#Rook and Rookie bonding over hot men
ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
Hello I saw the one where rook saw young auron but what if it was switched and auron saw teen rook.
and rook wore cute clothes like a big sweater and had half of there hair covering half her face and she's all shy and auron acts all smooth and makes young rook blush hard
If you don't mind that is
Oh lord it's teenage me-
Auron didn't know why he felt like he needed to wake up, his partner is still sleeping and it was three in the morning. Rook looked so beautiful sleeping there next to him, he couldn't help but smile. Ever since his teenage self somehow came here he wondered about their teenage phase.
Was it as bad as his? Or maybe it was tamed? They seem like their head is on straight as an adult but he knows being a teen is confusing and hard sometimes. Sighing to himself he got up to see if a glass of water would help him, hopefully it's not one of those nights where he can't sleep for no reason.
Walking to the kitchen he realized how it was on grabbing a vase in the hallway as a weapon Auron walked slowly to the entrance. Stepping through it he saw a younger Rook? Who hasn't seen him yet and seems to be panicking while gripping their hair. Whispering incoherent things while rocking back and forth on the floor, this caused Auron to softly set the vase on the counter and speak.
"Um, hello there." Head snapped to where they heard the voice and backed up to a cabinet while watching Auron intently. Watching his every move to see if he would hurt them, they don't know how they got here and they really REALLY want to go home.
"Hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you. Can you tell me how you got here?" Calmly asking as he crouched down on the floor in front of the younger version of Rook. Who started to tear up curling into themselves and started to babble something he couldn't understand. "Shhh, dear you need to breath and try to calm yourself. Then tell me what you said again." A small nod was his reply as younger Rook tried to steady their breathing for him.
"My...my name is (Y/N) and I don't know where I am or how I got here..." Auron nodded and looked to the hallway thinking he should wake up Rook. As if someone was listening to his thoughts Rook appeared out of thin air at the entrance of the kitchen.
"Hey...Auron who're you talking tooooooo- on my god that's teenager me??" Now fully awake Rook was pointing to their younger self. Who was pointing at them as well in surprise it was like that one spider-man meme Rook showed Auron once. Auron sighed and decided to introduce them to each other.
"Rook, it seems your younger self was brought? teleported? I don't know like how my younger self was." A sigh was his reply as Rook got on the group as well. Looking ar their younger self they cringe a bit at the outfit they had on.
"Wow my taste in clothing improved as I got older." Nonchaluntly saying as they got a glare from their younger self.
"HEY! I dress good what do you mean?? At least I'm not a miserable adult with no personal touch on their outfits!" Snapping at their older self it felt weird. Both Rook's almost started a argument but Auron stepped in.
"Do not start arguing with your younger self please, dear?" A pointed look made Rook nod in agreement they wouldn't. Then Auron looked at Rookie, he decided to call them since he always called Rook, Rook. "And Rookie they aren't miserable." Rookie nodded all of them got silent. Then a stomach growled, Rookie flushed as they covered their stomach.
"Can...can I have food please?" Shyly asking as they looked at the adults in the kitchen. Auron nodded then turned to Rook, both had a silent conversation on what to eat.
"I'll have something ordered to us, what would you want?" Rookie gave him excited eyes as they gave their order. Auron nodded as he grabbed his phone then looked at Rook, they gave their order too. After a while the three of them decided to talk.
"Now, are you fully sure you don;t know how you got here?" Questioning Rookie, Auron was thinking of how his younger self got here. But could Rookie saw something but forgot because of the confusion of going to the future? Rookie was glaring at the floor in though then snap their head up.
"I saw this flashing light! I was walking home from school and all of a sudden I'm here!" Finally recalling what happened Rookie glared at the floor again, "I think I saw someone blonde? He was doing something? I think I saw a younger version of yourself?" Looking at Auron Rookie nodded, "Yeah I think I did." Rook hearing all of this then wondered, what the fuck is happening to this timeline?
Auron on the other hand was silent, so Finn is trying to fix something but fucked up again. Shocker. He then decided to just move the other two's attention "Luckily we dealt with something like this before, you'll go back in a couple of hours. So we'll feed you and answer questions okay?" Giving the younger Rook a smile, Rookie blushed at how handsome he was. How the hell did they manage to bag someone this hot??
Auron then got a text saying the food was here, telling the other two he'd be back the two Rook's were left with each other. "Holy shit he's hot??" Rook smirked at their younger self in victory. Knowing that they always had trouble getting a partner in the past.
"Yeah I know, not to toot our own horn but, toot toot, huh?" Both giggle at the connection they made from gawking at Auron's beauty they then started to chat about other things. Then when Auron came back they ate breakfast, then continue to chat about thing as a trio before Rookie finally left.
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