#Rust removal Medan
Rust Removal Terbaik Medan
Kami menyediakan jasa Rust Removal Terbaik Medan, jika anda berminat silahkan hubungin kami: 08116562065
Rust Removal Terbaik Medan.
Rust Removal merupakan suatu cairan yang berfungsi untuk membersihkan kerak karat pada benda yang berkarat seperti benda anda yang mudah berkarat yaitu besi,baja,kawat dan benda lainnya yang mudah berkarat.Selain membersihkan karat, rust removal juga berfungsi untuk menghilakan karat dari benda yang terkena kerak karat pada benda anda yang berkara.Rust removal sangat ampuh untuk memersihkan kerak karat pada benda anda yang terkena kerak karat.Pada benda anda yang terkena kerak karat dapat anda berishkan dengan menggunakan rust removal,kerak karat yang anda bersihkan dengan menggunakan rust removal akan bersih seperti anda membeli barang anda yang baru,tetapi rust removal tidak cocok dengan barang yang lembek atau lentur. Rust removal meliki beberapa kelebihan dan kekuranga,berikut ini kelebihan dan kekurangan dari rust removal tersebut. Berikut beberapa kelebihan dari rust removal adalah sebagai berikut:1. Mampu membersihkan kerak karat pada benda yang berkarat.2. Rust removal sangat cocok untuk membersihkan kerak karat pada besi dan baja. 3. Rust removal berguna sangat baik membersihkan kerak karat pada besi dan baja. 4. Bisa membersihkan kerak karat pada benda yang terkena kerak karat. Itulah kelebihan dari rust removal,mampu untuk membersihkan kerak karat pada benda yang terkena kerak karat pada benda anda. Berikut beberapa kekurangan dari Rust removal adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Susah dicari di toko toko yang kurang banyak di minati orang. 2. Harga dari Rust removal ini tidak terjangkau dan kurang diminati orang 3. Rust removal ridak mampu untuk membersihkan kerak karat yang sudah menebal 4. Rust removal tidak sangat anti dengan api maka dari itu rust removal harus di jauhkan dari jangkauan api atau bahan yang mudah terbakar Itulah kekurangan dari rust removal, tidak bisa digunakan apa bila dekat dengan api atau dari bahan-bahan yang mudah terbakar dan tidak bisa membersihkan kerak karat yang sudah menebal atau yang sudut-sudut terkecil. Jika anda ingin membersihkan kerak karat dari benda kesayangan anda maka gunakan rust removal ini, karena rust removal sangat cocok atau sangat ampuh untuk membersihkan kerak karat dari benda kesayangan anda. Untuk info lebih lanjut dari Rust removal Terbaik Medan silahkan kunjungi website kami.
Info sebelumnya:https://bengkelbubutmedan.tumblr.com/post/167074470450/bengkel-bubut-gear
Sumber:https://bengkelbubutmedan.weebly.com/bengkel-bubut-area-medan/november-06th-2017PT. SINARTECH MULTI PERKASA
Jl. Primer No.12 Pasar 9 Helvetia. Medan, Medan Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Telepon: (061) 42068877 Hp / WA: 08116562065/08116062065 / 0853-2020-2054 Faks: (061) 42068877
Email: [email protected] Situs web:       http://www.sinartechmultiperkasa.co.id Situs web:       https://detradingindo.co.id Situs web:       https://www.workshop.myartikel.com Facebook:        https://www.facebook.com/sinartechmultiengineering https://web.facebook.com/Pt- Sinartech -Multi-Perkasa-191290628133892 /
Kami PT. Sinartech Multi Perkasa menerima  Jasa Konstruksi Sipil  yang Dibagikan:
§  Jasa Bangun Rumah
§  Jasa Bangun Gedung
§  Jasa Bangun Jembatan
§  Jasa Bangun Jalan Raya
§  Jasa Bangun Drainase
§  Jasa Bangun Bendungan
§  Jasa Bangun Waduk
§  Jasa Bangun Apartemen
§  Jasa Bangun Pabrik
§  Jasa Bangun Ruko
§  Jasa Bangun Gudang
§  Jasa Bangun Pabrik
§  Hotel Jasa Bangun
§  Vila Jasa Bangun
§  Jasa Bangun Cafe
§  Jasa Bangun Gedung Olahraga
§  Jasa Bangun Taman
§  Jasa Bangun Kolam
§  Jasa Bangun Joglo
§  Jasa Bangun Pondasi
§  Jasa Bangun Atap
§  Jasa Bangun Tangga
§  Jasa Bangun Lantai
§  Jasa Konstruksi Baja
§  Jasa Konstruksi Beton
§  Jasa Konstuksi Baja Ringan dan Lainnya.
Jenis Ruang Lingkup Pekerjaan Meliputi:
§  PekerjaanBumi
§  Basis Jalan
§  Kursus Dasar Jalandengan batu pecah
§  Kursus Basis Jalan dengan CBT / Cement Treated Base
§  Pekerjaan Aspal / Campuran Panas
§  Aspal Cold Mix
§  Hot Mix dengan Aspal Normal
§  Hot Mix Dengan Modifikasi Bitumen (Multi Grade dan Modifikasi Bitumen Polimer)
§  Segel Bubur
§  Perkerasan Kaku
§  Konstruksi Jembatan
§  Chipseal Dengan Bitumen Yang Dimodifikasi
Jasa layanan kontraktor pengaspalan jalan, konstruksi jalan, pemasangan paving block, pengecoran jalan beton hot mix.
Jasa Layanan Pekerjaan Meliputi Pekerjaan Pengaspalan Jalan Aspal Hotmix untuk:
1.       Halaman Rumah
2.       Halaman Sarana Pengisian Bahan Bakar (SPBU)
3.       Area Parkir Perkantoran
4.       Area Parkir Rumah Sakit
5.       Area Parkir Ruko
6.       Area Parkir Pabrik dan Gudang
7.       Mal Area Parkir
8.       Jalan MHT
9.       Pengaspalan Ex. Galian Kabel
10.   Jalan Raya
11.   Jalan Lingkungan / Perumahan / Komplek dan sebagainya
  Kami juga menerima Pemesanan di Wilayah Kota Medan, PekanBaru, Palembang, Jambi, Aceh dan Dihadiri
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dheaamitaedi · 5 years
That of A Miracle
Tumblr media
THE UNIVERSE HAS BETRAYED ME long before I knew the words to my favourite song, what my dreams were, knew the location of all the countries in the globe, and long before I had my period and declared to have entered womanhood. The universe has been unfair to me; throwing me obstacles I wouldn’t have had the chance to overcome at such a young age if not for my bottling-up nature, and being able to conceal my true feelings to anyone around me. My mother taught me on how to hide my feelings from the world.
Whenever I would cry, she would flick my ear for me to stop, and I would obey.
Even as I entered adolescence and into adulthood I still cried in silence. I can’t bear to let my mother hear my cry, not because it would pain her, but it would pain me, because she was unable to show her motherly instincts. She doesn’t hug me or comfort me like those mothers on TV whenever they’re child showed pain. I don’t want to further ache myself knowing that my own mother was incapable of those emotions.
I wept alone.
Crying in my room, hiding from the world.
                                                          ❈  ❈  ❈
I WAS BORN 14 YEARS after my parents were pronounced husband and wife. I was considered a baby miracle. No one saw me coming. They tried their hardest to conceive a baby until it felt as though it was all in vain; herbal essences, medicines, exercise. Nothing worked in their presence.
So they’re only option was to wait.
To wait for God’s testament.
My father wanted a girl, because he said that boys were difficult to nurse when they are young. They were reckless, naughty, and they liked to run around everywhere, and god-forbid if he wrecks the entire house if he decides to play basketball indoors and knock all the furniture.
So he prayed for a girl.
SUMMER OF 1997, when my father was in Oslo, Norway, he met an endearing woman named Ms Lien. He had the pleasure to encounter her at an ASEAN community gathering, which was attended by Vietnamese refugees. Ms Lien was among those many refugees who fled from the Vietnam war in 1975 after the Fall of Saigon. She fled to Indonesia by boat to the island of Batam, and she was luckily screened out and transferred to Norway. During that time Indonesia was not a member of the UNHCR, still not a member even until this very day. That prevented them from freely accepting refugees.
Ms Lien was the person who lifted up my father and mother’s spirits from the ashes. She predicted a baby would come out of my mother’s womb.
She was careful with her words.
“Mr Hendrar, your wife will give birth. Next year. She will come to this world safe and sound.”
“She?” My father exclaimed with delight.
“Yes, a baby girl.” Ms Lien answered whilst smiling.
Bursts of joy and electrifying sensations protruded from my father’s widening smile. His prayers and my mother’s has finally been answered.
God really does wonders.
MY FATHER WAS A FIRST-SECRETARIAT AT THE EMBASSY of Indonesia to Norway. He was stationed in Norway in February 1994. A very well-distinguished diplomat to its fellow colleagues. He was a hard worker, a true nationalist, a benevolent diplomat.
Being a diplomat; a representative of your country in a foreign land, is a very noble and renowned occupation. A great deal of diplomacy, communication skills, vast knowledge of world politics is needed. You don’t only need to have pride in your own nation but also respect other country’s culture, and norms and values.
But coming home from work he would be a different person. Angrier, much more impatient and crankier. As if the day's work was just a facade of his true feelings. Home was the only place where he could express his annoyance and exhaustion freely. And my mother was both a witness and victim of this other persona of his. Some days she would just yell out of sheer exasperation at my father's temperament.
She would then complain to the walls of the house as that was her only consolation.
Though now, every day after he got home from the embassy, he would have this joyous smile despite the hours he spent reviewing reports and sitting in front of the monitor, it would all be worth it at the end because this time next year a baby girl would be born. My baby girl. He thought. And he would finally be able to cradle me in his own loving arms. He would whisper the adzanin her ear. Whisper her the glorious name of Allah. Thank Him for this precious miracle He has given him. All the waiting and nervous glances whenever my mother came out of the bathroom with the pregnancy test without the two red-triped lines. Sighing heavily and just losing hope. That will all disappear because finally he will have a child. 14 years of waiting.
                                                            ❈  ❈  ❈
NO ONE KNEW what was going to unravel the following year in May, when spring ended yet the cold still seeped silently through the worn thick blankets and bedsheets of my parents’ bedroom. The New Order era was finally over and the dictator who led Indonesia for 32 years ceased to rule the country. The revolution to topple down Soeharto’s rule began in early 1998. There were communal violence encircling the entire archipelago of Indonesia; Jakarta, Ambon, Medan. Kerusuhan Mei 1998, the May 1998 riots, was a tragedy wherein there were mass demonstrations, civil unrest and these were all triggered by mass unemployment.
During that same year, in February, my parents were transferred back to Jakarta due to the dryness of the state’s budget. The state’s currency declined drastically: from 1 Dollar equivalent to 2,500 Rupiah, it dropped to 16,000 Rupiah. The country did not have money. Null.
When my parents returned, they had nowhere to stay. They were homeless.
So, my grandfather offered to lend them his house in Depok, it was more than enough. My mother was carrying a 3-month old foetus. They needed somewhere to stay.
Big cities such as Bandung, Medan—including the capital city, Jakarta—was filled with political demonstrations.
It was not a full-blown riot yet, but the tension was already deeply felt.
And a baby’s kicking in my mother’s womb was also deeply felt in the month of April, a month before Soeharto was succeeded by President B.J. Habibie, 3 months before I came to the world.
                                                            ❈  ❈  ❈
IN JANUARY 2002, my father was stationed in New Mexico City, his third diplomatic posting; my first. I was 3 years old when we packed our entire house into brown shipping boxes and moved all the way to the west hemisphere.
I was a minority in my school, the only Southeast Asian in my class, the only one whose native language was not Spanish. The only one who had trouble speaking any language at all for that matter. Yet I was considered the smartest. I was thriving in that school. I spoke fluent Spanish in a span of a year. I was able to surpass all of the Spanish native speakers in my class. I received praises from my teachers.
“Bravo Dhea! Tu es muy inteligente!”they exclaimed, heart-warmingly satisfied with me. Well done Dhea! You are very smart!
“Muchas gracias señorita!” I responded.
“I am so proud of you querida”
I was perhaps the happiest girl in the room.
I never received praises from my parents. I don’t remember them ever congratulating me for obtaining a perfect score on my Mexican History test nor when I received a sticker at the corner of the page of my story-telling paper.
It was only then, when my teacher approached me, that I was genuinely praised for something I did. And I was proud of being a minority.
The school I went to was a private school located nearby my apartment in Calle de Emerson. It only took approximately a 10-minute walk, and yet I was always marked tardy. My homeroom teacher would always scould me during morning assemblies.
“Dhea, come antes ocho.”Before eight. The daily language is Spanish and most of the students came from around Mexico or South America. My father enrolled me here due to the close proximity from the apartment.
What one of the things I liked about this school is that we got to go to the outskirts of town for Physical Education class since the school could not fit in every grade in the basketball court they owned. We were escorted by a huge bus. My grade consisted of nearly 35 students. It felt like a herd of cows being placed in a very cramped truck; so noisy with students chanting Spanish songs through the entire trip.
On the way back from the sports arena, my friends and I played a game of truth or dare. I chimed in even though I found the game just a tad stupid. A bunch of people absentmindedly admitting to doing whatever dare they were dared to do. I find it very odd. But it was fun to see the stupid things they would gladly do for fun and laughter.
No one helped and instead I heard booming laughter.
My friend dared this girl named Carla to stick down her tongue down my throat and that was when I wanted to withdrew from the game because I didn’t want to.
She violently pinned my shoulders to my seat and swiftly and forcefully put her tongue all the way down my trachea and I could feel my feet flailing in the seat. It reminded me of that time my mum had to chase me down with a spoonful of antibiotics on her, and she finally caught up to me and forced it down my mouth. Except this was traumatising. I kept pushing her away from me until she finally removed herself from my mouth. It lasted for nearly 2 minutes.
Seeing this, Leonardo dared me something vicious and terrorizing.
He smirked.
I stayed silent the rest of the way back to school.
                                                                ❈ ❈ ❈
THE THING ABOUT ME IS that I will not open up to anyone even if you’ve gave birth to me, raised me, fed me, piggy-backed me, and swung me in the air. I would still not spill my darkest secrets or my traumas until you dig it out of me, unscrewed the rusted box you’ve found buried deep inside me with a machete, and lifted the long-listed sheet of paper filled with my despair.
But my parents never pried.
Nor did my friends.
They never asked. And I simply stayed silent. That’s how I became a very reserved girl at a very young age. I learnt to bottle-up as a premature habit.
I still remember that day on the bus on our way back from the sports arena somewhere near Polanco, as clearly as the summer skies of Tunis. Two countries later, and the memory still persists. I don’t remember every detail of my childhood in Mexico but it’s funny how the moments you try to forget are sometimes the one that clings in your head. Funny how the things you want to strip off your memory are the ones that cling so desperately and you’re unable to dispatch of it. And the things you want to remember are the ones that gradually fade away with time. Memories work in wondrous ways.
It’s been 9 years and I can still feel it.
His skin was smooth like a baby’s scalp.
I can still hear the unclasping of his belt as he removed his uniform and revealed dangling skin. And as he pulled his trousers down to the floor of the bus, he violently grabbed the back of my head and pushed me down so I would come mouth to mouth with his penis. Yes. That’s the word.
And my eyes would open wide with bewilderment. Tears formed at the edge of my eyes.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
He would rock my head back and forth and a cunning, mischievous smile would form.
I SAW THE WAY MY DAD HELD ME in his arms from the album pictures; the way my blanket was draped around my little body, swaddled with love; the way my little fingers wrapped around my dad’s thumb just eloquently gripping with adoration; the way I buried my head in my dad’s chest smelling his fresh odour. Suddenly all of those things that I don’t remember came rushing in like a tsunami; unexpectedly and harshly. Inexistent memories to me yet existent to the very core to my dad.
Miracle baby.
A girl!
Voices resonating my insides, trembling with uninhabited feelings, trying to wrangle me out of my subconscious. I remember the dishevelled hair when he wakes up, the way his footsteps reverberate through the walls of the house, how his bone structure shaped his broad shoulders, his tanned-to-dark skin that was always being shit-talked.
White-round-tiny pills. The irony of overdosing on the medication that was prescribed to help you.
And all is dark.
And the last thing I remember is my dad yelling my name wrangling me awake, only to find an empty prescription bottle and a a bottle of vodka on the floor.
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xinfushop · 6 years
Rust Removal besi medan smp
Kami menyediakan Rust Removal besi medan smp, jika anda berminat silahkan hubungi kami:0853-2020-2069.
Rust Removal besi medan smp
Cairan Chain lube
pasti kita semua perna mengalami ketika motor kita habis di guyur hujan dan besoknya kita lihatla rantai motor kita pasti berkarat dan seret.memang rantai motor rawan sekali jika sudah terkena air hujan ,jik terkena pasti berkarat,dan untuk…
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xinfushop · 7 years
Harga Sand Blasting
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Harga Sand Blasting.
Sandblasting merupakan proses yang diadaptasi dari teknologi yang biasa digunakan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang oil & gas, industri, ataupun fabrikasi guna membersihkan atau mengupas lapisan yang menutupi sebuah obyek dengan cepat dan singkat yang biasanya berbahan…
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xinfushop · 7 years
Rust Removal Terbaik Medan
Rust Removal Terbaik Medan
Kami menyediakan jasa Rust Removal Terbaik Medan, jika anda berminat silahkan hubungi kami:0853-2020-2069 Rust Removal Terbaik Medan.
Rust removal merupakan suatu benda yang berbentuk cairan, yang fungsinya ialah untuk pembersih karat pada benda seperti besi, baja, kawat, dan lain-lain. Rust removal ini sangat ampuh untuk membersihkan karat pada benda benda tersebut. Rust  removal bisa di…
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xinfushop · 7 years
Rust Removal Terbaik Medan
Rust Removal Terbaik Medan
Kami menyediakan jasa Rust Removal Terbaik Medan, jika anda berminat silahkan hubungi kami:0853-2020-2069
Rust Removal Terbaik Medan.
cairan kimia pembersih/penghilang karat besi (rush remover) ar808pk
Cairan Kimia Pembersih/Penghilang Karat Besi (Rush Remover) AR808PK merupakan Bahan pembersih / penghilang karat pada permukaan besi baja / logam lainnya.
KEGUNAAN dari Cairan Kimia…
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xinfushop · 7 years
Jasa rust removal baja
Jasa rust removal baja
Kami menyediakan jasa Rust Removal Baja, jika anda berminat silahkan hubungi kami:0853-2020-2069
Jasa Rust Removal Baja.
Rust removal adalah cairan kimia pembersih karat. Cairan kimia tersebut dapat merontokkan karat pada logam,besi,dan alumunium. Rust removal juga dapat dicampur dengan air secukupnya. Tunggu apalagi segera miliki rust removal cairan kimia pembersih karat ini. Rust removal ini…
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xinfushop · 6 years
Rust Removal besi medan smp
Kami menyediakan Rust Removal besi medan smp, jika anda berminat silahkan hubungi kami:0853-2020-2069.
Rust Removal besi medan smp
Rust Removal adalah bentuk cairan yang berfungsi untuk membersihkan kerak karat dan rust removal mampu untuk menyapu bersih kerak karat pada benda yang terkena kerak karat pada benda anda,benda yang gampang terkena kerak karat adalah benda seperti,besi,baja,kawat,…
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jasa membersihkan karat
kami menyediakan jasa membersihkan karat, jika anda berminat silahkan hubungi: 08116562065 .
A. cara-cara membersihkan karat dengan cairan pengelupas atau Rust Converter
-1. sediakan larutan air sabun dengan menggabungkan sabun cuci piring dengan air hangat. Bersihkan permukaan furnitur yang berkarat dengan cairan itu. supaya karat bisa terkelopek lebih efektif, gunakan sikat khusus untuk mencucinya.
-2. Lapisi permukaan furnitur tersebut dengan degreaser. sesudah itu keringkan secara alami di bawah sinar matahari. Cairan degreaser ini ampuh untuk melindungi bagian – bagian pada besi atau logam yang tidak berkarat. Sehingga, ketika furnitur disemprot dengan rust converter/ cairan pengelupas karat, bagian ini tidak akan ikut larut.
-3. Siapkan rust converter yang akan digunakan untuk merontokkan karat. letak bahan itu pada wadah atau baskom yang sudah disiapkan, lalu kita menggunakan paintbrush, semprotkan rustconverter ini pada bagian depan yang berkarat. Biarkan beberapa saat hingga cairan ini mengering, yakni sekitar 20 menit atau sesuai dengan petunjuk pada labelnya.
-4. Semprotkan kembali rust converter untuk kedua kalinya. letakkan cara dan langkah-langkah yang sama dalam penyemprotan seperti halnya langkah pertama yaitu biarkan cairan tersebut mengering dengan mendiamkannya selama 24 jam. Maka, karat – karat pada furnitur berbahan logam akan mengelupas dan membetuk butiran – butiran hitam yang di masa mendatang akan berfungsi sebagai pencegah timbulnya karat pada furnitur tersebut.
B. cara-cara membersihkan karat secara manual dengan tangan
-1. gosok-gosok bagian permukaan furnitur logam yang berkarat dengan sikat kawat. Agar karat bisa jatuh-jatuh dengan sempurna, tekan kuat – kuat sikat tersebut selama membersihkannya.sebelum ini pastikan bahwa tekanan yang Anda terapkan pada sikat kawat ini tak menimbulkan goresan – goresan yang akan berbekas pada furnitur.
-2. sesudah karat yang menempel banyak yang terkelupas, ganti  sikat dengan bulu yang jarang untuk membersihkan sisa – sisa karat tersebut.
-3. Jangan sampai lupa, celupkan sikat tersebut ke dalam wadah yang berisi air agar sisa – sisa karat yang menempel tidak menumpuk pada sikat lalu kalian bisa menggosok bagian permukaan yang berkarat tersebut dengan berulang-ulang agar memastikan bahwa tidak ada lagi karat yang menempel pada furnitur. pengerjaan ini mungkin diperlukan waktu yang sangat lama , tergantung tingkat ketebalan karat yang menempel pafa furnitur tersebut.
-4. Terakhir, lapisi bagian permukaan furnitur dengan cat primer anti karat. walaupun masih dalam proses pembersihan ini masih terdapat sisa – sisa karat yang susah dibersihkan, tetapi paling tidak cat ini sangat berguna supaya tidak ada munculnya karat di kemudian hari. kamu bisa memakai cat aerosol atau cat primer yang disemprotkan pada permukaan furnitur dengan menggunakan paintbrush.
untuk info lebih lanjut dari jasa membersihkan karatkunjungi website kami 
info seblum : https://bengkelbubutmedan.tumblr.com/post/167191417120/rust-removal-terbaik-medan
sumber : https://bengkelbubutmedan.weebly.com/bengkel-bubut-area-medan/november-08th-2017
Jl. Primer No.12 Pasar 9 Helvetia. Medan, Medan Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Telepon: (061) 42068877 Hp / WA: 08116562065/08116062065 / 0853-2020-2054 Faks: (061) 42068877
Email: [email protected] Situs web:       http://www.sinartechmultiperkasa.co.id Situs web:       https://detradingindo.co.id Situs web:       https://www.workshop.myartikel.com Facebook:        https://www.facebook.com/sinartechmultiengineering https://web.facebook.com/Pt- Sinartech -Multi-Perkasa-191290628133892 /
Kami PT. Sinartech Multi Perkasa menerima  Jasa Konstruksi Sipil  yang Dibagikan:
§  Jasa Bangun Rumah
§  Jasa Bangun Gedung
§  Jasa Bangun Jembatan
§  Jasa Bangun Jalan Raya
§  Jasa Bangun Drainase
§  Jasa Bangun Bendungan
§  Jasa Bangun Waduk
§  Jasa Bangun Apartemen
§  Jasa Bangun Pabrik
§  Jasa Bangun Ruko
§  Jasa Bangun Gudang
§  Jasa Bangun Pabrik
§  Hotel Jasa Bangun
§  Vila Jasa Bangun
§  Jasa Bangun Cafe
§  Jasa Bangun Gedung Olahraga
§  Jasa Bangun Taman
§  Jasa Bangun Kolam
§  Jasa Bangun Joglo
§  Jasa Bangun Pondasi
§  Jasa Bangun Atap
§  Jasa Bangun Tangga
§  Jasa Bangun Lantai
§  Jasa Konstruksi Baja
§  Jasa Konstruksi Beton
§  Jasa Konstuksi Baja Ringan dan Lainnya.
Jenis Ruang Lingkup Pekerjaan Meliputi:
§  PekerjaanBumi
§  Basis Jalan
§  Kursus Dasar Jalandengan batu pecah
§  Kursus Basis Jalan dengan CBT / Cement Treated Base
§  Pekerjaan Aspal / Campuran Panas
§  Aspal Cold Mix
§  Hot Mix dengan Aspal Normal
§  Hot Mix Dengan Modifikasi Bitumen (Multi Grade dan Modifikasi Bitumen Polimer)
§  Segel Bubur
§  Perkerasan Kaku
§  Konstruksi Jembatan
§  Chipseal Dengan Bitumen Yang Dimodifikasi
Jasa layanan kontraktor pengaspalan jalan, konstruksi jalan, pemasangan paving block, pengecoran jalan beton hot mix.
Jasa Layanan Pekerjaan Meliputi Pekerjaan Pengaspalan Jalan Aspal Hotmix untuk:
1.       Halaman Rumah
2.       Halaman Sarana Pengisian Bahan Bakar (SPBU)
3.       Area Parkir Perkantoran
4.       Area Parkir Rumah Sakit
5.       Area Parkir Ruko
6.       Area Parkir Pabrik dan Gudang
7.       Mal Area Parkir
8.       Jalan MHT
9.       Pengaspalan Ex. Galian Kabel
10.   Jalan Raya
11.   Jalan Lingkungan / Perumahan / Komplek dan sebagainya
 Kami juga menerima Pemesanan di Wilayah Kota Medan, PekanBaru, Palembang, Jambi, Aceh dan Dihadiri.
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