newsbites · 11 months
News from Australia, 20/21 July.
Senator Lidia Thorpe's Blak Sovereign Movement (BSM) has released her own pamphlet criticizing both the Yes and No campaigns in the upcoming referendum on the Voice to Parliament in Australia.
Do not be bullied by the Yes campaign and do not be intimidated by the racists. Do not let yourself be emotionally blackmailed. There are many good reasons to say No.
The BSM urges Australians to vote against the referendum, claiming that the Voice is "cheap window dressing" and a distraction from the real issues of truth-telling and recognition of Indigenous sovereignty.
The BSM argues that the Voice is powerless and would acquit the government of its continued crimes against Indigenous people.
They also criticize the government for ignoring other areas of reform and allowing worsening rates of suicide, incarceration, and out-of-home care for Indigenous children.
The BSM rejects the fear mongering from the No camp and claims that the proposed constitutional change is worded to ensure parliamentary supremacy and maintain the powerlessness of the Voice.
The BSM also criticizes the process that led to the Uluru Statement From the Heart, claiming it was top-down and did not represent the diverse views of First Nations communities.
2. The inaugural Ron Hurley Memorial Lecture, hosted by the Queensland College of Art, took place last night to honor the legacy of Ron Hurley, the first Aboriginal graduate of the Queensland College of Art and a respected figure in Indigenous communities.
The lecture featured a talk by prominent artist Gordon Hookey, who discussed both Ron Hurley's legacy and his own career, followed by a panel discussion led by Ron's daughter, Angelina Hurley, with emerging artists reflecting on the influence of those who came before them.
3. - Labor members have called on the Albanese government to withdraw from the AUKUS partnership, ahead of high-level talks between Australian and US ministers.
And, in a joint statement on Wednesday, Defence Minister Richard Marles and Foreign Minister Penny Wong confirmed they will meet with Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
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