roodlesdoodles · 4 months
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Sometimes I have two modes,there’s Silly and Goofy. Then there is Dark Horrors. Maybe a sprinkle sprinkle of both….
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roodlesdoodles · 4 months
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I’ve been in a Star Wars mood thanks to my handsome nerd ass fiance @the-25th-fuck (bully him affectionately) and now I wanna show off my SW OCs cuz I love her and treasure her. Name: Fraya Lundulli Birth: 33 BBY (God someone please make a Galactic Calendar that makes sense please!!!) Species: Twi’Lek + Chagrian hybrid that was commissioned to be created by her parents on Kamino. Background: Was created on Kamino through commission of her parents, Fraya was given a life of privilege and education in the Inner Rim, some would consider it luck and the opportunity of a life time for anyone out in the galaxy. Fraya had been given proper political education through her father who was a representative aid of Champala and her mother being a Twi’Lek business owner who dealt in charity work out on the Outer Rim. At the coming age of 14, she had been assigned to train as a junior Senator on Coruscant and started her own training, more focus on charity and relief in places devastated by the aftermath of the war between the Republic and Federation. She would come to interact with many Jedi and Palawan’s alike as the war would continue and would develop kinship with a handful the padawans. After Order-66 was enacted, Fraya would leave Coruscant and live more on the Mid-Rim planets while doing her part in providing relief and aid. When the Rebel Alliance would be formed, Fraya would take part in behind scenes by setting up underground networks and scouting out for safe/neutral worlds that are not under the Empire’s surveillance.
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roodlesdoodles · 4 months
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