cunt-cocainee · 5 months
The other day i ask shree if i could borrow her percy jackson book and she gave me HALF OF THE FUCKING BOOK! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN
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shut-up-rabert · 2 years
So for all those who agreed to rom-com, here’s a slight, wellll, something
Jai Shree Ram (writing for luck purposes)
A lot was supposed to happen this week. So much so that She cannot wrap her head around it.
……….That does not sound right. Neha is a lot of things, but forgetful? She is not. Overwhelmed? Perhaps. An idiot? She might aswell be.
So, might it be that she could wrap her head around it, but she is just too dazzled to introspect?
But still, let us check just in case. Just in case, well, this happens to pop its ugly head up and she will know if she managed to forget about it by any chance.
A soft hum escapes her lips. There was Didi and Jiju’s anniversary, which has been on her calendar for awhile. There was Mukta’s first month, and given the fact that the baby girl’s gift rests on her bedside table (well, their bedside table), she can safely check that off of her list as well.
What else was there? she dryly questions herself, her internal voice laced in taunt. Oh Well, Mama ji’s factory opening but that can go to hell now she supposes. It should go to hell. As should Mamaji himself.
Her weekly appointments? her home duties? Everything is in place, or at the very least it used to be. At this moment she has no assurance of herself, any time table is nowhere on the top of her priority list.
And just as she had supposed, there were no programmes regarding any marriage, the anniversary being the closest thing she would pin to that. Plus, she would remember something as important as her own marriage, right? right?
So, why is it that Niharika, who was a bachelorette until the beginning of this week, sitting in a living room with her aunt in laws, twinning with her sister in regards to the vermillion that now adorns her crown, pretending to blush at every intrusive question these women ask in an attempt to vicariously live off of her?
…..At this point, she is reluctant to give any answers, because the past four days have uprooted her from reality, and if she is asked anything at this time, the forced yet fragile serenity masking her face might just slip away and she could break into either of peals of hoarse laughter or a string of tears, possibly both.
guys, I totally wrote this preview on whim right now based on the ideas I was having so far, so it can be not good and I’ll improve on it.
please be honest with me and do leave a feedback <3
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alexithymia3008 · 11 months
Heyy, as much as I understand your views on obesity, obesity is most of the time not under a person's control. Obesity is a disease. There are many medications which have the effect of obesity on people, and how much ever they workout, it doesn't help shed those kilos a lot. A lot of others are born with obesity due to their genetics. Which again, is extremely difficult to shed. So when you call out a person for being fat, you're also putting down obese people who work hard to shed weight everyday but still don't see results. And a lot of times, it is just better to accept their body as it is than to put themselves through unnecessary hell. (I'm not talking about obesity due to unhealthy habits, which again doesn't deserve shaming imo).
Imagine you're put down for something you're trying to overcome but can't. It doesn't feel very nice....i hope you get what I mean :)
first off, thank you for not being as arrogant as others in my inbox, i genuinely appreciate that. however, i want to mention that a lot of studies do show that yes obesity can be influenced by genes, and i cant disagree with that. however, in the recent years, the rapid increase of obesity isnt because these genes are carried by everyone. the larger the population, the more genetic diversity. you prompted me to conduct some research, and i come to find out that most of the time, only genetic factors affect us from controlling our weight. there are of course certain situations like thyroid which affects weight, i have family members with thyroid, and i have seen them grow increasingly fat. they refuse to work out and take care of themselves but act pissy when we tell them theyre getting fat. they could lessen the suffering of thyroid by working out, however, they refuse to do so because they think it's easier to sit and sulk over it for them. now for my research, read over some of these website:
im not going out everyday and bashing people up for being fat, i have better things to do. however, this is a platform where im not directly calling out names, i'm just calling out people who idolise obesity. Lizzo is one of them. Take a look at this video:
this the stuff i hate. anyway, have a good day. Jai Shree Ram🚩🙏🏽
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a-table-of-fics · 3 years
Oddworld: Conar's Ambition, Chapter 8, Draft 1, Part 6
“You ever been to Bron’s, um…”
“…Wiren,” Conar said. “And can’t say I have…”
“Oh man, you are in for a good time!”
The three of them clambered down the pipes once again, leaving a dumbfounded Slim with Chairman.
“What did I expect?” Slim sighed. “Just another Slig…”
Chairman whined, following the Scrub down the way. He received a couple of pats from Slim whenever he got close, but the Mudokon was too distracted to comfort either of them.
“You guys got a light?”
Conar had a match shoved in his face for asking. He quickly took it and lit his smoke up. He didn’t have time to put the match out before Jer took it and threw it into some poor sap’s drink. All three Sligs had a hearty laugh over the fireworks at that guy’s table.
“Gettin’ a little spicy there!” Harb called out. He was immediately met with an uproar from everyone except the victim.
“Ah, man, you guys are great!”
“Not so bad yourself, Wiren,” replied Harb. “But we got business to attend to.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
Conar reached outside, past the moldy window frame, and beckoned expectantly. Almost on cue, Slim slapped Mark’s old map onto his hand. Being the only one by that window, Conar was the only one who heard him grumbling.
“So…” he said, laying out the map, “We know it’s gotta be around here still, right?”
“Hell of a map,” Jer remarked.
Even with all the grease on the table, Mark’s various notes, doodles, and general pencil markings were as plain as day.
“…Yeah, I told that damned Scrub to keep the notes clean,” Conar finally mumbled.
“But why’s he talking about birds and gossip and crap?”
“Ah, erm, secret code,” Conar scrambled to say. “See, this here means the… monster moves slower than a Sloggie, at around… seven miles an hour at a good clip.”
“So that’s what ‘The flight from Gluks will come in the form of Shr—shree… shry…’ whatever, means?”
Conar nodded.
“Yeah, that.”
“So, we’re here,” Harb said, pointing at a muddied square in the southeast area, “and the creature couldn’t have gone far… I think you were here…”
“Yeah, so I think if you go here and Jer goes here… I’ll go north and one of us can cut ‘im off!”
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youthagainstrape · 5 years
Rape : An Social Evil
"Rape" , what are the main causes of rape. Basically it is just because of sexual ambition that most of the bastards in India. Nowadays India is not composed of humans it is full of animals or I should say even animals are better than humans as at least they know hot treat and respects their own community but humans they are hurting there own community in many ways on the basis of sex , caste,religion. And this is only caused by those mens and womens who are not able to get their mates at proper time or who don't have such behavior and adjusting qualities to live with someone but what's the result like seriously they are hurting others for their own sexual desires. Those mens don't qualify to be called men's because they don't have guts to adjust or behave properly or impress any girl , they better should be called 'na mard'. And yes yes yes , talking about mentality of the society oof!! seriously they judge a girl's clothes for any mischief done to them , okay even to some point we consider there this perspective (firstly it is meaningless to consider but still) , what about those small teen girls or even new borns who were treated like hell , what they never deserved , like men's don't have control on there eyes or on themselves . Those parents who never taught there sons how to behave how to respect girls have this kind of mentality of judging girl's on the basis of clothes , I ask why why these mens have such sexually desireful eyes and bodies that don't have control on themselves and trying to blame girls.In a country like India girls should have this much respect that even if a girl walks naked in a street she doesn't have a fear of getting bad touches or bad views , but yeah we live in a country full of humanity less humans. Section 53A of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Indian law lays down certain provisions for medical examination of the accused.Section 164A of the Code of Criminal Procedure deals with the medical examination of the victim.The revised statutes of 2013 Indian law, in section 376A, mandates minimum punishment in certain cases. For instance, if the sexual assault inflicts an injury which causes death or causes the victim to be in a persistent vegetative state.Section 357 B in the Code of Criminal Procedure. Death penalty for the most extreme rape cases is specified.These all are some sections for the punishment of rape victims.There are alot of implementations by the Indian govt but still the rapists or 'namards' are not at all scared of death penalties because most of them belong to levish families or some party workes ......So yes corruption gives all these rapists a chance to do it again and the govt can't do anything in this, like govt is introducing new laws but implementation is only depended on us citizens and yeah the concerned authorities for example 'Police' shouldn't be biased , if we get true nation lovers in the Indian police then we can think of a country in which everyone has all freedoms , everyone is safe or I should say Everyone is happy.!!! Yes , the Indian govt is trying to decrease the number of rape cases but Indian govt. alone can't do anything everyone has to support and be live in unity and respect their fellow citizens to live peacefully and happily. Some steps taken by the government are POCSO act. that states the protection of children for any sexual offfnce caused to them and also last Saturday our respected Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modi jee declared straight death to any rape criminal for any rape case relate to a girl below 12 years of age . The govt also increased local transport to ensure the safety of girls who are working at late night jobs.A three number helpline 181 is set for any women facing any distress.These are some actions taken by the govt to control rape cases in India but what can govt do if we citizens don't support the govt so let's unite and say no to rape . Jai Hind Jai Bharat.
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richardhildingsson · 7 years
The Sun, The Moon, and the Truth | Nepal from Neal Howland on Vimeo.
A film by: Neal Howland | NealHowland.com Facebook.com/Neal.Howland.3 Instagram.com/nealhowland Filmed, Edited, Grading & Sound Design: Neal Howland Timelapses by: Thuy Pham ThuyhPham.com Music with permission: Rhian Sheehan - Keepsake RhianSheehan.com
Words: OSHO Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
We are very ungrateful to existence it has given so much to us, and without our asking to look around at what existence is continually doing for us: The Sun The Moon The stars The trees The birds The animals The people
We are such ungrateful creatures you are living in a tremendously beautiful dream you have to be awake about it. Then only; a gratefulness arises I call that gratefulness true religion.
All that you need is a deep gratitude towards existence, he need not believe in god, he need not believe in heaven and hell just a simple phenomenon, a deep felt gratitude that this existence would have been missing something without you, that this vast existence needed you, no one else.
And your place, was empty before you, will be empty after you.
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thaporushi · 4 years
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Shree Krishna explains that beyond the eight-fold prakṛiti, the material energy, which He says is inferior; there exists another energy, which is far more superior. This energy is completely transcendental compared to the lifeless matter. It is His spiritual energy, the jīva śhakti, which includes all the living souls of the world. Now, He has moved from explaining material science towards the spiritual realm. Many great philosophers of India have given their perspectives and described the relationship between God and the jīva, the individual soul. For example, the non-dualist state: jīvo brahmaiva nāparaḥ “The soul itself is God.” But this concept gives rise to several questions, such as: How can a soul itself be God? God is most powerful and Maya is His subservient energy. The souls are always overpowered by Maya. Then is Maya stronger than God? The individual soul is always gripped by ignorance and misery. It needs a continuous reminder from the saints and scriptures even of its own existence and purpose. How can God who is all-knowing be considered a soul which is subject to ignorance? The Vedas repeatedly state that, God is all-pervading in this world and beyond. Similarly, the individual souls should also be able to exist anywhere at any given time. Then what about the question of going to heaven or hell after death? There is only one God, but the souls are countless. If the soul itself is God, then there should be many Gods. Therefore, the claims by non-dualistic philosophers that the soul itself is God are inconclusive. The dualist philosophers state: The souls and God are separate. Even though it may answer some of the above questions, yet it is still incomplete philosophy in light of what Shree Krishna has stated in this verse. He said that the soul is a part of jīva śhakti God’s spiritual energy. And as previously explained Maya, the material energy is also His servient. This means that God is Supreme; He is the governor of both the lower material and the higher spiritual energies. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_7URvUlEGC/?igshid=1leainbe6ncoa
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a-travels · 5 years
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taken: 4 jun, 2017 Shree Chamundeshwari Temple, Mysore, India
three lefts make a right
Just to get it out of the way, no I don’t think the monkey is sucking his thumb. I’d like to think it held it there specifically to pose and look all pensive for the shot. I’m definitely good enough to get a wild monkey to pose for me. Finally, a purpose for my monkey-like sensibilities.
I’d like to think of myself as a perfectionist. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, and it’s certainly not my response to the classic, “Tell me a weakness about yourself” interview question, though I do think sometimes it actually is. But I’ve found it is often a great strength of mine, and I think is a strength when harnessed in the right way. I mean not even just for myself, but I think there is incredible value in catching small details, seeing things that someone else might miss. Sure, sometimes it can be irritating to others, seeming like you’re nitpicking, pointing out the smaller details that an ordinary person may not notice. I’ve always been taught to go the extra mile in whatever I do and I think that eye for detail really has helped in that pursuit in many regards, though to my mother’s chagrin, I may sometimes go “too far”. 
Whether it’s extra time or extra effort or a little less sleep, to me I can’t rest till I know I’ve done everything to my level of standards and quality. If it’s a powerpoint, I will sometimes belabor for hours making sure the fonts, spacing, colors, formatting, animations, figures, everything is right. Even if I may hate the assignment, even if I hate myself for spotting every small detail that needs to be made just right. Hell, I had a 2-minute presentation to make for my CT Scans of vertebrates class in senior year of undergrad and I spent 2 hours on a figure that was perhaps useful for 20 seconds of dialogue? Credit where it’s due, I was still very proud of it, comparing the different sizes of saber-tooth lions, cross-referencing the sizes of the animals, making my own scale, being able to relatively scale them by holding a ruler up to the computer screen. I made it minimalist and chose the colors, I added shadows because I’m insane, and for what? It’s not like that figure alone was the determinant between an A- and an A. The rest of my presentation was solid and I probably would have done well anyway. But yet I did it anyway. I can’t probably explain to you why, but at the time, I knew I wanted a graphic showing the sizes of the different saber-tooth lions (since my project was a CT scan of a saber-tooth lion skull) and that there were no good ones available, and the one that was available was small, low quality and grainy. In terms of thinking it through, I probably didn’t. I thought my presentation’s quality would be worse and I spent the time to fix it and make it better. (Also I think I’ve beaten this image to death so you might as well see it if you're curious, just click here)
I think it speaks to my larger desire/need to do things “right” and do them “right” the first time especially. Honestly, at this point, I’m sure you see all my posts and think I’m a psychopath worrying about bothering others, being right, being genuine enough (tbh I’m probably a bit insane). Point being, my detail-oriented mindset speaks to the larger need to want to do something “right” or be “right”. In my head, I know that pursuit of perfection and “rightness” is just a fool’s errand⸺no one can be right all the time. Ha, well you better believe I know I’m not right. I know this in my head, I know I can’t be “right”, I know I’m often not, and yet I still feel this nagging compulsion to try for it anyway. Mind you this doesn’t extend to everything; I don’t think this ever extended to my grades, I never shot for or wanted to be a valedictorian or something, or wanted to be the best martial artist or swimmer. It was specific things, here and there, and I can’t really describe what made something different or want me to be “right”. It probably is one reason why I keep thinking about self-correcting messages, if I said the “right” thing or not, from two posts back.
You see the quotes around every “right” I write? That’s because “right”, as you know is often subjective. It means different things for different people. The “right” flavor for someone in a dish may be for less spice than in mine, or more spice, or more salt. I think that makes things all the more challenging because navigating the realm of options and finding my “right” is half of my battle. It’s almost definitely why I think I’m so indecisive. I was literally deciding where to go to college until 10 minutes before the deadline. And that’s the heart of the problem: in my pursuit for being “right”, I tend to delay.
That combination of a detail-mindset with constant drive to work hard is a potent combo, one because always working and fixing details is probably exhausting (I get exhausted from my own way of being), but also because I think that mix can result in the drive to work but to the level of quality and detail that I like to work towards. And then there’s me, the detail-mind but perhaps less driven. I don’t know if it’s a lack of drive, but the best way I can describe it is a kind of lethargy. “Wait.” “It’s not right yet.” “I can’t do it now, it won’t be right.” I often find myself pushing things off and waiting to do something. Like just yesterday, I put off writing a paper all Thanksgiving break thinking of all the details I needed, comparing it to the details other sample papers had and would end up going down rabbit holes, till I realized last night I never actually started writing the damn paper. Maybe not a decision per se, but the same holds true with decisions. Though, when I do make a decision, I own it, I stick with it, and I do not tend to regret it. And I think that’s the upside to working towards a “right” choice, that if the due diligence is there, then you can rest easy with the choices you make. Where it goes astray is when you don’t have the luxury of time with an action or a choice, which is almost in every scenario.
For some time recently and even now, I’ve been wracking my brain over doing something. And I apologize if I sound cryptic, but I told myself to wait till the moment was “right” to do this “thing”. My own doubt around doing this continues to bounce around my head and I don’t know if I’ll ever know if there’s the moment to go for it and do what I want to. But for now, I just sit like this monkey, waiting, for the moment when I think it is “right”, or for that time when I wisen up and realize that there never will be such a perfect, “right” moment like I seek.
Life doesn’t work in such an idealistic way where you get to be “right” or do “right” all the time. Life is not always “right”, and yet I strive for it, as I know others do (I think. I hope?). Life gets its color from being a bit messy and wrong. If everything was “right”, there wouldn’t be evolution, there would be spontaneous creation (which I guess is the basis of creationism⸺the idea that we are “perfect” and were made that way and not actually a series of millions of years of failed random chemical and biological experiments). I know it’s ok to be wrong, not perfect. I know I’m far, far, far from a perfect human being (I can’t say definitively if I’d make it to The Good Place), but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to work towards being one. Just because you can’t be “right” doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try, right? I don’t want to necessarily stop being detail-oriented, but I think I need to be able to discern when I need it and when I don’t.
tl;dr - wait, am I right?
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novocaine-instinct · 7 years
im being BULLIED by a VRISKA SERKET on mxrp
arachnidsGrip [AG] joined chat.
Toad [Toad] joined chat.
AG: What the hell is that shrill noise?
Toad: hrello!
AG: Holy SHIT1
Toad: I am a toad :)
Toad: Ribbit!
AG: ...
AG: You're a talking frog huh.
Toad: incorrect!
Toad: Toadshr and frogshr are different
Toad: but you were closhre and I give you pointshr for thrat!
AG: Can you please stop slurring your words you drunk frog?
Toad: ???
Toad: I am not drunk :(((
Toad: I jushrt hrave a lishrp :((((((((((((((((
AG: That is more than a LISSSSSSSSP, kid.
AG: That's like a tractor 8ackfiring.
Toad: :(((
AG: So what do you want anyway?
Toad: ohr!
Toad: um, friendshr! friendshr are nice
Toad: or queshrtionshr
Toad: intriguing queshrtionshr
Toad: I like queshrtionshr :)
AG: Okay I got some questions.
AG: How the fuck do you talk?
Toad: I get ashrked thrat a lot
Toad: it appearshr it ishr abnormal for toadshr to talk
Toad: but whrere I come from, toadshr talk all thre time!
Toad: ashr to hrow we talk, I could not tell you/
Toad: not becaushre it'shr a shrecret or anythring
Toad: I jushrt don't know :/
AG: So do you have a girlfriend or something?
Toad: hrm, if by "girlfriend" you mean "girl thrat i am friendshr withr", I do not thrink shro!
Toad: moshrt of my friendshr are jushrt.
Toad: threm
Toad: :)
AG: No I mean do you have a frog friend you 8ang.
Toad: ohr
Toad: uhr
Toad: no
Toad: Shree, moshrt of thre toadshr I know are my family
Toad: and it would be kinda...
Toad: groashrshr
AG: Yeah that doesn't change my question.
Toad: no!!
Toad: I do not hrave anyone i
Toad: "bang"
Toad: :(
AG: Well.
AG: What do you do?
Toad: i make thringshr!
Toad: like
Toad: shrcarf
Toad: I made a shrcarf for a shrnake friend of mine :)
AG: Oh.
AG: Charming.
AG: Yeah see I gotta go do important stuff instead of hanging out with a weird frog. /::::|
Toad: ohr
Toad: well I wishrhr you luck!
AG: Yeah.
AG: I don't wish you any.
Toad: Im shrtill not a frog thro
AG: *kicks frog*
Toad: ohr :(
Toad: :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
AG: ((sorry to be mean, but vriska's a bitch
Toad: ((yeah I know lol CP)
Toad: (XP*)
arachnidsGrip [AG] disconnected.
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artwalktv · 7 years
A film by: Neal Howland | http://bit.ly/2BtZlRU Facebook.com/Neal.Howland.3 Instagram.com/nealhowland Filmed, Edited, Grading & Sound Design: Neal Howland Timelapses by: Thuy Pham http://bit.ly/2EFTDhU Music with permission: Rhian Sheehan - Keepsake RhianSheehan.com Words: OSHO Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh We are very ungrateful to existence it has given so much to us, and without our asking to look around at what existence is continually doing for us: The Sun The Moon The stars The trees The birds The animals The people We are such ungrateful creatures you are living in a tremendously beautiful dream you have to be awake about it. Then only; a gratefulness arises I call that gratefulness true religion. All that you need is a deep gratitude towards existence, he need not believe in god, he need not believe in heaven and hell just a simple phenomenon, a deep felt gratitude that this existence would have been missing something without you, that this vast existence needed you, no one else. And your place, was empty before you, will be empty after you.
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lilaxthegreat · 8 years
Same as what I first sent Shree: Axl/Cinnamon! And as a unique bonus: X/Alia
Axl and Cinnamonvomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying /i will ship them in hellI donut really ship them cause I’m not into the Megaman X series, but I find their potential for a ship to be really there. They’re both cute.X/Aliavomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying /i will ship them in hellI honestly like X with Alia more than Alia with Gate. X just has more chemistry with her, and Gate is sexually attracted to Zero’s DNA anyway. :P
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emzeciorrr · 3 years
The Sun, The Moon, and the Truth | Nepal from Neal Howland on Vimeo.
A film by: Neal Howland | NealHowland.com Facebook.com/Neal.Howland.3 Instagram.com/nealhowland Filmed, Edited, Grading & Sound Design: Neal Howland Timelapses by: Thuy Pham ThuyhPham.com Music with permission: Rhian Sheehan - Keepsake RhianSheehan.com
Words: OSHO Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
We are very ungrateful to existence it has given so much to us, and without our asking to look around at what existence is continually doing for us: The Sun The Moon The stars The trees The birds The animals The people
We are such ungrateful creatures you are living in a tremendously beautiful dream you have to be awake about it - Then only a gratefulness arises I call that gratefulness true religion.
All that you need is a deep gratitude towards existence, he need not believe in god, he need not believe in heaven and hell just a simple phenomenon, a deep felt gratitude that this existence would have been missing something without you, that this vast existence needed you, no one else.
And your place, was empty before you, will be empty after you.
Shot on GH5 w/12-60mm + A7rIII w/ 10-18mm on Zhiyun gimbal. Completely edited on FCPX.
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promomagazine · 4 years
The Sun, The Moon, and the Truth | Nepal from Neal Howland on Vimeo.
A film by: Neal Howland | NealHowland.com Facebook.com/Neal.Howland.3 Instagram.com/nealhowland Filmed, Edited, Grading & Sound Design: Neal Howland Timelapses by: Thuy Pham ThuyhPham.com Music with permission: Rhian Sheehan - Keepsake RhianSheehan.com
Words: OSHO Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
We are very ungrateful to existence it has given so much to us, and without our asking to look around at what existence is continually doing for us: The Sun The Moon The stars The trees The birds The animals The people
We are such ungrateful creatures you are living in a tremendously beautiful dream you have to be awake about it - Then only a gratefulness arises I call that gratefulness true religion.
All that you need is a deep gratitude towards existence, he need not believe in god, he need not believe in heaven and hell just a simple phenomenon, a deep felt gratitude that this existence would have been missing something without you, that this vast existence needed you, no one else.
And your place, was empty before you, will be empty after you.
Shot on GH5 w/12-60mm + A7rIII w/ 10-18mm on Zhiyun gimbal. Completely edited on FCPX.
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[Review] Blumhouse’s STEPHANIE is A Tense Supernatural Thriller
Blumhouse’s newest supernatural horror Stephanie is finally getting a wide release, landing on DVD this week. An unfortunately quiet release, but don’t despair – Stephanie is certainly worth the watch. The team behind it is the cream of the crop. The director is Akiva Goldsman, Academy Award winner for A Beautiful Mind, Executive Producer of Star Trek: Discovery and several Paranormal Activity movies. The screenwriters? None other than Ben Collins and Luke Piotrowski of Super Dark Times and SiREN. And although a very limited cast, it does include Frank Grillo (The Purge: Anarchy & Election Year), Anna Torv (Fringe) and introduces the wonderful Shree Crooks (American Horror Story and Captain Fantastic).
Akiva Goldsman introduced this movie at the 2017 Overlook Film Festival, in April of last year. He said he wanted to make a movie that was tense, and relied on anticipation more than action. He wanted to make an  movie that was simple, with minimal settings and few characters, but one that still made audiences feel uncomfortable. What better tool for that job than a child who’s home alone. Anyone who has kids or was ever once a kid knows there are few things scarier than a child left alone. But that is exactly where Stephanie begins.
    The movie starts with Stephanie. Why is she alone? Where are her parents? How long will they be gone or is it that they’re dead? The viewer is left to wonder. It teases at many horror tropes and I fully expected the ‘twist’ to be that she’s not alone, that her parents are killed and, a lá Psycho, lives under the delusion that they will come back home one day.
All we know at this point is that she is living in a home out in the woods, way too young to be on her own. Her very lonesomeness is what keeps you on edge about even the simplest things. The shots are tight and clean, and you just about want to barf from nerves. I’ll give you an example; Stephanie wants to make a smoothie, but she drops a jar of jam she thought would taste great in the mix. Oh well. She scoops up the jam and puts it in the blender anyway. She doesn’t notice that there were some pretty hefty chunks of glass in that jam. And when she fires up the blender we’re left to wonder, oh, what the hell’s going to happen with that glass. It jams the machine, is what happens. What ensues is a quiet, tense scene that left audiences squirming.
    Next thing you know, Stephanie’s parent show up. They are in full gear and ready for combat. They’re also very surprised to see Stephanie alive, almost afraid to see her again. It’s clear that they have some difficult decisions to make (whatever they may be), and somehow finding her dead might have been easier. There is great chemistry between the three actors, but especially Grillo and Crooks. The complex, emotionally difficult decision to leave Stephanie clearly wasn’t easy, but now what do they do?
I won’t spoil anymore, but suffice it to say, this is where things turn dark and weird. And I know how much you love that sh*t. Stephanie is a tense, dark and simple thriller that certainly made the audiences at Overlook squirm. It has its flaws, but is overall a solid effort. The biggest issue I have is the total tonal switch between the first and second half. That said, there’s very little to complain about here.
With the incredible pedigree behind all levels of the production, it’s a wonder to me that it struggled so much to find footing. It couldn’t get distribution, never saw theatrical release and now is only getting DVD release (meaning no BluRay or other format). With all the power going into this production and the solid outcome, I’m really not sure why the movie gods didn’t show this one more love, but here’s your chance.
Check out Stephanie on DVD today! Let us know what you thought of Stephanie on Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, and in the Horror Fiends of Nightmare on Film Street Facebook group!
The post [Review] Blumhouse’s STEPHANIE is A Tense Supernatural Thriller appeared first on Nightmare on Film Street - Horror Movie Podcast, News and Reviews.
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lindyhunt · 6 years
Why Are People So Obsessed With This 1980s Cult’s Style?
Wild Wild Country, a new Netflix series, details the unbelievably bonkers story of how an entire ashram from India transplanted itself into the tiny town of Antelope, Oregon (pop. 40) and how the supposed utopian community quickly devolved into into a legal nightmare involving wire-tapping, immigration fraud and the single largest bioterrorism act ever to occur on US soil, in which Rajneeshees attempted to swing a local election by sprinkling salmonella on salad bars in the town of The Dalles, Oregon.
The show is already receiving plenty of praise for its masterful depiction of how the guilt-free sex loving cult members clashed with the gun-toting rural Oregonian townsfolk, but many viewers have become preoccupied with more unexpected element of the Rajneeshee story: the outfits.
Just started watching Wild Wild Country on Netflix. 6-part documentary about Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. I keep vacillating between "what the hell is wrong with these people?" and "I would totally wear that outfit."
— alyssaroyse (@alyssaroyse) March 31, 2018
i honestly rlly like the rajneesh monchrome outfit situations they had going on #WildWildCountry
— daniela c. (@danieluh) March 28, 2018
I’m watching wild wild country like uhhhh thought this was suppose to be about a cult not a dope new way of living with sick outfits. Where do I sign up??
— Jessus Christ (@jessus666christ) March 25, 2018
Wild Wild Country is great and is also a love note to how timeless tonal blocking outfits looks
— sara (@triptych_angel) March 25, 2018
gonna eat some fried chicken and watch this Wild Wild Country show. already here for their monochromatic red outfits
— Deus Ex Coping Machina ✨ (@caseyagogo) March 18, 2018
Dressed head-toe-to in “the colors of the rising or setting sun” – rich shades of vermilion, oxblood, tangerine and eggplant – the Rajneeshees maintained a distinctive monochrome style that instantly separated them from their rural Oregonian surroundings. The cult even ran their own boutique that carried only reddish hues.
Image Courtesy of Netflix
There’s something about the Rajneeshee’s tequila sunrise-inspired style that suddenly feels inimitably fresh. Perhaps Rajneeshee style simply speaks to the eternal timelessness of monochromic looks. Or perhaps fashion has been stuck in a goth phase for too long and the veil is lifting, making all-colourful clothes seem appealing again? Or heck, maybe it’s just Spring? Either way, if you’re one of the many people who would consider retroactively joining the cult just to get in on the sweet outfits, here’s string of red items to make your wardrobe Rajneeshee-ready.
Photography Courtesy of MyTheresa.com
Photography Courtesy of Net-a-Porter
Photography Courtesy of New-a-Porter
Photography Courtesy of Nordstrom
Photography Courtesy of MyTheresa.com
Photography Courtesy of Uniqlo
Photography Courtesy of Uniqlo
Photography Courtesy of Net-a-Porter
Photography Courtesy of Aritzia
Photography Courtesy of Gap
Get the Look: Rajneeshee Style
Jensen Leather Ankle Boots
($715, Acne Studios)
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Get the Look: Rajneeshee Style
Belted leather wide-leg pants
($4,650, Carmen March)
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Get the Look: Rajneeshee Style
Wool and silk-blend turtleneck sweater
($345, Helmut Lang)
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Get the Look: Rajneeshee Style
Small Paloma Empire Leather Tote
($2,630.88, Christian Louboutin)
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Get the Look: Rajneeshee Style
Leather loafer pumps
($950, Gucci)
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Get the Look: Rajneeshee Style
Cashmere V-Neck Sweater
($99.90, Uniqlo)
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Get the Look: Rajneeshee Style
Leggings pants
($29.90, Uniqlo)
Get the Look: Rajneeshee Style
Iris textured-jacquard maxi dress
($355, Vanessa Bruno)
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Get the Look: Rajneeshee Style
Fournier Skirt
($125, Wilfred)
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Get the Look: Rajneeshee Style
Washwell Super High Rise True Skinny Ankle Jeans in Velvet
($40.99, Gap)
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liuxiang · 7 years
The Sun, The Moon, and the Truth | Nepal from Neal Howland on Vimeo.
A film by: Neal Howland | NealHowland.com Facebook.com/Neal.Howland.3 Instagram.com/nealhowland Filmed, Edited, Grading & Sound Design: Neal Howland Timelapses by: Thuy Pham ThuyhPham.com Music with permission: Rhian Sheehan - Keepsake RhianSheehan.com
Words: OSHO Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
We are very ungrateful to existence it has given so much to us, and without our asking to look around at what existence is continually doing for us: The Sun The Moon The stars The trees The birds The animals The people
We are such ungrateful creatures you are living in a tremendously beautiful dream you have to be awake about it. Then only; a gratefulness arises I call that gratefulness true religion.
All that you need is a deep gratitude towards existence, he need not believe in god, he need not believe in heaven and hell just a simple phenomenon, a deep felt gratitude that this existence would have been missing something without you, that this vast existence needed you, no one else.
And your place, was empty before you, will be empty after you.
Shot with the GH5 w/12-60mm + A7rIII w/ 10-18mm on Zhiyun gimbal. Completely edited on FCPX.
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