#Ryan in this version has Yainaphobia
yan-snowcave · 5 months
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Makura -> Desmond;
They mostly have nothing against him and are even getting a better impression of him the longer they hang out (+ the rest of the squad.) They affectionately call him "Short" & "Short King" like the rest of the gang or when they really wanna tease him they call him "Bambi." Though when someone who isnt in the close to him or someone who isn't from the squad dares to call him short Makura will be ready to throw some hands. If its a frequent occurrence, where the same person does it over and over again they will threaten to eat the person.
During the "Manipulation/Demon Prince" routes they will be a bit more aggressive and annoyed with Desmond for trying to cut Milo off of them. On these routes Desmond also earns the nickname "Vorspeise" [Translation; Appetiser.] Which Makura only uses when they are pissed at him or wanna threaten him.
Desmond -> Makura;
Doesn't really have anything against them and is slowly growing fond of them, he's also one of the few who get away with calling Makura "Cringy" "Furry" and such. Strangers who call Makura that though get threatened or lose a few teeth. Desmond also uses these terms often when defending Makura from people who call them a demon.
["We all know that they have a dangerously manipulative side to them but calling them a demon? Isn't that going a bit too far, I mean...Huh? What?! No, I'm not defending them! They're just a weird Furry with anger issues! Oh shut it, V!"]
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Makura -> Seph;
Likes Seph a lot for being one of the few humans who belives in Demons, Cryptids and co (& for showing Makura proper respect as a prince.) They also enjoy having someone who they can talk with about some of the books that contain information about demons, beasts, cryptids and such.
Though they are a little bit terrified of him for having some very old books which do contain pretty accurate descriptions on how to kill low ranking demons and even point out a few weak spots for higher ranking demons & beasts (they did try to burn some of them but they are all fire proof...)
Makura also sees him as a future in-law after they mentioned him to their 'siblings' and saw some of them show clear interest in Seph.
Seph -> Makura;
Had a crush on Makura in the early stages of meeting them but it soon fizzled out, he still has some left over feelings but stomps it down as best as he can. Especially after Makura started dating Milo, he never would step on another Monster Lover's toe. So he decided to help Milo out instead by basically being his go to Demonic Information Source and Wingman.
Seph was also one of the first friends Makura invited back to their home land and even got a tour of their home and the nearby town. He was also very excited about the amount of demons & beasts who wanted to eat him but Makura stopped all of them, much to his dismay.
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Makura <--> Valli;
Since they laid eyes upon each other they both knew that the other would be their platonic partner in crime for any dumb shit they wanna pull. They had so many close run-ins with the police, it really made their bound stronger. If they someone had to get rid of a body the other would help cover it up. They also have sleep over nights sometimes where they talk about rumours and have improvised therapy sessions.
[Makura would still use her to start the Manipulation route, they would feel a bit bad about it for a day or two before forgetting all about it.]
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Makura -> Ryan;
Mostly had no real opinion on Ryan, they bounded back then a bit after they both drunkenly confessed that they had dated Eris and how much it sucked. They also had a short period of time where they were in a "Friends with Benefits" kinda relationship until Makura laid their eyes on Milo and his Soul and decided that he's the one.
After seeing Ryan bully Milo, thinking that he was causing their chosen Soul to corrupt (and reminding them of how their 'Twin' often got bullied by other demons.) They stepped in and felt a deep disgust and growing hatred for him.
[In the Violence routes they might feel a bit more positive in the long run for basically giving Milo a motivational jumpstarter in the form of sending Poison after them. And the whole hurting Milo thing.]
Ryan -> Makura;
He didn't believe Makura at first when he heard them confess that they ate Eris in a fit of rage but in the back of his mind the alarm bells were starting to ring. This only got worse until a few weeks had passed without him seeing Eris anywhere, not even in the class they shared.
This all led up to the moment where Ryan dragged Makura into an empty hallway, where he confronted them about what truly happened to Eris. Makura, being fed up with him, revealed their true form ready to devour him like they did with Eris.
But Ryan in his desperation to stay alive offered up his soul in exchange of not being eaten. They of course accepted the offer and since that day Ryan was invisibly chained to them. He has many regrets and his hatred & fear for Makura grows every time he remembers them using his urge to Survive against him.
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Makura <--> Eris
Since the moment they met, they both knew they disliked each other but still dated mostly out of Selfish reasons. Eris to try and create her "Perfect Love" while Makura was after her Soul hoping that a Soul as corrupted as hers would be a perfect power boost that they would need in the long run.
Their relationship grew worse & worse over time until it all accumulated to the moment where Makura decided to break things up. Seeing Eris as more of a nuisance & danger really then anything else, she was of course not pleased with her "Perfect Love" trying to escape from her and stepped up her game, causing her to tip the first stone to her early demise.
Eris decided to go after the one person Makura loved more then anything, their 'twin' Remor. Who just returned home from a recent heart surgery. Everyone knew that he shouldn't be stressed unnecessarily, including Eris who used this to her advantage. Trying to get Makura back onto her leash all the while implying that she would harm their cousin if they didn't obey.
This of course enraged Makura but they held back, not wanting to risk and call it a bluff when they knew that Eris wouldn't have a problem with acting out her plan. That was of course until one day she stepped too far and causing Remor some problems which almost sent him back to their Orhan Harvester Boyfriend and his Back Alley Surgeon.
After that incident, Makura cornered Eris in a room and showed her their true form. Cackling rang around the room as Eris felt fear overtake her, the last thing she felt was a sudden sharp pain ripping into her flesh before everything turned to black.
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