sloanzoan · 5 months
Wtachagonna do if they call your name out. raise your band the feet to the band in twwoooooo YEAH.
The writings on the wall but the words came slowly take a stand the keep to command is truuuuuue, YEAH
Write a candle make a wish, dont blow it out, it might come true. maybe,. Leafing everything you love's not easy in fact id rather chheeewwwwwwws, to dream it all over again... With youuuuuuuu
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If yoooouuuuuu,,, when they call your name out,
when they call your name oooouuuut.
If you wait a while, thenwheel be back in style, but if you lose your thread.,... WE'RE NEVER HAAAAAAARD TO FIIIIND!
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rushpartyofcanada · 5 years
17-21 :^)
17. A song that reminds you of a good time
Introducing, the BANGERS playlist. It’s a specific set of songs that me and some of my relatives know all of the words to. And yes it includes Autobahn by Kraftwerk. these songs are guaranteed to get a certain set of people singing and dancing, i promise!
18. A song that reminds you of a bad time
Pretty much all of the album Twice Removed by Sloan. However, when I listen to it, it only reminds me of the bad times and thankfully not the bad feelings. About a year ago I was having a really bad time emotionally, but Sloan and this album helped me through it. 
I’m really happy to say that getting to know Sloan’s music better has been wonderful for me. I went to a Sloan concert in June which was on the same day I met Geddy Lee from Rush, and I went to a Sloan concert last week and I had the chance to talk to Jay Ferguson and Chris Murphy after the show. And oh boy both of them were so wonderful and kind! I am forever thankful that Sloan is a part of my life now.
19. A song from an artist who’s old music you enjoy more than their new music
Paradise Skies - Max Webster
Max Webster was a band that existed for a few years in the 70s. in 1980, they split up. the guitarist Kim Mitchell went on to have a successful solo career after Max Webster ended, and I do love Mitchell’s work, but Max Webster still has a special place in my heart.
20. A song that empowers you
I honestly do not think I have a good answer for this one. I’ll edit this post later if I think of something.
21. A song from a local artist
How can I pick just one? Here’s a playlist of a handful of songs by bands who either come from, or live in, Ontario. This is by no means a definitive list, because I put Very Little thought into it but I hope you enjoy the selection,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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