#Ronin vc: if i have found a random dog in a halloween costume instead of someone to talk to im throwing myself out an airlock
ninnekomata · 10 months
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Ronin is no stranger to travel by ship, be it through space or sea; too often do travelers feel the need to grab something familiar and take it along, whether it be theirs to take or otherwise. be it as a mouser, a stow-away, an unwilling secret pet, or the rare stint as an actually paying passenger - he had seen much of the stars, and much more asides. though even he could admit it was an oddity to see a fellow space-farer of the befurred persuasion. a dog had not been on his bingo-list for this voyage.
"Well, well, well; seems I'm not the only one making my way through these parts on four legs....Do I have the pleasure of speaking with someone, or have I stumbled across a wayward pet? Can never tell - the lower deck crewmen sneak the damndest things into the cargo..." « @cosmiicheskaya »
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