scnsetting · 8 years
vs Celestia (FE)
Strong steps all around. Fights rage on across the castle. The throne needs to be seized, and while some of the other magic-inclined allies take the royal guard from afar, the hooded Sunset approaches the magnificently dressed Queen, dark sparks already flaring from her tome of choice.
“Ah. I see you have relinquished your haughty nature and recognized who is superior. It behooves you to stay your tome, Sunset Shimmer.”
“Tch. As if. I came here for you. To shove some sense into your face.”
“You’re inept. Always hiding behind someone. The Elements of Harmony. Your new protegé turned princess. Your sister. Even as your servants fall, you don’t stand from your throne. You never gave me any power because you had none. I should have figured.”
“You resent your own weakness so much that you’ll blame it all on me? Sunset, my dear. This was what I was trying to avoid. True strength can never come from one person alone. Even when surrounded by all these friends, are you still blind to this, like you were all this time?”
“I’m not weak!! No thanks to you! I know exactly what you mean. I have allies now. I know this power. But it’s not mine to do what I wish with. That, I had to get on my own. And I did! I’ll show you right here, right now, how wrong you were!“
“... Then come. If you’ll pit your life on these ideals, I’ll have to show you the folly of it.”
Sunset raises her hand forth, and a wide dark matter materializes between them, shooting forward to Celestia in interrupted burst, which makes her back down a step, but keep standing with no other signs of pain.
Celestia, in turn, raises a scepter with a blue orb on top, that glows bright, before the room and especially Sunset are bathed in schorching sunlight, that makes the girl yelp and kneel, unable to stand up for a while after the attack that devastated her.
Galloping is heard, and a sword sheathes. Sunset sees the looming shadow of a cavalier with a hat stretch a hand to her. A rescue.
“No, I-”
She wants to resist, but is forced to take it when the armor-clad country girl takes her in anyway.
“Ya’ll did yer part. Leave it to Twi now.”
The turn was not over, but her part was.
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