#Robby Greenfoot
Nov's favs❤️‍🩹
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Robby, reading:
U! Richtofen: See we are friends
P! Richtofen: We are not! This is all for a better tomorrow!
P! Richtofen: Shouldn't you be changing your time loop
Robby: Currently trying to
U! Richtofen: By sitting on your ass
Robby: Not getting killed so I can plot!!!
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Weaver: Time to kill Zombies
Robby who just wants to enjoy Christmas:
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Chuckie needs a reminder, that mistakes are made and they can be fixed and that he is broken but beautiful
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Finn needed a threat, to join a team that became his family
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Jean needed to belong, that Shepherd gave him a fake sense of belonging that turned to loyalty
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Rex needed a friend, and Adler was that friend since childhood
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Robby needed warnings, that he took seriously
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Annabelle needed trust, that Finn gave her every waking moment of his life
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Ricci needed faith, that Alejandro gave him and he gave back
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Butcher needed rough love, that Macmillan was able to give
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Harv needed fear, and Shepherd was good at fear and love
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Sammy needed care, that Turner was able to give him in the short time they had
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Moon never should have met Stars, it would have been easier for the both of them
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Rex was such a good husband, genuinely such a sweet person
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Nov's life sucks ass, loses everything and everyone he ever cared about and let Yuri kill him
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Lear deserved better, but got what he deserved in the end
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Robby deserved everything he got, he really did
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Rat just needed someone to care, and he got Echo team + Kingston
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Robby and Weaver are perfect for each other, one is always on edge and one is good at calming
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Vegas shouldn't blame himself for Big Fish's death, but he does
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Numb should have seen this coming, but he didn't
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Robby needs to take accountability, but he doesn't
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🎶Let me tell you what I wish I'd known
When I was young and dreamed of glory
You have no control🎶
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🎶Who lives🎶
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🎶Who dies🎶
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🎶Who tells your story🎶
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Robby's family Zombies au
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Robert "Robby" Greenfoot
The Father, the keepers could have picked someone better for their experiment but no Robby was picked
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Ruby Greenfoot
The mother, the keeps picked her to keep everyone safe. They knew she could do it.
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Joey Greenfoot
The son, the keeps picked Joey just to teach him a lesson.
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Abby Greenfoot
The daughter, the keeps picked her because she is deaf, they wanted to see how the others would over come this.
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Luke - Father George - Bobbie Barns - Nathan "Nov, Doc, November, Bravo 7" Price - Teddy Woods - BJ 'Numb' Carter - Ultimis Brodie Ferguson - Harvard "Harv" Rose - Robby Greenfoot - Nicky "Apple" Graves - Sonny Walton
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Matt Ryan - Robert "Robby" Greentree - He's doing great - Cod Zombies
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Matt Ryan - Robert "Robby" Greenfoot - He's a magic man - Cod Zombies
“As long as the dead walk, Robby Greentree will be here„
🎶So perfekt ist der Moment
Doch weiter läuft die Zeit
Augenblick, verweile doch
Ich bin noch nicht bereit
Bitte, bleib stehen, bleib stehen🎶
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“Ich vill zeit„
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"Where the HELL did you take me?" "I-" Robby exhales this was a weird moment for both men "Why is it so dark?" Nikolai looks around "I didn't mean to, but since you're here Nikolai..." "What is it Robby?" Nikolai figured, Robby took him to this void so it must be important "Do you know how to break your time loop?" He asks as he calms down a bit "I think so, at least this elemental shard...will help us" Nikolai explains as Robby nods "Good, I'm glad you guys are getting there...at least someone is" "You have the Forsaken right?" Nikolai asks thinking for a moment "Yeah" Robby nods softly looking away, he was embarrassed that he hadn't made much progress "Robert...how long have you and Richtofen been meeting?" "We've met about thirty times..." Robby sighs looking at Nikolai "And you two have been helping each other?" "For the most part" Robby sighs, the Forsaken weighted heavily on his mind "How's the Ultimis Crew behaving?" "Richtofen is...ehhh.... Nikolai is...eeehhhh.... Takeo is okay and Tank is...ehhhh" Nikolai wasn't even fully sure how the others were "And you have the book?" "Yes, I do and do you have th-" "Yeah, I have...I mean I found the...okay there are Dark Aether crystals everywhere...so it's not hard finding a new one" Robby holds a piece out to Nikolai "Take it my friend, use it..." Robby hugs Nikolai "I'm going to miss you though" for both of them this conversation has been all over the place "I'll miss you too..." Nikolai mumbles "Remember to use the crystal..." Robby lets go backing up "I'm going to send you back now" "Ehhh do you have to?" "Sadly"
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"We can't keep meeting like this" "Considering you're the only one that remembers me after each restart of the time loop...I think I have the right" Robby spun his lighter "Any progress on your endeavors?" "Yes and No, I found out the apothicons linked someone to me which is a setback, but...in 1985 there is something called the Forsaken...and every time so far it has won..." He looks up at Edward "And that's your loop?" Edward sat down across from Robby "Sadly yes, it's hard" he puts his lighter away lowering his head "Eddie...what the fuck am I doing?" "What you have to do in order to save people you care about" "But...I am the nicest one...and they don't ever remember..." He rubs his face "We are the nice ones, but they don't remember" Edward puts his hand on Robby's shoulder "But we do, I have seen my friends die so many times as I'm trying to save them. Just as you are trying to save your friends" Edward scoots forward "We are in this together, you break yours and I'll break mine" he says softly resting his forehead against Robby's forehead "But then I'll never get to see you again" "Oh...I wouldn't fully say that" Edward chuckles with a smile "Promise me" Robby fiddles with Edward's sleeve "I promise.." Edward kisses Robby gently, both knowing this was another goodbye "When I can get away... I'll poof back...here" Robby mumbles standing up with the help of Edward "I'll see you later Eddie baby" Robby hums softly giving Edward one quick peck before disappearing into a portal.
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Why does Zeit make me think of Robby and Primis Richtofen?
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"But...I am the nicest one...and they don't ever remember..." - Robby to Primus Richtofen about the time loops they are stuck in(As Weaver, Beck, and the others never remember Robby so he has to rebond with them)
Same energy
“I was the nicest one and you won't even remember„ Promise Richtofen to Primis Crew
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OCS that are dads and they deserve better then death
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