#Rohan deserves better i swearrrr
aaric-s-haven · 2 years
Ok imma be real Rohan from K3G deserved a murder.
First he is obviously not the favorite son and for unknown reasons his brother disappears from his life and nobody is telling him shit. His parents don't mention him and his grandmothers leave the house soon after cuz they probably couldn't bear Rahul's absence.
His mother is extremely depressed and always detached from her surroundings aka not the best person to look after a child and his other mother, the person who arguably loved him the most, DJ, is sent away with his brother.
His father is a dickhead who practices repression of emotions cuz uk it's a must toxic masculinity trait, he has literally not brought up his kids cuz if he had contributed anything apart from high expectations in parenting, his kids wouldn't be such good ppl. They wud be toxic males like him. Rahul always showed sensitivity towards his mother's plight and Rohan called him out on his shit and got slapped for it.
When the story starts Rohan is mostly growing up in a boarding school like Rahul but unlike Rahul he never gets to spend his holidays in a loving environment. Instead he gets an empty house too big for three people, absent parents cuz they are too wrapped up in their grief and grandmothers who can't stop seeing his brother in him hence a constant reminder of how Rahul's loss took everything from his childhood.
He grew up never being enough for anyone left in his life. Everyone looked at him and mourned his brother. Side note, the mommy senses of Nandini activating for Rahul but smh Rohan standing right behind her doesn't get the same AAaAaAA is lowkey funny... If you are a person like me who relates. DJ on the other hand, GOATed woman narrowed on the suspiciously red eyed dude with her old boss' name so fastttt, she didn't need anyone or anything to connect the dots. She thought I smell fkn Rohan flavored bullshit and she was right.
It is a wonder he doesn't grow up to hate Rahul. But it is very much believable that when he turns up at Rahul's house, he is viciously longing for his brother's love and puts up with his overprotective rudeness. That hug at the end of Bole Chudiya fucking breaks me, there was such longing on his face for his family, it was so fkn heartbreaking. I think that's what Rahul saw on his face and pulled him in for a hug. He probably thought that the random guy who Poo won't stop hitting on is missing his family not knowing that he is the family Rohan has been craving for years.
Also the weight loss????? I know some ppl who have had that transformation from child to adult but fight me, Rohan "laddoo" Raichand underwent that cuz of stress taking physical form.
And then of course is the failed attempts at reuniting his family. The first attempt ends with a slap when he points out that Yashvardhan Raichand is a dick. Second attempt only succeeds cuz Poo his bestie also begs Rahul to come back for just a few moments. As if it wasn't obvious that Rahul had given his place to Poo. If anything Poo had a place in his heart that Rohan could never have cuz he became her second father figure. Rahul has a favorite child and it's not his brother, FOR UNDERSTANDABLE REASONS, but man it has to suck for Rohan.
Rahul comes back, Yash finalls caves in and gives the worst ever form of apology to Rahul. Personally Rahul shud take his London fam, his mother and brother back to UK and leave Raichand with his dumbfuck Parampara. Man made everyone suffer for ten years. Specially his wife and children.
So now Rohan is back to the family he always wanted except now they have Rahul, the favorite son, the one that was most visibly wronged, the one who will be getting a special treatment by everyone cuz he was the most obvious victim, and Rohan is back to being the background. Honestly at this point Anjali and DJ are the only ones who are gonna give him attention. And one is his nanny who wud want to live with her daughter for some time and other is his sister in law who has many responsibilities.
So yeah I support Rohan rights and also Rohan wrongs. Go murder your father babe. Dickhead destroyed your life and left you with numerous insecurities and inferiority issues. You became the therapy child with nobody acknowledging your trauma cuz it wasn't visible enough. As if solving your parent's issues emotional and personal isn't a giant red flag of unhealthy upbringing
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P. S I really don't ship Poo and Rohan, like come on you set up a romance like Rahul and Anjali's, you give that standard for love. And then the next couple is reduced to childhood besties that are still act like KIDS cuz uk he just passed out from school. They gave amazingggg bestie partner in crime vibes but not romance dude
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