#SIIIIGHHHHHHH okay here we go
jestinjoculators · 11 months
Here's a doodle of all the horror movies I watched for the first time during October !
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Couldn't do every single day of October and missed out on a lot of films i planned to watch due to work and such, most were watched with friends, some (like the obvious scream-binge I had) were by myself! I plan to continue this chart for every Horror movie I watch after this post!
I got an A in film studies so my opinion is obviously fact
Obviously Jennifer's Body got the worst points, but I didn't even choose that one so Jennifer gets a mere participation award, I'm not even going to talk about that one.
Besides her, the winner is the Exorcist! Congratulations????
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I'm sorry, I do not care for exorcism horror, I think religious horror is badass, and posession/exorcism should be too, but it's lame. This just felt like my priest was wiggling his fingers at me with a flashlight under his chin. HOWEVER - I CAN appreciate the impact it had on horror and pop culture, and its theme is awesome.
oh oops it's a top 3 lol...well anyway,
*opens the palm of my hand*
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I liek these ones..... :) they scare me
okay well Sadako not as much, she's too cute to spook me, as well as the film being mostly buildup and story than spooks. The well scene though? EOUGH. It's like touching wet food while washing dishes but x10 worse. I love Ringu and dear little Sadako very much!
Texas Chainsaw Massacre was slightly horrifying, everytime Bubba showed up I went AAH even if it wasn't a jumpscare, maybe I'm just afraid of hillbillies? Lmao. Everything about Bubba's house just creeps me out, especially that red room with all the animal heads, why did any of the victims willingly go in there???
The spook factor went down pretty hard when I saw Bubba interacting with his family though, but that's not a bad thing for the film itself. I just couldn't be scared with how much I sympathised with Bubba, the 6"5 stroganoff of a man turned into a confused child in front of my very eyes. I love TCM a whole lot, my only complaint is that it was too short, I wanted it to be LONGER.
So My Bloody Valentine gets the TRUE Spook Award, and I thought Harry Warden was pretty adorable to look at, but no, he's beastly. I was creeped out almost the entire film. The gore was scarily creative and brutal, even if I didn't go AAH as much as something like TCM, I was cold when things got tense.
But eh...thanks for reading....here's a bonus award *opens my other palm*
The Autism Award
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It is literally his fault I'm talking to you right now. All of this. Everything that's ever happened. It's his fault.
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