#Rip principal Flutie. got eaten by a human-hyena pack
spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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Susan Gibney (left) and Ken Lerner. Aka Dr. Leah Brahms on TNG/Lower Decks and Principal Flutie on Buffy
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Rewatching Buffy 1x06
ah, the zoo, the first of the surprising attractions that Sunnydale has, considering its supposed small size and very real mortality rate
look, a bunch of bullies who aren’t Cordelia...wonder how long they’re gonna last
“this isn’t about looking at a bunch of animals; this is about not being in class” Xander’s got a fundamental understanding of the appeal of school trips
holy shit, is the bully in the yellow shirt Webster from Band of Brothers?
poor Principal Flutie, he’s just trying to help
what is this bullshit the zoologist is peddling?
why the demonization of hyenas? first the Lion King, now this...for shame
hyena!Xander vs human!Xander is a great example of how sarcasm can be mean vs fun based on the underlying tone
ok, I know they’re going for the whole ‘intense gaze that implies pack communication between those who are possessed by hyenas’ but what I’m getting is ‘eye-fucking’
you know, it’s a good thing nobody ever uses the library, otherwise they’d see all the weird shit that goes on, like Giles training Buffy to kickbox
incidentally, why is he training in a sweater vest? I know his whole aesthetic is ‘uptight British librarian’, but seriously
Herbert is adorable
I’m counting down the minutes until his death
Principal Flutie is surprisingly self-aware of how the older generation always thinks things were better when they were kids
“dodgeball. the rules are simple. dodge” well, this guy went to the Dean Winchester school of gym class instruction, though he has significantly less flair
this is a very unrealistic gym class: way too many people are participating
“god this game is brutal. i love it” this man...
Xander! How dare you be cruel to Willow! I know you’re possessed by a hyena, but I do not care; I will hurt you for hurting her!
RIP Herbert
it’s really well done how all the kids who are possessed not only dress differently, but walk and just generally move differently too
most obvious with Nicholas Brendon of course
“it’s terrible, he’s turned into a 16 year old boy. you’ll have to kill him of course” Giles, keeping it real
Buffy used ‘Scully’ as a verb!
“why couldn’t Xander be possessed by a puppy or some ducks?” because he’s already adorable Willow, and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference
Xander, stop being rapey. please. this is awkward and painful and really uncomfortable and i. don’t. like it.
and here we have the morbid end of Principal Flutie, may he rest in peace
well, i guess it’s a good thing hyena!Xander was assaulting Buffy, otherwise human!Xander would have had to deal with the trauma of eating Principal Flutie
finally! someone remembered the weird-ass zookeeper!
leaving Willow to watch hyena!Xander: well, there’s no way this can go wrong
why the hell is this lady walking with her baby in the middle of the freakin night?! this is Sunnydale, do you want to die?
oh good, they didn’t go after her
surprisingly enough, leaving Willow to guard Xander didn’t go wrong; i’m proud of my girl, and ashamed i didn’t have more faith in her
well, i bet getting attacked by a bunch of scary teenagers and nearly having your son taken has put that couple’s marital problems into perspective
well who could have guessed? the strange zookeeper who went from being super creepy to oddly helpful is, in fact, a bad guy!
Yay! human!Xander’s back and immediately protecting Willow
zookeeper getting eaten by hungry hyenas is giving me some major Lion King vibes
Giles is a good bro, not telling Buffy and Willow that Xander does, in fact, remember everything
ok, fun episode end and all, but where are those other four kids? you know, the ones who are gonna need major therapy after having Eaten The Principal!
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