#Ruby Mortis RKZ
bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
OC List V_2.0 (Under construction)
I am making a new version of the list so that it can be easier found because I will pin it on my blog ^^ Based on @pinky-the-polar-bear , @zombiedeers , @pastelprince18, @peachy-keenss and @onlyreyhere /@pan-fried-autism Roadkillerz OC lists
If you would like to know more about them, feel free to ask whatever you like ^^
Of Swords and Pens
Owens Family Tree
Jeremiah Owains (Blaise ancestor)
Timothy Owens (Blaise great uncle)
Lewis Owens (Father, deceased)
Eliza Owens (Mother, deceased)
Blaise Owens (first child, Neutral)
Victor Owens (second child, Neutral)
Joanna Owens (third child, Frist Responders)
Lawrence Owens (fourth child, Neutral, deceased)
Connor Owens (Neutral) (Clone of Lawrence)
June Owens (Neutral) (Clone of Blaise)
First Responders:
Garrett Bearlitz (First Responders)
Dr. Ruby Mortis (First Responders)
Manatena Berrocal (First Responders)
Franz Weißschloss aka “The Hospital Chaplain” (WIP)
Obdulio Bravo (formerly Tigris Empire, now First Responders )
Charl Mountebank (First Responders
Leonid Aksakov / Akdow (First Responders, joins later)
Misc. Roadkillerz:
Chadli Spox (Roadkillerz, later Neutral)
Claire du Rand (Roadkillerz, deceased)
Sasha du Rand (Roadkillerz)
Nikolai Akdow (Neutral, later Roadkillerz)
Aviso Grand (Neutral, later Roadkillerz)
Shade Marengo (Grey Mane Club, later Roadkillerz)
Bradley Bear (Roadkillerz, later missing)
Arthur P. Bellum (Army, later Roadkillerz)
Lukas U. Naris (Roadkillerz)
Misc. Wrath
Giordano "Cannelloni" Castellani (Wrath, later Neutral)
Nutmeg Cinnamon (Wrath, later Neutral)
Dr. Lis Polarny aka "The Surgeon" (Wrath, later Medics)
Weregeld Schein (Wrath, later Neutral)
Aeolus Piston aka “Soldier 040″ (Wrath, later Neutral)
Page aka “Soldier 404″ (Wrath, later Neutral)
Seren E. Ness (Wrath, later Neutral)
Misc. Neutral
Ian Snapshot (Neutral)
Kathrina Akdow (Neutral)
Michael "Mike" Melkboer (Neutral)
Keratin Grand (Neutral)
"Father" Job Fahim (Neutral)
Tonic Corner (Neutral, deceased)
Charly Doe (Neutral)
Dwight Cahoon (Neutral)
Vasily Akdow (Neutral, "departed")
Quintus Imperium (Neutral)
Lily Ordnung (Neutral)
Janus Gates (Neutral)
Constance Jacquemart aka "The Phantom of Mayberry" (Neutral)
Thomas Lieberg (Broken Heart Cult)
“The Architect of Mayberry” (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Jerome Alabaster (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Urban Bacchus (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Raymond Crosshill (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Denarius Snooze (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Bartholomew Ekzem (Town of Mayberry)
Fed Geeman (Government/Town of Mayberry)
Tinker Robinson (Town of Mayberry)
Rex Imperium (Town of Mayberry)
Albert "Al" Clear aka "The Launderer" (Town of Mayberry)
Fil M. Helmer (Town of Mayberry)
Åge Aeon (Town of Mayberry)
Reverend/Pastor Mitchell Canon (Town of Mayberry)
"The Author" (Government)
Castor Montan (Town of Mayberry)
CATOS (Town of Mayberry)
Broken Heart Cult / Cult of the Broken Heart
Grey Mane Club
Blood Moon Order
Followers of the Moon
Church of the Righteous Cross
Trailer Park "Town"
"The Peace"
Shared Curse AU
Adoption AU Solo
Adoption AU Quintet
Pet AU
Fan Fictions
A Corner to lean on
Phantoms in the base
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
6 and 8?
Greetings Anon ^^
6.Which OC prefers to dip someone? to be dipped?
I think Claire liked to dip people in water when swimming, but in friendly way, never meant to harm someone. Leonid probably did it too when he is going swimming with friends and Ruby did it very likely too at one point as well, but not out of bad intention, just in an, being annoying to your friends way :-.)
8. Which OC prefers flowing clothes? Tight clothes?
Franz Weißschloss, prefers to wear flowing clothes, which is why, he does usually wear his robe, but of course wears under it more everyday clothes, suits make him feel...as if he would be suffocating...he has been wearing them for so long.
Arthur on the other hand prefers more, tight clothes that fit and sit on his body well, with him usually wearing his army uniform, however, after he is no longer part of the Army I can imagine him wearing other clothing as well.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
27 & 13?
27.Which OC loves scary movies? Which OC only watches them to cuddle?
Ruby loves watching scary movies, the real scary ones...not just slasher movies...but those that are really creepy and keep other people awake. She enjoys eating popcorn or other snacks while watching a good scary movie.
Nikolai likes to watch, "the classics" with Grem (@pan-fried-autism), for example the first alien movie, but he usually does it because he can cuddle with Grem while they watch the movie together.
13. Which OC drops the hydroflask in class?
I had to look up what a hydroflask was, but I guess it happened often enough to Chadli Spox and Claire du Rand when they both were still in college and they attended lectures were they both were still very tired and accidentally caused the hydroflask to crash from the desk, either way because they misplaced it...or when grabbing it...caused it to fall from the table.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
24.Which OC hates the taste of water?
Ruby Mortis and Giordano Castellani, both of them just...don't like how it literally tastes like....nothing...it's especially annoying if you want to wash away some taste that you have had in your mouth for a while now...and want to have gone.
Giordano likes to carry a few of those tablets with him, that have different flavors, for example orange which he can put into a glass of water, Ruby meanwhile just usually buys a juice or soda.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Greetings Anon ^^
32. Which OCs believe in ghosts?
The OCs who believe in ghosts would be:
Blaise Owens
June Owens
Connor Owens
Joanna Owens
Ruby Mortis
Victor Owens (later)
Manatena Bercoal
Franz Weißschloss
Nikolai Akdow
Kathrina Akdow
Leonid Akdow
Vasily Akdow
Aviso Grand
Job Fahim
Charly Doe
Thomas Lieberg
Quiet a few of them, as you can see believe in Ghost's, either way because they just believe in them, had encountered ghosts or because know that ghost's exist because of their magical/supernatural connection.
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Does Ruby ever try again with singing a song spell? one that isn't envious.
Greetings Anon ^^
I think Ruby, would be wary to touch anything music or song magic related for a while, she is careful around it.
Maybe later, perhaps through the encouragement of Dotty Whitlock (@pastelprince18) I can imagine that Ruby would be more, comfortable trying to use, music/song magic again.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Did the blood moon worshipers ever cross paths with broken heart cult?
Greetings Anon
I don't think so, I think members of the Blood Moon Order were of course aware about the Broken Heart Cult, especially when they started to make themselves known, but they, preferred not to interact with the newly emerged cult.
They felt, that they were dangerous and that something was going on with them, so they remained, wary and cautious, waiting to see, what was going to happen.
The only, in a way, members, who crossed paths and intervened with the Broken Heart Cult, was Joanna Owens and Ruby Mortis.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
When did Ruby first heard of the Medics?
Greetings Anon ^^
I think, it was when she went to medical school, on one of the pin boards there was a poster about the Medics and how they offered internships to medical students during the summer break.
So, after her first two semesters, Ruby took the opportunity and worked for a few weeks as an intern for the Medics and given that she liked it, decided to join them after she became a pathologist.
That was, how she first joined the Medics, later of course she went and joined the Wrath for a while, before re-joining the Medics again.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What was Ruby Mortis transition like?
Greetings Anon ^^
Hmm, I have to say, I believe she was very nervous at first, however her father and her colleagues and friends from school did support her. Ruby had at first surgery and later hormone therapy and again she was very nervous, but glad to have her father, friends and acquaintances around who supported her from the day she told them she was trans and how she really felt.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Would Ruby try to help free Francis from the Envy spell? (@pastelprince18)
Greetings Anon ^^
I have to admit, I don't think it's the question of "would", but rather "could" in Ruby's case.
Would she try to help, yes, because Ruby does realize that it were the after-effects of trying to use the envy spell herself, that caused her to have falsified memories, making her believe it was Francis fault that she had a "magical related allergic reaction" that nearly killed her, and she does feel guilty to have blamed Francis for her own curiosity and carelessness.
But it depends on the could, I have been thinking about something, a scenario/idea that involves Ruby, and perhaps a bit of remnant "envy magic" that may still reside in her body, I do not want to reveal too much because I am still working on it, and would like to talk with Ray about it, before revealing what I have thought about.
What I can say is that, the events would leave her weakened, which is why she can't help Dorothy and the others who are involved, in freeing Francis.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Does Franz ever meet Ruby Mortis?
Greetings Anon ^^
Given that Franz is often found walking the corridors of the Medics base, he and Ruby have met occasionally.
At first she was not really, interested to talk with the hospital chaplain, but I think at one point, when her inner turmoil because of Joanna Owens grew, she started to talk with Franz about it, after all he offers to everyone a sympathetic/friendly ear and it there for them if they want to talk about something.
She would talk about her frustration with Joanna, and how she feels and Franz would ask if she knows that Joanna feels that way, or if she believes that Joanna thinks about her, Ruby, like that.
Ruby would say it's, more of a believe, but also, that's what she kind of expects from Joanna, that she holds her back on purpose, and in silence mocks her for having joined the Wrath at one point.
Franz would, recommend to her to talk with Joanna at one point, but Ruby would retort that she knows her teacher in blood magic won't listen.
However I think she would tell Franz she will try, and although the confrontation between Joanna and Ruby is a bit heated, they are able to talk things out, and their relationship gets better.
Even after the conflict is resolved, I think Ruby and Franz often talk with each other.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Will Ruby meet Blaise and Victor?
Greetings Anon ^^
I think they would at one point.
Given that Blaise visits the Medics HQ, either way because they are writing something for the Medics, or because of treatment, I can imagine that they have met a few times. I can imagine that Ruby did, reveal to Blaise how she feels that their sister is holding her back, with Blaise saying that, while they can't say for sure, they don't think that Joanna does it intentionally, however Ruby doubts that, at first at least.
The pathologist would meet Victor later, probably when he comes to visit Joanna during work, or Blaise when they stay at the hospital. She is not sure what to think of him, Joanna, when she spoke about him, which she did rarely, did mention that he was once a daredevil, but now, the lynx looks and acts rather gentle, deeply caring for his wife who accompanies him. Ruby talks with Victor normally, there is not a lot interests they share with each other, but I think Victor would admit that, Joanna does not, show emotions often anymore, especially not with everything that had happened in the past and the burdens she had to carry. However he would not elaborate or go into detail, saying that it is for the best if his sister would talk about this herself.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Will Ruby's and Joanna's relationship get better over time?
Greetings Anon ^^
I am positive that their relationship improves steadily over time, however not before they have an argument, with Ruby believing not to be taken seriously and Joanna denying these accusations. At first it would be, loud in the pathology department where Ruby is usually working, with her saying that she does not feel she is getting anywhere with the studies of blood magic, that Joanna either way does not want her to improve or wants her to get nowhere with her practice.
Joanna would be saying is that all she wants for Ruby is to take things slowly, that she only worries about her, ever since the accident with the Wrath, who Joanna blames herself because she did not notice that Ruby was feeling that way, that she does not want that her student feels held back or not taken seriously. And that she is sorry, that she has difficulty expressing compliments, she never wanted things to escalate, as they did. Tears would roll down Joanna's face, for she does feel guilty for what happened to Ruby in the Wrath.
That would, honestly stun Ruby for a moment, she never saw her teacher like that, not only because she did admit, in having never or barley shown any praise, but also that Joanna genuinely cares for her, the cow pathologist does then, feel bad for having yelled and would go quiet for a while before they start to talk about what had happened in the past.
Joanna would then start to give more clear and visible appreciation to her students work and showing new spells, and Ruby would be more patient and understanding with her teacher.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 1 year
Would any of your OCs be interested in Christmas horror?
Greetings Anon ^^
To be honest, most of them aren't, they prefer to have quiet and peaceful holidays, instead of having to witness any horror.
Ruby Mortis on the other hand, I think she would be up to it and see it as exciting and interesting.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
can you go into more detail about the accident that nearly killed Ruby mortis?
Greetings Anon ^^
Ruby, after joining the Wrath as a medical personnel wanted to improve her skills in magic, even before she joined the Wrath (or later the Medics) she was a student of Joanna Owens, but Ruby had the feeling that Joanna was holding her back in her studies and practices of blood magic, that she was always kept on the same level instead of being allowed to do more, challenging spells, which at one point caused her to leave to join the Wrath.
So when Ruby joined the Wrath, she searched there for more experienced spells or magic she could learn, practice and use, which led to her at one point somehow getting into the possession of the very same old and forbidden book, Francis Whitlock had used (OC from @pastelprince18), I think her desire and curiosity for new, more challenging spells led her to just, take the book, for a short moment.
Because that is all it took for the accident to happen, Rubys body, repelled the envy magic, in the form of a, magical related allergic reaction, that acted similar to a strong electric shock, which nearly killed her. The accident left her also with the fuzzy memory that makes her believe that Francis caused the reaction, although it was on her, Ruby believed for some time that Francis was to blame, making her resent him for a while. Said magical related allergic reaction was also the reason that the envy spell could not take over her mind.
After that and her recovery, she soon left the Wrath, before joining Joanna again, but this time also the Medics.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
“Other people watch ASMRs videos, read books or listen to music to calm down. I prefer to go to the local junkyard and break all the old furniture I can find.” ~ Ruby Mortis
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