highlifeboat · 2 years
Hi, hello, is that who I think it is?
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No, it can't be.
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snxffer-tv · 3 years
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I will fulfill this request. Hope you enjoy
It is a Lucas Baker x Gender Natural Reader.
You are a bit chubby bare with it.
English is not my first language, there will be some mistakes.
Y/N (your name)
H/C (hair color)
F/C (favorite color)
F/O (favorite Outfit)
Y/N P.O.V.
I finally did it. I completed Resident Evil 7 Biohazard for the 5th time. Yes for the 5th time. I only played it so much because of Lucas. He is hot. I love him so much. I only find it sad that he was killed at the end. I'm bored and it is only 6pm ... Should I play it again? Mhm... Yeah, Imma play it again.
I was playing Resident Evil 7 Biohazard until ,,Y/N GO GET SOME SLEEP IT IS 10PM" My mother suddenly burst into my room. ,, Okay chill" I turned off my Pc. Before I went to bed I looked out my window and saw a shooting star. I wished that I was in Resident Evil 7.
The next morning
,, Y/N Wake up" I heard Ethan say ... WAIT ETHAN. I suddenly woke up and looked around. I saw that I was not in my room. I stood up and looked around in the room and saw on the closet my F/O with my F/C on it. 'You Are The Sibling Of Ethan Winters' I heard a voice say in my head. 'Cool ... Wait that means I am in Resident Evil' 'Yes you are to be exact in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard' I just smiled to myself. I went to the closet and put on my outfit. After I put it on I went downstairs. ,, Ah you are finally here" Ethan said. I just nodded. ,, Today we are going to investigate the house of the Bakers!" 'Hey, then there is gonna be a chance to meet Lucas. I finally gonna meet him".
At the Bakers House
Lucas P.OV.
Tch Ethan Winters is gonna be here today or more like the next days. Evie and I need to stop him. Hopefully, I can kill him. I pretty much don't like him.
Y/N P.O.V.
I'm with Ethan at the Bakers House. It looks more cooler irl than in the Game. I love the House. Ethan and I went into the house. ,, Okay so where do we wa-" I cut myself off and I realized ... that Bastard is gone. He is not beside me anymore. ' Well looks like I have to go by myself '. I walked upstairs to Lucas's room. I went through his door room and was stunned. It is everything like in the game. I was so in my own world that I didn't hear how the door opened again. ,, Hey who are you" a voice asked. I was straddled and looked behind me and who was standing there ... LUCAS BAKER. I didn't how to react should I fangirl, scream or just faint. I just stood there. ,, Hello?!?!" Lucas waved his hand in front of my face. ,, Ah Hi" I only said. ,, I asked you a question" ,, My name is Y/N Winters, and my brother is Ethan Winters" I introduced myself. ,, Huh?! He has a sibling?" Lucas said. I only nodded. ,, Wow never knew this. Shouldn't you be with your brother?" Lucas asked me. ,, Well I wanted to ask where we want to start but he was already gone so I decided to explore and now here we are talking" I told him. ,, Does he even realize that he left you alone?" ,, Probably but I think he doesn't give a fuck about it. He doesn't need to baby me every time. I mean I am grown up and I can take care of myself" Lucas nodded just.
Ethan P.O.V.
Tf is wrong with this house. I just fought an angry guy named Jack Baker. I also realized that I left my sibling alone ... Nah they can take off themselves. But I'm scared of what is more going on here plus if they survive. I hope I will see them alive.
(A time skip where Lucas locks Ethan in that room where you have to do that Birthday Task)
Y/N P.O.V.
Here am I standing beside Lucas who has cameras on my brother who is trying to escape that room. I laughed a bit by seeing Ethan struggling. ,, You like seeing brother struggle escaping the room" Lucas asked me. ,, Yes but I also feel bad, but hey I can't do anything, can I?" I talked back. ,, WHY THE FUCK IS IT SO DIFFICULT!" we both heard Ethan scream. We both just started laughing. ,, Oi oi oi you know where my sibling is?" Ethan asked Lucas. I looked at Lucas if I can talk to him. He nodded. ,, I am here and if you ask me, I am fine, and yeah noth-" I suddenly stopped since I felt a slap on my ass. I looked behind me and saw Lucas with a grin on his face. ,, What it looks good" Lucas just whispered. ,, Did you just slap my sibling on the ass?!" Ethan asked more angry. I wanted to say no but Lucas interference and told proudly yes. And now Ethan is throwing a tantrum. ,, I don't know if he is a grown-up or a man child" I said to Lucas
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