dzthenerd490 · 7 months
File: Rubber
Code Name: Rubber the Hostile Tire
Object Class: Keter Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AFN is contained at Site-AA, within an 8x8 meter containment cell. Within the containment cell are several small and sometimes elaborate ramps to help entertain SCP-AFN. Because SCP-AFN's effects work only on organic material outside of its containment cell are four armed AFA-1 units. They are to be the sole escorts of SCP-AFN when taking it to the on-site testing center. Testing regarding SCP-AFN must be approved by at least one Level 3 Clearance Staff member and must ALWAYS be done remotely. As SCP-AFN has proven to be able to sense life through glass and thus can kill people through glass. 
SCP-AFN has been neutralized after the containment breach of Site-AA on 2014.
Description: SCP-AFN is a sentient car tire that seems to be able to roll on its own. It can seemingly perceive and comprehend everything around it thus can avoid obstacles and move around without problem or worry. SCP-AFN does not need any form of substance, nor does it have any form of organic or anomalous material on it, it is merely a car tire that somehow came to life. SCP-AFN rolls and wanders everywhere it goes, only ever really craving entertainment and driven by curiosity over anything else. However, this is not to say that SCP-AFN is benevolent. 
SCP-AFN has the ability to make any organic organism explode right in front of it. To do this, it seems to focus on the creature and release strange anomalous frequencies to perform this action. How any of this is even possible is unknown. What is known is that SCP-AFN has the sadistic desire to make every organism it comes across explode. It is able to push and pull inorganic material such as metals but thankfully does so with limited power and barely any effect. As such, the Foundation has rightfully used AFA units to contain the anomaly. 
SCP-AFN was discovered in 2010 when the Foundation noticed anomalous wavelengths detected in the [data expunged] desert. When Foundation staff arrived, they strangely found a group of people watching SCP-AFN and several people explaining that watching SCP-AFN was a film including a sheriff of the local small town. After several miscommunications and misunderstanding Foundation agents just decided to watch SCP-AFN with the "audience" allowing them to see SCP-AFN's anomalous properties. 
The agents quickly contacted the Foundation to call in AFA-1's to contain SCP-AFN while the agents tried to shut down the "show". The "audience" were all given a bus to be taken to their homes and the men in charge of the show were arrested and interrogated by the Foundation. However, before they could be taken to a nearby Foundation area for questioning, they all died due to their insides liquidizing into black ooze. An autopsy showed that their bodies were filled with this black ooze which was non-toxic, and their skeletons were covered in different barcodes. 
It should be noted that randomized barcodes are a common calling card of Entity of Interest: The Distortion. The Distortion is an entity known as a modern Chaos God that serves as a Black King of the Group of Interest: Black Queen's Insurgency. Why the Distortion or the Black Queen would ever want to create something like SCP-AFN is unknown. More research is required. 
Update 2014: During the containment breach at Site-AA, SCP-AFN escaped its containment cell and unfortunately made contact with SCP-AAP. This resulted in both anomalies being neutralized and the birth of SCP-[data expunged].
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spaceexp · 4 years
Space Force releases 1st doctrine, defines "spacepower" as distinct form of military power
Washington DC (AFNS) Aug 12, 2020 Fewer than eight months after its creation, America's newest military service published its first doctrine, the U.S. Space Force's Space Capstone Publication, entitled Spacepower. The SCP, which is the first articulation of spacepower as a separate and distinct form of military power, serves as a foundation upon which to build additional doctrine as expanding challenges are continually add Full article
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velvet-apricots · 6 years
harutemu replied to your chat: Me, lying seductively on the floor of SCP-049′s...
Item number: SCP - 4932 - J
Object Class: Keter
Special containment Procedure: SCP-4932 is to be kept in a 6 m x 3 m level 5 secure humanoid cell. Cell is to contain one bed, several shelves for figure collection, one gaming laptop with no internet access, one handheld gaming device, a tv with blue-ray player, comfortable chair, a desk, dresser for clothing, and vanity for make-up. SCP-4932 should also be provided with art supplies to keep it entertained and prevent breakouts. Games bought, and possible subsequent “mods” added must be approved by Dr.██████. SCP-4932 should be provided with an appropriate diet and made to exercise for 30 minutes once every other day to combat obesity. Ignore complaints. Once a week it may eat what ever it likes for a whole day, within reason. Subject is allergic to Penicillin and all penicillin related products.
After incident on ██/██/██ SCP-4932 has been grounded and is not allowed to play video games for 3 months.
Description: SCP-4932 is a 28 year old caucasian human female of 150 pounds and stands at 1.5 m. She has light brown hair. Despite insistance on being called ████, SCP-4932 shall be referred to as number only. She is friendly and talkative, tending to over explain and ramble about things. She also makes jokes, and enjoys puns. Her humor is generally crude or fatalistic. Despite her friendliness, the nature of her abilities means she is to be kept at Object Class Keter.
SCP-4932 has the ability to break out of, and into, SCP cells of any level of containment with out jeopardizing the containment procedures of the other SCP. She appears to only target other SCPs she deems attractive and will attempt to flirt with them. SCP-4932 does not care about the danger involved, citing that “Either they [REDACTED] me or I die. Either way I win.” It is to be noted that SCP-4932 is not suicidal and simply uses fatalistic humor common with those in her age group.
SCP-4932 seems to have the ability to sense a SCP that fits her aethstetics and is drawn to them, and has knowledge of them. She is avoidant on the subject of just how she gets to them.
SCP-4932 seems to be uncharacteristically lucky with her meeting of the SCPs she finds attractive, as instances have yet to react negatively to her presence despite multiple break ins to meet them. Even those which have in all instances of previous contact seemed single minded in their destructive goals (See Incident Report). Testing is required.
Addendum 4932.1: Discovery
SCP-4932 was discovered in SCP-049′s cell on [REDACTED] laying on the floor and insisting she was ‘infected by the pestilence’ and needed to be treated with a ‘special injection’. Her tone indicated she actually meant she desired to [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. SCP-4932 was fortunate to not be deemed infected by SCP-049, who in turn seemed oblivious to her seduction attempts, politely telling her she was mistaken. it is unknown how SCP-4932 knew of the ‘pestilence’. 
SCP-4932 was contained as a D-Class personel, but broke out and infiltrated the cell of SCP-2662, again attempting to flirt. SCP-2662 was relieved that for once it was not being harassed by would be worshipers, and seemed mildly surprised a human would desire to [REDACTED]. (Please imagine this part is in pictographs, i dont feel like drawing them myself right now) SCP-4932 was elevated to SCP status when she intentionally summoned SCP-2521 by describing it verbally, and then saying flirtacious things to it once it appeared. SCP-2521 seemed to recipocate, however, it did not abduct her like it had the previous D-Class personel ordered to describe it. It is unknown how she knew what SCP-2521 looked like, or why she was not taken. (thats all fot the pictographs)
Addendum 4932.2: Interview
Interviewer: Dr. ██████
Interviewee: SCP - 4932
Dr. ██████: So, SCP-4932-
SCP-4932: My name is ████.
Dr. ██████: its simply procedure to refer to you as such.
SCP-4932: Uh... Okay. Listen. I get the vibes I’m going to be staying here a while so, think you can go to my house and get my things? I live in ███████, California. I can give you my address if you want. I really want my Transformer figures and my-
Dr. ██████: Your level of amenities depend on how cooperative you are, I’m afraid. Now tell me, why are you here?
SCP-4932: Oh well, I heard that you guys keep things here. Like, monsters and stuff. Robots too, maybe?
Dr. ██████: I’m not at liberty to disclose what-
SCP-4932: I will take that as a yes. Any way, I just want to date a monster... You know? Something not human. Ive always been drawn to that, ever since i played ████ ██████.
Dr. ██████: What is that?
SCP-4932: Its a video game. I just love ██████. He is my favorite. I’m like, head over heals. I know its dumb cause he is not real but I can’t help it.
SCP-4932 suddenly gets a bit emotional, sniffing a few times and wiping her eyes
SCP-4932: Sorry I just remembered the game. Always makes me emotional. I like it so much, you know?
Dr. ██████: Why were you interested in SCP-049? Where did you learn about it?
SCP-4932: I like plague doctors. I think the whole get up is pretty attractive. As for where I learned about him, I’m not really sure? I just know. Like i just knew about this place. And how I know about uh.... SCP-4932 attemtps to pantomime but soon gives up and looks embarassed.
Interviewer’s note: SCP-4932 devolved into awkward rambling and would not answer anymore questions after this, preferring to ask for advice and talking about ██████. After interview was ended, SCP-4932 apologized saying she tends to hyper-focus on things she is interested in and hoped the next interview would be more productive
Addendum 4932.3: Incident on ██/██/██
A lighting Storm on ██/██/██ resulted in an instance of SCP-060-Alpha. SCP-4932 inexplicably appeared in the area despite the large distance between Site ██ and the grove, and tried to flirt with Instance SCP-060-Alpha. She had acquired a high grade flame retardant suit from an unknown location. SCP-060-Apha quickly seemed to grow aware of her intentions and seemed incredibly confused to the point its rampage stopped. The confusion allowed for personel to nullify the entity. SCP-4932 seemed to find the confusion cute stating that “i don’t think anyone has ever reacted in a way other then terror. How sweet.” 
It is not know how she broke out of Site ██. Containment procedures are the be elevated and SCP-4932 is to be reprimanded and have her laptop taken away to discourage further breakouts.
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: OC 20
Code Name: Christine the Motorcycle
Object Class: Prodosa/ Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AFM unfortunately is under the protection of Group of Interest: The Black Queen's Insurgency. This was the result of the sudden containment breach at Site-AA. As such no Containment Procedures have been made. All efforts are directed to finding SCP-AFM and bringing it into containment. 
Description: SCP-AFM is the result of SCP-AFN and SCP-AAP fusing together during a containment breach of Site-AA back in 2014. SCP-AFM resembles a red motorcycle but has no resemblance to any known model in the world. Like its predecessors, the anomaly is sentient, homicidal, and enjoys making anything it targets explode psychically with its non-existent mind. Unfortunately, SCP-AFM is much stronger than either able to ride itself at a speed of 300 MPH and able to make anyone and anything it comes across explode. SCP-AFM is able to process information as fast as it drives meaning it can slaughter hundreds in a matter of minutes. 
SCP-AFM is not indestructible but is able to repair itself from any form of damage. It's even possible for the anomaly to temporarily give other motorcycles or bikes life and its anomalous abilities to act as its bodyguards or soldiers. It is believed that SCP-AFM gains power the more it kills as its abilities expand in range as a result to its increased death. 
SCP-AFM was created in 2014 during a containment breach caused by Group of Interest: The Black Queen's Insurgency. A janitor within the site was revealed to be an agent of the GoI and directed the infiltrators to both SCP-AAP's and SCP-AFN where they forced the anomalies together resulting in the creation of SCP-AFM. The janitor then rode SCP-AFM out of the site killing everyone he came across. The site suffered a 2% population loss that day and all forces from the Black Queen's Insurgency got away without suffering a single casualty. This marks yet another of our most embarrassing failures. 
"So that's why they created SCP-AFN, they wanted to use it as a piece to create a stronger SCP. I just wasn't expecting them to use an SCP already in our containment as the other half of the puzzle. Death has always been commonplace within the Foundation, but the Black Queen's Insurgency really finds ways to make it happen in the most horrific and frustrating ways possible. Still though, I like so many others can't help but be confused, we don't know much about the Black Queen's Insurgency other than the fact that it's ruled by the many dimensional iterations of Alison Chao, same with the original Black Queen group. But why is this new group so militaristic all of a sudden and why does she attack our reality when [data expunged] nor his daughter have ever existed in this reality because of The Reset. She should have no reason to hate us... so why does she?" - Dr. Bones
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
Document of Interest: Foundation Sites
Description: Since we have been [data expunged] in a new [data expunged] with new [data expunged] and therefore new anomalies it only makes sense that we make new Foundation sites. Granted by pure miracle we still have our old sites, but we will need more room to contain new anomalous threats.
Site-AA: Site Director: Nancy James/ Location: [data expunged], Greenland/ Purpose: Common containment, testing facilities for anomalies/ Contains: SCP-AAJ, SCP-AAK, SCP-AAL, SCP-AAN, SCP-AAP, SCP-AAV, SCP-AAY, SCP-ABI, SCP-ABY, SCP-ACA-Beta, SCP-ACK, SCP-ACL, SCP-ACX, SCP-ADA, SCP-ADF-Ε, SCP-ADG, SCP-ADS, SCP-ADX, SCP-AEK, SCP-AEW, SCP-AEO, SCP-AFN, SCP-AFQ, SCP-AFV, SCP-AFW, SCP-AFY, SCP-AGF, SCP-AGI, SCP-AHB, SCP-AHI-1, SCP-AHP, SCP-AIB, SCP-AIU, SCP-AJE, SCP-AJK, SCP-ALF, SCP-ALK
Site-AB: Site Director: Isaac Cortez/ Location: [data expunged], Greenland/ Purpose: Memetic and cognitive containment/ Contains: SCP-AAX, SCP-ABD, SCP-ACC-3, SCP-ACG, SCP-ACM, SCP-ADY-Alpha, SCP-AEV, SCP-AFO, SCP-AIM, SCP-ARR, SCP-ATQ
Site-AC: Site Director: Brain Veil/ Location: [data expunged], Iceland/ Purpose:  Containment of highly dangerous anomalies through freezing, containment of anomalies with limited or restricted testing/ Contains: SCP-AAA, SCP-AAD, SCP-AAE, SCP-AAQ, SCP-AAR, SCP-AAU, SCP-ABW, SCP-ABZ, SCP-ACE, SCP-ADE-beta, SCP-ADZ, SCP-AEC, SCP-AEG, SCP-AFL, SCP-AOY
Site-AD: Site Director: Dr. Wicked/ Location: [data expunged]/ Purpose: Experimental Containment of dangerous anomalies/ Contains: SCP-AAG, SCP-AAI, SCP-ABB, SCP-ACA-Beta, SCP-ACC-5, SCP-ACT, SCP-ACU, SCP-ADF-Α, SCP-AEK-Ξ, SCP-AFJ, SCP-AGD, SCP-AIV, SCP-ANE, SCP-ARN, SCP-ASS
Site-AE: Site Director: Elanore Whitlock/ Location: [data expunged], Atlantic Ocean/ Purpose: containment of dangerous anomalies that are or produce resources that are beneficial to the Foundation, Foundation transportation hub/ Contains: SCP-ADE-Alpha, SCP-ABO, SCP-ACQ, SCP-AEE, SCP-AEF, [data expunged]
Site-AF: Site Director: Dr. tutela/ Location: Inside a pocket dimension within in a blast bunker hidden in the [data expunged] desert, Brazil/ Purpose: Containment of dangerous human and humanoid anomalies/ Contains: SCP-AAM, SCP-ABX, SCP-ACA-Alpha, SCP-ACC-1, SCP-ACD, SCP-ACY, SCP-ADF-Γ, SCP-ADF-Ζ, SCP-ADQ, SCP-ADY-Beta, SCP-AEX, SCP-AFI, SCP-AHK, SCP-AIL, SCP-AQC, SCP-ASZ
Site-AG: Site Director: Cornelious Nex/ Location: Salkum desert, Rubrum on Mars/ Purpose: Containment of Anomalies too dangerous to be left on earth/ Contains: SCP-AAT, SCP-ABC, SCP-ACC-4, SCP-ADN, SCP-AEN, SCP-AEP, SCP-AFG, SCP-AHI, SCP-APT, SCP-ARF
Site-AH: Site Director: Nova Davis/ Location: Kinos, Pulvis on Mars/ Purpose: Containment of anomalies found on Mars/ Contains: SCP-ACR, SCP-AGN, [data expunged]
Site-AI: Site Director: Maxwell Johnson/ Location: New Eriksson, Skoni on Mars/ Purpose: Living, work, and research city for Foundation staff living on Mars, Spaceship development and mass production/ Contains: Does not contain anomalies.
Site-AJ: Site Director: Cullen Artia/ Location [data expunged], Canada/ Purpose: Full containment of SCP-AXA and similar instances/ Contains: SCP-AXA, no other anomalies are allowed at Site AJ.
Site-AK: Site Director: Lucy Doven/ Location: [data expunged] of the Sahara Desert/ Purpose: Production of AFA-1, AFA-2, and AFA-3. Also responsible for containment of special hazard anomalies/ Contains: SCP-ABS, SCP-ADF-Δ, SCP-AFT, SCP-AHV, SCP-ATA
Site-AL: Site Director: Dr. Malik/ Location: [data expunged], Madagascar/ Purpose: Containment of highly dangerous anomalies through burning or superheating, containment of anomalies with limited or restricted testing/ Contains: SCP-ADT, SCP-AEL, SCP-AFZ, SCP-AMS, SCP-AWS, [data expunged]
Site-AM: Site Director: Veronica Pérez/ Location: No set location/ Purpose: Invisible sky fortress acts as a base for sentient and humanoid anomalies aligned with the foundation, also contains non-hazardous or low threat anomalies that are useful to the Foundation, homebase for Alpha-9 and Omega-45/ Contains: SCP-AAS, SCP-ABG, SCP-ABJ, SCP-ABL, SCP-ACC-2, SCP-ACV, SCP-ADV-Warden, SCP-ADW, SCP-AEZ, SCP-AGC, SCP-AZJ
Site-AN: Site Director: Tanaka Eto/ Location: the bottom of the Mariana Trench/ Purpose: Containment of extremely dangerous anomalies that can possess a constant XK class: End of the World scenario should they break containment but are still available for testing and research, also acts as a defensive base against SCP-[data expunged]/ Contains: SCP-ABA, SCP-ABT-1, SCP-ADR, SCP-ADU, SCP-AFB, SCP-AHD, SCP-AID, SCP-ATV, SCP-AXP
Site-AO: Site Director: [data expunged]/ Location: [data expunged] of the North Atlantic Ocean/ Purpose: Primarily for the testing of long-term effects anomalies can have on the public through an artificial city environment populated by [data expunged]. Secondary, for the purpose of either temporary containment or permanent containment of biohazardous, chemical, and aquatic class anomalies/ Contains: SCP-ABE, SCP-ADK, SCP-AES, SCP-AFU, SCP-AGE, SCP-AGL, SCP-AKS, [data expunged]
Site-AP: Site Director: [data expunged]/ Location: [data expunged]/ Purpose: [data expunged]/ Contains: SCP-ABP, SCP-ABV-4, SCP-ABV-6, SCP-AGS, SCP-AHM, SCP-AJY-Prime
Site-AQ: Site Director: 476F64/ Location: The Arctic/ Purpose: containment and study of digital anomalies such as A.I., virtual worlds, and anomalous video games/ Contains: SCP-ACH, SCP-ADP, SCP-AED, SCP-AEM, SCP-AVH
Site-AR: Site Director: Malcom Wyllt/ Location: underneath the islands of Hawaii/ Purpose: Headquarters of the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic, and Warfare. Containment of literature-based anomalies as well as containing extremely dangerous anomalies by other anomalous means. Most active Foundation Site for experimentation/ Contains: SCP-ACI, SCP-ACX-2, SCP-AGT, SCP-AHG, SCP-AIJ, SCP-AJW
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