#Rip Owen you would love Batdonald
jaxxsoxxn · 3 months
Do you think boomer would ever be comfortable talking about his son’s death? I mean losing the kid is way harder.
Or he hasn’t never told anyone he ever had a son and when he just mentioned it out of the blue everyone’s like surprise and I can just imagine Harley saying oh my God you have a kid can we see him and Boomer just said it’s so normally you can’t, he’s dead he got murdered anyway, I’m hungry 
I feel like Boomer doesn't deal well with death of people close to him. He probably just doesn't actually think of it as a thing that happened, but more like as a fact - my son was also ginger, he was young, he died.
He gets into his feelings only when he has to recall the way he died and it's like it happens all over again. I'd say it's something like shock for him, just staying way longer than for normal people.
Digger can be childish, but he's also kinda... Apathetic to most things that happen around him. Most people would probably tie the "he's dead" under it, but I feel like Harley, ex psychologist, would try to get some more information and with every push, it'd just make Boomer more jumpy, more scared.
If the kid would die in front of him, I imagine he'd remember every single detail. Especially since I hc it that the kid died at his 8th bday. (you know, just for fun)
So, for me, it would be way more like the second version.
The squad was mostly tired right now. The after-mission high was slowly dying out, when they sat down in the random Gotham fast-food and Flag went to get their orders in. The subject was technically started by Harley, one of her painted nails pointed at a kids meal with a toy.
"Ya think we should get it for my gal and Toyboy?" she said, a genuinely happy smile on her face. "And the toys aren't bat-themed!"
Shark grabber the menu and pulled it almost comically close to his face, while Floyd rolled his eyes.
"Zoey has been into green lantern theme lately, though she says Wonder Woman is still her favourite..." he mumbled, trying to keep his typical for Gotham look.
"My kid loved the toys back in Australia, doubt he'd like them here though."
Boomer said, shocking most of them. Deadshot looks at him with worry mixed with anger, while Shark tries to decide if it's another weird joke. Only Harley smiles wider, though there's slight surprise in her eyes, too.
"Ya have a kid? Oh me, are they ginger like ya? How old are they? Why haven't we met em?! Do ya have pictures?" her voice is delighted at the idea, even though a smaller Digger doesn't sound so great.
"Uh, ye, a son, yeah, eight and he's dead, been dead for a while, so I don't have pictures." he counts the answers out on his fingers, missing how everyone freezes. Before anyone tries to say more, he softly whispers under his breath, like it's a memory hitting him suddenly: "I didn't have money for his burial..."
And Harley catches the shake of his hand, the tremble of his voice and the way his eyes look down in shame and something so close to self-hatered that it makes her stomach flip.
By the time food comes, Boomer's acting like he never said anything, eating with vigor of someone who didn't have a meal for weeks. The rest of them just send each other worried stares in silence, poking at the food and trying to regain their appetite.
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