orangeyouglad8 · 7 years
Something’s Spooky in Your Blood
Having some fun with #clexahalloweenweek! Thought I’d throw something in for the Free Day today. Thanks for the fun idea @clexabrasil
This takes place in my SEIYB!verse (in case the title misled you…)
Halloween at the hospital is an event unto its own.
It doesn’t surprise Clarke or sneak up on her. She’s been well versed in the oddities that happen on this night since she was a child. Those nights when her mother would only come home well into November looking dead on her feet.
It’s nothing new.
What is new is being smack dab in the middle of it.
The weekend prior to Halloween stretched from Thursday to early Sunday morning. Full of shenanigans. Ghouls and goblins and drunken broken idiots all around.
The ED bursting at the seams. People of all shapes and colors – literally she saw a blue monster wheeled away on a gurney – poured from every nook and cranny. Fake blood mixed with the real and everyone was confused.
And now, now they arrive on the day itself. A Tuesday. Something so middle of the week, Clarke hopes the crazed frenzy of the weekend will not find it’s way back to the hospital.
She knows her hopes have no shot of coming true.
Indra gives them a strong speech at the start of their shifts. Reminds them all they probably won’t be leaving anytime soon.
Except Clarke is already on an overtime shift. Dangerously close to crossing the line and getting into serious trouble. Indra gives her a look and a nod before she leaves the locker room and Clarke understands it for what it is.
They both are aware of the situation.
But for now, Clarke will deal with whatever comes her way. And ignore Raven’s near constant pestering about the party at her friend’s giant apartment.
Her phone chirps in her locker and she grabs it, smiling at the picture she finds attached to Lexa’s message. She sniffs under her arms and applies another coat of deodorant, grabbing her lab coat and sweeping out of the locker room while her fellow interns get ready for the day.
The day she started hours ago.
She plays with her hair hastily, pulling it back into the tiny bun she can manage. Not yet used to the new short length.
Lexa, though.
Lexa’s eyes went wide when she showed up fresh from the salon.
Her fingers card through it every chance they get.
When the elevator slides open she practically dances through the lobby to the coffee cart. Lexa stands there waiting. Her shirt tucked in, her shoes shiny. Her hair perfect. Clarke’s heart beats so loud she’s surprised everyone can’t hear it.
“Hi, stranger.”
“Hi yourself.” Lexa’s eyes dip to Clarke’s lips. She needs them on hers. Settles for the soft look they both share. “How was your night?”
“Long, boring.”
“Boring is good though for post-op, right?”
“Boring is good.” She leans in then. Brushes her hand against Lexa’s arm, briefly.
Not yet over how well Lexa pays attention and how much she cares.
Lexa holds up a white paper bag that Clarke didn’t even see, too entranced by the girl before her. “I brought you some breakfast.”
“Lex-” She swoons. Constant fucking swooning.
“You need to eat,” Lexa says it low as they inch forward in line. And now Clarke really needs to kiss her. Wonders how much persuading she’ll have to do to get her into a closet or empty room somewhere.
Clarke takes the bag and spies inside.
“You didn’t.”
“I did,” she answers around a grin.
“Just eat your sandwich, Clarke.”
Clarke bites into it and releases a hearty moan, hungrier than she realized and happier knowing it was Lexa who was thinking of her. Who woke up early and waited in line before work to bring Clarke her favorite breakfast sandwich to the hospital.
“You’re too good to me.”
“I know,” she laughs.
Clarke nudges her with her shoulder while taking another bite. She offers the sandwich to Lexa, who declines with a soft shake of her head.
This day is already off to a better start than she would have hoped.
They sit in a small hallway off the lobby that no one frequents and enjoy their coffee. Clarke finishes her sandwich and tries not to focus too hard on Lexa’s soft admiration. She chances a small kiss on Lexa’s cheek and takes a deep breath in.
“Thank you,” she whispers.
Lexa gulps. Visibly and loud. “You’re welcome.”
“I need to get back. It might be a little crazy today. I’m already pushing up on too many hours for my shift though so there’s a chance I might make it out.”
“Just let me know.” Lexa’s eyes are still focused on her lips.
Clarke loves it.
“Any chance you’d be up for a party if I do?”
A confused brow finally looks up. “What kind of party?”
“Something crazy I’m sure. Raven has been pestering me nonstop.”
“A Raven party…”
Clarke laughs, “I know. But… it could be fun.”
“I guess it will depend on the shift you have, doctor.”
“I guess so.” She remembers her main selling point. “No one from the hospital will be there…” she dangles it in front of Lexa like a carrot.
Lexa’s eyes light up, just as she hoped. “That sounds promising.”
They smile at each other for a beat.
“Don’t forget,” Clarke says, leaning back in and brushing her lips against Lexa’s ear. “You first kissed me at a Raven party…”
Lexa grabs her wrist, doesn’t let her move. Clarke hears her intake of breath.
“As if I ever could.”
Her quiet morning with Lexa seems like it was days ago.
The hospital roars to life around midday, when a group of stupidly drunk frat boys roll in, already bleeding with bones protruding in ways they never should. Their togas leave nothing to the imagination.
“We’re pledging,” one of them grimaces as Clarke pokes at his slowly bleeding gash.
“Yeah, that’s the excuse for this?” She sends him a look. Poking again and earning a flinch. He smells like the bottom of a bar floor and Clarke hopes the banana bag she hooked up will start hydrating him. He’s already tried brushing up against her ass more than once. She can feel his eyes heavy on her chest too.
“We’re almost through it.”
“You have to survive it first.” She snaps off her gloves and glares again. He looks up from her chest and his cheeks at least have the decency to blush. “You’ll need stitches. I’ll have to numb the skin, I’ll be back.” She leaves and pulls the curtain closed behind her in a huff.
“Murphy, can you handle bed three? This guy is about two seconds away from sexually harassing me and I just don’t have the strength to ignore it right now.” Clarke leans against the nurses station and lets a little bit of whine into her voice.
“If you take the kid in five, then no problem.”
“Done deal.” She switches to the chart for bed five and walks away. When she pulls the curtain back she’s met with a surly little girl and a worried dad. He would dwarf anyone, but the way he looks at his child melts Clarke’s heart a little bit. The girl has curly brown hair and dark dark eyes. Black ringed around them and a little dot adorning her nose. She looks so sad and small under the hospital lights.
“Hi, I’m Doctor Griffin. What do we have here?” Clarke smiles. It’s harder when it’s a kid. Harder and yet… easier.
“She passed out at school. Clutched her stomach and just passed out.” Her father answers, worried and standing. His hand never leaving her shoulder.
“Dad, I told you my tummy hurt today.”
“I know, baby. I know. I’m sorry.”
Clarke checks the chart again. Seems like appendicitis.
“Maisie, did you throw up today?”
“Yeah. Right when I got to school. I ruined my costume!”
“Well, that is a shame.” She sets the tablet down and pulls on some gloves to assess. “What were you today?”
“I was a raccoon,” her voice breaks a little and Clarke hopes she can distract her enough to stop the tears.
“Looks like you’re still a raccoon to me?” Clarke boops her nose and smiles.  “Can I check your belly, Maisie?”
The girl nods. Her lip quivers and Clarke knows she’s trying not to cry more.
“Which side does it hurt on?”
She points to her right and Clarke starts palpating. She barely touches her before the girl flinches and wails.
“Yep, alright. I think I know what’s wrong.” She nudges for Maisie’s father to stand and follow her out of the bay. Keeps her voice low to not scare the girl. “She’s got a pretty bad case of appendicitis. We’re going to need to take her up to surgery right away – we need to get it before it ruptures.”
He nods, tears streaking his face. “I should have brought her in sooner. She never complains.”
Clarke second guesses for a second before placing a hand on his shoulder. “It’s a hard thing to diagnose sometimes. I’m going to get her upstairs and we’ll get it handled, okay? You did the right thing.”
He nods and shuffles back into the bay to sit by his daughter and Clarke grabs a nurse to page Indra and the OR.
Murphy stands by the cart, picking up a suture kit and bandages. He glares hard when she shrugs and gets ready to roll Maisie upstairs.
“Thanks, Murphy.”
The surgery goes smoothly and Clarke gets to assist the attending, answering questions at rapid fire while she asks.
Peds is… peds is no joke.
And when it’s all over and Maisie is being patched up and taken to post-op, the attending lets Clarke notify her father.
A feeling she’s still not used to.
She finds him stalking the waiting room. Feels his relief and chokes on her words as she watches him break down, tears streaking down his face.
Indra finds her as she checks in on Maisie and brings her dad back. The rooms in peds are decorated with all kinds of animals and fun colors and Maisie gets a good drug induced giggle when she finds out that she’s in the room with raccoons and foxes and forest creatures prancing on the walls.
“Good job, Griffin.”
“Thanks,” Clarke nods. Always appreciative of Indra’s tough love.
“You performed well in there today. Dr. Hunter was impressed.”
Clarke blushes, Dr. Hunter is a rock star and everyone knows it.
“Thanks,” she stammers again. Indra barely conceals her eye roll.
“Make sure you watch that clock. I don’t need you getting written up for going over. We’re already pushing the limit… I should just send you home.”
“It’s barely five yet…”
“I know, but Halloween explodes around here. Something you seem familiar with.”
“Another perk of growing up with a surgeon for a mother.”
Indra simply hums out an affirmation.
“See to her post-op checks, don’t get trapped in the pit.”  She offers gruffly and then she’s gone.  “Don’t be surprised if you find yourself on Hunter’s rotation before long.”
Clarke blushes furiously.
The pit is slammed when she gets back and there will be no going home for her. Not when her colleagues are up to their ears again in Halloween shit.
Which is fucking crazy, because it’s still just a Tuesday.
But with so many college kids in this city, she really can’t be surprised.
The drunk frat boy with wandering eyes is still floating around. His almost-brother got taken up to surgery to repair the broken femur he came in with. He tells Clarke as much before sobbing and trying to earn some consolation.
Clarke just points him to the waiting rooms and gives him another banana bag. How on earth is he still this inebriated?
She handles two gashes from drunken fights and diagnoses a set of broken ribs and a concussion before Indra finds her and pulls her by the elbow out of the ED.
“Griffin, what did I say?”
She’s livid.
“I can’t just leave! Look how swamped we are!”
“Out. Now.” She growls and Clarke turns on a dime. The fight is not worth it. It’s almost eight and she’s definitely over her time limit. She drops her tablet at the charging dock at the nurses station and grabs a plastic set of devil horns out of the box of gathered and forgotten Halloween accessories.
The locker room is a ghost town and suddenly Clarke feels the exhaustion in her bones.
Raven has blown up her phone.
Lexa has left a few messages as well.
Clarke should shower, she really should, but she’s too tired. Suddenly completely over this hospital. Cannot bear another second of being here.
She changes quickly, asking Raven for the address again and sending it to Lexa. She coats her underarms with another round of deodorant and fluffs her hair, grateful that it always seems to hold better with a little bit of grease and dirt and sweat. Her boots feel comfortable on her feet even after her marathon day and her leather jacket is a warm, soothing comfort.
She sneaks out before anyone can find her. Not in the mood to deal with Octavia’s sass. Or Murphy’s grumping. Or Monty’s guilt trip.
She stops in the bathroom in the lobby and adds a dark coat of eyeliner to her tired face. Adjusts the devil horns just so on her head and grabs her bag not looking back.
The party is in full swing when she arrives. Bursting out of the big old house in Cambridge out onto the lawn and the porch. Clarke shakes her head, mystified by it all… it’s the middle of the fucking week.
She sets her bag down by the door and looks around. She sees a few familiar faces from her evenings out with Raven and her friends from school. Searches each room until she finds Raven cackling by the keg. Suited up in a stellar replica of a NASA space suit. Helmet under her arm and head thrown back laughing.
She can’t help but smile as she works her way through the crowd.
It’s a packed party. The air is humid and sticky with bodies and sweat and alcohol.
“You really outdid yourself this year!” She surprises Raven. Laughs at the shock and squeal her friend emits before turning around and punching her in the arm. “Ow, what the fuck?”
“Don’t sneak up on me, Griffin. You know I hate it!” She yells. Wraps her arms around Clarke’s neck and pulls her down for a hug. “They actually let you out?”
“If they didn’t I would have been written up so, yeah.”
“Oh, I never thought I’d be happier about your crazy hours than right now, Clarkey.” She pinches Clarke’s face. “Here, have a beer!” The red cup sloshes over her hand in Raven’s enthusiasm to hand it off.
Clarke more than happily obliges, downing the cheap light beer in large sips and refilling the cup before she pulls Raven outside to talk and enjoy the cool fall air.
“I can’t be inside another minute,” she says, leaning against the porch railing. There’s music, but it’s not so loud that the neighbors will complain.
They watch little superheroes and ninjas walk around collecting candy.
“How’s it been?”
“Busy as fuck. Halloween, Thanksgiving and New Year’s… the holy trinity of hospital visits.” Clarke ticks them off on her fingers with a sigh.
Raven raises her cup, “It’s all the alcohol, babe.”
“Mhm,” Clarke answers and gulps the gross beer down, already feeling a warm buzz. She should have eaten something on the way.
“I’m glad you’re here. You needed a night off.”
“I did.”
“You’re not going to be practicing hungover tomorrow are you?”
“No, my hours… I’ll have tomorrow off.”
“Good, because your laundry situation is getting out of hand.”
“Thanks for reminding me.”
“Anything for you, my dear.” Raven swings an arm around her shoulder and smacks a loud kiss on her cheek.
They stand outside chatting for a while. Clarke props herself on the porch railing and rests her aching feet. Raven refills their beers again and comes back with double decker orange and purple jello shots. Clarke groans but chews the shot and swallows it down with a grimace.
Raven is summoned to play beer pong and Clarke waves her off, needing a moment for the world to stop spinning and for the jello taste to leave her mouth.
This is how Lexa finds her.
Lexa who walks out of the crowded doorway and steals Clarke’s breath away. She almost falls backward off the railing.
Lexa. In scrubs. In a lab coat. Hair pulled up on top of her head in a messy bun and fake stethoscope around her neck.
Lexa with her real hospital badge clipped to the front pocket.
Lexa with a smirk – that smirk – on her face.
“Here you are,” She says, sauntering towards Clarke.
“Lex…” Clarke reaches out and pulls Lexa to her. Hands around her waist bringing her between Clarke’s legs. Clarke sees the familiar hospital logo stamped on the scrubs. Gets a thrill when she thinks about where Lexa must have pulled them from.
Brings Lexa down into a kiss.
She’s been wanting to kiss Lexa like this all day. There’s a sharp intake of breath, a hum, a tongue sliding along lips, and then it’s deeper.
Is everything Clarke wants and needs.
“You look really good,” Lexa whispers against her lips.
“So do you, doctor.” She purrs. kisses her again, because she can. Because Lexa is here with her, and Lexa is playing along, and Lexa looks really, really great in Clarke’s scrubs.
“Now you know how I always feel,” she says, dragging her lips down Clarke’s throat, giving them time to breathe.
“A taste of my own medicine?” She jokes. Lexa sucks a little too hard in response.
“Just proving my case,” she mutters into skin, her tongue soothing the spot.
“You know, sleeping with a doctor doesn’t make you qualified to practice medicine, Lex.”
“Why don’t we go home and test that theory.” Lexa husks it out against her ear and Clarke is about to say yes when another voice startles her.
“Griffin, come on, I need a new partner!” Raven calls out and breaks them apart. Clarke glares over Lexa’s shoulder to the door where her friend stands, hands on her hips and an expectant look on her face.
“Fuck off, Rave. I’m busy.”
“Come on, Clarke. I can’t go down like this!” She whines and Lexa giggles into Clarke’s neck where she is still hiding, cheeks red and warm on Clarke’s skin. That’s what does it for Clarke. If she stays here with Lexa between her thighs and kissing her neck, they’ll be doing things that can only be done in private.
“Fine, but you owe me.”
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go, sweet cheeks, move it.” She disappears into the house and Lexa finally looks up.
“Don’t worry about it.” Lexa’s eyes are dark and her lips are plump and red. “Go show off for me.” She smirks again and Clarke laughs.
“Alright, you got it, doc.” She pushes Lexa back and hops off the railing. Grabbing Lexa’s hand and pulling her into the house.
“The horns seem appropriate…” Lexa whispers behind her. Clarke squeezes her hand and wishes they went home instead.
They beat the next five teams handily. Clarke only has to drink two cups of beer in their run.
Raven is sassy and on fire next to her, sinking shots and talking smack like she’s not short and barely a hundred pounds.
Clarke thinks their luck has to do with the tall lean girl off to the side. The one who can’t take her eyes off Clarke as she shoots. The one who sends her dark looks and private smiles behind her cup.
The one Clarke needs to get her hands on.
They are forced to relinquish the table after the host of the party and his roommate are beaten again for the second time, and declare Raven and Clarke the ultimate champions. Clarke blushes and laughs at the round of begrudging applause and cheers the partygoers cynically throw their way. Raven, though, Raven bows and lifts her hands up to her ears asking for more.
She is…
She is so ridiculous and Clarke loves her so much.
Lexa hands her a fresh cup of beer when she is finally released from her partner duties. Kisses her with a little extra something and smiles against her lips.
“Definitely,” Lexa nods. Her voice is husky and Clarke can feel that tension that lives in the space between them ramp up.
“Come on,” She pulls Lexa through the large kitchen away from the beer pong and to the bathroom she found in the hall. They only have to wait a moment for a tiny blonde girl to stumble out with a laugh before she has Lexa inside and the door shut and locked behind them.
They meet in a heated kiss, well past any teasing or propriety. Clarke knows what she wants and thrums with it. Lexa’s hands grip her ass and pull her close, her lips nonstop and devastating.
Hands sneak under Clarke’s shirt and scratch lightly at the skin at the base of her back. She gasps and pulls at Lexa’s lip a little, spurning her on.
Swallows the moan that lives in the back of Lexa’s throat.
Comes alive with it.
Tugs at the scrubs and tries to get Lexa closer, closer.
“Where did you get these,” she says, nipping along Lexa’s sharp jaw.
“My hamper,” Lexa replies, tilting her head to allow Clarke more access. They thud back against the door and Clarke groans at the way their bodies bump together. Push up against each other and seek the heat. “They’re the ones you wore home last week because you were-” she stops to gasp as Clarke’s hands rake up her stomach. “Too tired.” She finishes and tilts Clarke’s mouth back to hers.
“The coat?”
“Hospital laundry. Rhonda seemed particularly keen with me.”
“Do I have to keep an eye on that?”
“Hmm… maybe.” Lexa jokes. “I washed these by the way.”
“I can tell. They don’t smell like a fifteen hour surgery.”
“Just checking.”
Clarke dips into her again and keeps sliding her hands up, up. Teasing just under Lexa’s bra. There’s a patch of skin there that is so soft, and so sensitive, it always causes a reaction.
She’s not disappointed when Lexa inhales quickly and pulls her lips away from Clarke’s.
“Clarke,” she gasps.
“Shh, babe.” Clarke captures her mouth again and slides her thigh between Lexa’s in earnest. All too familiar with the very thin barrier the scrubs provide. Lexa’s teeth sink into her lower lip for a moment before her head tilts back again, enjoying the way Clarke’s thigh moves up against her.
Clarke smirks and kisses the strong neck under her lips, runs her tongue along that little dip just before Lexa’s collarbones.
Smiles as Lexa’s hands press into her lower back and pull her closer, tighter.  She wiggles her fingers and gets up under the cloth and wire barrier, teasing the underside of Lexa’s breasts.
“Clarke,” Lexa hisses. Breaks out of their trance. Stands up straighter and looks at Clarke with wide, dark eyes. “We can’t.”
“Why not?” Clarke bites her lip.
“If we start this here we’ll have to finish. And I am not about to do this quickly.”
Those words send a shudder down Clarke’s spine. She’s suddenly speechless and gaping.
Lexa releases her grip on Clarke’s back and toys with the devil horns that have started to slip down her hair in the wake of their make out.
“Very, very appropriate.” She smiles and fixes them.
Clarke tries to shake the lust off of her, but it’s just not happening with Lexa looking at her like that.
“Come on, let’s go home and you can get me out of your scrubs.”
Another shiver. Clarke has to kiss her again after that. It’s hot and wet and insistent.
“Clarke, please…” Lexa begs and that’s what breaks her out of the trance. She needs all of Lexa, and she won’t be able to have her in this stranger’s bathroom.
“Okay, okay. Let’s go.”
They exit the bathroom much the way they went in, with Clarke throwing open the door and dragging Lexa behind her. They earn a smirk and a low whistle of appreciation from a guy waiting in the hall and Clarke would stop to shove him if she could think about anything else. But all she can focus on is getting Lexa inside of her.
Instead, they make their way to the door, grab Clarke’s bag and spill out onto the street.
“Wanna order a car? It’ll be quicker.” Lexa asks, tugging Clarke to a stop and waving her phone in her free hand.
“Yeah, do it.”
“Two minutes,” she says, eyes focused on Clarke’s lips again.
The wait is agony. They get closer and closer together. Share heated looks. The tension building.
The blue car pulls up and they both jump inside, eager to get back. Their pinkies touch on the seat between them, but nothing else.
Clarke can’t risk it.
Can’t even touch this girl next to her for fear that the unstoppable urges will take over. She leans her head on the window instead. Watches the city pass by outside and enjoys the cool glass on her face.
It’s soothing. Lexa’s presence relaxes her and the long shifts she’s had for the past few days creep over her. The beer she consumed on too empty of a stomach starts to work its magic. Her eyes feel heavy and she sits back in the seat even more.
The car ride isn’t long, but it’s long enough for Clarke to start drifting.
Even with the dirty make out still prickling her skin. And Lexa close to her, ready to reconnect after a long week.
She doesn’t realize she drifted off until Lexa is nudging her gently. “Come on, Clarke. We’re here.”
Clarke hums and allows Lexa to guide her out of the car. She hears hushed thanks and then the driver is gone. Clarke opens her eyes and tries to wake up. She smiles when she sees Lexa standing there under the streetlights in her scrubs with her bag over her shoulder and hair messily falling out of its bun.
It’s such a sight.
A warm wave tugs at Clarke and she steps closer to Lexa. cups her elbows and pulls her in for a soft kiss.
“What was that for?”
“I just like you, I guess.” Clarke shrugs. She loves the smile that plays at Lexa’s lips. It starts slow but opens and blooms beautifully into her full wide smile. The toothy grin that Clarke knows is special.
Lexa pulls her into a hug and hums happily.
“Ready to go upstairs?” Clarke teases it out.
“To bed? Yeah,” Lexa responds.
“No…” Clarke sasses. Stifles a yawn.
“You’re exhausted, Clarke.”
“No, I’m fine, I’m fine. It’s time for me to do dirty, dirty things to you, Lex.”
“Let’s see if you can make it all the way up and to the bedroom. Then we can renegotiate.”
Clarke groans as Lexa guides them up the stairs and to the front door. She feels weaker with every step, and grumpy because Lexa is probably right.
But all she really wants to do is make her come.
“You look good in my scrubs…” she purrs, her face tucked into Lexa’s neck.
“Don’t worry, I’ve already made note of that for the future.”
“Oh yeah? I think you’re the one who needs these devil horns, Lex.”
Lexa laughs as they begin the slow climb up to her apartment and Clarke’s heart flutters in her chest.
In the end, she does get Lexa out of her scrubs with a few long, slow, wonderful kisses stretched between them. But instead of the hot, steamy, dirty sex she was craving, she is pushed down into Lexa’s sheets with arms wrapped around her as they settle next to each other and drift away to sleep.
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