#SHIP. BECAUSE YOU HAVE FAITH IN ME. machina x deuce.| M A C H I N A
sentofight · 3 years
[[ planting things and watching them grow together is better than sex. 
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sentofight · 3 years
Surprise chu on the cheek for Machina!
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“--!?” the sudden kiss to his cheek made him recoil to look at who invaded his personal space. The answer should be obvious but he was spacing out (most likely thinking of the person who stole the kiss from him to begin with) so when he recognized the culprit; his features lightened up. 
“Deuce!” the name of his beloved was laced with joy beyond words. She’s the one who he wanted to see at this moment and she came! Machina got up from where he was sitting down to quickly seize her adorable cheeks in his hands and press a kiss to her lips. Wasting no second to repay her for her cheek kiss, and disregarding if anyone would see them. 
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Lips parted slowly (despite how he was thinking of going for a second one unless he wants her to melt in his hands, he refrained from that...for now) to slip a couple of words, “I was thinking of you...and you came...” he smiled brightly at her, “How are you?”
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sentofight · 3 years
Sneaks up behind Machina and covers his eyes. "Guess who~"
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He was startled for a moment when his girlfriend covered his eyes. Help him, she is so adorable. “Eeh...?? Eeehh...? Who is this? I really can’t tell....maybe give me a hint?” he chuckled lightly. “Okay umm.... are you....maybe....the most cutest, most prettiest, most wonderful and most kind girl in this whole campus?”  
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sentofight · 3 years
It was always difficult to have any kind of celebration at times like these, but that was all the more reason they should try. A birthday only came once a year and because of the uncertainty, it felt even more special than they already were to begin with. So when she was able to sit down and enjoy a lunch with Machina, just the two of them, of course she had put even more effort into making the day special, starting with the lunch she had prepared, as well as the cookies she had made while making sure they remained chocobo shaped. "Machina, thank you for being born. I hope... we can celebrate next year as well~"
Machina’s Birthday | @oursongofhealing​
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To think he would celebrate his birthday again. It has been a long time since he celebrated it properly. Since the village was caught on fire, and he lost touch with Rem after a while, he didn’t have anyone to celebrate it with. Izana was... someone he didn’t want to see. Each year he will send him a present and a letter for his birthday but usually Machina ignores them. Until a couple of years when Izana tried to patch things up again between them. 
To celebrate it with someone he loves--Deuce. “Thank you for coming into my life, Deuce.” he can’t express how grateful he is to have her in his life. She means the whole world to him now. Machina leans to kiss her forehead, “Mhm! Next year, and the next, and after it, every year! Together!”
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sentofight · 4 years
@oursongofhealing​ : Hidden option: hug!
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“Can I suggest another hidden option?” one that includes him hugging her tightly and kissing her cute cheeks? yes.
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sentofight · 4 years
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“Deuce, Deuce! come with me!” holds her hand and tugs her gently with him.
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sentofight · 4 years
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Happy boyfriend noises. Girlfriend’s birthday on the 8th! better plan something fun for her!
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sentofight · 4 years
Rests her head on Machina's shoulder
unprompted | @oursongofhealing
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The two were sitting on a bench in front of one of the big cherry blossom trees on campus. It has yet to bloom but it was still a pretty spot to sit in. Lulu was running laps around the tree while Deuce and Machina chatted about the different things that happened to them during the day. Machina was chastised again by Kurasame for spacing out (little did the commander know that the cadet was daydreaming about this moment--their date.) That earned the boy a tiny frown from Deuce as she got worried about him. “--! N-no, no! I--it’s fine! I was not sick or anything . . . uh, I was thinking about you.” a faint blush colored her cheeks. Yess! Cute! Deuce voiced her concern again that he should focus on the class whilst Kurasame really puts him in detention. Machina nodded and promised to his best that he will try to not space out. 
Deuce then rest her head on his shoulder as a gentle breeze passed by. “This world... We have to change it... A world we can’t remember our loved ones who passes away is just a cruel world.” he shifts his head slightly to have a better look at her face. He would not want to live in a world were his memories of the person he loves get erased ... He can’t forget Deuce... He does not want her to forget him, either! He does not want to forget anyone!
A soft kiss pressed against the crown of her head, “Look at Lulu haha. She’s being adorable~”
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sentofight · 4 years
Deuce in Machina's jacket? Deuce in Machina's jacket. "U-um... It's a little big, isn't it?"
attack machina onagiri please | @oursongofhealing
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Excuse him to process what he is seeing in front of him. That’s Deuce, yes. Deuce wearing his jacket. His own jacket. Deuce is wearing HIS jacket. Deuce, his girlfriend is wearing his jacket and it is big on her.
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SHE IS WEARING HIS JACKET. “D-DEUCE.” he feels his heart racing like a wild chocobo in the great plains. Her coy behavior! HIS JACKET IS TOO BIG ON HER AND HOW SHE LOOKS TINY IN IT!!!!!!!
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C-CRYSTAL.....! ... Was he expecting something like that? Nope. Was he ready for something like this? He is always but it certainly surprised him nonetheless. “P-please keep wearing it. No, don’t ever take it off. Just stay like this forever.” excuse him to just gawk at her for the next five minutes, admiring how adorable she is. But he gotta hug her ! She is TOO CUTE! Damn it! “I think my life is changed forever.” Machina hugged her tightly, “Hehe~ I’m so happy~”
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sentofight · 2 years
💋 give Deucey a kissy
everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse. | CLOSED | @xdcwntherabbithole
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Swift movement to carry the flutist off as she climbed down the stairs. He couldn’t wait any second longer, he missed her a lot even if last night they spent it chatting in the terrace so not seeing her this morning made him miss her a lot. Briefing with another class my butt! 
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Once she was secured in his arms, he playfully teased her nose before kissing her. “Don’t go somewhere I cannot see you ...”
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sentofight · 2 years
[ HOLD ]:          sender holds out their hands to the receiver, either to hold hands or to hold them. (M2)
Reassurance prompts | feel free to send | @xdcwntherabbithole​
[ HOLD ]: sender holds out their hands to the receiver, either to hold hands or to hold them.
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Cadets were assigned to their new mission. Lady Luck was on Machina’s side because Deuce was on the same team as him. Yes, Sice was around but knowing that girl she will wander on her own as soon they reach their destination. Good, goood.
And that exactly what happened, Sice went on ahead to scout and Machina and Deuce were lagging behind--on purpose. Hey, there was no time limit. Concordia’s weather is sure strange--all this ever lasting rain in some parts. 
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Machina turned around to take a quick look behind them whilst a monster or someone sneak up on them when Deuce extended her hands to him. “..?” he blinked in confusion. He placed his hands on top of hers and she gently squeezed them and boy that made him warm up instantly. “--huh? I looked cold? Haha, no, no, I’m fine. Are you cold??” Deuce shook her head and stepped closer to Machina, almost resting her head against his chest.
Once again, he was left confused. “It’s...depressing to be here, I know ...” there is little to sunshine around these parts and honestly, he wants this mission to be over with. People who are loved by the sun cannot tolerate a weather like this. Even in Byakko, there would be sunlight here and there but here...it forces you to remember memories you don’t want to.
“Let’s do our best here and go back home, okay?” and a soft kiss to the crown of her head. “You can keep holding my hand if you want~”
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sentofight · 3 years
Deucey just going to sit here and wait for a kiss from Machina~
Machina kissy season [1/5] | accepting | @oursongofhealing
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Lulu’s chirping noises were so cute and what is cuter the girl who was playing with her--his girlfriend, Deuce. The two were enjoying their break hour together in the terrace area. Sitting beside the girl on the bench, it was only a matter of time when he would strike. Come on, you can’t expect him to sit beside her and not be enchanted by her beauty (all over again, and again, and again.) 
Machina scooted a bit closer and tilted his head, enough to kiss the corner of her lips. It did startle her a little bit but their kiss was not cut off. His hand gentle cups her face to direct it towards his for a better, not sloppy kiss.
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sentofight · 3 years
Heart thumped so loudly within her chest that the flutist wouldn't have been surprised if it simply burst from her chest. It was that time of year where, despite how cute it was to see, it was embarrassing to do it personally. Despite that, she still wanted to take part in the unofficial holiday. Once she spotted Machina, Deuce quickly but quietly approached him and reached out to gently grab hold and tug on his mantle. "Um, Machina..?" The sweet chocolate covered biscuit was placed in her mouth, cheeks burning quite a bit, as she waited for him to turn around. Happy Pocky Day, Machina!
pocky belate day | @oursongofhealing
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He had just existed a brief meeting for an upcoming mission with Class Two. Since he was a cadet in that class, he was chosen to participate with them. Machina had never thought that Deuce would initiate something for pocky day. Actually, he was about to ask permission to leave the campus for an hour to purchase something for her and come back to surprise Deuce but it seems like she was one step ahead of him.
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To the tug, Machina stopped and turned around to see Deuce, holding the sweet confetti between her adorable hands. “ . . . This ... W-wow, uh, ahem, I ... well, I didn’t expect it but I don’t hate it... we’re not going to do this here, are we?” he leans closer to her face. “Since my beautiful girlfriend came all the way here to do something cute for us ... who I am to refuse~?” his ever playful grin tugs his lips. “Where you wanna go? My room?” a gleam of mischievousness spark in his eyes. of course, he is just pulling her leg, but they do need somewhere where they can be alone after all. “Yours? I don’t mind~” he can’t wait to taste them--pocky sticks of course~
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sentofight · 3 years
✦ is it cheating if I say M2 from here
spare keeesses for my children | accepting | @oursongofhealing
random chose > 13. kiss on the ear
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With how the weather was getting colder, the cadets had to change to their winter more suited uniforms. Sitting outside is now less preferable to them with how the cold winds strike unnoticed. For the Rubrams the change in weather can be bothersome. The coldness may not be on bar with Milities’ but for people who are used to more moderate kind of weather, the drop in temperature is really noticeable.
Machina is not too keen for the cold weather but recently he became quite okay with it. His sneaking ways to hold hands with Deuce to warm them up, occasionally hugging her for warmth, not to mention the kisses he steals in the premise of warming her cheeks (or lips at times.) Cold weather is not bad huh. Thanks cold weather for giving him more opportunities to show his love for the one girl he loves. 
Walking into the class, he didn’t spot Deuce inside. Was she in the garden? Jeez but it’s cold. He made his way to the garden to see the flutist staring into the sky, smiling. What was she smiling for? or at? He looked up and the sun was peeking out of a couple clouds. The sun maybe? In this cold some of her plants withered away so maybe she is happy to see the sun. Slow and calculated steps towards her, he stood right behind her. Eyes blinked for a moment, something caught his attention. Her ...ears. They were reddish due to the cold. He was going to hug her tightly, wrapping his cape around her but the temptation of kissing her ears was high. 
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Leaning his head to the side, he pressed his lips against her reddish ear, making sure his hands ready to hold onto her shoulders when she recoil from being startled. And of course, that startled her, nearly yelping in surprise. “--haha! sorry, sorry. What can I do? your ears are small and cute~ and now they are all red. Can’t blame me for trying to warm them up for you~” his ever charming grin across his face. “Hey, the other one would feel sad it didn’t get a kiss.” to which Deuce flailed her arms telling him the others might come in and he simply didn’t listen to her. Holding her shoulders down, he leaned to kiss her other ear, this time using his lips, not teeth to bite lightly at it. “Uhhhh...it’s a crime....it’s a crime that you are this cute and this is all I can do ...” had she not pushed him by his chin away, he would have swooped to press more kisses to her face.
“H--heeeey~ come on! Just one more kiss~ Deuce~”
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sentofight · 3 years
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Who cares about snowball fight when he can use the cold excuse to get close to his girlfriend and wrap his cape around her, eh? “Deuce, are you alright in this cold? Wanna um, come closer?” thanks lord above. this is the chance he was waiting. NOTHING CAN STOP HIM. NOT EVEN ALEXENDER AT THIS POINT.
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sentofight · 4 years
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