystery of her presence in his life.
He was sitting in his usual sprawled position, watching tv and occasionally sipping from a tumbler of whiskey.  She was in her usual position:  lying down at the other end of the couch with her head on some throw pillows and her legs stretched out towards him with her feet in his lap.  He was absentmindedly massaging her feet while he watched tv.
She loved foot massages---what woman didn’t, he thought, ruefully.   But soon he’d discovered that it was another form of foreplay for her, and she didn’t even realize it.  In fact, 9 times out of 10, a good foot massage led to some form of sex.  Sometimes she’d grow restless, pulling her feet out of his lap and replace them with her face, then give him a blow job that left his toenails jangling.  Other times she’d climb on top of him, grinding herself down into his crotch and kiss him until he nailed her ass to the couch – his favorite “threat” – fucking her senseless.  Or they’d take it upstairs and spend hours making love in her bed, then sleep in each other’s arms in-between or soak together in the tub.
So, yeah, he had no problem with giving her foot massages.  It was almost like another erogenous zone for her, if not an out and out g-spot.
One evening they were hanging out on the couch together, he was watching the news and rubbing her feet, she was dozing after working all day, a blanket pulled up and half-covering her face.  The announcer reported on yet another brilliant comment made by the president…
“God, I hate that mother-fucking asshole…” spoken from underneath the blanket.  He remained silent.  Then they announced a pro-life rally that the president was planning to visit, played a video of him commenting on his plans to overturn the law that made abortion legal.  That snapped her out of her stupor.  She jerked her feet away from him and stood up.  “Goddamit!  If he does that…”
She began pacing around the room.  He watched her, mildly surprised, wondering where this had come from.  He knew she felt this way, and shared her opinion, but they never talked about it much.  He usually thought worrying or talking about politics was a waste of energy, would get annoyed if she wanted to have a serious discussion.  To him, it was like being unhappy about the weather----just wait five minutes, things’ll change, that was his motto…
“I used to work in an abortion clinic.  It was my first job as a nurse.”
“Babe, I didn’t know that…”
“Yeah.  Nursing jobs were tight when I first graduated, and hospitals were actually laying off nurses, if you can imagine that.  So, a friend of mine who ran the local birth control clinic in my hometown, she got me this job with one of the larger clinics in the city.  It was the clinic, the one for abortions.  I didn’t know how my parents were going to react to that, being Catholic and all.  But, they were surprisingly supportive.  I’d come home and tell them stories all the time, about the things I’d see, have to do, the kinds of patients we had, their stories.  It was a pretty amazing time.  Very hard, emotionally.  Anyway, I think it was when I was talking about a patient we’d had who was kind of old for our usual clientele, she was in her mid-30s…I told my parents about it, and that’s when I found out…” She trailed off, lost in thought.
“She was really broken up, had thought she couldn’t get pregnant again because it had been so long since her last child.  Her doctor had told her it wasn’t safe for her to carry this pregnancy, the risks to her were too great, and she might die, so she and her husband decided to have an abortion.  She was so sad, but also so grateful to us, and relieved when it was all over.  She talked about how glad she was that she was able to do this and that it wasn’t illegal.
“Her story really struck a chord in me, I couldn’t stop thinking about her.  The next time I visited my parents I told them about her, and how much her story affected me.  And that’s when they told me…
“I was supposed to be aborted, too.”
Holy shit, he thought.  This explained so much.  Explained everything.  Why he didn’t know any other Ricks who had one of her of their own, why he’d had such a hard time tracking her down in other dimensions…
She didn’t really exist anywhere else like this, as a functioning, self-sufficient adult woman.  The few times he’d been able to trace her, she was severely mentally and/or physically handicapped and living in institutions, or had already died, sometimes not even surviving her infancy or childhood because of congenital abnormalities.  A few times, her mother had died during the pregnancy or both of them, during the delivery.  It just depended on whether or not the dimension had advanced medical care or not, or maybe there were a lot of dimensions where her parents had decided to have the abortion.
So, now he knew…  Why she was the only one.
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick and Harley: Chapter 4
This is a continuation of the backstory of Rick and Harley, in their years together before Rick’s Texas Chick.  The original is posted on AO3 at:
Harley’s room was sparsely furnished.  A huge bed with a wrought iron frame took up most of the space, two small bedside tables with lamps stood on either side.
”We’re gonna...probably need some — some kind of lube...”  Rick started, hesitantly. Harley was taking off his shirt, then stopped.  “Shit, you’re right.  I was just so horny, I didn’t think of that...I don’t know if I have...”  He went to one of the bedside tables and opened the drawer, rummaging the contents around.  “Shit.  Check the other one.” Rick went and opened the drawer of the other table and came up with one small tube of lubricant which was mostly empty. “Fuck.” Harley put his shirt back on and tucked himself back in his jeans, zipping and buttoning them.  Rick’s hopes flagged, but he misinterpreted Harley’s actions. ”W-W-Wait — hang on just one second.  Five — ten minutes, tops.  I’ll be right back...”  He left the room.   Rick heard the sizzling whirl of the portal, indicating that Harley had left.  Presumably to go get some lube.  Rick was still standing in the middle of the room with his pants open, his dick growing soft.  He looked down at it. ”Well, fuck...”  He stripped out of his remaining clothes and went in the adjoining bathroom to take a leak.  He looked at the bathtub enclosed by a plain, white shower curtain.  Might as well.  Diane always made him shower before they had sex, even after all their years together.  It still always killed the mood a little bit for him.  Like he was unclean.  But this time it made sense. He cleaned himself thoroughly, then ran his soapy hands up and down his shaft, bringing his erection back, harder than ever.  He was standing in the hot water, stroking himself when Harley stepped in from around the curtain. ”Man, you’re not gettin’ yourself off without me, are you?”  Harley moved closer to Rick and the two men kissed.  This time their kiss was immediate and aggressive, no more awkwardness or tentative exploration of the situation.  They were the same height, so no bending over, straining his neck or back, like with Diane.... Rick realized he had to stop comparing everything to his wife.  He reached down with a soapy hand and stroked and fondled Harley’s partially erect cock, bringing it standing to attention with full force.  Harley groaned into his mouth, enjoying the slippery feel of Rick’s hand sliding up and down, gripping with just the right amount of firmness.  Their cocks bumped against each other and Rick held them together, stroking them with perfect pressure and speed, rubbing his thumb across the heads.  The effect was incredible and both men were groaning and gasping into each other’s mouths. Harley pulled away, and said shakily, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum all over you if you keep this up.  What, uh...what do you want, man?” ”Just...wait...”  Rick soaped up his hands then reached around and slid one soapy hand between Harley’s cheeks, stroking his ass.  He kissed Harley, sliding his tongue
in his mouth while he applied pressure with his fingertips, circling and stroking across the puckered entrance, making Harley groan against his lips.  He carefully pushed one finger in and stroked in and out.  Harley shuddered, his legs buckling.  He gripped Rick’s arms, squeezing tight. “Fuck...fuck me...Oh my God...” ”Now we can go.  Your water’s fucking freezing, man...” Indeed, they’d been messing around in the shower for so long that they’d nearly run through all the hot water.  Harley ducked under the shower head to rinse off the remaining soap. ”Aww, this is nothing, there’s still some hot water left.  The cold water’s about 66 degrees year ‘round.  The well’s 350 feet underground.” ”Well let’s get the fuck out, I don’t need to feel it to believe it.” Harley laughed and turned off the water.  They stepped out of the tub and shared his one bath towel. ”You’re gonna need — gonna have to get more towels, dude, if...” Rick paused, looking at Harley questioningly. ”Yeah, don’t worry.  I will...”  Harley leaned in and kissed him on the lips.  “Come on.  I don't want to have gone all the way to The Citadel for nothing...I hate going to that place...” Out on the bed was a black plastic bag.  Harley dumped out the contents: two large tubes of lube.  No condoms. ”I’m clean, if that’s what you're wondering.  But there’s a clinic on The Citadel, it’s located right across the street from the sex shop where I got the lube.  They can cure every kind of social disease.  Even ones you’ve never heard of, from other dimensions.  And,” he laughed, “I doubt you’ll get me pregnant.  So, you know...” ”Bottom’s up, huh?”  Rick grinned at him.  “Come on, I get the feeling you wanna catch the first pitch, right?” They lay down on the bed together.  Harley lay on his back and Rick hovered over him, kissing him while he reached down to stroke and caress Harley’s thick cock.  He sat back and popped open the cap on the lube and squirted out a generous amount. The few times he and Diane had tried anal intercourse he’d had to lube the crap out of her, no pun intended, and take his time stretching her open.  He loved it, of course, but she could never really get into it. He took his time, stroking and caressing Harley’s puckered entrance while they continued to kiss.  Then he carefully inserted one finger, pushing past the tight ring of muscle.  Harley tensed up, muttering something between a groan and a curse. ”Just breathe, man...”  Rick continued stroking in and out. ”Christ, I am…  Oh, fuck, this feels...”  Harley reached down and began to stroke his own cock. Rick curved his finger, stroking it across Harley’s prostate.  Harley arched off the bed and he cried out with pleasure.
”OH, JESUS, FUCK!  What is that?”   Rick laughed.  “That’s your prostate, you idiot.  Didn’t you take high school biology?” “I dropped...dropped out...School’s a waste...Oh FUCK!” Rick had applied more lube and inserted a second finger, gently stretching out the ringed muscle.  Harley’s eyes were closed and he was taking deep, shaking breaths while still stroking himself.  Precum was dripping out of his cock and down his hand.
Rick inserted a third finger and slowly stroked in and out, pushing in all the way to his knuckles, then curling them and dragging across his prostate on the way back.  As he pulled out, he scissored his fingers, stretching Harley as much as possible. Rick had been stroking himself with his other hand.  His dick was beet red and rock hard and dripping with precum.  Harley’s was curved up to his stomach, a pool of precum beneath it.  Harley was groaning with pleasure. “You — you ready?  I’m not gonna be able wait much longer here, before I —“ ”Fuck yeah.  Do it.” Rick lubed himself up and then scooted himself between Harley’s legs.  “Take a deep breath...”. He waited for Harley to breathe in and relax himself, then he slowly pushed in.  He paused, looking up at Harley, who was breathing deep and gripping the sheets, his eyes closed.  Then Rick pushed past that ring of muscle, groaning with how good it felt. ”Christ, you’re tight.  Oh, fuck...”. He rose up on his knees, grasping Harley’s hips and pulling his legs on either side of him.  He held onto his hips while he slowly stroked in and out, gradually going deeper each time.  He was fighting the urge to just pound into the man beneath him. ”Ohmygod, oh fuck!  Oh, yeah.  Fuck me, man.  Jesus...” ”You’re so tight...God, you feel incredible...”   Both men were panting and gasping with pleasure, interspersed with deep groans. Rick picked up his speed until he was going at a brisk rhythm.  Harley’s back was arched off the bed, and he reached up with both hands and grabbed the wrought iron headboard to keep from being slammed into it, his muscles tensing with the effort.  The headboard was banging against the wall behind him.   Rick was firmly gripping him around his hips, pulling him in with each thrust.  He tilted his pelvis and changed his angle, searching for —- “AAAAAHHH.  FUCK!”  Harley went as rigid as a plank as Rick stroked across his prostate, over and over.  “I’m gonna fucking cum — oh, shit, FUCK!” ”Cum for me, man.  Let me see that big cock blow it’s load...” “Oh, CHRIST, fucking Jesus!  FUCK... FUCK!!!”  Harley’s body shuddered as his cock spewed thick, hot stripes of cum up to his chest, and he tightened spasmodically around Rick’s own thrusting cock. ”Yeah, man, fuck, fuckin’ FUCK!”  Rick gave one last thrust into Harley, driving as deep as he could, gripping him by the hips to hold him place.  His body trembled and shook as his orgasm ripped through him like a shock wave.  His cock throbbed and emptied deep inside Harley.  He stroked in and out a few more times before pulling out and collapsing onto the bed on his side, facing him.  Harley’s eyes were closed and he smiled, open mouthed, as he continued to drag in air. Rick reached out and tentatively placed one hand, palm side down, on Harley’s sweaty chest, still heaving with his labored breathing and smeared with his cum.  Harley laid his hand over it and gripped it tight, his eyes still closed, still smiling. ”That was...fucking incredible...I’ve never...cum so hard...in my life...” ”Me neither, man...”  Rick was breathing heavily and sweating. ”Mind if I just sleep, for a bit...Then we can...switch...”  Harley’s voice was thick and drowsy.  He felt completely wiped out. In response, Rick sat up and reached down to where the covers had gotten shoved to the bottom of the bed.  He pulled them up, covering them both, then turned and scooted up against Harley. ”Man, your house is fucking cold...” Harley rolled onto to his side and Rick spooned up behind him and wrapped one arm over his chest.  Doing it as much for warmth as he was for cuddling.  Harley took his hand and laced his fingers through Rick’s, then gave him a gentle squeeze. He mumbled into the pillow.  “The water’s cold, the house is cold...Bitch, bitch, bitch...  I just need to...go light a fire...  I’ll do it...in a minute...” His deep breathing indicated that that wasn’t going to be happening anytime soon, so Rick just snuggled up tighter and was soon asleep, himself. tbc
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick and Harley: Chapter 1
This series charts the history of Rick and Harley, when and how they first met, and covers their years together before Rick’s Texas Chick.
Things had been bad for awhile, but everything really started to go downhill when he developed teleportation.  Diane had already been complaining that he was spending too much time in the garage, working on his ‘stupid sci-fi shit’, as she called it.  This had become a major cause for arguments in their marriage.  She didn’t understand — she never had.
It was a compulsion, working on these projects.  He couldn’t fight the urge to design, build, create.  The ideas formed in his head at all times of the day and night.  If he woke up with an idea in the middle of the night, he’d fling back the covers and get up, throw on his clothes and lab coat and immediately go down to the garage to work on it, while it was still fresh in his mind.  He didn’t know if he woke her up or not, didn’t really seem to care.   If he was driving the car he’d immediately pull over and demand that Diane give him a pen and something to write on—he didn’t care if it was the receipt from the grocery store they’d just left.  He’d scribble out formulas, chemical equations, draw weird designs that she didn’t recognize.  All the while muttering to himself while Diane sat next to him in stony silence and Beth fussed and cried from her carseat in the back. They didn’t understand.  His family.  His ball and chain and tiny anchor.  He loved them dearly, but they were really dragging him down. And then there was the other thing.  Their sex life.  Rick had always had a strong libido.  He could go all day and night and then some.  At first Diane was just as horny as he was and they had amazing sex.  Then along came Beth, and things seemed to fizzle.  She appeared to lose interest, for one thing.  Even before Beth was born — of course, being heavily pregnant put sex on the back burner.  But, this started way before she was in the third trimester.  And then after Beth was born, well, it pretty much went out the window.  Even now, when Beth wasn’t quite three years old, things still hadn’t gotten back to the way they were.  And it looked like they never would... He was not the most talkative man.  It wasn’t in his nature to say the words — he expressed himself physically.  Touching, caressing, making love.  Cuddling together afterwards in bed, holding her in his arms all night long and never wanting to let her go.  Hard to do when your wife keeps getting up to take care of a crying infant every few hours, then irritably pushes your seeking arms away when she returns to bed... Now she’d taken to sleeping with Beth.  They’d recently switched Beth from her crib to her first ‘big girl bed.”  A twin bed that Diane had decked out with a frilly lace comforter and pink princess-themed sheets.  Of course, Beth had been afraid of it from the very beginning, refusing to be left alone in it.  When Rick would sit beside her, he’d read her stories from one of her many Dr. Seuss books, gently stroking her long golden hair until she fell asleep. He loved those moments with his little daughter.  She was so beautiful, his little princess, his little love...  He told her this over and over while softly running his fingers through her hair, lightly dragging his fingertips across her scalp, until her breathing slowed to small sighs and then she fell asleep, the lips of her small, red Cupid’s mouth slightly parted. Then he’d rejoin Diane on the couch in the living room.  He’d reach for Diane’s hand or start to put his arm around her, like he always used to do, but she would shift away from him, drop his hand. A silent rebuke for something he’d done, but had no idea what. When Diane sat with Beth at bedtime she ended up falling asleep next to her, and almost always stayed there for the night.  So, no more night-time cuddling, no more middle of the night lovemaking — the kind that makes up for any spats or harsh words which had occurred earlier in the day.  The kind of physical attention and communication which busy couples use to strengthen and support their marriage.  Rick knew he could be difficult, abrupt, critical.  So often the words would come tumbling out of his mouth of their own volition, but the damage was already done. Slowly, the divide between them grew wider, the chasm seemingly too wide to cross, repair. When they did have sex, it wasn’t as satisfying for him.  She wasn’t as responsive to him, but something else was missing, and he didn’t know what.  So, he’d taken to giving himself very unsatisfying hand-jobs in the shower, and spent more and more time by himself in the garage, working on teleportation. He felt so driven to succeed in this particular project.  Other projects and ideas, if it was taking too long to find a solution, he’d just scrap it and move on.  But not this one — it was a compulsion for him, he had to find a way to make it work.  He just had to!  He knew he was close... Then one Saturday, when Diane had taken Beth to go visit her parents for yet another long weekend, he was working with the latest model of his teleportation gun, tossing apples through the small, portal windows swirling on the wall.  The portals were dark grey in color.  The apples always came back burned—but with each trial, each adjustment to the phase transmitter, the windows became a lighter grey and the apples returned less and less burned.
He was close — he could feel it!  He was bent over the teleportation gun, making adjustments to the energy level of the transducer beam.  He was screwing the panel back on when from across the garage a strange fizzling sound caused him to lift up his head and turn and look.
A large swirling green mass appeared against the far wall in the garage, with a faint smell of ozone.  A man walked through and the green mass behind him disappeared.  He wore black biker boots, faded and torn jeans, a blue t-shirt and a worn black leather jacket.  He held an odd looking, light grey plastic gun of some kind in his hand.  Rick was so busy studying how he was dressed and what he was holding that he hadn’t looked at the man in the face. He was...himself!  The man’s hairstyle was different, but in all other ways, apart from the clothes, Rick could have been looking in a mirror.  Rick’s mouth dropped open in shock. ”Easy, man.  I’m here to help you with the next phase in your project there.”  He nodded down to the teleportation gun Rick still held in his hands.  “Name’s Rick, by the way.  ‘Course, you probably knew that already...” Rick didn’t know that.  He closed his mouth and watched silently as the man, Rick, walked across the garage to stand on the other side of his work bench.  They faced each other, silently.  Maybe it was because of the novelty of looking at someone almost exactly like yourself, and Rick knew he was a handsome man, no doubt... But he also felt an instant physical attraction to this man and was embarrassed when he realized his dick was getting hard.  He shifted the gun in his hands to cover himself. The other Rick seemed to know exactly what was happening to him and suppressed a smirk, but the look on his face remained polite, not mocking. “First time to meet another Rick, right?  Wait ‘til you check out The Citadel...”  He chuckled, setting the odd-looking gun down on the work bench.  “Say, man, ya got any booze around here?  Beer’d be alright, but whiskey’s even better.  Basically anything alcoholic will do...” He walked over to where some folded lawn chairs were stacked against a wall and took one, carried it back and opened it.  He sat down with his legs open in a casual man-spread.  He set his arms on the plastic armrests and leaned back, waiting. Rick wordlessly set his gun down and went into the house to get beer and whiskey.  He came out with an ice cold six pack still in its plastic rings, the whiskey bottle, and two glasses.  He poured two large measures and the other Rick leaned forward and picked his glass up, lifting it towards Rick in a toast. ”To success.  To your success...”  He took a deep drink. Rick drained his and immediately refilled his glass.  The two men sat across from each other, the silence now less strained. “So, wh-wh-where do you come from?  And-And-And what is that?”  Rick pointed to the portal gun lying on the workbench, embarrassed that his stutter had become so pronounced. The other Rick pulled a small clear container out of an inside jacket pocket.  It contained a small, neon green rock.  It glowed, pulsing with an energy emanating from within its core, and floated inside the container. He began to explain the intricacies of his portal gun, interdimensional travel, and the green rock that was the power source.  Together the two men began working on Rick’s teleportation gun, making the necessary modifications to convert it into a portal gun capable of interdimensional travel. They worked into the night, and the night air grew chilly, even though Rick had closed the garage door early on against the prying eyes of his nosey neighbors — some of whom would have been more than happy to tell Diane about Rick’s visitor and activities during her absence. They chatted easily while they worked, talking about their lives.  They were the same age — no surprise — but the other Rick told him that Ricks were all different ages, all different timelines, storylines.  They were all alike, and yet all unique in their own way.  He said he had a passion for motorcycles and racing — his nickname was Harley.  And Rick had to admit he looked the part. Finally, it looked as if they’d done everything necessary to upgrade Rick’s gun to a fully functioning portal gun.  All they had left to do was try it.  There was enough whiskey for two more drinks, and they’d finished off the beer.  Rick didn’t want Harley to leave — he still had so many questions! And he wanted to get to know him better.  Much better.  Their hands had touched on more than one occasion while working on his portal gun, and each time it was as if Rick was hit with an electric shock.  It shot straight down to his crotch and he’d had an erection for the past two hours.  He found himself deliberately grazing the other man’s fingers and hands while working, and he could have sworn that Harley was doing the same thing. He’d never been in this situation before — had never had the remotest interest in men.  And now he was sporting a hard-on for someone who looked just like himself.  He felt excited and...confused.  He decided to set the confusion aside for later contemplation. ”Man, it’s gettin’ late.  You got anything to eat?  We probably should wait until tomorrow before trying this.  There’s a place — another planet I was gonna take you as your first trip, but this isn’t a good time to go there.” They stood up and went inside the house.  Rick dug around in the liquor cabinet and came up with a nearly full bottle of twelve-year old scotch rye that his father-in-law liked to drink whenever he came over—which, thankfully, hadn’t been very often lately.  Probably because Diane had been complaining to her parents about their failing marriage... He shoved those thoughts aside.  Way off to the side.  He didn’t want to think about her tonight.  Or Beth... Rick ordered a pizza and the two men went into the den and sat on the couch.  Not in opposite corners.  They sipped their whiskeys and sat in a silence that was semi-uncomfortable.  Like that point on a first date just before it becomes physical.  Rick found himself glancing at Harley out of the corners of his eyes, then quickly shifting his eyes away when the man looked back at him.  He gulped his whiskey and shifted uncomfortably.  His cock throbbed and ached with the need for release and strained against his pants.  His heart was pounding and he realized that he was breathing faster. They each quickly finished off their remaining whiskey.  Rick leaned over to pour scotch into their glasses, then set the bottle down.  He was sitting back up when the man suddenly leaned forward and grabbed his wrist lightly, stopping him.  Rick turned to him in mild surprise and was real surprised when Harley leaned in and kissed him, full on the mouth. The world stopped.  Time stopped.  The kiss quickly deepened and they reached for each other’s face, moving closer together on the couch.  They explored each other’s mouths with their tongues, sucked and nipped on their lips.  Rick broke away first, sucking in a ragged breath that turned into a moan as the other man kissed and nipped his way down his throat before returning to his mouth.
His kiss was aggressive, passionate.  The bristled whiskers on his unshaven skin rubbed Rick’s neck and face raw and sent tingles down his spine.  He knew Diane liked the way it felt when he hadn’t shaved for a day or two, but he had no idea that this was the effect it had! Finally, Harley pulled away, his breathing uneven.  He looked at Rick with a grin.  Rick’s eyes were closed, his mouth partially open.  He opened his eyes and looked at Harley. ”I did that ‘cause I knew you wanted to, but were too chicken shit.” ”You’re right, I was.  Now shut the fuck up and kiss me again.”
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick’s Texas Chick: Chapter 9
Originally posted on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15183545/chapters/35261438#workskin
Once again, he stayed away from her.  If he was at home across the street, then he was keeping the garage door shut because she never saw him, had no idea if he was there or not.
After all she’d confessed to him, divulging almost all the details of her painful past.  The courage---and, yes, alcohol, it taken for her to do that with him, to trust in him…  Lying half naked underneath him on the couch.  She knew he would have screwed her brains out if she'd have given him the merest hint of a signal.  She just wasn't ready, something was holding her back.  
After that, at nights she'd lie in bed trying to sleep, but couldn't chase away the events of that evening.  The way he massaged her--his touch.  It made her wet just thinking about it.  She'd touch and stroke herself, wishing it was him instead.
Then, afterwards, the way he’d kissed her and held her, promising…promising…
Well, it was true he hadn’t actually promised that he wouldn’t leave, or that he wouldn’t ever hurt her.  So, in the end, apparently, he’d just dumped her and moved on.  Like he’d had second thoughts and just shut her out of his life without a backward look.
It was worse than the betrayal of a husband.  It was the rejection of a friend, a potential lover.  Her mind could only focus on this one thought, until it finally broke her.  She found herself collapsing to her knees in the shower one morning and buried her face in her hands.  Her gut-wrenching sobs echoed off the tile walls as the water rained down onto her back.  She cried out to Rick, asking where had he gone, why had he dumped her.  Why?  She wanted a response of some kind, to be reassured that he would come back and hold her in her arms.  But there was only emptiness, and the splashing of the water.
It was like a cruel parody of the Zen question about a tree falling in the forest.  She laid there and cried until the hot water ran out, then gasped in hiccups when it was replaced by the chilly tap water.
In the days that followed, she kept to herself as she tried to make sense of it all.  She called Beth, asking her to tell Summer and Morty that she was sick with a bad flu, and to stay away.
In reality, she just couldn’t bring herself to face any of them, allow them to see her naked pain over Rick’s apparent rejection.  So, she kept to herself, with only her cats for company.
She spent her nights in her bedroom, sobbing in pain and sadness.  She began drinking heavily again, to dull her senses, just so she could sleep.  She existed on autopilot.  Trudging along, working her shifts then coming home immediately afterwards and drinking herself to oblivion.
She called in on the days that she was too hung over to work.  On her days off, she rarely left her house.  She stayed in bed, staring sightlessly at the ceiling, drifting in and out of consciuosness.  Her cats stayed close to her on the bed, curled up around her like guardians, as if to protect her with the warmth of their bodies and comfort of their presence.
The days went by, became one week, then two.  She could feel the familiar dark currents of depression closing in on her and threatening to pull her under, like a riptide.  On more than one occasion she sincerely considered suicide, but was too considerate, or ashamed, to do so---not wanting strangers to have to come in and pick up the pieces, clean up the mess she’d made of her life.
Her boss pulled her aside at work, asked if everything was ok.  She tried to reassure him with a smile, saying that she was just getting over a flu.  Nothing to worry about.  The look on his face said he didn’t believe her.  He urged her to take better care of herself.  That he was “concerned about her.”
That sent off warning bells in her head---it was what her boss in Texas had told her, just before everything had imploded around her.
So, she attempted to pull herself out of it.  She tried to focus on the landscaping project in her backyard—if only to go outside and stare at the dying, neglected plants and sigh with defeat before heading back in.  She cut her drinking down.  Encouraged Morty and Summer to resume their unannounced visits.  Even cooked for them a few times.  Simple things that she could throw together without thinking and that she knew they’d like.
Eventually, things began to feel better, the world less dark and hopeless.
Yet still, she never once saw Rick.  She never asked where he was.  She was afraid even this innocent question would betray the hurt she felt inside.
Beth couldn’t deny that she was concerned about her neighbor.  She worried that whatever was wrong was related to her dad’s recent disappearance.  Another mysterious trip, and as usual:  no word of warning when he left, and no expectation of any announcement of his impending arrival when he’d return.  She had to admit that it had taken her some time to get used to, herself.  She suspected this had had a lot to do with her neighbor’s sudden ‘flu’ and abrupt withdrawal from life.
It was about 3 weeks later, when one afternoon she arrived home from work and raised the overhead garage door to find him back at his usual spot at his workbench.  She decided to confront him about it.
“Hey, sweetie!” He smiled up at her from the workbench before catching the expression on her face.  What the hell was she pissed off about?
“Dad, I cannot believe you.  I told you--I told you to be careful with her.”
“Who?  Wh-what the fuck are you-urp talking about?!”  Anybody else might have jumped up in anger at the unwarranted attack.  Instead, he took a long drink from his flask, waiting for her to continue.
“Her,” she answered, exasperated, like he should already know.  She pointed across the street, emphasizing each word with a thrust of her finger.
“She has been holed up in that house since you left.  She wouldn’t even let Summer or Morty come over.  We rarely saw her leave.”
He stared past her across the street to the empty driveway.
“W-well.  She’s gone now.”  He still didn’t quite understand.
“Of course she’s ‘gone now.’  She’s at work.  I think she almost lost her job from calling in.  What did you do to her?”
“Nothing!  I didn’t do-“ he stopped, realizing.  He had left without telling her where he was going.  Or that he was going at all.  Or when he’d be back.  He never told anyone his plans.  It just wasn’t who he was.  He sighed.
“I’ll m-make it right, sweetie.  I promise.”
Beth stood there looking at him uncertainly, not sure if she should believe him.
“See that you do.  I’m going in to make dinner.”  She stomped into the house with self-righteous anger.
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick’s Texas Chick: Chapter 26
Originally posted on AO3 at:
The fire was burning steadily, warming up the room, crackling and popping quietly to itself.  The soft purple and red hues of twilight coated the walls of the den, a counterpoint to the flickering flames and warm glow emanating from the fireplace.
She was lying back against the couch, completely and willingly under assault from the two men.  Rick had her head turned towards him and was kissing her slowly, nibbling her lips, his tongue taking delicious turns in her mouth.  Harley was nuzzling the exposed side of her neck, planting kisses up and down her jaw and suckling her ear lobe, blowing softly in her ear.
One man’s hand was gently kneading her breasts over her shirt while the other’s was teasing its way up and down her inner thighs, ghosting across the panties over her crotch.  Back and forth, up and down their hands went.  Neither man interfering with the other, yet working in perfect harmony together.
She reached her hand up to the back of Rick’s head and raked her fingers into his hair, tugging his scalp.  She stretched her other hand down into Harley’s lap, searching for his hand and entwined her fingers with his, gripping him tight.  Sighing, she shifted her hips slightly.  Hands on either side of her simultaneously grasped her thighs then gently spread them further apart.  One hand lifted her foot up to the couch, the arm laid across her leg to hold it open, while the hand resumed its activities on her pussy.  Her shirt was lifted up and a hand traced up to her breasts, kneading them and massaging them more deeply.
With her head turned toward Rick and her eyes closed, she couldn’t see what they were doing, could only go by feel and sound.  It felt dangerous and exciting.  She was trembling and shaking, and her moans left no doubt to both men the effect they were having on her.  She felt fingers pinch one of her nipples, rolling it between fingers and thumb while the large hand engulfed her breast in a warm caress.  The hand cupping her pussy pressed its thumb into her clit, circling it slowly while a long finger gently pushed against her wet panties, pushing in between her lips as far as the material would allow, then slowly stroked up and down.
Involuntarily, she bumped her hips and shuddered, her back briefly arching into the hand holding her breast.  She moaned into Rick’s mouth and his lips captured the sound, while she squeezed Harley’s free hand and he squeezed her back.
”Mmm...Harder!  Faster...!”  She moaned, grinding herself into the hand between her legs while thrusting her breast into the warm hand caressing it.
Rick whispered in her ear, ”Mmm...cum for us, baby...cum on my hand...”  She moaned in response.
The pressure and pinching and rubbing and circling continued relentlessly, now moving faster and faster.  She groaned and squeezed her eyes shut, seeing stars and feeling tears prick behind her eyelids.  She was so close to cumming, she whined into Rick’s mouth.  She felt warm lips encircle a nipple, sucking and nipping.  Fingers pulled aside her panties, allowing free access to her warm folds. One, two fingers pushed inside, stroking, pressing.  Her hips bucked violently into the hand at her pussy and her chest pushed against the mouth at her breast.  Abruptly she pulled her lips from Rick’s and threw her head back, crying out in a long wail as the orgasm washed over her, pumping her hips into the hand that stroked her through her release.  Her body was shaking and she felt fresh wetness gush out.
Rick turned her to him and kissed her deeply, then whispered into her mouth, “That’s it, sweet baby...our baby doll...”
Harley lips we’re soft and warm as he murmured words of praise and encouragement into her ear.  “Good girl, that’s our sweet girl...”
She collapsed back between them with her eyes closed for a few moments, her heart hammering.  She felt Rick’s lips against her forehead as Harley kissed the inside of her wrist.  She started to sit up.  They pulled back and took their hands away, releasing her.
She opened her eyes.  “I...need to...to catch my breath...”  She giggled, embarrassed.  “This is...”  She didn’t know what to say.  This is my first time to have sex with two men together, so I need to go slow... ?  What do porn stars say?  Nothing, that’s why they're porn stars.   She laughed again, looked at both of them.  “Whew!”  
“You need something to — you want some water, honey?”
“Please, thank you.”  She smiled at Harley and rubbed her neck slightly, easing out the crick from keeping it turned in one direction so long.
Rick kissed her then stood up, “I could do with a refill, myself.”  They collected the empty glasses and went to the kitchen.
Still feeling shaky, she went and poked the fire, separating the burning logs before placing a fresh one on top.  Sparks went up the chimney in a tiny tornado as the wood settled.
Their deep voices in the kitchen erupted into low laughter and she immediately felt self-conscious.  Were they laughing at her?  Making fun of her?  Because she needed a break?  Pigs.  She sat back down on the couch, folding her arms across her chest, feeling ashamed and disgruntled.
Still grinning, they returned to the room and she refused to look at them.  Her stiff posture on the couch said everything and nothing.  Despite the fire, the temperature in the room seemed to have dropped twenty degrees.  They exchanged glances.  WTF?
“E-E-Everything ok, babe?”  Rick sat down next to her.  He handed her a fresh whiskey.  She took it and drank a big gulp.
”I’m fine...”  She drank another sip.
Oh, shit...
Harley sat down on her other side.  He set a glass of water down in front of her.
”Y-Y-You, uh...you upset about somethin’, doll?”
“Look, I know I’m not very experienced, but y’all don’t have to laugh at me...just because I needed a break...”
”Wh-What makes you think we were laughing at you, baby?”
”We were laughing at ourselves, honey.  We’re old men.  You were wearin’ us out...”
She eyed the two of them, not quite believing them.  And, if she was wearing them out, then did that mean she was taking too long...?
Rick watched her, knew exactly what she was thinking.  ”Don’t take it all so serious, sweetie.  We’re just here to have fun together.”  He reached out and massaged her neck.  He saw how she’d been rubbing it.  “Tell you what.  L-L-Lie back against Harley there and he’ll give you a neck rub, while I give you a foot rub.”
Harley gently pulled her back against him.  Rick lifted her legs up onto the couch.  Both men settled comfortably into opposite corners of the couch with her lying between them.  Rick eased her feet up into his lap, began to rub a foot slowly.  His large, warm hands engulfed her foot, his thumbs slowly pressed across the sole the way he knew she liked.  She settled back against Harley’s chest.  He began to slowly rub her arms, gradually working up to her neck. His touch was soft and gentle, his fingers finding the knots and rubbing them, but not painfully so.  He kissed the side of her neck, blowing softly and she shivered.
”I’m sorry...” she mumbled, she closed her eyes.  She felt a soft kiss on the top of her foot and arms close around her chest in reply, then the caressing resumed.
”Remember what I t-t-told you, baby...”
She sighed, relaxing between the two men, and warm feelings began coursing through her again.  Harley lifted her arms over her head and she reached up to run her hands into his hair.  He began to massage and tweak her nipples.  Rick spread her legs and reached to palm her cunt through her wet panties.  She reached down and ran her fingers through his unruly hair.  Soon her attention was divided and she didn’t know who to look at, focus on.
She felt Harley shift slightly underneath her, then he snaked one hand between them as he adjusted himself, opening the button of his jeans.  She opened her eyes and sat up and turned to look up at him.
”Seems like someone else needs some attention...”  Unconsciously, the tip of her tongue flicked out and darted across her lips.
”Not, not yet, doll,” he smiled down at her.  “Our turn will come.”
She stayed half-upright on the couch, her feet pulled away from Rick.
“What’s the matter, babe?”
”Well, I don’t know who to look at, what to do...”
He sighed, exasperated.  ”Woman, you’d fuck up a — make a wet dream complicated, you know that?”  He stood up.
“I-I’m sorry, don’t go...”
”Oh, I’m not going anywhere, babe...j-just gonna get something...”. He reached down and caressed her face, then left the room.
”Relax, honey...this isn’t about us, this is for you...”  Harley leaned into her back, wrapping his arms around her, cupping her breasts and nuzzling her neck.  His warm lips set her nerve endings alight.
Rick returned to the room carrying a red bandanna which he’d rolled up, and an unlabeled tube of something.  He approached her, holding up the bandanna.
She shrunk away from him, her hands coming up in front her, as if for protection.
”What...what are you going to do with those?”  Her voice had grown small.  She looked almost terrified.  Rick stopped, understanding some more of what had been done to her.
”Babe, do you trust me, trust us?”
”I...yes...” she didn’t sound very convincing.
He looked down at her, half an eyebrow cocked upwards.
”Yes, Daddy, I trust you.”
He nodded.  “You’ll enjoy this more if you stop trying to think.  Stop worrying about pleasing — trying to make us happy.”  He leaned over her and kissed her, then straightened back up.
“Sit up.”  There was a slightly commanding tone to his voice.  She automatically complied and he reached forward and tied the bandanna snuggly around her eyes, checking that it wasn’t too tight.
“Is that ok, baby?”  His hand caressed her cheek.
”Yes, Daddy...” Her breathing quickened, she was getting excited...
“Stand up, doll.”  She felt Harley hold her hips as he stood up with her.  Rick’s hands engulfed hers to hold her steady.  Large hands pulled her shirt over her head, careful not to dislodge the bandanna.  She felt two hard bodies press on either side of hers, could feel their erections through their clothes.  Warm fingers glided down her body, caressing, stroking, and sending shivers through her spine.  Lips kissed her mouth, the side of her neck, her breasts.  One nipple was drawn into a warm, soft mouth, suckling gently.  When it lifted away she felt her nipple contract in the sudden exposure to the cool air.  Long fingers pressed into the soaked crotch of her panties and she shifted her legs, opening them slightly.  She felt fresh dampness between her legs.
”Get rid of — take these off,” Rick’s voice had become low and husky.  Before she could comply, fingers tugged the waistband of her panties down and she stepped out of them, reaching out and grasping someone’s muscular arm for balance.  Hands steadied her again, then left her.
Sounds from the couch indicated that someone had sat down.
She felt both pairs of hands push and pull her down then she was positioned across someone’s lap.  She draped an arm around his shoulder and leaned into him, could feel his erection against her hip.  She giggled slightly.  
“Ssshhhh, baby doll...”  The breath was warm on her neck and she trembled.  She held her turned downwards as she tried focus on all the sensations.  Warm fingers gently took her chin and turned her towards the voice — Harley’s — and his warm lips pressed against hers.  She sighed into his mouth and gave herself in to the kiss.  It was lingering, long.  No pressure, no need to look at someone for direction, or watch their faces, worrying about what they were thinking — like was she going too slow, taking too long...responding too much to one man over the other...  All her other senses were heightened, every touch, sound was amplified.  She realized that she liked the blindfold...this way.
A pair of hands — Rick’s— grasped her knees and he gently spread her legs open.  She felt his fingers part her folds...one thumb gently swiped her wet entrance, then slowly, oh so slowly, all the way up to her clit, fingertips trailing behind it. She gasped and her hips bucked slightly.  The thumb and hand left her and she could hear Rick licking it clean.
”Hmmmm, baby, you taste so fucking good,” his voice was a husky whisper.  “You want me to lick — eat that cunt?”  He leaned forward, placing his hands on her thighs for balance, then kissed her belly, laving his tongue on her skin.  His fingers caressed her thighs, the thumbs ghosting over her lips, teasing.
”Yes, Daddy...” she whispered, she turned her face down towards his voice.  She spread her legs wider.
Harley turned her mouth back towards him and began kissing her again, this time more forcefully, his tongue pushing in.  Harley’s hands were on her breasts, massaging them, pinching her nipples.  She felt Rick’s mouth on her, his lips closed around her clit and he began to suck, flicking his tongue across in teasing points of pressure.  She moaned into Harley’s mouth and he kissed her deeply, one hand reached down and caressed her belly, then slowly glided back up to her breast.
The sounds of both men’s actions were wet, sloppy, obscene, and she loved it.  They both crooned, praising her, encouraging her.  Rick blew softly on her pussy, then parted her folds and slowly pushed one long finger inside.  He hooked it down, stroking her G spot, then began sucking on her clit again, flicking his tongue across.  He added another finger, then a third.
“Ri-i-i-ick!  God, oh god!”  She bumped her hips, grinding down into his face.
”Hmmmm...are you close, baby?  You gonna cum on my face?”  He continued stroking inside her, blew on her cunt.
“Mmmm, yesssss, Daddy....God, oh God, somebody, please just...”
Harley chuckled and took her mouth in his, catching her cries and moans.  His lips trailed down her jaw, then he nuzzled her neck, sucking and biting.  He reached down further, biting and sucking all the way, then took a nipple in his mouth and suckled hard, biting the tip.  She cried out, grasping his arms and squeezing his biceps, her nails digging in.
Rick bit and sucked hard on each of her inner thighs, working up to her pussy, leaving a trail of red marks.  Then his mouth resumed its actions on her clit, his fingers slowly gliding in and out of her cunt, dragging across her sensitive g spot, teasing her, keeping her just on the edge.  He hummed and suckled hard, tonguing the sensitive bundle of nerves.  She whined and bumped and ground down into him, seeking release.  He eased off, holding back her orgasm.  Harley released her nipple with a pop then switched to the other breast, resumed his noisy sucking, interspersed with bites and nips.
She thought she would die with need.  She writhed between the two men, crying out wordlessly, moaning.  Harley’s hands travelled over her torso, kneading and fondling her other breast, tracing back up to her neck to lightly stroke the sensitive skin there, then caressed her face.  He bit and suck on her neck.  They went on like this, pushing her just to the point of cumming, then pulling back.
”I need, oh please, God, just fuck me, somebody...” She was gasping, panting.  Her hands reached down to clutch and tug Rick’s hair.
Rick picked the pace up, his fingers working faster and his mouth driving her wild.
Harley’s lips returned to her mouth, kissed her deeply, then he whispered in her ear.
”Cum for us, doll...”
With a scream she arched upwards and came hard, squirting her juices into Rick’s mouth.  He licked her clean, avoiding her sensitive nub, but continued to stroke her through her orgasm.  Her walls tightened around his fingers as she came again, drawing another ragged cry from lips.
”Honey, you look so goddamn hot when you cum...”  Harley kissed her softly.  She couldn’t reply, she was still coming down.  She was sprawled across Harley’s lap in a wanton display, her muscles too limp to move.
Rick sat back, wiping his face with his arm.  “You taste so fucking good, babe...”. He leaned in, placing a soft kiss on each inner thigh, before running his tongue one last time over her wet pussy.  She sucked her breath in with a hiss and whimpered, still too sensitive.
”Here, honey...”  A glass was gently placed against her lips and she wrapped her hand around it, tilted it for a tentative sip — water — then drank deeply, finishing it.  
“Drink this, too, babe...”
The empty glass was replaced with another one, her whiskey, she thought.  She sipped it then started to give it back.
”All of it.”  Her mind flashed back to that day in her bathroom...  Obediently, she drained the glass then handed it back out away from her.  A hand took it, the fingers lingering and caressing over hers before taking the glass.
She heard Rick’s footsteps pad away.  Suddenly, Harley’s arms tightened around her and he stood up from the couch easily picking her up with him.  She gasped and threw her arms around his neck.
“Where are we going?”
Harley kissed her lips.  “To round three, doll...”
She could hear the grin in his voice and smiled back.
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