#SMOL OCS UNITE! !!!!!! >:O
memetrash-coyote · 6 years
1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 21; Ra'd: 26, 29, 31, 37; Bryn: 32, 33, 37, 38, 43, 48, 49; Grusha: 30, 31, 32, 36, 45; Vaska: 27, 28, 33, 36, 38, 46, 48, 50; Adelita: 27, 28, 36, 38, 41; Grai: 35, 37, 39, 44, 50.
THIS WAS 4 PAGES LONG TOAST. Sorry for taking so long though!
What OC has the biggest family? How do they get along?By bond it would Ra’d with about a dozen orc “aunts” and “uncles” as well as three actual uncles and one actual aunt from her mother’s side. If we’re only counting parents and siblings, then it’s Adelita with her three younger siblings.
What OC has/is a mentor?Ra’d had a mentor for her druid studies and a mentor for fighting. Grai’s mother was her own mentor towards controlling her rage.
What OC is the Mom Friend?Grai is the worried Mom Friend. Tharine is the Mom friend that dips into Vodka Aunt levels. Durhil is a mix of the Mom friend and Dad friend.
What OC really needs the Mom Friend around?All of them, really. They’re all disasters.
Which OCs are an old married couple (literally or figuratively)?Isildil and Andune hands down. Isildil is constantly instigating Andune.
Which OCs don’t know each other, but would get along great if they did?Bryn and Adelita would bond over their aesthetics and music and possibly fire.
Which OCs don’t know each other, but would hate each other if they did?Bree would stress Grai out. Such a rowdy smol child. Please stop trying to fight all the bandits solo.
Which OCs knew each other the shortest time before becoming close friends?I guess technically Tharine and Agni since they’re siblings? (in other words, I don’t really have answer sorry)
RA’DDoes OC have a hard or easy time making friends?Sorta neither? Like she haven’t really tried to make friend since traveling, and back at her home village, she had more of a comradery bond with others her age rather than a friendly bond.
How did OC meet their significant other? If OC does not have a SO, do they want one?If this is in reference to Zimri, they met at a tavern, and Ra’d was a bit tipsy and made complimented Zimri in Orcish. ZIMRI WAS SOLD AND DECIDED THAT RA’D NEEDED TO JOIN HER ON THIS JOB THIS DWARF OFFERED HER. Ra’d said why not since she’s just wandering around.And now Zimri is hitting on Ra’d hard in hopes to sleep with her.Ra’d is kinda dense about it.It’s great.
Does OC have siblings? Do they get along if they do? Do they wish they had some if they don’t?Ra’d was an only child, but she had several human cousins and a few orc “cousins”. She was the only half-orc though, and she would wish there was at least another half-orc around so that she didn’t feel so out of place.
How has OC been affected by their family relationships?Direct family wise, she loves her parents dearly, though she had a stronger bond with her father. He is who inspired her to explore with his songs that he picked up from his travels as well as the few from his old clan.
BRYNDoes OC have or want kids?She would be lying if she said that she hasn’t had the thought occur since she learned that Yelkha had two kids, and they’re mainly thoughts of having them with her, but she’d rather not have a third party involved if she ever decided to have kids.
Is OC/Would OC be a good parent?Bryn would be a mix of protective mother bear and “Hey do you want to learn how to make fire? How about magic fire?” and a pushover when it comes to how many lullabies or stories the child needs to sleep.Thankfully if Yelkha’s there’s she’s more of a protective mother bear unit. Yelkha please stop pitting the children against each other for dinner.
How has OC been affected by their family relationships?Growing up is confusing when you have three moms and two older sisters and constantly traveling. People tend to stay in one place??? And usually family have at least one male? And families with two of the same gender parent the offspring are usually adopted? Shit’s confusing, but she wouldn’t trade it.
How has OC been affected by their romantic relationship(s) or lack thereof?I’m guessing you’re asking mainly about Yelkha :PBefore Yelkha she’s had a few short flings and some messes of falling for half-elves and dealing with racist elves for it.With Yelkha, she’s understood more about her feelings as well as understanding to take time on some things. Doesn’t stop her from having plenty of fun with the cavalier though.
How does OC meet most people?It’s most likely taverns since she tends to perform near them.
Who is OC’s least favorite person?A specific person? That elf manager of her old troupe. He hated her guts, and when he finally showed his colors she wanted to punch him and burn him. The only thing that stopped her was the feeling that he would only using the beating to prove his point, so she just raised her arms up and left.
Is there anyone OC used to be very close to, but no longer is?It would be her old troupe. They were fun and dear to her, but that manager just kept killing her mood.
GRUSHAHow does OC get along with their parents?She really didn’t know much of her father save the stories from his old crew mates. Her relationship with her mother ended on a sour note when she left.
Does OC have siblings? Do they get along if they do? Do they wish they had some if they don’t?She has two half-brothers, both younger human boys who constantly try to win against her in strength challenges. She honestly misses them some and tends to see a bit of them in very greenhorn she sees on a ship.
Does OC have or want kids?It’s no for both. She currently enjoys traversing the wilds of the oceans, not a place to raise a child.
How has OC been affected by their friendships?Sometimes the worst thing about being kicked off of ships is losing the bonds made on them.
How much do OC’s friends know about their private life?Grusha’s informal about almost everything, but if someone shows that they would rather not hear about it, she’ll shift topic. 
VASKAHow did OC meet their best friend?Uhhhhh I don’t really have anything for this one.
How did OC meet their worst enemy?Well the first one attacked the ship she one on, and the second one started a mutiny on her ship.
Is OC/Would OC be a good parent?Vaska would be the kind of parent to toss their kid into the deep end of a pool and just tell them to swim before actually teaching them.
How has OC been affected by their friendships?Vaska had some bond with her crew mates, but that’s about it.
How has OC been affected by their romantic relationship(s) or lack thereof?Her last partner was Captain Vola, a rowdy pirate that loved the energy of the fight and stealing from heavy merchant ships, and Vaska got used to pirate tactics.Grusha and Hallifax are working on that.
How does OC act differently after they know someone better?She talks a little more and shows more emotion and laughs a little louder.
Who is OC’s least favorite person?She hated Captain Rhogar with a passion, but he’s dead, so now it’s the asshole that stole the Umberlee’s Daughter.
What aspects of OC have, consciously or unconsciously, come from someone else?Uhh. if anything, her lack of giving out any personal information is inspired by my buddy Jonathan, who I’ve known for a decade AND STILL DON’T KNOW WHERE HE LIVES.
ADELITAHow did OC meet their best friend?Adelita sees her brother Bruno as her best friend, even when he’s being an asshole brother.
How did OC meet their worst enemy?She dated him.
How has OC been affected by their friendships?Adelita was the kind of person to have many friends, but none of them were as close of the bonds with her siblings.
How has OC been affected by their romantic relationship(s) or lack thereof?Well her last partner ended up being a cheating bastard and is now dismembered and buried, and Adelita’s logic afterwards was to give his wife (now widow) her savings and get out of Dodge.
Who would OC do anything for?Her family and possibly Eskarne (she has killed for her, though Eskarne doesn’t know)
GRAIWhat is the most important relationship in OC’s life?Her tribe still holds the strongest bond, but friendship is up there.
How has OC been affected by their family relationships?Grai had a positive relationship with her parents. Her mother is who taught her basic fighting techniques while her father taught her hunting and gathering.
Who does OC consider they have learned their most important life lesson from?It was from one of the other survivors from her tribe. They were the first to recollect themselves after attacking and focus on rebuilding.
How long does it take OC to open up to people?It takes a while, more because she doesn’t take much in the first place.
What aspects of OC have, consciously or unconsciously, come from someone else?Grai’s “I’ve known these person for a day and need to protect them” kinda comes from Jess. Jess is the Mom Friend of my friend group.
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