jainarepellista · 6 years
Tower of God S2ch315 Rough Translations
W.. what the?! Who are those guys?
(There are.. So many!!)
That symbol on the suspendiships, does that mean they’re regulars sponsored by families?
*To maintain fairness with the 10 Families and the natives, regulars team up and get sponsorship from the families to obtain resources. However, side effects have emerged such as the families taking advantage of the regulars to do their dirty work.
..I think I’ve seen that skull pattern before. // “Always Asking” Levi
They’re one of the few regulars who are supported by Zahard.
Why are those guys flocking to this place?
Maybe they’re headed to the same destination as us.
You mean the last station?
Why the heck would they go to the end of the Train?
How would I know // It’s just a hunch.
I think we need to find out more.
43F Hell Train - The Three Commands - 07
Suspendiship Shelter (Docks)
3rd Dock
So tired.
That was a long flight.
The schedule was too tight.
If our captain says this is an order from our sponsor, this must be a real killer. [zumi: difficult might as well be ded]
It can’t be helped. They’re responsible for our lives.
Well, that is true.
This is the Third Dock. The ningen on board are descending. [T/N: Vespa uses ningen to refer to humans.]
Well- looking at them, their skills seem to be on par with children // They look like a bunch of beggars who got sponsored by a family to climb the Tower.
Their mark is a red-bearded human. // It’s ugly.
Alright, keep on watching.
And let us know if you find out why they’re heading to the last station.
Uh.. okay. // You got me honey so I’ll help.
5th Dock
Verdi-ahjumma. How’s it going on your end?
Hehee~ This is Verdi~
Verdi the Special Correspondent!
(Long time no see, everyone!)
Ahjumma.. Just tell us what’s happening..
The regulars here have also alighted! // Oh my~ they’re all different ethnicities!
Looks like the crew* is multi-ethnic too~
*Refers to an alliance of teams
Their mark seems to be an ear on a green background? // I’m not a lightbearer so it’s difficult to search, but it’s probably a pretty huge crew?
Maybe their ace is su.per. strong? Hehehee!! [zumi: dots intentional]
And that is all from special correspondent, Verdi~!
Yeah.. Sure~ I got it. Verdi-ssi.
(Why is our team like this…)
Hmm.. It looks like Benny’s crew did not stop at the shelter. // Should we wait until they leak information.. No..
Ergh?! Where are you going Hatsu?
I’m going to ask them where they’re going.
Wait a sec, Hatsu! Let’s wait for them to leak out information!!
It’s faster to ask with my sword.
It’ll be trouble if you get out of control..
You’re so noisy.
W.. what the!! You!!
Why did you break in!!
My name is Hatsu. // Excuse me for breaking in-
But if you don’t answer my questions
Prepare to die [lit. I will cut you down. But the urge to meme….]
A month ago
You think there’s a way for Koon-ssi to wake up again?!
That’s right.
H.. how will you do it?!
I have almost finished my analysis on his current state. // According to the data, it’s a rare ability that manifests in some direct-line descendants.
There are cases where a person who is competent in dealing with ice can break out of that state by themselves. // But his power awakened in a moment of crisis so he won’t be able to do that.
However, in the ancient chronicles, there was a record of somebody waking up again by the Yeon Family’s flame.
The Yeon Family, which means..!!
Flamethrower turtle!!
We can ask Yihwa-ssi!!
But it’s not as easy as it sounds. // The person recorded is a very famous ranker, “Yeon Un”.
It’s highly impossible for a mere regular’s power, and that lady in your group is still far down in the lower parts to arrive here.
That’s why! I’m going to introduce you to that ranker “Yeon Un”!
That person is actually affiliated with Wolhaiksong now. // She’ll do it if I ask for it. [zumi: assumed female; text is neutral]
Yeah. Of course it’s best to see her in person. // I will let you meet “Yeon Un”.
This is great, Rak-ssi!!
Yeah!! Not that I want him to wake up or anything!!
Please wait for a bit.
You’ll wake up again for sure-
Ah- I feel alive now!
What sort of Train is this that it reflects the seasons thoroughly.
It’s so hot now that it’s summer..
I’m glad we found a big bathroom.
That last battle left a bad taste in my mouth. // Rachel escaped
And it seems White also disappeared together with her..
He’s definitely not the type to run away.. // so I don’t understand why he suddenly disappeared.
Hwa Ryun, you went down first. // Don’t you know anything?
None at all. // Why, do you doubt me?
Isn’t that natural? You both belong to FUG!!
Speak up. You’re hiding something, aren’t you?
….White was already gone when I went down. // I don’t know anything.
This person..
(Super suspicious..)
I never trusted her ever since I first met her..
What about Miseng?
She’s training by herself. // She wants to become stronger to avenge her companions..
Hmm- she’s doing well then. I actually gave her some good stuff.
Good stuff?
Yeah~ Something real good. [zumi: androssi don’t give drugs to kids reee]
Princess Androssi!!
Oi!! I told you not to come out because I’m washing up!!
T-that’s not important!! Right now!!
White’s final clone disappeared!!
Train God of Guardian’s Residence
God of Guardians-nim.
You have come today too.
You keep coming even though you’re already strong enough to not need my training.. // Are you sure you’re okay?
Yes. It’s fine.
I cannot get the second thorn out yet. // I want to accomplish that before I leave the Train.
Hmm.. There’s nothing I can do.
I’ll take you on today!
Maybe what you said is true. // Maybe you’re just an ordinary person
Who thinks I’m a monster.
But I.. do not care.
No matter what anybody calls me // And whatever the fate I was born with is
I will get stronger-
To protect those people precious to me.
Boro, what kind of place is the last station?
The last station?
Mhm. I’m curious.
Hmm- It’s a nice place, I guess? // Don’t worry about it. There’s nothing dangerous with arriving at the station.
The last station is divided into two sections // Unlike the other stations, non-ticket holders can go to the circular portion.
And all the regulars who cleared the Train stay at first-class hotels // and are given the best treatment.
By the way, the person ruling the station // Li Xiaong, is a quite skillful regular. // He lost his legs while in the Train and decided to settle down at the station afterwards.
Now, it looks like control of the station is divided between his adopted son and his daughter.
His daughter is especially cute and she runs a huge bar. // The beer there is delicious.
You shouldn’t drink too much, Boro. // It’s not good for your health.
Have you thought about what you’re going to do once we leave the Train, Hockney?
Ah well.. I’ll go with Baam for now // I need to find the piece of my painting.
I see-
Well- That was a wild ride // that I never would have imagined I would experience.
It would be nice if things will just be uneventful until we reach the end.
You crazy guy!!
(Demonic Fishwheel Dance-)
(Single Annihilation-!!)
Answer me. // Why are you heading to the last station?
If you don’t answer, you will die.
W-We received the order from our sponsor!! // To subdue the ticket holders in the Hell Train!!
It looked like those people in the Train broke some major rule!
I heard that they allied with FUG and took over the Train // and that they’re moving the Train as they please
(And then the signal to subdue them came..!)
The rankers from Zahard’s army are already gathering to confront FUG’s affiliates // and looks like we’re the ones who are going to handle the regulars..!
Everyone in the Hell Train is going to die!!
Somewhere in the Tower
Zahard Army’s High Speed Suspendiship
Initiating eye recognition-
Identity confirmed.
Would you like to set the route?
At top speed-
To the last station of the Hell Train.
Kallaban’s symbol..
This will not be easy.
52F of the Tower
Zahard Army’s 4th Unit Kallaban’s Carrier
This “rhapsody”..
4th Unit Army Commander Kallaban
It’s a good song for this war.
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