causesharm · 3 years
@modestmuses​  sent :  “ i get embarrassed talking. well, after talking when i realise i said something stupid.”  - lain.  
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      ❛  man,  listen.    nothing matters,   which means embarrassing moments don’t exist  ❜    she doesn’t know if it’s helpful and it probably isn’t given that coraline is... well,  coraline.   her talents lied more in standing in the back and dropping snarky comments just to annoy the rest of the room,   that’s pretty much where it ended.  but regardless,   the words come from a place of kindness,  an offering of something and a gesture she’d never thought she’d ever be able to do, looks like even when she’s done it all there are little moments where coraline still manages to shock herself    ❛  y’just gotta learn not to give a fuck.  ❜ 
「  THAT 70′s SHOW   |   𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆  」  
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