greggear · 1 year
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This is jasmine say hi to Jasmine
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ps-babelism · 3 months
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Round 1 for SLOCT, featuring Rikka and Niko by Yoshoka (@yoshshoka on twitter)
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which of your wips brings you the most joy?
I am currently working on my round 2 of SLOCT!!
It is right now bringing me great joy because it is allowing me to do the two things I like best- Making my characters suffer and also taking the piss out of them.
It's great!!
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artist-mallow · 3 years
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I’ve been a bit inactive lately, sorry about that. Summer Leagues OCT has taken up a lot of my creative time so here’s a load of sketches I made over the last month or so.
All of the OCs besides Wendy belong to their respective owners at the Summer Leagues OCT!
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marlowethelibrarian · 3 months
🤯-Tell us about a comment you've received about your work that you still think about sometimes
🤩 - Talk about a writer whose style you admire and why.
🤯-Oooh for SLOCT, someone in the discord server had a long comment about how he enjoyed how realistic and human all the characters acted, and how he was both frustrated and sympathetic towards Ravi, bc Ravi's a traumatized little asshole who cannot stop snapping at people.
It was a great relief to me that they still ended up in the side of sympathy despite that and I reread that comment like five times.
🤩- I am a huge fan of the locked tomb book series by Tamsyn Muir and how it carries different voices so seemingly effortlessly. All three books are narrated by (kinda) different people and the voice of each book is unique. Whenever I go back to them, which is often, I like to examine the words and how they portray and characterize the narrator. I can't wait for Alecto to come out.
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marlowethelibrarian · 3 months
🌵- What did you start with first for your WIP? Worldbuilding, character, or plot?
I already answered this for Project Cannibalism so I'll do this for my SLOCT rounds!
My initial jumping off point was legit my dnd campaign. Ravi was initially a dnd character for a curse of strahd campaign!
My DM did some cool homebrew stuff where Strahd was keeping various ur fiends trapped in amber vaults and they all started reaching out to us in our dreams n stuff to get us to make allegiances or whatever.
Ravi got contacted by an urfiend called Fekre, basically a demi god of rot and decay who infected them with something called the necrorot that would kill them horribly within a week if they didn't work with her. They do not want to work with her bc a plague world does not sound like a lot of fun, and they've been doing everything they can to get out of this mess they're in.
We're still seeing how that's gonna turn out!
When I was deciding what I was gonna do for SLOCT, it was important to me that I had a character with a desire and a goal- and being sick with a divine plague was a pretty good motivation to get a wish. Things kind of just went from there!
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lol so i jumped the gun on writing my round 2 for SLOCT and I wrote Simon, the water metahuman prince, as my opponent.
Apparently there was a double forfeit in the next bracket over so I gotta start over lmfao. I'll probably post this alternate universe chapter when this round is done .
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