smokedanced · 3 years
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muses i’m adding: - kenna de poitiers (technically already added) - eloise bridgerton (see above) - hannibal lecter - will graham - tyrion lannister - sansa stark
muses i’m retiring, or did a long time ago but have not deleted from my muse directory yet because i get nothing done ever #roleplaylife: - sayid jarrah; i’d write him if it weren’t for the alt faceclaim. i just... don’t feel a 100 about the original actor being ethnically indian and sayid as a character being iraqi, idk how to handle wrong ethnicities of faceclaims when it’s not a fancast but the actual actor, and i can’t do alt faceclaims apparently. i completely lose connection with the character.
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amarabella33 · 5 years
The Lost Laboratory of Kwalish
Get ready. This past Saturday I started DMing the Lost Laboratory of Kwalish for my friends as our in between game for my friends homebrew and OH boy, let me tell you. It was a GREAT first season and these characters.. man. Just wait. I’ll introduce you guys to them shortly. Get ready. 
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