#Robbo laverna
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Robbo swallowed the lump in his throat; for once the words felt impossible to get out. The truth had been a silent lie of omission between himself and Izzy for so long that the accusation had completely taken him off guard. Yet now there was no putting it back into the box. Denial was an active lie, one he wasn’t sure he was prepared to use.
‘Roberto,’ she said, the desperation behind her voice broke his heart, ‘tell me it’s not true.’
‘Izzy,’ he whispered hoarsely, not daring to move closer, to even attempt minimising the distance between them that only seemed to be getting larger; he knew it wasn’t, that they were both frozen with the truth Cane Johnson had written to her about. There was a hint of fear behind her eyes. Fear of him, and he couldn’t take it. ‘Yes,’ he admitted heavily, looking at the toes of her shoes because it was easier than looking at her. ‘My family are –’
‘Get out,’ she said, voice trembling ever so slightly.
‘Izzy, it’s not –’
‘I’ll call my father.’
The threat hung in the air between them, her hand hovering by the phone lying on her bedside table.
‘OK,’ Robbo said, feeling as though his chest was being cleaved in two. Now wasn’t the time to tell her that he no longer wanted to work in the family business, that he wanted no part of that life. It didn’t matter, not really. He’d done things in his past that he wasn’t proud of; things that her father would have no option other than to arrest him for if the truth came to light. ‘Adieu, Izzy,’ he said softly, before finally encouraging his feet to move. To walk away from the young woman he’d fallen in love with because in that moment it was what she needed from him.
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Name Meanings: Multiple Perspective Characters
Inspired by this.
Kelsey Stewart, Ria D'Lana and Detective Tomasz 'Tom' Wallace from my Crime Story; Roberto 'Robbo' Laverna, Ruby Lore and Sophia Laverna from my Superpowers Story; Alia Underwood from my Magical Entrepreneur Story; Darius Kilvert and Tristin Kilvert from my Across Stories Story.
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Lilia and Ryan are a nightmare for the rest of the team; only because they constantly read people. It’s hard enough for most of the team to keep their emotions in check – half of them wear their hearts on their sleeves – but with those two in the room it’s near impossible to go unquestioned.
While the two of them might be good at keeping their emotions in check, the other can always read them. They know when the other needs someone and when they need to be left alone. In the beginning, it’s a bit of an annoyance, but as they grow closer its part of the reason for it.
Ryan has, on occasion, got Lilia to babysit the twins. Lilia loves it, and constantly teaches them new magic tricks – which they, obviously, tease Bozer about knowing when they’re old enough to do that.
They are each other’s wing woman. (I know they may have the same endgame, but if they were together, I don’t think that would cause an issue, and they’d always be there to help the other. Lilia needs way more help with flirting and things than Ryan though!).
If the team ever have a game night, these two are not allowed to be on a team together. They can read reactions too well for it to be fair. Though, Ryan has on occasion tried to make business deals with other teams while playing Monopoly.
If Lilia was to meet the Lavernas? She and Robbo would probably bond over magic tricks and trying to impress the other with the ones they know.
Sophia would probably be intrigued by Lilia’s ability to see lies, her penchant for mentalism. For her part, Lilia would find Sophia something of a mystery – her desire to be with the family, but also having a moral compass that allows her to shift into the world of heroes as well – that she’d love to learn more about. Obviously she’s used to Ryan, but to see another person with that kind of balance? That’s interesting.
As for Gabe, poor old Gabe probably wouldn’t know what to do. Another person that can read him, and yet she is the opposite side of the coin to Ryan in some respects. Probably would act as though he doesn’t like her – after all, she isn’t in his circle of trust – but if Ryan can trust her, and if the girls keep excitedly telling him about the fun things she teaches them, surely she can’t be too bad. He’d never admit that to any of them though.
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Question for Robbo: if you had to choose between your job as a ice skating instructor or being apart of the gang, which would you choose?
A/N: I have no idea why the writing turned out this way,but hey, hope it’s alright and thanks for the character question!
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Robbo doesn’tanswer straight away. It’s a difficult choice, choosing between two worlds thathe’s grown up in. One that he loves, one that means the world to him; and theother that he feels is his duty to be a part of, that he is in to make sure thathis family are all right.
But, after a breath,Robbo finally answers, his attention on the sleeve of his jumper, almost as iflooking for that to give him clues. ‘Ice skating,’ he admits, and even as hesays it he feels terrible. His chest tightens ever so slightly. He knows thathe should be going with his family, but something Phia once told him comes backto him. To do something that he loves. ‘I love it.’ He doesn’t admit that it’sa lot safer, that it’s better because he’s not constantly looking over hisshoulder, yet he can’t help wondering if the implication is there in his answernonetheless.
A/N: Robbo is an OC from my Supergirl fanfiction Sidekicks and Criminals and the sequel Pathways. My faceclaim for Robbo is Colin Ford. 
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fiercefray · 4 years
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‘still into you’ (feat. gabe laverna created by @foxesandmagic)
After all the excitement of the last ten hours, Gabe watched Ryan as she slept.
For the last few months, they argued over everything: names, where they would stay and for how long, their long term plan. But not for them.

He looked away from her to the two sleeping newborn girls. His girls. Ryan’s girls. Emma Grace and Sophia Marie. It hit him now; how real it was. It had been since Ryan told him she pregnant, but not like it was now.

An old thought passed through his mind. It had happened only once before a job with Ryan. The thought of running away with her. Only now it would be the four of them living the life that Robbo always said he wanted to have. The quiet kind where the jobs were 9 to 5, they drove a minivan, took the girls to games and recitals.

“What are you thinking about?”

His head jerked up. Ryan gave him a tied smile that still made his words catch in his throat. “Running away.”

She chuckled. “Like Bonnie and Clyde?” Ryan pushed herself up in bed. “I think your mom would kill you if you took away her grandkids. God help us if my brother finds out. He’s joked about being an uncle more than once.”

“Would you do it? Leave it all behind?”

Ryan sighed. “We won’t, Gabe.”

“What makes you think that?”

“I know you, I know myself, and if these last few months have proved anything its that we’d probably kill each other within two weeks,” she laid her head back. “I love you, Gabriel, I really do. But we can’t. We’re not built for that kind of life.”

“Never heard you say that before.”


“That you love me.”

She rolled her eyes, smiling. “Don’t let that go to your head. Your ego is big enough. Now get some sleep. Those two adorable little devils are going to be waking us up enough soon that we need all the rest we can get.”

He nodded as she settled back in. It wasn’t long before she was completely out. He wouldn’t say it back. Gabe never would. She was right, they weren’t meant to be. Eventually she’d find someone who’d make her want to settle down. Maybe another girl would come along for him.

But in that moment, he loved her too.
gifs made by @eternalroleplay

(to kitten, sorry if this is completely out of character for gabe)
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I can’t actually remember which question list this is from, however every question is written before the answers.
Do they believe in dragons? While Sophia knows they don’t exist, she still holds out a little hope that they do – mainly because she remembers all the stories her grandmére told them about dragons, and the way it was the only time she and her brothers weren’t getting into some kind of trouble.
What is a pet peeve of theirs? One pet peeve of hers is people who underestimate others, and then proceed to undermine them because of it. She’s conned more than one person because she saw them doing exactly that. 
What was the last thing they cried about? Sophia doesn’t cry that much, but it was probably when she first got her powers. It was a couple of years after the major blow to the family, and then she was so confused with what had happened, so frustrated with the fact that she couldn’t control it. Yeah, she cried a fair bit that day.
What is their sexuality? She’s demiromanic. She’s had a couple of one night stands and things over the years, but it takes a lot for her to actually fall in love with someone.
Do they have a best friend? If so, who, and what makes them their best friend? When she was growing up, it was Jack. She’d known him for a lot of her childhood, and he was brought up like an actual member of the family; the two of them were similar in age, and they tended to get into trouble together. Their little trio of best friends was completed when Mitch joined the gang. Mitch wasn’t like the rest of them, he hadn’t joined the gang because he wanted to or it felt like a familial obligation, he joined because the alternative was worse. Even following Jack’s death, Sophia - and Mitch - would still call him one of their best friends. 
Have they ever been in a romantic relationship? Sophia’s never really had time for proper romantic relationships; the family never stay in the same place for too long, so she would always be thinking about how they would have to end. Not that she didn’t try on her sabbatical, but her thoughts were too all over the place with everything that had happened to Jack. 
What does their relationship with their family look like? Are they close? Distant? Ect. Sophia would say she has a good relationship with her family. They work together, which sometimes means they get more frustrated with each other as they’re constantly around each other, but they all know that they would do whatever it takes to help each other. Hence the actions of her uncle were such a blow.
Despite their differences, she is closest to her brothers – she currently shares a flat with her younger brother Robbo. There’s not many lines that the three of them wouldn’t cross for each other; not that they always admit to that, though.
Do they have a pet? She doesn’t, but she’d probably quite like a cat. Something she can snuggle with when they both feel like it, but that’s otherwise pretty low maintenance.
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Superpowers Story Introduction
Determined to step out of the shadow of his mother’s legacy, Mathias joined the police department’s tech support team. He wanted to honour his father’s legal ways of making a living, rather than falling into the trap of his mother’s persistence that joining her would be better for everybody. However, when people with Abilities start causing havoc in the city, and Matt’s best friend needs his assistance in fighting it, Mathias begins to realise that perhaps his option wasn’t actually as easy as he’d first hoped; and a chance meeting makes him question exactly where the lines really are.
Taking over the family business was always part of the plan for Gabe following his uncle’s departure. It was something he’d been training for, but hoped he wouldn’t have to step up into for a long while because he was happy with being the planner of the group. Happy taking orders from his father and continuing to learn from him. But, when the gang return to a city sooner than they could ever have imagined, Gabe is willing to take on the extra responsibility with his father’s support.  Even if not everybody might agree with some of his actions.
The family gang was one of those things that Robbo always assumed he had to be a part of. Sure, he’d been told plenty of times that he didn’t have to stay, that he could go off and be a civilian – even if he only tried it for a few months of sabbatical. Never before had he really had a reason to contemplate leaving it all behind. Until a chance meeting at the local ice rink, and the reminder of just how dangerous it is to be a part of the Laverna gang, make him wonder what life could be. 
Being a teleporting criminal was one of those things Sophia quickly realised would help the family gang in a way she wasn’t going to let slip them by, even if it meant having to hide it in the hopes of not getting negative attention from gangs who might accuse them of belittling the talents they’d all spent years honing. But, when a struggle for power in a city that was once a Laverna stronghold breaks out, Sophia quickly learns that sometimes having an Ability comes with tougher choices than simply not using them.
For as long as she could remember, Ruby had had Abilities. She’d never had any real reason to use them, and for her own safety her family had always suggested that she keep them hidden. However, when everyday people started to find themselves with Abilities, and varying degrees of responsibility with how to use them came to the fore, Ruby quickly realises that sitting idly by isn’t something she can wilfully do. With the help of her best friend, Mathias, Ruby tries to figure out how exactly she can help without putting the people she cares most about into danger.
Moving into the city with his cousin was one of those things Jonny did in the hopes of making life for the young man easier. The promotion offered to him with the transfer didn’t harm matters either. But what he hadn’t expected was to find himself dealing with Abilities, or the sheer number of them in the city. Partnered with a young woman who appears to have a vendetta against them, but cares when hearing about bad things happening to them in the news, Jonny slowly begins to realise that there’s more to the city than he’d initially thought. 
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Superpowers Story Introduction
Determined to step out of the shadow of his mother’s legacy, Mathias joined the police department’s tech support team. He wanted to honour his father’s legal ways of making a living, rather than falling into the trap of his mother’s persistence that joining her would be better for everybody. However, when people with Abilities start causing havoc in the city, and Matt’s best friend needs his assistance in fighting it, Mathias begins to realise that perhaps his option wasn’t actually as easy as he’d first hoped; and a chance meeting makes him question exactly where the lines really are.
Taking over the family business was always part of the plan for Gabe following his uncle’s departure. It was something he’d been training for, but hoped he wouldn’t have to step up into for a long while because he was happy with being the planner of the group. Happy taking orders from his father and continuing to learn from him. But, when the gang return to a city sooner than they could ever have imagined, Gabe is willing to take on the extra responsibility with his father’s support.  Even if not everybody might agree with some of his actions.
The family gang was one of those things that Robbo always assumed he had to be a part of. Sure, he’d been told plenty of times that he didn’t have to stay, that he could go off and be a civilian – even if he only tried it for a few months of sabbatical. Never before had he really had a reason to contemplate leaving it all behind. Until a chance meeting at the local ice rink, and the reminder of just how dangerous it is to be a part of the Laverna gang, make him wonder what life could be. 
Being a teleporting criminal was one of those things Sophia quickly realised would help the family gang in a way she wasn’t going to let slip them by, even if it meant having to hide it in the hopes of not getting negative attention from gangs who might accuse them of belittling the talents they’d all spent years honing. But, when a struggle for power in a city that was once a Laverna stronghold breaks out, Sophia quickly learns that sometimes having an Ability comes with tougher choices than simply not using them.
For as long as she could remember, Ruby had had Abilities. She’d never had any real reason to use them, and for her own safety her family had always suggested that she keep them hidden. However, when everyday people started to find themselves with Abilities, and varying degrees of responsibility with how to use them came to the fore, Ruby quickly realises that sitting idly by isn’t something she can wilfully do. With the help of her best friend, Mathias, Ruby tries to figure out how exactly she can help without putting the people she cares most about into danger.
Moving into the city with his cousin was one of those things Jonny did in the hopes of making life for the young man easier. The promotion offered to him with the transfer didn’t harm matters either. But what he hadn’t expected was to find himself dealing with Abilities, or the sheer number of them in the city. Partnered with a young woman who appears to have a vendetta against them, but cares when hearing about bad things happening to them in the news, Jonny slowly begins to realise that there’s more to the city than he’d initially thought. 
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🎵, 📆 and 🔜 please ^^.
🎵 Pick a song off your Spotify “On Repeat” playlist, and tell us which OC it reminds you of. (Or just put your music on shuffle.)
So, the song is: Thank You by MKTO. It reminds me of Fox (Dystopian Story). The irony of all the things they thank other people for fits her.
We are the ones, the ones you left behind
Don’t tell us how, tell us how to live our lives
Ten million strong we’re breaking all the rules
Thank you for nothing, ‘cause there’s nothing left to lose
Thank you for feeding us years of lies
Thank you for the wars you left us to fight
Thank you for the world you ruined overnight
But we’ll be fine, yeah we’ll be fine
📆 Would you invite to spend NYE with you?
There’s a few that I’d invite, but Robbo (Superpowers Story) because he can cook; also magic tricks could pass the time.
🔜 Resolution time! What’s one writing goal you have for 2021?
Finish the first draft of my Superpowers Story.
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Superpowers Story Perspective Character Introduction: Roberto Laverna
Name: Roberto Patrice Laverna
Nickname(s): Robbo / Junior
Birthday: 6th of November
Age: 19 years old
Height: 180cm / 5’10’’
Dominant Hand: Right
Occupation: Member of Laverna Gang
Species: Human
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Robbo Laverna is a character that I adore writing for. Not just because he has a love for ice skating, but because as the youngest Laverna child there’s a lot of things he can get away with. His uncertainty about being involved in the family business is a conflict that’s really interesting to explore – especially given that he has a star-crossed lovers romance thing happening in the background.
I think the thing that’s had the biggest impact on him is the fact his family never really settle. He’s learnt about so many different cultures – and languages – because of this, that it shows in the cuisines he tries to replicate. He knows that he hasn’t had a traditional upbringing in any sense of the word, but he does appreciate the benefits of it. Even if the negatives sometimes far outweigh that.
Basically, Robbo is a character who I wish I could gush about more, but my thoughts on him are kind of all over the place at the moment.
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💋 your current muse
Robbo was about eight when he first kissed a girl because they were dating and he thought they were in love. He might look back on the kiss and not really consider it his first, but that’s the answer he goes with. He’d impressed her with a magic trick while they were in a village square, and just before he left for the next place his family was moving to, she kissed him.
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🩸🩺📎🧸 + your current muse(s)
🩸 - Does your OC believe in blood being thicker than water? (meaning family relationships and loyalties are the most important)
For Gabe, blood is certainly thicker than water. His family is the most important thing in his life, and while he is more forgiving of the gang members that are like family, they’re not family in his eyes, so he’s not as close to them.
🩺 - Does your OC accept help easily? Are they willing to admit when they need help?
Ruby will quite easily accept help; she’s a firm believer in getting help when you need it, and tries to practice this as much as she preaches. The only time she ever really has a problem with this is when there are tensions between her and whoever she thinks would be the best help – usually her sister Billie.
📎 - How organised is your OC? Do they keep on top of responsibilities, or leave things to the last minute?
Jonny would love to say that he was organised, but he really isn’t. He can keep on top of responsibilities, he is just does leave most of them until the last minute. Mostly with personal things, however. At work, he’s reasonably well organised.
🧸 - On a scale of 1 - 10, how ‘soft’ is your OC? 1 being the edgiest of edges and 10 being a literal teddy bear that cries at everything? (Bonus questions, where on the scale would your OC place themselves, and where would they like to be on the scale?)
Robbo is about a 7; he’s not the kind of person to cry at everything - bit hard to be given what his family does - but he isn’t completely stoic. He’d probably put himself about there as well.
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I think I’d have to go Robbo Laverna. I feel like he’d be a good person to have a tea party with - not just because we have some things in common so conversation would be alright - and he’d have a whole bunch of stories to tell, but also because he might possibly have had a hand in making some of the snacks.
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If you muse ever got cheated on by their SO, would they get revenge? 😈😂
Despite the things he’s done as part of the family business, Robbo’s not actually a very vengeful person. If he found out he’d been cheated on by a significant other, he’d probably feel more sad and disappointed – hurt, more than anything – and mope a little.
That being said, it’s likely his older siblings would get revenge for him. Gabe would threaten, and Phia would carefully dismantle things in their life for hurting their little brother.  
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Superpowers Story Perspective Character Introduction: Roberto ‘Robbo’ Laverna
Name: Roberto Patrice Laverna
Nickname(s): Robbo / Junior
Birthday: 6th of November
Age: 19 years old
Height: 180cm / 5’10’’
Dominant Hand: Right
Occupation: Member of Laverna Gang
Species: Human
Faceclaim is Colin Ford
Character Tag
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