#Rymer better be coming up with a fucking escape plan before the Summer Court decides to conduct another Wild Hunt
soraavalon · 2 years
Knave of Hearts: Last but not least for this round, and I'm sure our dear Mr. Greenwillow will get this; What is the Wild Hunt?
Jeremiah: I'm going to ding in. "Lord of the Hunt captures and releases a bunch of interesting creatures and he and his friends to go out hunting them.
Knave of Hearts: I am afraid that is incorrect.
Jeremiah (OOC): Hold on a second, is that not what it is?
DM: *shakes head*
Jeremiah (OOC): 'Cause Jeremiah would know this.
DM: Yes, it is not actually the Lord of the Hunt.
-joint realization washes over the lot of us-
DM: Whatever happened to you, happened to you for a very different reason.
Jeremiah: What?
DM: This is not the Wild Hunt. That is not what the Wild Hunt is. The Wild Hunt is not put on by the Lord of the Hunt.
Tark: Tark starts cackling! He doesn't even care about him being in last place, he's cackling and he's like, "You dumb motherfucker."
Hunt: And Hunt is just looking at him like, 'Oh and you just kept talking that shit.' she's not saying it, she's just looking at him like that like, 'Wow'
DM: So not to invalidate your backstory, but something did happen where you were caught up in essentially an approximation of the Wild Hunt. The Lord of the Hunt does in fact hunt creatures in the Feywild, but it is not, he was born of the Wild Hunt but it is not his event.
Tark (OOC): Ohhh. That's actually interesting though.
Hunt (OOC): Yeah.
DM: I purposely didn't correct it because I was like, I didn't know if you were lying or if wanted it to be more personal, so I let it ride. But Jeremiah was hunted by the Lord of the Hunt if you want that to be canonical or he could've been lying.
Jeremiah: Yeah.
DM: Yep.
Tark (OOC): That's interesting.
DM: So that's up to you, we can talk about that later, but it is in fact not the Lord of the Hunt's event.
Tark: Would---
Jeremiah: Jeremiah looks like he's re-evaluating his entire life.
Hunt (OOC): Yeah.
Tark (OOC): Okay.
Hunt (OOC): All we know of the Wild Hunt is what Jeremiah told us and apparenly that's wrong.
Tark (OOC): He's wrong. (IC): Since he was a fey and didn't know that, we wouldn't have any idea would we?
DM: I will let you make an arcana check.
Nathaniel (OOC): Is this an open arcana check or just Tark?
DM: If you are trained you can do, I will say either Arcana or maybe Religion for folklore style stuff?
Tark: *rolls* It would be the same either way. I got a Dirty 20.
Nathaniel: I rolled a 10, never mind.
Hunt: I don't think I can roll on this.
Eudora: I got a 10.
DM: Okay, Mary do you want to roll and see if you know?
Marigold: I'm not trained in either of those things unfortunately.
DM: Okay, in that case, but Tark you did do research into the Lord of the Hunt and into fey.
Tark: I did. That's why I was asking if---
DM: This is true. I will send it to you and there you go. You remember as Jeremiah says this and goes, 'Oh no,' you go, 'Not the Lord' and you remember, 'No, not the Lord' You read about this when you were doing your research and you were reading that book of fairy tales that you fell asleep on.
Tark: Yes!
DM: You were like, 'I was on that page! Wait a fucking second!'
Tark: And Tark dings in, "It's an event in which Summer Court goes hunting usually pursuing trespassers into the Feywild as well as free-folk with no affiliation to the Courts and various animals.
Audience Pip (OOC): [in chat] you fell asleep on a book of fairy tales *cry laughing emoji*
Knave of Hearts: Correct.
Hunt: *mouthing* You bastard.
Hunt: No shit!
Knave of Hearts: It is in fact correct.
Hunt: No- and you didn't think about that?!
DM: Your friends ain't your friends, these are your new friends.
Tark (OOC): Mm-hmm.
Hunt (OOC): This is what Hunt was thinking about! She had a feeling they were fucking with him. (IC): Hunt's like, "Wow! How did I see this coming? Wow."
Tark: Well.
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