deatheard-archived · 6 years
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I  AM  SO  MUCH  MORE  THAN  ROYAL     !          they  are  the  rules  of  the  world .     in  charge  of  every  political  step .     their  power  and  influence  don’t  come  without  a  cost  though .     they  live  lives  of  riches  and  fame ,    always  have  the  eyes  of  the  world  on  them .     watching  their  every  move .     waiting  for  the  next  big  statement  or  the  next  big  mistake .          will  you  be  the  change   ?     or  be  the  fool   ?
laws .
         i .     to  join  the  verse ,   message  me     HERE    name ,  age ,  where  your  muse  is  from  and  their  title  and  mun’s  name  and  age .     and  discord  if  you  want  to  be  in  the  discord  group .          i .     there  won’t  be  any  drama  allowed  ooc ,  but  ic  drama  is  encouraged .     go  nuts  and  be  creative .     any  major  plots  must  be  mentioned  to  either  me  or  elz .          i .     be  as  active  as  possible ,    if  anything  comes  up  just  tell  me  or  elz .     we’re  all  human ,   things  occur .     : )     be  good  to  cats  and  dogs  and  each  other .          i .     track  the  tag  :     royalsau .          i .     not  only  royals  are  allowed  in  the  verse .     other  things  with  relations  can  be  accepted  as  well  such  as  guards ,    agents ,     press  people  etc .    governors  and  their  children  as  well .     making  up  siblings  to  share  countries  is  acceptable  as  well   !
and  now  we  present . . .
    lydia  blossom.     princess  of  germany .     /     @deatheard .     cheryl  blossom .     princess  of  germany .     /     @headvix .     luisa  blossom .     princess  of  germany .     /     @wasdeath​ .     stiles  stilinski .     guard  of  germany .     /     @voidworn​ .     allison  argent .     princess  of  france .     /     @aerchery .     bellamy  blake .     prince  of  australia .     /     @arkleader .     theo  raeken .     prince  of  ireland .     /     @ahtoned​ .     kira  yukimura .     princess  of  korea .     /     @mythamour​ .     gaston  ‘ stone ‘  legume  jr .     guard  of  sweden .     /     @egoheir​ .     clarke  griffin .     princess  of  norway .     /     @mythamour​ .     betty  cooper .     princess  of  somalia .     /     @mythamour​ .     norville  ‘ shaggy ‘  kavinsky .     prince  of  italy .     /     @zoinkstm​ .     rosette  kavinsky .     princess  of  italy .     /     @mythamour​ .
    reserved :     toni  topaz .     evie  grimhilde .     veronica  lodge .   peter  kavinsky .
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rainlikestars · 8 years
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Lily of the Lake
Another rabbithole Spaceromantic dragged me into kicking and screaming and aggressively drawing.
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diamondlife-dreams · 6 years
The Wrong Brother Ch 1
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Type: RoyalsAu!
Word Count: Approx 1000
Prince!Doyoung x Princess!Reader
Preview     |     Chapter 1     |     Chapter 2(Not Up Yet)
In the palace of the Royal Lee family. A kind king and queen are conversing worriedly to one another.
“Daejung, we can’t keep going on like this.”
“I know I know Haneul, but what can we do? We have been fighting for years. We are starting to lack resources and we are losing more and more people each day.”
“We….. we could arrange an agreement. Something to stop all of this fighting. We need to speak to HIM.”
“An arrangement….. What kind of arrangement?”
“I don’t know, but we will see when the time comes.”
~Time skip to 2 weeks later~
Sat upon a throne draped in golden robes was King Kim Jinyoung of the Velverosa Kingdom.
“So you wanted to speak to me? But why should I listen to my enemy?”
“Because we cannot afford to keep fighting like this. This war that has been going on since our father’s reigns. I know it’s not just my kingdom that is suffering from this, yours is too.”
“Alright then. I’m listening. What do you suggest we do? Our people have hated each other for years. It’s not possible to end this war so suddenly.”
“There is a way.”
“Oh? And what is that?”
“Through marriage. If one of each of our children get married to the other, it’s possible.”
“And you think I would allow one of my precious children to get married to yours?”
“How else will we be able to end this. It’s not just between us, it’s changed our people too. They have built hatred to one another due to the problem only between our fathers. We can change that.”
The man sighed, “Alright and which ones of my sons ones do you suggest gets married to your daughter? My eldest will succeed my throne and the younger will most likely become an advisor. Either way, your daughter will end up with a high position in the court. How do I know this is not just a ploy to eventually take over my kingdom?”
“I promise you it is not. My daughter is not the type who involves herself in conflict unless needed. She would never do so, even if I had asked her to.”
“If that is true, I believe it would be fine to engage her to my eldest then. It is to be expected for Gongmyung to get engaged to someone soon anyway. This just makes things easier. I just hope there is nothing up your sleeve and that things will settle down in the future King Daejung.”
“Thank you King Jinyoung. I think this is the wisest decision for the sake of the future of both of our kingdoms. If it is alright with you, I shall send my daughter here in a few weeks to meet with Prince Gongmyung in order to give them a bit of time so they may get to know one another before their marriage.”
“That is fine with me. We’ll be expecting and prepare for her.”
~Time skip to a few days later with King Daejung and his children~
“Father, why must I do this?”
The man sighed at his daughter, “I’m sorry darling, but this is the only way. Plus I heard that Crown Prince Gongmyung is a very kind and polite man.”
“What you heard doesn’t mean much Father,” the girl let out a sigh. “I guess i’ll just figure him out when I meet him. If I don’t like him, i’ll fix him up. No one wants a ruler that they don’t like.”
“I think it’ll be fine dear. He’s very well liked within their kingdom and somewhat over here in ours as well.”
“If you say so.”
As the princess finished speaking, they could hear footsteps rushing towards them. From around the corner rushed (y/n)’s brothers, Taeyong and Mark. Taeyong stopped a few feet away while Mark barrelled right into her, causing the two of them to collapse to the floor.
“And why not?”
Mark buried his head into her neck and muttered a few words into it.
“Mark. Lift your head and speak louder if you want to say something to me. But first, can we please get up off the floor?”
“O-of course!” He scrambled up quickly off of her and the floor.
Taeyong gave a wry smile as he helped his younger sister up from the floor as their younger brother was a bit too flustered to do so.
“So what was it you were trying to say to me?”
The younger boy shuffled a bit before looking back up at his elder sister, “I said, it’ll be lonely without you here.”
(Y/n)’s eyes softens at his words and gently pulls him into a hug. “I won’t be gone forever. You can always come to visit me. Also what do you mean lonely? You have Taeyong here with you.”
“I know that, but it won’t be the same.”
“Thanks for mentioning that I exist sis. Mark, it was bound to happen eventually. There’s no way out of this for (y/n) unless Father decides to break of the engagement. That would also mean restarting the war as well, which isn’t an option.”
Mark pushed himself away from her with a frown. He knew that it wasn’t possible for her to stay, yet all he could do was think of ways to keep her from leaving. Who would cheer him up when he was feeling down? Who would listen to him when he wants to rant about all his teachers. Who will keep him level-headed while he panics about upcoming events? She can’t leave. She can’t leave him behind.
Mark felt his eyes water as his thoughts took over him. Taeyong and (Y/n) both gave him a worried look before the younger reached towards him. At her touch, Mark recoiled before giving her a saddened look and running away.
(Y/n)’s lips pursed in anxiousness at the boy’s actions, but knew that going after him wouldn’t exactly help.
Taeyong gave a wry smile before patting her head softly.
“Don’t worry too much. I’ll talk to him. You should go ahead and start working on packing or at least get an idea of what you’re taking with you.”
(Y/n) nodded and headed off to her room while calling a maid to follow her.
~Around the same time in the kingdom over~
“Hyung!” a voice called from down the hall.
A tall and handsome young man turned back to look at his younger brother with a questioning look, “Hm? Did you need something Doyoung?”
The boy huffed slightly as he caught up with the former. “I heard that you’re getting engaged to that princess from the kingdom over. Are you okay with getting forced into a political marriage like this?”
Gongmyung smiled wryly at the teen and ruffled his hair. “There’s not much that I can do since this is something our father and King Daejung have decided on. Plus this will benefit both kingdoms. This will just be the first step I will be taking before I take over after Father passes.”
Unsatisfied by this answer, Doyoung gave his brother a suspicious look before fixing up his hair and replying back with a teasing tone, “Once you’re married to that girl, quickly have a kid so I can have someone to spoil. Ahhh I can hear the sounds of a small kid yelling out to me. “Uncle Doyoung, Uncle Doyoung! Come play with me.” I’m sure they’ll be so cute and bring a lot of happiness here.”
The elder brother’s face and ears flushed red at the mention of having a child. “Doyoung, you don’t just- I haven’t even met her yet! How could you just suddenly talk about me having a child with her already. What if she doesn’t want a child or if she hates me or-”
The man was cut short by the sound of laughter. Doyoung stood in front of him doing his best to hold in his laughter, though it failed considering it echoed back to them in the empty hall. Gongmyung could feel himself relax and give the younger an exasperated look.
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abbie-with-an-ie · 11 years
OMG I've started drawing the crowns for all of the guys. I gotta photoshop them
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