#Rooster Bradshwa x Reader
milesdickpic · 1 year
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader P.81
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Hi, besties! Here is 2/2 days in a row post to celebrate our ONE YEAR with HLG. Thank you all for everything and your unconditional love and support, you all mean everything to me. I love you all so much! 💕 Happy reading and enjoy! ❤️
A/n: The boys are both finally home and the gang is all together again! How will everyone react to Baby Boy's name?
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: cursing, crying, panicking, making fun of Rooster, slight bullying, but so so much LOVEEE and MUSHHH 🥰
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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You and Bradley finally pulled into the driveway of your house. Jake’s truck was already in the driveway, so that meant he and Nat were already home from work. Bradley turned off the truck and looked at you. He raised his brows and smiled. 
“You ready, sweetheart?”
You bit your lower lip and nodded. “Definitely.”
Bradley unbuckled himself and came around to help you. You got out of the car and stood there waiting for him. He went to open both of the back doors to start getting the boys out. He popped Luke’s car seat out and you popped baby boy B’s car seat out. Bradley took him from you and nodded towards the door. “Let’s get them inside, baby.” You walked over to the door and opened it. 
You were welcomed into the house with a bunch of blue balloons and a whole dinner table full of food and desserts. Jake and Nat came running over to Welcome all four of you home. 
“Holy shit, you guys!” Bradley chuckled as he set the boys down and hugged them. 
“Welcome home!” They came over and hugged you. Shortly after Leia and Austin came through the door and were greeted by Jake and Nat as well. 
Bradley picked up the boys and brought them over to the couch area. He sat their car seats down on the coffee table and started to remove them from their car seats. He handed Luke to Jake, who eagerly awaited holding at least one of the babies. He started to undo baby boy B’s belts. When he finally got him out he held him to his face. 
“Meet our other little boy, everyone.” He grabbed his little hand and made him wave to everyone. 
Everyone started to “Awwwh” at your baby boy. Bradley handed him to Nat. 
“Oh my gosh. Look at them both in their little flight suits.” She sat on the couch next to Jake as they looked at the boys eagerly. Austin sat next to Nat and wrapped his arm over her shoulders. Leia sat next to her uncle Jake and looked at her little brother. 
You sat on the single sofa and finally felt relaxed to be home. Bradley came over and sat on the arm of the chair. He leaned back and put his arm behind you. He kissed the top of your head as you both watched them all get to know your boys. 
“Rooster, how can you tell them apart? They look exactly alike.” Jake laughed and looked at Bradley.
He looked down at you and you nodded. He looked back up to all of them as they looked at Bradley for his answer. “Well, we dressed them accordingly.” He chuckled.
“Bradshaw. They are wearing the same exact thing. What are you talking about?” Nat laughed. 
Bradley shook his head, “Their initials are on each of their onesies. All of their clothes are like that so they don’t ever get mixed up.” He started to laugh as he leaned into you. 
“Oh, you’re right!” Jake held Luke in one hand on his lap as he ran his free hand’s index finger over the little initials embroidered onto Luke’s little onesie. “L.N.B.” He smiled. “Luke Nicolas Bradshaw.” He chuckled cleverly.
Austin leaned into Nat’s back. “Baby Boy B still only has B.B.B on his though?” They all looked up at you and Bradley. 
“Does he not have a name yet?” Nat raised her brow at the both of you.
Bradley rolled his eyes and sighed, “He does, I told you all that. His initials just happen to be the same as baby boy B. It was not planned. Well, kind of.” Bradley furrowed his brows and smiled at you. “You wanna tell them his name, sweetheart?”
You giggled and shook your head, “No, honey. You can tell them.” 
He nodded and kissed the top of your head. “Okay.”
Jake scoffed, “Can someone just tell us his name already. I’m dying to know.” He laughed and Nat looked over at him with narrowed eyes. 
“Rush much, Bagman.” She chuckled and shook her head.
Austin looked at you and Bradley. “What’s the handsome fellow’s name?” He placed his index finger into baby boy b’s hand. 
Bradley looked at you one more time before looking at them and smiling. He licked his lips and bit his bottom one and let out a little chuckle. 
“His name is Bradley.” 
Jake palmed his forehead, “Oh you have got to be shitting me.” Leia slapped her uncle Jake’s arm. 
“Uncle Jakey that’s not nice.” Jake placed a kiss on Leia’s head. 
“I’m sorry, honey. You’re right. I apologize.” 
Austin chuckled. “Bradley.”
Nat smiled at Bradley. “After you, huh?”
Bradley nodded and smiled. “Yup.”
Hangman looked over baby Bradley’s little flight suit, “There are three Bs, Rooster. Don’t leave us on a cliff hanger now.” He chuckled and looked up at Bradley with a mischievous grin. 
Bradley leaned back and started to laugh. “Yup. Our triple B.” 
“Well?” Jake raised his brows at Bradley. “His name?”
Bradley smiled really big, “Bradley Bradford Bradshaw.” 
Jake put his eyes into his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Holy shit, Bradshaw.” He shook his head in his hand. 
Nat had her mouth wide open in a grin and blinked her eyes slowly. She was trying to hold back her laughter. 
Austin had his hand over his mouth, but you and Bradley could both see he was hiding a huge smile behind it. He looked down and over at Natasha. She still had her mouth wide and her eyes even wider. 
“Come on, Bradshaw.” Jake started to chuckle. 
Leia jumped up from her place by her uncle Jakey. She placed her hands on her head and jumped around. “DADDY HE’LL BE BULLIED!”
You looked up at Bradley and started to laugh loudly. He pushed his lips in a line and looked down. 
Jake finally looked up at Bradley, “Did you pick his name, Bradshaw? You know names are permanent?” He made his eyes wide. 
Bradley licked his lips and looked up at his friends. He had a small smirk on his face.
“Rooster… Is this a joke? Are you messing with us? Or are you for real?” Nat narrowed her eyes at Bradley.
Bradley raised his eyebrows in shock. “I’m not kidding. That is baby boy’s name.”
Nat’s look turned into a soft smile. “I personally love it.” 
Austin lightly scratched at baby Bradley’s stomach, “Hey, baby Brad.”
Jake shook his head and looked at Bradley with a raised brow. “You and your old man have the same sick sense of humor.” Jake started to laugh and Bradley joined. “That’s one hell of a name, Bradshaw.” Jake smiled and looked over at baby Bradley. 
“We have a Brad Brad and now we have a Brad cubed,” Nat said in a baby voice to baby Bradley as she caressed his cheeks.
Leia went over to her little brother and looked at him with concern. “Bradley Bradford Bradshaw…” She pushed her lips together and looked at you and Bradley. “It kinda has a ring to it.” She giggled and placed a kiss on her baby brothers head. “I love you either way triple Brad.” 
You laid against Bradley and started to laugh, “You sure picked a hell of a name, babe.” 
He leaned down and kissed your head, “I had to continue the tradition my dad started. Wouldn’t be fair if it ended with me.” 
“I love you, Bradley. You are crazy.” You sighed and relaxed into his hip. 
“I love you, sweetheart.”
Bradley’s POV
I was sitting with you on the couch. You were pumping to see if you could get any milk out. I was holding both of the boys while Leia laid her head on my lap. The boys were fast asleep, their mouths slightly open, laying on my chest and holding hands. I chuckled and called for you, “Baby, look. They’re holding hands.” You looked over and saw their little hands intertwined with each other. 
You gasped, “Oh my gosh, They are so precious.” Leia got up from my lap and looked.
“That is so cute! Braddy and Lukey are holding hands!” She leaned in and kissed their heads. “Daddy, when were they born?”
I looked at the boys and then back at Leia. “They were born on July 12th.” I smiled at Leia. 
Her eyes lit up and she gasped, “That’s near my birthday!”
 I nodded and reached my hand out for her face. I caressed her cheek, “It is, my love. What do you want to do for your birthday?” 
She tapped her finger to her chin as she thought about it. “I really want to go home and see my uncles, Papa Mav, Penny, and my friends… but I know we can’t…” She started to think again. “Hmm.” She looked down and kept thinking. 
I looked over at you and you were looking at Leia sadly. You and I both knew how much she missed everyone back in San Diego. 
“Oh I know! Can we all just watch movies in the backyard?” Leia looked up at me with her puppy eyes. 
I smiled, “That’s all you want to do, baby?” I raised my brows at her.
She nodded with a big smile on her face. “I know you and momma will be busy with baby Brad and Luke, so I just wanna watch movies with everyone and cuddle, Daddy.” She interlocked her fingers together and placed her hands on her cheek.
I chuckled, “Are you positive, Leia Rey?”
You tickled her side slightly, “You don’t wanna have a party, baby? You’re going to be turning 7!”
She shook her head with a smile, “I just want to be home with my family, momma.”
You furrowed your brows and looked at me. I pushed my lips together and we both looked at Leia. 
“Okay, Leia girl. Movies on your birthday with the family it is.” I caressed her cheek and then placed my hand back on Luke’s back. 
Later on that night, we started to get the kids ready for bed. Phoenix gave Leia a bath and changed her into pajamas for bed. You and I gave the boys their first bath at home. I was fucking nervous. I had never given such a small human; nonetheless, TWO a bath before. Thank god you were there to help. 
First up was little Brad. I placed him on the bed and started to remove his onesie. “All right little man. Left arm… and right arm…” I smiled as I removed his little arms from each sleeve. I picked him up and placed a couple of kisses on his cheek. “I love you, little Brad.” A little grin peered across his face and I used everything in me to hold back my tears. I placed him back down on the bed and wrapped him in his towel. I picked him up and held him in the palms of my hands as I walked over to you. You were filling up his little tub with water. 
“Special delivery, mama.” I rubbed the tip of my nose with his and clicked my tongue quietly at him. You watched him and me in the reflection of the mirror. I kept rubbing my nose against his little face as I cooed over him. “I love you, my baby. You and your brother are so perfect.” I kissed his cheek over and over again causing another smile to appear on his face. “Ahhhh, there’s a sight to see. I love you, Bradley.” I smiled at him, still holding my tears back. 
You laid your head on my arm and smiled as you poked our son’s nose. “Water is ready, Daddy.” 
I started to unravel the towel from around our son. I undid his diaper and slowly started to submerge him into the water. I held his head and cupped water into my palm and washed it over his body. 
You wrapped your arms around my waist and laid your head on me as you watched. “You look like a natural, babe. Look at him. So relaxed, not a care in the world.” I could hear a smile crack across your face. “My perfect boys.” You looked over to the bassinet next to us where Luke was lying fast asleep. 
“Am I doing the right, sweetheart?” I looked slightly over at you as I kept cupping water over our son’s body. You nodded slowly. You pointed to the soap and little washcloth. 
“Go ahead, honey.” You smiled and encouraged me. “You got this.”
I nodded and grabbed the washcloth. I placed it into the water and placed it on Little Brad’s chest. I grabbed the soap and put little dollops of it onto the washcloth. I rubbed it softly as the suds started to form. I started to wash his little body slowly. He relaxed into the palm of my hand. This was the icing on the cake. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I cried. Hard. 
I chuckled as tears fell from my eyes. “Oh my gosh. I’m doing it, sweetheart.” I sniffled before my snot could drip. “This is so cool.” You and I started to laugh. 
“You are doing it perfectly, Bradley. You are the best dad in the world.” You kissed my arm and rubbed it. “I love you so much.” You looked at me through the mirror and I looked up back at you. We shared a smile. 
“I love you, y/n, Forever.” 
After I finished little Brad’s bath, you took him back to the bed to prepare him for bed. I started to get Luke ready for his bath. “All right little man, you’re up next!” I smiled. I swaddled him in his towel as I replaced the water in the tub with new clean water.
I picked up Luke and he pushed around a little bit. I bounced him in my arms and rocked him as I shushed him. I rubbed the bridge of his nose gently with the tip of my index finger. “You’re okay, Luke. Daddy’s got you.” I placed a kiss on his forehead and rocked him for a little bit. I checked the water temperature and it was perfect. I started to unravel Luke from his towel. I took off his diaper and placed him into the water. 
He started to fuss. My eyes went wide. “Holy shit.” I started to cover him with water and tried to console him. “You’re okay buddy. Daddy’s here. We are just gonna take a quick bath and then you’ll be back in some warm clothes in your warm bed.” He started to whine quietly. It broke my fucking heart. 
“Heyyyy. Shhhhh. It’s okay baby boy. I’ve got you. Shhhhhh.” I started to wash his body trying to be quick. 
You came over and wrapped your arms around my waist. “Do we have our first little temper tantrum, Mr. Bradshaw?” You giggled as you watched me panicking as I washed Luke. 
I sighed, “It seems so, Mrs. Bradshaw.” I looked at you with sad puppy eyes. “Please help me, mama.” 
You giggled and patted my hip and replaced my hands with yours. “I’ll take it from here, Daddy.” You placed a kiss on Luke's little head and washed him slowly. “It’s okay, baby. Mommy’s here.” 
I placed one hand on your waist and the other against the counter. I watched as you gave Luke a bath. You were literally an expert. He was still fussy, but not as fussy as he was with me. Then it happened. He opened his little eyes. The first time he or little Brad had done it. 
You gasped. “Oh my gosh…. Bradley…Look…” His little eyes were beaming up at you. When he saw you, his fussing stopped completely. 
I chucked. “A mama’s boy this one is going to be.” I looked at you with so much love welling in my chest. “But who wouldn’t? Their mama is perfect.” 
You looked up at me through the mirror and blushed. I smiled at you and kissed your cheek. 
“Oh. No. Freaking. Way.” You started to laugh. 
I smiled, “What, babe?”
You looked back at me and shook your head. “It seems to me that the Bradshaw boys have inherited those pretty green eyes you have.” 
My eyes went wide as well as my mouth. I looked at you shocked. “YES!” I pumped my fists into the air. “Sorry, sweetheart. You’re screwed now. 4 pairs of puppy dog eyes begging you for more brownies?” I chuckled. “You stand NO CHANCE in this household.” I squinted my eyes at you. “How’s it feel to be the only brownie in this family?” I raised a brow at you. 
You smiled sweetly and kissed my lips softly. “Makes me feel unique. For once.”
I raised my brows and chuckled. “I love that, baby.” 
You finished up with Luke’s bath and brought him over to the bed to get him ready for bed. I laid on the bed and watched as you got him ready. You picked him up and gave him a couple of kisses before placing him in his bassinet. 
You kissed both little Brad and Luke’s cheeks. “Good night, boys. Mommy loves you so much.”
I got up and went over to them. I gave each of their bellies little rubs. “Good night, lady killers. Daddy will see you in a couple of hours for feeding.” I placed a kiss on each of them.
I wrapped my arm around your shoulder as we stood there watching them sleep. I kissed your cheek. “Shall we go and say good night to our Princess Leia?”
You looked up at me and nodded. “Let's.” 
We left the bedroom door open and walked down to Leia’s room. Hangman, Austin, and Phoenix were in there reading a bedtime story to her. I knocked on the door and they all looked over. 
“We came to say good night to our little girl.” Leia sat up in her bed smiling at you and me. 
Hangman, Austin, and Phoenix stood up and moved over. Hangman patted my back. “We are gonna go say good night to the boys.” He winked at us while he, Phoenix, and Austin made their way to our room down the hall. 
We sat at the side of Leia’s bed and gave her kisses. “Good night, my princess Leia. I love you so much.” You pinched her cheek and kissed her over and over again. 
“Mama!” She giggled. “I love you.” 
You started to tuck her in as I sat next to her. I pushed her curls from her face and smiled at her. She relaxed against my hand and rubbed her cheek into my palm. 
I smiled and leaned in to kiss her nose. “I love you, sweetheart. Sweet dreams.” I rubbed the tip of my nose with hers. We both scrunched our noses and shared a giggle. “You are perfect, Leia Rey.” 
She smiled up at me and blushed. “I love you, Daddy. Always.”
I kissed her cheek over and over again. “You have my heart, Leia Rey. Forever.”
WELCOME HOME BABY BOYS! Stay tuned for how your and Bradley's first official night home with the boys will be. Do you think it will be smooth or chaotic? 🫣 Thanks for being here, babes! I'll see you in the next chapter, besties! 🫶🏼
Bradshaw Boys' future babysitters are in the comments 😈
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