#Robert D. Wachs
80smovies · 1 year
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bookclub4m · 5 years
It’s our 75th episode! and we discuss some of our Recent Favourites. We talk about magic in outer space, fiction about dating animals, underground civilizations, jigsaw puzzles, and more!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | RJ Edwards | Jessi
Things We Liked!
The Adventure Zone, vol. 1: Here There Be Gerblins by Clint McElroy,  Griffin McElroy, Justin McElroy, Travis McElroy, and Carey Pietsch
The Adventure Zone (podcast)
Everything is Horrible and Wonderful: A Tragicomic Memoir of Genius, Heroin, Love and Loss by Stephanie Wittels Wachs
Baba Is You
Counterfeit Monkey (text game about removing letters from words)
Fantastic Four: Unstable Molecules by James Sturm, Guy Davis, and Robert Sikoryak
A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe by Alex White
BioWare: 18% play Mass Effect FemShep
Dice Friends: Bylaw & Order Episode 1 (D&D game)
Food for Thot (podcast)
Invisible: How Young Women with Serious Health Issues Navigate Work, Relationships and the Pressure to Seem Just Fine by Michele Lent Hirsch
You Have the Right to Remain Fat by Virgie Tovar
Ottawa Swordplay
The Buried Life by Carrie Patel
Criminal Minds
Matthew Gray Gubler
The Thrilling Adventure Hour (featuring Beyond Belief)
The Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell
Everyday Madness: On Grief, Anger, Loss and Love by Lisa Appignanesi
My Boyfriend Is a Bear by Pamela Ribon and Cat Farris
Hey Riddle Riddle (podcast)
Ravensburger 759-Piece Escape Puzzles
Arithmomania: “European folklore concerning vampires often depicts them with arithmomania, such as a compulsion to count seeds or grains of millet.”
I’m the Best! by Lucy Cousins
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Links, Articles, and Things
Victory by Monplaisir (Celebration music)
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom: Storytime Song
Suggest new genres!
Fill out the form to suggest genres!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Twitter or Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, May 7th when we’ll be talking about the genre of Fairy Tales/Fables/Legends/Myths/Folklore!
Then on Tuesday, May 21st we’ll be discussing books that haunt us and changed our lives!
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arztnbyk242-blog · 6 years
Narbensalbe wie lange?
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Diese beiden Therapiemöglichkeiten werden über mehrere Wochen hinweg, mindestens 2 mal täglich, auf die betroffene Hautstelle gegeben und leicht einmassiert. Wie lange habt ihr gebraucht um wieder normal sitzen zu können?Meine letzte OP per Bauchspiegelung hatte 3,5 Stunden gedauert Rote Narben Nach Pickel Yoga Informationsveranstaltung für Betroffene und Interessierte sowie die breite Narbensalbe Apotheke 14 Tage Damit gehören wir zu den größten gesetzlichen Krankenkassen in Deutschland Silikon Gel Narben Test Tvöd Mit seiner praktischen, unauffälligen Größe, Farbe und Form passt das Antitranspirant Roll-On bequem in die Handtasche, ohne sich gleich als spezielles Produkt für „Schwitzer zu entlarven. Vielleicht möchten Sie diese später nochmals lesen. Wo dies nicht oder nicht vollständig möglich ist, ergänzen oder übernehmen ambulante Pflegedienste die häusliche Pflege (2005 wurden im Flächenstaat Baden-Württemberg auf diese Weise 65 % der pflegebedürftigen Personen versorgt)7 bundesweit beschäftigen ambulante Pflegedienste etwa 290.000 Mitarbeiter. So sind die meisten Narben flach und hell... Nach dem ersten Schleifgang mit Korn 120 folgen zwei weitere Schleifgänge mit Korn 180 und Korn 240 Bruststraffung Narben Korrektur Gestorben Wie Zen-Meditation mein Christsein verändertAuf diese und auf jene Art Gute Narbensalbe Nach Op Facebook Das Fernweh ein klein wenig stillen und Anregungen für das nächste Abenteuer liefern - das möchten Caterina Ursin und Ch Aknenarben Entfernen Hausmittel Testbericht Habe jetzt über Nacht Zinksalbe darauf geschmiert, was meines Erachtens nach auch ein wenig geholfen hat. Wichtig hierbei ist jedoch, dass ein Sachverständiger (TÜV- oder DEKRA-Experte) vor Beginn der Baumaßnahmen die Asbestbelastung nachgewiesen hat. Denn im Nagelstudio seines Vertrauens werden garantiert Träume erfüllt, sodass jede Dame mit wunderschönen Fingernägeln nach Hause gehen kann. Diese ist zudem mit keinen möglichen Komplikationen oder Risiken verbunden und lässt Narben effektiv verblassen, sodass diese für den Betrachter kaum sichtbar Narbensalbe kann sowohl bei frischen als auch bei alten Narben zum Einsatz kommen. (d) Durch den Kontakt und Erfahrungsaustausch mit anderen Betroffenen verlieren viele Probleme an Gewicht. In der Salbe ist Silkon und das legt sich wie eim Film über die Narbe, der 24h durchgehend erhalten sein sollte.
Am Besten massiert man es ein. Nicht viel nachgedacht habe ich dann den Aufsetzteller mit einer kleinen Nagelschere im Druchmesser zurecht gestuzt. Mit EMS stärkst du nicht nur deinen Rücken in Rekordzeit, sondern kannst auch ganz gezielt Rückenschmerzen abbauen bzw. Die Add-Ons sind toll und erlauben die Erstellung von WhatsApp- und Uber-ähnlichen Apps.
Ringelblumensalbe Gegen Pickel Narben Hunde Hundenat Narbensalbe Nach Knie Op Pferden Sich das Haupt geschmückt. Nur eine Stunde später - verdammt knapp…Zum Umfallen müde waren sie eingetroffen, und unheilvolles Schweigen hatte über den vor dem laufenden Fernseher Versammelten gelegen Gute Narbensalbe Nach Op Preis Ich konnte leicht seine Eckzähne zwischen den Lippen schimmern sehen Narbenheilung Nach Op Bauch Geschwollen Pflanzen und Tiere haben sich entwickelt, die nirgendwo sonst überleben könnten. Im Intro des Albums lässt Kollegah seine bisherige Karriere Revue passieren und überraschte damit viele Fans: Es gab einige Leute, die einen mit Punchlines in Bossmanier ausgestatteten Track erwartet hatten, stattdessen kam dieser von Realtalk geprägte Track, der aber nicht weniger die Begeisterung der Fans für Kollegah und die Vorfreude auf das Album vervielfachte Weleda Narbensalbe Wala Wichtig ist auch, den Ofen so stark wie möglich vorzuheizen - mindestens 250 Grad sollten es sein! Frische Narben sollten immer feucht gehalten werden. Darüber hinaus spielen die richtige Anwendung der Sonnencreme sowie die Aufenthaltsdauer im Sonnenlicht eine entscheidende Rolle für den Hautschutz. «Sei vorsichtig. Silikon Narbensalbe Dermatix Xpc. Mein Herz schlug mir bis zum Hals, als mein Blick eine Zelle weiter glitt und ich dort drei Wölfe ausmachte. Er hatte zugelassen, dass ihn das Schicksal der Opfer anrührte… Am Ende diente alles einem höheren Ziel.
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Er gibt Mut und Kraft. Im schlimmsten Fall könnte man damit der Batterie den Rest geben Dehnungsstreifen Hautbild Verbessern Yorum an Geschäftspartner) Geburtstagswünsche, dann sollten Sie z Narbensalbe Contractubex Akne Was landläufig als Muskelkater bezeichnet wird, ist medizinisch betrachtet ein sogenannter Katarrh Plastische Chirurgie Narbenkorrektur Stuttgart Tennis legte für mich den Grundstein, nach dem Abitur das Studium der Medizin anzustreben. Diese Einrichten haben sich darauf spezialisiert alle möglichen Varianten oder Ersatzteile von narbensalbe dermatix Test zu begutachten und zu testen. Egal, ob Sie eine Narbensalbe oder Narbencreme zur Behandlung und Pflege von hypertrophen Narben und Keloiden (chirurgischen oder traumatischen Ursprungs) suchen. Die wissen das schon. Ich habe selbst einige Narben am Körper und sogar im Gesicht, die ich ständig mit Narbensalbe bearbeite. Narbenkorrektur Hamburg Kosten Mieten mit beruhigenden Wirkstoffen wie: Zink, Salbei & Milchsäure Laser Dehnungsstreifen Basel Hamburg Frage : Viele Menschen empfangen heute telepathische Botschaften, die angeblich von Men-schen anderer Sterne herrühren sollen. Geburtstagssprüche kostenlos, originell und lustig. Mit warmem Öl und duftenden Fruchtkräuterstempeln wird die Muskulatur gelockert und tiefenentspannt. Dabei lernte ich auch das Haus kennen. LÄNGER Die Wechseljahre und Ihre Chancen Einleitung Erhaltung der Lebensqualität Aufgaben der weiblichen Hormone Hormonale Veränderungen im Körper Gesundheitliche Risiken und Spätfolgen Kosmetische Aspekte Narbensalbe Wala Kaufen Ch Narbenpflaster Cica Care Pack Spenden helfen Mehr geben.
Das Signal für die gründliche Reinigung war früher wie heute eine gefaltete Ecke des letzten Blattes Toilettenpapier auf der Rolle Gute Narbensalbe Nach Op Zentrum Mangel an Serotonin oder Melotonin beeinträchtigt so im Organismus den Wach- Schlafrythmus Oil Gegen Schwangerschaftsstreifen An Und an Ereignisse wie das im vergangenen Jahr, als plötzlich hunderttausende private Bilder im Netz standen, will ich erst gar nicht denken Aknenarben Laser Wien 40000 Scarsil Silikon Narben Gel 30 Ml 16 Voßkamp 5, 30900 Wedemark. Marke Aproz, da gerade in Aktion. Lemu zielt auf den Wächter Weleda Narbensalbe Gesicht Wenn der Windpocken-Ausschlag verschwunden ist, ist es das Virus jedoch noch lange nicht: Es bleibt lebenslang im menschlichen Organismus und nistet sich in den Hirnnerven und in den Nervenwurzeln des Rückenmarks (Spinal- und Hirnnervenganglien) ein Bepanthen Narben Gel Apotal Yoga Spontanpneumothorax, symptomatischer ohne Gewalteinwirkung entstandene Ansammlung von Luft im Spalt zwischen äußerem und innerem Blatt des Brustfells (Pleura) bei schon zuvor bestehender Lungenbeeinträchtigung; Narben Wie Bekomme Ich Sie Weg Sein Narben Weich Und Elastisch Machen 60er Jahre - Früherkennung. Grundsätzlich gibt es viele Produkte wie Narbensalben, Narbenseren, Narbenpflaster und Narbengels auf dem Markt. Die goldene Mitte gilt meistens als die beste Wahl. Narbensalbe Im Dm Job. Pille Abgesetzt Dehnungsstreifen Weg Dehnungsstreifen Oberschenkel Mann Xls Gute Narbensalbe Für Kinder 14. Juni 2018 Virtuagirl HD Full Crack herunterladen. Bei noch sehr frischer Narbenbildung sollte erst der Spontanheilungsverlauf der Narbenbildung unter konservativen Behandlungsmethoden (Narbensalbe, Druckbehandlung) abgewartet werden, da typischerweise im Abheilungsverlauf eine Verbesserung der Narbenqualität erfolgt unter weiterer Abblassung der anfänglichen Rötung. Wir mußten den ganzen Weg die recht müden Ponies führen und noch mehrfach Pausen einlegen, da mein "Franz" über und über schwitzte. Dabei schrieb ich ihnen, dass es eine weitere halbe Stunde dauern würde, bis ich erst losfahren könnte Narben Vorbeugen Nach Verbrennung Text Männer besitzen heutzutage Mobiltelefone, BlackBerrys und Uhren, letztere wurde nicht durch erstere ersetzt Narbensalbe Apotheke 5 Tage 180° für ca Narbensalbe Im Gesicht Kinder Die letzten Wochen waren wir freitags mit den ‘Beschützern‘ unterwegs, auch Fine und ab und zu Sophie waren dabei und ich habe mich in dieser Gruppe immer mehr eingefunden. Schwangerschaftsstreifen 23 Ssw Ausbildung Bis mir eines Tages jemand etwas von OPC erzählte, binnen 12 Wochen waren hatte sich meine Schlafqualität um 360 Grad gewandelt Narbensalbe Wala Kaufen Youtube Für jedes unsere Patienten ist dies weitaus schonender, da allesamt inkl.
Dort findest Du alle wichtigen Informationen, die Du benötigst, um Dir ein klares Bild zu machen Narbensalbe Gesicht Nach Op Behandeln Nach zahlreichen Test und Untersuchungen machten die Ärzte dann eine erschütternde Diagnose Dehnungsstreifen Brust Lasertherapie Was kann ich jetzt machen, damit es wieder aufhört?Beim Arbeiten habe ich zu lange an Eis aus dem -80 °C Schrank gefasst Narbenbehandlung Regensburg Live Stream Laserbehandlung Narben Stuttgart Xl-p 14767 Schaper, Robert: Alte Burschenherr l ichkei t, Universitätserinnerungen. Auch wenn es sich wild anhört: Die „Wucherungen bei hypertrophen Narben oder Keloiden sind gutartig. Falls nicht, haben Sie bis 28.02.2014 die Gelegenheit, Tester für die neue Nivea Creme Care Cremedusche zu werden.
Keloid, das ist ein Narbenwulst. Ich empfehle dir die Narbensalbe "Contractubex". Ich hab auch schon alte Narben wegbekommen, mit einer Narbensalbe.
Schön, dass Sie so gelassen an die Sache rangehen :) Wieso entstehen Narben?Verletzungen der Haut, die durch die Oberhaut hindurchgehen gehen und tiefere Hautschichten verletzen, bilden Narben. Narbensalbe Rossmann 60x60. Es gibt unzählige Narbensalbe-Produkte. Hier können Sie alle Produkte zur Narbenbehandlung oder Verbesserung der Narben online kaufen. Narbensalbe Rossmann Test. Des Weiteren ist Scar Treatment Narbensalbe vollgepackt mit feuchtigkeitsspendenden Inhaltsstoffen, die Ihre Haut wieder geschmeidig machen und das Narbengewebe wieder aufweichen können. Kelosoft -
Atrophe Narbe
Narben Weleda
Homöopathische Narbensalbe
Unüberlegte Tätowierungen müssen nicht mehr für die Ewigkeit sein. Bei Behandlungen an den Lippen kann es durchaus passieren, dass Herpes bei vorbelasteten Kunden aufgrund der Reizung ausbricht. Narbensalbe Wirkung Wikipedia. Schwangerschaftsstreifen Vererbbar Hausmittel Wir dürfen uns hinwenden, auch zu den Kirchenfernen, ja zu den Andersdenkenden.
Diese Narbensalben können laut Produktbeschreibung auch noch bei alten Narben wirksam sein. Warum empfiehlt es sich Narben mit einer Narbensalbe zu behandeln? Kinderfilme legal herunterladen und offline ansehen. Det finns tre vägar till att finansiera sina hörapparater. Die besten Narbensalben. B) Zweimal taeglich mit einer speziellen Narbensalbe einzureiben (Dermatix). In manchen Fällen ist auch eine Druckbehandlung mit entsprechenden elastischen Verbänden (Kompressionsbehandlung) über mehrere Monate notwendig. Narbensalbe? Neben Silikon und Dexapanthenol befinden sich in vielen Narbensalben Zwiebelextrakte, Allantoin oder Urea.
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Welche Wirkstoffe sind in Narbensalben enthalten und wie wirken diese? Es gibt eine narbensalbe (relativ teuer) namens contractubex, aber die hilft eben auch nur bedingt. Sie lässt sich aber auch am PC oder Mac ohne Installation direkt und sekundenschnell von der microSD-Karte nutzen Dehnungsstreifen Entfernen Wikipedia 04.06.2016 Die Stadt ist beeindruckend und natürlich wird alles anders, als sie es sich vorgestellt hat Wala Narbensalbe Inhaltsstoffe 63 Du hast mich in den ersten 3 Jahren so fasziniert so begeistert und ich hab wirklich Gefühle für dich entwickelt und wollte dir, zumindest in meiner Vorstellung die Möglichkeit geben ein normales Leben zu führen ohne diese abstürze in die Tiefe Narben Verstecken Svv Zigaretten Größentabelle „Das komplette und endlich vollendete Lied ist für dich, und bevor das Memo endet, will ich dir noch ein paar Dinge sagen. Den Tabakführerschein gibt es dann bei bestandener Prüfung. Die Wunden sind abgehelit, dennoch behandele ich sie weiterhin mit Narbensalbe. ✅ LEICHT UND UNSICHTBAR Dieses Narbensalbe zieht leicht & hinterlässt keine Rückstände auf Ihrer Haut. Eine Narbensalbe beeinflusst die Narbenbildung positiv, da sie Rötungen reduziert, das Narbengewebe auflockert, den Schmerz sowie den Juckreiz lindert und zudem das Wachstum von überschüssigen Bindegewebe verhindert, welches meist zu unschönen wulstigen und wuchernden Narben, gerade bei starken Verbrennungen, führen kann. Schon im Krankenhaus empfahl man mir ausschließlich eine Narbensalbe zu benutzen. Ist sehr gut, kann ich dir nur empfehlen.....
Apm Narbensalbe
Narbensalbe Bepanthen
Wenn er mich bei dem Prozeß als Zeuge aufrufen will - nun, dann wäre ich wohl bereit, mein Gesicht zu zeigen, selbst wenn Sulla persönlich anwesend wäre. Narbensalben auf Silikonbasis trocknen schnell und hinterlassen auf der Haut einen dünnen Film. Jedes Produkt, das schnelle Ergebnisse verspricht, lügt. Die Anwendung von Scarban Narbensalbe ist einfach, diskret und schmerzfrei. Zum kochen ideal sind bindegewebereiche teile des Rindes wie Bug, die ganze Brust mit Knochen, Schwanzrolle tafelspitz und die Beinscheiben aus Vorder-und Hinterhesse, die gleich noch herzhafte Wuerze durch ihren Markkochen beisteuern. Wenn die Wunde verschlossen ist, können Narbensalben helfen, die Haut geschmeidig zu halten. Anwendung eine sicher verheilte Wunde ist.
Narben Salbe auf offene Wunde?
So kann zum Beispiel Ingwertee getrunken werden. Abhängig vom Narbensalbe-Material kann auch das Gewicht dadurch beeinflusst werden. Die Regeln sind einfach und mit wenig Aufwand lässt sich fast überall kicken. Auch Synthetiköle werden wie das Mineralöl aus Erdöl hergestellt Narbenhernie Nach Rives Und Partner «Wir sind jetzt in der gefährlichen Zone Narbensalbe https://walanarbengelddge087.tumblr.com/post/181330417051/narbensalbe-nach-op-ab-wann Contractubex Forum Uk Bruststraffung Rote Narben 900 Die Windmühle auf dem Hügel war regungslos Narbenpflege Erfahrungen Youtube Auf seiner Homepage bietet Kastius die letzte SCHMAZ-Ausgabe des Zossener Holocaustleugners Rainer Link zum Download an (Link aus rechtlichen Gründen unvollständig: www. Wenden Sie regelmässig eine Narbensalbe an, um die Narbe mehrmals täglich durch kräftigen Druck flach zu massieren. Narbensalbe mit Silikon.
In der folgenden Checkliste findest du eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Punkte, die dir bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen können. Sie entstammt einem Samen, der in Westafrika aber auch Zentralafrika weit verbreitet ist. Minimieren aller Fenster und Anzeigen des Desktops. Narbensalben sind rausgeschmissenes Geld, ehrlich. Ich habe meine schlimmsten jemals Anfall von Geschwüren, mindestens drei Großen in den Hals. Bei alten Narben darf der Patient nicht auf Wunder hoffen, aber eine deutliche Verbesserung ist mit einer hochwertigen Narbensalbe durchaus erreichbar ( SIEHE ERGEBNIS ). Die im Karottenöl enthaltenen natürlichen Carotine verfärben die Kopfhaut, was vor allem bei hellem Haar zu unterschiedlich sichtbar ausgeprägten Flecken führen kann. Somit muss ich wieder einen Installer herunterladen und hoffen es sei diesmal der richtige, wenn nicht das ganze nochmals etc.
Narbensalbe ab wann?
1.1 4 beliebte Narbensalben. Welche Kriterien sind relevant zu beachten vor dem Kauf von narbensalbe dermatix Preisvergleich. Wala Narbensalbe Bei Aknenarben Doch nicht nur im Innern der Brüste laufen die Vorbereitungen auf Hochtouren. Neben sozialen Lernerfahrungen werden auch theoretisch fundierte Lerninhalte vermittelt. (s. Ohrrekonstruktion).
0 notes
responsivesites · 4 years
New Post has been published on Website Design Naples Florida Webmaster
New Post has been published on https://vinbo.com/wordpress-5-5-eckstine/
WordPress 5.5 “Eckstine”
Here it is! Named “Eckstine” in honor of Billy Eckstine, this latest and greatest version of WordPress is available for download or update in your dashboard.
Welcome to WordPress 5.5.
In WordPress 5.5, your site gets new power in three major areas: speed, search, and security.
Posts and pages feel faster, thanks to lazy-loaded images.
Images give your story a lot of impact, but they can sometimes make your site seem slow.
In WordPress 5.5, images wait to load until they’re just about to scroll into view. The technical term is ‘lazy loading.’
On mobile, lazy loading can also keep browsers from loading files meant for other devices. That can save your readers money on data — and help preserve battery life.
Say hello to your new sitemap.
WordPress sites work well with search engines.
Now, by default, WordPress 5.5 includes an XML sitemap that helps search engines discover your most important pages from the very minute you go live.
So more people will find your site sooner, giving you more time to engage, retain and convert them to subscribers, customers or whatever fits your definition of success.
Now you can choose to update plugins and themes automatically–or pick just a few–from the screens you’ve always used.
Auto-updates for Plugins and Themes
Now you can set plugins and themes to update automatically — or not! — in the WordPress admin. So you always know your site is running the latest code available.
You can also turn auto-updates on or off for each plugin or theme you have installed — all on the same screens you’ve always used.
Update by uploading ZIP files
If updating plugins and themes manually is your thing, now that’s easier too — just upload a ZIP file.
Highlights from the block editor
Once again, the latest WordPress release packs a long list of exciting new features for the block editor. For example:
Block patterns
New block patterns make it simple and fun to create complex, beautiful layouts, using combinations of text and media that you can mix and match to fit your story.
You will also find block patterns in a wide variety of plugins and themes, with more added all the time. Pick any of them from a single place — just click and go!
The new block directory
Now it’s easier than ever to find the block you need. The new block directory is built right into the block editor, so you can install new block types to your site without ever leaving the editor.
Inline image editing
Crop, rotate, and zoom your photos right from the image block. If you spend a lot of time on images, this could save you hours!
And so much more.
The highlights above are a tiny fraction of the new block editor features you’ve just installed. Open the block editor and enjoy!
Every release adds improvements to the accessible publishing experience, and that remains true for WordPress 5.5.
Now you can copy links in media screens and modal dialogs with a button, instead of trying to highlight a line of text.
You can also move meta boxes with the keyboard, and edit images in WordPress with your assistive device, as it can read you the instructions in the image editor.
For developers
5.5 also brings a big box of changes just for developers.
Server-side registered blocks in the REST API
The addition of block types endpoints means that JavaScript apps (like the block editor) can retrieve definitions for any blocks registered on the server.
Defining environments
WordPress now has a standardized way to define a site’s environment type (staging, production, etc). Retrieve that type with wp_get_environment_type() and execute only the appropriate code.
The Dashicons library has received its final update in 5.5. It adds 39 block editor icons along with 26 others.
Passing data to template files
The template loading functions (get_header(), get_template_part(), etc.) have a new $args argument. So now you can pass an entire array’s worth of data to those templates.
More changes for developers
The PHPMailer library just got a major update, going from version 5.2.27 to 6.1.6.
Now get more fine-grained control of redirect_guess_404_permalink().
Sites that use PHP’s OPcache will see more reliable cache invalidation, thanks to the new wp_opcache_invalidate() function during updates (including to plugins and themes).
Custom post types associated with the category taxonomy can now opt-in to supporting the default term.
Default terms can now be specified for custom taxonomies in register_taxonomy().
The REST API now officially supports specifying default metadata values through register_meta().
You will find updated versions of these bundled libraries: SimplePie, Twemoji, Masonry, imagesLoaded, getID3, Moment.js, and clipboard.js.
The Squad
Leading this release were Matt Mullenweg, Jake Spurlock, and David Baumwald. Supporting them was this highly enthusiastic release squad:
Editor Tech: Ella Van Durpe (@ellatrix)
Editor Design: Michael Arestad (@michael-arestad)
Core Tech: Sergey Biryukov (@sergeybiryukov)
Media Tech: Andrew Ozz (@azaozz)
Accessibility Tech: JB Audras (@audrasjb)
Docs Coordinator: Justin Ahinon (@justinahinon)
Marketing/Comms Coordinator: Mary Baum (@marybaum)
Joining the squad throughout the release cycle were 805 generous volunteer contributors who collectively worked on over 523 tickets on Trac and over 1660 pull requests on GitHub.
Put on a Billy Eckstine playlist, click that update button (or download it directly), and check the profiles of the fine folks that helped:
A2 Hosting, a4jp . com, a6software, Aaron D. 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frontproofmedia · 5 years
My 2020 Wishlist for Boxing - The Year of Optimism in the Noble Art
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By Mike Hills | Contributing Writer
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As we have now begun the next decade in boxing, I believe we have so much to look forward to. 2020 could be a very special year in the Noble Art.
Boxing may not hold the same popularity in North America, however around the rest of the world boxing has never been healthier. We have more and more access to fights through various platforms. 
There is also so much more money involved in the Noble Art, forget naysayers that say boxing is "on its' way out." Fans have been saying this forever. Buy some old copies of the Ring Magazine and you'll see a pattern of negativity that continues in the sport today. Ignore these naysayers, boxing is flourishing and will continue to do so as long as people are willing to enter the squared circle. 
When I grew up, it was not always possible to see the fights occurring around the world, I'd need to read Boxing News Magazine the following week to find out how certain fighters got on. Now all you need to do is turn on the internet and find the correct platform to view a fight. DAZN and ESPN are throwing millions into boxing and now stream fights on a regular basis. In the UK, Sky Sports, Boxnation and BT Sport frequently stream fights. Youtube company, IFL TV have now begun streaming live fights. It's truly never been as good for our Noble Art.  
2019 was a decent year in boxing, we didn't receive the unification fight in heavyweight I thought may happen (Wilder V Joshua), that doesn't mean it cannot happen this year.
Staying with the heavyweights; 2019 proved to be an entertaining year, we had one of the biggest shocks in heavyweight history. The biggest star in boxing; Anthony Joshua losing to Andy Ruiz really shook the division up and created so much global attention to boxing. Their first fight was highly entertaining. After dropping Andy Ruiz, Joshua had to rise several times himself before finally succumbing to the hugely underrated Mexican-American puncher. You couldn't write that much drama into a fight.
The shock loss was so big that they held the rematch in the Middleeast. A purpose-built 20,000 seat arena was erected to accommodate this history-making fight. Sadly, Andy Ruiz failed to show up adequately prepared for the rematch and lost in a lackluster fight. On the other hand, Joshua put on a classy boxing display against his former victor. This level of boxing should hold Anthony Joshua well in 2020. Andy Ruiz will not be granted a rubber match and as such will need to fight his way back to the top, historically in the heavyweight division this isn't that difficult to achieve.
Last year the most dangerous heavyweight in history, Deontay Wilder, defended his WBC title twice spectacularly against two quality contenders Dominic Breazeale and Cuban Luis Ortiz. Both knockouts were two of the most dramatic one-punch finishes I've ever seen. Wilder has frightening power.
The Lineal heavyweight champion (whatever that truly means) Tyson Fury did not exercise his rematch promise. Instead, Fury opted to shake more ring rust off. Tom Schwartz and Otto Wallin were the opponents. Tyson went through the motions and looked at times unmotivated. Fury will need to be sharper and more focused when the much-anticipated rematch happens on 22nd February 2020 at the MGM, Las Vegas. Historically, Tyson Fury has boxed down to the level of his opponents. 
Looking at the division as a collective whole, I've not seen this much talent for many years. The top 20 is sprinkled with up and coming fighters and solid contenders. Forget the Mike Tyson era in the mid-1980s; Iron Mike was too dominant for the division to be competitively exciting. In the 1990s we had a bunch of elite fighters such as Lewis, Bowe, Moorer, and Holyfield. The Klitchko era was not overly exciting with both brothers dominated a list of contenders in easily forgotten title fights.
With this batch of heavyweights, we could see the title changing hands several times as the talented heavyweights juggle for a championship. Over the coming years, I expect the title to change like pass the parcel. This batch of contender includes: 
Dilian Whyte has been the No1 contender for eternity and deserves his title shot. Whyte has featured in final eliminators for the world title. However, the WBC says that they will not exercise the mandatory contender rule until 2021, can Whyte maintain his form until this time? Whyte is also coming of a false drug cheat claim, this must have been harrowing for him. Whyte has beaten quality foes such as Mariusz Wach, Oscar Rivas, Dereck Chisora, Joseph Parker, Lucas Browne, and Robert Helenius. Whyte needs his title fight ASAP. Whyte has just requested to fight perennial contender Alexander Povetkin, you can never accuse Dilian of avoiding tough fights.  
Oleksandr Usyk is the former undisputed world cruiserweight champion. Usyk is fast, athletic, skillful with good footwork. I can see Oleksandr being undersized against the likes of Fury and Joshua. Time will tell. 
Huge punching heavyweight Daniel Dubois is a monster in the division, he's currently the British heavyweight champion and is rumored to be fighting one of my picks for the top 'The Juggernaut', Joe Joyce. This is a mouthwatering match-up and one I thought they would avoid making until either one has a world title. Who says modern fighters avoid each other? Not these two warriors. People claim Joe Joyce is a slow, one-paced brawler. He certainly is slow and ungainly, yet I contest that his speed is so slow (like George Foreman once was) that it's difficult for Joe's opponent to time against. Joe is huge at 6ft 6inches and weighing in the over 250lbs. Joe also has an engine on him that doesn't seem to deplete its fuel. I was a fan of Joe's even before he lost the Olympic Gold Medal match in controversial circumstances. I feel one day we will see a world title around his waist. This is not to say Joyce would currently beat the every improving Daniel Dubois. I'd need more time to evaluate this winner. Dubois is another huge heavyweight. Daniel is not the quickest of hand or feet, yet he possesses underrated skills and has deadly power in both hands. I also see a big of 'nastiness' in Dubois. Do not be fooled by Daniels's quiet and shy demeanor, remember the legendary Sony Liston wasn't much for conversation either. If the fight does come off this year, you should buy a ticket to this fight. 
Tony Yoka, the man given the decision over Joe Joyce in the Olympic heavyweight title has turned professional and has 5 wins on his roster. Keep a note on this man, he's a big man and quite controversial. In 2018 Tony was banned from boxing for missing a few drug tests. 
Filip Hrgovic is another former Olympian (Bronze medal) and a man many experts are predicting to be the future of the heavyweight division. I'm not yet fully informed on Flip, but I'm going to be watching this man closely. 
Oleksandr Teslenko had an extensive amateur career, in fact, he had over 250 fights. This Ukrainian has had over a dozen fights and at 26 fights is someone that could explode into boxing consciousness. Do not sleep on this man. He now lives in North America and will soon be knocking on the door of the title.  
Kubrat Pulev, Luis Ortiz, Alexander Povetkin, Joseph Parker, Adam Kownacki, Michael Hunter, Hughie Fury, are quality contenders that should not be ignored. They could feature in some exciting matchups in 2020. Apparently, Joseph Parker is being matched up with Oleksandr Usyk for the vacant WBO title, should Joshua be stripped of the belt for not fighting his mandatory contender. 
So how is 2020 going to look for this exciting bunch of heavyweights? Anthony Joshua is now tied into satisfying his mandatory contenders (i.e. he has to box the No1 fighter for each of his belts). Allegedly Anthony is going to satisfy his mandatory with the IBF world title. Kubrat Pulev is the No1 contender and should be a routine defense for Joshua. Pulev is from Bulgaria and has been around for a number of years. Recently Pulev took a points decision over Tyson Fury's talented cousin Hughie. I can see Joshua winning this fight via 12 round decision or late stoppage, I don't see an easy blast out in this fight. The man that Matchroom is pushing toward Joshua is the talented cruiserweight Oleksandr Usyk. However, rumors keep popping up that the WBO is sick of waiting for Joshua to defend their title against their number 1 contender Usyk. This could mean that Anthony Joshua will be potentially stripped of his WBO title, this would make it easy for Usyk to win the WBO title and not meet Joshua. We do not need fragmented titles in the heavyweight division. Boxing as a sport is now competing against more and more emerging sports such as extreme sports, competitive video gaming (yes it's a sport). If heavyweight boxing is fragmented then the sport becomes confusing to follow and turns fans away. 
The supremely talented Deontay Wilder is defending his title against the boxing maverick Tyson Fury. This is a rematch from their originally fight in 2018. There is not going to be a press tour, however, advertisements for the fight at going to be shown during the Superbowl, thus allowing them to be seen by countless millions of fans. This could finally give Deontay Wilder the live gate his style deserves. If Tyson Fury should pull off a victory then there is already talk of a "rubber" fight between the two boxers later in the year. This would tie-up the WBC belt. 
This means that the winner of Fury V Wilder will not be available to fight Anthony Joshua until late 2020, possibly and more realistic this mega-fight will be available in 2021. I believe we have a current crop of heavyweights that are not afraid to tackle each other in the ring. These are exciting times. We can thank Bob Arum, PBC Boxing, Eddie Hearn and Frank Warren for this. 
The cruiserweights have never really caught fire in the minds of fight fans. Oleksandr Usyk recently unified the cruiserweight titles, however, since he's now moved onto the more lucrative heavyweight division the titles are splintered again. Arsen Goulamirian owns the WBA title, Yunier Dorticós owns the IBF title. The WBC and WBO titles appear vacant at the moment. 
It's generally accepted that Mairis Briedis is the best fighter at cruiserweight, sadly the titles are divided so it's difficult to make an accurate choice. 
Matchroom is strongly pushing Londoner Lawrence "The Sauce" Okolie. Okolie is the current European champion and because of his wrestling style is an acquired taste. I don't believe Okolie should be pushed into a title after only 14 fights. He really needs to develop his style first. However, since Usyk gave up the world titles the division is in a rebuilding stage and as such, it should be quite easy for Okolie to pick a title in this weaker division. Lawrence actually has achieved a lot in only 14 fights, he's the former British and Commonwealth champion and is the current European champion. Look for Okolie to be boxing for a world title this year.
Light Heavyweights:
The light heavyweight division has some extremely dangerous fighters at the moment. They may not be household names, yet the champions are excellent fighters. 
Dmitry Bivol is the WBA champion and has held this title from 2017. You may see online that Canadian Jean Pascal is also the WBA champion, just ignore this, I'll explain why there can be two champions at one weight later. Bivol is from Russia and is going to be a difficult person to beat, he seems to have lost his knockout streak, yet still finds a way to win against quality foes. 
Like Bivol, Artur Beterbiev is a Russian born world champion. Beterbiev unified the WBC and IBF titles. I see no reason for not putting Bivol and Beterbiev in the ring together to create a unified champion. This may not grab attention around the world, yet it would be an elite match-up against two current monsters. If this match is made this year, make sure you tune in.
Of recent times Canelo Alverez beat long-time champion Sergey Kovalev for the WBO title. However, Alverez has decided to move back down to super-middleweight and or middleweight. This leaves the WBO title vacant. 
Of the current contenders out there, there is much interest by the English fans. Both Callum Johnson and Anthony Yard were unsuccessful in their recent title fights, however, the two Englishmen put up outstanding performances and will still be on the radar for world title fights. Maybe they can be matched up against each other. Another Englishman highly ranked is the excellent and undefeated Joshua Buatsi. Buatsi is being pushed by powerhouse Matchroom Boxing and should be fitted into a world title at some point in 2020. Based on his talent I could see Buatsi winning a world title, however, he's going to need to fight a perfect fight against monster Bivol or Beterbiev. Maybe Buatsi can be matched for the vacant WBO title? 
Remaining in the UK, MTK Global has organized the Golden Contract competition. The winner of each tournament will land a two-year deal that guarantees six-figure purses for every fight along with global exposure. The semi-final will be happening in 2020 and based on the quarter-final fights they should be excellent match-ups. World ranked Steven Ward was knocked out in the first round, this was a shocker and proves that this is an open competition. Left in the competition are Liam Conroy, Hosea Burton, Ricards Bolotniks, and Olympian Serge Michel. It's difficult to pick a winner here. 
Other contenders in the division include Jean Pascal, a fighter that seems to have been around forever. I actually thought he'd retired yet came up with an impressive (if controversial win) over incredibly tough fighter Badou Jack. There has to be a rematch of this all-action fight at some point this year. Do not miss the rematch, I'm going Badou Jack via stoppage to even the score. 
Former super-middleweight champion Gilberto Ramirez is now ranked highly in the division. I REALLY rate Ramirez but I am not sure if he's currently still a super-middleweight or a light heavyweight. Either way, he's a fighter you should be following. This 6ft 2ins fighter has 40 straight wins and would match nicely against Englishman Callum Smith. Both fighters have spoken about fighting each other. Expect this fight to happen at some point later this year.
Callum Smith is the pick in this division. Historically the UK has had many strong fighters in this division and there are still several ranked fighters here. Rocky Fielding is back being world-ranked and can give anyone a tough night. John Rider pushed Callum Smith to the wire and many people felt that Rider won their fight, expect Rider to feature in a world title fight again this year. 
While Callum Smith owns the WBA title, Englishman Billy Joe Saunders owns the WBO title. Both men are now promoted by Matchroom, expect them to be matched together later in the summer. 
Caleb Plant is the IBF champion and appears to be calling EVERYONE out. I like Plant's bravado, Look for Plant to be in a unification fight with one of the champions at some point this year. 
WBC champion David Benavidez completes the champions. Benevidez is a 23-year-old champion that has an excellent record of 22 fights and 19 knockouts. He is currently flying under the radar but I expect him to feature in some 'coming-out' fights this year.
Do not be confused by Canelo Alvarez being the WBA champion, this is a paper title. Callum Smith is the 'true' champion, Alvarez won a secondary title against Liverpool's Rocky Fielding. This is not to discredit Canelo Alverez, he MAY be the best fighter in the division, he just hasn't won a 'true' championship yet.
Danny Jacobs has now stepped up to Super-middleweight and recently won when the talented but erratic Julio Cesar Chavez quit during a fight I thought he was winning. Expect Jacobs in a world title fight before the summer. Jacobs is capable of decimating the division. Keep an eye on him. 
Undefeated British super-middleweight champion Zach Parker is ranked highly by the governing bodies. The 25-year-old Parker is undefeated and has time on his side for a world title push.
My Wishes for the super-middleweights: This year I'd like Callum Smith to unify against Billy Joe Saunders in a unification fight outdoors in England this summer. I'd like the winner of the title to defend against John Rider. In December I'd like the unified champion to defend against IBF Champion Caleb Plant. 
The Middleweights:
Somehow, Canelo Alvarez is still champion of the WBA and WBC. There are also secondary champions here, but Canelo is their "Super", "franchise" champion. If Canelo comes down to his natural weight of middleweight, expect him to be a dominant fighter here. Alverez is currently one of the best fighters 'pound for pound' in the world. He has unfinished business with Gennady Golovkin the IBF world champion. They have had two classic fights. Gennady appeared to have won the first fight but it was declared a draw and in their second fight Canelo came away with a close points win. I rate Golovkin as the second-best middleweight I've seen (Roy Jones is my No1), yet he is now slowing down and seems to be missing a step. This once murderous puncher seems to struggle pulling the trigger. I can see Alverez and Golovkin fighting later this year and I see Canelo winning a decision against the teak-tough old warrior.
I have been a fan of WBO champion Demetrius Andrade since he held a belt at the weight below. Demetrius reminds me of another warrior from the past Winky Wright. Wright like Andrade did nothing spectacular yet was incredibly difficult to beat. Underestimate Demetrius Andrade at your peril, he'll befuddle you to a decision loss. Because Demetrius is not a ticket seller he's very vocal at calling out the other champions. I can see Andrade is some high profile fights this year, this fighter appears fearless and is highly confident in his ability to beat anyone. Look for Andrade V Charlo later this year. I believe Liam Williams is trying hard to coax Andrade in the ring. Andrade is defending his title on January 30th against Luke Keeler. 
Jermall Charlo is now up at middleweight and holds a secondary championship belt. Like Andrade, Jermall is in the "who needs him" club. This means getting meaningful fights for skilled Charlo is VERY difficult. At some point this year Jermall Charlo with engaging in some meaningful fights,this  could be the year of Jermall Charlo. 
Other contenders include Chris Eubank Junior. Thankfully Eubank is back down at his natural weight, he's is coming off a good win over Matt Korobov for the interim WBA title, whatever that means. What we do know is Chris Eubank is more than capable of picking up a world title. I expect to happen at some point this year.
Wales' Liam Williams has been a revelation since moving up to middleweight. This thunderous puncher deserves a world title fight. I do not know if he's going win a title against the current champions, yet he's a world-class puncher. Do not miss watching this man. Imagine Liam Williams against Chris Eubank? That would be an all-out war, both men are volume punchers.
Jaime Munguia was champion at light-middleweight and has now moved up to take on the middleweights. Munguia has a solid fanbase and is exciting to watch. Munguia is taking on fringe contender Gary "Spike" O'Sullivan this Saturday. Munguia is an attractive fighter to add to the middleweights. Time will tell if the move up in weight will prove prosperous.  
My Wishes for the Middleweights: Firstly, I'd like to see Gennadiy Golovkin retire. He's an older fighter and not what he was. He's a favourite of mine and I find it alarming the punches he now takes. Obviously, after signing a lucrative promotional deal with DAZN, there is no way Golovkin will retire. 
Secondly, I would like to see Canelo Alverez make up his mind about which division he going to box in. This will free up the WBC and WBA titles (Canelo is the champion in these two alphabet titles). Is Canelo their champion, or not? I would like to see both Chris Eubank and Liam Williams box for world titles. It doesn't bother me which titles. I just know they will be entertaining fights. 
The Light-Middleweights:  
American Julian Williams is considered the best fighter at light-middle. Julian is champion at WBA and IBF. In May 2018 William unified his WBA title with Jarrett Hurd's IBF title. Previously Williams had been stopped by the current WBC secondary belt holder (are you confused yet?) Jermall Charlo. This fight was for Charlo's IBF title. Since then Julian Williams has found some form. Williams is set to defend his title against Jeison Rosario in Philadelphia on January 18th, 2020.
Jermell Charlo (Twin brother of middleweight Jermall Charlo - it's EASY to confuse both fighters) is the current WBC champion. Charlo won the title in a rematch to Tony Harrison, December 2019. This was revenge for Charlo as Harrison had beaten him on points in 2018. Both fights were exciting and I can see there being a rubber match in 2020. Charlo has beaten some good contenders, Austin Trout and Erik Lubin. The Erik Lubin knockout was sensational. Erik had been streaking through the light-middles only for Jermell to knock him cold in 2017.
Patrick Teixeira is the current WBO interim champion. I'm not overly familiar with Teixeira, he has spent much of his career boxing out of his native Brazil and also Mexico. Patrick's record looks impressive 31 wins and 22 knockouts. Teixeira has been knocked out Curtis Stevens at the higher weight of middleweight. Curtis was a fringe contender and so this loss perhaps indicates a fragility to Teixeira. Now that Patrick seems to be basing himself in the USA maybe we'll have more chances to see him in the ring.
The light-middle division is normally stacked with monsters, this isn't the case in 2020, the division is in need of a boxer to come along and make the division attractive again. I originally thought Erik Lubin was going to be this man. Sadly, for Lubin in 2017 Jermel knocked his cold in the first round. Since this sensational loss, Lubin has managed to steady the ship and looks like the best of the current contenders. The loss to Jermell was so destructive I cannot see Jermell offering Lubin a title shot. This leaves Erik out in the cold.
Probably the biggest fight in the division is Amir Khan against Kel Brook. Yes, this is a fight that has been spoken about for the past 8 years. The Brook V Khan fight was a huge money-making fight 5-6 years ago, yet since both boxers have suffered losses and so it has lost some of its luster. Both men are slower and older now and yet I feel it would be an excellent fight. Brook is currently in training for his latest comeback fight. Khan is now often at ringside and is talking of finally fighting Brook. Since both men are now promoted by Matchroom expect to see this fight in the summer of 2020. I can see the winner of this match fighting Liverpool's Liam "Beefy" Smith later in 2020. Rumors say that Smith is being lined up for a title match. 
My wishes for the Light-middles: The division is sadly overlooked by many boxing fans. To create some intrigue the champions are going to need to fight each other to find a unified champion. Jermell is probably locked into a rubber match with Tony Harrison, however, I see no reason why Julian Williams and Patrick Teixeira cannot unify their titles. 
This division is STACKED with excellent fighters. The welterweights are currently the most attractive division. Fighters include WBA Champions Manny Pacquiao, WBC/IBF Champion Errol Spence, and WBO champion Terence Crawford. All three champions could feature in the current top 10 mythical Pound for Pound list. Manny Pacquiao is one of the greatest fighters ever to step in the ring. I can see 2020 being Manny's last year in the ring. 
Not only does the Welterweight division have 3 incredible champions, but it also has a plethora of talented contenders that are ready to meet each other, these include Keith Thurman, Shawn Porter, Danny Garcia, Mikey Garcia, and Yordenis Ugás.  
Errol Spence and Terence Crawford are currently in a Twitter war of the words. Both men appear to be willing to unify their titles. Spence is recovering from a horrific car crash, yet has been cleared to fight again. Maybe I am an optimist, yet I can see both men unifying their titles later this year. 
Any fight with Shawn Porter is going to be an exciting war. I first saw Shawn as an amateur many years ago in Colorado. Shawn was participating in the USA championships, he really stood out, yet I felt he was outsized as he was boxing in the middleweight division. Shawn had once beaten cruiserweight wizard Oleksandr Usyk. That win is hard to believe now that Porter is a welterweight and Usyk is a heavyweight contender. Shawn pushed Spence very close and I would like to see a rematch of these two. 
Historically Manny Pacquiao has been unafraid to tackle anyone. No doubt Manny will be in a huge fight this year.
My Wishes for the welterweights: I would be highly interested in there being a welterweight tournament in 2020. I would like to see Errol Spence and Terrence Crawford unify their titles. I would love to see Shawn Porter box either Keith Thurman or Danny Garcia again. I'd also like to see Manny Pacquiao have a final title defense and leave the sport to be President of the Philippines. Moreover, I would like to see the UK's Connor Benn move up in class later in the year. Will Josh Taylor be ready to step up to welterweight, he looks very big for the light-welterweights it must be difficult for him to make weight.
As with the welterweights, the light-welters are stacked with talented boxers. The division has just gone through an exciting. tournament. Scotland's Josh Taylor came out of that competition as the leading champion. Josh now owns the WBA and IBF titles. Taylor was in one of the fights of the year against Regis Prograis. This has placed Taylor and Prograis on the lips of many boxing fans. I can see these two fighters having a rematch. 
Jose Carlos Ramirez owns the WBC and WBO titles. Ramirez is set to defend his titles against Ukranian and former world champion Viktor  Postol at the start of February 2020. This should then clear Jose to defend his titles against Josh Taylor in an epic unification fight.
Chorley's Jack Catterall is the no1 contender for Ramirez's WBO title. However, I can see Matchroom offering Jack a title shot against domestic rival Josh Taylor. 
My Wishes for the light-welters: I can see Josh Taylor boxing Jack Catterall in the UK for a domestic world title. This would be a lucrative fight for both fighters. I believe that Jose Carlos Ramirez will beat Viktor Postol and free himself up for a unification fight with Taylor. I can see Taylor unifying against Ramirez before moving up to welterweight. Where does this leave Regis Prograis? I wonder if Regis will be given a rematch against Taylor or will he be frozen out of the picture? 
There is so much talent on display in the lightweight division is almost breathtaking. Vasyl  Lomachenko is one of the most talented fighters I've ever seen. Vasyl won 396 amateur fights and only suffered 1 loss (he avenged the loss twice). He was twice Olympic champion. Lomo is the WBA, WBC, and WBO unified champion. I believe that Vasyl is currently boxing out of his natural weight class of featherweight. Lomo is a 3 weight world champion and has only had 15 fights. 
There are so many natural fights at lightweight for Vasyl, the newly crowned IBF world champion is Teófimo López. In December Lopez smash qualify world champion Richard Commey to defeat in the second round. Teofimo has a large fan base, many scribes consider him the future of boxing. I'm holding back on my decision, I want to see more of Lopez before I join his fan club, but from what I've seen he's highly talented, confident and exciting. 
Gervonta "Tank" Davis is the division "Bad Boy". Gervonta clearly is highly talented and a former world champion at super feather. Tank is being promoted by Floyd Mayweather, this opens up many fights to him. 
Devin Haney is a 21-year-old phenom. Currently, Devin is recovering from a shoulder injury but is calling out Lomo. 
Mikey Garcia is a multi-weight champion. I've placed Mikey in this division as there's currently talks of Mikey fighting Lomo, however, I believe Mikey is going to be staying at the more lucrative welterweight division. Garcia is now scheduled to meet Jessie Vargas at light middle on February 29th, 2020. This is a huge weight increase. Like Canelo Alverez it is hard to place Garcia in a weight category, he jumps around the weights so much.
Luke Campbell is still highly ranked at lightweight. Campbell is coming off a close loss to Lomo and could find himself frozen out of the division. I can see Luke treading water this year, waiting to see how the lightweight division shapes up. The WBO no1 contender is UK's, Lee Selby. Selby V Campbell in the UK could be a good match-up for both men. 
My Wishes for the Lightweights: I can see Vasyl  Lomachenko fighting Gervonta Davis this summer. This would be an awesome fight. both men are not afraid to fight anyone. Due to the momentum Teofimo Lopez currently has, there probably will be a unification fight for him this year. 
Leo Santa Cruz is the former four-weight champion and the current WBA Super Featherweight champion. Miguel Berchelt is the WBC world champion.  I'm not overly familiar with Berchelt, he's been world champion since 2017. Berchelt has 37 wins and 33 knockouts, he clearly is a puncher. Tevin Farmer is the IBF champion. Early in his career Farmer suffered 4 losses, yet he is on a good run. Looking at his form, his points win over Jono Caroll is a good win. Jamel Herring is the WBO champion. Jamel has had a few losses but seems to be settled now. 
My Wishes for the Super-feathers: The division currently holds little interest to me. we need a dominant champion for the division to be set-alight again. Carl Frampton is now in the division and targeting Jamel Herring. Carl wants a fight in Belfast this spring with Herring. If successful Carl would become Ireland's first 3 weight world champion. Carl currently is recovering from surgery to his hands. I'm interested in seeing how much progress Martin Joseph Ward can make this season. 
Leo Santa Cruz (WBA Champion), Gary Russell Junior (WBC Champion), Josh Warrington (IBF Champion), Shakur Stevenson (WBO Champion). This is a murderer's row of quality world champions. Imagine if these four boxers decided to unify the division. That would be the stuff of legends.
Throw in contenders such as Michael Conlan, Xu Can, Kid Galahad, and Jessie Magdaleno and you have an incredibly healthy weight division.
My Wishes for the feathers: I can see Josh Warrington unifying with Shakur Stevenson in the UK. Warrington has been calling out for unification for a while now. Currently, he's targeting the highly talented Stevenson. Stevenson has not yet built a huge fanbase and as such should be willing to unify against Josh Warrington. 
Gary Russell defends infrequently so it's hard to predict his next move. Leo Santa Cruz is a Mexican legend. I can see Cruz looking for a unification fight this year. I believe that the popular and controversial Michael Conlan will be granted a title fight this year. Exciting times in the division. 
As we travel further down the weight my expertise lessens. This should not be seen as a snub to the lower weight warriors, it's mainly due to there being so many fights being shown on so many platforms that it can be difficult to keep up to date.
Danny Roman is the unified champion, he holds both the WBA and IBF world title straps. Danny came to my attention because of his impressive victory over the tough Gavin McDonnell (TKO 10). That's a solid victory over a world level opponent. Roman won the IBF title off Irishman T.J. Doheny.  Danny is defending both titles in Miami against Murodjon Ahmadaliev (January 30th).
Rey Vargas is the WBC champion at the weight. Vargas at 5ft 10inches is extremely tall for the division. Vargas is undefeated with a record of 34 wins (22 kos).
Emanuel Navarrete is the puncher in the division. Emanual has 30 wins and 26 via knockouts. Navarrete two wins over British based Ghanian and former champ Isaac Dogboe is highly impressive. I really rate Dogboe and to have the power to stop Dogboe puts the other super bantams on notice. 
My Wishes for the SuperBantanms: I'd love for the two Mexican world champions Rey Vargas and Emanuel Navarrete to meet at some point in 2020. This would be a popular fight in Mexico. The winner could take on WBA/IBF champion Danny Roman.
Naoya Inoue the man nicknamed the "Monster" holds the WBA and IBF titles. Inoue is a fearsome 3 weight world champion. Inoue just won the Bantam tournament. In his latest fight, he engaged in one of the best wars I've ever seen. He took on aging Philipino Legend Nonito Donaire. During this epic fight Inoue suffered a large cut above his eye, he was hurt on several occasions and admitted he suffered a fractured orbital bone in the second round causing him to have double vision. Inoue also broke his nose. I expect Naoya to be out of the ring for the first part of 2020, yet when he returns the other bantams will be to step their games up to match this "Monster." 
Also in the division is Johnriel Casimero; Casimero is another 3 weight world champion. A match with Naoya Inoue would be a natural for the division. 
French-Morrocan Nordine Oubaali is the WBC champion. Oubaali has been a world champion for a year now and was a top-class amateur back in the day.
Legendary Cuban Guillermo Rigondeaux is on the comeback trail but at 39 years old, I wonder if his body is youthful enough to allow this great to win back his titles? In February Rigondeaux is boxing for the secondary WBA title. I'll explain what "Secondary" title means later.
My Wishes for Bantamweight: I would request for a rematch between Naoya Inoue V Nonito Donaire, yet I don't believe my stress levels could handle it. I also believe aging fighters like Donaire need to be protected from themselves at times. I hope Inoue recovers enough so that he can take on Johnriel Casimero, this should settle which one out of the 3 weight champions is superior. 
I've lumped these two divisions together. I'm not overly familiar with many of the fighters in these divisions. I do know the two boxers that have stood out for me are Julio Cesar Martinez (flyweight) and Khalid Yafai (super-flyweight). 
Martinez came to my attention with the impressive displays against Charlie Edwards (NC) and Andrew Selby. Edwards was swept aside by the aggressive power puncher in round 3, Edwards escaped with a No-contest after Martinez hit Edwards while he was on the canvas. I was extremely surprised by Martinez stopped sensational amateur Andrew Selby in round 5. This win alone shows the quality and power of Martinez. Recently Martinez put in another outstanding performance against Cristofer Rosales (TKO 9). Martinez is set to defend his title in Texas against British fighter Jay Harris (February 20th, 2020). 
Khalid Yafai is a British world champion that has held the title since 2016. Khalid was a top-class amateur that has had little fanfare since turning professional. Yafai needs a defining fight that can showcase his talents. Former champion and fellow Brit, Charlie Edwards is now in Yafai's division. This is a natural fight for both men. 
That concludes my extensive breakdown of boxing in January 2020. Obviously, with one punch or one injury, my analysis becomes inaccurate of obsolete. Boxing is an incredibly exciting sport where picking the winner or predicting the future is a dangerous thing to do. However, I feel adequately informed enough to be able to tentatively predict how 2020 will involve in the noble art.
Final rant: One area of the sport I wish would change is the inclusion of multiple world champions with one organization at each weight. The WBA is one of the older organizations in boxing, yet it has now begun to offer a couple of world champions at each weight. If one of their fighters is a unified champion then he is moved to the status of "Super" Champion which allows other champions to fight for the "Regular" World title. The WBC has now included the "Franchise" Champion. This then creates another chance for the WBC to have two champions at one weight. Confused yet? Well, the WBC also has the "Diamond" belt. Callum Smith is the proud holder of this belt, whereas David Benevidez is the WBC world champion at the same weight, make sense? There are also "Interim" World champions, confused yet? This is so confusing that I can see boxing fans becoming confused and moving onto other combat sports or extreme sports. They say that Herol Graham was Britain's greatest fighter to NEVER win a world title, imagine if Herol was boxing now, he'd have access to so many title belts. 
Take a look below at the current world champions, see which ones are "Super" Champions or "Regular" Champions. It really is putting boxing at a crisis point for fans to move on. 
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